1 Essay Collection

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For 108-2 Class of Reading Short Stories 202006-08 By Ai-ping Liu For those who are reading the lines: Oh, you can’t imagine how time flies Remember we met for the first time? 108-2 Reading Short Stories was your cup of tea Cause you told me you liked stories; you liked me Let’s get started with 3 very short, short, stories A warm-up, a peek at the bottom of their heart Searching for it, struggling through it Savoring, sickening, or even suiciding for it Of course you needed a bit of time to digest all For vocab stood just in the way to make you fall

“Read on,” I said, smiling and assuring “Enlighten yourself through reading As long as you do a bit of thinking Do think of it even when you’re eating” It’s said that epiphany is true No one can easily go through Get our reading done for a clue Sammy would like to be an unsuspected hero Haunted House shelters love and no sorrow Open the door for the poor Cat in the RainReach the bazaar; Araby isn’t really that far Tell-Tale Heart is to listen to your own heart Shameful Affair is more than just a summer fling To Mildred, to be or not to be is always haunting Omelas or Lottery will be everlasting? Replay the time machine to find Braling It can also take you to Venus of storming Emily and her rose won’t be forgotten Short stories thrive in our lively garden

Writer Introduction Name: Steve Lin Major: Finance Birthday: 10/24 Constellation: Scorpio Because of the belief, was could see, because of the dream, so there is a future. Name: Maggie Major: mathematics Birthday: 0807 Constellation: Leo Fairy tales can come true. You gotta make them happen, it all depends on you. Name: May Major: Hakka language and Social sciences Birthday: 0504 Constellation: Taurus Sometimes the only way to stay sane is to go a little crazy. Name: Mike Major: Physics Birthday: 1010 Constellation: Libra You must do the thing you think you can’t do.

Time passes like the water in the river; it flows constantly. However, time makes people feel it is moving slowly while they are waiting for bus, waiting for the meal, or doing something that is very boring. On the other hand, time goes on very fast when people are preparing for a performance, writing an exam, or having fun. Music, composed of sound and silence, is a form of art which could be used to express spontaneous overflow of powerful human’s mind through the time. It is melody which is one of the elements that would invigorate a person to stand bravely on the middle of the stage and that could rescue people from depression. Listening to music is how I experience slow motion time. To take my experience for an instance, after spending a tiresome day in school, releasing the fairy of music in my cellphone at once is not only a way that could let me forget the mistakes culled by teacher, but also a way that would cheer my mood from depressed to shiny.

Although a piece of music may last for about four or five minutes, engaging in it makes me feel like going through a couple of hours. Among those trivial times, music makes me feel energetic, so doing everything can be more efficient. People said that happy time passed as fast as light traveling in the space. However, when the music started playing, the surrounding turned into a slow-motion time mode. Sharing the hottest music and the most popular singers with my friends was like giving a long speech on the stage where I could keep talking for hours. Music vivifies our lives; our lives vivify music. People live a busy live nowadays which makes me feel time is gone in a blink. Fortunately, I can grasp the chance to get in slow motion life by enjoying music.

Hopping on the memory of my experience, I thought about the first time I went to the supermarket with my mom. In a sunny and breezy spring afternoon, I was focused on the cartoon playing on TV, while my hands were playing with toy cars. All of a sudden, mom came in the living room with the shopping bag in her hand and told me to dress up instead of wearing my pajamas. I was deluged with energy again due to the grounded punishment from my father, who had made me stay at home for weeks already. It was obvious that mom was taking me to the supermarket for some groceries. Even though it was a long distance to the supermarket, I was still pleasant for breathing the fresh air outside after weeks of being grounded. The supermarket was like a paradise to most of the kids for several reasons. To begin with, I could buy snacks and drinks as a reward of helping to carry the shopping bag. Next to go would be, pushing the shopping cart was a joyful job for me.

It was just like driving a real car when passing the intersection between shelves of commodities and placing the shopping cart beside the aisle was like parking in a parking lot. If it was not placed properly, I would go to great length to make sure it fit the line of the tile. As time fleeted, it was time for the checkout. When we stepped out of the supermarket again, the sky was almost dark and the street lights were all lit up. The long and the short of it, being grounded at home was like a bird that is kept in a cage, and days of punishment had made me wonder how pleasant it was to run on the playground with my friends and play hide and seek for couple of hours. Heading for the supermarket really gave me a chance to respite the boring days and breathe the fresh air outside.

