Open Access
International journal of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics (IJCMP) [Vol-4, Issue-3, May-Jun, 2020] ISSN: 2456-866X
The Bound of Reachable Sets Estimation for Neutral Markovian Jump Systems with Disturbances Changchun Shen, Guanke Ma, Jinlin Yang School of Data Science and Information Engineering, Guizhou Minzu University, Guiyang, China
Abstract— The problem of finding an bound of reachable sets for neutral markovian jump systems with bounded peak disturbances is studied in this paper. Up to now, the result related to the bound of reachable sets was rarely proposed for neutral markovian jump systems. Based on the modified Lyapunov-Krasovskii type functional and linear matrix inequality technology, we obtain some delay-dependent results expressed in the form of matrix inequalities containing only one non-convex scalar. Numerical examples are given to illustrate our theoretical results. Keywords—Reachable set, linear neutral system, Lyapunov-Krasovskii, Linear matrix inequalities.
In practice and engineering applications, many dynamical systems may cause abrupt variations in their structure, due to changes in the interconnections of subsystems, sudden environment changes, and so on. Markovian jump systems, which are modeled by a set of subsystems with transitions among the models determined by a Markov chain taking values in a finite set, have been extensively studied, see [15] and the references therein. On other hand, neutral system that the time derivative of state depends not only on the delayed state but also on its time derivative exists in many dynamic systems. Since many complex systems can be modeled preferably as neutral systems, a great deal of attention has been drawn to the study of neutral systems for the last two decades, such as [6-8], and the references therein. Recently, many researchers have paid a lot of attentions on the problem of the dynamic properties for neutral Markov systems [9-12]. The reachable set estimation of dynamic systems is defined as the bounded set containing all reachable state trajectories starting from the origin under the constraint of admissible bounded inputs. Recently, the reachable set estimation problem has received growing attention, which due to its importance in solving the problem of state estimation and parameter estimation. Then, an increasing number of researchers have devoted their efforts to the problem of reachable set estimation [14-23]. In [16], a
delay-dependent condition for an ellipsoid bound, which contained five non-convex scalar parameters to be treated as tuning parameters for finding the smallest possible ellipsoid, was derived based on the Razumikhin approach and the S-procedure Kim[18] proposed an improved ellipsoidal bound of the reachable set of reachable states based on constructing a modified the Lyapunov functional and Linear Matrix Inequality Method[13]. This limitation may restrict the scope of application for this method. By using a maximal Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional which was constructed by taking pointwise maximum over a family of Lyapunov functionals, some criteria bounding the reachable set bounding for delayed systems subject to both polytopic uncertainties and bounded peak inputs was derived in [20]. In [21], an ellipsoidal bound of reachable sets for neutral systems with bounded peak disturbances was obtained in the form of matrix inequalities containing only one nonconvex scalar based on the modified augmented Lyapunov-Krasovskii type functional. Lin, He, Wu and Liu[20] concerned with the reachable set estimation for Markovian jump neural networks with time-varying delay and bounded peak inputs. By using the Wirtingerbased integral inequality and the extended reciprocally convex matrix inequality, an ellipsoidal description of the reachable set for the considered neural networks is derived. But the result about the bound of reachable set bounding was rarely proposed for neutral markov systems.
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International journal of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics (IJCMP) [Vol-4, Issue-3, May-Jun, 2020] ISSN: 2456-866X
Open Access
However, the bound of reachable sets for neutral markovian jump systems with bounded peak disturbances has not been investigated, which motivates this paper. In this paper, we consider the problem of finding an bound of reachable sets for neutral markovian jump systems with bounded peak disturbances. Based on the modified Lyapunov-Krasovskii type functional, some delaydependent results are derived in the form of matrix inequalities containing only one non-convex scalar. Furthermore, a modified matix inequality is used, to remove the limitation on the variation rate of the delay and obtain a "smaller" bound of reachable sets. Numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness of the obtained results.
