Better Nutrition January 2019

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JACLYN SMITH’S Antiaging Tips /// Supplements that FEED YOUR GENES




FRUITY SMOOTHIES Power-Packed Recipes for Energy, Weight Loss, & Immune Health




5 what works


and what doesn’t



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H E R B A L S “Our herbals are special because we source ingredients from sustainable organic farms and use an Organic, Non-GMO extraction method without the use of conventional corn alcohol or other harsh chemicals. I’m really proud to share these with you!” Enjoy! Love, Alicia

Alicia Silverstone Actress, New York Times Best-Selling Author, Health Advocate & Co-creator of mykind Organics

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H E R B A L S Real to the Root




The entire line of mykind Organics Herbals is Certified USDA Organic and Non-GMO Project Verified—third-party certifications—ensuring these herbals are clean and grown without toxic pesticides, herbicides or fungicides. We also use a Certified Organic, Non-GMO Verified extraction method so no harsh chemicals or conventional corn alcohol are used. This allows the active compounds in our organic herbs to achieve the desired potency of each unique formula. mykind Organics Herbal Supplements—Real to The Root.



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38 Get the inside scoop on today’s hottest diets— from Keto to Whole30 and beyond.

Nothing says comfort food like a bowl of our Hearty Minestrone.



30 Refresh Your Life


Start the new year off on a healthy foot with nourishing superfoods, warming herbs, soothing skincare tips, and more.

34 6 Fruity Smoothies

In the constant struggle to get more fruits and vegetables in our diets, we could all use a little help. And these delicious, nutrient-packed blender creations are a great place to start.


Missing Something? Want to live to a ripe old age? Learn about 11 “longevity vitamins.”


HOT BUYS Give Yourself

a Health Boost Food and supplement products that we’re excited about this month.



with Skullcap This lesser-known botanical can offer calming relief for frazzled nerves.

38 Fab Five

We break down five of today’s trendiest eating plans to find out what works, what doesn’t, and how they stack up in terms of long-term, healthy weight loss.


Keeping your DNA healthy might be the key to avoiding serious diseases.

22 NATURAL REMEDY Best Gut Health Remedies

Natural treatments for tummy troubles.


The Carb-Cycling Trap Food for thought about this trendy dietary practice.


Manuka Honey for Radiant Skin This unique honey from New Zealand offers a wealth of skin-saving benefits.


Green Up Your New Year

These powerhouse vegetables are easy to add to your diet.

44 EATING 4 HEALTH Heal Your Liver

Keep your body’s detox pathways in top shape with these veggies and herbs.

46 HEALTHY DISH Magnificent Minestrone

Warm up those cold winter nights with this hearty, healthy classic.



Manuka honey is the hot new ingredient for radiant skin.

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Easy-to-Love Lemon Bars Calorie- and sugar-free erythritol is the star of these healthy treats.



• JANUARY 2019 11/29/18 11:53 AM

When it comes to digestion…





r u Yo





You know that uncomfortable feeling you get when your digestion is out of sync? Digestive process needs some help? No worries! Dual-Action Enzyme Probiotic Complex has you covered… all the way through your digestive system! It helps make your digestive system sing with 9-active, naturally-based enzymes that help break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins into absorbable nutrients.* Plus, 2 billion bio-active probiotics^ that help assist with natural digestion and help support your system with friendly microflora. All this from just one convenient formula. With Dual Action Enzyme Probiotic Complex, you can get that “wow-my-gut-feels-great” feeling every day! (Insert happy dance here) Available at health, natural food and vitamin specialty stores. *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. ^At Time of Manufacture.

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©2019 American Health, Inc. | 18-AH-1281

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editor’sNOTE YO U R G U I D E TO N AT U R A L L I V I N G

Refresh Your Whole Life If the holidays have left you feeling sluggish, bloated, and maybe even a little blue (coming down from the holiday high can do this), we have some great ways to reinvigorate your health, body, beauty routine, and life. And these suggestions can work for anyone. One of my favorites is “7 Ways to Refresh Your Life” on p. 30. Author Michele Burklund, ND, shares her top natural techniques for winter skincare, cold and flu prevention, and more. Trying oil cleansing, using warming herbs, and filling up on nourishing soups and winter superfoods are just a few of her cold-weather health secrets. Looking for the perfect weight-loss plan to start off your New Year? Writer Lisa Turner has the scoop on five of today’s most popular diets, including the ketogenic diet, Whole30, and intermittent fasting. See “Fab Five” on p. 38 to learn about what works and what doesn’t. Read about another diet trend in “The Carb-Cycling Trap” on p. 26 by author and radio show host Kat James. Although currently all the rage in diet circles, carb cycling is a questionable practice, according to James. “The idea of planning weekly carb eating ‘cycles’ is—at least from my decades of personal and observational experience—akin to a self-imposed slippery slope that people consistently regret,” she says. There’s a lot more packed into the issue to help you feel fantastic, from finding creative ways to eat more greens this year to making easy fruit smoothies to enhancing your genetic health with specific supplements and diet choices. The New Year is the ideal time to recommit to your health and plan positive goals for yourself. Wishing you the very best for 2019. Happy New Year!


Editor in Chief Creative Director Executive Editor Associate Editor Copy Editor Beauty Editor Contributing Editors

Nicole Brechka Rachel Joyosa Jerry Shaver Elizabeth Fisher James Naples Sherrie Strausfogel Vera Tweed, Helen Gray

Contributing Designer Rachel Pilvinsky

Heart Health The latest evidence on diet, exercise, and nutrients may surprise you. Plus: How to use supplements if you take prescription drugs.

Contributing Writers Jeannette Bessinger, CHHC, Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, Kat James, Emily A. Kane, ND, LAc, Chris Mann, Sophie Michell, Lisa Turner, Neil Zevnik Production Director Patrick Sternkopf Editorial Offices 512 Main Street, Suite 1 El Segundo, CA 90245 310-873-6952 Vice President & Managing Andrew Amill Director, HLG Associate Publisher Bernadette Higgins 561-362-3955 Midwest Ad Manager Donna Diamond Riekenberg 818-271-8956 West Coast & Mountain Ad Manager Cindy Schofield 310-456-5997

Body & Spirit Transformation The inspiring story of a singer who reversed breathing and swallowing issues, constant food cravings, and other health problems by switching to a keto-style diet.

Retail Development Group 2400 NE 65th Street, Ste. 623 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 800-443-4974, ext. 702 Director of Retail Sales Joshua Kelly 800-443-4974, ext. 702 Marketing Director Laureen O’Brien Marketing Designer Judith Nesnadny Accounting & Billing Yolanda Campanatto 310-356-2248 Marketing Coordinator Carl Kurdziolek 816-216-7663

Potatoes in Peril Did you know? Many potatoes contain GMOs. Learn how to enjoy them safely.

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Lentil & Mushroom Elixir Soup Fortify your body with this comforting and restorative winter soup.

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BETTER NUTRITION, ISSN #0405-668X. Vol. 81, No. 1. Published monthly by Cruz Bay Publishing, an Active Interest Media company. 5720 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, CO 80301; 303-253-6300; fax 303-443-9757. © 2019 Cruz Bay Publishing. All rights reserved. Mechanical requirements and circulation listed in Standard Rate and Data Service. The opinions expressed by the columnists and contributors to BETTER NUTRITION, are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. Fraudulent or objectionable advertising is not knowingly accepted. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertising and for any claims arising therefrom. Articles appearing in BETTER NUTRITION may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the publisher. Microfilm copies of BETTER NUTRITION, are available from University Microfilms, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use of specific clients is granted by Cruz Bay Publishing, provided that the base fee of US $2.25 per copy, per page is paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923 USA. The fee code for users of this Transactional Reporting Service is 0405-668X/1999 $2.25. For those organizations that have been granted a photocopying license by CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged. Prior to photocopying items for educational classroom use, please contact CCC at 508-750-8400. Organizations or individuals with large quantity photocopy or reprint requirements should call 770-988-9991.

• JANUARY 2019

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Lost Collagen


Existing Collagen

Christie Brinkley

Generate Collagen with Your Own DNA Fingerprint! For over two decades now, women around the world have depended on clinically proven BioSil to help them look more youthful, beautiful, and healthy. Just like Christie. With BioSil, you regain lost collagen, add new collagen, and protect your existing collagen.† Christie calls BioSil her “clean collagen experience,” as it contains no contaminants, no animal parts, no preservatives, and no artificial flavor or coloring. Christie knows that to get the real benefits of collagen, you don’t eat it, you generate it, with BioSil. That way you’re adding collagen the natural way, so it’s collagen with your own DNA fingerprint!†

CLINICALLY PROVEN Reduces Fine Lines and Wrinkles‡† Increases Skin Elasticity‡† Thickens Hair**† Strengthens Hair**† Strengthens Nails‡† Vegan


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©2019 Bio Minerals NV. Manufactured by Bio Minerals NV, Belgium. ch-OSA, BioSil, the ch-OSA logo and Advanced Collagen Generator are registered trademarks of Bio Minerals NV. These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Wickett RR, Kossmann E, Barel A, Demeester N, Clarys P, Vanden Berghe DA, Calomme M (2007). Effect of oral intake of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid on hair tensile strength and morphology in women with fine hair. Arch Dermatol Res 299: 499-505. ‡ Barel A, Calomme M, Timchenko A, De Paepe K, Demeester N, Rogiers V, Clarys P, Vanden Berghe D (2005). Effect of oral intake of choline stabilized orthosilicic acid on skin, nails and hair in women with photodamaged skin. Arch Dermatol Res 297: 147-153. Results may vary. **

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Is Your Multi Missing Something? Want to live a longer—and healthier—life? Make sure that you’re getting enough of these 11 “longevity vitamins” Traditional multivitamins are designed to prevent deficiencies that are known to affect our health—vitamin C to prevent scurvy, for example. But we need additional nutrients to prevent premature aging and chronic disease, according to Bruce Ames, PhD, director of the Nutrition & Metabolism Center at the Children’s Hospital Oakland Research Institute and author of more than 500 scientific articles. “Prolonging good health while aging is an important issue in a world with large increases in life expectancy,” writes Ames in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In addition to the essential vitamins and minerals commonly found in multivitamins, Ames has identified 11 “longevity vitamins”— other nutrients that are necessary for a healthy, long life. Although lack of these nutrients won’t manifest as a deficiency in the short term, says Ames, it does reduce the ability of a human body to function well and disease-free over the course of a long lifespan.


11 LONGEVITY VITAMINS The 11 nutrients identified by Ames as crucial for a long, healthy life, plus where to find them. PYRROLOQUINOLINE QUINONE (PQQ): Available in energy and brain formulas and in standalone supplements, but not in multivitamins. TAURINE: In some protein powders and standalone supplements. LUTEIN AND ZEAXANTHIN: In eye-health formulas and standalone supplements. LYCOPENE AND ASTAXANTHIN: In standalone supplements and carotenoid formulas. ALPHA-CAROTENE, BETA-CAROTENE, AND BETA-CRYPTOXANTHIN: In carotenoid formulas. ERGOTHIONEINE: Not available in supplements, this antioxidant is found chiefly in mushrooms. QUEUINE: Found in many plant foods, as well as in milk. Queuine is also made by gut bacteria, but is not available in supplements.

did you know?