When it comes to Lottery, I think that I know much more than everyone although I never bought any piece. You may feel curious why I can say that, but the reason is my mother runs a Lottery store, and I usually help my mom to sell the Lottery during holidays and vacations. On Chinese New Year’s holidays, more and more Taiwanese always buy Lottery tickets and scratch-off tickets to wish for becoming richer, and it seems to be a new custom. Nevertheless, most people are not able to make dream come true based on my experience in many years. Sometimes I can see a pad of Lottery tickets without any return bonus. And sometimes someone get the bonus from the Lottery, so they think they are lucky guy and want to buy more Lottery tickets; however, they are often disappointed in the end. Only few people can put more money into their wallet.

If you ask me whether I have any suggestion to those people who want to buy Lottery tickets, I will say occasional purchase is fine, but don’t be addicted to buying them because the probability which you are the one who is blessed by the goddess of luck is too little.

When it comes to my guilty, actually, it has happened not long ago. The day in one month ago, it rained in the morning. I went to library as usual, suddenly, I bumped into an earthworm which crawled on the cement mortar flooring. I hesitated whether I should use a tree branch to pick it to the muddy ground, but I was too nervous to pick it, so I just wait a few minutes. I saw it try to crawl from one side to the other side on the cement mortar flooring, and there seems no one would come, so I thought it can achieve its purpose by itself, and I just leave and went to the library. Unfortunately, the tragedy has happened when I went back to my dormitory, I saw a dead and sun-dried dead body in the middle of the road, and it even been rolled by a bicycle. Looking at the earthworm’s dead body, I recalled the sight which it still alive and crawling, I feel so guilty.

Although that’s maybe not my direct fault. And I am not the one who rode a bike and crushed it. I still feel guilt, I can save it at first, the tragedy should not happen if I just pluck up my courage and pick it to mud. After that, every time when I passed the road, my guilty comes to my mind. After the lesson, I know that doing good deeds can’t wait or you may regret

The story A and P happened in a supermarket. In the essay, I want to share some personal experiences about the supermarket. The market in Sri Lanka, actually, is quite similar to Taiwan’s. Most of the product is familiar to me, I can read the English explanation of the product. In my point, it just like a grocery store in rural areas of Taiwan. The difference is that there are fewer plastic bags, fresh vegetables put in the refrigerator without the plastic cover. I saw some plants I’ve never meet. The lightning of the market is darker than the market we see in Taiwan, gives me the memory of the small shop in the films. I feel like travel back to 60s Taiwan! After talking about supermarkets in Sri Lanka, I’d like to talk about some great things I experience. The sky there is vast, without divided by artificial stuff, I can see blue sky and stars blink. That’s the most beautiful sky I’ve ever seen. The river is clean and cool, people taking a shower in it. We say hi to every person we meet on the street, they answer with a passionate greeting.

We get a sincere blessing from strangers. I feel quite happy there, and I know we won’t do this in Taipei because people will think you are weird. I hope the kindness and happiness of the place can exist forever. To me, Sri Lanka is giving me lots of special memories and inspired thinking. I see things differently from Taiwan. The country is more attractive than I imagine. I think I’ll like to go back to the place again if I have the chance.

When I was a high school student, I felt my school life was boring. I was not interested in learning or socializing with others. I went to school just for the sake of being normal. I felt class time passing so slowly, and I had no idea why I must stay in the classroom. I often felt imprisoned. I didn’t know the reasons why I learned those useless subjects, and neither interest nor grade could motivate me. Yes, I didn’t care about my grade then. Annoying noises from my classmates amplified my powerlessness and anger. I could hear and feel things pass through me, but I couldn’t feel or touch. I could do nothing to cease my irritability. I didn’t know how ten minutes could be so long, long enough to make me exhausted. That’s the most suffering period of time I experienced. To me, class arrangement in college is a salvation. I have more time to relax and think. I feel free and ease when my time is not stuffed and scheduled.

I used to hope everything around me disappeared, so maybe I could escape from the pressure for a while. Now, through the process of reading and writing, I find a way to express my feeling. Also I have more motivation and interest to learn, and I feel more energetic now. If I could meet the sad senior high girl, I wanted to tell her: Life gets better one day, suffering will ease, cherish yourself and you will be the one you dream to be in the near future.

