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The new State of AI in Africa Report created by the AI Media Group from South Africa, offers an analytical insight into the growing Artificial Intelligence (AI) sector in Africa, a topic that has not been fully explored up until now. The unique report contains statistics and trends, offering an in-depth look at key factors and communities driving the ecosystem across the continent. It will be launched globally online by AI Media in partnership with WEF Global Shapers & UN ITU.
Africa is currently at a massive turning point and supporting AI makes the region ripe with opportunity for a better future. Launched June 14th 2022 at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) and WEF C4IR in Pretoria, South Africa, this 32-page report is crucial for anyone who is looking for a richer understanding about the dynamics of this rapidly growing frontier tech market. Content & headings included in the report are as follows;
At a glance summary
The global view
Africa by numbers
Notable communities
Company type Vs Industry segment
Company size Vs Year founded
Investment landscape
Who is trading in Africa
“The State of AI in Africa Report, provides the driver, catalyst, and inspiration for “Africa Now” as the hub for global opportunity” said Stephen Ibaraki (Canada), Chair & Managing General Partner REDDS Capital, Founder & Chair Outreach UN ITU #AI4Good, in the report’s foreward.
“A key finding was just how cross cutting this technology is. South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt & Kenya dominate this sector with AI impacting at least 120+ separate market segments across Africa,” said Dr. Bradshaw report author and CEO of the AI Media Group. AI’s development in Africa is attracting huge amounts of resources and funds, with Tunisian AI start-up InstaDeep “receiving $100m USD funding earlier in 2022. The global market is also projected to grow from $387 Bn USD in 2022 to $1,394 Bn by 2029, exhibiting a CAGR of 20%.”
According to the report there are now over 30 AI / Deep Tech communities in the Africa region providing a range of services and attracting “wannabe learners, entrepreneurs and job seekers allied to a growing range of vendor based programmes supporting the creation of AI / Deep Tech solutions.”
As the report findings show, a “positive sign that this technology and its attendant start-up ecosystems can win big across Africa if these trends continue.”