Betternutrition november2017

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the connection between BLOOD SUGAR & PMS /// CBD OIL: how it eases anxiety & much more






WINNER winners!









editor’sNOTE YO U R G U I D E T O N AT U R A L L I V I N G

Stiff Competition November is our annual Best of Supplements Awards issue, which has become a ritual at the magazine for almost a decade (next year will be 10 years!). Better Nutrition was founded with the intention of helping people find natural ways to get and stay healthy—and nutritional supplements are a big part of that. The supplement world is changing—fast. There are more products on store shelves than ever before. How do you pick? This guide can help you cut through the noise and easily find high-quality products. We reviewed hundreds of supplements for this issue—from herbal formulas to protein powders to multivitamin gummies—and selected the winners based on clinical research, types of ingredients, and manufacturing processes, among other criteria. The biggest change in supplements is a growing focus on cleaner ingredients, social responsibility, and transparency, which involves labeling every step of a product’s life cycle. Here are a few examples of certifications that reflect these higher standards:

COMING NEXT MONTH 31 Days of Giveaways Here’s your opportunity to win healthy gifts every day in December.

Coconut Oil Q&A Does coconut oil raise cholesterol? Can it help you lose weight? Is it better than butter? We’ve got the answers to these and other pressing questions.

Probiotics Update Hear about new research, new uses, and new strains of these beneficial bacteria.

contain genetically modified organisms. USDA Organic: all ingredients have been certified organic by a USDA-qualified organization (third-party), and they are also free of GMOs. B Corp: a prestigious certification that recognizes manufacturers meeting rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency.

Web Exclusive Recipe!

You’ll find these and other certifications on product labels. To simplify these designations, we’ve created an infographic on the topic; go to to check it out! In the meantime, turn to p. 43 to see which products made our list of favorites this year.

Holiday Sweet Potato Cranberry Cupcakes These little gems are made using Color Kitchen natural food dyes.


Contributing Writers Jeannette Bessinger, CHHC, Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, Emily A. Kane, ND, LAc, Melissa Diane Smith, Lisa Turner, Neil Zevnik

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* Non-GMO: this means that none of the ingredients *

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BETTER NUTRITION, ISSN #0405-668X. Vol. 79, No. 11. Published monthly by Cruz Bay Publishing, an Active Interest Media company. 5720 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, CO 80301; 303-253-6300; fax 303-443-9757. © 2017 Cruz Bay Publishing. All rights reserved. Mechanical requirements and circulation listed in Standard Rate and Data Service. The opinions expressed by the columnists and contributors to BETTER NUTRITION, are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. Fraudulent or objectionable advertising is not knowingly accepted. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertising and for any claims arising therefrom. Articles appearing in BETTER NUTRITION may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the publisher. Microfilm copies of BETTER NUTRITION, are available from University Microfilms, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use of specific clients is granted by Cruz Bay Publishing, provided that the base fee of US $2.25 per copy, per page is paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923 USA. The fee code for users of this Transactional Reporting Service is 0405-668X/1999 $2.25. For those organizations that have been granted a photocopying license by CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged. Prior to photocopying items for educational classroom use, please contact CCC at 508-750-8400. Organizations or individuals with large quantity photocopy or reprint requirements should call 770-988-9991.


trendWATCH SUSTAINABLE FARMING BRIDGES CULTURAL DIVIDES A University of Kansas researcher who interviewed farmers using sustainable methods found that common interests in providing food to local communities unite people, despite differences in ideologies and cultures. “Many of the farmers I talked to expressed being surprised at the relationships they built with people who were so different than them,” said researcher Ruth Stamper, graduate research assistant, who presented her findings at the American Sociological Association’s annual meeting in Montreal. Farmers interviewed included multi-generational farm owners and recent city transplants with very different personal beliefs.

84% Firms, tightens and strengthens the skin for a smooth, radiant complexion.

Although eating at least five servings of vegetables and fruits per day is a widely accepted health recommendation, 84 percent of Americans don’t do it, and nearly four in 10 eat less than two servings. That’s the finding of an online survey of nearly 600 people by ReportLinker.


EYE AND BRAIN SUPERSTAR Already known as a healthy fat, avocado has even more to offer. Research at Tufts University near Boston has found that it’s an especially bioavailable source of lutein, a necessary nutrient for eye and brain health. A high concentration of lutein in the macula of the eye helps to prevent age-related macular degeneration, a leading cause of vision loss after age 60, and is a marker for the levels of lutein in the brain—higher is better. In the study, eating one avocado daily improved memory, attention, and problem solving. Compared to lutein supplements, a daily avocado more than doubled the concentration of lutein in the macula of the eye.


trendWATCH Reversing Muscle Loss

CARBS or FAT? Is it better to eat more carbs, in whole grains, or more fat? A new study, which examined more than 135,000 people from 18 countries, sheds some light on the question. Researchers tracked people between the ages of 35 and 70, for about 7 years. “Our findings do not support the current recommendation to limit total fat intake to less than 30 percent of energy and saturated fat intake to less than 10 percent of energy,” said Canadian study investigator Mahshid Dehghan, PhD. Rather, he suggested that about 35 percent of daily calories from fat may lead to a longer life. Study highlights include:

* People who ate the most carbs had a *

Blood Orange Serum with vitamin C stimulates, refreshes and vitalizes skin for a fresh and vibrant look.

28 percent higher risk of death. Compared to people who ate the least fat, those who ate the most were 23 percent less likely to die soon and 18 percent less likely to have a stroke.

probiotics for dandruff

Without regular resistance training, we lose muscle as we age. But certain nutrients can reverse the process, according to a Canadian study at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. A group of 49 healthy men with an average age of 73 took a combination of these supplements twice daily: 30 grams of whey protein, 2.5 grams of creatine, 500 IU of vitamin D, and 400 mg of calcium, as well as a once-daily fish oil supplement that contained 1,400 mg of EPA and 890 mg of DHA. After six weeks, they gained as much muscle as they would normally lose in a year (700 grams). For another six weeks, adding an exercise program to the supplement regimen improved muscle strength even further.

Bacteria live on our skin as well as in our gut, and probiotics can affect skin health, even on the scalp. A European study found that a specific strain of probiotics (Lactobacillus paracasei ST11, not currently available in the U.S.) significantly reduced dandruff in men when taken daily for two months. Other probiotics have not been tested for dandruff but could potentially help. Small studies and anecdotal evidence show that a combination of probiotics, available in many supplements, can help to treat acne.

trendWATCH the Passion behind the Product

Healthy Hues Entrepreneur Ashley Phelps and her company Color Kitchen are on a mission to bring a rainbow of wholesome, nontoxic colors to our favorite homemade confections ///By Neil Zevnik Altering the color of food to make it more appealing goes back as far as Egypt in 1500 B.C., where natural extracts and wine were used to punch up otherwise boring confections. By the 19th century, additives containing lead, mercury, and even arsenic were routinely used to enliven culinary offerings. In the 20th century, these noxious elements were replaced by dyes derived from coal tar and other synthetic processes. There is controversy over the effects and safety of these current colorants, with cogent arguments on both sides. But for those who prefer to err on the side of caution, especially when their children’s health may be at stake, there is a movement toward demonstrably safe and natural dyes that provide the requisite rainbow delights without the possible negative consequences.

The Person Enter Ashley Phelps and Color Kitchen. Trained as an artist, Phelps graduated from UCLA and moved to San Francisco, where she painted and exhibited, working professionally as a muralist and art teacher. Because she was chemically sensitive, she had a hard time working with solvents and paints that commonly

web exclusive! Visit for a delicious Holiday Sweet Potato Cupcake recipe made with nontoxic Color Kitchen food coloring.



contain formaldehyde as a preservative. Looking for gentler alternatives, she learned that even “nontoxic” children’s paints contained these chemicals, though they were labeled as safe. Then one day her Ethiopian landlord showed Phelps his house paint made of cactus, and it made her wonder if there was a way to make natural, chemicalfree alternatives for arts-and-crafts paints. After embarking on an enthusiastic quest for information about historical and current iterations of coloring agents, she developed a line of natural paints for kids, called Glob Colors, made from food-grade ingredients.

The Passion At this point, Ashley was hooked. Next up, she developed a natural food-dye kit for Easter eggs, and from there it was a short step to dyes for food coloring, as she came to realize that there was a distinct lack of natural choices in that sector of the market. And what could be more artistic than creating beautiful desserts? Thus was born Color Kitchen, offering artificial-dye-free, plant-based, vegan, gluten-free, non-GMO food colors. Phelps realized that baking and decorating, “tap into personal values of happiness, femininity, creativity, and love.” Creating colors that enabled health-conscious parents to allow their children previously

“I see my colors as bringing joy and happiness to health-conscious parents,” says Phelps, above.

forbidden treats became not only a creative endeavor, but also a way to restore a little magic to the kitchen. “I’m proud to have created a natural, plant-based solution, so parents can color a birthday cake and not worry about their child’s health. I see my colors as bringing joy and happiness to healthconscious parents and their children, so that celebrations can be enjoyed fully.” And her tasks don’t end with perfecting successful colors—those colors have to work in recipes for confections of all sorts. So developing and testing recipes is a necessary part of her repertoire, and one that she embraces with delight. For Ashley, it comes down to this: “Making the products is a creative process for me. And when I get feedback from parents that their child is no longer restricted from enjoying sweets because of the artificial dyes, it makes me happy. My mom was a nutritionist, and we weren’t allowed to eat candy or sugar, so I know what that feels like. No child should be denied birthday cake!”

