Firmenzeitung nr13 juli 2017 en webansicht

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July 217




The perfect air conditioning for your home

Overview › KICK OFF in Austria

› TOSHIBA is on the spot


› NEWS from Team AIR-COND




› AIR-COND gets 40!

Season opening with TOSHIBA

BIG is "in"

Available in 4,5 kW from September

TOSHIBA quotes participant records

Trade fairs, seminars and Kick Off events of our partners

new employees, offspring and much more

A journey on a large scale

Save the date

Editorial What to expect in 2017… Welcome in the anniversary year 2017! This year, AIR-COND is 40 years in the air conditioning business and just in this year so many things will be changed! Under the motto “keep up with the times” and after intense preparations and programming, a lot of adjustments and improvements were made regarding order handling. For example, the warranty application can now be filed easily and online and also invoices are more structured and sent via email. – After the first weeks in full utilisation a positive balance can be drawn. As mentioned in the December issue 2016, the most comprehensive changes were made regarding the marketing. With fresh ideas and the courage to embrace change, a creative, completely new marketing line up was successfully

developed by the new team. Further topics such as a new website, an update of the product database and a new edition of the Toshibel are the focus of the Pre and After Sales marketing team. My compliments to all colleagues who were involved in the above stated processes. Thank you. Nest to all those changes, AIR-COND and TOSHIBA build on one important constant. TOSHIBA focuses on quality and sales via certified distributors. Because of that the contact and a good and very close cooperation with you, our partners, is particularly important to us! 40 years AIR-COND. For sure we will not only celebrate, although we will do so. (Save the date: 10th October 2017) – During the year there will be a lot of market supporting activities in order

to increase the brand awareness of TOSHIBA and our partners’ benefit. I am looking forward to celebrating 40 years together and to our future, prosperous collaboration.

Your Jürgen Unterrainer



KICK OFF in Austria Jump into the new season with TOSHIBA!









Anfang März 2017 zur trad itionellen konnten 47 Part nerfirme TOSHIBA klusiven n, mit rund Flair des Kick Off Schlossh Veransta 100 Teiln die neue otels Pich ltung begr ehmern, Klimasai larn son nebe üßt werd onen aus n Produkti wurden den Part en. den Bere nnovatio ichen Tech dium HLK nern zum Im exnen auch Star t in nik und war Obj aktu Marketin ektleiterin g präsentie elle InformatiKerstin Hainzl vor rt. Vom FachmeOrt dab as Jahr ei.





2017 anlagen-H stellt für die AIR-C andelsges OND Klima Generalve ellsch sicherlich rtretung für TOSH aft m.b.H. und IBA Klima einen Meile menshisto anlag nstein in der Unte en 3-2017). rie dar (sieh e auch rnehSchli Ausgabe heuer sein eßlich feiert HLK das Unte 40-jährige kann auf rnehmen einen Rekor s Firmenjubi läum und Geschäftsja dumsatz ragenden hr verweisen. Sovieim abgelaufenen Zahlen des l zu den stolz und herau Vorja hres. smotivieren mens liegt . Der FokusErfolge machen aber berei des Unter Jahren. ts auf den nehkommende n



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Bild: HLK/Kers

tin Hainzl

OND-Team sorgte

Bild links: Der diesjä TOSHIBA Kick Off-E hrige im stilvo vent fand llen Schlosshot Ambiente des el Pichla rn statt.

Einige TOSH wurden direkIBA-Innovationen t bei der staltung präsentiert Veran. Beim „urige die beste n“ Abendausklang n ausgezeich Partnerfirmen der wurden auch Saison 2016 net. HLK Objek tleiterin Kerstin Hainz beim „Netz einer Pausewerken“ mit TOSH l (Bildmitte) IBA-Partne . rn in präse ntier ckage-Lösut. Diese umfasst neue Look ngen und Hilfes interessante Patellun duktkatalo bzw. das neue Farbs gen. Auch der eine neue ge wirkt sehr anspr chema der ProWebsite in Arbeit. echend. Ferner ist

