December 2011
■ Monovalent Heating with Air-to-Air Heat Pumps ■ Editorial ■ Interesting ARRIVAL OF NEW ESTIA FOLDER TRAININGS IN GRAZ & UK
■ ESTIA Air-to-Water Heat Pump ■ Team Completed! New faces at AIR-COND
■ Ready for pension ■ TOSHI-BEAR is thinking about… Christmas
■ AIR-COND training activities ■ DATES 2011 - 12 ■ Annual plant shutdown
CASTLE RABENSTEIN – an amazing reference for monovalent heating with air-to-air heat pumps
Even the smaller republics like Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina or Macedonia have achieved good results this year, which gives us confidence for the next year.
ithin the last few years, the nearly 900 year old castle has been rebuilt into a modern meeting point for conferences and events. The historic building is heated by a TOSHIBA VRF system as it has crystallized to be the perfect solution from the ecological and economic point of view.
Next year we will also concentrate on our strengths and practice “easy doing business” with you, because just the directness, clarity and simplicity, with which we do our business, is rewarded every day.
Thus the Castle Rabenstein, as Europe’s largest air-toair heat pump system in historical buildings, will for sure play a leading role in the heating of such kind of buildings in the future. The final report of the project “New4Old” European Renewable Energy Council’s informs about 18.000 castles in Europe either having no heating system or changing better to a more energy-efficient one. A study by the technical office of Bernhard Hammer GmbH shows imposingly that the costs of acquisition but also the current operation costs are significant below comparable heating alternatives. In addition, the installation of air-to-air heat pumps is far gentler to the building substance than in comparison to other technologies. To be in the position to deliver also a science-based verification regarding the efficiency of heat pump sys-
The year draws to a close and all the challenges and work-intensive weeks the year 2011 brought with it seem to be far away. The question of whether it has been more strenuous than usual, is moot. The success in 2011 speaks for itself: sales records in Austria and the Czech Republic, a strengthened team and a very positive feedback from our partners that appreciate our activities around TOSHIBA air conditioning and reward them with loyalty!
tems, there has been launched a monitoring, accompanied, reviewed and evaluated by the Technical University Graz. For this purpose, also the CI Hochegger Research Foundation for innovative energy systems, as a cooperation partner of the Graz University of Technology, was established. There is no question that the Castle Rabenstein represents an extraordinary reference for monovalent heating and that skeptics can be convinced simply of the efficiency of a TOSHIBA VRF system by facts and figures. More and more TOSHIBA partners use the opportunity to visit this impressive reference with clients, architects and key accounts. Perhaps it is also a topic for you in the near future?
Focus on Your strengths, ignore all the negative media coverage and fight again also in 2012 with us, with TOSHIBA! In this sense I wish You, Your family and employees a wonderful Christmas time and the very best for 2012. Jürgen Unterrainer
Clever heizen und dabei
sparen und die Umwelt schonen!
■ Die Umwelt und unsere CO2-Emissionen gehen uns alle etwas an. In vielen Bereichen unseres täglichen Lebens ist Umweltschutz eine Selbstverständlichkeit. Energiesparlampen, Windenergie oder Elektroantriebe für Fahrzeuge sind nur einige Beispiele. Aber haben Sie schon einmal über die Emissionen Ihrer Heizung nachgedacht?
Das Prinzip der
ESTIA Wärmepumpe
Mit der Luft-Wasser Wärmepumpe wird die natürliche Wärme aus der Umgebung – der Luft – dazu verwendet, die Heizung, Warmwasseraufbereitung aber auch die Kühlung im Haus äußerst kostengünstig zu betreiben. Durch die solare Einstrahlung kommt es zu einer sich ständig regenerierenden Erwärmung der Luft. Diese Energie wird auf niedrigem Temperaturniveau von der Wärmepumpe aufgenommen und innerhalb dieser auf ein höheres Temperaturniveau gebracht, um sie für die typischen Haushaltsanwendungen zu nutzen.
■ Wohn- und Geschäftsgebäude verbrauchen mehr Energie als Industrie und Transportwesen zusammen. Die Gebäudeheizung und Warmwassererzeugung haben daran einen Anteil von 80 %.