Neil Zevnik is a private chef in Los Angeles who tends to the culinary needs of the rich and famous; blogs about food, nutrition, and the environment for The Huffington Post; and volunteers with marine mammal rescue whenever he can. Learn more at

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Simply Irresistible Our favorite new products this month include chewy coconut cookies, mushroom-infused coffee, and wrinkle-reducing facial serum Coconut Sweet Treats

Super Yummys CocoYummys Coconut Treats with dulce de leche (milk caramel) really live up to the “yummy” in their name. Perfect to keep around for the holidays, these melt-in-yourmouth sweet treats come in six irresistible flavors— Dark Chocolate (shown here), White Chocolate, Colombian Coffee, Goldenberry Superfruit, Yogurt Drizzle, and Red Berries Yogurt. They’re made with hormone-free and 85 percent lactose-free milk, and contain no gluten, GMOs, nuts, artificial colors, or flavors. Bonus: they’re individually wrapped, so you can take them anywhere—and you’ll definitely want to!

Peptide Power

Maximize Your Skin

Give yourself a spa experience every day by adding one of these collagen-infused antioxidant formulas to water or your favorite beverage. Country Life MAXI-Skin ZEN with L-theanine lets you sip your way to calm while feeding your skin with age-fighting nutrients. We love the deliciously refreshing Mandarin Orange and Chamomile flavor—great after a stressful day as it includes L-theanine, an amino acid with a relaxing effect. MAXI-Skin Vitality with B12, in a tasty Berry flavor, is perfect in the morning or as an afternoon rejuvenator, delivering the same skin-enhancing nutrients as ZEN while helping to boost energy with vitamin B12. Both feature Verisol Bioactive Collagen Peptides (type 1 and 3 collagen), clinically shown to enhance skin elasticity, increase skin collagen, and reduce depth of eye wrinkles.



This dynamic duo from Reviva Labs uses the power of peptides to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Peptide Facial Skin Prep contains seaweed and algae that bathe skin in minerals, stimulating cell energy. It’s also infused with hyaluronic acid, argireline, and DMAE to hydrate. Advanced Peptide Plus is a potent combination of peptides and antioxidants, including anti-aging alpha lipoic acid, vitamin C, DMAE, collagen, and elastin. Use together for best results.

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee … and Mushrooms

Upgrade your coffee moment with Four Sigmatic Mushroom Coffee with Cordyceps & Chaga. These two well-researched functional

mushrooms have been used for centuries in both Nordic and Asian traditions. Four Sigmatic uses organic cordyceps mushroom to support cellular energy, and wild-crafted chaga, making it your gut-friendly coffee option. This delicious premium instant coffee is organic, 100 percent arabica variety and is sourced from the highlands of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas in Mexico, under the canopy of shade trees in rich, volcanic soil. It comes in 10 individual packets, so all you have to do is add hot water. And in case you were wondering ... it doesn’t taste like mushrooms.

Bone Up

We all know calcium helps to build strong bones, but it doesn’t work in isolation. Hyalogic Bone Density Osteoblend delivers

optimum nutritional support for bones and joints in a comprehensive formula that has it all—in addition to calcium, it includes other key bone-supporters: magnesium, boron, and vitamin D3, plus joint-lubricating hyaluronic acid. Magnesium assists the body in adequately absorbing calcium. Similarly, vitamin D and calcium work synergistically to strengthen normal bone density. And boron works with magnesium, calcium, and vitamin D to help keep the skeletal structure healthy.

Did you know . . . almost HALF the population does not get enough magnesium from food?

Best-selling, multi-award-winning Natural Vitality’s Calm has been helping natural stress relief Supplementing may be the bestwith way to promote healthy and promoting better sleep for 35 years. magnesium levels and balance calcium intake. Th at’s where Natural Vitality’s comes This wasin. designed Natural Vitality’s CalmfulCalmŽ Sleep best-selling highly absorbable, water-soluble magnesium for times when you need a little extra help helps supportenough a sense ofrest. calm,We helps supportwith heartNatural and getting started bone health, and helps maintain healthy blood pressure. Vitality’s Calm and added magnesium glycinate, Natural Vitality’sŽCalm promotes healthy magnesium (a patented premium form of the Suntheanine levels to support hundreds of physical processes. relaxing amino acid L-theanine), calm-enhancing

GABA (a non-protein amino acid) and melatonin,

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checkOUT Did You Know?

Myth #2:

All adults should take 1,000–1,200 Soybeans are a good mg of daily calcium supplements source of dietary calThese amounts are recommended daily cium, with 175 mg per serving. calcium totals from both food and supplements: 1,000 up to age 50 and 1,200 mg after that. Supplements should be used to make up FOOD SOURCES OF CALCIUM any shortfall from SERVING SIZE CALCIUM CONTENT your diet. To get IN MILLIGRAMS (mg) a sense of how Collard greens, frozen 8 oz. 360 much calcium is in your food, see Ricotta, part-skim 4 oz. 335 “Food Sources of Sardines, canned with bones 3 oz. 325 Calcium,” right, Yogurt, plain, low-fat 6 oz. 310 and check labels. Milk or almond milk 8 oz. 300 Calcium is usually Cheddar cheese 1 oz. 205 listed as a percent of daily value Tofu, made with calcium 4 oz. 205 (%DV), meaning Broccoli rabe 8 oz. 200 a percent of 1,000 Kale, frozen 8 oz. 180 mg. For example, Salmon, canned with bones 3 oz. 180 10% is 100 mg, Soybeans, boiled 8 oz. 175 15% is 150 mg, 20% is 200 mg, Bok choy, cooked 8 oz. 160 and so on. Add Figs, dried 2 figs 65 up the calcium Broccoli, cooked 8 oz. 60 content of your Orange 1 whole 55 staples and, depending on Parmesan cheese 1 Tbs. 55 your age, subtract Source: National Osteoporosis Foundation from 1,000 or 1,200 to determine an appropriate supplement dose. Some studies have found that excess calcium from supplements may be bad for the heart or contribute to kidney Pure stones, so more isn’t always better.

product PICKS

Myth #3: Calcium must be taken at the same time as vitamin D Although vitamin D is essential for calcium to be used effectively, it doesn’t matter whether it’s taken at the same or another time of day. Your body will release an active form of vitamin D when needed, as long as you have adequate stores of the vitamin.

Essence Labs Ionic Fizz Calcium Plus

Nature’s Answer Plant Based Cal-Mag Solaray Calcium Citrate Complex with Vitamin D-3

Contributing editor Vera Tweed has been researching and writing about supplements, holistic nutrition, fitness, and other aspects of healthy living since 1997. She is the author of several books, including Hormone Harmony: How to Balance Insulin, Cortisol, Thyroid, Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone to Live Your Best Life.



Sugar Swings Keeping blood sugar stable is the key to many aspects of health—including your mood ///BY EMILY A. KANE, ND, LAc

Emily A. Kane, ND, LAc, has a private naturopathic practice in Juneau, Alaska, where she lives with her husband and daughter. She is the author of two books on natural health, including Managing Menopause Naturally. Visit her online at


I feel moody a lot, and it’s not just PMS. I also crave sweets. I think these are related! What can I do? —Jane P., Seattle


We’ve all heard the saying, “everything in moderation.” It may seem banal, but it’s actually sage advice. Humans work best with routines. Go to bed and arise at the same time; brush your teeth morning and night; set aside 30 minutes for exercise each day; and so on. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t be spontaneous from time to time, but a regular, stable routine can make all the difference in the world to your outlook, and your health. This is especially true of blood sugar— one of the most important aspects of our physiology that needs stability. The key is keeping track of blood sugar levels and how different foods affect them. Glucometers are widely available and inexpensive, though the test strips can be costly. A morning reading, after fasting overnight for 8 hours, should be under 100 ng/mL, but 75–90 is better. Below 60 suggests hypoglycemia, a different problem that requires professional support. More often, however, Americans carry a high blood sugar load, and we currently have an epidemic of diabetes in this country. Unfortunately, this is mostly due to the awful “food” we eat, especially processed grains (cereal, chips, pasta, crackers, donuts, bagels, white bread, cake, cupcakes), and poor-quality fats (found in everything from salad dressings to fried foods). After eating, it’s normal for blood sugar to rise, up to over 140. But 2 hours later (or 3 hours, later in pregnant women), blood sugar should return to below 140. Get in the habit of checking



your morning fasting glucose, writing results from eating too many carbs. it down, and rechecking 30 minutes This desensitizes the insulin receptors and 2 hours after every meal. in the body’s cells, a condition The morning and well-afterknown as insulin resistance, eating numbers should be which in turn keeps glucose below 100. The just-afterin the bloodstream instead The brain requires a eating number should of entering the cells. huge amount of glucose to function, which is not be above 160. If you Fasting insulin levels why studying hard get higher readings, see should be below 12, and often makes people hungry. a healthcare professional go no higher than 25–30 to diagnose the problem and after eating. Anything higher learn what do to about it.

Did You Know?

