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Kissel + Wolf becomes AIP Gold Corporate Partner
The AIP would like to take this opportunity to welcome our latest Gold Corporate Partner, Kissel + Wolf. Kissel + Wolf love to educate brands and converters about analogue to digital transformation. With more than 30 years of experience in the print & packaging sector, they have earned their market-leading reputation by building enduring relationships and achieving success through in-depth, marketspecific knowledge of their customers’ products, targets, and business needs.
They offer the widest range of digital, screen and offset printing products available in the Australian and New Zealand markets. Their selection of digital, graphic and textile printing products means versatility over a diverse range of printable materials such as textiles, wood, paper, corrugated board, glass, metal, plastics and much more.
A Complete Solution Provider for all your printing needs.
As a technology provider, Kissel + Wolf Australia is delighted to be partnering with the Australian Institute of Packaging, educating and helping its members in their digital transformation.
Jamie Weller, Business Development Director ANZ – Industrial Print & Packaging, Kissel & Wolf Australia
Contact: Jamie Weller | 0408 167 780 | jamie.weller@kiwo.com.au | www.kissel-wolf.com.au
The Aip Wants To Hear From All Of Our Members
2023 will be a very special year for the Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) as we will be celebrating 60 years as the peak professional body for packaging training and education in Australasia.
We are inviting all of our Members to help us celebrate by finding out what you have seen change in the industry, what you have learned along the way and more.
We ask that you please complete the survey using the link below.
Should you have any photos from over the years that you would be able to share please scan them and send them as well.
Thank you in advance https://forms.gle/58hQKuCziZbR4Qz26