Das Kühlschrank-Prinzip – nur umgekehrt. AUSSENEINHEIT
■ Ziel der EU ist es, 20 % der CO2-Emissionen bis zum Jahr 2020 zu reduzieren. Als eines der Hauptpotenziale wurde die Heizung und Warmwasserbereitung in Wohngebäuden identifiziert. Denn das Heizen mit fossilen Brennstoffen steigert die CO2Emissionen und lässt Ihre Heizkosten explodieren. Hier wird ein Umdenken vom Gesetzgeber nicht nur gefordert (z.B. Energieeinsparverordnung, Erneuerbare-Energien-Wärmegesetz), sondern auch gefördert.
■ Luft-Wasser Wärmepumpen zählen zur erneuerbaren Energie und sind deshalb eine ideale Lösung. Mit der Luft-Wasser Wärmepumpe ESTIA von Toshiba sparen Sie Energie und tun so etwas für die Umwelt und Ihren Geldbeutel! Denn ESTIA bezieht den größten Teil ihrer benötigten Energie aus der Außenluft. Damit sind Sie unabhängig von fossilen Brennstoffen!
Eine der häufigst gestellten Fragen ist es, wie der Luft – vorallem kalter Luft – soviel an Energie entzogen werden kann, um damit Heizung oder die Warmwasseraufbereitung zu betreiben. Das Prinzip ist mit jenem eines Kühlschrankes vergleichbar, vergleichbar nur in umgekehrter Weise. Der Kühlschrank entzieht dem Innenraum Wärme und gibt diese an die Umgebung ab. Daher wird ein Kühlschrank an der Rückseite warm. ESTIA Wärmepumpen nützen das gleiche Prinzip. Das im System zirkulierende Kältemittel nimmt die Umgebungswärme auf und verdampft hierbei.
Dieser Dampf wird von einem Kompressor angesaugt und komprimiert. Durch die Verdichtung kommt es zu einer Erhöhung der Temperatur. Am Verflüssiger wird die Wärme des Dampfes an die Heizung abgegeben. Der Dampf kühlt wieder ab und über ein Ventil wird der Druck reduziert. Wenn die Temperatur auf ein Niveau unterhalb der Umgebungstemperatur gesunken ist, beginnt der Kreislauf von Neuem. Kühlen im Sommer – kein Problem für ESTIA! Aber Estia kann noch mehr. Da das Prinzip das gleiche ist wie bei
einem Kühlschrank – oder auch einer Klimaanlage – können Sie Estia nicht nur zur Raumbeheizung oder Warmwassererzeugung verwenden. Im Sommer haben Sie auch die Möglichkeit, Ihr Haus damit zu kühlen! Hierfür ist die zusätzliche Installation von Gebläsekonvektoren notwendig. Deren Wärmetauscher nehmen die Wärme aus der Raumluft auf und geben sie über den Heizungswasserkreislauf zur Hydro-Inneneinheit und dann über den Kältemittelkreislauf über das Außengerät an die Außenluft ab.
Luft-W asserWärm ep
NEW ESTIA FOLDER HAS ARRIVED! The new ESTIA product folder has been updated and is already available from stock. If you urgently need new folders please contact us, so we can prepare them for you. Otherwise ESTIA folders will be sent to you together with the other leaflets in March 2012.
ccording to recent statistics of the Japanese journal JARN the world market for air-to-water heat pumps increased from 2005 to 2010 by around 540% up to 1.238 million units. Totally we find the biggest growth on the Chinese market, followed by the European one.
AIR-COND sales area
In China, from 2009 to 2010 the market grew by 97%, while in Europe there were 14% less air-to-water heat pumps. Especially the French market, in the past a very strong market, went down and has still not recovered.
Interesting training in Leatherhead
TRAININGS IN GRAZ & UK The first ESTIA trainings have been held successfully in autumn. During 6 workshops Mr. Markus Pichler tried to impart important knowledge about the ESTIA. The main focuses were on topics like the calculation of the system, the start-up and the error diagnostic. There was also enough time to discuss several issues, and again and again interesting and deeper going discussions resulted. Even the 4-day long intensive training on “CONTROLS” in the UK made some heads spinning. Several partners have indeed used the opportunity of getting a training directly in Leatherhead. All the theoretical knowledge could be simultaneously tried out and practiced at the installed remote controls and control systems. All those who could not join the training in England are welcomed to our technical training, module 3, which is concentrating on controls.