The Insulin Connection Insulin is produced in the pancreas, and eating triggers its release into the bloodstream. This delivers it to the body’s cells to make energy, sending a message to the brain that there’s plenty of fuel to keep everything running. Type 1 diabetes occurs when your pancreas can’t produce insulin, while type 2 diabetes usually



CBD Oil: Anxiety Aid & Much More This often misunderstood hemp extract may be a health miracle for many ///BY LISA TURNER You’ve probably heard of—and wondered about—CBD (cannabidiol), a constituent of the hemp plant that’s being used in everything from topical creams to daily supplement pills. And even though CBD has been used as a medicinal cure for thousands of years around the world, it’s still shrouded in mystery—and fears that it will make you high, or that it’s not safe for kids. Here’s what you need to know:

It comes from the hemp plant, which is in the same plant family as marijuana. But it’s different. “CBD is like marijuana’s non-psychoactive cousin,” says Alex Corren, founder and CEO of Hempower Nutrition, Inc., in Boulder, Colo. CBD is made from a type of hemp that’s very low in THC, the component that’s responsible for marijuana’s mindaltering effects. The hemp plant has been used for thousands of years for building materials, textiles, and food products such as hemp seed and hemp oil—which is not the same as CBD oil (more on that later).

to these receptors, but instead interacts with the endocannabinoid system.

It impacts a body system you probably didn’t know you had. CBD works by interacting with the endogenous cannabinoid system or endocannabinoid system (ECS), a collection of cell receptors that play a fundamental role in the function of the nervous and immune system. The human body produces its own endocannabinoids—the highest concentration is in mother’s milk. CBD works with the body’s own system, blocking or reducing the breakdown of naturally occurring endocannabinoids.

It’s safe. Unlike medical marijuana, which contains large amounts of THC, CBD products are not It’s not the same as psychotropic, meaning they hemp oil. CBD oil is don’t cause the euphoric different from hemp oil feeling associated with and hemp seeds found in marijuana. Most contain grocery and natural food Your body’s endocannabinoid system plays miniscule amounts (less stores. Hemp oil is derived a key role in nervous than 0.3 percent) and some only from hemp seeds, and and immune system function. are completely THC-free, does not contain appreciable Corren says. CBD won’t impact amounts of cannabidiol; CBD drug tests, and it’s safe enough for products, on the other hand, are children. In fact, CBD came to national made from the whole plant, not just the prominence with the discovery of its seeds. There are thousands of varieties ability to halt seizures in children with of hemp, and the cultivars used for CBD oil contain significantly higher drug-resistant epilepsy. And while both THC and CBD are considered phytocanconcentrations of cannabidiol. nabinoids, they interact with the body in very different ways. THC works by It’s legal—sort of. CBD is legal, directly binding to cannabinoid receptors but because of issues related to 1 and 2 (CB1 and CB2). CBD doesn’t bind growing hemp, the production process

Did You Know?



exists in a regulatory gray area. Growing hemp in the U.S. for commercial purposes is prohibited, and is restricted to research and pilot projects. So hemp that’s used to make CBD products (as well as hemp oil, hemp seeds, and hemp clothing) in the United States is usually imported from other countries—primarily Eastern Europe, where hemp has been grown for the past 40 years. However, because “pilot project” is a loosely regulated concept, Colorado and other states are increasingly beginning to cultivate hemp. CBD, at any rate, is legal in all 50 states.

It’s highly refined—in a good way. The hemp extract used to make CBD oil comes from cultivars that are already higher in cannabidiol. To further concentrate the active components, that material goes through a solvent-free extraction process that involves CO2 or other methods, in a manner similar to the production of essential oils. The extracted oil is then tested for contaminants and toxins such as heavy metals, as well as for cannabinoid content.


It really works. Studies are proving the ability of CBD to stop seizures, calm anxiety, reduce inflammation, ease depression, and soothe chronic pain. “CBD has the potential to be the most important wellness ingredient in the last 50 years,” says Corren. “CBD is important for nervous and immune function, and in the same way probiotics aren’t just for people suffering from digestive disorders, CBD is not just for sick or hurting people. It’s for anyone who wants to be proactive about their long-term health.”



reports from CBD users) have confirmed that CBD is effective in reducing the frequency and severity of seizures in both children and adults.

number of studies have shown that CBD can protect the heart by lowering blood pressure and reducing damage caused by heart attacks and strokes.

ARTHRITIS. CBD is a power-


ful anti-inflammatory and can reduce symptoms of arthritis and other inflammatory diseases, without side effects. It’s effective both orally and topically.

antidepressant activities within minutes of consumption, possibly by impacting levels of serotonin, the brain’s feelgood chemical.

ANXIETY. A number of studies show that CBD can treat a wide range of anxiety issues, including general anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. CANCER. As an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, CBD can reduce the risk of cancer, and can slow or halt tumor growth in existing cancers.

Dosage guidelines: Effective doses vary widely, based on severity of symptoms and the balance or tone of an individual’s endocannabinoid system. Generally, though, doses start at 5 mg and may go as high as 200 mg. Start small, and increase dosage gradually, dividing the total amount into multiple doses if that is effective, until you find what’s right for you.

Lisa Turner, CNC, is a chef, food writer, product developer, and nutrition coach in Boulder, Colo. She has more than 20 years of experience in researching and writing about clean, nourishing foods and coaching people toward healthier eating habits. Find her at

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Beauty Secrets of the Desert Hold back the sands of time with these exotic ingredients /// BY SHERRIE STRAUSFOGEL

The plants that mysteriously thrive in the desert have evolved and adapted to extreme temperatures and dryness in order to survive. These resilient properties make them rich in hydrating ingredients and protective antioxidants, ideal ingredients for healing skin, hair, and scalp products. “The plants that thrive in the Sonoran Desert, in particular, are prickly, gnarly, and tough, but this is exactly what makes them so ideal for skincare,” says Christina Mahar, founder of Sia Botanics, based in Tucson, Ariz. “In order to survive the extreme temperature changes of the Sonoran Desert, which range from well below freezing to well above 120 degrees, the plants in this region have created adaptations. These include super-concentrated nutrients, strong sun protection, phenomenal antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities, and a perfect balance of trace minerals to hold moisture in and maintain cellular health. “The balance of trace minerals inside and outside of a skin cell is what keeps the cell wall from heating and deteriorating. A cool cell is round and plump. Many misshapen cells equal wrinkling, lines, and loss of elasticity. One of the reasons that cacti live for thousands of years is



because of this trace mineral balance and the slowing of cell deterioration.” Desert-dwellers with distinctive beautifying benefits include:

Prickly Pear Cactus The superior antioxidant and hydrating properties of this plant help prevent fine lines and wrinkles. According to Mahar, “The fruit from this cactus contains the highest levels of betelains of any plant on earth. Betelain is a super antioxidant and anti-inflammatory that is responsible for its rich, deep fuchsia red and purple color. The red and purple tones of beets, pomegranates, açai, and cranberries come from this antioxidant, and are the reason they have such a healthy reputation.” TIP: “Prickly pear juice, which can be found in some health food stores, is a great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant drink for your skin and overall health, but don’t apply this juice directly to your face. The pH is very alkaline and will probably make you break out. This is one ingredient that you will want to buy blended into a skincare preparation,” says Mahar.

Jojoba Jojoba oil comes from the seeds of this desert plant, and is packed with antibacterial

and anti-inflammatory properties. Similar to the sebum that the body naturally produces, jojoba oil is light and absorbs quickly. “Jojoba doesn’t just hydrate, it also helps balance both oily and dry skin. Jojoba oil also has the highest concentration of squalene of any plant, which is extremely hydrating.” TIP: “Jojoba is expensive, and many companies only use a little jojoba and lots of cheaper oils in products that they label jojoba oil or jojoba cream. To get the full benefit, make sure that jojoba is the first oil listed in the ingredients,” notes Mahar.

Sage Sage has the ability to clarify skin, balance oil, and battle bacteria, all without drying your skin. “Many skin products for men contain sage because of its clean smell, plus it helps control ingrown hairs by increasing cellular turnover and controlling bacteria,” she says.

Aloe Vera Known for its ability to soothe and heal cuts and burns, as well as moisturize, aloe vera can be applied directly to the skin. “Pure aloe leaves a slightly tacky feel so this works best if you use it like a mask,” adds Mahar.


Mad Hippie Cream Cleanser moisturizes while removing impurities. Organic jojoba oil, orchid extract, organic macadamia oil, algae extract, and green tea clean, nourish, hydrate, repair, and protect normal to dry skin.


Earth Science Clarifying Herbal Astringent leaves oily skin feeling fresh and toned without disturbing its natural moisture balance. Extracts of sage, rosemary, and witch hazel help remove soap residue and trapped oil, while minimizing pores.


Desert Essence Organic Jojoba Oil for Hair, Skin & Scalp is a concentrated multi-tasker that penetrates quickly to quench dry skin without leaving an oily residue. Use to remove makeup, cleanse clogged pores, soften hands and feet, and nourish hair and scalp. Smooth a few drops of jojoba oil on frizzy hair, massage scalp to help get rid of dandruff, or moisturize after shaving.


Sia Botanics Prickly Pear Rescue Cream is an SOS for dry and distressed skin. Prickly pear, organic aloe vera, and organic green tea intensely hydrate while also helping to reduce inflammation and speed cellular turnover of parched skin.