PQQ has been shown to be effective at improving brain function, but the best results have occurred when PQQ is combined with CoQ10.

• JANUARY 2019

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DON’T BLOW IT THIS SEASON. Stock up on TheraZinc now to give your immune system a boost when it needs it the most. When the seasons change, immune challenges (and their unpleasant side effects) can result. It’s that time of year when germs are everywhere. Take TheraZinc this season to help strengthen your immune system when it needs it the most.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Find TheraZinc at a store near you.

© 2019 Quantum Health

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trendWATCH CUTTING CARBS BOOSTS CALORIE BURN Losing weight is challenging, and keeping it off is even harder. But a new study sheds light on a path to success. Researchers at the Harvard-affiliated Boston Children’s Hospital tested three different diets for maintaining weight loss and found that restricting carbs works best because it increases natural calorie burning and helps to control hunger. The study enrolled 164 people, ages 18 to 65, who had recently lost 10 percent of their body weight. For the next 20 weeks, researchers put them on one of three diets: a high (60 percent), moderate (40 percent), or low (20 percent) carbohydrate diet. All diets contained the same number of calories. People on the low-carb diet burned 209–278 more calories per day than those on the high-carb diet. The difference was even greater among those with the highest insulin levels at the start of the study: up to 478 more calories per day. Hormone tests showed that the low-carb diet also lowered levels of hunger hormones.


A study of more than 25,000 American men and women, age 50 and older, has found that taking fish oil daily dramatically reduces risk for heart attacks. Risk dropped by 77 percent among African Americans, and 40 percent among others who ate less than 1.5 servings of fish per week.

how to get

enough exercise It may be easier than you think to stay fit. The latest guidelines recognize that any amount of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity during your day—even a few minutes here and there—will enhance your health. Walking to do errands, vacuuming, dusting, climbing stairs, or cleaning out a cluttered closet or garage could be moderate or even vigorous. This is how much activity it takes to improve health:

KNITTING is as relaxing as YOGA Knit for Peace, a British charity, surveyed over 1,000 people who regularly knit, and found that not only is the craft as relaxing as yoga, but it also: Lowers blood pressure Reduces depression and anxiety Distracts from pain Reduces loneliness, when done in a group Reduces dementia Increases well-being

In the Middle Ages, before machines were invented, men did the knitting and formed guilds (unions of the day) that didn’t admit women. Today, more men are knitting as a hobby.

ADULTS: 150 minutes of moderate-

to-vigorous aerobic activity per week (which averages out to 21.5 minutes per day), plus muscle-strengthening movement twice a week. AGES 6–17: 60 minutes of moderate-tovigorous activity every day.


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trendWATCH the Passion behind the Product

Mushroom Buff How a lifelong love affair with mushrooms led Tero Isokauppila from the family farm to a thriving supplement company with a heart ///By Neil Zevnik Portobello and porcini. Button and brown. Chanterelle and shiitake and maitake and morel. We’ve grown accustomed to the profusion of mushrooms available for our gustatory pleasure at modern farmers’ markets and health food stores, but there’s a whole other category of fungi that has begun to make its way into the consciousness and diets of the Western world—medicinal mushrooms. Multiple species of these adaptogenic mushrooms have been utilized for millennia in Chinese medicine to boost the immune system, support numerous body functions, and contribute to energy and longevity. With names such as lion’s mane, cordyceps, reishi, turkey tail, and chaga, they possess the exoticism that once was attached to their edible cousins. The challenge today is how to easily access versions that can be trusted in order to enjoy their myriad health benefits. Enter Tero Isokauppila. Growing up on a family farm in Finland, he regularly foraged for mushrooms with his mother and brother, and when he got older, he became interested in the science of the foods he had taken for granted back on the farm. An encounter with cordyceps mushrooms while training for a marathon awakened him to its invigorating properties. But locating it was a hassle, and its potency and safety were questionable.

Tero Isokauppila grew up foraging for mushrooms in Finland. Now he’s taken this lifelong passion for fungi and turned it into a leading-edge company with a conscience.

Bold Idea Sprouts New Brew “I knew there must an easier way to consume functional mushrooms and adaptogens,” he says. “So I gathered a few of my closest friends from university and we decided to start a superfood company.” As simple as that, Four Sigmatic was created. The company started by adding effective doses of functional mushrooms to hot cacaos and tonics. Lion’s mane went into an elixir for focus; turkey tail and chaga appeared in a chai latte mix for calming comfort; cordyceps contributed to an energizing hot cacao mix to support stamina and endurance. These did really well, so Isokauppila decided to introduce mushroom extracts into America’s favorite drink—coffee—and Mushroom Coffee was born, and it has prospered. As with all original ideas and startups, Four Sigmatic has experienced its share of growing pains. Aiming to be USDA Organic, Whole30- and Paleo-

friendly, vegan, and gluten-free is challenging. In spite of production issues and stock shortages, product setbacks and personnel discomforts, Isokauppila and his team kept their eyes on the goal: “Our vision since day one has been to help people all over the world improve their health through simple dietary tweaks.” And their concern for global wellbeing goes further, as Four Sigmatic joins the ranks of companies stressing Conscious Capitalism as an urgently needed new business model. When asked about his approach, Isokauppila explains it this way: “The thing I struggle with the most is keeping the focus on being an environmentally sustainable business. It is very important for me personally, and also incredibly hard. We do our best to source ingredients and packaging sustainably, but there’s always room for improvement.” And it’s that concern and conscientiousness and commitment that make his passion come to life at Four Sigmatic.

Neil Zevnik is a private chef in Los Angeles who tends to the culinary needs of the rich and famous; blogs about food, nutrition, and the environment for The Huffington Post; and volunteers with marine mammal rescue whenever he can. Learn more at


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Advanced Probiotic Science is in our DNA

Bluebonnet introduces high-potency, multi-strain, DNA-verified probiotics. Once again, Bluebonnet has leveraged cutting-edge science, creating Advanced Choice® SingleDaily® Probiotics. These precision formulas are scientifically supported right down to the DNA to guarantee potency, purity and efficacy. We start with thoroughly researched probiotic strains that are symbiotic – proven to function better together than alone. Advanced Choice® SingleDaily® Probiotics for adults provide potent digestive support via twenty symbiotic, DNA-verified probiotic strains enhanced by inulin, a natural prebiotic. Our women’s formula addresses digestive and urogenital health with seven targeted probiotic strains plus cranberry. Each strain is DNA-verified by the prestigious Pasteur Institute. State-of-the-art technology ensures that these Non-GMO† formulas – available in multiple potencies – are “made to survive” both manufacturing and the rigors of digestion. Proving that probiotics can be an exact science … if you make the Advanced Choice. T H E



Available at fine natural food stores These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

† Both dietary and other ingredients in these formulas are derived from sources that have never been genetically modified through the use of modern biotechnology.

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Available in multiple potencies for both men and women

For additional information on Bluebonnet nutritional supplements, please call 1-800-580-8866, visit, or write: Bluebonnet Nutrition Corporation, 12915 Dairy Ashford, Sugar Land, TX 77478 USA.

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trendWATCH In the Spotlight:

Jaclyn Smith The iconic actress, entrepreneur, and breast cancer survivor stays balanced with mindful work, workouts, and nutrition ///By Chris Mann

How has being married to a heart surgeon brought balance to your diet? Brad opened up a whole new world in diet, because as fit and physical as he is—he’s in excellent shape—he has high cholesterol. And it ran in his families. So he was basically on a Mediterranean, low-fat diet. But he’s a believer in the fast CT scan to see any buildup in the heart, which I do. We’re very proactive with health. So we eat lots of fruits and vegetables. We do eat meat and chicken and fish, but in a balanced way. I’m not gonna give up hamburgers or pizza. I love them. I’m a Texas girl. Every now and then you have to splurge or you go cuckoo. I don’t drink, I don’t smoke, I’ve never touched a drug. And we do eat pretty healthy. I don’t want hormones. I don’t want antibiotics in the meat or chicken. I have a lot of berries in the morning. We might eat oatmeal or cereal with three different berries. He has egg whites, but I have to have a regular egg if I do it. I do a green juice at lunch sometimes. I’m pretty aware of what goes into my body. I’m not a big coffee drinker

with her two-year-old granddaughter, Bea. “There’s so much around you and so many things that are stimulating, but you’ve got to do them one at a time sometimes. It’s about balance and being good to yourself.” Smith finds this balance in part by fueling her body with supplements— including calcium and psyllium husk and vitamins B complex, C, and D—and a diet except in the morning. I don’t do any diet drinks anymore. I don’t want aspartame.

How do you fit fitness into your day? I like to work out in the morning. By the end of the day, it’s family, it’s dinner, it’s collecting your thoughts, reading. I’m better and stronger at the beginning of the day. And working out with my trainer, I think, makes me much better. Because you tend to say to yourself, “Okay, I’m gonna do five (reps) instead of 10.” And then, uh-oh, the phone’s ringing. But when my trainer is there, the phones are turned off and it’s devoted attention to her. It’s important to say, this is my turn and I’m gonna work out for an hour, and then we can start the calls again. And I do think that not only for your body but your brain, you need to work out at least three times a week as you get older.

What keeps you young at heart? My family is my rhyme and reason of everything. Without them nothing means

Most known for her role in Charlie’s Angels, Smith credits a “one-thing-at-a-time” approach to life as a secret to happiness.

informed in part by the eating habits of her husband of 21 years, pediatric heart surgeon Bradley Allen. too much. I grew up with incredible parents and an incredible grandfather. So I think that sense of family is life’s true blessing. It makes you work harder. It makes you appreciate everything more. Balance also keeps me young at heart. My work is something that’s really mine. And I think it fulfills me and makes me a whole human being. Certainly doing the Spencer baby collection with my daughter, who designed it, with three generations coming together—I’m about all of that.

How does staying creative contribute to your well-being? I think anytime you are creative, it’s rejuvenating. Sears-Kmart gave me the freedom to be creative with my clothing line, to have a strong point of view that was respected. So that takes all the burnout away. You feel good. You feel you’re contributing. You feel, oh, wow, this is making other people’s lives better, not just my own. So I think certainly my work is an integral part of feeling good about myself.

Chris Mann is a wellness and fitness writer, natural health brand storyteller, entertainment author and journalist, and digital-content producer ( Check out his blog,



More than four decades after she and her fellow Charlie’s Angels became symbols of female empowerment—and 17 years after she beat stage-1 breast cancer with radiation and a lumpectomy—Jaclyn Smith continues to take charge of all aspects of her well-being. Her secret: when possible, focusing on one thing at a time. “There’s balance to life and I think that’s hard to come by,” says the actress, who at 73 now juggles her fashion and beauty empire with the joys of playing

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Learn more at ©2019 American Health Inc.



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Give Yourself a Health Boost

These first-rate products can help you start the year off on a high note

No Worries Chronic stress takes a big toll on your adrenal glands, leading to fatigue, frequent colds and flu, low mood, and other health issues. Fortify your adrenal glands with


Garden of Life mykind Organics Adrenal Daily Balance, designed to provide energy and

stress support. Essential B-complex vitamins and probiotics are paired with organically sourced herbs known to nourish the adrenal glands: ashwagandha, rhodiola, schisandra, and Siberian ginseng. The formula is Non-GMO Project Verified.