When it comes to whether I have encountered obstacles when I coordinate something, the first thing that occurs to me at once is for the first time I go traveling with my friends. Tracing back to the travel that impressed me the most, my friends and I traveled to a farm in Taichung. Not only was this the first time we traveled together but the experience for us to arrange the whole schedule by ourselves, ranging from which tourist spot we were supposed to take recreation into making reservation about our accommodation and transportation. However, the thing that exceed our expectation was that accommodation in summer vacation was so popular for us to be inaccessible to even a room for one night. Until a few days before our trip, we had not had any idea about where we would accommodate. In the urgency in finding a place to settle down, we finally came up with an available solution. We decided to go camping. Contrary to a hotel, camping is more entertaining, and it is unnecessary to make a reservation.

All we had to do was to contact the camping place to confirm a camping site was vacant and request some equipment. This experience has affected my ability in solving problems significantly. As the time we encounter some barriers in our lives, I consider that we can change see things differently. It may lead to something positive in the end.

I have ever suffered from guilty very often when I interact with people. Especially in my school life, I always have dilemma in whether do I lend the homework to my classmates. In my experience, I have once refused to lend my homework to my classmate in senior high school. In order not to fail on the class, my classmate decided to cheat on the test for the reason that she did not have any notes to prepare for the test. In the end, she was unfortunate to be caught and lost the credits. After this experience, I have the different aspect on the opinion on whether lending my homework to my classmates. And the below two paragraphs are my point of view to the opposite behavior. For the reason that I would like to lend my homework to my classmates is that I am reluctant to refuse lending my homework to them. And this may lead to the deduction on their grade and causes more possibility to fail on the lesson. Consequently, I am unable to do nothing at the risk of making my classmates to lose the credits.

Another aspect that makes me feeling guilty to lend my homework is that I reckon that copying others homework is unfair to those who do it by themselves. For the reason that I perceive that if I get the same points as the one whom I lend my homework. I think it is unfair to those who always work diligently on their study. The above two reasons are my opinion to whether shall we lend our homework to others and also the reasons that makes me feeling guilty.

What is the pace or rhythm of the narrator’s story telling? What effects does this kind of story-telling create for readers? In order to answer the above question, I prefer to choose “A rose for Emily “to represents my opinion. From the story, we can observe that the author adopts a disorder description instead of the one order by time. I perceive that the aim that the author constructs the article in this way is that he wants to insinuate Emily’s chaotic life. In my opinion, I consider that the disordered paragraph makes me unable to figure out clearly what happened at that time. From my first-time experience, I am confused about Emily’s life and I perceive that this disturbance makes me more possible to stand in Emily’s shoes to get closer to her life.

Moreover, I perceive that the topics “A rose for Emily” is also a metaphor to Emily’s life. For the reason that I reckon that a rose symbolizes blessed and satisfied. And this is what the author would like to give to Emily. To soothe her miserable life. As for my thought to the pace of the story. I reckon that the story ends in a scenario that does not describe explicitly about Emily. The ending is the plot impresses me the most because I am frightened by the haunted misery and the unexpected death of Emily and the one that she deeply loves.

In the short story “Cat in the Rain “written by Ernest Hemingway, the two main characters— George and the hotel owner. Their interaction with the American wife is the place I prefer to analytic. I consider that George and the hotel owner represent the two opposite ideologies, the contemporary one and the traditional one respectively. The reason that I consider George symbols the latest trend of thinking is that throughout the story, he either pays attention on his books or listen carefully to his wife. I perceive that the author aims to construct George into a representation of knowledge. And his extended horizon makes him more acceptable to feminism. I think this is why George prefers his wife to read more books to be more knowledgeable instead of keeping complaining about the cat and her hair. Because the continuous grumbling can neither make the cat appear again nor change her hair into the longer one. Consequently, George’s wife is not aware of her husband's concern.

Another figure that the author aims George to be constructed is a husband who deeply loves his wife. I think George always keeps his wife in mind for the reason that when his wife tells him she is going to rescue the cat in the rain, George replies to his wife instantly that he would like to run the errand for her to avoid his wife getting wet in the heavy rain. Additionally, every time when his wife gets back, George will halt his reading and pay his attention to his wife. And I think this is the way that how George represents his concern. And the continuous dissatisfaction from George’s wife makes she turns her needs of being protection to the hotel owner. In my opinion, the hotel owner is a metaphor of the conventional thinking. The hotel owner always looks carefully to the American wife. It can be interpreted as an overall protection as well as a surveillance. Undoubtedly, the hotel owner gives the wife the concern that she is eager to possess, including the protection can’t be satisfied by her husband and a cat.