Alba Botanica Hawaiian Marula Miracle Cleansing Conditioner is a lowlather, creamy shampooand-conditioner-in-one that freshens hair between washes. Extra dry hair that is too stressed for frequent shampooing will benefit from this combination of moisture-replenishing aloe vera and wild-harvested, fair trade marula oil, which also helps rebuild resiliency and shine.

Did You Know? Desert plants provide superconcentrated nutrients, strong sun protection, phenomenal antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities, and a perfect balance of trace minerals to retain moisture and maintain cellular health.


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4 Sherrie Strausfogel is the author of Hawaii’s Spa Experience: Rejuvenating Secrets of the Islands (the first book to feature aromatherapy in its pages). Based in Honolulu, she writes about beauty, spas, health, cuisine, and travel. Her work has appeared in more than 100 magazines, newspapers, guidebooks, and websites.






Welcome to our annual Best of Supplements Awards! We’ve designed this one-of-a-kind guide to make it easy for you to find high-quality products in the ever-changing world of dietary supplements. Discover first-rate formulas featuring today’s most popular herbs, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients for more than 20 common health concerns and goals. In short, here’s everything you to need to go shopping for supplements.







Dr. Mercola Premium Supplements Berberine and MicroPQQ Advanced Promotes mitochondrial health with the antiaging plant compound berberine and PQQ, a vitamin-like nutrient.

Health Direct AminoSculpt Collagen Peptide Shots Grass-fed collagen for healthy skin and joints in a convenient shot. Pick from sugar-free Cherry or Mango flavors.

Diamond Herpanacine Diamond•MIND Sharpens focus, clarity, and memory while also boosting energy, thanks to a mix of key brain health nutrients, including ginkgo, B12, and turmeric.

Jarrow Formulas Bone-Up Powder Drink Mix A multinutrient bone health formula that promotes bone density with a superior source of calcium and natural bone-growth factors such as vitamin K2 and activated silicon; great Natural Orange Flavor!


Nature’s Plus Ageloss First Day Counters the damaging effects of inflammation with a full spectrum of nutrients, including olive and oregano extracts, enzymes, green tea, and resveratrol.

Nelsons RESCUE Remedy It’s made from five healing flower essences— cherry plum, clematis, impatiens, rock rose, and star of Bethlehem; eases all types of stress and anxiety without side effects.



Dr. Axe Multi Collagen Protein A unique blend of five food sources of collagen for skin, gut, and brain health, and more; developed by noted doctor Josh Axe, ND.

Irwin Naturals Pycnogenol-Plus Patented maritime pine bark extract (Pycnogenol) is one of the strongest and bestresearched antioxidants. Here, it’s combined with vitamins C and D3 and other antioxidant nutrients.



Natural Factors 3 Brains Total Addresses three interconnected components of health—the gut, head, and heart. One grab-ngo packet provides five targeted nutrients.

Intelligence Tree Botanicals NuMemory+ Improves memory and recall with the help of a patented blend of herbs, such as rosemary, bacopa, and ginger.

Quincy Bioscience Prevagen Extra Strength An exclusive extract found in jellyfish supports healthy brain function, a sharp mind, and clearer thinking.

Natrol Cognium Energizes and protects the brain for better memory and performance, thanks to the clinically studied extract CERA-Q Powder (silk protein hydrolysate).

Redd Remedies Brain Awakening A potent combo of brain boosters—lion’s mane, amla, and Magtein, a type of magnesium know to improve cognition.

Terry Naturally AnxioCalm Contains a clinically studied extract of echinacea that helps quiet nerves and relieve occasional anxiety—without causing drowsiness.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest Stress Guard An organic blend of adaptogenic herbs, L-theanine, and B vitamins reduces the body’s reaction to stress.





Bluebonnet Targeted Choice LiverDetox A whole-foods blend of amino acids and herbs that enhance detoxification and overall liver health.


Country Life Activated Coconut Charcoal Powder Promotes absorption of intestinal gas and helps support cleansing; made from sustainable coconuts.

American Health Enzyme Probiotic Complex Offers advanced support for digestion and nutritional absorption with nine enzymes and a probiotic complex featuring 2 billion CFUs per serving.

Boiron Acidil Alleviates heartburn, bloating, upset stomach, and acid indigestion with a blend of homeopathic remedies; there are no drug interactions.

Life Extension FLORASSIST GI with Phage Technology Features a dual-encapsulated probiotic blend that affects only undesirable bacteria, leaving the body’s “good” bacteria alone.


Enzymedica Purify 10 Day Complete Body Cleanse Offers an advanced “whole body” approach to natural cleansing and detoxification; contains easy-to-use A.M. and P.M. packs. Formulated by Michael Murray, ND.

Essential Formulas Reg’Activ Detox & Liver Health Features the probiotic strain Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3, which has been studied for more than 20 years and shown to enhance liver health.

NovaForme PreCharge A natural pre-workout drink infused with coconut water, beet extract, matcha green tea, and other performance-boosting nutrients.


Carlson Labs Olive Your Heart Olive Oil & Fish Oil Combines premium Greek extra-virgin olive oil with marinesourced omega-3 oils (1,480 mg of EPA and DHA); choose from Natural, Garlic, Basil, and Lemon.

Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega 2X Contains a whopping 2,150 mg of omega-3 fatty acids, plus 1,000 IU of vitamin D3 in just two soft gels; wild-caught and third-party tested for toxins and heavy metals.

Solgar Energy Kicks Energy Shots A fast way to boost energy levels; made with natural caffeine from green tea, guarana, yerba mate, and B12; pick from Mixed Berry or Pomegranate flavors.

Kyo-Green Greens Blend - Energy Packed with energizing greens, including barley and wheat grasses and chlorella; add to water for a quick pick-me-up.


BioMed Health SKINprotect Shields against sun damage and helps increase skin elasticity; features herbs proven to benefit skin: calaguala, amla, gotu kola, and camu camu.

Flora FloraSil Provides vegetal silica, an important mineral for healthy hair, nails, and skin; made using a patented aqueous extract method for better bioavailability.

NeoCell Ceramides Skin Hydrator A unique combo of beauty-enhancing nutrients that promote healthy skin—ceramides, hyaluronic acid, and a skin hydrablend of nutrients.

Vital Proteins Collagen Beauty Water, Lavender Lemon A spa-like drink mix made with collagen, hyaluronic acid, probiotics, and organic lavender, lemon, blueberry, and beet; also available in other fun flavors.







Arthur Andrew Medical Neprinol AFD Supports a healthy inflammation response, circulation, blood viscosity, and immune function, all by way of an exclusive enzyme blend.

Michael’s Naturopathic Programs Blood Pressure Factors Nourishes the cardiovascular and nervous systems with key nutrients, including magnesium, hawthorn berry, and garlic.


Solstice Medicine Company Organic San Qi Taps into the power of Chinese medicine for optimum cardiovascular health; features San Qi ginseng root extracted using vacuum freeze-drying technology.

American Health Probiotic Kidstiks Includes 5 billion clinically researched multistrain cultures and three tummy-friendly strains in every premeasured stick-pack; easy to sprinkle onto food or into beverages.


American BioSciences ImmPowerD3 Offers intense immune protection thanks to AHCC, a clinically proven hybridized mushroom extract; also boasts vitamin D3.

Quantum Health TheraZinc Organic Lozenges Bolsters immunity and soothes coughs and sore throats with zinc, elderberry, organic marshmallow, echinacea, and organic slippery elm.



Nature’s Answer Sambucus Mega Gummies 7X One tasty gummy delivers 40 grams of fresh elderberry—seven times that found in other products; contains antiviral properties.

WishGarden Herbs Kick-Ass Immune A team of immune, respiratory, and lymphatic herbal heroes supports your body’s natural resistance, including osha and yerba santa.

Pacific Resources International Propolis Oral Spray Extra Strength Soothes scratchy throats and helps fight infection in a convenient spray; made with Manuka honey and bee propolis; also freshens breath naturally.

Xlear Max Sinus Spray Provides relief from severe sinus pressure, congestion, and headaches; made with natural saline, capsicum, and xylitol.

ChildLife Multi Vitamin & Mineral Delivers essential vitamins, minerals, and trace elements in a tasty liquid formula for infants and kids of all ages.

Hero Nutritionals Yummi Bears Organics Omega 3 with Chia Seed Delivers essential omega fatty acids from chia seed oil that’s fish-free, mercury-free—and undeniably yummy.

We discovered a powerful connection between

jellyfish and brain health.

PrevagenÂŽ is a dietary supplement that has been clinically shown to help with mild memory problems associated with aging.* Prevagen contains apoaequorin, an ingredient originally discovered in jellyfish. Apoaequorin is safe and uniquely supports brain function.* In a computer assessed, double blinded, placebo controlled study, Prevagen improved certain aspects of cognitive function.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.





Newton Homeopathics Blues ~ Mood ~ Emotions Helps alleviate grief, despondency, difficulty concentrating, irritability, oversensitivity, and prolonged sadness; features a well-crafted blend of safe homeopathic remedies.


Quality of Life Positelle Safely uplifts mood and promotes positive feelings with Venetron (an herbal extract), rhodiola, lavender, and folate—all nutrients that have been shown to support mood.

Gaia Herbs Mushrooms + Herbs Cordyceps+ A combination of two well-known adaptogens— cordyceps and ashwagandha—that supports the body’s ability to manage fatigue for more energy.

