Better Nutrition Magazine June 2019 Issue

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PROTEIN POWDERS Exciting Ways to Use Them, From Soups to Wraps to Baked Goods










JUNE 2019



Foods for Fitness What to Eat for Strength, Endurance, & Weight Loss


the Medical Medium & the Celery Juice Craze

Build Beauty from Within Hair, Skin, Nails & Joints†

Garden of Life now offers three Grass-Fed Collagen products to meet your specific needs. The entire line is Non-GMO Tested and Certified, Keto Certified, Certified Paleo Friendly and NSF Gluten Free. Whether it’s fortifying hair, skin and nails or supporting healthy joints and mobility, we have the clean, convenient answer in our collagen powders.

Non- GMO Tested

† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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† These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Project FI E D


The Dr. Formulated Keto line is Keto Certified, Certified Paleo Friendly, and clean: Non-GMO Project Verified and Truly Grass Fed. We also have taken the math out of the equation for you by providing the correct mix of fat, protein and carbohydrates so you can follow your Keto diet more easily. Download a copy of our Guide to Everything Keto at

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Man up your supplement routine with our favorite guy-friendly nutrients.

Get a healthy dose of on-the-go protein with Avocado Eggs.



28 Top 10 Supplements


for Men

For the most part, nutrients don’t discriminate on the basis of sex. But there are some vitamins, minerals, and herbs that offer clear benefits for men. Here are 10 of the best.

32 Pump Up the Protein Need more protein in your diet but getting tired of the same old shakes and smoothies? These innovative, delicious recipes will make you look at protein powders in a whole new way.


Best Food Sources of Vitamin D Simple ways to get more of this key nutrient into your diet. Plus: Meet the Medical Medium and learn why he thinks everyone needs celery juice.



Cool Products for Hot Days Food and supplement products that we’re excited about this month.



Vitamin K Types and Benefits The skinny on this often-overlooked vitamin.


Ultimate Mineral Guide They don’t get the press of vitamin C or D, but these essential nutrients are crucial for optimum wellness.

24 ASK THE NATUROPATHIC DOCTOR Fertility-Boosting Remedies

Boost your chances of conceiving the natural way.


A Touch of Turmeric Spice (and brighten) up your skin with this potent botanical.

38 EATING 4 HEALTH Foods for Fitness What to eat if you want to shape up and slim down.



Plant Power Salad

Sure you know that turmeric is great for pain relief, but just wait ’til you see what it can do for your skin.

Harness the power of hemp with this savory, seasonal dish.

44 ASK THE NUTRITIONIST Freeing Your Family

Cutting problem ingredients from your family’s diet is easier than you think.

48 HEALTHY DISH Stone Fruit Clafoutis Cool off this summer with this scrumptious grain-free treat.

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editor’sNOTE YO U R U LT I M AT E G U I D E T O N AT U R A L L I V I N G

Spice Up Your Health with Turmeric Spices are as popular today as they were some 7,000 years ago—maybe even more popular. Throughout history, spices have been used for everything from dyeing fabrics to making perfume to crowning emperors. Spices are among the most powerful healing remedies in nature. Oregano, for example, is packed with antibacterial and antifungal properties. Cilantro helps bind to heavy metals and remove them from the body. Parsley helps purify the blood, enhance detoxification, and relieve water retention. Cinnamon helps support healthy blood sugar levels. And then there’s turmeric, arguably the most popular spice in the supplement aisle today. We cover turmeric quite a bit in the magazine because it’s recommended for so many different health issues. On the research side, curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has been shown to help prevent and/or improve a range of conditions, including Alzheimer’s, heart disease, and memory. According to herbalist and Better Nutrition contributing writer Karta Purkh Singh Khalsa, RH, DC-N, turmeric is first and foremost an anti-inflammatory remedy. In high doses, it is excellent for acute inflammation, he says. Khalsa also uses turmeric to ease ulcers and digestive problems. This month, turmeric is one of the “Top 10 Supplements for Men” on p. 28. Among its numerous health benefits, turmeric supports prostate health. And on p. 26, beauty editor Sherrie Strausfogel uncovers the skin benefits of turmeric. When applied topically, turmeric helps brighten skin, reduce acne breakouts, and more. For more on turmeric, go to and search for “10 Benefits of Turmeric and Curcumin”—this is one of my all-time favorite articles on the topic.



Editor in Chief Creative Director Executive Editor Associate Editor Copy Editor Beauty Editor Contributing Editors

Nicole Brechka Rachel Joyosa Jerry Shaver Elizabeth Fisher James Naples Sherrie Strausfogel Vera Tweed, Helen Gray

Contributing Designer Rachel Pilvinsky

Aromatherapy Infographic + NOW Kids Diffuser Giveaway Find out which essential oils are safe for kids—and which ones are best to avoid. Also: Enter to win this adorable Sleepy Puppy Diffuser from NOW. Heart Health presents

Natural Foods, Healing Nutrients, & Top Wellness Tips for a Happy Heart

Contributing Writers Jeannette Bessinger, CHHC, Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, Matthew Kadey, MS, RD, Emily A. Kane, ND, LAc, Melissa Diane Smith, Chris Mann, Lisa Turner, Neil Zevnik Production Director Patrick Sternkopf Editorial Offices 512 Main Street, Suite 1 El Segundo, CA 90245 310-873-6952 General Manager Rob Lutz AIM Retail Group 970-291-9029 Associate Publisher & Bernadette Higgins East Coast Sales Director 561-362-3955 Midwest Ad Director Donna Diamond Riekenberg 818-271-8956 West Coast & Cindy Schofield Mountain Ad Director 310-456-5997


Free Heart Health eBook! Heart disease and stroke take more lives than any other disease. Download our free Heart Health eBook at, and discover alternative views on cardiovascular health.

Father’s Day Facebook Giveaway Visit our Facebook page on June 16 for your chance to win one of our men’s health baskets!

Retail Development Group 2400 NE 65th Street, Ste. 623 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308 800-443-4974, ext. 702 Director of Retail Sales Joshua Kelly 800-443-4974, ext. 702 Marketing Director Laureen O’Brien Marketing Designer Judith Nesnadny Accounting & Billing Yolanda Campanatto

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Grilled Chicken Cutlets with ChileChocolate Sauce This Mexicaninspired dish is jam packed with rich, complex flavors.


BETTER NUTRITION, ISSN #0405-668X. Vol. 81, No. 6. Published monthly by Cruz Bay Publishing, an Active Interest Media company. 5720 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, CO 80301; 303-253-6300; fax 303-443-9757. © 2019 Cruz Bay Publishing. All rights reserved. Mechanical requirements and circulation listed in Standard Rate and Data Service. The opinions expressed by the columnists and contributors to BETTER NUTRITION, are not necessarily those of the editor or publisher. Fraudulent or objectionable advertising is not knowingly accepted. Advertisers and advertising agencies assume liability for all content of advertising and for any claims arising therefrom. Articles appearing in BETTER NUTRITION may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express permission of the publisher. Microfilm copies of BETTER NUTRITION, are available from University Microfilms, 300 N. Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI 48106. Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use of specific clients is granted by Cruz Bay Publishing, provided that the base fee of US $2.25 per copy, per page is paid directly to Copyright Clearance Center (CCC), 222 Rosewood Dr., Danvers, MA 01923 USA. The fee code for users of this Transactional Reporting Service is 0405-668X/1999 $2.25. For those organizations that have been granted a photocopying license by CCC, a separate system of payment has been arranged. Prior to photocopying items for educational classroom use, please contact CCC at 508-750-8400. Organizations or individuals with large quantity photocopy or reprint requirements should call 770-988-9991.

• JUNE 2019

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for Great Hair, Skin, and Nails!

Increase Your Collagen, Elastin, and Keratin – NATURALLY! The condition of your hair, skin, and nails depends on three proteins, known as your three beauty proteins. Collagen reduces fine lines and wrinkles. Elastin tightens your skin and gives it “bounce back.” Keratin increases hair strength and thickness, and strengthens nails. BioSil® increases all three – naturally.†

Clinically Proven Results Reduces fine lines and wrinkles†‡* Increases skin elasticity†‡* Increases diameter of hair shaft†‡* Increases hair strength†‡* Strengthens nails†‡* NON



HORMONE FREE TOXIN FREE SUSTAINABLY SOURCED PRODUCED IN SOLAR POWERED, NO ARTIFICIAL COLOR, FLAVORINGS, OR PRESERVATIVES MINIMAL WATER FACILITY ©2019 Bio Minerals NV. Manufactured by Bio Minerals NV, Belgium. ch-OSA, BioSil, the ch-OSA logo and Advanced Collagen Generator are registered trademarks of Bio Minerals NV. †

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

WWickett RR, Kossmann E, Barel A, et al. Effect of oral intake of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid on hair tensile strength and morphology in women with fine hair. Arch Dermatol Res. 2007; 299:499-505. *Barel A, Calomme M, Timchenko A, et al. Effect of oral intake of choline-stabilized orthosilicic acid on skin, nails and hair in women with photodamaged skin. Arch Dermatol Res. 2005; 297:147-153. Results may vary. ‡

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Introducing High-Energy Collagen End fatigue with quick absorbing, medical-grade liquid collagen and stimulant-free energy boosters.


have have more more energy!” energy!” Jim Jim Caras Caras frequently heard from frequently heard from many many of of his his clients after using his medical-grade clients after using his medical-grade ® liquid liquid collagen, collagen, called called AminoSculpt AminoSculpt®.. “At “At first first it it didn’t didn’t make make sense,” sense,” says says Caras, Founder of Health Direct Caras, Founder of Health Direct and and author author of of How How to to Completely Completely Reshape Reshape Your Body! “Collagen Your Body! “Collagen is is known known to to enhance enhance beauty beauty and and support support joints… joints… but but energy?" energy?" Caras Caras had had to to know, know, “Why “Why were were people getting more energy people getting more energy after after using using AminoSculpt AminoSculpt liquid liquid collagen collagen -- and and why why weren't weren't they they getting getting the the same same energy energy when when taking taking other other collagen collagen products?” products?”

“PEM” “PEM” -- Why Why Many Many Are Are Tired Tired

Jim’s Jim’s research research focused focused on on a a basic basic macromacronutrient – protein. nutrient – protein. He explains, “I found that many He explains, “I found that many

people people suffer suffer from from a a relatively relatively common, common, but mostly unknown but mostly unknown condition condition called called Protein Protein Energy Energy Malnutrition Malnutrition (or (or PEM)." PEM)." PEM PEM is is a a protein protein deficiency deficiency that that occurs occurs when when the the body body can’t can’t properly properly absorb protein. You feel absorb protein. You feel this this as as a a lack lack of of energy, hence the "Energy Malnutrition.” energy, hence the "Energy Malnutrition.” As As we we age, age, our our body’s body’s ability ability to to break down protein declines. break down protein declines. Digestive Digestive issues, issues, and and the the overuse overuse of of protein protein supplements can make this supplements can make this problem problem even even worse. worse. Jim’s Jim’s discovery discovery led led to to the the creation creation of of AminoSculpt Collagen Energy™, AminoSculpt Collagen Energy™, a a new new “enhanced” “enhanced” collagen collagen that that has has helped helped thousands with their energy thousands with their energy problems. problems. Here’s Here’s how how it it works… works…

Liquid Liquid Collagen Collagen Boosts Boosts Energy Energy

“It's all about absorption,” says Caras. “It's all about absorption,” says Caras.

Collagen Collagen is is difficult difficult to to digest digest and and must be “hydrolyzed” (predigested) must be “hydrolyzed” (predigested) into into “bioactive” “bioactive” peptides peptides to to be be absorbed. Caras explains, “When absorbed. Caras explains, “When this this is is done properly and then delivered done properly and then delivered in in a a liquid liquid form, form, two two things things happen…” happen…” “First, our bodies “First, our bodies absorb absorb nearly nearly 100% 100% of of the the protein protein within within minutes. minutes. Second, Second, this this rapid rapid absorption absorption causes causes the the liver to use the collagen for energy liver to use the collagen for energy like like it it would would a a complex complex carbohydrate. carbohydrate. This This is why many people is why many people feel feel an an immediate immediate ‘boost’ ‘boost’ of of energy.” energy.”