Consider the following neutral markovian jump systems
x (t ) C (t ,rt ) x (t ) A(t ,rt ) x(t ) B(t ,rt ) x(t h(t ) D(t ,rt ) w(t ), (1) x(t 0 ) 0, [ *,0],
where x(t ) is the state vector, 0 is a constant n
neutral delay, the discrete delay h(t ) is a time-varying
0 h(t ) hM , h(t ) hd 1, wT (t )w(t ) wm2 ,
i ,
U U U uk with i
i k
U ki : { j | ij is known for j }, U uki : { j | ij is unknown for j },
moreover, if U ki , it is further described as with 1 m N and k ij Z , 1 k ij N , j 1,2,, m
For the sake of brevity, x (t ) is used to represent the solution of the system under initial conditions x(t , t 0 , x0 ) , and {x(t ), t} satisfies the initial condition ( x0 , r0 ) . and its weak infinitesimal generator, acting on function V , is defined in [37]. 0
* max( , h M ) , {rt ,t 0} is Markovian process taking values on the probability space in a finite state {1,2,, N} with generator {ij }(i,j ) and is described as follows ij o(), i j , P(rt j | rt i ) 1 ii o(), i j ,
o( ) 0 , ij 0 (i j ) is the transition j 1, j i
1 [ E (V ( xt , t , rt ) |( xt ,rt i ) (6) V ( xt , t , rt )].
This paper aims to find a reachable set for neutral markovian jump systems (1) based on the Lyapunov– Krasovskii functional approach. We denote the set of reachable states with w(t ) that satisfies (2) by
x {x(t ) n | x(t ), w(t ) satisfy (1)and (2)}. (7) We will bound x by an ellipsoid of the form
( P,1) {x(t ) n | x(t )T Px(t ) 1, P 0}.
For simplicity, there are the following representations:
A(t ,rt ) , B(t ,rt ) , C(t ,rt ) and D(t ,rt ) are known constant matrices of the Markov process. Since the state transition probability of the Markovian jump process is considered in this paper is partially known, the transition probability matrix of Markovian jumping process is defined as
Ai A(t ,rt i ) , Bi B(t ,rt i ) , Ci C(t ,rt i ), Di D(t ,rt i ),Pi P(t ,rt i ) .
In this paper, the following Lemma and Assumption are needed. Lemma 1[13]. Let V ( x(0)) 0 and wT (t )w(t ) wm2 , if
V ( xt )) V ( xt ) wT (t )w(t ) 0, 0, 0, then we have V ( xt ))
where ? represents the unknown transition rate. For
LV ( xt , t , i) lim
function that satisfies
probability from i to j at time t t , ij
1N 2 N , NN
represent the known element of the ith row and jth column in the state transition probability matrix .
with disturbances:
U ki {k1i , k 2i, , k mi } , where m is a non-negation integer
where 0 , lim
11 ? 1N
2 wm for all t 0 .
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International journal of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics (IJCMP) [Vol-4, Issue-3, May-Jun, 2020] ISSN: 2456-866X
Open Access
Lemma 2[13] Suppose h 0 and x(t ) n , for any positive definite matrix W the following inequality holds
h x T ( s)Wx ( s)ds x T (t ) x T (t h) t h
W W Lemma 3
Then, the reachable sets of the system (1) having the constraints (2) is bounded by a boundary ( P1i ,1) , i
which ( P1i ,1)(i ) is defined in (8). (9)
W x(t ) . W x(t h)
Proof: We choose the following Lyapunov-Krasovskii functional candidate as follows: 4
V ( xt , t , rt ) Vi ( xt , t , rt ) ,
. For any positive-definite matrix , n
scalar 0 , vector function w : [0, ] n such that the integrations concerned are well defined, then
V1 ( xt , t , rt ) x T (t ) P1rt x(t ) x T (t )
( x( s)ds) ( x( s)ds) x ( s)x( s)ds. T
I 0 P1rt 0 0 P2 rt
Our aim is to find an ellipsoid set as small as possible to bound the reachable set defined in (3). In this section, based on Lyapunov method and linear matrix inequality techniques, following Theorems are derived.