Host Defense MyCommunity A mushroom complex made of 17 medicinal and immune-supportive mushrooms, including chaga, reishi, maitake, and turkey tail; certified organic and Non-GMO Project verified.

Mushroom Wisdom Maitake D Fraction PRO EZ Spray A potent and standardized extract of immune-bolstering maitake with a portable spray delivery; travelfriendly, providing quick immune support.

Paradise Herbs ORAC-Energy Earth’s Blend One Daily Superfood Multivitamin A full-spectrum multi featuring easy-to-absorb forms of key nutrients, plus probiotics, herbs, and energizing green foods.

Rainbow Light Vibrance Prenatal Multivitamin plus Energy Support Contains a comprehensive blend of essential vitamins, minerals, and organic fruits and veggies, along with key nutrients to keep energy up during pregnancy.


Garden of Life mykind Organics Organic Multi Women’s Whole Food Gummies Delicious fruit and vitamin chews made from organic, non-GMO fruits and vegetables; no sugar, animal gelatin, or artificial dyes.

MegaFood Baby & Me 2 A pre- and postnatal multi designed to support moms and their developing babies; formulated by integrated health expert Tieraona Low Dog, MD.

Natural Factors Whole Earth & Sea Men’s Multivitamin & Mineral Features a wide range of organic, non-GMO nutrients extracted from plants grown on Natural Factors farms and harvested at their peak.


A. Vogel Arnica Rub Made from fresh organically grown Arnica montana extract picked by hand; great for helping to ease pain, muscle aches, swelling, and bruising.



Ridgecrest Herbals PhysiQOL Helps fight aches and pains, balance inflammatory response, and improve quality of life; made with homeopathic pain relievers, including Arnica montana, Rhus tox, and Bryonia glonoium.


Dr. King’s Natural Pet Pharmaceuticals Dog: Anxiety & Stress A natural, homeopathic solution for anxiety related to loud noises, travel, separation anxiety, and destructive behaviors; no known side effects or drug interactions.

Vital Planet Living Meal A convenient powder that mixes easily with all types of dog food; contains probiotics, enzymes, and superfoods such as turmeric, pumpkin, and spinach; comes in beef flavor.






Nature’s Way Primadophilus Reuteri Superior Probiotic Multi Strain A multistrain probiotic formula with L. reuteri (UALre-16), L. acidophilus, and L. rhamnosus for optimum immune and digestive health.

Renew Life Ultimate Flora Probiotic 25 Billion Contains six proven probiotic strains; ideal for supporting daily immune function and respiratory health; features a delayed-release capsule for better absorption.

Vibrant Health Vibrant Flora Lean Body Support Probiotics 50 Billion Helps curb appetite, aids in fat loss, and increases metabolism, among other benefits, with probiotics and condition-specific nutrients such as saffron and green coffee bean.

Garden of Life SPORT Organic Plant-Based Protein Features clean plant sources of protein, along with antioxidants, probiotics, and amino acids; available in Vanilla and Chocolate; certified clean by the NSF Certified for Sport and Informed-Choice.


Natural Vitality Natural Calm Specifics Calmful Sleep Supports sleep thorough natural relaxation with proven calming nutrients: magnesium, GABA, L-theanine, and melatonin.

Reserveage Nutrition Beauty R&R Promotes a restful night’s sleep needed for radiant skin with hydrating collagen and hyaluronic acid; also has calming L-theanine and melatonin for sleep.

Utzy Naturals utzzz’s Stay Asleep Designed for occasional sleeplessness and formulated with a blend of sleep-inducing ingredients such as 5-HTP, GABA, ashwagandha, and German chamomile.

Kura Nutrition Grass Fed Dairy Protein Boasts New Zealand grass-fed dairy protein, which has higher levels of omega-3s, essential fatty acids, and vitamin D; choose from Vanilla, Chocolate, and Triple Berry flavors.


Bio Nutrition Premium Black Seed Oil Features pure cold-pressed black seed oil, naturally rich in essential fatty acids; helps promote a healthy inflammatory response.



Health Logics iSabi Wasabi Super Food Powder A potent source of antioxidant phytochemicals, including trademarked extract of wasabi.

Lily of the Desert Aloe Mix ‘n Go Convenient, easy-to-use aloe vera packets contain more than 200 active nutrients that support whole-body health; in four flavors, including Lemonade and Strawberry-Kiwi.

North American Herb & Spice Purple CornMilk Drink Mix A rich source of anthocyanins, key antioxidant pigments; the milk base renders the pigments easier to absorb; features Peruvian purple corn and maca.

Only Natural Gelatinized Black Maca Contains Peruvian black maca, the most potent, nutrient-dense variety of this energizing herb; it’s gelatinized for better absorption.






Doctor’s Best High Absorption Curcumin A potent standardized extract of turmeric (Curcuma longa), Curcumin C3 Complex, that has been shown to benefit joints, brain, and cardiovascular health; easy-to-absorb formulation.

New Chapter Turmeric force Detox Action Promotes healthy detoxification and enhances the body’s natural ability to remove harmful compounds by way of turmeric, parsley, ginger, and other cleansing herbal ingredients.

NOW CurcuFRESH Curcumin Prepared using only fresh turmeric rhizome that is never dried or extracted using solvents; curcumin (extracted from turmeric) stays in its native state for superior absorption.


at Want expert advice on buying and using all types of supplements, including information on nutrient-drug interactions and how to start a supplement plan? Visit us online to view these 10 “best of” supplement articles:

Supplement Facts: Your Supplement Questions, Answered!

How to Take Supplements

Supplements & Drugs Protexin Bio-Kult Candéa An advanced multistrain, triple-action formula with seven strains of probiotics, as well as garlic and grapefruit, to help maintain a natural balance of microorganisms.

youtheory Mens Shilajit A patented and clinically tested form of shilajit, a natural mineral substance that comes from rocks in the Himalayas; helps boost testosterone levels already within a normal range.

The Big 4 The Surprising Health Benefits of Multivitamins

Best Ways to Take VISION

Mineral Supplements

7 Common Vitamin Deficiencies

Top 10 Herbs Ayurvedic Herb Guide Pet Supplement Guide

Source Naturals Screen Time Stamina Brings together body, mind, and eye health nutrients and herbs that support physical endurance and mental focus; key ingredients include rhodiola, ashwagandha, lutein, and zeaxanthin.



Twinlab ocuguard blutein Protection An antioxidant carotenoid formula that provides a “nutritional filter” against harmful blue light and also helps reduce eyestrain; contains two key eye health nutrients: lutein and zeaxanthin.

comes with having a certain form of the so-called Alzheimer’s gene, ApoE4.

The Blood Sugar Connection Why would diabetes be a risk factor for a disease of the brain? According to Masley, “uncontrolled blood sugar is one of the most significant origins of memory loss." Integrative neurologist and author of Grain Brain, David Perlmutter, MD, agrees. “The relationship between poor blood sugar control and Alzheimer’s disease is so strong that researchers are now calling Alzheimer’s ‘Type 3 Diabetes,’” he says. To understand why, you have to know a little about something called insulin resistance, which is at the core of type 2 diabetes. As it turns out, it’s centrally involved in Alzheimer’s as well. And that's where things get interesting—because it all starts with the food you eat.

When you eat, food gets broken down (digested) into components such as fatty acids, amino acids, and sugar (glucose), which then travel out of the gut and into the bloodstream. This causes your blood sugar to rise—even more so when you eat a high-carb meal that breaks down into a lot of sugar. When blood sugar rises, the pancreas releases insulin, which helps transport that sugar from the blood into the muscles, where it can be used for energy. When blood sugar is continually raised—as it is with a typical, high-carb American diet—the pancreas has to secrete more and more insulin to get the job done. And if you’re also not exercising, your muscles don’t need that much sugar to begin with, so they begin to refuse entrance to insulin and its sugar payload. Insulin then takes the sugar to be stored

in fat cells, which continue to accept it for a while, as you’ll be able to observe all too easily. But eventually, even the fat cells stop sucking up sugar, the state known as insulin resistance—cells resist the action of insulin and leave it (and the sugar it carries) stranded in the bloodstream. High blood sugar and high insulin levels are really bad for your heart, and as it turns out, your brain, as well. “Insulin resistance can make you up to 60 percent more likely to develop Alzheimer’s," says Masley. “The brain desperately needs insulin to deliver glucose to brain cells. When you’re insulin resistant, your brain cells can’t get the fuel they need and they begin to die. That’s when you’re on the road to dementia or Alzheimer’s." And that’s why a growing number of scientists are calling Alzheimer’s disease, "type 3 diabetes."



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n a recent report published in the International Journal of Epidemiology, researchers estimated that nearly 8 million premature deaths per year could be avoided if we ate 10 portions of fruits and vegetables a day. Fruit’s easy—but vegetables? Most of us struggle to eat even a couple of servings each day. If you’re sick of salads and sautéed greens, try these 30 delicious tips—some sneaky, some fancy—and boost your veggies all month long.

Make it super stealthy: combine 1 cup frozen cherries, 1 cup baby spinach or frozen spinach, 2 tablespoons cocoa powder, and 1 cup milk of your choice. Purée until smooth, and sweeten to taste with honey or agave. Or freeze in popsicle molds for a super-nutritious frozen treat.

Play off its mild flavor and pale color: steam florets till soft, then purée with milk of your choice to make a thick sauce. Season with salt and pepper, combine with shredded cheese, and cook over medium heat till melted and smooth. Use as a sauce for mac and cheese, or pour over cooked vegetables.