Why Why Other Other Collagen Collagen Products Products DO NOT Boost DO NOT Boost Energy… Energy…

The The answer answer lies lies in in how how the the collagen collagen is is made. Hydrolyzing collagen made. Hydrolyzing collagen is is complex, complex, and the quality varies widely. and the quality varies widely. Caras explains, “Nearly every Caras explains, “Nearly every

Energy, Energy, Focus Focus and and Clarity Clarity with with Enhanced Enhanced Collagen Collagen Benefits… Benefits… “Boosts “Boosts DAYTIME DAYTIME ENERGY” ENERGY”

Our unique liquid collagen peptides are Our unique liquid This collagen rapidly absorbed. causespeptides the liverareto rapidly absorbed. This causes use the collagen for energy, liketheit liver wouldtoa use the collagen for energy, like it complex carbohydrate. Eight other would precisea complex carbohydrate. Eight other precise nutrients are combined with it to support nutrients are combined with it to support OVER 30 metabolic functions and enhance OVER 30natural metabolic functions and enhance energy production.* natural energy production.*

“Whole “Whole Body Body RECOVERY” RECOVERY”

Our liquid collagen peptides are shown in Our liquid collagen peptidesrecovery are shown clinical studies to improve 96%in clinicalthan studies to improve 96%in BETTER placebo. Plus, recovery the nutrients BETTER than placebo. Plus, the nutrients our proprietary energy blend help supportin our proprietary energy blend help support healthy blood circulation, decrease muscle healthy blood circulation, decrease recovery time, and reduce sorenessmuscle after recovery time, and reduce soreness after exercise.* exercise.*

“Supports “Supports FOCUS FOCUS & CLARITY” & CLARITY”

AminoSculpt Collagen Energy is rich in AminoSculpt Collagendoses Energyof isspecific rich in CLINICAL-STRENGTH CLINICAL-STRENGTH doses of specific vitamins and amino acids that support vitamins and acids that support alertness and amino cognitive function. These alertness and cognitive function. These play key roles in the brain and nervous play key roles in the brain and nervous system. People report that “brain fog” lifts system. People report thatfocus” “brainsetfog” and periods of “calm in.*lifts and periods of “calm focus” set in.*

“Better “Better BEAUTY BEAUTY Benefits” Benefits”

Many people who use AminoSculpt Many people whonotice use AminoSculpt Collagen Energy BETTER AND Collagen improvements Energy notice BETTER QUICKER in their AND hair, QUICKER improvements their hair, skin and nails. It increasesinthe delivery skin and nails. It increases the delivery of collagen and co-factors to every cell collagen co-factorsenhancing to every cell inof the body; and significantly the innatural the body; significantly enhancing the benefits of collagen peptides.* natural benefits of collagen peptides.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary. ©2019 D&J Vision Marketing, Inc.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results may vary. ©2019 D&J Vision Marketing, Inc.

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Why Our Medically-Proven Liquid Collagen Peptides Boost Energy… AminoSculpt® Liquid Collagen Peptides RAW

Collagen Collagen

Other Collagen Powders

We source grass-fed, non-GMO, RAW collagen to meet our stringent criteria.


They buy PREMADE HYDROLYZED collagen from “Big Food” corporations. They simply pour it into a container and put put their their label label on on it. it. They They look look different, different, but inside they are basically all but inside they are basically all the the same. same.

We HYDROLYZE THE COLLAGEN OURSELVES OURSELVES with with aa proprietary proprietary medical-grade process. medical-grade process. You You receive receive the the best-absorbing best-absorbing medical-grade medical-grade bioactive peptides EVERY TIME – bioactive peptides EVERY TIME – the the same same used by doctors and hospitals! used by doctors and hospitals!

You You get get aa commodity commodity collagen collagen powder powder where the color, how well it mixes where the color, how well it mixes and and absorption varies between batches. absorption varies between batches.

"…we hydrolyzed our own collagen, other brands don't!" collagen company DOES NOT collagen company DOES NOT hydrolyze their own collagen, so they hydrolyze their own collagen, so they can't know exactly what they're getting can't know exactly what they're getting – and neither do you. The proof is in the – and neither do you. The proof is in the results. Most don't boost your energy, results. Most don't boost your energy, which shows they aren't absorbing well. which shows they aren't absorbing well. This means they weren't hydrolyzed This means they weren't hydrolyzed properly." properly." Even worse, improperly hydrolyzed Even worse, improperly hydrolyzed collagen can make PEM worse. collagen can make PEM worse.

Liquid Collagen: Liquid Collagen: Medically Proven Medically Proven Over Over 44 Decades Decades “At Health Direct, we hydrolyze our

“At Health Direct, we hydrolyze our own collagen, so we know exactly own collagen, so we know exactly what you're getting." what you're getting." The liquid peptides in AminoSculpt The liquid peptides in AminoSculpt Collagen Energy have the best Collagen Energy have the best absorption, are ready-to-use, and are absorption, are ready-to-use, and are highly concentrated (10 grams of highly concentrated (10 grams of collagen protein per 1 oz serving). collagen protein per 1 oz serving). Even better, these Whole Body Even better, these Wholebuild Bodyall bioactive collagen peptides bioactive collagen peptides build 28 types of collagen in the bodyall 28 types ofI,collagen including: II, III, IVin , Vthe andbody X. including: I, II, III, IV , V andhave X. been "It's no surprise that they "It's no surprise that they have been medically proven by over 4,700 doctors, medicallyand proven by professionals over 4,700 doctors, hospitals health over hospitals and health professionals over

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the past 40 years," Jim adds. the past 40 years," Jim adds.

"Supercharging” "Supercharging” Collagen Collagen

In his research, Caras and his team also In his research, Caras and his team also uncovered eight additional nutrients uncovered eight additional nutrients that help fight PEM and address other that help fight PEM and address other causes of fatigue. As an added bonus causes of fatigue. As an added bonus they also enhance collagen’s natural they also enhance collagen’s natural anti-aging benefits. These stimulantanti-aging benefits. These stimulantfree “superchargers” are included in free “superchargers” are included in AminoSculpt Collagen Energy (see sidebar AminoSculpt Collagen Energy (see sidebar for details). for details). Caras finishes, "We're getting results Caras finishes, "We're getting results that other collagen products simply can't that other collagen products simply can't deliver. It's time to expect more from deliver. It's time to expect more from your collagen.” your collagen.” AminoSculpt Collagen Energy™ is AminoSculpt Collagen Energy™ is sugar-free, contains zero caffeine, and is sugar-free, contains zero caffeine, and is made from non-GMO, grass-fed collagen. made from non-GMO, grass-fed collagen. It's also ready-to-drink, with no mixing It's also ready-to-drink, with no mixing required. required.

To Find AminoSculpt ToCollagen Find AminoSculpt Energy™ Collagen Energy™ Call Toll-Free Call Toll-Free 1-800-989-9531, Dept 2974

1-800-989-9531, Dept 2974

Visit Us Online:

Visit Us Online:

88 Collagen Collagen Energy Energy "Superchargers" "Superchargers" “NITRIC “NITRIC OXIDE OXIDE Nutrients” Nutrients”

AminoSculpt Collagen Energy contains AminoSculpt Collagen Energy contains L-Citrulline and powerful antioxidants from L-Citrulline and powerful antioxidants from Amla, Pomegranate, and Red Orange. Amla, Pomegranate, and Red Orange. They promote nitric oxide production, They promote nitric oxide production, healthy circulation and energy.* healthy circulation and energy.*

“Clinical-Strength “Clinical-Strength VITAMINS” VITAMINS”

AminoSculpt Collagen Energy contains AminoSculpt Collagen contains clinical-strength doses Energy of the vitamins clinical-strength doses of the vitamins Methycobalamin B-12 and D3. and D3. TheyMethycobalamin support energy,B-12 the metabolism, Theybone support energy, the metabolism, health, and congnition.* bone health, and congnition.*

“High-Potency “High-Potency MINERALS” MINERALS”

AminoSculpt Collagen Energy contains AminoSculpt Collagen contains high-potency doses of Energy Magnesium and high-potency dosessupport of Magnesium and Potassium. They energy, and Potassium. They and reduce fatigue andsupport muscleenergy, weakness.* reduce fatigue and muscle weakness.*

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Best Food Sources of Vitamin D Simple, delicious was to get more of this all-important nutrient into your diet Without much unprotected sun exposure, the human body makes very little vitamin D, yet its function affects many important processes. Symptoms of a shortfall can include fatigue, frequent infections, depression, hair loss, bone loss, and pain in muscles, joints, or bones.

Best Foods Vitamin D is added to cow’s milk, many plant milks, cereals, and other foods. While these are all good sources of the vitamin, they work much like a supplement, as the vitamin D is not a natural ingredient in the food. Top natural sources include:

* Wild salmon: nearly 1,000 IU or more * Farmed salmon: 250 IU * Pickled herring: 680 IU * Wild oysters: 320 IU * Sardines: 270 IU * Canned tuna: 230 IU * Shrimp: 150 IU Egg yolks: Vitamin D levels can vary from 20 to 40 IU per yolk if chickens are raised on factory farms to about four times that amount from pastureraised hens, and much more if chickens are fed vitamin D-enriched feed.

Mushrooms: The only plant to produce vitamin D, mushrooms make it when they are exposed to sunlight. Some wild mushrooms can contain as much as 2,300 mg of vitamin D in a 3.5 oz. serving, but most mushrooms aren’t good sources because they’re farmed indoors in the dark. The exceptions are farmed mushrooms that have been exposed to UV light, and these should clearly be labelled as such, ideally with some information about their vitamin D content. Mushrooms can retain half or more of their vitamin D when cooked.

Fish and seafood: These are the richest sources of vitamin D if they aren’t deep fried. One study found that frying salmon in vegetable oil eliminated half its vitamin D content. Approximate amounts of vitamin D in a 3.5-ounce serving:

HOW MUCH D IS ENOUGH? Government guidelines recommend getting 600 IU daily up to age 70 and 800 IU after that, but many experts recommend taking 1,000 IU daily or more. Ideally, get your vitamin D blood levels tested to identify how much you need.

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trendWATCH Honey Linked to Healthy Lifestyle People who eat honey are more likely to eat a healthy diet and are less likely to be overweight or have high cholesterol or diabetes, according to a survey of 13,000 American adults. Those who regularly eat honey are more likely to keeps tabs on their intake of calories, sugar, sodium, and gluten, while striving Honey bees tap to eat plenty of fiber and 2 million flowers protein. In short, they’re to make 1 lb. of honey. healthy eaters. Honey contains vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes that make it more nutritious and easier to digest than sugar.

did you know?


minutes to heart health

Aerobic exercise, such as brisk walking, has traditionally been the go-to type of exercise for heart health. But resistance exercise—using weights, resistance bands, or your own body weight—has surprising benefits. In a study of more than 12,000 people, resistance training for up to 59 minutes per week reduced risk for heart disease and stroke by 40–70 percent. That weekly 59 minutes could be broken down into shorter periods that are done twice or three times per week. Resistance training for a longer weekly period didn’t deliver extra benefits.

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That’s how many of us eat the recommended daily amount of fiber: 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men up to age 50, and 21 and 30 grams, respectively, after that. Fiber is nature’s cleanser and helps prevent digestive problems, weight gain, cancer, high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke. In addition to whole grains, here are some top sources of fiber:

CURCUMIN EASES ASTHMA AND ALLERGIES Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric root, can reduce asthma and allergy symptoms. A study of children in Brazil found that daily curcumin supplements, taken for six months, reduced the need for asthma medicine. Another study of 200 Chinese adults with seasonal allergies found that taking curcumin for two months reduced sneezing and congestion.

* 1 cup raspberries: 8 grams * 1 cup strawberries: 3 grams * I medium pear, apple, banana, * * * * *

or orange: 3–5 grams ½ cup split peas, lentils, or black beans: 7–8 grams ½ oz. chia seeds: 5 grams 23 almonds (1 oz.): 3.5 grams 1 cup cooked broccoli, turnip greens, or Brussels sprouts: 4–5 grams 1 medium baked potato with skin: 4 grams

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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trendWATCH the Passion behind the Product

Elements Truffles How Alak Vasa turned a love of chocolate into healthful, socially responsible treats

Hours of meditation and a passion for chocolate led Alak Vasa (left) to ditch Wall Street and create Elements Truffles.