Tangy & Refreshing Here’s a fresh twist on apple cider vinegar: Flora Apple Cider Vinegar Wellness Shots. These energizing drinks have a sour zing from organic apple cider vinegar that’s perfectly balanced with sweet organic apple juice concentrate. We love that they are infused with healing, detoxifying herbs. Choose from Turmeric & Cinnamon, to refresh your body and enhance digestive health; Elderberry, to bolster immunity and maintain overall health; and Ginger & Lemon Flavor, to rejuvenate and support healthy digestion.

Dry Skin Solutions Winter and dry skin go hand-in-hand, but they don’t have to anymore. Alaffia Baobab Rooibos Collection is formulated to repair and revive dry skin. The formulas are enriched with vitamin C-packed baobab and rooibos oils, as well as other skin-replenishing oils and herbs rich in moisturizing agents. The line features The Dry Skin Day Crème, with antiaging watermelon extract and rose geranium oil; The Dry Skin Cleanser, with calming holy basil; The Dry Skin Cooling Gel Hydration Mask, with prickly pear; and The Dry Skin Oil Concentrate with melon seed.


2 4 3 Mend Your Mood & More SAM-e (pronounced “sam-EE”) is made by our bodies from the amino acid methionine. It exists in every cell, but it can run low due to diet and aging. In supplement form, SAM-e excels at lifting depression, easing joint pain, and enhancing liver function, according to research. Health Logics Stabilized SAM-e can help you replenish this essential substance and reap its health benefits. The formula contains a clinically relevant dose of SAM-e (200 mg) in a patented, stabilized form that does not require enteric coating.

“B” Your Best


B vitamins are easier for your body to use directly when they are in their “metabolically active” form. Natural Factors BioCoenzymated Methylcobalamin & Dibencozide is unique in that it features two advanced, bioavailable types of vitamin B12—most “active” B12 supplements contain just methylcobalamin. This essential nutrient is vital for red blood cell formation, energy, immune system health, and more. Deficiencies are common, especially as you age. Replenish your stores with this formula, which also boasts a bioactive blend of phytonutrients, for advanced absorption.

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Introducing our Warriors

When you are fighting to maintain your strength and wellness, our Immune formulas can help. Immune Everyday offers daily support, and Immune Advanced provides deep, long-term immune system support.* Immune Bac Pro™ and Immune Vrl Pro™ are targeted to help when your body needs an extra immune boost.* These gluten-free formulas strengthen your body’s natural ability to protect and defend itself – to help win the battle and support a healthy balance.*



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Questions? 888.453.5058 Redd Remedies, Bradley, IL 60915 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. § We do not use ingredients that were produced using biotechnology.

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Soothe Anxiety with Skullcap It’s not a trendy superstar, but this workhorse of the herb world is a true American original ///BY KARTA PURKH SINGH KHALSA, DN-C, RH Skullcap (Scutellaria lateriflora) has a long history of use in the herbal systems of North America, and more recently, in Europe. Its other common names—helmet flower, hoodwort, and Quaker bonnet— give you an idea what the flower looks like. As a member of the mint family, skullcap is found in the rich woods and moist soils of North America—from Newfoundland to British Columbia and south to Georgia and California. But although it’s a mint, it has a bitter taste, and isn’t particularly aromatic. Skullcap has a cooling, drying energy, and its aerial parts (leaf, stem, and flower) have a variety of uses in herbal medicine. The Cherokee and Iroquois nations used skullcap tea to stimulate delayed menstruation. The Eclectics, the dominant herbal legacy in 1800s America, extensively wrote about, and copiously employed, skullcap for a wide range of issues. It was used by 19thcentury herbalists to treat a condition that today we might call fibromyalgia (muscle, ligament, and tendon pain). It was once known as “mad dog skullcap” and was historically used to treat rabies.

Did You Know?

Skullcap Studies Are Impressive

Skullcap is a uniquely American herb first used by the Cherokee and Iroquois peoples.

Today, skullcap is best known as a safe, reliable, mild sedative that excels in relieving anxiety, neuralgia, and insomnia. It treats high blood pressure, premenstrual syndrome, tension headache, and muscle spasm. Some contemporary herbalists also use it to control BraxtonHicks contractions during late pregnancy.


One recent study found that rats exhibited less anxiety after a dose of skullcap. And a double-blind, crossover human study of 15 women and 4 men, aged 20–70 years, found that, in healthy subjects, skullcap “demonstrated noteworthy anxiolytic effects.” Another study in 2014 found that, in healthy people, skullcap significantly enhanced overall mood without a reduction in energy or cognition. Skullcap also serves as a nerve tonic and tissue rejuvenator, and many recent scientific papers have found it to be protective for nerve tissue. In addition, it seems to have a protective effect on the

liver, as well as anticancer activity. These qualities suggest that skullcap could be effective for seizure and movement (chorea) disorders, including a variety of twitches, ticks, and tremors, for which it has been used for centuries. A study published in Phytotherapy Research found that rodents prone to seizures that drank water containing skullcap extract were seizure-free, while the control group continued to have seizures. Skullcap’s calming action is thought to be mainly due to its antispasmodic constituent scutellarin, a flavonoid glycoside. Another constituent, the flavonoid baicalin, is known to bind to the GABAA receptor, a sedating neural receptor sensitive to many sedating drugs, including Valium.

How Much & What Form to Take Skullcap is available in teas, capsules, tablets, and tinctures. For a tea, start with 10 grams of the dry herb. Infuse the chopped dry leaves, strain, and drink. Use several small doses throughout the day for anxiety, or the entire dose at bedtime for insomnia. In tincture form, the equivalent dose is 8 tsp. Fresh herb tinctures are strongly preferred. Historically, skullcap’s effectiveness has been enhanced when combined with valerian, chamomile, passionflower, and vervain, so it shows up in many combination formulas for sleep and anxiety. There’s not enough information on the pharmacological activity and toxicity of skullcap to comment on its use during pregnancy and lactation; however, no specific contraindications have come to light. Modern midwives sometimes use skullcap for insomnia, sciatica, and stress during pregnancy. Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, DN-C, RH, specializes in Ayurveda and herbalism, and has more than 40 years of experience in holistic medicine. Visit him online at

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Feed Your Genes Keeping your DNA healthy is a relatively new idea, but it might be the key to avoiding many serious diseases ///BY EMILY A. KANE, ND, LAc

: What is epigenetics and


does it have anything to do with my health? —José V., Greenville, S.C.

The word literally means “in addition to changes in the genetic sequence.” One of the marvels of evolution is that each human is very similar, yet unique. The reason we are unique is because one of billions of

possible sperm and one of maybe a few thousand eggs came together to become each of us. So, the genetic blueprint for any given person will be a unique jumble of maternal and paternal genes that could mix and match in a nearly infinite configuration. That’s how we evolve—helpful traits get passed along because healthier people usually bear more healthy children, who in turn live and thrive to reproductive age.

Emily A. Kane, ND, LAc, has a private naturopathic practice in Juneau, Alaska, where she lives with her husband and daughter. She is the author of two books on natural health, including Managing Menopause Naturally. Visit her online at

However, there are other pressures on our genetic code involving factors that turn genes “on” and “off.” Our genetic code is a tightly packed bundle protected by a coating called histones. These can peel back to expose bits of the genetic blueprint in response to very specific “requests” from chemical information delivered to the cell, calling for the building of a certain protein, for example. Sometimes these chemical requests can get mixed up, and

Did You Know?

Epigenetic processes are natural and essential to many functions, but if they occur improperly, there can be major adverse health and behavioral effects.


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the wrong gene (for example, a cancercausing gene) can get turned on, or a repair enzyme can be made defectively. Epigenetic processes are natural and essential to many functions, but if they occur improperly, there can be major adverse health and behavioral effects.

Causes of Genetic Changes A wide variety of illnesses, behaviors, and other health indicators are linked with epigenetic mechanisms, including cancers of almost all types, as well as cognitive, respiratory, cardiovascular, reproductive, and autoimmune dysfunction. Known drivers behind epigenetic processes include heavy metals, pesticides, diesel exhaust, tobacco smoke, flame retardants, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, hormone disruptors (especially soft plastics), pharmaceuticals, radioactivity, viruses, bacteria, and basic nutrients. What can be done to reduce the potential for epigenetic changes that can increase risk of disease? Looking at the list of known drivers, living a clean life should come to mind. It’s really that simple. Of course in an increasingly polluted world, it’s difficult to live a completely clean life. But doing your very best will make a huge difference, especially if you plan on having children or your children want to be parents. Start with making a commitment to stop buying food and drink in plastic containers. We simply must reduce the demand for plastic, which is choking up our detox mechanisms on a personal and planetary level. Buy a few stainless steel water bottles and keep them in your car, in your gym bag, at work, and by your bedside. Recycle your old plastic Tupperware and invest in reusable glass containers. Always keep cloth shopping bags in your car, and a small compressible bag in your purse. Never take a new plastic bag at the store. Just stop.

Top Gene-Supporting Nutrients Certain supplements and nutrients can amplify our detoxification capacity. In order to clear toxins effectively, the bowels have to work well (a subject of many

of these columns). You need to sweat regularly (exercise or sauna—mix it up) and also have functional urination. It’s normal for urine to be a bit yellow in the morning, but mostly it should be nearly clear. If not, drink more water. One of the major ways in which the environment can epigenetically alter your DNA is via a process called methylation. Some people do not “methylate” well and can be helped by taking methylated vitamins, in particular B vitamins. More

change epigenetics. For younger women, these epigenetic improvements can be passed down to your children. You might be familiar with the popular epigenetic study showing that when mother rats lick their pups, they leave epigenetic marks on their babies’ DNA. This, in turn, helps the pups grow up to be calm adult rats. On the other hand, pups who receive very little licking, grooming, or nursing from their moms tend to grow up more

Most animals make their own vitamin C. But our ancestors lost this ability some 25 million years ago, so we have to obtain it through diet or supplements. is definitely not better. Look for a B multi with methylcobalamin (the active form of B12) in doses in the 1,000 mcg range, and methylfolate (not “folic acid,” which is synthetic) in the 500 mcg range. Vitamin C is also helpful in locking in good changes and repairing cell replication mistakes. I prefer a buffered powder “to bowel tolerance.” Cut back the dose if stools get loose. Glutathione is arguably the most potent antioxidant produced endogenously, and is especially potent for lung repair. The main peptide in glutathione is NAC, which is a fantastic and much more affordable option if you aren’t ill, but simply want to maintain good health. I recommend taking 600–1,200 mg of NAC at bedtime. Take the higher dose if you’re trying to clear an infection, especially if your mucous secretions seem sticky or difficult to expectorate. Many of us are also low on minerals because of soil depletion, so a good multimineral supplement can also help cells function optimally. I prefer liquid multiminerals because of their excellent absorption.

