Airline Marketing Benchmark Report March 2017

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the world’s first airline beer



WELCOME Published by aviation marketing strategy consulting firm SimpliFlying, the Airline Marketing Benchmark Report contains a wide range of airline marketing case studies each month, providing you with the latest and most innovative social, digital, experiential and traditional airline marketing campaigns recently launched by airlines around the world. Whether you’re looking for inspiration or are eager to help your airline move into the next stage of engagement, while also understanding how your airline marketing initiatives compare to campaigns from competitors in general, these repor ts are indispensable for airline professionals working in the field of marketing and corporate communications. The monthly reports also help agencies that work with airlines stay on top of the latest innovative airline marketing initiatives. For any questions about the report, please contact Dirk Singer at


INSIDE This issue features: 1. AirAsia - The AirAsia Hackathon 2. Air Canada - Air Canada 3. Air France - AF787 Heroes 4. Air New Zealand, easyJet, Jet Airways - Valentine’s Day Promotions 5. British Airways - Avios Virtual Reality 6. Cathay Pacific - Betsy, the first airline beer 7. Etihad - Runway to Runway 8. Qatar Airways - The world’s longest flight 9. Royal Jordanian - “Ban Voyage” 10. Turkish Airlines - Morgan Freeman Commercial



Over the past few years, a number of aviation brands have adopted a popular Silicon Valley trend, that of the ‘Hackathon’ where computer programmers collaboratively work against a clock to deal with a particular problem or challenge. The latest airline to get on the bandwagon is AirAsia, which will be staging ‘AIRVOLUTION 2017’ in Kuala Lumpur from 18-19 March. Twenty teams from the 26 countries served by AirAsia will be competing for a RM 25,000 (c. US $5,600) prize.

and prices be offered to passengers? On the day, one will be chosen and given to the teams to solve. According to AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes, AIRVOLUTION 2017 is part of the airline’s overall mission to make AirAsia more digitally focused: “This year marks the emergence of AirAsia as a digital airline, and I believe this event can spur the kind of radical, creative thinking that will ensure AirAsia remains on the leading edge.”

AirAsia has signed up an impressive Three challenges have been announced group of third party sponsors and partfor the Hackathon: How can social media ners for the event including Lego, Redfans’ digital footprints be leveraged to Bull, Google, Amazon and Microsoft. improve customer experience, how can waiting times at the airport be reduced However out of the ten strong judging and how can the best flights, itineraries panel, eight are internal AirAsia execu4

tives with only two coming from the out- The Emirates Hackthon series in particuside (although one represents popular lar is noteworthy as it is underpinned by messaging App Line). a partnership with Carnegie-Mellon University in a ‘CMU-Emirates-Silicon Valley Compare this to Malaysia Airlines, which Innovation’ Lab. staged its own Hackathon in February where over half the judging panel came from outside, although Malaysia Airlines’ judges are all men, unlike Air Asia which KEY TAKE-AWAY has three women in the group. The Malaysia Airlines Hackathon was focused on the development of mobile applications, and saw 21 teams take part. Other airlines which have held Hackathons include Singapore Airlines with its October 2016 ‘App Challenge’, Qantas which held Codeshare Hackathons in 2015 and 2016 and Emirates which has staged ‘Travel Hackathons’ in Singapore, Dubai and the US and is planning on holding another one in Santa Clara, California.


Hackathons are not new, but they can provide both an injection of fresh ideas, and generally deliver good PR value. They are also an effective way for brands to show that they are forward thinking and innovators. However when doing so, it is worth asking if the Hackathon is a one-hit wonder or whether it is supported by other activity. Emirates provides a good model as it can now showcase a whole series of events as well as a partnership with a leading academic institution. This gives it both credibility and allows it to develop further brand extensions on the back of what’s already been done.


February was a colossal month for Canada’s flagship airline. Not only did they unveil an all-new livery look in three separate events in different major Canadian cities, but they also revealed updated uniforms for cabin and ground crew and began talking a lot about the past, the future, and national pride in celebration of their own 80th birthday this year and Canada’s 150th birthday this summer. Broadly, all this activity is connected to the hashtag and patriotic sentiment of #FlyTheFlag, which refers to how the airline takes pride in being an ambassador 6

of Canada, connecting its people and ideas to the rest of the world. Activity around #FlyTheFlag began in February with social media teaser posts showing partial images of the new livery. The frequency and amount of information shared in these posts gradually increased through the month until reveal happened on February 9th with simultaneous events in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal. Each event was well attended by local, national and international press, bloggers and media personalities.