///By Neil Zevnik

Imagine a chocolate that provides more than just a party in your mouth—it also nourishes your body and feeds your soul, inspired by centuries-old healing traditions. And suppose that same chocolate also offered hope and a future to disadvantaged children. Would you be interested? Alak Vasa, creator of Elements Truffles, bets you will be. Vasa was a successful trader on Wall Street. Seeking to mitigate the stresses of that life, she began the practice of meditation, and gradually became more mindful of her diet, her spiritual growth, and her place in the world. Eventually, she quit her job—with no clear idea of what to do next. “I didn’t have an exact plan in my mind. The only thing consistent throughout the entire journey was listening to my inner voice and jumping into the unknown with complete faith,” she says.

web exclusive recipe! Visit for a delicious Grilled Chicken Cutlets with Chile-Chocolate Sauce recipe made with Elements Truffles.

The Passion As a dessert—especially chocolate— lover, Vasa started with what she knew. Experiments in the kitchen led to a table at her local farmers market. And the response there encouraged her to continue to build and expand—and her dreams were rewarded. “When I first saw the complete product on a chocolate wall in a store, I couldn’t believe it,” she says. “I realized that when you have the right intention, the universe conspires to make it happen.” Elements truffles are more than just cacao and honey. As Vasa grew in her meditative practices, she rediscovered the Ayurvedic principles that she had grown up with and incorporated them into her chocolates. Infusions of cinnamon and clove, turmeric and ginger, and moringa and ashwagandha offer benefits both physical and spiritual. For Vasa, the culture of the company is as important as the product itself. “At Elements, we take no shortcuts. We use only the purest ingredients from Fair Trade manufacturers who fiercely align with our philosophy and values.”

Equally important are the people who surround her and whose lives she touches. “I love to meet amazing kind-hearted people on this journey,” she says. “I love having an amazing team of people to work with and share my vision with and grow together to get there.” The mission also involves a big helping of giving back. A generous portion of the company’s profits goes to supporting the education of underprivileged children in tribal, rural, and slum areas of India, through the Care For Children Program of the Art of Living Foundation. “People always come first,” says Vasa. “Because we believe that only happy and grateful people can make happy chocolates.”

Neil Zevnik is a private chef in Los Angeles who tends to the culinary needs of the rich and famous; blogs about food, nutrition, and the environment for The Huffington Post; and volunteers with marine mammal rescue whenever he can. Learn more at


• JUNE 2019

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trendWATCH In the Spotlight:

The Medical Medium Could celery juice really be the key to overcoming chronic illness and restoring optimum wellness? The proof, says Anthony Williams, is in the results ///By Chris Mann

In terms of healing, why is it better to drink celery than to eat it? Naysayers will say, “Oh, it’s a vegetable. Try other vegetables. Make sure you eat the fiber.” But celery is an herb. This is an herbal tonic. When you’re juicing it, you’re extracting the medicine from it. You don’t want the fiber. Of course you can eat celery sticks on the side and enjoy them in a crudité or salad. But celery juice is an herbal medicine in a larger quantity. It moves the needle like nothing ever has. So if you’re Keto, vegetarian, plant-based, vegan, Paleo—whatever you do, however you eat, however you plan on taking care of your health—you bring in celery juice and you have ailments, you’ll notice the needle move and you won’t even believe it. Because it is that weapon against chronic illness.

What types of celery juice success stories encourage your ongoing work? There are people that deal with chronic


blenders, strained the juice, and within days her back was recovering for the first time.” Williams has made believers out of countless others since his 2015 book, The Medical Medium, introduced the chronically ill and other health seekers to the otherworldly wellness wisdom that Williams, since age 4, says he has shared from a compassionate entity he calls Spirit. “I was in nursing homes at age 18, 19, sitting by bedsides offering Medical Medium information— which is Spirit’s advanced information given to me—giving

spasms, like neurological tics and spasms in their throat where they can’t swallow or breathe properly, and they’ve tried every [remedy] for 10 straight years. And then they drink celery juice for two weeks and the problem goes away for the first time in their lives. Debilitating cases of eczema and psoriasis; uncomfortable cases of acne; things like severe fatigue and symptoms from Lyme disease, multiple sclerosis, Hashimoto’s, and undiagnosed illnesses; and brain fog where people can’t even function or work or drive—and celery juice has turned people around. Lives have been saved. It’s medicine for people who are struggling and think they have tried everything.

How does celery juice work as an antiinflammatory? The sodium cluster salts in celery juice kill off the bugs that are creating inflammation. Unless you’ve had a physical injury, every form of inflammation is caused by pathogens,

by bugs. So when you eat wheat and a smart doctor says, “You’re getting inflamed from the wheat gluten”—why are you getting inflamed when someone else isn’t? It’s because you’ve got a bug that’s feeding off that gluten. Gluten feeds bacteria. Gluten feeds pathogens. Toxic heavy metals and other poisons and toxins we have in the body cause inflammation when bugs eat them. Bugs have to eat heavy metals, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, gluten, and dairy to create inflammation. Celery juice is minimizing bugs in people’s bodies.

How do sodium cluster salts work to heal the digestive system? The sodium cluster salt enters the stomach glands—there are stomach glands, they create gastric juice—and it revives them because they become damaged as we’re eating other things we shouldn’t be eating over the years. When they become damaged, you lose your hydrochloric acid (HCI). Everybody gets low HCI. And then


More than 40 years before he started the global celery juice movement, Anthony Williams—or, as readers of his bestselling books know him, The Medical Medium—was serving up 16 oz. glassfuls of what millions now deem a divinely inspired herbal elixir in his efforts to bring healing to loved ones, friends, and community members. “I remember the first time I offered it in 1975 for a family member who had a back injury that wouldn’t get better—and she didn’t believe in celery juice, didn’t believe in anything,” he says. “I put the celery in one of those old, beat-up

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people B12 back in the late 1980s so they could get out of bed. For families and doctors who I was working with, I’ve been in the trenches helping people out my whole life. I’ve dedicated my life to helping the chronically ill, providing them answers that they can’t get anywhere else because science and research hasn’t been up to par in mystery chronic illness—and making sure people have a chance to heal.” Not that he hasn’t had a slew of vocal critics dismiss his medical findings—also outlined in his books on the thyroid and liver—as unscientific. But he believes that science and research will catch up eventually. “People still don’t know why the thyroid becomes inflamed or you get thyroiditis,” he says. “I am the first person to (say) that the Epstein-Barr virus gets into the thyroid. And now they’re starting to talk about it years later.” Williams also gives Spirit credit for revealing—35 years ago—lemon water’s now widelyregarded role in flushing and cleansing the liver. “There’s no science behind it. There’s no peer review studies. Yet the same naysayer who will say in an article, ‘Oh, that Anthony Williams; there’s no

they can’t break down protein, the food rots and feeds bacteria in the gut—fungus, yeast, and mold—causing health issues. Celery juice enters the gastric glands, and sodium cluster salts bind onto poison from preservatives and other crap, and they draw out the poison. Then your HCl picks up, your digestion gets stronger, your bloating goes down, and you start getting your energy back. Sodium cluster salts also enter the liver through the hepatic portal vein and start to replenish bile reserves. Strong bile breaks down fat, improves digestion, and stops people from gaining weight. That’s why people lose weight on celery juice. Also, celery juice is able to rejuvenate damaged liver cells and help the liver produce new liver cells, so it’s basically refurbishing a liver that’s damaged from pharmaceuticals. And it helps to escort pharmaceuticals that are still in the liver.

peer review study on celery juice,’ will actually say, ‘Put lemon in water to help the liver.’ “I hand-write entire books listening to Spirit,” he adds. “And I realize a guy hearing a voice is not the easiest thing to understand, digest, or trust. But you know what? It’s worked. It still is working. And the celery juice movement is a prime example of how the world’s changed from it.” William’s newest tome, Celery Juice: The Most Powerful Medicine of Our Time Healing Millions Worldwide, offers an arsenal of medical and practical information to restore health in people suffering from over 160 illnesses and symptoms, including fatigue, brain fog, addiction, ADHD, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid and autoimmune disorders, SIBO, Lyme disease, eye problems, and acne. “This book talks about how to do celery juice right so that some people can get the best out of it,” says Williams, who chronicles the healing effects of celery juice’s “undiscovered properties,” chief among them a set of mineral salts that he refers to as sodium cluster salts. Celery Juice, he adds, “is really packed with Spirit’s best information.”

What effect do sodium cluster salts have on the brain? (They) also leave the intestinal tract—the duodenum, the stomach even— and enter the bloodstream via other avenues, eventually reaching the brain. Sodium cluster salts restore neurotransmitters that have been weakened and damaged. So people get brain fog removed. They start thinking better; the fog is gone; they start feeling stronger in the mind. It’s the ultimate electrolyte. There’s no other like it. It’s a complete electrolyte. That has to be studied down the road. It builds up the electrical impulse activity, which is electricity in the brain, making it stronger.

Why do you advocate cutting all fats by about 50 percent—while adding what you call “critically clean carbohydrates”—to support celery juice’s benefits? Everybody’s on a high-fat diet, but it could be a bad fat. We’re raised on high-fat diets,

we live on high-fat diets. We get sick and then we try to get a cleaner high-fat diet without realizing we’re just getting a cleaner diet but it’s still high-fat. And that diet works for people who aren’t that sick. The chronically ill have gotten off the standard American diet, many of them 20 years ago, and they’re still suffering. One of the reasons why is that their diets are still high in fat. When we’re sick, it’s good to lower [intake of] even healthy fats so you can recover your liver, so you can recover why you’re really sick. And then you can bring the fats back in a little bit as you go along. It’s not getting rid of them altogether. It’s about recovery for the chronically ill. We bring in more fruits, more leafy greens, even more steamed potatoes and sweet potatoes and winter squash, and you lower your fats and oils, you lower your olive oil and you lower your nut butters. For the chronically ill, you start recovering.

Chris Mann is a wellness and fitness writer, natural health brand storyteller, entertainment author and journalist, and digital-content producer (

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Cool Products for Hot Days


Paleo pizza pockets, reef-safe sunscreens, an herbal brain booster, and more Food for Thought Nootropics—supplements that support mental performance—can play an important role in maintaining cognitive health. Gaia Herbs Agile Mind offers a blend of traditional nootropic herbs to nourish your mind, including turmeric, bacopa, ginkgo leaf extract, and gotu kola leaf.



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Shake It Up Whether you are a committed ketogenic dieter or just someone who wants to move away from sugar and carbohydrates, it’s possible to lose weight and be healthy at the same time with proper nutritional balance. PlantFusion Complete Keto Blend 1:1 Fats + Protein shake mix provides seven different sources of healthy fats from natural foods such as avocado and coconut balanced in a perfect one-to-one ratio with premium plant-based protein. This balanced ratio of fats and protein helps manage hunger while providing sustained energy. Plus it’s 100% plant-based, allergy-free, and non-GMO.



Potent Microbiome Support The word “spore” means “seed,” and like a seed, each spore probiotic features a naturally protective shell that safeguards the cell through manufacturing, storage, and digestion—so it can colonize, grow, and proliferate in the gut. YouTheory Spore Probiotic uses three of the most widely researched spore probiotics to provide a cutting-edge way to replenish the body’s microflora.

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Vitamin K Types and Benefits What you need to know about this crucial nutrient /// BY VERA TWEED Vitamin K is gaining attention because it has a much greater effect on our health than previously thought. It isn’t a single substance, but a family of nutrients that plays a critical role in preventing disease, including osteoporosis and hardening of arteries that leads to heart attacks and strokes. Traditionally, vitamin K has been viewed as essential for healthy blood clotting—we could bleed to death from a minor cut without it. In this sense, deficiency has not been viewed as a problem for healthy people, but this holds true for only one form of the vitamin: K1. Vitamin K2 is another story. In nature, it exists in 10 subtypes whose names— MK-4 through MK-13—designate different molecular structures within


the K2 family. All of their functions are not fully understood yet, and there is no established daily requirement for vitamin K2, but the need is clear.

density and, in some cases, to reverse it. Here are some research highlights:

* In the Netherlands, the effects of

vitamins K1 and K2 were examined among 4,807 healthy men and women, Research has shown that vitamin who were aged 55 or older at the K2 has a pivotal effect on how outset. Their diets and health our bodies utilize calcium. were monitored for up Higher levels of K2 to 10 years. Dietitians correlate with calcium calculated the amounts Antibiotics and being deposited in bones, of vitamins K1 and K2 in cholesterol-lowering where it helps to prevent participants’ diets and drugs interfere with osteoporosis, while low found that those who vitamin K and can deplete levels. levels correlate with harmful consumed the most K2 calcium deposits in arteries. In developed the least coronary Japan, vitamin K2 is an approved artery disease and were least treatment for osteoporosis. It’s been likely to die. There was no similar shown to stop decline in bone mineral correlation with vitamin K1.