What You Eat = Roughly 80 Percent of Your Health

anxious. It wasn’t their genes that dictated their stressed-out behavior, but their epigenome, which was shaped by the nurturing behavior of their mother early in life. Could this hold true for humans? New research suggests that it might. What goes into your mouth determines about 80 percent of your health profile. Some people have “better genes” than others, but all of us are at risk of pushing our genes in the wrong direction if we persistently ingest unnatural chemicals. If you truly desire health, choose the cleanest food and water possible every day. It’s important to frame these choices with a joyous desire to be the best possible person you can during your time on the earth. Don’t think of making healthy food choices from a perspective of “deprivation.” Instead, make a commitment to self-care that is gentle, authentic, and consistent. Your unique self came to this life to be as clear, openhearted, and healthy as possible. If you’re reading this, you are luckier than most. Do the best you can for yourself. There’s nothing better than living your best life.

Sufficient sleep, regular exercise, and kindness can all favorably

Do you have a question for Dr. Kane? Email it to editorial@ with “Ask the ND” in the subject line. JANUARY 2019

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Best Gut Health Remedies Quick tips about the top supplements for gut health ///BY LISA TURNER

Healthy Tip! Flaxseeds are especially helpful in treating irritable bowel syndrome.


* Fiber is crucial for gut health, normal * *

* *

bowel movements, and elimination of toxins. Most Americans get only half of what they need from food. Psyllium husk is rich in fiber to treat constipation, and is safe for long-term use. Fiber-rich flaxseeds help treat constipation, especially in people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Add flax slowly to avoid bloating and gas, and take sufficient water. Be aware: fiber can impact the absorption of certain medications, so take first thing in the morning away from medications and supplements. People with allergies to grass pollen or melon could have allergic reactions to fiber.

* Protease, lipase, and amylase *

* * * *

form does not contain glycyrrhizin, the compound that causes some side effects such as high blood pressure.

Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL)

* Derived from licorice root, DGL is

Digestive Enzymes They help break down food and aid in digestion. Alpha-galactosidase supplements improve the breakdown of legumes. Lactose improves digestion of dairy products. Specialized enzymes like as dipeptidyl peptidase help break down gluten.

digest protein, fats, and starches. Combination formulas with a variety of enzymes are best for overall digestion.

* * *

used to relieve indigestion, heartburn, and acid reflux. It heals and protects the mucosa lining the GI tract. It contains flavonoids that protect against H. pylori, a common cause of ulcers. Unpurified, licorice can have side effects and may contribute to high blood pressure. Use DGL licorice—this


* It relieves nausea, vomiting, and * * * *

TRADITIONAL HERBS FOR HEALTHY DIGESTION Tap into the wisdom of plants to heal stomach problems and other digestive issues. Here are a few of our favorites:

* FENNEL SEED: This herb is a safe, traditional remedy for bowel irregularities and spasms. * CHAMOMILE: It’s an antispasmodic herb that soothes the digestive system. * GENTIAN ROOT: This herb and other bitter botanicals support digestive activity. * SLIPPERY ELM: This ancient herb soothes inflamed and irritated GI mucous membranes. * TRIPHALA: This Ayurvedic herb promotes the health of the gut epithelium and villi. It also helps ease constipation.


morning sickness, and is safe for use in pregnancy. It can work as well as Dramamine against symptoms of motion sickness. It prevents gastric ulcers caused by H. pylori and NSAIDs. It aids in digestion by stimulating gastric motility and the production of enzymes. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.


* It improves bile flow to help ease * * *

digestion. It helps prevent gas, bloating, and flatulence, especially in IBS. It acts as an antispasmodic to ease digestive discomfort. The enteric-coated capsules pass through intestines, where the oil is then released.

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* If you have acid reflux or GERD, use peppermint with caution, as it can exacerbate symptoms.


* It’s an amino acid found naturally * * * *

in the body. It supports and heals the digestive tract, especially the intestines. It preserves the gut barrier function and also helps protect the gut epithelial tissues. It may help relieve diarrhea. It’s especially useful for IBS and leaky gut syndrome.

Essential Fatty Acids


They support nutrient absorption and the membrane integrity of the intestinal tract.

* Omega-3s work with gut microbiota

* They improve digestion and nutrient



* *

to maintain intestinal wall integrity. They may benefit IBS by reducing inflammation. They help promote bacterial diversity in the gut. Take them in a specific balanced ratio of omega 3, 6, and 9 fats in a ratio of 4:1:1.


absorption. Probiotics maintain overall health of the GI tract.

product PICKS

American Health Enzyme Probiotic Complex

* These healthy microorganisms restore * * *

balance to the intestinal microbiome and reduce chronic low-grade inflammation. They protect against GI infections, inflammatory bowel disease, and IBS. Probiotics reduce diarrhea, especially antibiotic-induced diarrhea. They prevent constipation, especially in older adults and those with chronic constipation.

Arthur Andrew Medical Devigest ADS Bluebonnet L-Glutamine Powder

Lisa Turner is a chef, food writer, product developer, and nutrition coach in Boulder, Colo. She has more than 20 years of experience in researching and writing about nourishing foods, and coaching people toward healthier eating habits. Find her at


Benefit your health and wellness goals in the new year with Colorado Hemp Honey! The full spectrum hemp extract, along with the natural and organic botanicals in our raw honey, work together to provide energy, focus, and wellness for your healthier lifestyle*. Take it by the teaspoon, add it to your favorite smoothies and drinks, or keep the honey sticks with you as you’re out enjoying a brand new year full of health and wellness.

Available at your local, independent natural food retailer or online at *This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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You will love the fla

and how you feel using

100% FERMENT ORGANIC PRODU Natural Factors Farms in the beautiful Okanagan Valley are 100% organic. Our crops are fertilized with compost and nitrogenrich sea plants, and are meticulously cared for by hand. No synthetic pesticides (or even permissible organic pesticides) are used – EVER! From simple seeds come the highest potency crops packed with essential amino acids, minerals, antioxidants, enzymes, and phytonutrients. The 100% organic Whole Earth & Sea® crops are harvested at their peak and immediately raw processed and enzymized using our patent pending process. The result?



This product is a 100% fermented and 100% organic greens formula. Our new enzymized greens is non-GMO and vegan friendly providing 6 g of quality fermented plant protein in every serving.

goes This orga the

This exceptional formula also includes fermented grasses, fruits, vegetables, and micronized mushrooms.

Thes ferm Who

Available in Organic Chocolate, Organic Tropical, and Unflavored.


21 g of PROTEIN per serving

A unique, 100% fermented greens for easy digestion and maximum nutritional benefit.

ISURA means certified clean.

This seal assures you that this product has passed the most rigorous testing in the world. ISURA can test for over 600 potential contaminants. All Natural Factors products are third-party certified by ISURA.

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ing these


WOMEN’S, WOMEN’S 50+, WOMEN’S PRENATAL, MEN’S, and MEN’S 50+ Pure Food Multivitamin & Mineral These Pure Food age- and gender-specific formulas are made with farm-fresh, organic, and sustainably grown non-GMO ingredients.

FERMENTED ORGANIC PROTEIN & GREENS goes far beyond standard greens and protein products. This innovative formula gives you all the nutrition in our organic greens superfood formula along with 21 g of the cleanest possible plant-based VEGAN PROTEINS. These unique food supplements harness the power of natural fermentation to create highly bioavailable nutrition from Whole Earth & Sea. Available in Organic Chocolate and Organic Tropical.

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The Carb-Cycling Trap The plain truth about this questionable practice ///BY KAT JAMES

Readers have asked about a dietary concept that fat-burner enthusiasts refer to as “carb cycling”—occasionally or periodically reintroducing carbs into their diets. Achieving ketosis or leptin sensitivity (two states where the body is burning ketones, a byproduct of burning fat as one’s primary fuel) involves lots of individualization and trial and error. But the idea of planning weekly carb eating “cycles” is—at least from my decades of personal and observational experience— akin to a self-imposed slippery slope that people consistently regret. Of course, if you never achieve a fat-burning state to begin with, carb-cycling is painless, because you’re not switching the body’s primary fuel, which always involves a degree of discomfort. But,


for true insulin- and leptin-optimized fat-burners, fat is their body’s primary fuel. The minute a fat-burner starts eating dozens of carbs (and it takes much fewer carbs than most think to throw you out of a fat-burner state, especially if you’re metabolically challenged), the body will default immediately to the fat-storing, sugar-burning quagmire that many of us worked so hard to escape. That first spike in blood sugar signals the brain that you’re suddenly experiencing starvation as a default mechanism of cutting off sensitivity to the hormone leptin in the hypothalamus. If you’re doing what I call a “close-butno-cigar” version of “keto” or low-carb (or Paleo, or “low-glycemic”), you won’t feel the typical discomfort of “carb cycling” because

you never really achieved a metabolic and hormonal fat-burning state to begin with. Achieving a true fat-burning state takes a minimum of a few transitional (and at least one uncomfortable) days after just one “carb day” (if you can ever get back to a true fat-burning state at all, which some never do). So, with both unwitting and intentional carb experiences, one would be lucky to experience even a day or two of the miracles of true fat-burning and the physical revelations it brings, including unprecedented mental clarity, restful sleep, soaring energy, and, of course, speedy, struggle-free weight loss. It’s a state I equate with being free of the ball and chain that made a good part of my life purely miserable. A state I’ve lived in gratefully for 27 amazing years.

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Candida Resurgence Alert If your body is in true fat-burner mode and not just merely losing weight or burning fat here and there, then those “carb days” will cause not only major discomfort (brain fog, lethargy, and more), but also the cultivation of dangerous candida and other strains of yeast, as the heartiest members of those strains propagate wildly again with each “carb cycle.” All of the recurrent, candidarelated bloating infections will promptly return like clockwork each time. Only very healthy people with lowerthan-average vulnerability to the blood sugar, insulin, and leptin-impacting power of carbs can just flip back and forth from using sugar as their primary fuel. Primitive man easily endured flipping in and out of fat-burning and sugar-burning (famine) modes, but thanks to decades of metabolically morphing dietary assaults, most modern Americans can no longer do this without undue stress, as well as energy and microbiome disruption. If you can cycle between sugar and fat burning without feeling pronounced transitional discomfort, then you’re either extremely healthy (and unlikely to carry any excess weight) or you weren’t in a deep fatburning state to begin with. James, 52, started her dramatic selftransformation in 1990. Since then, she’s led 88 retreats and has become known as the “Jane Goodall of leptin.”

easily e man Primitivd flipping in g endure of fat-burnin t and ou ar-burning g and su ) modes, but e in m a des of g (f in to deca thanks lically morph t s o metab assaults, mo y r s a n t a ric die n Ame moder longer do this , s can no t undue stres d u n a o h rgy wit n. as ene as well me disruptio io b o r ic m

Carbs Signal Starvation Finally, the idea that carb cycling reminds the body it’s not starving, as some have claimed, counters the fact that fat adaptation requires a metabolic state that neurologically senses “times of plenty.” It’s the carbs that signal the brain to go into starvation-protective, fat-hording, and sugar-burning mode. For ultra fat-burners—who are not only burning ketones but burning them efficiently enough to achieve full leptin sensitivity—consuming dozens of carbs in just one sitting (as many carb-cycling guidelines suggest) will prompt a “famine” signal to the brain. And thus, the satiety signal is suddenly lost (on the spot, after your first sip or bite of carbs), and that “bottomless hunger” and the resulting weight gain return. Some people compound this problem by fasting, but fasting also prompts the body to go into famine mode. Breakfast, for example, instantly becomes unappealing once the fat-burner mode is interrupted with carbs (see my article about discussing a dark side of fasting, including research and my personal and

group observations showing disordered eating as a result, at The very point of achieving fat-adaptation or, more ambitiously, leptin sensitivity, is to signal the body that you aren’t starving anymore by turning on leptin’s signaling in the hypothalamus, which is critical to every system in the body. So in summary, if you’ve found the way to get your metabolism to function as nature intended, willfully interrupting it by carb cycling—especially when periodic unwitting interruptions are bound to ensue anyway—is an incredibly bad idea. Instead, focus on mastering and customizing your individual metabolic thresholds, something that will become a more effortless and joyful dietary pursuit than any before it. Why re-attach the old ball and chain of metabolic dysfunction ever again? To learn more about The Kat James Show on Sirius XM’s Family Talk (channel 131, Saturdays), visit To read previous Kat James’ articles, search “Kat James” on

Kat James has been called “a master of self-transformation” by SELF magazine in response to her self-guided, stunning recovery from liver, autoimmune, and eating disorders that nearly took her life. Her controversial and pioneering dietary method—now recommended at top neurology, fertility, functional medicine, and even dental clinics—has left countless dramatic success stories in its wake and been featured at top spas and institutions such as Omega Institute and Canyon Ranch, as well as on “Today,” Fox, and PBS, among others. Learn more about her upcoming program retreats at or by calling 877-54-TOTAL.