However, the cat that the hotel owner makes the maid send to the American wife has significant difference in color and size. Therefore, I consider that the need sent by the hotel owner is actually not the one the American wife wants but unable to pursue, and she is obliged to accept what she does not want to possess. It is why I perceive the hotel owner is a contrary to George.

The story ‘’Araby’’ is about a boy and a bazaar named Araby. The boy promised a girl he crushed to bring something back from the bazaar. In the story, there are illustrated scenes of darkness and light. And both of them have meanings and symbolize different things. According to the story, there are some examples of the dark scene. First, in the dark rainy evening, when he is in the back drawingroom, the scene shows the deepest thoughts of the narrator as he murmured ‘‘O Love!’’ so many times. The dark horrible environment where the narrator can barely see unfolds his true emotion of feeling love. Second, the dialogue of the narrator waiting for his uncle also reveals his mood at the moment—the scene is at night, the narrator feels anxious. Third, at the end of the story, the light of the gallery at Araby was out, and the hall becomes completely dark. At the moment, the mood of the narrator is anguish and anger, feeling mad and regretful.

The light scene in the story symbolizes the happiness of the narrator. First, at every ‘’ morning’’, when the narrator is waiting for Mangan’s sister to come out, the description of the story is full of excitement and a sense of immature yet happy crush. Second, when Mangan’s sister is talking to the narrator, the light from the lamp lightens her neck, I think the picture must be beautiful and fantastic to the narrator. Third, when it comes to Saturday morning, the narrator goes to the school with the excitement of the bazaar. According to the conclusion. The light scene corresponds the narrator’s excitement. To sum up, the dark scene and light scene both symbolize the narrator’s mood and thoughts. The former symbolizes negative mood and the deep ego, while the latter means positive mood and outside personality. The author of the story uses the alternation of light to create the atmosphere of the story, which has made the story both interesting and inspiring to read.

‘’The Lottery’’ and ‘’The One Who Walks away from Omelas’’ are both famous moral stories. They have a similar setting and main idea, but differences still exist in the story. In the essay, I’d like to discuss both similarity and differences between these two stories. First of all, both stories have a beautiful setting, just like a Utopian world. The atmosphere is peaceful, and it seems nothing bad exists. But under the appearance, they both have a dark reality that supports their life: Sacrificing the rights of someone to ensure the happiness of others. The unfairness makes us reader mad. But to the people in both stories, it’s just a part of daily life. Maybe there are also things like that in our daily life, but we have got used to it so long that nobody points it out. Their major difference, however, is at the main point. ‘’The Lottery’’ emphasizes an unreasonable tradition. People argue if the lottery should be canceled, but nobody has done something to change it.

‘’The One Who Walks away from Omelas emphasizes the balance between moral and material life People in Omelas all know the child, they felt mad and powerless, but nobody done something to overthrow the rule. Their only protest is to leave. Despite having similar settings, both stories have different main idea and description of the issue. In addition, the writing style also gives the story a different atmosphere and reading experiment. ‘’The Lottery’’ uses a third-person narrative, but our information is limited. The ending is short and strong. ‘’The One Who Walks away from Omelas’’ uses first and second person narrative, just like a real person talking to us readers. That gives a misconception that Omelas really exists (and I think the author wants to imply that any place could be Omelas). Compared to the former, the ending of this one is more stoned and touching. Powerless people choose to leave, or say, escape from the guilty in the heart. And I like the writing skill of ‘’The One Who Walks away from Omelas’’ more.

In conclusion, both two stories is talking about rights and moral. As readers, we can think that whether we meet the same dilemma in our daily life. And what will you do as a happy person?

“A Shameful Affair” written by Kate Chopin sets its background in the late nineteenth century, after the civil war, when the United States had changed a lot in both society and culturally. The right for women has taken a big step since then. The author, Kate Chopin, had been influenced by her family which made her a strong woman in promoting women’s right that can be discovered from her articles. Aforementioned is the framework of Mildred who feels insulted or disgraced while interacting with Fred Evelyn. Reasons will be elaborated in the following paragraphs to support my opinion. To begin with, Mildred has no choice but to abandon civilized social convention when she begins to take interest on Fred Evelyn. When she tries to get rid of the old social convention, it begins to affect her behavior and thoughts. She goes through a "long, narrow footpath through the bending wheat" to encounter Fred at the river. "yellow wheat" is flourishing that reaches high above her waist which means the feeling of sexuality is rising.