Wrap them up: remove stems, blanch whole leaves in boiling water for two minutes, and pat dry. Spread one leaf on a flat surface and stuff with cooked beans and rice or parsnip cous cous (see No. 11), roll up, and drizzle with roasted red pepper sauce (see No. 8).

Play it small: finely chop florets so the aggressive flavor blends better with other ingredients. Process 1 cup of florets in a food processor until very finely chopped, then add to hamburgers, meatballs, meatloaf, or veggie burgers before cooking. Add other finely chopped herbs, shredded carrots, or ground flax seed for even more nutrition.

Use your noodle: invest in a spiralizer and turn butternut squash into udon. Cook in vegetable broth till tender, season with Chinese five spice, and top with sautéed mushrooms, shredded spinach, chopped green onions, and roasted peanuts. Or steam in water, then smother with pesto or tomato sauce and top with shaved Parmesan cheese.

Fry them up: combine grated carrots with eggs, flour, chopped green onions, and herbs, and fry as fritters. Add grated zucchini, parsnips, or chopped kale for even more nutrition. Serve with roasted red pepper sauce or arugula pesto.








Get saucy: roast whole peppers over an open flame, or broil on a baking sheet until charred on all sides. Cool briefly; remove skin, stem, and seeds; and purée flesh with olive oil and garlic until smooth. Use as a simmer sauce for chicken or meatballs, or pour over pasta or spiralized vegetable noodles. Layer it up: cut large zucchini lengthwise into thin strips, sprinkle with salt to remove excess water, let stand for 15 minutes, then pat dry and use instead of lasagna noodles. Or roll zucchini strips around meat, cheese, or vegan filling, arrange in a casserole, smother with red pepper sauce, and bake until bubbly. Celebrate the brilliant color: purée cooked fresh peas or thawed frozen peas with olive oil to make a thick paste, then stir into guacamole to add vitamins, fiber, and a bright emerald hue. Other uses: add to pesto, stir into soups, or spread on toast.



Turn them into cous cous or rice: chop parsnips into chunks and process in a food processor until they resemble grains of rice. Combine with chopped tomatoes, diced cucumbers, black olives, and vinaigrette for a cool salad, or sauté in coconut oil with onions and curry powder for an easy side dish. Let them eat (red velvet) cake: steam beets until soft, purée them with a little milk of your choice until smooth, then add to your favorite chocolate cake mix. Bake, cool, and frost with cream cheese frosting or, for a vegan version, whipped vanilla coconut milk.

Turn it into soup: coarsely chop Romaine or other lettuce, combine with chopped potatoes, onions, and broth, and cook until tender. Purée until smooth, and garnish with crème fraîche, puréed peas, or goat cheese croutons.

Show off its spiciness: in a blender, combine baby arugula leaves with olive oil, garlic, pine nuts, or chopped cashews, and a squeeze of lemon. (Cut the spiciness with basil, spinach, or parsley, if desired.) Purée until smooth, and drizzle over pasta, or add vinegar for a zesty vinaigrette.


Capitalize on their sweet, creamy texture: steam or bake until soft, then purée until smooth (with or without skins). Add purée to pizza, pasta, or roasted red pepper sauces. Make extra sweet potato purée, and freeze 1-cup portions for easy, last-minute additions to soups, cookies, and even smoothies.





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Transform leaves into savory snacks: massage kale leaves with a mixture of almond butter, olive oil, lime juice, honey, and a dash of cayenne pepper. Spread on a baking sheet in a single layer, and bake at 300°F for 35 minutes, until crispy.

Make ’em with bacon: the smoky flavor is the perfect foil for their pungent taste. Cook bacon, turkey bacon, or vegan bacon until crispy. Transfer to a plate. Add shredded Brussels sprouts, chopped onions, and garlic to the same pan, and cook until lightly browned, 8–10 minutes. Top with bacon, and serve. Pair it with a bean-y dip: the creamy texture of this often-overlooked crucifer blends beautifully with hummus and bean dips. Roast a rutabaga, purée with white beans, olive oil, and garlic, and garnish with parsley. Or combine with chickpeas, tahini, olive oil, and lemon, and purée for an antioxidant-packed hummus.



Make a refreshing mocktail: peel cucumbers and purée in a blender until smooth, then strain. Mix cucumber juice with lime juice, honey or agave, and sparkling water, and garnish with a slice of cucumber. Freeze them: tomatoes have a natural sweetness and lovely color that makes them perfect for a refreshing sorbet. Simmer chopped tomatoes with tomato juice, unrefined cane sugar, and a few sprigs of basil for 30 minutes; purée, strain, chill overnight, then process in an ice cream maker.

Turn them into tacos: chop a variety of mushrooms and sauté in olive oil with red onions, garlic, jalapeño peppers, and cumin. Stir in cilantro, stuff mixture into taco shells, and top with Cotija or vegan cheese, salsa, guacamole, and slaw.

. Butter them up: lightly cooking in butter softens their aggressive flavor and brings out the natural sweetness. Halve small radishes and sauté in melted butter until tender; toss with thyme leaves and coarse sea salt, and serve hot.


Get sloppy: finely chop eggplant and mushrooms in a food processor, then sauté in olive oil with onions, garlic, and jalapeño peppers; stir in ketchup, tomato sauce, or roasted red pepper sauce, and serve on buns for a veggie alternative to Sloppy Joes.

Turn it into a treat: add shredded celery, grated apples, raisins, and cinnamon to a basic sugar cookie recipe. Or make a sorbet: purée celery, lime, and agave until smooth, then strain through a fine mesh strainer, and freeze in an ice cream maker (if you have a juicer, start with celery juice for easier prep).

Bundle them up: green beans are much more fun when they’re served in little packets. Trim and steam green beans; during the last minute of cooking, add one bunch of green onions, green tops only. Tie one softened green onion around a bundle of 8–10 green beans; arrange bundles on a platter; and drizzle with melted butter, pesto, or roasted red pepper sauce.

Make it a milkshake: in a blender, combine pumpkin purée with ice cream of your choice, ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg, and a pinch of clove. Purée until smooth and creamy; serve in tall glasses, and top with whipped cream or a drizzle of caramel sauce.

Sweeten them up: cube small, young turnips (they’re milder in flavor), and sauté in melted butter or coconut oil until just beginning to soften, then add maple syrup, salt, and black pepper; cover and steam until tender, and serve with toasted walnuts. Pickle it: shred red cabbage and pack in a wide-mouth pint jar. Combine ½ cup water, ½ cup apple cider vinegar, and 3–4 tablespoons sugar or honey in a small pot; heat and stir until sugar or honey are dissolved; then pour over red cabbage. Refrigerate overnight, and serve with tacos, burgers, or salads. Bake it up in a pie: it's a riff on tourte de blettes, a classic French tart popular in Nice. Steam a large bunch of Swiss chard leaves until they’re just wilted; chop and combine with golden raisins soaked in brandy, pine nuts, cubed apples, sugar, a couple of eggs, and some mild cheese. Pour into a pastry crust, top with another crust, and bake till golden. Shave it: using a sharp vegetable peeler, shave thick asparagus stalks into long strips. Toss with minced shallots, red wine vinegar, and olive oil, then add crumbled ricotta salata or feta cheese. Top with edible flowers for an elegant touch. Lisa Turner is a chef, food writer, product developer, and nutrition coach in Boulder, Colo. She has more than 20 years of experience in researching and writing about clean, nourishing foods, and coaching people toward healthier eating habits. Find her at




Stuff it: slice a yellow summer squash lengthwise, scoop out the flesh, sauté with tomatoes, chopped greens, olives, and herbs, then stuff filling back into the shell. Top with cheese, and bake until tender and melty.



Heal Your Gut 7 powerful foods to ease digestion, constipation, and bloating ///BY LISA TURNER Digestive issues affect an estimated 60–70 million people. Here's how you can prevent them, with seven powerful foods to ease digestion and heal your gut.

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain that treats and improves all types of digestive and abdominal disorders, including indigestion, hyperacidity (heartburn), and constipation, and is especially useful in protein digestion. In one study, people who took a papain-rich papaya preparation reported significant improvement in constipation and bloating. Try this: Purée 1 cup of frozen papaya cubes with the juice of one lime and honey to taste for a fast, creamy smoothie; make a salad of papaya slices with avocado slices, thinly sliced red onion, and baby arugula leaves, and drizzle with olive oil; combine papaya cubes with minced jalapeños, green onions, cilantro, and lime juice for a tropical salsa.

Fennel has been used for hundreds of years in traditional medicine to improve digestion and treat a wide range of gut ailments. It's rich in volatile oils that relieve gas, improve intestinal function, aid digestion, and may ease some forms of chronic colitis. Try this: Grind fennel seeds in a spice mill or coffee grinder, then add to oatmeal, burgers, or soups for flavor and digestive potential; toss raw fennel slices with baby arugula, grapefruit segments, minced basil, pine nuts, and olive oil; quarter fennel bulbs, toss with olive oil, and roast until tender.