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Manuka Honey for Radiant Skin Natural beauty products are harnessing the power of this superior honey for healthy, glowing skin, thanks to its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and hydrating qualities /// BY SHERRIE STRAUSFOGEL The nutrients in honey are ultra-nourishing for skin. Honey’s stickiness allows it to attract and retain moisture, and this helps keep skin hydrated. But not all honey is the same. Its antibacterial quality depends on the nectar the bees feed on. Manuka honey is packed with the antibacterial component methylglyoxal, which is found in the nectar of manuka flowers, and makes manuka honey extra-potent. Manuka honey’s antibacterial quality allows it to clear pores and pimples of bacteria. It’s a natural anti-inflammatory, able to soothe raw, swollen, and irritated skin. And its antioxidant ability neutralizes free radicals that cause premature aging, while also helping skin cells rejuvenate. Look for it in natural skin products. If you’re allergic to bee stings, however, this wonder ingredient may cause a reaction.


Replenish and hydrate with straight-fromthe hive First Honey Skin Therapy Cream. Medical-grade manuka honey soothes and moisturizes dry, irritated skin and provides a protective barrier that helps skin heal. Olive and jojoba oils and shea butter add moisturizing clout.


Sweeten your beauty routine with Wedderspoon Manuka Honey Hydrating Day Cream. Organic manuka honey, shea butter, and aloe moisturize skin, while lemon extract brightens and tones. This light, freshsmelling cream is ideal for all skin types.



Treat your face, neck, and hands to Aroma Naturals Orange Honey Blossom Extraordinary Beauty Oil. The blend of manuka honey with vitamin-rich avocado, coconut, sunflower, grape seed, olive, pumpkin seed, argan, borage, pomegranate, baobab seed, and orange peel oils nourishes and moisturizes skin. This light, delicate oil absorbs fast and can be used for massage or an all-over moisturizer for dry skin.


Protect and condition your hands with Pacific Resources International Simply Manuka Hand Cream. Manuka honey and natural botanicals soften your hands while defending them from harsh elements. Available in three scents: Simply Manuka, Cool Citrus, and Coconut and Lime.

Brighten and firm your skin with NOW Solutions Clarify & Illuminate Cleanser. Manuka honey and marine collagen rejuvenate skin and retain moisture. Mitostime, a brown algae extract, has been clinically proven to help skin appear younger. Extra virgin olive oil helps replenish your skin’s Manuka honey didn’t exist natural oils.

Did You Know?


until European settlers brought honeybees to New Zealand in 1839.

Sherrie Strausfogel is the author of Hawaii’s Spa Experience: Rejuvenating Secrets of the Islands (the first book to feature aromatherapy in its pages). Based in Honolulu, she writes about beauty, spas, health, cuisine, and travel. Her work has appeared in more than 100 magazines, newspapers, guidebooks, and websites.


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Pine Pollen 4 Maintain a healthy libido 4 Increased natural energy 4 Anti-oxidant related properties 4 For both men and women


Hot Item Alert




Bio Nutrition uses the finest quality cracked cell wall Pine Pollen in a vegetarian capsule. This broken cell wall helps increase the digestibility while retaining the quality of the pollen. It has been used for centuries in Chinese medicine for its effect boosting vitality, libido, natural energy and the immune system.* USA MADE IN

Bio Nutrition, Inc.

Oceanside, NY 11572 U.S.A. 516-432-1590 *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Make a commitment to renew your health in the coming year with these powerful immune-boosting techniques, secrets to luminous skin, and cold-fighting superfoods by Michele Burklund, NMD


he beginning of a new year is truly a time to reflect, assess, and refresh your life. Trying just a few of these techniques can get you on the path to renewed wellness for 2019.



Have you noticed that your skin can become especially irritated, dry, or even chapped during the cold-weather months? There are many variables that can contribute to this issue, including biting winds, central heating, and the drastic difference between outdoor and indoor temperatures. So, how do you get back your summer glow in the middle of winter?


TRY OIL CLEANSING: It might seem counterintuitive to apply oil to your face in order to cleanse it, but this practice can help rebalance your skin. Many ove-thecounter face washes actually strip the oil out of your skin, which leaves skin overly dry and perpetuates an endless cycle of the body trying to compensate and produce more oil—leaving your skin either too dry or too oily. Oil cleansing is a great way to keep your skin looking radiant and balanced all winter long. Try olive oil, castor oil, almond oil, rose hip seed oil, or jojoba oil—either alone or in combination. Just add about a quarter-sized amount of oil to your hands and massage it into

your face for 1–2 minutes. This will help draw out any impurities or makeup residue. Next, put a warm, moist towel over your face to gently remove any excess oil while still keeping a light coating on your skin. Try: Aura Cacia Organic Jojoba Oil EAT MORE OMEGA-3S: Balance your skin from the inside out by adding more wholesome omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. Eat walnuts, fatty fish such as cod and salmon, and flax and chia seeds for luminous skin. Try: Nordic Naturals Algae Omega

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travelers who used elderberry had a lower occurrence of colds, as well as a decrease in cold symptoms and duration. Mix some elderberry syrup into your water and drink it through the day as a delish cold-fighting remedy.

Herbs such as cardamom and cinnamon might be exactly what you need to warm up on a cold winter’s day. These healing spices heat the body by bringing the blood to the surface of skin, but that’s just one of their healthful properties. Cardamom is a peppery spice native to the forests of India, used in Ayurvedic medicine to support detoxification, decrease inflammation, and boost immunity. Mix it into hot chocolate, drink it in chai tea, or chew a pod instead of gum. Cinnamon is a nourishing spice that comes from the inner bark of the tree. It’s known for its woody fragrance and has potent healing properties. A study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry measured the antioxidant capacity of 26 different spices and found cinnamon to be the clear leader. This delicious spice has been shown to help balance blood sugar, decrease inflammation, support cognitive function, and fight bacterial and fungal infections. Sprinkle on your favorite winter beverage for an extra kick.

Try: Gaia Herbs Black Elderberry Syrup

Try: Numi Organic Tea Turmeric Chai Golden Latte



Bone broth has become increasingly popular for one important reason: it’s incredibly nutritious. Bones are rich in minerals, vitamins, amino acids, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, and gelatin. This simple-yet-powerful combination has been shown to help with leaky gut, support collagen production, improve joint health, and provide essential nutrients. If boiling bones yourself seems like a tall task, there are many quality readymade bone broths available at health food stores, as well as bone-broth-enhanced supplements that make it easier than ever to get a healthy dose of this super-nutritious food into your diet.



Elderberry is a powerful plant with potent virusfighting properties. A study published in the Journal of Nutrients compared two groups of international travelers, those who took elderberry versus those who did not, over a two-week period before and after their flights. The study found that the



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Astragalus root is a potent adaptogen that has been prized by herbalists for more 2,000 years for its powerful healing properties. Studies show that it reduces the effects of stress on the body, enhances the immune system, supports detoxification, and has antiaging properties.


Immune-Boosting Soup Serves 8

Packed with astragalus and other powerful healing ingredients, this healthy comfort food will give your immune system that extra pick-me-up to banish any virus. 5 cups water 1 Tbs. miso paste 1 cup shiitake mushrooms (sliced) 2 small yellow onions (minced) 1 cup celery (sliced) 1 cup carrots (sliced) 1 cup bell peppers (sliced) 1 Tbs. ginger (grated) 1 tsp. turmeric ¼ tsp. black pepper 3–4 dried slices of astragalus root 5 cloves garlic 1 Tbs. coconut oil

Heat water and miso paste in large pot, and allow paste to dissolve. Add mushrooms, onion, celery, carrots, peppers, ginger, turmeric, black pepper, and astragalus slices, and simmer 1 hour (or longer if needed). Add raw garlic and coconut oil for the final 10 minutes of simmering. Remove astragalus slices from soup before serving. Per serving: 50 cal; 1g prot; 2g total fat (1.5g sat fat); 7g carb; 0mg chol; 90mg sod; 2g fiber; 3g sugar




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Give your diet a New Year’s upgrade with these wintertime favorites: Mandarin oranges are tasty citrus fruits that you might recognize as clementines, satsumas, or tangerines, which are all part of the same family. Internally, the juice of mandarins will give you the building blocks for great skin, as well as an immune boost with vitamin C, vitamin A, phytonutrients, and lots of fiber. The phytochemicals tangeretin and hesperidin, which are found in Mandarin peels and juices, have powerful antiaging and immune-boosting actions. Pomegranates are an ancient and highly prized fruit found in writings and artifacts dating back thousands of years. They’re loaded with nutrients, rich in antioxidants, have powerful anti-inflammatory effects, are heart-healthy, and help to balance blood sugar. They also contain a unique compound called punicalagin. One study found that pomegranate juice has three times more antioxidants than green tea and red wine, attributing this to the punicalagin content. Sprinkle pomegranate seeds on top of a salad or enjoy them as a satiating snack.

Broccoli isn’t merely a healthy vegetable, it’s a potent medicinal food packed with vitamins and minerals. This cruciferous vegetable contains a unique combination of plant compounds, including sulforaphane, indole-3-carbinol, carotenoids, quercetin, and kaempferol. A recent study published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition found that broccoli and its constituent sulforaphane have immune-modulating abilities. Broccoli can be enjoyed raw, steamed, or added to dishes such as pasta for texture and taste.