Why Vitamin K2 Is Essential

Did You Know?

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* A study of 244 postmenopausal


women compared the effects of taking a placebo or 180 mcg of the MK-7 form of vitamin K2 (MenaQ7, a patented form), daily for 3 years. Bone scans showed that the MK-7 supplement significantly reduced age-related bone loss and increased the strength of bones. Another study looked at vitamin K in the diets of 16,057 women who were between the ages of 49 and 70 and had no heart disease. Researchers monitored them for 6–8 years and found that those who consumed the most vitamin K2 developed the least heart disease; vitamin K1, however, did not affect the heart.

Low levels of vitamin K2 also correlate with higher incidence of diabetes. In addition, emerging research is finding a link between adequate K2 and cancer prevention, proper immune function, and healthy liver, kidney, and neurological function.

Dark Leafy Pesto Makes 1 cup

Made with blanched greens, this vitamin K-rich pesto gets a hint of Southern flavor from pecans and fresh sage. You could even spice it up with a dash of hot sauce. 8 oz. collard, kale, or mustard greens, tough stems trimmed ¼ cup pecans ¼ cup Parmesan cheese 3 cloves garlic, peeled ¼ cup sage leaves ⅔ cup olive oil ½ tsp. salt, optional ⅛ tsp. freshly ground black pepper

1. Blanch greens in large pot of boiling

salted water 3 minutes. Refresh under cold water. Drain, pat dry, and tear into pieces.

Food Sources of Vitamin K Vitamin K1 is found in leafy green vegetables, and it’s estimated that most people get enough K1 from food. But our levels of vitamin K2 quite likely fall short.

TWO TYPES OF VITAMIN K VITAMIN K1 (PHYLLOQUINONE): Enables healthy blood clotting. Daily recommended amounts are 90 mcg for women and 120 mcg for men, which are easy to get from leafy greens or multivitamins. VITAMIN K2 (MENAQUINONE): Essential for calcium to be used in bones rather than

arteries, where calcium deposits lead to heart disease. There is no set recommended daily amount, but in a Western diet, levels may well fall short of optimum. The MK-7 subtype of vitamin K2 is measured in micrograms (mcg), whereas the MK-4 subtype is typically measured in milligrams (mg). Studies have used 180 mcg of MK-7 or 15–45 mg of MK-4. Products described as “full spectrum” or as a “complex” contain multiple subtypes. There is no recommended upper limit, as the vitamin is not considered to be toxic. Vitamin K2 is fat-soluble and is absorbed more effectively when taken with fatty food. Caution: Vitamin K supplements (K1 and K2) are not recommended for anyone taking blood-thinning medications. These typically work by blocking vitamin K, and taking the vitamin can reduce effectiveness of the drugs.

2. Pulse pecans, Parmesan, and garlic in

food processor until finely chopped. Add collard and sage leaves, and pulse until greens are finely chopped. With motor running, add oil in steady stream, and process until smooth. Season with salt (if using) and pepper.

Per serving: 100 cal; <1g prot; 11g total fat (2g sat fat); <1g carb; 1mg chol; 21mg sod; <1g fiber; <1g sugars

The richest source of K2 is natto, a fermented soy food that isn’t a usual part of a Western diet. Other sources include animal foods, especially liver and dark meat with skin from chicken and duck, egg yolks, and full-fat cheeses. Foods from grass-fed animals, who convert the vitamin K1 in grass into vitamin K2, contain more K2 than the same foods from grain-fed animals. A Western diet may not provide enough K2, but supplements can bridge the gap.

product PICKS

Doctor’s Best Natural Vitamin K2 MK-7 with MenaQ7

Garden of Life Vitamin Code Raw K-Complex

Zhou Nutrition Vitamin K2 + D3

Contributing editor Vera Tweed has been researching and writing about supplements, holistic nutrition, fitness, and other aspects of healthy living since 1997. She is the author of several books, including Hormone Harmony: How to Balance Insulin, Cortisol, Thyroid, Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone to Live Your Best Life.

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Ultimate Mineral Guide Everyone talks about vitamins A through K, but it turns out minerals have a far more important role in human health than most people imagine /// BY JONNY BOWDEN, PHD, CNS Minerals are often the gatekeeper and magnesium, are among the most when it comes to your body’s ability to popular supplements in America. perform complex, enzyme-dependent Here’s a basic guide to what you need metabolic operations and even to access to know when it comes to minerals. important vitamins. Take iron. “In my practice, I saw [a lot The Macrominerals of] females with anemia,” says Darrin * Magnesium. Magnesium is needed Starkey, ND. “But now we’re seeing for more than 300 different metabolic more boys with anemia as well.” Starkey operations, but almost no one gets enough points out that the reason for this surge of it. Magnesium lowers stress, blood in anemia may have less to do with iron pressure, and blood sugar. I recommend and more to do with molybdenum. magnesium supplementation for “Molybdenum is the gatekeeper for almost everyone. Like potassium, iron stores in the liver,” says Starkey. magnesium is found in vegetables, “Without it, your liver won’t release its fruits, seeds, and other plant foods. iron stores effectively, and you could * Sodium and Chloride. Sodium and wind up with iron-deficiency anemia.” chloride—molecules that are often Molybdenum is what’s known as a combined (as in salt)—are two of the trace mineral (also known as micromost important electrolytes in the body, minerals). Minerals in your diet come in essential to balancing fluids. Almost no two categories: macrominerals such as one needs to supplement with sodium. calcium and magnesium, and microminerals * Potassium. Potassium is vitally important such as iron, copper, manganese, and zinc. for your heart. And it has a symbiotic The macrominerals are the ones you relationship with sodium: you need the need a lot of. Microminerals, aka trace minerals, are essential, but in tiny amounts. According to Starkey and many other researchers, the diminishing amounts of these minerals in our soil is causing or promoting a host of human health Pumpkin seeds are a great problems. Not all minerals (in either source of magnesium, category) need to be supplemented, which can help lower though trace minerals as a group stress and control blood sugar. probably should be since they’re the minerals most neglected in multivitamins. They’re also the ones that seem to be disappearing from the soil the quickest. Don’t confuse the importance of a mineral with its value as a supplement. Some macrominerals, including sodium and chloride, are so essential that you would die without them, but they’re almost never taken as supplements. Other macrominerals, such as calcium



two to be balanced, or to favor potassium. You need thousands of milligrams of potassium a day, and it’s next to impossible to get that amount from supplements. Virtually every plant food has a ton of potassium, so eat plenty. Calcium. The conventional wisdom on calcium is turning out to be only partially true. You definitely need calcium for strong bones, but you need to make those deposits in your calcium bank before age 25. It’s no longer clear that supplementing with calcium in middle age—particularly when not accompanied by synergistic nutrients such as vitamins D and K2, magnesium, and the trace minerals boron and silica—is very effective at preventing fractures or osteoporosis. Phosphorus. Eighty-five percent of the phosphorus in the body is found in bones and teeth. Phosphorus helps filter waste in the kidneys and helps synthesize and absorb vitamins and minerals from food.

Did You Know?


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Almost no one needs to supplement with phosphorus. Good food sources include sunflower seeds, raw milk, white beans, tuna, broccoli, and eggs. Sulfur. Sulfur naturally occurs in hot springs and volcanic craters. It helps relieves arthritis and muscle pain, and bathing in a sulfur-rich pool of water does wonders for you. Onions, garlic, leeks, and cruciferous vegetables contain a lot of sulfur. One supplement that people commonly take to get more sulfur in their diet is MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane).


Did You Know?

The Microminerals (aka Trace Minerals)

* Iron. Iron is part of hemoglobin (found




in red blood cells) and is needed to carry oxygen to the rest of the body. Iron is important, but you can overdo it. Women who are menstruating often need iron supplementation. I never recommend it for post-menopausal women or men, neither of whom have any natural way to get rid of excess levels of iron. Zinc. This powerful antioxidant has a great deal to do with the proper immune system function. Zinc is mainly found in meats and fish. Most multis contain at least 15 mg. Go higher when you feel a cold or flu coming on. Iodine. When asked about the importance of iodine, most people think of the thyroid. But most thyroid disease is Hashimoto’s thyroidosis, an autoimmune disease, and Hashimoto’s does not respond well to iodine supplementation—in fact, excess iodine can make it worse. I recommend that you get your iodine from your diet (seaweed, kelp) and leave the supplements alone unless recommended by a health practitioner. Selenium. Studies have shown that populations who get a lot of selenium tend to have lower rates of cancer, which doesn’t prove anything by itself, but is worth noting. Selenium is believed to help chelate toxic compounds, such as mercury. Selenium is another

of those minerals that is diminishing need a standalone supplement of in the soil. You can get a great dose by molybdenum, which is found in legumes, eating just three Brazil nuts a day. greens, and other foods. Caution: eating Copper. Copper is found in a range sugar can deplete molybdenum stores. of foods, including nuts, seeds, legumes, * Silicon/Silica. Silicon helps with the maintenance and flexibility of bones and even water. We need copper, but and joints and makes connective tissue more is definitely not better. Copper stronger. When it’s oxidized (i.e., when has a synergistic relationship with zinc an oxygen molecule attaches and is elevated in a number to it), it becomes silica, which of conditions, so unless a is now widely called health practitioner has “the beauty mineral” recommended copper because of its positive supplementation, I’d Molybdenum plays a effects on nails, hair, go with copper-free key role in helping your liver process iron; without and skin elasticity. Silica multiples. Copper enough molybdenum, you also has a lot of internal overload may be much can develop iron-defibenefits such as boosting more dangerous than ciency anemia. immunity and supporting we thought. Manganese. Manganese is arterial health. Silicon is found an important part of many enzymes, in wine, beer, raisins, and a lot of cereals. It’s also found in organ meats. and enzymes are critical to your metabolic machinery. Manganese is * Boron. One of the most interesting readily available from food—especially articles in the medical literature about plant foods—so most people don’t need boron appeared in 2015 in the journal to supplement. Many multis have a decent Integrative Medicine. In a nutshell, amount of manganese in their formulas. this neglected trace mineral—for Chromium. Chromium enhances the which there still is no RDA—is turning action of insulin, which helps get sugar out to be a nutritional powerhouse, out of your bloodstream and into your essential to important metabolic cells. In this way, chromium works operations. Notably, it plays a key much like certain “insulin-sensitizing” role in making strong bones. It’s also medications such as Glucophage helpful for wound healing, boosting (Metformin). It helps open the doors vitamin D levels, and the regulation of the cells so that insulin and sugar of sex hormones. One of the best food can get in, reducing the burden of high sources of boron is raisins. amounts of both blood sugar and insulin. Research on chromium supplementation, particularly for diabetics, is mixed, but chromium definitely Flora has a place in carbohydrate/insulin FloraSil metabolism. Many people have gotten good results with supplementation of 200–1,000 mcg a day. It’s next to impossible to get any real amount of Life Extension Extended-Release chromium from food. Magnesium Molybdenum. Molybdenum is known as a “detoxifier” because it helps cleanse Trace Minerals the body of toxins, the accumulation of Research which contributes to a host of conditions. ConcenTrace It’s also an essential part of some very Trace Mineral Drops important enzymes. Most folks don’t



product PICKS


Jonny Bowden, PhD, CNS, is a board-certified nutritionist and the best-selling author of 14 books. His latest is Smart Fat: Eat More Fat, Lose More Weight, Get Healthy Now (written with Steven Masley, MD). Visit him at


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Fertility-Boosting Remedies Increase your chances of conceiving the natural way ///BY EMILY A. KANE, ND, LAc

: I’m in my late 30s and pretty healthy. My partner and I would like to start a family, but we’ve been trying unsuccessfully for over a year. Any advice?


—Doris L., Baltimore

Ironically, women living in developed countries are experiencing significantly fewer pregnancies than they did during our peak population growth. In the year 1800, there were only one billion people on the planet. Today there are 7 billion. So, declining fertility rates today are, in part, because of the shock of rapid population growth to the planet where we all live. But these


Emily A. Kane, ND, LAc, has a private naturopathic practice in Juneau, Alaska, where she lives with her husband and daughter. She is the author of two books on natural health, including Managing Menopause Naturally. Visit her online at

statistics don’t change the disappointment for couples ready to welcome a child.