i 1
V2 ( xt , t , rt )
t h (t )
x T (t h)
0 x(t ) , P3rt x(t h)
e ( s t ) x T ( s )Qx ( s )ds,
V3 ( xt , t , rt ) e ( s t ) x T ( s) Rx ( s)ds, t
V4 ( xt , t , rt )
t e
( s t )
x T ( s ) Sx ( s )dsd ,
Theorem 1 Consider the markov neutral system (1) with constraints (2), if there exist symmetric matrices P2 i , P3i ,
where ri , P2 i , P3i P1i 0 , Wi 0 ( i 1,2,, N ),
P1i 0 , Wi 0 ( i 1,2,, N ), Q 0 , R 0 , S 0 and
Q 0 , R 0 , S 0 and a scalar 0 are solutions of
a scalar 0 satisfying the following matrix inequalities for i 1,2,, N ,
i11 * i * * *
i 22
P Bi
i 33
T 3i
P2Ti Di P3Ti C i P3Ti Di 0 0 0, (10) e R 0 * I wm P2Ti C i
P1 j Wi 0, j U uki , j i,
P1 j Wi 0, j U uki , j i,
i11 P2Ti Ai AiT P2i Q hM e hM S P1i
jU ki
Wi ),
i12 P1i P2Ti AiT P3i , i13 P2Ti B hM e hM P3i , i 22 hM S R P3 P3Ti , i 33 (1 hd )e hM Q hM e hM S .
( P1 j
First, we show that V ( xt ) in (11) is a good L-K functional candidate. For t hM s t , we have
0 e hM e ( s t ) 1 . . Furthermore, for t hM s t , we have 4
Vi ( xt , t , rt ) 0 . i 2
Therefore, we get 4 T V ( xt , t , rt ) Vi ( xt , t , rt ) x (t ) P1rt x(t ), i 1 V ( ) 0, when x( ) 0, [t *, t ],
Then, for given rt i , P1rt P1i , P2 rt P2i , P3rt P3i and the weak infinitesimal operator L of the stochastic process x (t ) along the evolution of Vk ( xt , t , rt ) ( k 1,2,, N ) are given as
LV1 ( xt , t , it ) 2 x T (t )
P x T (t h) 1rt 0
P2Trt P3Trt
N x(t ) x T (t )[ ij P1 j ]x(t ) 0 jU ki
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International journal of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics (IJCMP) [Vol-4, Issue-3, May-Jun, 2020] ISSN: 2456-866X
Open Access P P2Ti 2 x T (t ) x T (t h) 1i T 0 P3i x(t ) Ai x(t ) x (t ) Cx (t ) Bi x(t h(t )) Dw(t )
LV4 ( xt , t , i) hM2 x T (t ) Sx (t ) hM
x(t ) h x T (t ) Sx (t ) hM e hM x(t h(t )) S S x(t ) V 4 . S S x(t h(t )) We further have
jU ki
x (t )[P2Ti Ai AiT P2i ]x(t ) 2 x T (t )[P1i P2Ti T
LV ( xt , t , i ) V ( xt , t , i )
A P3i ]x (t ) 2 x (t ) P Bi x(t h(t )) T
T 2i
2 x (t ) P Di w(t ) x (t )[ ij P1 j ]x(t ). T
j 1
( P1 j
2 x T (t ) P2Ti C i x(t ) 2 x T (t ) P2Ti Di w(t )
j 1
Taking into account the situation that the information of transition probabilities is not accessible completely, due to ij
wT (t ) w(t ) x T (t )[ P2Ti Ai
2 x T (t )[ P2Ti Bi hM e hM S ]x(t h(t ))
Wi )]x(t ) 2 x T (t )[ P1i P2Ti AiT P3i ]x (t )
x(t h(t )) 2 x T (t ) P3Ti C i x (t )
jU ki
x T (t )[P3Ti P3i ]Bi x (t ) 2 x T (t ) P3Ti Bi
T 3i
AiT P2i Q hM e hM S P1i
2 x T (t ) P2Ti Ci x(t ) 2 x T (t ) P2Ti Di w(t )
e ( s t ) x T ( s ) Sx ( s )ds
2 M
x T (t )[ ij P1 j ]x(t )
T i
t hM
0 ( i ), the following equation hold for
arbitrary appropriate matrices Wi WiT are satisfied x (t ) ij Wi x(t ) 0 .
