3 minute read
New Lease on Life
Good health eluded cancer survivor Bill Ellis for years—until he tried an unconventional approach to healing.
“You’ll be dead in two years” are words Bill Ellis, 71, of Pikeville, Tenn., heard at his first cancer diagnosis in 2007. “Wild Country Bill” is no regular guy. He dabbles in real estate … delivers a calf here and there … delivers the mail “just to connect with people”—especially the doctors on his route, with whom he shares formidable health research. It’s a passion of Bill’s, borne out of necessity andsheer will to survive lifelong health challenges, from prostate and bladder cancer to a broken neck. As a farmer, Bill and his other family members who got cancer were unfortunately exposed to toxic pesticides. But Bill took an alternative treatment route. In August 2018, a new facial tumor had him concerned because it was near a nerve, meaning if it was missed by a biopsy, they’d have to do radiation. Luckily, they got it all. However, Bill still had a tumor that had spread from one area of his prostate to another. He was growing tired of the continual health challenges. He was already on a targeted supplement regimen at that point, which included hyssop, nattokinase, vitamin D, Carnivora (an extract of the venus flytrap plant), and Haelan 951 (a fermented non-GMO soy beverage for chemo patients). But now he realized that bigger changes were in order. [Editor’s note: These are not intended as prevention or cancer treatment supplements; work with your doctor before adding any new supplements to your regimen.]
Important: We don’t suggest that anyone make the decisions Bill has made. Cancer is a serious issue and you should seek qualified medical supervision. In fact, Bill did do just that; however, he ultimately made decisions based on his own extensive research.
Although he’d long cut out most sugar and processed foods, he still battled pain every day, which prevented him from getting a good night’s sleep. He also had sleep apnea and food regurgitation, poor energy, and what he called a “basketball belly.”
The Leptin Connection to Cancer
In August 2018, just after the facial tumor scare, Bill was listening to my radio show on Sirius XM. I was talking about leptin (the “master hormone”) and its relationship
with certain cancers. Although leptin (already in our bodies) has profound effects on all systems, Bill’s interest piqued when I mentioned how keeping the hormone low (something only achievable through an individualized dietary strategy)—while optimizing its function in the brain—had reduced proliferative cancers in some research.
By sheer coincidence, I had an upcoming educational seminar in Bill’s neck of the woods, Chattanooga, Tenn. Taking it as a sign from God, he registered right away and embraced my unique high-fat, verylow-carb, moderate-protein program (note: excess protein correlates with cancer risk). He was still under his docs’ supervision and my coaching. And he understood that I made no medical claims or promises.
After eight days on my regimen, Bill’s weight dropped from 239 to 222 pounds (yes, 17 lbs.). He felt lousy for two days, but then saw a “ton” of swelling leave his body as his blood pressure came down.
His appetite dropped and his energy soared. By the time of the retreat, his PSA numbers went from 36 to 13—something he and his docs had simply never seen happen. At his next prostate exam, his tumor had reduced by about 40 percent to the size of a pencil eraser. Docs were shaking their heads, and a nurse commented that it “defied reason.” (Again, no claims are made here that Bill’s choices affected his prostate tumor, which, of course, could have been a coincidence).
During my Chattanooga program retreat, Bill was shocked to hit his high- school weight of 198 lb. without feeling hungry. Just to hit 200 had been his “bucket list” goal that he thought he would never reach. “Now if I could just run an 8.9-second 100- yard dash again like I did in high school, I’d be perfect,” he jokes.
“I haven’t been cancer-free since 2007. The difference is the rest of me is healthy for the first time. I don’t think I’ll be getting sick again anytime soon. My fears are gone,” says Bill.

Tennessee farmer, mailman, and real estate buff Bill Ellis in his element: “I have to remind myself that I’m 71 now. Just had the best health exam ever. All numbers and sleep and even vision back to normal! Best thing is I don’t fear the worst anymore.” Photo: Freida Holmes