Toxic Troubles The world is more toxic since the advent and widespread use of industrial chemicals that can impair fertility in both men and women. Numerous studies, for example, link pesticides to fertility problems in both men and women. Lindane, a pesticide

commonly used to treat scabies and lice, affects the protective outer layer of sperm, which effectively inhibits the sperm’s response to female hormones at the site of egg fertilization in the uterus. Glyphosate (the active ingredient in RoundUp) may be even more problematic. The well-documented decline in testosterone levels over the past 25 years coincides with the introduction of GMO

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AVOIDING MISCARRIAGES Miscarriage is another issue for many couples trying to conceive. Insufficient progesterone production is a very common cause of early miscarriage, especially in women over age 35 or so. Check your progesterone levels over the course of a full cycle. There are good saliva tests on the market, and many don’t require a doctor’s order. A single blood test for estrogen and progesterone cannot tell you anything about your cycle. Thyroid insufficiency is another common risk factor for miscarriage. If you have a hard time losing weight, tend to be cold and/or constipated, and have heavy menses, low thyroid may be the culprit. Also rule out high prolactin levels. In non-nursing women, this is a sign of stress. Adrenal-supporting herbs such as licorice, ashwagandha, eleutherococcus, schisandra, and rhodiola can help. Also try daily meditation, journaling, or yoga to reduce stress.

crops and the corresponding increased use of RoundUp. The solution? Eat organic food whenever possible.

cleansing 1–3 times a year. This means eating a clean, fresh diet of mostly organic vegetables, good-quality fish, and eggs or organic nut-based proteins. Polychlorinated Biphenyls Two or more servings per day (versus Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were one or fewer per week) of low-fat dairy once used in electrical equipment, plastics, products have been associated with an and adhesives, and have contaminated 85 percent decrease in fertility.The protein our fish, meats, and dairy products. PCBs component of dairy (casein) causes the decrease fertility by lowering progesproblem, but these effects were only terone levels, diminishing ovulation, and observed with low-fat dairy consumption. reducing estrogen clearance. Solution: High-quality organic or grass-fed full-fat Avoid most dairy products and eat only dairy actually seems to increase fertility. wild, young, non-bottom-feeding fish. Keep blood sugars steady by Women often seek medical advice for minimizing grains and completely infertility because they have a shorter avoiding processed foods. Drink mostly window for conception. But water, along with kombucha the problem is just as likely or herbal teas. Coffee is Did You due to the man. Besides a vasoconstrictor (like Know? lower testosterone nicotine) and will mess The risk of infertility rises with levels worldwide, many with oxygen delivery obesity, which is affiliated with sperm donors who to all tissues. PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome, which has many manifestations but undergo semen analysis And watch your basically inhibits ovulation). Inositol, are being diagnosed weight. The risk of a readily available supplement, is with agglutination, a infertility rises with well documented to promote ovulation in women condition where sperm obesity, which is affiliated with PCOS. cells stick together and are with PCOS (polycystic less lively. This is usually due ovarian syndrome, which has to inflammation in the prostate many manifestations but basically or urethra, generally caused by a inhibits ovulation). Inositol, a readily sub-optimal diet including chemicals available supplement, is well documented from processed food. to promote ovulation in women with PCOS.

Dietary Solutions

Key Fertility Nutrients

To combat the chemical stew in our environment, both members of a couple trying to conceive would do well to enjoy a 2–6 week period of detoxification and

Micronutrient deficiencies can inhibit a healthy pregnancy: particularly iron and folic acid. It’s easy to check your status with an inexpensive blood test

(CBC). You can also check your ovarian reserves with a somewhat more expensive blood test called AMH (Anti-Mullerian Hormone). For women, once you’ve determined that you’re ovulating (you observe mid-cycle egg-white stretchy mucous, and your ovulation detector confirms this is high-estrogen mucus, indicating fertility), try taking:

* Phosphatidyl choline (the myo * * *

inositol form is best)—1,200 mg three times daily to soften the ovary walls, until conception Vitamin E—800 IUs daily to boost ovulation High potency B complex—with 230–500 mg of B1 (thiamine) to promote ovulation Vitex (chasteberry)—in tincture or capsule form, taken on an empty stomach every morning. Work with someone knowledgeable of this herbal medicine.

For men, once a semen analysis shows that you do have live swimmers, you should avoid hot tubs, tight pants, and cycling. If possible, also avoid taking antibiotics, particularly the erythromycin group, which is known to reduce sperm production. Supplements that can help male fertility include:

* Vitamin E—400–800 IUs daily to * * *

boost sperm production Glutathione—500 mg daily to improve sperm mobility Zinc—50 mg daily Vitamin C—1,000 mg daily

Finally, consider GIFT (gamete intra fallopian transfer), which is significantly more natural than other assisted reproductive technologies. Many acupuncturists are familiar with special acupoints to both enhance fertility and to enhance the promise of a full-term pregnancy. Do you have a question for Dr. Kane? Email it to editorial@ with “Ask the ND” in the subject line.

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A Touch of Turmeric This popular natural pain reliever can also do wonders for your skin /// BY SHERRIE STRAUSFOGEL Turmeric’s benefits go beyond spicing up curry. This orange-colored root, a member of the ginger family, has significant beauty benefits. It exfoliates and brightens skin, slows wrinkle formation, fights acne, fades scars and blemishes, and controls inflammation. Curcumin, turmeric’s active ingredient, is a natural antiseptic with antioxidant, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties.


Arguably, the most powerful benefit of curcumin is its ability to control inflammation. Whether taken internally as a kitchen spice or supplement, or used topically in personal care products, turmeric can help fight germs, soothe irritation, and neutralize certain enzymes that cause inflammation. Turmeric powder has a mild abrasive texture,

which makes it an ideal skin exfoliator. You can find it in cleansers and scrubs that promise cell regeneration and smooth, soft skin. Turmeric is also a key ingredient in brightening masks due to its ability to illuminate and rejuvenate dull-looking skin. Turmeric protects skin from age-related pigmentation, but it also protects the deeper layers of the skin from wrinkles

Did You Know?

If you have psoriasis, eczema, or a similar type of skin condition, taking a turmeric supplement may help reduce flare-ups.



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1 and premature aging, making it an ideal ingredient in moisturizing serums, creams, and lotions. Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties fight and prevent acne. Turmeric-infused toners, serums, and balms attack acne-causing bacteria and germs, while reducing redness. It fades blemishes and scars by speeding up the healing process of wounds. Plus, turmeric is rich in vitamin C, which boosts collagen and encourages healing.

Gently polish sensitive teeth and soothe gums with My Magic Mud Polishing Tooth Powder. Turmeric powder reduces gum and mouth inflammation, cacao powder promotes strong teeth, activated charcoal and bentonite clay remove surface stains, xylitol helps reduce tooth decay, and peppermint extract freshens breath. The

tooth powder is packed in a jar with a scoop for neat and easy application.


Revitalize dry hair and scalp with Alaffia Neem Turmeric Shampoo and Conditioner. Turmeric and neem clean and treat dry scalp and dandruff while nourishing hair. Moisturizing shea butter adds shine and protection from

the elements. Clarifying tea tree and refreshing rosemary leave your scalp invigorated and your hair smelling fresh.

with antioxidantpacked vitamin C, turmeric, and kale.


Boost your skin’s natural glow with Andalou Naturals Turmeric + C Enlighten Serum. Turmeric, vitamin C, apple and grape stem cells, and bioactive berry complex brighten, lighten, and tighten skin. Use day and night before moisturizing.


Even skin tone and diminish fine lines with Derma E Vitamin C Brightening Clay Mask with Turmeric & Kale. This single-use clay mask draws out impurities and brightens skin


Clear up problem skin with Himalaya Botanique Balancing Neem & Turmeric Face Wash. This soap-free gel cleanses by removing excess oil and impurities without overdrying. Turmeric, combined with purifying and antibacterial neem, helps kill acne-causing bacteria and balances skin.

Sherrie Strausfogel is the author of Hawaii’s Spa Experience: Rejuvenating Secrets of the Islands (the first book to feature aromatherapy in its pages). Based in Honolulu, she writes about beauty, spas, health, cuisine, and travel. Her work has appeared in more than 100 magazines, newspapers, guidebooks, and websites.


Four years ago, the entry of PlusCBD Oil™ products gave birth to an entirely new category that never existed before. We felt great responsibility to create comfort around hemp CBD products and funded the scientific, legal, and social metamorphosis that has transpired before our eyes. Creating change around cannabis in the minds of millions wasn’t an easy task but, collectively, we did it. M SPO








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JUNE 3-9, 2019

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MEN Man up your supplement regimen with these key guy-friendly nutrients By Vera Tweed


utrients are gender-neutral—they don’t discriminate. But because the male and female incarnations of our species are not identical, nutritional benefits can differ somewhat between the sexes. Among the dozens of supplement choices, these 10 offer some clear perks for men.


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MULTIVITAMINS The contents of multis can differ dramatically, from a handful of ingredients to a few dozen, with a variety of dosages. Consequently, it’s difficult to study multivitamin effects, and research results have not been consistent. But large, longerterm trials that compared specific supplement formulations with placebos have found less incidence of cancer, heart disease, and early death, and overall healthier aging, among men who supplement with a multi. A French study of more than 13,000 men and women compared the effects of a placebo and a daily supplement containing a combination of antioxidants typically found in multis. After 7 years, researchers found that the supplement reduced risk of cancer and all causes of death in men, but not in women. The antioxidant supplements contained 120 mg of vitamin C; 30 mg of vitamin E (equivalent to 45 IU natural vitamin E or 67 IU of a synthetic form); 6 mg (10,000 IU) of beta carotene; 100 mcg of selenium; and 20 mg of zinc. In another 11-year study, male physicians who were age 50 or older at the outset were given either a placebo or a once-daily multi with relatively low doses of essential vitamins and minerals. Researchers also estimated nutrient intakes from food. They concluded that the multivitamin lowered risk of cancer and, among men who consumed higher amounts of vitamins B6, B12, and D from food, risk of heart disease and death.

VITAMIN D In addition to being essential for overall and bone health, vitamin D is necessary for maintaining testosterone levels. The hormone responsible for manly traits, testosterone is essential for healthy aging, and when levels drop, the aging process speeds up. Higher levels of body fat are a sign. Several studies have found that low levels of vitamin D correlate with low levels of testosterone, and that taking vitamin D supplements can raise levels of the hormone. Vitamin D also supports a healthy, brain, heart, and prostate. Men


who are overweight need extra vitamin D because they use it less efficiently. Recommendations for vitamin D supplement doses range from 1,000 to 5,000 IU daily, but individual needs should be assessed with blood tests, which are usually covered by health insurance. Optimum blood levels of the vitamin fall between 30 and 50 ng/mL.

SAW PALMETTO A traditional herbal remedy for an enlarged prostate (benign prostate hyperplasia, or BPH), saw palmetto supplements are extracts from berries of the tree of the same name. Although some studies have not shown benefits, others have found that 160 mg, twice daily, was as effective as a drug (finasteride, brand names Proscar and Propecia) in relieving nighttime urination and other BPH symptoms. Saw palmetto also helps to balance hormones and control inflammation.

COQ10 Short for coenzyme Q10, CoQ10 is a vitamin-like substance that every cell uses to generate energy, especially in the heart and other muscles. Statins deplete CoQ10, and this is one reason why they cause side effects such as muscle weakness and aches. Studies have found that taking between 30 and 200 mg of CoQ10 daily can relieve statin-related muscle pain. In both healthy people and those with angina or heart failure, research shows that CoQ10 improves heart function and energy. In addition, it can increase the density and quality of sperm, and has been used as a treatment for infertility. Effective doses range from 30 to 300 mg daily.

MACA A native of the Peruvian Andes, maca has been consumed for over 2,000 years for energy and fertility. In recent years, studies of maca supplements support these benefits while finding that it also enhances sexual function, stamina, and physical performance in men. One recent study at Nova Southeastern University in Davie, Fla., tested a patented form of maca (Lepidamax) and found improved sexual function, enhanced energy, and stronger hand grip among men who took 2,100 mg of the supplement daily for 28 days. Women did not experience the same benefits. Other studies have found that between 1,500 and 3,000 mg of dried maca root, or maca extract supplements, enhanced sexual function.

PUMPKIN SEED OIL In several studies, pumpkin seed oil reduced symptoms of BPH, improved urinary function in men with overactive bladders, and improved quality of life. Studies also suggest that pumpkin seeds can slow the growth of prostate cancer cells. Other research shows this healing fat may also help support heart health, blood sugar balance, and hair growth. The dosage for BPH is 1,000–2,000 mg daily. In research on male baldness, the dosage used was 400 mg daily.