Vielzahl neue



Blick nach

„2017 wird AIR-COND ein ganz beso ndere dieses Jahr & TOSHIBA-Partne s Jahr für alle etwas Spez den runden 40er r. Wir bestreiten überrasche ielles überlegen und werden uns Jürgen Untern“, so AIR-COND . Lassen Sie sich Teilnehmer rainer bei der Geschäfts führe r Begrüßung Zur Unte n. zu den rstützung tuelle Mark der Partn er wurd eting-Kam e die akpagne „Fan of TOSH IBA“

tin Hainzl

In order to support our partners, a new marketing campaign FAN OF TOSHIBA with package solutions, a new, very clear catalogue structure as well as online tools which facilitate everyday work were presented. Warranty claims, assistance commissioning and diverse calculations can be done easily and unbureaucratically online. The evening was concluded pleasantly with a typical Styrian dinner and under the motto “Styria – home of AIR-COND” in typical Styrian clothing (Dirndl and Lederhosen :-)) In the course of the evening, the best TOSHIBA partners were honoured for their achievements of the last business year. The first place for Best Sales 2016 was awarded to Klötzl Vertriebs GmbH. We were also delighted about the article of the specialist magazine HLK in issue 4-2017.

Bild: HLK/Kers

On 9th March 2017, 47 partner companies with approximately 100 participants attended the traditional TOSHIBA Kick Off meeting. Surrounded by the exclusive flair of the castle Pichlarn product innovations as well as news regarding the technical department and the marketing activities were presented. 2017 many new products join TOSHIBA’s product portfolio. For example in the HOME segment the new single split Suzumi Plus R32 and the ESTIA 5 with 4,5 kW cooling capacity are being added. In the BUSINESS segment the Digital Inverter BIG sets new standards and also the cassettes have a new member in the family and are available in 60x60 slim format. Details regarding ESTIA series 5 and the Digital Inverter BIG you can also find in this issue of the company newspaper.

r Produkte In mehr eren sentatione Vorträgen und von AIR-C n stellte Christian Power-Point-Prä Fitz, Sales OND, eine duktneuhe Manager Vielzahl von TOSH chen Home iten bzw. Lösun Jürgen Unter gen aus IBA-Proden pen und , Business, Luft-W Klimaanlag rainer, Geschäftsfü Steuerunge asser Wärm Bereihrer AIR-C Als Highl n. epumder Begrü en-Handelsgesel ights OND sind hier lscha ßung der zumi PlusR das neue Teilnehmer ft m.b.H., bei . mer auch 32; die Wärmepum Wandgerät Suin bar; Digit der Leistungsg pe Estia – ab Somröße al verfügbar; Inver ter – ab sofor 4,5 kW verfügFanfaren das Lüftu t auch 3-pha zum 40-jä Leistu ngskit DXC0 der AIR-C ngsst hrigen Firme sig OND 31 für 0-10 geräten; euerung von RAV schaf t m.b.H Klimaanlagen-Ha njubiläum V der ., mit Sitz ndels neue 60x6 neue Digital Inverbzw. VRF Außenin Graz-Seier gesellter Big; nige Produ0 Slim Kassette sberg. hervorzuhe und die 4/2017 „live“ besic ktneuheiten konn ben. EiHEIZUNG htigt werd ten . LÜFT en. Mehr auch vor Ort UNG . KLIMATEC über TOSH IBAHNIK

Event-Ausk lang

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Report about the TOSHIBA Kick Off in magazine HLK, issue 4-2017.







Digital Inverter BIG

Highlights best EER and COP values Lot 6 compliant through highest efficiency in part load Refrigerant leak detection

The RAV powerhouse progresses to the sixth round

Highest efficiency and energy savings The nominal capacities with 20,0/22,4 and 23,0/27,0 kW for cooling and heating remain unchanged. Whereas the achievable minimal capacities for both operating modes were improved significantly. With a value of 4,6 kW it is 5,2 kW below Series 4 products. It entails essentially better efficiency values as well as a significantly enhanced control range. This is especially of advantage when using DX-Kits. Because of the higher values in the part load, also the threshold of the regulation “Lot6/21, step 1” could already be reached, which only becomes effective in 2018. The best COP and EER values of 3,80 and 3,24 are achieved in combination with high pressure duct units.

30 m

The two strongest products, the Digital Inverter BIG with 8 and 10 HP, reach series 6 in a completely new setup. Within the new chassis also many improvements can be found.