Bi x(t h(t )) 2 x T (t ) P3Ti C i x (t ) 2 x T (t ) P3Ti Di w(t ) x T (t h(t ))[(1 hd )e hM Q hM e hM S ]x(t h(t )) e x T (t ) Rx (t )
x T (t )[hM2 S R P3Ti P3i ]Bi x (t ) 2 x T (t ) P3Ti
j 1
wT (t ) w(t ) x T (t )[ ij ( P1 j Wi )]x(t ) j 1
T (t ) i (t ) x T (t )[ ij ( P1 j Wi )]x(t ). j 1
It is trivial to obtain the following equality:
where i is the same as defined in the Theorem 1 and
LV1 ( xt , t , i ) x T (t )[P2Ti Ai AiT P2i ]x(t ) 2 x T (t )[P1i P2Ti
Thus, from matrix inequalities (10)-(12), we get
2 x T (t ) P2Ti C i x(t ) 2 x T (t ) P2Ti Di w(t ) x T (t )[P3Ti P3i ]Bi x (t ) 2 x T (t ) P3Ti Bi
LV ( xt ) V ( xt )
x(t h(t )) 2 x (t ) P C i x(t ) 2 x (t ) P T
T 3i
wT (t ) w(t ) 0,
which means, by Lemma 1, that V ( xt , t , rt ) 1 , and this
jU ki
results in V1 ( xt , t , i) x T (t ) P1i (t ) 1 for i , since
ij ( P1 j Wi )]x(t ).
i jU uk
LV2 ( xt , t , i ) x (t )Qx(t ) (1 h(t ))e h (t ) x T (t h(t ))Q T
x(t h(t )) -
T 3i
Di w(t ) x T (t )[ ij ( P1 j Wi )]x(t ) x T (t )[
T (t ) x T (t ) x T (t ) x T (t h(t )) x T (t ) wT (t ) .
AiT P3i ]x (t ) 2 x T (t ) P2Ti Bi x(t h(t ))
t h (t )
e ( s t ) x T ( s)Qx( s )ds
x T (t )Qx(t ) (1 hd )e hM x T (t h(t ))Q x(t h(t )) - V2 , LV3 ( xt , t , i ) x T (t ) Rx (t ) e x T (t ) R t
x (t ) - e ( s t ) x T ( s ) Rx ( s )ds t
x T (t ) Rx (t ) e x T (t ) Rx (t ) - V3 ,
V2 ( xt , t , i) V3 ( xt , t , i) V4 ( xt , t , i) 0 from (14). So the reachable set of the system (1) is bounded by ellipsoid ( P1i ,1)(i ) defined in (8), which implies that the reachable sets of the system (1) having the constraints (2) is bounded by a boundary ( P1i ,1) . This completes i
the proof. Remark 1. It should be noted that the more the unknown elements there are in (4), the lower the maximum of time delay will be in Theorem 1. Actually, if all transition probabilities are unknown, the corresponding system can be viewed as a switched neutral markovian jump system under arbitrary switching. Thus, the
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International journal of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics (IJCMP) [Vol-4, Issue-3, May-Jun, 2020] ISSN: 2456-866X
Open Access
conditions obtained in Theorem 1 will be thereby cover the results for arbitrary switched neutral markovian jump systems with disturbances. In that case, one can see the bounds of reachable sets in Theorem 1 become seriously conservative, for many constraints. Fortunately, we can use the Lyapunov functional method to analyze the bound of reachable sets for the neutral markovian jump system under the assumption that all transition probabilities are not known. Following a similar line as in proof of Theorem 1, we can obtain the following Theorem. Theorem 2. Consider the markov neutral system (1) with all elements known in transition rate matrix (4), if there exist symmetric matrices P2 i , P3i , P1i 0 ,
Wi 0 ( i 1,2,, N ), Q 0 , R 0 , S 0 and a
I 0 P1rt V1 ( xt , t , rt ) x T (t ) x T (t h) 0 0 P2 rt x(t ) t ( s t ) T x ( s )Qx( s )ds t h (t ) e x ( t h )
i 22
P Bi
i 33
T 3i
P2Ti Di P3Ti C i P3Ti Di 0 0 0, (17) e R 0 * I wm
i11 P2Ti Ai AiT P2i Q hM e hM S P1i
e ( s t ) x T ( s) Sx ( s )dsd .