TURMERIC OR CURCUMIN Both the herb turmeric and its active component curcumin can relieve prostatitis, a painful infection of the prostate, and help prevent and stop the growth of prostate cancer. The herb is anti-inflammatory and fights bacteria and viruses. A study of chronic bacterial

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prostatitis found that 200 mg of curcumin, taken with 100 mg of quercetin and an antibiotic for 14 days, worked better than the antibiotic alone in eliminating the infection and preventing recurrence. For prostate-cancer prevention, 100 mg of curcumin combined with 40 mg of soy isoflavones effectively lowered a risk marker for the disease. Turmeric or curcumin are often taken alone to reduce inflammation or relieve pain. Typical daily doses range from 500 to 2,000 mg of curcuminoids, which should be noted on the label.

ARGININE An amino acid found in many protein-rich foods, arginine is needed to produce sperm and dilate blood vessels, helping to address

high blood pressure, angina, low sperm count, and erectile dysfunction. It also helps to prevent infection and heal injuries. Arginine can be in short supply in times of stress, infection, or injury. In studies, 1,600–2,800 mg daily, taken for 6 weeks, has been effective for ED for many (but not all) men. To enhance sperm count and fertility, try 4,000 mg daily for a few months. For heart health, doses vary.

MAGNESIUM An essential mineral for hundreds of body processes, including muscle relaxation, magnesium is depleted by antacids and heartburn drugs, and is lacking in any diet that isn’t rich in vegetables and fruits. Adequate magnesium can prevent muscle cramps and sleep problems. And research

shows that magnesium supplements increase levels of testosterone. Helpful doses are 200 mg daily or more.

THEANINE Tea doesn’t have a macho connotation in our culture, but it was the favored drink of legendary Samurai warriors. It contains theanine (also called "L-theanine”), an amino acid that has a relaxing effect while enhancing mental focus. Taking a theanine supplement during the day can help bust stress or relieve anxiety without making you feel drowsy, and taking it in the evening can help you sleep. Common doses range from 100 to 400 mg daily. If you’d rather get your theanine in tea, avoid brews with lots of sugar.



Multivitamin....................... Overall health, prevention of heart disease and cancer Vitamin D ........................... Overall health, testosterone production Maca .................................. Physical stamina, sexual function Saw palmetto..................... Prostate health Arginine ............................. Dilation of blood vessels, sperm production, sexual function Turmeric or curcumin ......... Inflammation, pain, prostatitis CoQ10 ................................ Heart health, energy, fertility Pumpkin seed oil ............... Prostate and heart health, blood sugar support, hair growth Magnesium ........................ Relaxation, sleep, testosterone production Theanine ............................ Stress, mental focus, sleep

FORMULAS FOR MEN Natural Factors Whole Earth & Sea Men's Multi features 100% organic, non-GMO plant-based ingredients. Everything is grown on Natural Factors’ farms and harvested at their peak.

Redd Remedies At Ease contains L-theanine, magnesium, and other nutrients designed to support relaxation and mental focus.

NOW Prostate Support is a blend of nutrients and standardized extracts including saw palmetto and pumpkin seed oil.

Solgar Full Spectrum Curcumin is a unique water-soluble form of curcumin, making it immediately body-ready and faster absorbed.

Quality of Life CoQ10-SR features MicroActive CoQ10, a patented, 24-hour sustainedrelease form of the nutrient.

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Pump up the

Protein Protein powders aren’t just for boring shakes! These five recipes incorporate them in new and exciting ways BY MATTHEW KADEY, MS, RD


hen it comes to what we eat, it’s best not to overlook protein. Most active people require about 1.5 grams of protein for every kilogram they weigh (that’s 89 grams for a 130-pound person). Protein helps build lean body mass (aka muscle) and keeps you feeling satiated to stamp out overeating, and protein powder is an easy and convenient way to help make sure you get what you need. But most people think of whey, soy, and plant-based protein powders as something to blend into smoothies, chug down after a workout, or throw together for quick breakfast. And while protein powders are perfect for that, there are so many other ways to use them in the kitchen. As these recipes show, you can employ protein powders to boost the muscle-building power of everything—from baked goods to oatmeal to soups— without needing the shaker cup. Use any protein powder you like here. For tips on picking the best ones, see p. 35. FOOD PHOTOGRAPHY BY PORNCHAI MITTONGTARE FOOD STYLING BY CLAIRE STANCER | PROP STYLING BY ROBIN TURK


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Masala Cauliflower Soup Serves 4

Creamy soups are a great opportunity to sneak some more vegetables and—surprise, surprise—protein into your diet. This heavenly spiced soup is a nutritious companion to any meal. 1 Tbs. grapeseed oil 1 yellow onion, chopped ½ tsp. salt 1 head cauliflower, cut into small florets 2 garlic cloves, chopped 1 Tbs. ginger, chopped 1 Tbs. garam masala powder ¼ tsp. cayenne powder ¼ tsp. black pepper 2 cups low-sodium vegetable broth ⅓ cup unflavored protein powder Juice of ½ lime 1 cup unsweetened plain cashew milk 1 cup crunchy chickpeas (optional) ½ cup cilantro, chopped

1. Heat oil in large saucepan over medium heat. Add onion and salt; cook until onion has softened and is beginning to darken, about 5 minutes. Add cauliflower, garlic, and ginger to pan, and heat 3 minutes. Stir in garam masala, cayenne, and black pepper, and heat 30 seconds more. Pour in broth and 2 cups water. Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, cover, and simmer 20 minutes.

2. Place soup in blender or food processor, along with protein powder and lime juice, and blend until very smooth. Return to pan, stir in cashew milk, and heat through.

3. Divide soup among serving bowls and garnish with crispy chickpeas (if using) and cilantro. Per serving (with whey protein powder): 160 cal; 14g prot; 6g total fat (1g sat fat); 15g carb; 30mg chol; 460mg sod; 4g fiber; 7g sugar

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PB & J Oatmeal Serves 4

This creamy oatmeal tastes like everyone’s favorite schoolyard sandwich, albeit one with more lofty protein levels. Soaking hearty steel-cut oats overnight slashes their cooking time to make this breakfast more conducive to harried mornings. Whole nuts and coconut chips are a great way to add a satisfying crunch. 1½ cups fresh or frozen (thawed) strawberries 1 Tbs. honey 2 Tbs. chia seeds 1 cup steel-cut oatmeal ⅓ cup milk or unsweetened dairy-free milk ½ cup plain or vanilla protein powder ¼ cup natural peanut butter 1 tsp. cinnamon ¼ cup unsalted roasted peanuts (optional) ¼ cup coconut chips (optional)

1. Blend together strawberries, honey, and 2 Tbs. water. Place strawberry purée in container or bowl and stir in chia seeds. Set aside at least 1 hour to thicken.

2. Place oats, a pinch of salt, and 3 cups water in medium-sized saucepan. Bring to a mild boil, immediately turn off heat, cover, and let oats soak overnight.

3. In the morning, stir milk, protein powder, peanut butter, and cinnamon into oats, and cook over medium-low heat, 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

4. Divide oats among serving bowls and swirl in strawberry-chia jam. Garnish with peanuts and/or coconut chips if desired. Per serving (with whey protein powder): 390 cal; 27g prot; 14g total fat (2.5g sat fat); 43g carb; 50mg chol; 115mg sod; 6g fiber; 10g sugar

Mocha Oat Pancakes Makes 8 pancakes (4 servings)

These fluffy, protein-packed pancakes are sure to perk up your weekend mornings. You can also spread some nut butter and/or cream cheese between two leftover pancakes for an ultimate fast-food breakfast sandwich. ²⁄³ cup rolled oats ¾ cup brewed coffee ½ cup milk or unsweetened dairy-free milk ¾ cup oat flour ¼ cup chocolate or vanilla protein powder 2 Tbs. cocoa powder 1 tsp. cinnamon ¼ tsp. cayenne (optional) 1 tsp. baking powder ½ tsp. baking soda 1 large egg, lightly beaten 2 Tbs. melted butter or coconut oil 1 tsp. vanilla extract (omit if using vanilla protein powder) ¼ cup chopped walnuts 1 cup plain Greek yogurt 2 Tbs. pure maple syrup 1 ½ cups raspberries

1. Combine oats, coffee, and milk in large

3. Heat a greased skillet or griddle pan over medium heat. Pour ¼ cup batter for each pancake into pan, and cook until tops are covered with a few bubbles and edges look dry and cooked, about 2 minutes. Flip, and cook 1 minute more. Keep prepared pancakes warm in oven set to 200°F while you cook remaining batter.

4. Stir together yogurt and maple syrup. Serve pancakes topped with dollops of maple yogurt and raspberries.

bowl, and set aside 10 minutes.

Per serving (with plant-based protein powder):

2. In separate bowl, stir together flour,

430 cal; 23g prot; 20g total fat (7g sat fat); 43g carb; 95mg chol; 440mg sod; 8g fiber; 14g sugar

protein powder, cocoa powder,


cinnamon, cayenne if using, baking powder, baking soda, and a pinch of salt. Stir egg, butter or coconut oil, and vanilla into oat-coffee mixture. Add wet ingredients to dry ingredients, mix gently, and fold in walnuts.

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PROTEIN POWDER Cooking with protein powder isn’t rocket science, but it’s also not something you can do without any thought. Keep these tips in mind the next time you reach for your power powder.

FLAVOR MATTERS: It’s important to pick the right flavor of protein powder for your recipe. After all, chocolate protein powder may not go over too well in a soup. Try stirring a berry-flavored powder into yogurt, mixing a vanilla powder in muffins, and using a plain powder for savory applications. HOLD THE WHEY: When used in baked goods such as muffins, whey or casein powders have a tendency to cause a rubbery, less-tender texture if used too liberally. Generally, you don’t want to replace more than 25 percent of the flour in a recipe with whey protein powder or you’ll risk eating something that tastes like a tire. For better texture, try using plant-based protein powders for baking purposes. LIQUID ASSETS: When stirring whey or veggie powders into batters, add a little bit more of a moisturizer such as yogurt, applesauce, or pumpkin purée to avoid dry results. Also, don’t overmix the batter—stir gently just until everything is moist. TURN DOWN THE HEAT: A slightly lower baking temperature—say 325°F instead of 350—will help keep protein powder-infused baked goods moister. BURY THE SCOOP: Many powders come with a scoop that is convenient when adding the protein to items like smoothies. But for recipes such as muffins and pancakes, where you want to use a specified amount, it’s best to measure out the powder using measuring cups. THE COVER UP: Some powders such as pea and hemp can impart earthy flavors to dishes. Using ingredients like cinnamon, mashed banana, or cocoa can help mask these tastes.

Banana Protein Muffins Makes 12 muffins

These grain-free, banana-bread-like muffins taste more naughty than they are. Enjoy one as a quick snack or guilt-free dessert. If you like, the hazelnut flour can be replaced with almond flour. 2 large eggs ¼ cup milk or unsweetened dairy-free milk 3 medium-sized very ripe bananas, peeled ¼ cup honey or maple syrup 1½ cups hazelnut meal/flour ½ cup plain or vanilla plant-based protein powder 1 tsp. cinnamon ½ tsp. baking powder ½ tsp. baking soda ¼ tsp. salt ½ cup dark chocolate chips

1. Preheat oven to 350°F. Place eggs, milk, bananas, and honey in blender or food processor, and blend until smooth. Blend in hazelnut flour, protein powder, cinnamon, baking powder, baking soda, and salt. Stir in chocolate chips.

2. Divide batter among 12 standard-sized greased or paper-lined muffin cups. Bake 22–25 minutes until set and lightly browned on top, so that a toothpick inserted into center of muffin comes out nearly clean. Let cool a few minutes before unmolding and cooling completely on metal rack. Chill up to five days. Per muffin (with plant-based protein powder): 230 cal; 10g prot; 13g total fat (3g sat fat); 22g carb; 30mg chol; 230mg sod; 3g fiber; 15g sugar JUNE 2019

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Sweet Potato Hummus Chicken Wraps Makes 4 wraps

Nobody will be the wiser that you snuck protein powder into this creamy sweet potato spread to turn the lunch wrap into an even bigger protein powerhouse. You can make it vegan-friendly by using plant protein powder and swapping out the chicken for tofu. You’ll likely end up with extra hummus, which can be used as a dip or for even more sandwiches. 1 medium sweet potato, peeled and diced 1 cup cooked or canned chickpeas ⅓ cup plain protein powder 3 Tbs. tahini Juice of ½ lemon 1 garlic clove, minced 2 Tbs. extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp. smoked paprika ½ tsp. cumin powder ½ tsp. salt 4 whole-grain bread wraps 4 cups baby greens or arugula 1½ cups sliced cooked chicken 2 large carrots, cut into matchsticks 1 cup sliced roasted red pepper

1. Steam or boil sweet potato until very tender. Let cool.

2. Place cooked sweet potato, chickpeas, protein powder, tahini, lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, paprika, cumin, and salt in food processor or blender, and blend until smooth.