The new uniforms, which complement the new livery, are sleek and well-cut – looking much more contemporary and business-like than the incumbent – with black and charcoal grey base colours set off by red accents. The livery itself is incredibly sharp. It’s described in an airline press release as a “bold black and white design that highlights its iconic red maple leaf encircled ensign … Reflecting Canada’s vastness and contrasting seasons, with references to its wildlife and First Nations heritage.” With this new livery (which will take three years to grace entire fleet of 300 aircraft), Air Canada also brings back the vintage the “rondelle” (French for hockey puck) logo of a red Maple leaf in a circle. To keep the new liveries a secret until the reveal, Air Canada flew the first three painted planes to the launch parties under cover of darkness and covered parts of them with removable decals, so that eager plane-spotters wouldn’t snap photos and ruin the surprise. Air Canada has created a special webpage dedicated to the rebranding effort and also made several videos, including a time lapse of the paint shop work which was watched more than 170,000 times in a week, and the nostalgic Achieving New Heights (20,000 views in one week) for YouTube.


KEY TAKE-AWAY Don’t underestimate the marketing power of the humble AV Geek! If you’re getting ready to unveil a new paint job or plane, think about who may be watching. They could ruin the surprise or they could be an ally, helping you capture amazing images and enhancing the social media buzz of your event. Websites like for insights into this world and to find contacts. One example of an influencer in this space is Laird Kay a Toronto native, artist and plane-spotter who has worked with a number of airlines.



Air France is the latest airline to introduce Dreamliner to Toronto against a so-called the Boeing 787 into its fleet, and like oth- ‘Tweetliner’ (a virtual plane). er airlines it created a series of events to publicise its arrival. Air France’s chosen launch mechanic was to offer customers and aviation enthusiPrevious airline Boeing 787 campaigns asts the chance to book flights on special have included ANA creating Star Wars flights around France. themed Dreamliners, Thomson giving social media fans the chance to name Over January, passengers could book the aircraft and British Airways racing a special flights that took them over Corsi-


ca, Gascony, Brittany as well as one that toured the whole country (flight AF789). Tickets for the flights ranged in price from €249 for an economy ticket to €787 for a business class seat.

his “Super Flemish” project showed superheroes portrayed in the style of the Flemish school.

These photos then in turn formed the basis of social media content used to proThe ‘Patrouille de France’ jets from the mote the flights. French Air Force accompanied one of the preview flights reserved for the meKEY TAKE-AWAY dia, releasing trails of red, blue and white smoke in tribute to France’s national flag. Air France’s Dreamliner launch was in fact very similar to its January 2016 campaign where it said goodbye to the 747. At the time 30,000 people tried to get on board one of a series of special farewell flights, and the Patrouille de France jets similarly acted as an aerial honour guard. However Air France’s Dreamliner launch had one crucial addition, the airline employed the services of famous photographer Sacha Goldberger. People boarding each flight had their photo taken where they were portrayed as ‘heroes’ (e.g. by wearing a cape or striking a superhero pose). This fits in with Goldberger’s previous work, for example


Running special ‘preview’ flights is a tried and tested tactic that has worked well for Air France in the past. Teaming up with a well known photographer however provided something extra, it showed not only planes but added a human dimension to the project. While many aviation brands have now worked with Instagram pros, it is worth looking at whether a campaign with an ‘old school’ photographer can be just as worthwhile, if not more so. Another example of a brand which took this approach is Dubai international Airport, which worked wth Swiss portrait photographers Matthias Braschler and Monika Fischer to document 24 hours in the life of the airport.


Valentine’s Day is a popular annual event for airline marketing teams to build touching, love-inspired campaigns around. Like flight itself, love transcends borders and the “Day of Lovers” is celebrated by many cultures around the world.

ers would ‘go the distance’ for this Valentine’s day.

The original tweet – accompanied by an inspirational video – was retweeted 39 times, liked more than 200 times, and replied to 64 times with touching stories of This year, a number of airlines chose to love across distance. think more broadly about love, focusing on the love that exists between family and The airline selected a New Zealand womfriends, in addition to romantic love. On an who missed a long-time friend in EnJanuary 27th, in a campaign that aligns gland as their winner, and created a secwith their #goingthedistance tagline, Air ond video where she tells her story and New Zealand put out a call using Twitter gets a free flight to the UK to surprise the and Facebook, to see who their custom- friend. That well-liked video was posted 11

to Twitter and Facebook on February 13th. easyJet ran a similar campaign called #LoveConnection, and likewise created a heart-warming video about a young British woman who’s been dating a Dutch man long distance for five years. They gave her a free trip to see him on Valentine’s Day. At the airport before she departed, the airline displayed a picture of the couple together on a large digital screen, and even had cabin crew on the flight tell her love story to the rest of the passengers. And of course, there was Steffen waiting for her with a huge hug at the airport when she arrived. Jet Airways opted to produce a video called ‘The Other Girl’ which depicts a young man heartbroken after a pre-Valentine’s breakup. Through the video we see him looking dejected and dragging himself though daily life, but his mood begins to improve thanks to another woman who is texting him and supporting him. He books a Jet Airways flight to Kolkata to visit the mystery woman, and we see at the end of the video that it has been his Grandmother sending her love the whole time.