Moreover, contacting the nature surrounding closely causes constraint of Mildred to come to surface. Her brown eyes become "filled with a reflected golden light" from the wheat as she passes through it, and “Her cheeks were ripe with color that the sun had coaxed there.� In other words, nature has begun to break down the restraint, and her passion goes beyond the civilized social convention. The long and the short of it, the story is portrayed in a realistic way as its setting is framed in the late nineteenth century American farmland in Ohio, and the author utilizes Mildred’s response toward nature to elaborate.

The back-ground of the story “Araby” written by James Joyce is based on the period of time when the Ireland is not in a prosperous condition. How the author confronts the adversity and his attitude are elaborated through the following clues. First of all, “Our shouts echoed in the silent street. The career of our play brought us through the dark muddy lanes behind the houses.” is how the author describes the surrounding in the neighborhood of the main character implies the condition of Ireland at that time. Secondly, Mangan’s sister in the story is deemed as the hope in the present society of Ireland at that time. Through the way how the author portrays Mangan’s sister with light, we know that she is just like a lighthouse for the narrator when he is in depression. However, to reach to the hope which is implied as Araby in the story is not an easy task. The surrounding of the marketing place that the protagonist goes with his aunt first is the reality of what is going on in the current Ireland. Even though the environment is in such an awful situation;

the protagonist still does not give up as we can see in the following paragraph, “I lingered before her stall, though I knew my stay was useless, to make my interest in her wares seem the more real.” Finally, the protagonist gets on the train for the bazaar which symbolizes the wonderful place in his imagination. Many passengers who get off the train during the trip represent those who have realized what actually is like while the protagonist has not. What he sees in the scene of the bazaar completely destroys the image that the bazaar has in his mind and that is why his eyes are burning with anguish and anger. In a nutshell, the whole story portrays anyone that has enthusiasm of chasing the ideal world will somehow end up in vain. “Araby” is the dream that everyone is looking forward to, while the true fact is that it is actually a fantasy which does not ever exist

Both North Richmond Street and the bazaar have their different symbols to the theme of the story or the characterization of the narrator. In “Araby”, the narrator describes to us that North Richmond Street is a shabby, poor, quiet, somber and musty street. The street is a “deadend” street, and this means it is not convenient to go out. Because the street is enclosed, the narrator can see Megan’s sister easily, the girl who is adored by him. To the narrator, the girl is just like a beam of light to illuminate into his sunless mind. North Richmond Street also symbolizes as a constraint and an awful surrounding which the narrator strives to break. In the beginning, the narrator’s imagination to the traditional market is awful, because he has gone to the market with his aunt before, and he thinks market there as a hostile and jostled place. But after he has talked with Megan’s sister, he changes his mind; he considers Araby to be a splendid market. Araby is totally different with the traditional the traditional market where he has gone.

Through the change in his mind, we can see the girl is quite influential to the narrator, and the bazaar is a symbol of the boy’s romantic fantasy. The word “Araby” is an eastern word, and it can symbolize a far, mysterious and ideal place. The narrator tries his best to conquer all the difficulties; however, finally when he has arrived at Araby, it is too late, so only several stalls are still opened. What’s worse, when he stops at a stall, he even gets a terrible service, so he feels very disappointed, and the splendid imagination is broken. In my opinion, North Richmond Street and the bazaar become a strong contrast. North Richmond Street is a depressed street, yet it gives the narrator light and hope. In the contrast, the bazaar is a splendid place in his imagination; nevertheless, when he finally arrives, the bazaar makes him down.

In page 80 countdown fifth lines, “For she signaled him out each time that he passed her, meaning to give him a condescending little smile, as she knew how. But he never looked at her.” In these sentences, we can obviously see Mildred try to give Fred a well impression, however, he never gives any responds and even ignore her. To a young noble lady, his behavior is very rude. In page 81 countdown fourth paragraph, “The answer which this unmannerly farmhand returned to Mildred’s request was simply a refusal. He could not drive her to church because he was going fishing.” In this paragraph, we can see Fred refuses Mildred first request, up to now, Mildred still regard her social status is higher than Fred, and she also a guest to Kraummer farm. In page 83 countdown third lines, “His arms were holding Mildred and he kissed her lips. She did not know if it was ten times or only once. She looked around her face milk-white to see him disappear with rapid strides through the path that had brought her there.