3. Spread hummus on wraps, and place an equal amount of greens, chicken, carrot, and roasted red pepper on bottom third of each wrap. Roll wraps tightly, tucking in sides as you roll. Slice on bias. Per wrap (with whey protein powder): 540 cal; 39g prot; 19g total fat (4g sat fat); 54g carb; 74mg chol; 1,130mg sod; 9g fiber; 11 g sugar

Matthew Kadey, MS, RD, is an Ontario, Canada-based dietitian and food writer who has contributed nutrtion and recipe features to dozens of publications. He is also the author of Rocket Fuel: Power-Packed Food for Sports + Adventure (Velopress, 2016).


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My formula for a better life. “I take Joint Health Advanced and I’m back to doing the things I love!” - ANDRE W.


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Joint Health AdvancedTM is an award-winning, all-natural formula for joint

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Visit to learn more.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Feel Better. Live Better.™

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Foods for Fitness What to eat for strength, endurance, and weight loss

Eggs are rich in high-quality protein, critical for athletes to repair muscle, maintain aerobic metabolism, and speed recovery and wound healing. They also contain vitamins and minerals involved in energy and protein metabolism, cell growth, tissue repair, and protection against oxidative stress and inflammation. And they’re rich in leucine, an amino acid that’s key in building lean muscle mass, and choline, a vitamin-like nutrient that can speed weight loss without impacting strength. Recipe Tips:

Avocado Eggs Serves 6

This super-healthy riff on deviled eggs skips the mayo and uses avocado, for a summery green color and fresh, bright flavor. For an on-the-go snack, marry two filled egg halves and wrap tightly in foil. For a portable lunch, turn eggs into a wrap: mash all ingredients together, spread on a whole-grain or gluten-free tortilla, add arugula and hummus, and roll into a wrap. 6 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and halved lengthwise 1 very ripe large avocado

¼ cup minced red onion 1 garlic clove, peeled and pressed in a garlic press 2 Tbs. minced cilantro

1 Tbs. lime juice Cilantro leaves and paprika for garnish (optional)

1. Remove yolks from eggs and transfer to medium bowl. Set egg white halves aside. 2. Halve avocado lengthwise, remove pit and scoop flesh into bowl with egg yolks. Add onion, garlic, minced cilantro, and lime juice. Mash with fork until smooth and well-blended. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

3. Fill egg white halves with avocado mixture. Arrange on plate, garnish with cilantro and paprika, if desired, and serve immediately.

Per serving: 140 cal; 7g prot; 10g total fat (2.5 sat fat);

4g carb; 185mg chol; 65mg sod; 2g fiber; 1g sugar

Bake eggs, chopped kale, and Swiss cheese in muffin cups for quick mini-quiches; Beat eggs with minced onions and shredded Asiago, and cook in a greased waffle iron; Lightly whisk eggs and stir into chicken or vegetable broth with ginger, hot peppers, and scallions for instant egg drop soup.

Sweet potatoes are high in carbs, critical for energy before highintensity exercise. Unlike other sources of carbohydrates, such as pasta or bagels, sweet potatoes are grain-free, gluten-free, and rich in potassium, an electrolyte that’s depleted during high-intensity exercise. Low potassium levels impact muscle contractions, energy, and endurance, so it’s important to replenish them with natural sources. Sweet potatoes are also high in beta carotene, a powerful antioxidant that reduces inflammation. Drizzle sweet potatoes with olive oil to add more


anti-inflammatory compounds that help reduce pain and swelling. Recipe Tips: Toss sweet potato cubes with coconut oil, cumin, garlic, and cayenne pepper, and roast till tender; Mash cooked sweet potatoes with almond milk, cinnamon, chopped almonds, and raisins for a grain-free breakfast bowl; Make “lasagna” with sweet potatoes thinly sliced lengthwise in place of noodles.

Almond butter is a great post-workout snack, rich in protein and other important nutrients for athletes. Almonds are high in magnesium (critical for proper function of muscles and nerves), vitamin E to prevent exercise-induced oxidative damage, and other nutrients that help the body use oxygen more effectively.


Serious athlete or weekend warrior? Focus on foods that fuel your body, repair damage, reduce inflammation, improve strength, and build muscle. Turn your frame into a lean, mean, exercising machine with these seven super-fitness foods:


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How a Low-Glycemic High-Protein Diet Changed My Life Wendy lost over 60 pounds, dropped eight pant sizes, and started living lighter.*

“I can’t even describe it. I feel like a whole new person. You feel that you can look at yourself in the mirror and say wow, “I look really good. I feel great.” - Wendy Carpenter




endy had tried everything. Name a diet, she’s tried it. Nothing worked. Nothing was ever successful. Then she spent the 4th of July weekend with her brother last summer. His girlfriend was spreading the gospel of Almased (the low-glycemic high-protein dietary supplement). “Wendy should try it,” she said. Wendy started Almased with a twoweek fast on July 7, 2017. Her life has improved every day since. The day she started she was 204 pounds; her goal was 140. To motivate herself when she started, she put a picture on her refrigerator of herself at 204 pounds. Wendy didn’t just hit her goal of 140 pounds— she passed it, losing 66 pounds and dropping eight pants sizes. She still does her Almased shakes for breakfast, but she’s learned to love eating healthy along the way. Losing weight from Almased was the positive reinforcement she needed. Pretty soon, Wendy was living lighter.

“I can’t even describe it. I feel like a whole new person,” she says. “You feel that you can look at yourself in the mirror and say wow, “I look really good. I feel great”. Everything around you just kind of falls into place.” She feels good about herself and that’s reflected in her work and life. But it’s not just the weight. With Almased she feels empowered to eat healthier than she did when she was trying to, well, eat healthy. When she

dieted in the past, it would work for a few weeks then she’d go back to her normal habits and eventually put on the weight she lost. No longer. Inspired by Wendy’s story? Almased, the low-glycemic high-protein dietary supplement is available at many stores nationwide and online. A FREE diet plan is under the lid of every can.

What is Almased? Download your FREE Figure Plan and to learn more about Almased go to:

For questions about how Almased, call toll-free 1-877-256-2733 or e-mail us at *Results are not typical. Individual results may vary based on starting weight and program adherence. These statements has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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In one study, athletes who ate whole almonds before training improved their cycling distance and endurance and had higher blood levels of antioxidants. Recipe Tips: : Whisk almond butter with sesame oil, rice vinegar, and minced ginger for a creamy Asian vinaigrette; Make hummus with white beans, almond butter, olive oil, lemon juice, and minced garlic; Scoop the flesh from a roasted sweet potato, mash with almond butter and bananas, and re-stuff potato skins for twice-baked breakfast potatoes.

Beets are high in nitrates, which are converted by the body to nitric oxide, a compound that dilates blood vessels,

improves blood flow, and enhances athletic performance. In one study, athletes who drank beet juice showed a 38 percent increase in blood flow to muscles,. In another study, runners who ate cooked beets ran 5 percent faster. And in a review of 23 studies, researchers concluded that drinking beet juice can improve cardiorespiratory endurance (the ability of the circulatory and respiratory systems to supply fuel during sustained physical activity), exercise efficiency, and performance. Recipe Tips: Wrap whole beets in foil and roast until tender; Add cooked and cooled beets to a smoothie with bananas, blueberries, and Greek yogurt; Thinly slice beets, toss with olive oil and salt, and bake till crispy for a nutrient-dense chip alternative.

Pomegranates are loaded with antioxidants, including ellagitannins, shown to reduce exerciseinduced inflammation. In one study, athletes who took an ellagitannin-rich pomegranate extract had less muscle soreness and significantly higher strength recovery after resistance training. In another study, subjects who drank pomegranate juice for 15 days reduced muscle soreness and weakness in their elbow flexors after resistance training compared to a placebo. It’s even better if you combine pomegranate juice with apple juice and/or green tea—the quercetin in apples and epigallocatechin 3-gallate (EGCG) in green tea have been shown to reduce inflammation in cyclists. Recipe Tips: Combine pomegranate juice, apple juice, cooled green tea, and sparkling water for a healing post-exercise drink; Toss pomegranate seeds with sliced kiwi, tangerine segments, minced basil, and lime juice; Mix concentrated pomegranate juice and pomegranate seeds with coconut milk and freeze in an ice cream maker.

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Hummus is loaded with resistant starch, a slow-burning carbohydrate that minimizes and controls spikes in blood glucose and insulin prior to exercise. Resistant starches also provide fuel for beneficial bacteria and improve gut microbiota, which play an important role in the production, storage, and expenditure of energy. Hummus is high in protein and iron, critical to optimal athletic performance via its role in energy metabolism and transport of oxygen to muscles. And studies show that legumes help you feel fuller, longer, promoting fat loss and lean muscle mass. Recipe Tips: Spread hummus on whole-wheat tortillas and layer with avocado, baby spinach, sliced onions, and salsa for an on-the-go breakfast wrap; Stuff boiled eggs with hummus for a healthier deviled egg; Layer hummus, sliced olives, red onions, yellow peppers, and goat cheese on pizza crust, and bake until bubbly.

Cherries are high in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory anthocyanins and other phenolic compounds that have been shown to reduce muscle damage, lessen pain, speed strength recovery after exercise, and decrease markers of inflammation. Most studies on athletes have focused on tart (Montmorency) cherry juice, but a review of sweet cherries found the same health benefits, and other studies show that sweet cherries are equally high in anti-inflammatory compounds. Recipe Tips: Simmer frozen tart cherries with rosemary needles, then purĂŠe for an instant jam; Combine tart cherries with chopped apple, onions, and celery in a honeyyogurt dressing for Waldorf salad; Toss pitted cherries in balsamic vinegar and minced thyme, and roast till tender. Lisa Turner is a chef, food writer, product developer, and nutrition coach in Boulder, Colo. She has more than 20 years of experience in researching and writing about nourishing foods, and coaching people toward healthier eating habits. Find her at

4/30/19 12:37 PM

Pumpkin Seed Benefits ✓Bladder health* ✓Prostate health* ✓Hair health* ✓Source of phytosterols* For more information visit our website at MADE IN or call 1-516-897-7001 USA *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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Plant Power Salad Get a healthful dose of greens and harness the power of omega-3-rich hemp with this hearty, seasonal main-dish salad Plant Power Salad

2. To make salad: Toss together greens,

quinoa, blueberries, scallions, basil, pistachios, and hemp hearts. Drain beets, and add to salad.

BEETS: 1 lb. golden beets, trimmed (about 2 large) 1 tsp. extra-virgin olive oil ½ cup distilled white vinegar 1 Tbs. honey ½ tsp. kosher salt ¼ tsp. black pepper SALAD: 1 pkg. super greens mix or baby kale (5 oz.), such as Organic Girl 2 cups cooked red quinoa 1 pint fresh blueberries 1 bunch scallions, trimmed and bias-sliced ½ cup torn fresh basil ½ cup roughly chopped roasted and shelled pistachios 3 Tbs. hemp hearts DRESSING: ⅔ cup plain full-fat Greek yogurt ¼ cup fresh lemon juice ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil 1 Tbs. culinary-grade matcha 1 tsp. grated fresh garlic 1 tsp. honey Salt and black pepper to taste

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ar vest Hemp

3. To make dressing: Whisk


together yogurt, lemon juice, oil, matcha, garlic, and honey; season with salt and pepper. Drizzle over salad.



Per serving: 550 cal; 19g prot; 29g total fat (4.5g sat fat); 59g carb; 5mg chol; 390mg sod; 13g fiber; 26g sugar


Serves 4 For quick prep, you can make the pickled beets ahead of time. Just know, the earlier you make them, the more “pickled” they become.