The wet sock treatment is a traditional hydrotherapy technique that can be highly effective at relieving upper respiratory symptoms. You might be wondering how wearing wet socks at bedtime treats colds. Well, wearing cold, wet socks causes the blood vessels in your feet to constrict and reflexively increase blood circulation to the rest of your body, including your head and neck. This increase in circulation helps to transport nutrients and stimulate the healing process. As the feet eventually warm up, the blood vessels will begin to dilate again, which in turn stimulates movement in the lymphatic system and decreases sinus congestion. In fact, the North American Journal of Medical Sciences published an article titled “Scientific EvidenceBased Effects of Hydrotherapy on Various Systems of the Body,” which showed that localized cold therapy to the feet was helpful in opening bronchial passages. To take advantage of hydrotherapy, completely immerse a pair of cotton socks in cold water just before bedtime. Wring them out thoroughly, and put them on your feet. Then put on a pair of thick (dry) wool socks to cover the wet socks. Go to bed, and keep both pairs of socks on throughout the night. Wake up with dry socks and less sinus congestion. Michele Burklund, NMD, is a physician specializing in holistic health and preventive medicine. Burklund believes that true medicine discovers the root cause of an illness, rather than simply treating symptoms. Visit to learn more.


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Big on flavor and relatively low in calories, these smoothies are the perfect way to boost your wellness this year


n the constant struggle to get more fruits and vegetables into our diets, we could all use a little help. Enter smoothies. Easy-to-make and oh-so-delicious, these clever concoctions are loaded with antioxidant-packed fruits, plus other wholesome ingredients such as yogurt, green tea, and tofu. Just give a couple of these recipes a try, and sip your way to better health in 2019.

Serves 4

1⅔ cup apple juice ⅔ cup lowfat vanilla yogurt 2½ cups fresh peaches, sliced and partially frozen ½ cup raspberries, partially frozen 2 cups ice chips Blend all ingredients in blender, and enjoy. Per serving: 100 cal; 3g prot; 1g total fat (0g sat fat); 22g carb; 5mg chol; 25mg sod; 3g fiber; 17g sugar



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Serves 4

This smoothie uses cream of coconut for rich coconut flavor. Don’t mistake it for coconut milk, which is not sweetened. ¾ cup skim milk 1 cup nonfat frozen vanilla yogurt 2 Tbs. cream of coconut (such as Coco Lopez) 2 cups fresh pineapple, diced and partially frozen 1½ cups crushed ice cubes Fresh pineapple wedges for garnish Pour milk into blender. Add yogurt, cream of coconut, pineapple, and ice. Blend until ice is incorporated and very fine, about 30 seconds. Stop and stir if blender slows or stalls. Garnish each serving with pineapple wedges. Per serving: 130 cal; 4g prot; 1.5g total fat (1g sat fat); 26g carb; 5mg chol; 70mg sod; 1g fiber; 18g sugar

Serves 1

1 frozen banana ⅔ cup almond milk 1 cup ice ½ cup 2% plain Greek-style yogurt 2 Tbs. PB2 Powdered Peanut Butter with Premium Chocolate 1 tsp. vanilla extract Blend all ingredients in blender, and enjoy. Per serving: 320 cal; 20g prot; 6g total fat (1.5g sat fat); 51g carb; 5mg chol; 270mg sod; 5g fiber; 30g sugar


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Serves 4

2½ cups Granny Smith apples, peeled, diced, and partially frozen 1 Tbs. lemon juice, freshly squeezed ¾ cup apple juice 1¼ cups nonfat frozen vanilla yogurt ¼ cup Walden Farms Sugar Free Caramel Syrup 1¼ cups ice chips Blend all ingredients in blender, and enjoy. Per serving: 110 cal; 3g prot; 0g total fat (0g sat fat); 26g carb; 5mg chol; 80mg sod; 2g fiber; 16g sugar

Serves 1

. 1 cup frozen diced mango ½ cup each shredded carrot ½ cup 2% plain Greekstyle yogurt

½ cup double-strength chai green tea (such as Yogi Tea) 1 Tbs. minced fresh ginger

Blend all ingredients in blender, and enjoy. Per serving: 200 cal; 13g prot; 3g total fat (1.5g sat fat); 34g carb; 5mg chol; 85mg sod; 3g fiber; 27g sugar

Serves 1

½ banana ½ cup frozen blueberries

½ cup açai-blueberry juice ¼ cup soft silken tofu

¼ cup plain soy milk 1 tsp. lemon juice

Process all ingredients in blender until smooth. Per serving: 230 cal; 6g prot; 3.5g total fat (0g sat fat);46g carb; 0mg chol; 45mg sod; 4g fiber; 33g sugar


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An inside look a some of today t ’s

trendiest diet s:

rner By Lisa Tu

what works— and what doe sn’t

very year, there’s a new crop of diets focused on weight loss, Eof these disease prevention, or overall longevity. In general, the best avoid calorie counting, focus on whole foods, and are either balanced enough that they can be followed for the long run, or effective enough that they’re worth trying for a short time. Here’s a look at five of today’s most popular eating plans, with the best and worst of each.


Possibly the most popular diet of 2018, the ketogenic (also called “Keto”) diet focuses on minimal carbs—about 5 percent of daily calories—with moderate protein (20 percent) and very high amounts of fat (75 percent). It’s designed to shift the metabolism into ketosis, a state in which the body burns fat, instead of sugar, for fuel. The diet is geared primarily for weight loss, and studies show that it may also prevent seizures and protect against neurodegenerative disorders and other diseases. What you eat. The Keto diet is composed mostly of “good” fats—coconut oil, nuts, full-fat dairy, and other forms of saturated and monounsaturated fats. Hydrogenated fats and processed vegetables oils such as safflower or soybean oils are avoided. Proteins include meat, eggs, fish, and nuts.


Vegetables are limited to low-starch varieties, and fruit is generally restricted to berries. Beans, grains, sugars, or starches are avoided. What’s good. Because it strictly bans sugar and starches, it can promote balanced blood sugar and rapid weight loss. And the high amount of fat means you’ll rarely feel hungry. What’s bad. It’s low in fiber, and limits fruits, vegetables, and legumes—foods that have been shown to protect against cancer and other diseases. It’s high in saturated fats, which have been linked with increased risk of disease. And there are side effects, including dehydration and what’s called “keto flu,” a feeling of lethargy, brain fog, and nausea. The bottom line. The Keto diet is great for quick weight loss and balancing insulin, but it’s generally not a life-long eating plan.

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This plan involves cycling between periods of eating and fasting. The most popular approach, called the 16/8 plan, limits eating to an eight-hour window. So, for example, you’d finish eating at 8 p.m., and then have your next meal at noon the following day. Other plans avoid food for one or two days a week, while eating normally on the remaining days. Some studies show that intermittent fasting can promote weight loss, decrease insulin resistance, improve metabolic health, protect against disease, and possibly increase longevity. What you eat. Generally, whatever you want. There are no caloric recommendations, nor any restrictions on the kind of food you eat. In reality, most people who follow this plan focus on healthy foods. What’s good. It’s relatively easy to follow, and allows for the consumption of a wide variety of healthy foods. It’s also extremely flexible, unlike other diets, and can accommodate specific eating plans including vegan, vegetarian, low-carb, and diets based around allergies or food sensitivities, What’s bad. Because there are no guidelines, you may be tempted to overeat or binge on unhealthy foods—especially if you haven’t eaten for 16 hours. It’s also easy to get dehydrated. The bottom line. You can use Intermittent Fasting on a regular basis, but only if you don’t have trouble sticking to a healthy eating plan.


Designed to create an alkaline state in the body, this diet—recently popularized by Patriots quarterback Tom Brady—avoids high-acid foods and encourages the consumption of alkaline foods. The goal of the Alkaline Diet is to promote optimal pH of blood and cellular fluids—around 7.2 to 7.4, or slightly alkaline. It’s thought that chronically acidic blood leads to weight gain and a variety of health issues, and that an alkaline diet can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s, osteoporosis, kidney disease, joint inflammation, rheumatoid arthritis, and even cancer. What you eat. Fruits, vegetables, and some nuts, legumes, and grains are considered alkaline in varying degrees. The diet avoids high-acid foods such as meat, dairy, eggs, fish, sugar, alcohol, processed foods, and grains including wheat, white rice,

and rye. Generally, about 80 percent of the diet should be alkalizing foods, with 20 percent acid-forming. What’s good. The diet focuses on whole foods and includes ample amounts of vegetables and fruits, as well as specific nuts, grains, and legumes, all of which have been shown to promote health and reduce the risk of disease. It doesn’t eliminate entire food groups, and is flexible enough for vegans or vegetarians. What’s bad. It’s complicated to follow. You’ll generally need some kind of chart or reference to figure out which foods are acidic and which are alkaline, and even experts on the topic may disagree. It also tends to be low in protein. The bottom line. If you make sure that you’re getting enough protein, and can get used to following charts and lists, the Alkaline Diet can be a long-term eating plan.


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Based on the principles of the Paleo diet, the Whole30 goes one step further and restricts the diet to whole, unprocessed foods for 30 days. The goal is not only to lose weight, but also to address health issues, especially digestive issues, gut problems, inflammation, and chronic pain. There’s no calorie counting, and the creators of the diet recommend that followers avoid weighing or measuring themselves during the 30 days. What you eat. The Whole30 focuses on moderate portions of meat, seafood, and eggs, lots of vegetables, small servings of fruits, and healthy, unprocessed fats such as nuts, avocados, and olive oil. Sugar of any kind—including honey, coconut sugar, or maple syrup, which are generally allowed on the Paleo diet—is prohibited. Grains, legumes, dairy, alcohol, and processed foods (including “Paleo-friendly” snacks) are also avoided. What’s good. The diet includes a variety of high-fiber, antioxidant-rich vegetables shown to reduce the risk of many diseases. Because it avoids sugars and processed foods, it can help curb cravings, break processed-food habits, promote weight loss, and balance insulin levels. The variety of foods makes it somewhat easier to follow than the Keto or other more restrictive diets. What’s bad. Beans and legumes, shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer, and other diseases, are eliminated. Dairy—which has been linked in many studies to reduced waist circumference and protection against disease—is eliminated. And there are no restrictions on saturated fats. The bottom line. The Whole30 is a great jump start for 30 days, but if followed to the letter, it’s probably not a life-long plan.


A blend of two clinically proven diets—the Mediterranean Diet and the DASH Diet—this plan was developed by a nutritional epidemiologist to protect the brain and reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline. Some studies show that it can reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s by up to 53 percent. Though the MIND Diet wasn’t designed for weight loss, it’s possible you’ll lose weight because it avoids sugar, fried foods, and processed foods. What you eat. The diet focuses on 10 brain-healthy food groups—leafy greens, other vegetables, berries, nuts, olive oil, whole grains, legumes, fish, poultry, and wine—and avoids red meat, butter and margarine, sugary foods, fried foods, and fast food. Eggs, dairy, and fruits besides berries are neither included nor excluded, though the authors recommend that if you do eat dairy, stick with low-fat versions.

What’s good. Because the MIND Diet emphasizes leafy greens, vegetables, and legumes, it’s high in fiber, antioxidants, and other compounds shown to prevent disease. It’s also flexible enough that vegans or people with specific food restrictions can follow it. What’s bad. The plan itself includes specific amounts of the 10 brain-healthy foods, so it involves a fair amount of planning and organization. And if you’re not a wine drinker, you’ll completely exclude one of the 10 groups. (The creators of the diet say that if you don’t currently drink alcohol, don’t start.) The bottom line. Once you get used to organizing and planning around the food groups, the MIND Diet can be followed indefinitely.

Lisa Turner is a chef, food writer, product developer, and nutrition coach in Boulder, Colo. She has more than 20 years of experience in researching and writing about nourishing foods, and coaching people toward healthier eating habits. Find her at


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Product Spotlights Essential Formulas Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics Last spring, news organizations around the world (including Forbes and Yahoo! News) reported on the recommendation by Meghan, Duchess of Sussex (the former Meghan Markle) of Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics as her must-have travel companion. She stated that the “dynamic duo” of Dr. Ohhira’s and water kept her healthy and helped her avoid jet lag during her extensive travels.

Nature’s Answer Sambucus Mega Gummies 7X Nature’s Answer Sambucus Mega Gummies 7X support a healthy immune system while boasting 40 grams of fresh black elderberries per gummie! This gummie stands above the rest by packing in seven times the concentration of elderberry than the competition. Gluten-free, vegan, and alcohol-free, this is the gummie you can trust.

Solgar Spoonfuls Solgar Spoonfuls make it easy to add a plant-based source of protein to your diet every day. Three small scoops throughout your day gives you 20 grams of protein plus whole-food and plant-based concentrates, nutrients, and a rich complement of essential vitamins. With Spoonfuls, you can take your protein your way.

Frangiosa Farms Colorado Hemp Honey Sticks Portable, convenient, and packed full of the world’s sweetest hemp supplement. Full-spectrum hemp extract, pure raw honey, and organic essential oils combine to create four unique flavors to engage the senses and the endocannabinoid system. Created at the foot of the Rocky Mountains by beekeepers and hemp farmers. Colorado Hemp Honey—bee calm, bee rested, bee happy!

Wakunaga Kyolic Curcumin is the key antioxidant in the spice turmeric, long used for its powerful phenolic antioxidant benefits. Kyolic Curcumin contains Aged Garlic Extract and Meriva Turmeric Complex, designed to provide powerful and natural support for healthy inflammation response, joint function, colon and liver health, cardiovascular benefit, and more.

Quantum Health Macula 30+ Macula 30+ was formulated by the world’s leading expert in eye health nutrition to help promote macular health as you age. In addition to fortifying the macula, this formula also supports healthy visual performance, which includes the ability to see in low light and the ability to recover from glare.


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Green Up Your New Year These powerhouse vegetables are packed with nutrients and easy to add to your diet ///BY MELISSA DIANE SMITH

: It’s the beginning of a new year, and I know I should eat more vegetables. Unfortunately,

Melissa Diane Smith is an internationally known journalist and holistic nutritionist who has more than 20 years of clinical nutrition experience and specializes in using food as medicine. She is the cutting-edge author of Going Against GMOs, Going Against the Grain, and Gluten Free Throughout the Year, and the coauthor of Syndrome X. To learn about her books, long-distance consultations, nutrition coaching programs, or speaking, visit her websites: and

I don’t know what to do with many vegetables, especially dark green leafy vegetables, which are supposed to be so packed with nutrients. Can you provide some ideas?

—Michelle N., Dallas


Without a doubt, encouraging clients to eat fewer grains and more vegetables is the most common advice I give in my counseling practice. It’s also true that many people who aren’t used to eating many vegetables are intimidated by incorporating dark leafy greens into their diet. But it’s easier than you think. Eating greens actually is a New Year’s tradition for many people. The custom developed not for health reasons but for financial good luck, because greens resemble money, specifically folding money. In Germany, there’s a tradition of eating green cabbage in the form of sauerkraut or stuffed cabbage leaves on New Year’s Day to bring an abundance of money. Other people who adopted the custom swapped cabbage for other greens that they preferred or that grew in their area. In the American South, many people eat black-eyed peas and greens on New Year’s Day. Regardless of whether they’ll bring you good luck, greens are nutritional powerhouses filled with vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. They are also rich in chlorophyll, which alkalinizes the


blood, and fiber, which keeps the colon healthy. The current USDA Food Pyramid recommendation is that adults should consume about 3 cups of dark green vegetables per week, but many nutritional experts think that is much too low.

There are three main categories of dark green leafy vegetables: lettuces, spinach and Swiss chard, and cruciferous leafy greens. Here’s a rundown on how to use them.

Did You Know?

Ancient Egyptians and Romans considered arugula to be an aphrodisiac.

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Lettuces Dark green lettuces include romaine, green leaf, and butterhead. These nutrientdense leaves are easily incorporated into the diet by making raw salads. If you’re accustomed to eating salads made of iceberg lettuce, start “greening up” your diet by mixing in one of these darker lettuces, and gradually add more and more dark green lettuce each week. If you already eat salads made with dark green lettuce, you can boost the nutritional status of your salads by adding nutrient-rich carrots, red onions, cucumbers, and/or other greens such as spinach or kale.


* *

chopped kale, collards, chard, or spinach—to chicken soup. Simmer until the greens are tender, 3–10 minutes (depending on which kind of green you’re using). Make BEANS & GREENS. Soak beans and cook them until they’re done, then add sautéed onion, garlic, and raw greens of your choice; stir and cook until the greens wilt. This same comb0 of veggies can be added to cooked brown rice or quinoa. If you prefer to eat kale in the form of a tasty snack food, try kale chips. Organic brands that you can find in most health food stores include Rhythm Superfoods Kale Chips, Brad’s Crunchy Kale, and Made in Nature Kale Chips. [Editor’s note: See our recipe for Crunchy Sunflower-Kale Chips on]

Spinach and Swiss Chard Spinach and Swiss chard are leafy greens in the amaranth family. Both are rich in iron, which is needed to make the hemoglobin that transfers oxygen in the blood from the lungs to the tissues. These leaves are very versatile: You can include them in raw salads; chop, season, and sauté them alone or with pieces of poultry or meat; or add them to egg scrambles. Try making Filet of Sole Florentine. With spinach, onions, and olive oil, it’s a delicious way to enjoy a mild fish.

Cruciferous Leafy Greens Kale, collard greens, cabbage, bok choy, broccoli, and arugula are cruciferous vegetables that belong to the Brassicaceae family of plants. Cruciferous vegetables are packed with sulfur-containing compounds known as glucosinolates, which have been shown to have cancer-fighting properties. They have also been linked to a long list of health benefits, including increased weight loss and improved heart health. Cruciferous vegetables are not only low in calories, they’re high in fiber, which promotes satiety and wards off cravings. One study published in PLoS One in 2015 found that each serving of cruciferous vegetables was associated with 0.68 pounds of weight loss over a two-year period. Despite the health benefits of cruciferous vegetables, the digestion of raw cruciferous vegetables in the intestines releases goi-

trogens, which can increase the need for iodine, and in excess, can cause damage to the thyroid. If you have thyroid problems, you might want to err on the side of caution and eat only cruciferous vegetables that have been cooked. Here is a quick rundown of easy-touse cruciferous vegetables: Arugula—The sharp flavor of this peppery salad green makes it a great standalone option with a vinaigrette dressing. You also can chop and sauté arugula just like spinach. Or steam it on top of cooked eggs. Bok Choy—Nothing says Chinese stir-fry quite as much as adding baby bok choy leaves to a wok with other vegetables and tamari sauce or coconut aminos, then stir-frying until tender. If you buy large bok choy, rip the leaves from the stems, chop the stems in small pieces, stir-fry them first until they’re done, then toss in the leaves. Broccoli—The easiest way to prepare broccoli is to steam it until tender, then top it with butter, coconut or avocado oil, and salt and pepper. Or you can add shredded cheese on top. Cabbage—Stuffed cabbage leaves with meat and rice is a traditional New Year’s

meal for some. Or make a Chinese stir-fry with Napa cabbage and bok choy, chicken or meat, garlic, and tamari. Another great way to use green cabbage or green and red cabbage is to make cole slaw. Try it with olive oil, lime juice, cilantro leaves, and avocado in place of mayonnaise. Collard Greens and Kale—The most common way to use collard greens and a variety of different types of kale is to tear the leaves, discard the stems, and sauté the leaves in oil with garlic, salt, and pepper. You also can add a bit of chicken or vegetable stock for extra flavor, and add chicken or beef pieces to turn the side dish into a meal. Or make a nest of sautéed greens, then crack two eggs on top, and cover the eggs to steam them until they’re done to your liking. The easiest type of kale to use in salads is dinosaur kale, also known as Tuscan or lacinato kale, which is more tender and less bitter than curly kale. Massage a dressing of olive oil, salt, and lemon juice or orange juice into lacinato kale leaves, add some dried cranberries, and allow the greens to macerate on the counter for at least an hour. Mix in chopped orange pieces before serving.

Do you have a question for the nutritionist? We would love to hear from you. Please email your questions to


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Heal Your Liver

Keep your body’s most important detoxification pathways in top shape with these liver-supportive veggies and herbs ///BY LISA TURNER

➊ Artichokes are rich in cyanarin, chlorogenic acid, and other compounds that boost the liver's detox pathways, protect against oxidative stress, and reduce the risk of liver damage. It's also high in inulin, which helps stimulate components of the immune system. TRY THIS: Steam whole artichokes and serve them with warm olive oil infused with rosemary and garlic; toss chopped artichoke hearts with cannellini beans, black olives, roasted red peppers, and baby arugula; quarter baby artichokes, grill until tender, and toss with a dressing of minced shallots, grapefruit juice, and olive oil. ➋ Coffee reduces inflammation and protects against fatty liver disease and inflammation. Studies show that drinking coffee lowers the risk of cirrhosis, a condition marked by scarring of the liver, even in people with chronic liver disease. It may also protect against liver cancer and reduce mortality in people with chronic liver disease. TRY THIS: Blend cooled espresso with vanilla Greek yogurt, freeze in an ice cream maker, and top with shaved chocolate; simmer coconut milk with ginger, turmeric, and honey, then strain and add to brewed coffee; mix instant espresso powder, brown sugar, chipotle powder, garlic powder, and brown sugar, and use as a rub for grilled salmon.


➌ Broccoli sprouts, like all cruciferous vegetables, are rich in sulforaphane and other compounds that boost detoxification and protect the liver from damage. In one study, men with fatty liver disease who took broccoli sprout extract showed improved liver enzyme levels and decreased oxidative stress. TRY THIS: Toss broccoli sprouts with sliced red onion, pomegranate seeds, walnuts, feta cheese, and olive oil; roll broccoli sprouts, avocado, carrots, cucumbers, and cooked brown rice into sheets of nori for quick veggie sushi; sauté shallots and wild mushrooms in olive oil and garlic, add broccoli sprouts to warm, and toss with pasta.

cirrhosis and hepatic fibrosis, the development of excessive connective tissue in the liver. Naringin also helps the liver's ability to metabolize alcohol and protects against some of its damaging effects. TRY THIS: Toss grapefruit sections with cubed avocado, frisse, pomegranate seeds, and pistachios; combine chopped grapefruit sections with minced red pepper, red onions, jalapeno peppers, cilantro, and lime juice for a zesty salsa; cut grapefruits into wedges, including skin, toss with sliced fennel and olive oil, and roast until tender.

has traditionally been used as a remedy to activate liver enzymes and increase bile, which helps the liver's detox function. It's high in betalains and other compounds that have been shown to reduce inflammation, protect against oxidative stress, and reduce the risk of liver damage. TRY THIS: Juice whole beets, ginger, carrots, and green apples for an uplifting morning beverage; combine beet juice, grapefruit juice, lime juice, and sparkling water, and garnish with lime wedges; simmer beet juice with honey, rosemary sprigs and balsamic vinegar, and use as a glaze or dressing.