Theorem 3. Consider the markov neutral system (1) with all elements unknown in transition rate matrix (4), if there exist symmetric matrices P2 i , P3i , P1i 0 ,
Wi 0 ( i 1,2,, N ), Q 0 , R 0 , S 0 and a scalar 0 satisfying the following matrix inequalities for i 1,2,, N , i11 * i * * *
i 22
P3Ti Bi
i 33
P2Ti Di P3Ti C i P3Ti Di 0 0 0, (18) e R 0 * I wm P2Ti C i
i11 P2Ti Ai AiT P2i Q hM e hM S P1i , i12 P1i P2Ti AiT P3i ,
hM t
0 P3rt
Following a similar line as in proof of Theorem 1, we can obtain the following Theorem 3.
P2Ti C i
e ( s t ) x T ( s) Rx ( s)
scalar 0 satisfying the following matrix inequalities for i 1,2,, N , i11 * i * * *
P ,
ij 1 j
jU ki
i13 P2Ti B hM e hM P3i ,
i12 P1i P2Ti AiT P3i ,
i 22 hM S R P3 P3Ti ,
i13 P2Ti B hM e hM P3i ,
i 33 (1 hd )e hM Q - hM e hM S . Then, the reachable sets of the system (1) having the constraints (2) is bounded by a boundary ( P1i ,1) ,
i 22 hM S R P3 P3Ti ,
i 33 (1 hd )e hM Q - hM e hM S . Then, the reachable sets of the system (1) having the constraints (2) is bounded by a boundary ( P1i ,1) , i
which ( P1i ,1)(i ) is defined in (8). For finding the bound of reachable sets for neutral Markovian jump systems with all transition probabilities are not known, which indicate that system (1) is a switched neutral delay systems. One can construct the following Lyapunov functional and obtain the Theorem 3.
which ( P1i ,1)(i ) is defined in (8). Remark 2. The solution for (10-12), (17) or (18), if it exists, need not be unique. It is well-known ([13]) that the volume of ( P1i ,1)(i ) defined in (8) is proportional to
det( P1i ) , so the minimization of det( P1i )
1 2
is the same
as minimizing the volume of ( P1i ,1) . That is, maximize 1
det( P1i ) 2 subject to I P1i which can be equivalent to the
following optimization problem:
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International journal of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics (IJCMP) [Vol-4, Issue-3, May-Jun, 2020] ISSN: 2456-866X
Open Access
Case 3. The transition rate matrix Λ is completely unknown, which is considered as
min{min det( Pij ) 2 } i
P i 0, i , s.t. 1i (10 12), (17)or (18).
Remark 3 The matrix inequalities in Theorem 1 and Theorem 2 contain only one non-convex scalar (for given hM and hd , and these become LMI by fixing the
? ? ? ? ? ? . ? ? ?
scalar . The feasibility check of a matrix inequality having only one non-convex scalar parameter is numerically tractable, and a local optimum value of can be found by fminsearch.m.