1. To make beets: Preheat

oven to 400°F. Drizzle beets with oil, then wrap each in foil, and roast until fork-tender, about 45 minutes. Let beets cool slightly, then remove foil and rub off skins. Cut beets into ¼-inch pieces. Whisk together vinegar, honey, salt, and pepper. Stir in beets, cover, and chill at least 1 hour.



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The Answer to Healthy A1C Levels*




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Years h of ResesarIct Prove

Scientists have discovered a unique compound in a time-tested herb, Hintonia latiflora, to be a safe, effective way to powerfully support healthy blood sugar balance—validated by over 60 years of German research.*† †Supports healthy levels already within normal range.


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ANSWERS TO YOUR FOOD QUESTIONS Melissa Diane Smith is an internationally known journalist and holistic nutritionist who has more than 20 years of clinical nutrition experience and specializes in using food as medicine. She is the cutting-edge author of Going Against GMOs, Going Against the Grain, and Gluten Free Throughout the Year, and the coauthor of Syndrome X. To learn about her books, long-distance consultations, nutrition coaching programs, or speaking, visit her websites: and

Freeing Your Family When health crises prompt major diet changes, focus on the positive and patiently and persistently adopt new habits to move toward a therapeutic way of eating ///BY MELISSA DIANE SMITH

Parents have a responsibility to help their children learn and understand how to fuel their bodies in a healthy way. Feeding our kids the proper foods takes effort, but the payoff is substantial.

Basics of Making Changes as a Family

Start with yourself. Improve the way you eat and the effects will likely gradually cascade down to other family members. Next, serve only one healthy meal My son has just been diagnosed with the gluten-related autoimmune each at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. skin condition dermatitis herpetiformis, and we recently found out Don’t cook to order or offer alternative that my daughter is severely allergic to milk products and experiences foods for individual kids. Try to pair new digestive distress from all grains. My husband has irritable bowel foods with something familiar that they syndrome, allergies, and asthma; I have digestive bloating; like. But if your kids don’t want to and all of us are overweight and don’t eat enough eat the new foods, don’t get vegetables. Going on a grain-free, sugar-free, dairy-free diet seems discouraged: Keep trying to like it would be best for us, but I’m overwhelmed about how to go offer them. Studies show about that. Can you offer some pointers? that children won’t even Summer is the best time —Tanya W., Madison, Wis. try a new food until it’s to make healthier changes to your family’s diet, so that been offered many times, everyone has a chance to It’s common for health crises to of the new book, The according to Webb. get used to them before compel transformation in diet, Grain-Free, SugarAlso, encourage your they go back to school. and summer is the perfect time to make Free, Dairy-Free Family children to get involved in the switch so your family can become Cookbook (Chelsea Green the kitchen and participate accustomed to this therapeutic way Publishing). Families who are in small tasks during the food of eating before your kids go back to not in crisis mode might favor a more preparation process. Kids are much more interested in trying new foods if they school. And, really, it’s a good idea for moderate approach to their diet, but have a hand in fixing those foods. Plus, everyone to adopt at least a few of these getting grain- sugar-, and dairy-based the more they learn to do in the kitchen healthier dietary practices. junk foods out of the diet can benefit when they’re young, the more prepared “Changing your diet now can save everyone. “Don’t settle for mediocrity when they will be to make their own nutritious you time, heartache, and money in the it comes to diet when the alternative meals in the future. future,” says Leah Webb, MPH, author feels so much better,” says Webb.


Healthy Tip!

a: 44

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asktheNUTRITIONIST Simple jobs that kids can do in the kitchen include cracking eggs, stirring, adding measured ingredients, mashing tuna for tuna salad, chopping soft vegetables and fruit (with a nylon kitchen knife, for safety), and pushing buttons on blenders or food processors to blend ingredients. If you have a small herb or vegetable garden, teach your kids how to snip fresh herbs or pick vegetables when they’re ripe.



Practical Pointers To put a clean diet into practice for your family, it’s important to get organized and plan ahead. Try these guidelines from The Grain-Free, Sugar-Free, DairyFree Family Cookbook:

* Stock your pantry and freezer

with staples you regularly need for the meals you make. To turn your kitchen into a grain-free, sugar-free, dairy-free producing machine, you’ll need to have at least a few key items on hand, from dried unsweetened shredded coconut to applesauce to almond flour and coconut and avocado oils. Look for high-quality, preferably organic


products, and save money whenever you can by buying in bulk and taking advantage of special discounts. Make a weekly meal plan and only buy the items you need. Check out weekly sales before creating the week’s menu. But keep the plan flexible and subject to change if you unexpectedly see a vegetable you didn’t plan on serving being on sale that week. Pick five meals to prepare for the week. Don’t plan to eat something new every single meal of every single day. Decide on meals that you’re willing to reheat or eat as leftovers, and include those leftovers in your meal plan. Know which meals freeze well and make extra servings of those meals. Also include snacks in your meal plan. Mix and match leftovers. Meals don’t have to be fixed combinations of food. Instead, creatively combine the meat entrée you had on Monday with a different side dish or put it in a different form (for example, in a salad) on Tuesday to create different meals on different days.

Chocolate Walnut Freezer Fudge

Makes 24 pieces of fudge Walnuts provide a distinct and delicious crunch to a thick and decadent dessert that satisfies the craving of the chocoholic. The fudge becomes too soft at room temperature, so you’ll need to put it on a plate positioned over an ice pack if you’re serving it at a party.

½ cup coconut oil, solid (not melted) ½ avocado ½ cup pitted Medjool dates, packed ½ tsp. vanilla ½ cup cacao powder ½ cup chopped walnuts

1. Combine coconut oil, avocado, dates, and vanilla in

high-powered blender. Blend mixture until creamy and very few date pieces remain. Try not to overblend, as this creates heat and will cause coconut oil to separate from rest of fudge. (You can’t avoid it entirely, but try to keep blending to a minimum.)

2. Add cacao powder, and blend about 10 seconds

more, or until well combined. Stir in walnuts by hand, and spread mixture into a 1-inch-thick slab on parchment-lined baking sheet.

3. Freeze about 1 hour, remove from freezer, and

slice into 24 equal-sized pieces. Serve immediately, or return to freezer.

Per serving: 80 cal; 1g prot; 7g total fat (4g sat fat); 6g carb; 0mg chol; 0mg sod; 1g fiber;

4g sugar


* Get creative with snacks. For


young kids, serve—or, better yet, have them assemble—fun-to-make snacks, such as banana snowmen (with banana slices, blueberries, strawberries, raisins, and seeds), apple slice monsters (apple wedges with sunflower butter and strawberries), and turkey cucumber rolls (with thinly peeled cucumber slices, turkey slices, and hummus). Invest in a good lunch box. When packing lunch for your kids or your spouse, Webb recommends buying and using bento-style boxes such as Yumbox Tapas or Bentgo Fresh: these boxes are leakproof and they allow you to easily pack a variety of foods without those foods mixing together—the dry foods can be separated from the wet.

Grain-Free Chicken Tenders

Serves 4 If you’re looking for a perfectly golden chicken tender, you can transfer the pan to the top rack in the oven and broil the chicken for the last 2 minutes of the cooking time.

3 eggs 1½ cups unsweetened shredded coconut 1½ tsp. salt 2 lbs. chicken tenders

1. Preheat oven to 425°F. Beat

eggs together in wide, shallow bowl. Mix coconut and salt in another wide, shallow bowl. Dip each chicken tender in egg to cover completely, then dip into coconut, turning chicken until it’s completely and evenly coated.

2. Transfer chicken onto parch-

ment paper-lined baking sheet, and bake 10 minutes. Flip, and cook 7–10 minutes more, until cooked through.

Per serving: 850 cal; 40g prot; 59g total fat (27g sat fat); 42g carb; 230mg chol; 2,150mg sod; 4g fiber; 3g sugar

Do you have a question for the nutritionist? We would love to hear from you. Please email your questions to

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4/30/19 12:34 PM


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Stone Fruit Clafoutis Cool off this summer with this oh-so-simple seasonal treat /// BY JONNY BOWDEN, PHD, CNS, AND JEANNETTE BESSINGER, CHHC


full-fat coconut milk. She also dumped the white/wheat flour and replaced it with almond and coconut. The recipe calls for just a small amount of clean sweetener such as rice syrup, maple syrup, or cold-pressed honey, but feel free to reduce the amount or use stevia instead. (There are some really good organic stevias on the market and they’re not expensive.) This dish might not be quite as smooth and creamy as the original French version, but it’s a dessert for the times—delicious, satisfying, and seasonal, with a decent amount of protein, good fat, and fiber. Works for me! —Dr. Jonny


Eggs—whole eggs, complete with that rich yellow yolk—are, and always have been, one of the most complete and healthy foods ever to appear on planet Earth. So why is there so much objection to eggs among our mainstream medical brethren? The simple answer is this: cholesterol. To dismantle the myths about cholesterol and heart disease would take a book—in fact I wrote one with cardiologist Stephen Sinatra, MD, called The Great Cholesterol Myth. But you don’t have to buy our book to discover that a substantial (and growing) number of medical doctors, PhDs, scientists, and researchers don’t agree that cholesterol is public enemy No. 1 when it comes to heart disease. Moreover, just about everyone now acknowledges that cholesterol in the diet doesn’t matter a whit, even if they still believe that cholesterol in the blood is really important. But the enlightened position on dietary cholesterol is that it doesn’t matter to anyone except those who have a rare genetic condition called familiar hypercholesterolemia. So the big rap against eggs has been that they contain cholesterol—but that’s turning out to be like demonizing blueberries because they’re blue. Dietary cholesterol doesn’t do anything “bad” to you—if you didn’t eat it, your liver would simply make more of it. Your body makes cholesterol in every single cell, and without it you’d die. The fact that this perfect food contains cholesterol is irrelevant to your health. On the nutrition side, egg yolks boast healthy doses of lutein and zeaxanthin, the superstar carotenoids of eye nutrition. The yolk also contains choline, which turns into acetylcholine, a prime neurotransmitter in your brain that’s needed for memory, thinking, and mood. That’s why your grandmother rightfully called eggs “brain food.” For a paltry 75 or so calories, an egg gives you 7 grams of protein plus a decent amount of iron, other minerals, and vitamins. It also has 5 grams of perfectly good fat—most of which, contrary to conventional wisdom, is not saturated but monounsaturated, the same kind of healthy fat found in olive oil. I always recommend eggs from a local farm, or at the very least eggs from hens not raised in cages but free to roam on pasture. The only thing wrong with eggs from factory farms is that they’re likely to contain traces of all the junk fed to chickens raised in battery cages. Cook them in grass-fed butter, grass-fed ghee, Malaysian palm oil, coconut oil, or even extra-virgin olive oil if you keep the heat under 200°F.


Almond Peach Clafoutis Serves 6

2 tsp. pastured butter or coconut oil, room temperature 3 eggs ¼ cup rice syrup, pure maple syrup, or honey 1 cup full-fat coconut milk or cream, canned 1 tsp. almond extract 1 tsp. vanilla extract ¼ cup almond flour ¼ cup coconut flour, sifted ¼ tsp. salt 1 lb. sliced peaches, fresh or frozen, thawed, and well-drained, skins optional

1. Preheat oven to 375°F. Generously

grease bottom and sides of 8x8-inch baking pan with butter or coconut oil, and set aside.

2. Beat eggs in mixer until frothy. Add

sweetener, cream, and extracts, and beat until well blended and smooth. Add flours and salt, and beat on low until well incorporated.

3. Arrange peaches to cover bottom of

prepared dish and pour batter gently and evenly over top. Bake 30–35 minutes until custard is firm and top is a light, toasty golden. Rest at least 5 minutes before serving.

Per serving: 250 cal; 6g prot; 15g total fat (10g sat fat); 24g carb; 95mg chol; 170mg sod; 3g fiber; 14g sugar

NOTES FROM THE CLEAN FOOD COACH This dish works well with all stone fruits in the summer, but it’s particularly delicious with fresh, ripe plums. In the fall and winter, you can switch to thinly sliced apples and pears.


Clafoutis (pronounced cluh-foo-tee) is a French custard dish traditionally made with black cherries. Let that sink in for a minute. (Just writing the words “French custard” and “black cherries” in the same sentence makes my mouth water.) The authentic French recipe consists primarily of egg, heavy cream, white flour, and sugar. I’m fine with the egg and cream, but flour and sugar are hard to recommend in a column that has the word “healthy” in the title. And while I personally do well with certain dairy foods (e.g., raw milk), many people don’t. So Chef Jeannette swapped out the original cream for a far less allergenic,

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