The best results for ESTIA in our sales territory were achieved in Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia. The average growth of air-to-water heat pumps is about 40%. Contemplating the countries in detail, our southern neighbour Slovenia shows the biggest increase, a plus of 240%! You can see, your investments in this business and also ours are steadily bearing fruits.
“ESTIA“ countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Slovenia are the strongest “ESTIA“ fields.
World market for air-to-water heat pumps
Japan Europe China Australia Others
The diagram shows a strong increase in Japan and China. In Europe there was a decrease by 14 % in 2010. (ill.: JARN)
robably some of you have already noticed in the previous weeks that our team has grown again. As an “officer manager” we welcome Ms. Doris Neukirchner, who joined our team in October. If you haven’t met her personally, her (phone) voice should already be familiar to you. The sales team is from now on supported
by Bavarian competence: Mr. Claus Wackerbauer felt in love with Styria and moved promptly with his wife to Austria. There is also another internal changeover we would like to inform you about: Ms. Bianca Hohl moved to the Marketing and will from now on actively manage Marketing activities together with Ms. Unterrainer.
Name: Doris Neukirchner Born on: 18.06.1989 Zodiac sign: Gemini Family: happily related As a child I wanted to become a: kindergarten teacher I became: office manager at AIR-COND At AIR-COND since: 3rd October 2011 My job: organisation, answering your calls, statistics and much more
Name: Claus Wackerbauer Born on: 14.08.1966 Zodiac sign: Leo Family: happily married As a child I wanted to become a: a private detective, later sound engineer at George Lucas on The Skywalker Ranch I became: Sales engineer At AIR-COND since: 2nd November 2011 My job: supporting customers That’s important for me: satisfied customers & fun at work
That’s important for me: positive working environment I am … single-minded, reliable, always in a good temper That reminds me more difficult: being patient My hobbies: meeting friends, tennis, music & shopping Motto: Don’t dream your life, live your dream!
I am … engaged, reliable, cooperative and enthusiastic I’m not good in: accepting things, that could be easily improved, but have being done always like that My hobbies: playing the bass (with more passion than talent) Motto: starting with 300% so that still 100% remain for the customer after all those things happened, that go normally wrong
That’s important for me: good working environment, varying activities I am … open, honest, helpful, creative and a team player That reminds me more difficult: getting up early in the morning My hobbies: having an after business drink with colleagues, shopping, meeting friends, traveling Motto: One life, live it!
Name: Mag. Bianca Hohl Born on: 19.02.1980 Zodiac sign: Aquarius Family: not found “Mr. Right” yet As a child I wanted to become a: florist I became: business economist At AIR-COND since: 9th June 2008 My job: active cooperation in the marketing
ith the end of September, a rather colleague has been sent into the well-earned retirement. Mr. Josef “Peppo” Unger was 18 years working for AIR-COND covering a lot of activities in the background. His farewell was celebrated in the Southern Styria at “Pichler & Schober”, in his honor also a cabaret was written and performed.
TOSHI-BEAR is thinking about … … CHRISTMAS
ven though the snow doesn’t remind us of winter and Christmas time, lots of Christmas markets with hot wine and punch currently opened to do so. Markets offering partly beautiful handmade stuff, partly for charitable donations, but also offering a huge commerce. Never ever we could find Christmas decoration in the shops that early as this year. Europe´s trading market braves the economic crises and starts the highly competitive Christmas business even earlier. So the shop windows could be changed after Halloween directly with Christmas decoration – a full-year-shopping boom arises. This development we know very well in the air condition business, years ago the business was focused on summer months but now we can also make good business during the winter months, also thanks to our high efficient heat pump systems. But as in the colourful shopping malls also the air condition business needs to be adapted. Actions everywhere, especially in the biggest, fictive shopping mall, the internet, prices are dumped. Mr. and Mrs. XY can buy very easily at company “Anonymus” an air conditioner at the very best price. Emotionally, shopping also can be fun, the atmosphere, the colourful decorations, the efforts put in by the shops in order to attract customers, is reflected in the thousands of people during advent weekends. The internet can never ever transport the atmosphere. Therefore probably also the future of the only correct way to an air conditioner or a heat pump will run through retailers, as the experience of the expert, all the technical knowledge about the product and ultimately the entire distribution cannot be easily “googled” away. We, the entire Toshiba family, are working tirelessly and successfully in this full-year-business “air condition”, we deserve to enjoy the Christmas atmosphere, the colourful markets, but even more the silent time in the middle of our families and friends, because as important the daily business with products and customers is, a few days calming down, recharging batteries, but especially the time with our loved ones is exactly what our live is about.
