1 minute read
FIAL releases seventh edition of Celebrating Australian Food and Agribusiness Innovations Innovations 2022
This latest edition showcases businesses striving towards the $200 billion opportunity for the sector, as outlined in FIAL's Capturing the Prize. Each case study is categorised under one of the 19 Growth Opportunity areas and how innovation and collaboration, whether it’s working FIAL or Clusters, has resulted in the business unlocking value, leading towards success.
From edible insects to revolutionary packaging creations, these stories will encourage all Australian businesses to continue revolutionising and find their niche.
Every year the Australian Institute of Packaging (AIP) collaborates with FIAL to develop the book, nominating Australasian Packaging Innovation & Design (PIDA) Award winners for consideration. For the 2022 edition 11x PIDA winners have been recognised and include: Blue Harvest, Brookfarm, Edgell, Junee Prime Lamb, Kapiris Bros, Melbourne Coffee, Oasis Spices, Pana Organic, Shultz Organic Dairy, Wellman Packaging and Woolworths.