➏ Green tea is high in catechins, antioxidants that improve blood markers of liver health, boost liver enzyme levels, and protect against oxidative stress and fat deposits in the liver. Some studies suggest that green tea also reduces the risk of liver cancer. Because some studies suggest that concentrated green tea supplements can increase the risk of liver damage, it's best to drink it in its natural form. TRY THIS: Cook brown rice and dried mushrooms in a broth of strong brewed green tea, tamari, and ginger; combine matcha green tea powder with minced garlic, ginger, sesame oil, and rice vinegar for a robust Asian dressing; purée cooled green tea with cucumbers, baby spinach, and honey for a refreshing beverage.

➎ Grapefruit is packed with naringenin and naringin, antioxidants that protect the liver by reducing inflammation and preventing oxidative damage. Some studies have shown that naringenin and naringin may help reduce the risk of

➐ Blueberries are rich in anthocyanins, antioxidants that reduce inflammation and protect the liver from oxidative stress. Some studies suggest that blueberries, as well as cranberries, protect against liver damage and reduce the risk of fibrosis.

➍ Beet juice


After a long holiday season with too much sugar, fat, and heavy drinking, your liver may need a little care. Try these seven foods, shown to help strengthen the liver, improve its cleansing processes, and protect it from damage.

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Broccoli Sprout Salad with Matcha-Ginger Vinaigrette Serves 4

This Asian-inspired salad is loaded with sulforaphane, catechins and other compounds that boost detoxification and protect the liver from damage. Adjust the matcha powder in the vinaigrette to taste; we used the full amount for the most robust flavor and added liver protection. If you can't find goji berries, swap cranberries instead.


3 Tbs. rice vinegar 1 Tbs. honey 1 Tbs. finely chopped peeled ginger root 2 garlic cloves, finely minced 2–3 tsp. matcha green tea powder 2 tsp. tamari 4 Tbs. light (not toasted) sesame oil 2 cups packed broccoli sprouts 2 cups packed baby spinach leaves, shredded or chopped small

TRY THIS: Simmer mashed blueberries with minced onion and sprigs of fresh thyme, then purée for a savory jam; toss blueberries

1 medium carrot, cut into thin matchsticks 1 small celery stalk, very thinly sliced on the diagonal ½ small red onion, thinly sliced ½ cup sugar snap peas, thinly sliced on the diagonal ¼ cup toasted cashews ¼ cup goji berries 2 Tbs. black sesame seeds

with just enough dressing to lightly coat, and toss to mix well. Add cashews, goji berries, and black sesame seeds, and toss to combine. Divide salad between four bowls, and serve immediately. Per serving: 300 cal; 9g prot; 21g total fat (3 sat fat); 19g carb; 0mg chol; 220mg sod; 4g fiber; 12g sugar

1. In small bowl, whisk together rice

vinegar, honey, ginger, garlic, matcha powder, and tamari until well blended. Whisk in sesame oil. Season to taste with salt and white pepper. Set aside.

2. In medium bowl, combine broccoli

sprouts, baby spinach, carrots, celery, red onion, and sugar snap peas. Drizzle salad

with chopped kale, dried cranberries, edamame, red onion, cashews, and quinoa, and drizzle with olive oil; combine

blueberries, Greek yogurt, and chia seeds, then refrigerate overnight and top with chopped pecans for a fast breakfast bowl.

Lisa Turner is a chef, food writer, product developer, and nutrition coach in Boulder, Colo. She has more than 20 years of experience in researching and writing about nourishing foods, and coaching people toward healthier eating habits. Find her at


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Magnificent Minestrone Warm up those cold winter nights with this hearty, healthy classic /// BY JONNY BOWDEN, PHD, CNS, AND JEANNETTE BESSINGER, CHHC

food groups on the planet: vegetables and legumes. There’s no real traditional recipe for minestrone—you can skip the pasta for a gluten-free version, or skip the rice for a low-carb version. You can lose the bone or chicken broth and make a vegan version, or stir in a chopped, cooked pastureraised chicken breast for a heartier meal.


Minestrone is one of those traditional, rich, nutrient-laden soups that’s been co-opted by the food industry and turned into a staple that you can find in a can at any store in America. But the problem is, none of them taste—or deliver—like the real thing. Chef’s recipe, on the other hand, is the real thing. And once you’ve tasted it, you’ll never look at canned soup the same way again. So why is minestrone such a nutritional bonanza? Because it’s made with some of the healthiest


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You can doctor it up any way you like, but the core ingredients are at the top of everybody’s healthy foods list. Take carrots, for example, which continue to suffer from an undeserved reputation for being high in sugar (they’re actually not). What they are high in is carotenoids, antioxidant compounds associated with a wide range of health benefits. You’ve undoubtedly heard good things about beta-carotene, but that’s only one of about 500 members of the carotenoid family, and some research suggests that the other carotenoids may be even more important. Celery suffers from Rodney Dangerfield syndrome–it don’t get no respect, but it should. It’s been recommended in traditional Chinese medicine for high blood pressure for centuries, and experimental evidence has confirmed its usefulness. Mark C. Houston, MD, director of The Hypertension Institute and Vascular Biology at St. Thomas Hospital in Nashville, puts celery at the top of his list of foods for high blood pressure. And don’t get me started on the health benefits of beans. They’re one of the best sources of dietary fiber, and most of us aren’t close to getting enough fiber from our diets. High-fiber diets are associated with all kinds of good stuff, including lower risks of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and obesity. If you really want to go nuts with this soup—in terms of getting every single drop of nutritional benefit possible—use a quality bone broth such as Vital Choice. If you make your own, use only bones from 100% grass-fed beef and 100% pasture-raised chickens. The extra effort is worth it. Chef did use potatoes for this recipe, which are perfectly fine as a starch source, and, combined with all other ingredients (almost all of which are low-glycemic) shouldn’t really do anything significant to your blood sugar. But you could drop the potatoes if you were trying for a more ketofriendly version of this soup.

Hearty Minestrone Serves 6

1. Heat oil in soup pot over medium heat.

This nourishing, warming soup is the very definition of “nutrient-dense”—it provides a ton of nutrition and takes up a lot of space in the tummy (making it very filling), but has an incredibly low amount of calories. It’s also simplicity itself to make, which sets it apart from many soup recipes.

2. When soup starts to simmer, reduce

Add leeks, and cook until they start to soften, about 6 minutes. Add garlic, celery, and carrots, and cook 5 minutes more, turning occasionally. Add broth, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, salt, and pepper, and increase heat to high.

heat to low, and stir in the tomato paste. 3 Tbs. olive oil Squeeze lemon into the soup, drop 1 large leek, well rinsed and chopped it in, and add Parmesan rind, if using. 4 cloves garlic, minced Cover, and cook about 20 minutes, 2 stalks celery, chopped until vegetables are soft. 2 medium carrots, chopped into rounds 3. Remove and discard the lemon half 1 medium Yukon Gold potato, unpeeled and cheese rind. Taste soup, and season and chopped into bite-sized pieces with more salt, pepper, lemon juice, or 1 quart low-sodium chicken bone broth tomato paste, if desired. Stir in corn and or vegetable broth spinach, and remove from heat. Cool 2 cans diced tomatoes, undrained slightly before serving. 1 15-oz. can great northern or cannellini Per serving: 2180 cal; 13g prot; 9g total fat beans, drained and rinsed (1.5g sat fat); 42g carb; 0mg chol; 1010mg sod; ¾ tsp. sea salt 9g fiber; 8g sugar ¾ tsp. coarse ground black pepper 2 Tbs. tomato paste ½ lemon 1 2-inch square Parmesan cheese rind, optional NOTES FROM THE CLEAN FOOD COACH 1 cup frozen corn I love this soup with a swirl of pesto stirred in just before 1 cup frozen spinach serving. You can always buy a premade pesto to save time, but it’s easy enough to make your own. Just combine 2 Tbs. pine nuts, 1 cup basil leaves, and 2 Tbs. sundried tomatoes in their oil in a food processor, and pulse to break up. Add 1–3 Tbs. extra virgin olive oil plus sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste, and continue to pulse to desired consistency. Enjoy a spoonful with each bowl of minestrone. You can use any extra to top baked chicken thighs or white fish right after cooking.



Leeks are a member of the allium family, which includes health foods such as onions, shallots, and garlic. In fact, you can think of a leek as a sweet version of an onion. They contain a whole pharmacy of healthboosting components, including key sulfur compounds. The active substances in leeks provide protection against some cancers. They also help block the reactions of hormones and chemical pathways within the body that promote cancer. Plus, regular consumption of allium vegetables is associated with a reduced risk of both prostate and colon cancer. Leeks are also a good source of two of the most important carotenoids for eye health, lutein and zeaxanthin. One 54-calorie leek contains 1,691 mcg of these two superstar nutrients, which are currently the subject of extensive research for their ability to prevent macular degeneration, the No. 1 cause of blindness in adults. Leeks are also packed with fiber, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin K, and more than 1,400 IUs of vitamin A.


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Easy-to-Love Lemon Bars With zero calories, erythritol makes the perfect alternative to sugar in almost any recipe—give it a try with these tempting lemon bars!

Makes 24 bars These fragrant lemon bars are wonderful eaten on the day they are made, to get the real zingy lemon hit. You can also experiment with other flavors— try them with lime juice and zest, grapefruit, blood orange, or even passionfruit. Recipe adapted from Baking Without Sugar by Sophie Mitchell.

1 cup coconut flour ⅔ cup cashew butter ½ cup butter Juice of ½ lemon Zest of 1 lemon 1 tsp. vanilla extract Zest of 2 lemons and juice of 6 lemons 1 cup erythritol (use NOW Foods brand) 6 eggs 3 Tbs. corn starch Erythritol to dust (approx. 2 tsp.)


1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Mix coconut

flour, cashew butter, butter, lemon zest, lemon juice, and vanilla together in medium bowl.

2. Line baking tray with parchment paper and carefully press mix into bottom; spread as evenly as possible, and prick all over with fork.

4. For the filling: In a large bowl, whisk

together lemon zest, lemon juice, erythritol, eggs, and corn starch until well- combined and lump-free. Pour r’s pick mix carefully over base, and return o t i d e to oven for 20 minutes, or until just set and a little wobbly.

5. Remove and cool

completely before cutting into bars. Sprinkle with erythritol, if desired.

3. Cook about 15 minutes,

until golden and cooked through. Reduce heat to 325°F. Remove tray and cool completely.



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Per bar: 120 cal; 3g prot; 9g total fat (4g sat fat); 15g carb; 55mg chol; 80mg sod; 2g fiber; 1g sugar


Sugar-Free Luscious Lemon Bars

• JANUARY 2019

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