A review of Peppo Unger’s life at AIR-COND performed by the Emperor Jürgen Heinrich I. alias Jürgen Unterrainer and his assistant Seyffenstein alias Christian Fitz.
DATES 2011 - 2012 ➜ CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS – Plant holidays 24.12.2011 – 08.01.2012 ➜ TOSHIBA INCENTIVE Export 23.01. – 25.01.2012, Night Race Schladming ➜ TOSHIBA INCENTIVE AUSTRIA 01.02. – 08.02.2012, Bangkok ➜ TRAIN-THE-TRAINER TECHNICAL TRAINING 15.02. – 17.02.2012 22.02. – 24.02.2012
he high quality of TOSHIBA products depends considerable on the correct designing and installation. This is the reason why AIR-COND has been offering a great number of trainings all over the sales area in the past years.
German language and a Train-the-Trainer course in English. This one is primarily addressed to distributors going quickly through the different chapters and focusing more on the discussion and the preparation of the distributors for their trainings in each country.
Due to the enormous expansion of the product portfolio, especially in the growing VRF segment and in the field of controls, we clearly see an increased need for trainings. The technical team prepared a concept providing two different training series: a “training academy” with different priority (Basics, Advanced, Controls, ESTIA) in
Of course you are going to be invited on time. You have the opportunity to choose among several dates and modules.
Language: English Place of training: AIR-COND Office Size of group: min. 7 participants max. 15 participants Book all modules or single ones
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Error diagnostics
TCC Link
Inverter compressors
Interfaces / Modules
Product overview
TCC-Link Connectors
Smart Manager
Air ventilation solutions
Addressing Documentation – where to find what
VN-units DX-Kit RAV/VRF Addressing
Analogue Interface
Workshop with case studies, calculation and start-up
All contents from the training academy (module 1 – 3), but only as an overview. New information are going to be introduced in detail!
Lonworks Interactive Intelligence
15.2. – 17.2.2012
22.2. – 24.2.2012
Start-up SMMSi Dyna Doctor Warranty procedure
6.3. & 13.3.2012
7.3. & 14.3.2012
8.3. & 15.3.2012
9.3. & 16.3.2012
Alternative date 20.3.2012
Alternative date 21.3.2012
Alternative date 22.3.2012
Alternative date 23.3.2012
AIR-COND plant holidays
uring Christmas holidays and New Year celebrations AIR-COND is going to close its office between 24th December 2011 and 8th January 2012. The past years have shown us that also a journal service during this period is not necessary.
➜ TOSHIBA CONVENTION 22.03.2012, Zagreb
Language: German Place of training: AIR-COND Office Size of group: min. 7 participants max. 15 participants Book all modules or single ones
➜ KICK OFF AUSTRIA 27.03.2012
Accept our offer and invest in well-trained staff and furthermore in a well-trained installer network!
Error diagnostics
➜ TRAINING ACADEMY Basics RAS, RAV, VRF 06.03. & 13.03.2012 Advanced RAS, RAV, VRF 07.03. & 14.03.2012 Controls RAV, VRF 08.03. & 15.03.2012 ESTIA Advanced 09.03. & 16.03.2012
For urgent technical support you can contact Mr. Christian Rumpl between 2nd and 5th January 2012 as follows: e-mail: Telephone: +43 / 664 / 202 39 80
Haushamer Straße 2 A-8054 Graz-Seiersberg, Austria Tel.: +43 316 80 89 Fax: +43 316 82 63 71 E-mail: