Better Nutrition Magazine December 2019

Page 40



New Lease on Life Good health eluded cancer survivor Bill Ellis for years—until he tried an unconventional approach to healing ///BY KAT JAMES

“You’ll be dead in two years” are words Bill Ellis, 71, of Pikeville, Tenn., heard at his first cancer diagnosis in 2007. “Wild Country Bill” is no regular guy. He dabbles in real estate … delivers a calf here and there … delivers the mail “just to connect with people”—especially the doctors on his route, with whom he shares formidable health research. It’s a passion of Bill’s, borne out of necessity and sheer will to survive Bill Ellis (shown lifelong health above before challenges, from starting James’ prostate and bladder program) realized his health was fallcancer to a broken ing apart. After just neck. As a farmer, Bill 8 days on James’ regimen, Ellis and his other family dropped 17 lbs. members who got His blood pressure cancer were unfornormalized and his energy soared. His tunately exposed to PSA numbers have toxic pesticides. But gone from 36 to Bill took an alterna13. Today, on right, tive treatment route. he is the picture of health. In August 2018, a new facial tumor had him concerned because it was near a nerve, meaning if it was missed by a biopsy, they’d have to do radiation. Luckily, they got it all. However, Bill still had a tumor that had spread from one area of his prostate to another. He was growing tired of the continual health challenges. He was already on a targeted


supplement regimen at that point, which included hyssop, nattokinase, vitamin D, Carnivora (an extract of the venus flytrap plant), and Haelan 951 (a fermented non-GMO soy beverage for chemo patients). But now he realized that bigger changes were in order. [Editor’s note: These are not intended as prevention or cancer treatment supplements; work with your doctor before adding any new supplements to your regimen.] Important: We don’t suggest that anyone make the decisions Bill has made. Cancer is a serious issue and you should seek qualified medical supervision. In

fact, Bill did do just that; however, he ultimately made decisions based on his own extensive research. Although he’d long cut out most sugar and processed foods, he still battled pain every day, which prevented him from getting a good night’s sleep. He also had sleep apnea and food regurgitation, poor energy, and what he called a “basketball belly.”

The Leptin Connection to Cancer In August 2018, just after the facial tumor scare, Bill was listening to my radio show on Sirius XM. I was talking about leptin (the “master hormone”) and its relationship


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