100 m

Expanded operating mode The operating mode now reaches from +52° C for cooling to heating with -27° C outdoor temperature. All known possibilities for noise reduction and power peak control remain unchanged. Only the article number was changed to TCB-KBOS3E.

Connection A

Longer pipe lengths for more flexibility Another considerable fact was achieved with the new series 6: the maximum pipe length was extended from 70 m (Series 4) to 100 m.

Connection B

Connection C

Refrigerant Leak Detection Finally, another USP is worth mentioning: the refrigerant leak detection works in combination with the new wired control RBC-AMS54E in a similar way as with SHRM-e 3 pipe system. This enables a time-based identification of possible leaks in the refrigerant cycle, through a warning icon on the display of the remote control. The new Digital Inverters BIG are already available on stock in our warehouse – we are sure that these will prolong the success story of this established system.

-15° -27°







ESTIA Series 5

Highlights 4,5 kW heating capacity for low-energy consumption in private homes Master slave control for up to eight systems Integrated control unit

ESTIA – the favourite air-to-water heatpump is about to go from series 4 to series 5 Classic hardware, new software ESTIA is about to add a new 5 kW unit to its product range. The hardware design remains unchanged reliable and efficient, however, it offers an updated software and a new control unit. Almost eight years ago, in August 2009, the success story of ESTIA began. Over the years, it was always improved and finally reaches series 5. The expected delivery date is mid of September, just right for the heating season. The new 4,5 kW system completes the existing ESTIA product range and accounts for the trend towards low-energy consuming homes. It is worth mentioning that the suitable outdoor unit is significantly more compact and lighter, with the dimensions of 630x800x300, than the last 8 kW version. Ease of control Especially interesting is the new control unit with many new features and an easy-to-use icon-based control. This control unit replaces the old one in all Series 5 hydroboxes and is also available separately as additional remote control.

Individual settings All standard functions, such as 2-zonecontrol, frost protection, hot water boost, legionella control, weekly timer and night operation are obtained. New functions and display parameter are added, which are summarized under the term User Easy Control Settings. Installers benefit from an easier access to the function codes, the end-consumer profits from individual settings according to user habits. – Consumers can choose between diverse operating modes for Home, Sleep or an Away setting with different frost protection modes for indoors and water pipes. The big backlight display informs about the room and water temperatures as well as the set points fixed. A special schedule control function enables the system to operate over a defined period of time with fixed set points (cooling/ heating, usage, setpoint).

tion. For example domestic hot water for hotels can be competently covered. Promising future An optional WiFi module for control via smartphone, tablet or computer as well as an interface for connection to KNX are scheduled to be launched – Stay tuned!

Master slave control for up to eight systems The scope of functions for the new Series 5 is further increased by an integrated master/slave control for up to eight ESTIA systems. Due to this function 128 kW heating capacity can be reached, which allows a broader scope of applica-


Technical Trainings In February 2017, our wellknown technical trainings took place. In total an incredible number of 491 people were trained by our technics team. This number beat all records so far and we are very excited about the positive results of our training opportunities. The content of the training was organized according to the new structure in the product catalogue: HOME, BUSINESS, ESTIA and CONTROLS. Next to intense trainings and theoretical input, diverse assignments and problems were interactively solved and discussed directly on testing units.

The main focus of the training was on the new products, such as the Suzumi Plus R32, the new 60x60 slim cassette as well as on the technical innovations in the ESTIA product range. Besides the knowledge transfer and information exchange, all billiard players enjoyed themselves and were awarded with trophies. We hope you can apply your gained TOSHIBA knowledge. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us!



Award for DI Werner Hochegger On 4th May 2017, the owner of AIR-COND, Mr. DI Werner Hochegger, was awarded with the Great Badge of Honour of the State of Styria by the governor Hermann Schützenhöfer.

Mr. DI Hochegger was honoured for his great contribution as Styrian entrepreneur, his close relation and support for the Technical University of Graz, for his cultural dedication and especially for revitalizing the Castle Rabenstein.