KEY TAKE-AWAY In the USA alone, it’s estimated that 55% of people plan something special for Valentine’s Day, and the average spend per person is close to USD $150.00. Don’t let card companies, florists, and the candy-makers take the share of the pie! Love is a beautiful reason to travel, so inspire your passengers to visit someone they love. It also shouldn’t matter that other airlines will be doing the same thing. As the examples we’ve highlighted show, if a campaign has the right kind of seasonal tone and it is executed well, passengers will respond.


British writers, playwrights and novelists like H.G. Wells, George Orwell and Aldous Huxley have been at the forefront of any meaningful conversation about humankind’s relationship with future technology. So it’s only fitting that British Airways, the official carrier of the country that gave the world Dr. Who, Black Mirror and David Bowie would adopt the art of vacationing via Virtual Reality (VR).


Hoping to encourage passengers to collect Avios a reward currency used by Aer Lingus, British Airways, Flybe, Iberia, Kulula and Meridiana – every time they book flights to Madrid, Avios is partnering with British Airways to bring the wonders of Madrid to passenger’s living rooms via an innovative 360 degree VR video.

to other users via YouTube TrueView ads, and quick, 15 second clips on Facebook. Using iProspect’s innovative retargeting expertise, viewers who complete the VR tour will see direct response display and Facebook ads that encourage them to purchase actual, real-life tickets to Madrid.

Highlighting such only-in-Madrid landmarks as the ancient Egyptian Temple of Debod, the historic San Miguel Market and the so-called “green lungs of the city,” Buen Retiro Park, the best thing about this VR tour is that you don’t need fancy VR glasses to take it, as BA and Avios worked with Google Cardboard.

Already something of cult sensation with VR devotees online the tour has been viewed almost 670K times since going live just a few weeks ago and been written up everywhere from creativepool. com to Travel Daily UK.

The one-of-a-kind advertisement premiered in the March edition of The Sunday Times Travel Magazine and passengers who purchased the magazine in Tesco supermarkets were supplied with a free pair of Avios and British Airways branded Google Viewers to start their virtual tour straight away. Hoping to encourage viewers to book air travel via British Airways using Avios, the team also partnered with performance agency iProspect to push the video out


KEY TAKE-AWAY While carriers like United and Etihad have showcased the luxuries of their first and business class cabins via 360 VR campaigns in the past featuring Oscar-winners like Matt Damon and Nicole Kidman respectively, Avios and British Airways’ spot stands out by offering tech-savvy flyers a chance to experience an actual living, breathing city “firsthand” via VR. Not only does it look cool, but it should also play exceeding well with younger passengers and adventure travellers looking for a gritty and more authentic experience the next time they fly.


Frequent travellers already know that food tastes different thousands of miles in the air. For example, the combination of dryness and low pressure reduces the sensitivity of your taste buds by 30% according to a study commissioned by Lufthansa. Over the past few years, different airlines have developed menus to specifically address this challenge including selecting wines that are optimised for drinking in pressurised cabins.


Having looked at food and wine, the next Cathay Pacific says that it worked with frontier for airlines is beer. the brewery for five months to get the taste, which is designed to reduce bitLast Summer to coincide with the Rio terness, right. A ‘tasting panel’ including Olympics, KLM teamed up with Dutch beer aficionados, restaurant managers brewer Heineken to serve draft beer via and frequent flyers was additionally invitspecially designed “air kegs” ed to test it prior to launch. Cathay Pacific has now gone one step According to Cathay Pacific Head of Cafurther by actually developing the first tering Aaron Claxton, ““We all know that beer brewed specifically for airline pas- food tastes very different while in the air, sengers. primarily because of the cabin pressure and the dullness of your taste buds afBrewed and bottled by the Hong Kong fects the way you taste your food. When Beer Co, “Betsy” is named after Cathay it comes to drink and beverages, we do a Pacific’s very first aircraft, a DC3. It is be- lot of work on how we pair our wines with ing offered to Business and First class pas- the food we offer. sengers on London Heathrow, Gatwick and Manchester flights over March and “That has been beyond the realms of April. possibility when it comes to beers – there


is no way you can take a product that is brewed on the ground for consumption and actually match it in the air.” In addition to being offered on UK flights, ‘Betsy’ will be available in the Cathay lounges at Heathrow and Hong Kong, as well as in a number of restaurants owned by the airline’s parent company, the Swire Group. As an airline ‘first’ the launch of Betsy generated considerable media attention worldwide following its February 21st launch event in Hong Kong, this included outlets ranging from Fox News to Food and Wine.