Pineapple, like papaya, contains a naturally occurring digestive enzyme, bromelain, that's especially powerful in protein digestion. Studies show that bromelain helps treat indigestion and intestinal disorders, including pancreatic insufficiency. In one study, bromelain helped counteract the effects of intestinal pathogens that cause diarrhea, such as E. coli, and it may also reduce intestinal tract inflammation. Try this: Peel, core, and slice pineapples, toss with chili powder, then grill until lightly browned; make a tropical slaw with diced pineapple, shredded red cabbage, green onions, and a honey-lime-olive oil dressing; purée pineapple cubes with hibiscus tea, then mix with sparkling water for a fresh, fruity mocktail. Sunchokes, the root of a type of sunflower, are rich in inulin, a type of fiber that acts as a prebiotic. Because prebiotics aren't digested in the upper intestines, they serve as sources of energy for beneficial bacteria, improving the composition and increasing the activity of probiotics in the lower intestines, and protecting against flatulence and bloating. Be sure to cook them well; eaten raw or lightly cooked, they can have the opposite effect and may cause gas and bloating. Try this: Thinly slice sunchokes, sauté in coconut oil till lightly browned, then add balsamic vinegar and chopped thyme; cook chopped sunchokes, sweet potatoes, and onions in stock until soft, then purée with coconut oil for a creamy soup; roast chopped sunchokes with cubed beets, carrots, parsnips, and rosemary.

Onions, like sunchokes, also contain inulin, a prebiotic that encourages the growth of healthy gut bacteria and protects the gut from pathogens. Some studies suggest that inulin from onions and other sources may also protect against colon cancer. Try this: Pack thinly sliced red onions into a pint jar and cover with a mixture of boiling water, apple cider vinegar, and honey, then refrigerate overnight for quick pickled onions; combine chopped yellow onions, red and yellow bell peppers, olive oil, vinegar, and basil for a fast, fresh relish; dip onion rings in beaten eggs and gluten-free bread crumbs, spray with olive oil, then bake until golden and tender. Ginger has a long history of use in preventing nausea and vomiting, and many modern studies support these benefits. Reviews of studies using ginger for motion sickness and/or nausea associated with pregnancy or chemotherapy show that ginger is significantly more effective than a placebo in preventing nausea and vomiting. Ginger also prevents bloating by breaking down and expelling intestinal gas. Try this: Slice whole ginger root, combine with water, and simmer for 20 minutes, then strain and sweeten with honey to make a pungent tea; simmer grated ginger root with carrots, onions, and vegetable stock, then purée with coconut milk for a creamy soup; juice kale, apples, and ginger for a delicious digestive tonic.

Discover the Dr. Ohhira Difference!™ Why I Recommend This Whole-Food Probiotic Superior health requires humans to have the correct balance of vigorous, beneficial bacteria. The same holds true for plants and animals and is a common thread that connects us all. Unfortunately this balance is often disturbed due to modern living, stress, bad food choices and medication. This is where Dr. Ohhira’s Probiotics® come in. A ‘Whole Food’ supplement, it is nurtured through a three-year, natural temperature fermentation process that includes all-natural, seasonally harvested ingredients. It is the only gut health supplement that incorporates prebiotics, probiotics and postbiotics. I take Dr. Ohhira’s myself and recommend them to my family and friends. Experience homegrown health with Dr. Ohhira’s entire line of probiotic formulations including Propolis PLUS®, and the Kampuku Beauty Bar™.*

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eating4HEALTH made from fermented cabbage, is rich in probiotics to improve digestive health and relieve digestive symptoms, including diarrhea, bloating, and flatulence; prevent the overgrowth of yeast and bacteria; and promote regular elimination. Some studies show that probiotics are especially helpful in treating irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and may reduce the risk of colon cancer. Always eat it raw; heating will kill the bacteria and destroy the benefits. Try this: Toss prepared sauerkraut with baby spinach, grated carrots, and chopped green onions for an easy, healing salad; use it as a topping for burgers, hot dogs, sandwiches, or scrambled eggs; make a hearty white bean soup, then top with sauerkraut after removing from heat.


Gut-friendly ingredients combine in this easy, elegant holiday appetizer. Onion and asparagus are prebiotics, encouraging the growth of healthy gut bacteria, and fennel bulb and seeds ease digestion and reduce flatulence. Coconut oil is rich in lauric acid, an antimicrobial that destroys harmful pathogens in the intestines. 1 medium fennel bulb with fronds 2 Tbs. coconut oil 1 medium red onion, halved and thinly sliced ½ lb. asparagus, trimmed and thinly sliced on the diagonal ½ tsp. fennel seeds 1 gluten-free baguette 2 Tbs. olive oil

1. Remove green fronds from fennel, coarsely chop, and set aside. Remove and discard core from fennel bulb, and thinly slice bulb crosswise.

2. Melt coconut oil in large skillet over medium heat. Add fennel and onion, and cook, stirring frequently, 15–20 minutes, until vegetables are golden. Stir in asparagus and fennel seeds, and cook 5 minutes more, until asparagus is just tender. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

3. While onions and fennel are cooking, preheat oven to 375°F. Slice baguette on the diagonal into about 20 slices. Brush slices with olive oil, and place on parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake until golden, turning once halfway through, about 12 minutes. Remove from oven, and cool briefly.

4. Top each baguette slice with onion and fennel mixture. Arrange on serving platter. Shower with chopped fennel fronds, and serve immediately. Per serving: 110 cal; 2g prot; 8g total fat (3.5g sat fat); 11g carb; 0mg chol; 100mg sod; 2g fiber; 1g sugars

Lisa Turner is a chef, food writer, product developer, and nutrition coach in Boulder, Colo. She has more than 20 years of experience in researching and writing about clean, nourishing foods, and coaching people toward healthier eating habits. Find her at





10 Hidden Sources of Gluten During the Holidays From Thanksgiving through New Year’s, watch out for these foods and products where the problematic protein lurks ///BY MELISSA DIANE SMITH

: Just a few months ago, I learned that avoiding gluten dramatically improves my depres-

Melissa Diane Smith is an internationally known journalist and holistic nutritionist who has more than 20 years of clinical nutrition experience and specializes in using food as medicine. She is the cutting-edge author of Going Against GMOs, Going Against the Grain, and Gluten Free Throughout the Year, and the coauthor of Syndrome X. To learn about her books, long-distance consultations, nutrition coaching programs, or speaking, visit her websites: and

sion and achy joints. I know the basics of staying away from obvious sources, such as croutons, bread, stuffing, and regular baked goods. However, this will be my first holiday season avoiding gluten, and I’m wondering if you could clue me in on hidden or notso-obvious gluten sources to watch out for during the holidays. —Vicky M., Pittsburgh


You’d be surprised: Gluten, a protein found in many grains such as wheat, spelt, kamut, rye, barley, and most commercial oat products, lurks in all kinds of unsuspected places. The following is a list of the top gluten-sneaky foods and products to watch out for during this festive time of year:

Soup—Gluten is found in a variety of ingredients in many commercial soups, from thick “cream ofs” to clear broths and bouillon cubes, so it’s safest to

avoid soup altogether if you’re a guest for a holiday meal or eating in a restaurant. At home, make soup out of homemade broth, or use broth or soup that’s certified gluten-free.

of arrowroot powder into ¼ cup water and stir until completely dissolved. Add the slurry to a hot mixture of turkey drippings and gluten-free stock or broth, and whisk until thickened and smooth.

Gravy—Gravy is another common source of gluten: A roux made with wheat-based flour and fat is typically used to prepare it. For gluten-free gravy, start with coconut flour, then add stock and mix with an immersion blender. Or simply make a slurry by whisking 1 Tbs.

Did You Know? The adhesive on many stamps and envelopes contains gluten. So be careful when mailing those holiday cards.



Mashed Potatoes—Here’s one that surprised even me! If they’re homemade, most mashed potatoes are gluten-free. But some people (and certain restaurants) add a little flour to thicken their mashed potatoes. Ask to be sure.

Cream-based Dishes—Be wary of any dish with a cream base, because a gluten-containing cream soup was likely used to prepare it. For example, traditional green bean casserole is made with gluten-containing cream of mushroom soup. For a healthier, gluten-free choice, make green beans with toasted slivered almonds instead.

Turkey—Unprocessed, plain turkey is gluten-free. But read labels carefully, and make sure the turkey hasn’t been seasoned or marinated with something that contains gluten, or injected with brine that contains gluten. If you aren’t sure, ask. Also make sure that the turkey isn’t packed with glutencontaining bread stuffing. If you plan to eat out at a restaurant, always call and ask the chef or manager.


Imitation turkey and meat products—Many plant-based faux turkey products, including Tofurky Veggie Roast, and other meat substitutes, are made from vital wheat gluten, a concentrated source of the problematic protein. Skip the meat alternative, and use naturally gluten-free or certified glutenfree ingredients to prepare an assortment of meatless seasonal dishes instead.

Scrambled eggs and omelets— Traveling during the holidays and eating out in restaurants? Beware that some add pancake batter when making scrambled eggs and omelets, or use packaged egg products that already contain batter or flour to make the eggs fluffier. They also tend to cook these egg dishes, as well as plain old fried eggs, on the same grill where pancakes were made. Ask questions before ordering eggs. Based on your sensitivity to gluten,

you may want to choose the safer route by ordering poached or hard-boiled eggs.

Some teas— Watch out for special holiday tea blends, some of which contain gluten-based flavors or barley malt as a sweetener. Know that single-ingredient teas, such as black tea, green tea, white tea, and rooibos tea, are naturally gluten-free. But some flavored teas whose base ingredients are naturally gluten-free contain added gluten ingredients. Read the ingredients before you buy, or seek out certified gluten-free varieties or teas labeled gluten-free.