Then she was alone.” In this several paragraphs, Fred kiss Mildred and even rapid leave her. First, the behavior is not responsible. Second, he rifles a girl’s first chaste lips. Third, he leaves a heavy burden to the girl. Fourth, in Mildred’s opinion, she is a upper lady but be kissed by a farmhand, and he even escaped without responding any sorry. That’s totally a shame for her. In conclusion, we can see at least 3 behavior which Fred make Mildred feels insulted or disgraced.

Air, musty from having been long enclosed Romance like a beam illuminates into young heart All senses desire to meet with love But never spark off a fire Yawp “O love! O love” in his mind A boy loves a girl and Raises his courage to talk with her Araby is a wonderful place, so he must bring her something By the empty train, he finally arrived at the bazaar Yearning disappeared, back to home with disappointment Anguish in his mind, not fulfilling the promise Road before him where the girl stands Anger diminishes right away in her warm embrace “Best thing is always you,” She said Young teenagers enjoy their romantic love

A Shameful Affair “Someday perhaps; when I shall have forgiven myself.” Her voice lingered in his mind, he seemed have guessed something that Mildred didn’t say. The memory rose in his mind, her expression in her eyes which he picked the paper for her when they first meet by chance; the little smile when he passed her; the request which she only picked him in all the farmhands, and she didn’t go to the church after he refused her; when her has watched he was fishing, why she still asking him; the feeling when they first kiss, she even didn’t have any revolt… Maybe he is the first crank in America, he has lived different life for many years. He raised his head to watch the cloud, maybe he was one of the rosy clouds, but now, he didn’t want to change anymore. The next day, when Mildred prepare all her things and was going to leave the sorrowful farm, Mrs. Kraummer told her that she has a companion today.

Suddenly, much to everyone’s surprise, a handsome and brown gentleman who wear formal wear appeared. When they passed the golden sea again, the boy confessed his love to the girl, as the moment they kissed, still only the birds had seen.

A fantasy to be active inupper social status. Â Neither Sammy nor his colleagues is accessible. Â Propelall of them back to reality.

The surveillance comes from his blue-vulture eye Haunting me all the day and all the night Every time I walk through the room The heart beats fast Even in my dream Lingering in the house and in my brain Letting my anxiety is unable to be smoothed Talking to myself, I’m sure A secret is necessary to be conducted Life will become better Every day and night Heaven is visible Even a hell A murder was committed by me Really is a true Telling to the police myself in the end

Dear diary: Today I tell my nephew a story of the importance of honesty, he complained about the boring moral story and ask for an interesting one, he said a good writer must have some good stories. At the moment my memory flashback to years ago, to an impressed story I still remember now. I was a small girl then, travel with my aunt and my younger brother and sister. We were boring so she told us a story, and then a bachelor came, tell us another story. I had forgotten what my aunt said, but I still remember the bachelor’s story. It is one of the most beautiful stories I ever heard. As an author of children’s books, how to keep a balance between interesting and moral always confuses me. People be touched by realistic stories rather than moral stories. While growing up, we know the rules we learn before isn’t totally correct. What should we teach our children, and how to teach them. How can I tell them a good man doesn’t always succeed? I tell lies every day, so ironic that I wrote stories teaching honesty.

The society isn’t a place you can be a pure human, the story I heard never told me this. They just want kids to obey, so they are easy to control. How pathetic we adults are! Tomorrow I’ll discuss the topic and the details of the story, how should I name the story…a too perfect girl? Whatever the name of the story, I hope it won’t be turned down by the publisher. Good luck!

Whatever hours have you woken up Or finding yourself in a familiar but strange place Only me is the one I can feel Loneliness stuffed my empty hand Fallen yellow leaf, why sorrow  Vast space, narrow life Ironic joyful atmosphere Rarely,happiness, exists Garden covered by moonlight, bedroom covered by tenderness I see faces sleeping soundly No,no, don’t ruin the beautiful moment I smile and sing silently A haunted house, a haunted heart.

A man’s daughter whose tax is free for charge Rejects to get out or pay the tax Opening Ceramic painting class long time ago Smelly thing comes out of Emily’s house,but Eventually disappears, thanks to spreading lime Falling in love with Homer Barron and Ordering the toxic arsenic for rats, Emily Reacts strange for buying lots of Groom's clothing and accessories Enters Homer from the small door of the kitchen Made up conjectures about what’ going on in the house Intensive curiosity increases among the neighborhood Living till the age of seventy-four Years of digging in the mystery finally ends up

The man bumps into a mythical beast. Unicorn devotes its mind to cropping roses. In a garden with roses and lilies. The wife has been taken away by the police. Garden becomes tranquil again as it used to be

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