KEY TAKE-AWAY Cathay Pacific has come up with something that is not only new, but very much on trend. A report last year showed that the popularity of craft beer in the UK was continuing to grow with no signs of slowing down. The average craft beer drinker is also aged 35+ with 1/5 having a postgraduate degree, tying in with the profile of many premium class passengers.


Last year Etihad struck a major, longterm fashion sponsorship deal with WME – IMG (a powerhouse talent agency representing athletes and artists across multiple areas of sport and media platforms) that would see the airline supporting no less than 17 major fashion events globally.

fashion industry does, spending millions annually,” said Etihad VP of Sponsorships, Patrick Pierce.

This month, in an extension of its fashion industry integration efforts and in celebration of New York Fashion Week, Etihad has announced a new loyalty proThis strategic partnership was designed gramme for fashion industry professionto increase Etihad’s visibility in the fash- als and fashion enthusiasts. ion industry, important because fashion designers, buyers, models and executives The “Runway to Runway” scheme is deare known for spending big on near-con- signed to provide the jet-set fashion instant travel. dustry with practical benefits like discounted airfare, special group travel rates, “Very few industries travel as much as the increase luggage limits and cargo deals 18

Also celebrating New York Fashion week, Lufthansa held a mid-air fashion show recently under the hashtag #FashionFlight. On a Boeing 747-8 headed for New York, one aisle was converted to a catwalk and vintage air hostess uniforms were modelled. For passengers without a good view of the action, the whole thing was streamed to mobile devices using BoardConnect, Lufthansa Group’s own IFE streaming system. A #FashionFlight contest was also run by the airline, with winners getting prizes like flight vouchers and gift cards to shop (for equipment and materials), lounge at different fashion retailers. access, inflight upgrade like Wi-Fi and even invites to special industry events. The loyalty programme has different tiers. Anyone can join up for Guest status, while those in the fashion industry can apply online for Silver status, leaving Gold status for invited VIP’s only. On February 9th the airline partnered with Moda Operandi, a top online retailer of haute-couture fashion, for a New York Fashion Week Dinner to promote the Runway to Runway project. Top fashion editors and influencers were invited and each one gifted a business class roundtrip ticket to Abu Dhabi.


KEY TAKE-AWAY The ‘creative class’, or subset of young professionals who strive for creative freedom, adventure and financial success in their work life is emerging as a major target market for brands that want to win over the discerning, and sometimes mystifying, millennial consumer. Showcasing your fun and creative side by partnering with hip and trendy brands, or industries, is a good strategy to reach to this demographic in a meaningful way.



On February 6th, Qatar Airways claimed a new record, one for the world’s longest flight. This was when a Boeing 777 touched down in Auckland following an almost 17 hour journey from Doha. Passengers travelling on the inaugural flight were welcomed on board with special cupcakes, in addition guests travelling in Business Class received a celebratory Kiwi Rose Fizz mocktail, both created to commemorate the new service.

as well as destination content, under the hashtag #AucklandTogether đƫƫ %2!ƫ03!!0%*#ƫ * ƫ,+/0%*#ƫ0$!ƫý%#$0ƫ * ƫ landing đƫƫ .! 0%*#ƫ ƫ * , $ 0ƫ /0+.5ƫ around the flight and landing đƫƫ .! 0%*#ƫ *ƫ ‘epic landing video’ for YouTube, showing the flight arriving in Auckland đƫƫ .+ 1 %*#ƫ " 0/ƫ * ƫ ü#1.!/ƫ Ĩ!ċ#ċƫ 0$!ƫ number of sheep that would fit on board) about the “world’s longest flight” via a shareable infographic đƫƫ +/0%*#ƫ 1 '( * ƫ !/0%* 0%+*ƫ %) #!/ƫ with Qatar Airways cabin crew