GLUTEN BASICS People can react to gluten by developing celiac disease or non celiac gluten sensitivity. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks both gluten and the small intestine, leading to the damage in the small intestine that characterizes the condition. Non celiac gluten sensitivity is a non autoimmune reaction to gluten that can cause symptoms similar to or identical to those experienced by people with celiac disease; however, it does not lead to the gut damage associated with celiac disease. Symptoms of celiac disease or gluten sensitivity run the gamut from gastrointestinal issues to anemia, bone disease, depression, fatigue, and migraines.

“Gluten-Free” Foods The most surprising thing for many people is that virtually all foods labeled “gluten-free” aren’t completely “free” of gluten: Most adhere to the FDA’s labeling guidelines, which means they contain less than 20 ppm gluten, but those are still levels that may cause reactions in some people. To err on the side of caution, limit gluten-free labeled packaged foods, and pick and choose the ones you buy carefully. Look for foods that are certified by celiac organizations such as the National Celiac Association, the Gluten Intolerance Group (which runs the Gluten-Free Certification Organization or GFCO program), and the Allergen Control Group/Canadian Celiac Association.

Alcohol— Commercial beer, Avoiding Gluten unless labeled otherwise, Especially during the holidays, but also year-round, contains gluten. Rye, emphasize fresh vegetables, fruits, and unprocessed whiskey, bourbon, and poultry, fish, and meat. Using as many of these naturally scotch also are made gluten-free ingredients as possible—by making a vegfrom gluten grains. The etable stuffing instead of a bread stuffing, for instance— distillation process used is the most surefire way to both avoid gluten and eat a to make these beverages nutrient-rich diet that supports overall health. generally makes them safe to consume, but some people with celiac disease (an Also be aware that some wine coolers autoimmune reaction to gluten) report contain additional ingredients that aren’t adverse reactions when drinking these gluten-free. liquors. If you’d prefer to drink alcohol made completely without ingredients Stamps and envelopes— containing gluten, opt for rum, potato Do you like to mail out Christmas vodka, or tequila. or holiday greeting cards to friends and While wine is inherently gluten-free family? Be careful! The adhesive that as it is made from grapes, some wines makes stamps and envelopes stick can that contain added colorings or flavorings contain gluten. To avoid taking a chance, might not be gluten-free. You’ll need use a sponge to dampen envelopes, to contact the manufacturer to be sure. or try the self-adhering kind.


Do you have a question for the nutritionist? We would love to hear from you. Please email your questions to

Sources: MPA, Total (Duplicated) Magazine Media 360° Audience, Jan-May YTD 2017, Brand Audience Report; Simmons Research, Multi-Media Engagement Study, Spring 2016.


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Post-Holiday Fast Food Leftovers shine in this delicious take on the classic Waldorf salad /// BY JONNY BOWDEN, PHD, CNS, AND JEANNETTE BESSINGER, CHHC



Yogurt is a rich source of friendly microorganisms—called probiotics—that keep your gut healthy, improve digestion, and support immunity. But to have any benefit, yogurt has to contain live cultures. The National Yogurt Association has developed a “Live and Active Cultures” (LAC) seal that identifies brands that contain significant levels of live and active cultures. The LAC label means that the yogurt contains at least 100 million cultures per gram at the time of manufacture and after pasteurization. (Remember—a yogurt could be made with active cultures, but that doesn’t mean any are left by the time it gets to the store. You want products that contain active cultures, and that’s what the LAC seal means.) You can choose Greek or regular yogurt based on personal taste. Regardless, I advise avoiding no-fat and reduced-fat versions. Almost always, manufacturers add more sugar when they take out the fat. Remember, live yogurt cultures contain enzymes that break down lactose, so many individuals who are otherwise lactose-intolerant find that they can enjoy yogurt with no problems.


Along with probiotic-packed yogurt, this light-bright take on the classic dish features fresh fruit and nuts for minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. 3 Tbs. plain organic yogurt 3 Tbs. fresh squeezed orange juice plus 1 tsp. orange zest 1 Tbs. organic mayonnaise (or plain yogurt) 2 tsp. raw honey, or to taste 6 cups chopped Romaine lettuce 1½ cups diced cooked turkey breast 1 large crisp red apple (such as Fuji or Pink Lady), cored and finely chopped 4 large celery stalks, thinly sliced 1 cup seedless concord grapes, halved ⅓ cup toasted walnuts, coarsely chopped

1. In small bowl, combine yogurt, orange juice and zest, mayonnaise, and honey, and whisk until smooth.

2. In salad bowl, combine lettuce, turkey,

NOTES FROM CHEF JEANNETTE If you don’t have a fresh orange on hand, you can either swap the juice and zest for 1 Tbs. lemon juice and 1 tsp. zest, or use 1 Tbs. of frozen organic juice concentrate. The orange flavor will be stronger and zippier, and you may need less honey. If you have any leftover dried fruit from your turkey stuffing, throw it in! This salad tastes terrific with a handful of dark or golden raisins or chopped unsulfured apricots.



apple, celery, grapes, and walnuts. Drizzle dressing over all, and toss gently to coat. Per serving: 360 cal; 33g prot; 17g total fat (3g sat fat); 20g carb; 75mg chol; 140mg sod; 3g fiber; 15g sugars


Ever wonder about the origins of the Waldorf salad? It was invented by Oscar Tschirky, the maître d’ at the Waldorf Hotel in New York, and was served at the opening of the legendary 5-star establishment back in 1893. The original recipe had but three ingredients: apples, celery, and mayo. The New York Times food writer at the time, Oliver Herford, wisecracked that the Waldorf salad “brought exclusiveness to the masses”. The key to the creamy deliciousness of this near-magical trio is the quality of the mayo, which has traditionally been used to pull the other ingredients together. In this recipe, Chef Jeannette did a clever swap-out: yogurt for mayo. While I have no problem with real, homemade mayo, the yogurt provides a healthy dose of probiotics, an enormous help to your digestive and immune systems. And for goodness sake, use full-fat yogurt. Plus, there’s no reason whatsoever to avoid fat from organic yogurt made from grass-fed cows. —Dr. Jonny


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Fiber Facts Fiber isn’t only essential for regularity. It helps with weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight, reduces risk of heart disease and diabetes, helps stabilize levels of blood sugar, can lower elevated cholesterol, and helps prevent hemorrhoids and diseases of the colon— but most of us don’t get enough. To see how well you know your fiber facts, try our quiz. ///BY VERA TWEED 1. Fiber is digested in:

5. Chia seeds are a good source of fiber, with 11 grams per ounce. They have a unique ability to absorb liquid and become gel-like. How much liquid can they absorb?

a) The stomach b) The small intestine c) The colon d) All the above e) None of the above

2. Which of these foods are sources of fiber? a) Fish b) Dairy products c) Extra virgin olive oil d) Vegetables and fruits e) All the above

a) 2–4 times their weight b) 4–6 times their weight c) 6–8 times their weight d) 8–10 times their weight e) 10–12 times their weight f) 12–14 times their weight

Did You Know?

6. Some plant foods contain prebiotics, a special type of fiber that feeds beneficial gut microbes. Which of these is a good source of prebiotics?

3. Other good sources of fiber include: a) Whole grains b) Legumes c) Both of the above d) Neither of the above

Most people’s diets sadly lack fiber. Up to age 50, 38 grams daily are recommended for men and 25 grams for women, and after that, 30 grams for men and 21 grams for women. But on average, men get only 18 grams and women get only 15 grams.

a) Tapioca b) Chicory c) Both of the above d) Neither of the above

4. Which of these contains the most fiber? a) Apple, 1 medium with skin b) Blueberries, 1 cup c) Brown rice, 1 cup d) Oatmeal, 1 cup e) Raspberries, 1 cup f) Strawberries, 1 cup g) Whole wheat bread, 1 slice


1. e) Fiber isn’t digested, but passes through the digestive tract relatively intact and is eliminated. That’s why it’s sometimes referred to as roughage or bulk.

2. d) Fiber is a component of vegetables and fruits, but isn’t found in fats or protein.

3. c) Whole grains,legumes, and other plant foods are all sources of fiber.

4. e) Raspberries, with 8.36 grams in 1 cup. Grams of fiber in the others: apple: 5; blueberries: 3.92; brown rice: 3.5; oatmeal: 3.98; strawberries: 3.82; whole wheat bread: 2.

5. e) Chia seeds can absorb 10–12 times their weight in liquid. In addition to fiber, they contain healthy omega-3 fats and a variety of nutrients. They should be eaten with liquid, and initially in small amounts, to enable the digestive system to get used to the added fiber.


a) True b) False

6. c) Both tapioca and chicory are good sources of prebiotics, and are found in foods and supplements.

7. b) That’s true if cooked rice or potatoes are eaten while still warm. However, if they’re cooled, for example, in the fridge for 12 hours, a significant amount of the starch is converted to “resistant starch,” a type of beneficial fiber. Both can be eaten cold or reheated at temperatures below 130°F. Reheating at higher temperatures will convert the resistant starch back to its original form.


7. White rice and potatoes are never good sources of fiber because they are high in starch, which has a similar effect to sugar in our bodies.


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