Online Tool – Warranty Claims Since 1st April 2017 there is a change regarding the handling of warranty claims. As of now warranty applications can only be made online. Many benefits are given by this change to online claiming: • • • • • • • •

Quick online access in our website’s partner area Prevent errors by help of drop-down menu inputs Get instant feedback about status Simplified selection of units & spare parts Quick processing by our Technic Team Avoid double processing Avoid missing data & further inquiry Instant processing & shipping by our order handling

First feedback is very satisfactory. Give it a go! If any questions are left, do not hesitate to get in touch with us!


TOSHIBA is on the spot Trade fairs and kick off meetings in Spring 2017

Nix, DOM Ljubljana

For the season opening 2017 TOSHIBA was represented, as usual, on several trade fairs across Europe. In Austria Technology Systems exhibited on Bauen und Energie in Vienna. Company Klötzl represented TOSHIBA on diverse home builder fairs in Graz, Klagenfurt and St. Pölten. Also, Bernhard Kinzl, WP Energie, TWS, Kühlanlagen Postl and Klimabest represented the TOSHIBA brand at best on several trade fairs. We are also happy about the presented brand image of partner Nix and

Bernhard Kinzl, Tulln

MSD Company, Coneco Bratislava

Air-Matyáš, Czech Republic

Klötzl, Graz

Klima Classic, Czech Republic

Vitanest on the DOM in Ljubljana and of MSD Company on Coneco in Bratislava. Furthermore, we greatly appreciate the effort of many partners who organize their own kick off events or seminars for their customers. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Klima Classic, MSD Company, Atlantisz Klíma, Thermoclima, Manta Plus and Air-Matyáš for their efforts. We gladly support also your events with input and marketing materials for a successful appearance.



New faces at Team AIR-COND Katrin Ramminger

Pre & After Sales Marketing › humorous, determined and adventurous › likes to explore foreign countries › horses are her passion

Nadine Weigl


› eager to learn, ambitious and open-minded › loves and lives for traditions › enthusiastic football player and fan

21st April 2017 50 cm / 3350 g

Emma Lisa

From 21st April 2017 little Emma Lisa is an important part of the family Jeller. We feel happy with Bianca and Paul about their offspring. For sister Anna Rosa, Emma Lisa is the star.



In January 2017, 164 participants joined the great TOSHIBA incentive trip to Thailand. Our top export partners accompanied us with their own top customers for this exciting journey. Next to a TOSHIBA factory visit, there was also plenty of time to enjoy Thailand’s cultural and culinary variety. A special highlight was the honouring of the best of the best TOSHIBA partners and a marriage proposal! ♼



A cheer for Jürgen Unterrainer On 18th March 2017, a brilliant party was celebrated on Castle Rabenstein – the 50th birthday of our CEO Jürgen Unterrainer. His family, friends, colleagues and even long-lasting business partners did not want to miss this event and came to celebrate together. Thank you very much for all your generous donations. We could hand over € 4.850,- to family Alter.

TOSHI-Bear is thinking about... 40 years of AIR-COND. In a bear’s life it sounds old, in a human’s life like experience and in business life like a stable company. Continuity is one of the crucial factors of our success. Decades on behalf of TOSHIBA, producer of innovative air conditioning systems, decades of successful collaboration with our partners, continuous business relations are based on professional and respectful interaction with each other. We also experienced decades of continuous urge to improve ourselves, to find possibilities to best support our partners in their daily work with TOSHIBA products in order to stay competitive. As assured in the last issue, this year we left out hibernation to bundle our strengths even more in order to offer you even better service. Several things have already been changed, adapted and improved. Others will be announced soon in the coming days/weeks. However, there is one essential constant also for the upcoming 40 years: our tireless commitment to our partners in order to jointly remain successful with TOSHIBA. I wish you a successful start into the jubilee season with many surprises and a tremendous party in autumn. Your TOSHI-BEAR

CREDITS gettyimages: Foto Fischer:


Haushamer Straße 2 A-8054 Graz-Seiersberg, Austria Tel.: +43 316 80 89


Celebrate with us TUESDAY, 10th October 2017 Seifenfabrik Graz

Dear TOSHIBA partner, we are proud to celebrate 40 years of AIR-COND in 2017 and are happy to celebrate this remarkable event together with you! A personal invitation will follow shortly. We will be pleased if you follow our invitation! The 9th Convention for our export partners will take place on 9th October 2017. Your AIR-COND Team

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