In this section, a numerical example demonstrates the effectiveness of the mentioned above. Consider the neutral markovian jump systems with three operation modes whose state matrices are listed as follow: x (t ) C (t ,rt ) x (t ) A(t ,rt ) x(t ) B(t ,rt ) x(t h(t ) D(t ,rt ) w(t ), x(t 0 ) 0, [ *,0],
Fig. 1: Random jumping mode r(t) of neutral markov jump system (20) (20)
where 0 2 1 3 0 2 A1 , A2 0 2 , A3 - 1 1.5 , 0 2 1 0 2 0 2 0 B1 , B2 , B3 , 1 2 1 1 0 2
1 0 2 0 2 0 C1 , C2 , C3 , 1 2 1 1 0 2 0.15 0.14 0. 2 D1 , D2 , D3 . 0.15 0.35 0 .3
The transition rate matrix Λ is considered as the following three cases. Case 1. The transition rate matrix Λ is completely known, which is considered as
0.6 0.2 0.4 0.6 1 0.4 . 0.3 0.5 0.8
Fig. 2: The time responses of state variable x(t) of neutral markov jump system (20) in case 1 Firstly, by giving the transition probabilities Λ, a possible mode evolution of the neutral markov jump systm (21) is derived as shown in Fig. 1. Based on the mode evolution shown in Fig. 1, and choosing disturbances $w(t)$ as the random signal satisfying wT (t )w(t ) 1 , all the reachable states of neutral markov jump systm (21) starting from the origin are given in Fig.2.
Case 2. The transition rate matrix Λ is partly known, which is considered as
0.6 0.2 0.4 ? 1 ? . ? ? ?
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Open Access
International journal of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics (IJCMP) [Vol-4, Issue-3, May-Jun, 2020] ISSN: 2456-866X By using theorem 2 and solving the optimization problem (20) in case 1, we can obtain minimization of det( P1i )
1 2
is 0.2119 when 0.1 , and the corresponding
7.3166 3.5856 feasible matrices are given as P11 , 3.5856 4.7999 9.0948 2.6437 6.8632 2.6743 P12 , P13 . The 2.6437 2.5838 2.6743 1.8016 reachable sets of the system (23) in case 1 is bounded by a 3
intersection of three ellipsoids:
( P ,1) 1i
, which is
i 1
depicted in Fig. 3. Fig. 3: The bound of reachable sets for neutral markov jump system (20) in case 2
By using theorem 1 and solving the optimization problem (20) in case 2, we can obtain the minimization of det( P1i )
1 2
is 0.4621 when 0.1 and the corresponding
6.6245 2.5552 feasible matrices are given as P11 , 2.5552 1.6846
6.4226 2.5544 6.6851 2.5788 P12 , P13 . The 2.5544 1.6857 2.5788 1.6952 reachable sets of the system (23) in case 1 is bounded by a 3
intersection of three ellipsoids:
( P ,1) 1i
, which is
i 1
depicted in Fig.4. By using theorem 3 and solving the optimization problem (20) in case 3, we can obtain the maximize 0.65 when 0.1 , and the corresponding feasible Fig. 4: The bound of reachable sets for neutral markov jump system (20) in case 3
8.1386 4.3002 P11 4.3002 4.8168
9.0931 2.6563 6.6807 2.6735 P12 , P13 . The 2.6563 2.5718 2.6735 1.8013 reachable sets of the system (23) in case 1 is bounded by a 3
intersection of three ellipsoids:
( P ,1) 1i
, which is
i 1
depicted in Fig.5.
Fig. 5: Random jumping mode r(t) of neutral markov jump system (20).
In This paper, the problem of robust stability for a class of uncertain neutral systems with time-varying delays is investigated. Sufficient conditions are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities which can be easily solved by LMI Toolbox in Matlab. Numerical examples are given to indicate significant improvements over some existing results.
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Open Access
International journal of Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics (IJCMP) [Vol-4, Issue-3, May-Jun, 2020] ISSN: 2456-866X
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research was supported by Science and Technology Foundation of Guizhou Province (No.LKM[2013]21; No. J[2015]2074; No. J[2016]1074), Doctoral Fund Project of Guizhou University(No. 2013(006)) and National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 11761021).
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