Bespoke menu cards and beverage lists inspired by a traditional Maori carving were also designed especially for the occasion. Needless to say the launch of a c.17 hour flight generated enormous interest on In Auckland itself, Qatar Airways held a the media, with Qatar Airways benefitgala dinner at the Auckland Museum for ting from literally hundreds of pieces of 250 invited travel industry guests to cel- press coverage worldwide. Media A-Listebrate the new route. This was headlined ers such as CNN’s Richard Quest were by Grammy-winning singer ‘Kimbra’. additionally on board to report on the Aucklanders were also able to pick up experience. treats from some of the city’s best European-style bakeries thanks to Qatar Air- Even a dispute on whether this really was ways. the world’s longest flight ultimately only succeeded in promoting the new route However, the main focus of Qatar Air- with various media outlets debating on ways was to promote the flight via a roll- whether the accolade should really be ing content schedule which included: held by Air India for its Delhi - San Francisco flights. đƫ .+1,%*#ƫ 0+#!0$!.ƫ +0$ƫ ý%#$0ƫ ( 1* $Čƫ


KEY TAKE-AWAY Sometimes a story is news worthy enough that it should be allowed to speak for itself. Rather than ‘create’ something bespoke Qatar Airways let the flight become the story, supporting it through regular content milestones that in turn helped shape the resulting news coverage.



Royal Jordanian Airlines has a track record of making light of Donald Trump’s pronouncements about passengers from the Muslim world being banned from entering the USA. Last year prior to election day the airline ran a series of ads with the strapline, “Just in case he wins...Travel to the US while you’re still allowed to.”


At the time the campaign generated close to 14,000 shares and likes on the airline’s Facebook page with more than 2.3K overwhelmingly positive comments. RJ has now followed this up with a similar style ad, rushed out in response to US courts putting a block on Donald Trump’s ban on travellers from seven mainly Muslim countries. “Fly to the US with RJ now that you’re allowed to,” the Royal Jordanian ad reads, along with a heading that changed the word “Ban” to “Bon Voyage!” The ad also shows that RJ has cut its fares to New York, Chicago and Detroit while the US court system deals with the ban. Just as with its election day ads, this latest effort from Royal Jordanian generated worldwide media coverage, almost certainly introducing the airline to many people for the first time. “Jordanian airline pokes fun at Trump’s travel ban troubles” was the headline from CNN while the story from Britain’s Daily Telegraph was “Middle Eastern airline trolls Donald Trump.”


Royal Jordanian is not the first airline to run a campaign around Donald Trump, both Air New Zealand and Air Canada have previously used humour around the new US President. Air New Zealand’s “Election Hangover Cure” was a video showing social media comments from Americans saying they would be moving to New Zealand, interspersed with scenery from the country. Meanwhile Air Canada invited Americans to “test drive” the country in response to a big rise in US queries about immigrating. Mexican airline AeroMexico however took a different approach altogether, adopting a much more serious theme in its ‘Fronteras’ ad campaign. A politically charged spot, it directly took aim at (then candidate) Trump’s promise to build a wall between the US and Mexico.

KEY TAKE-AWAY Royal Jordanian showed the value of thinking fast and being opportunistic. The initial cost of this ad was almost zero - the cost of a designer to produce it, and for the social media team to push it out. Yet the return it got in terms of publicity was enormous. Tackling political issues is always tricky as no brand wants to offend or alienate a large part of its passenger base. However, as the Trump ban received almost universal condemnation outside the US, Royal Jordanian’s stance would not have been perceived as in any way out of step with what customers thought. The added element of humour will in turn have diffused any controversy as well as making the ad something people would want to share far and wide.



This past month Turkish Airlines reached for the stratosphere, quite literally, by recruiting the Oscar-winning one-time voice of God himself, Morgan Freeman for their latest marketing campaign and TV ad.


Upping the ante even further, Turkish Airlines unleashed the show-stopping promotional spot during the Super Bowl, which is one of the biggest television viewing nights of the year and also one of the priciest ad buys on the planet, with some 30 second spots going for upwards of $5 million USD. As if all that wasn’t enough, the airline peopled the clever, beautifully-shot spot with not just one Morgan Freeman, but an entire airplane full of Morgan Freemans. The ad itself features Freeman extolling the benefits of travel and discovery, finally encouraging viewers to “widen your world.” The commercial was part of an overall marketing package which included sponsorship of Fox’s pre-game show, with the Turkish Airlines logo visible on screen on the presenters’ desk. The Super Bowl game itself was additionally screened on Turkish Airlines flights with Internet access. While some users on social media attacked the campaign as being too liberal and suggested that Turkish’s sponsorship


of the Super Bowl pre-game show was somehow un-American, the fact that the spot has already been viewed more than 15.5 million times on YouTube and has been favorited 8.3K times and retweeted another 2.25K times on Twitter in less than a month, suggests that it’s clearly having an impact on potential passengers across the spectrum. The clip was directed by award-winning cinematographer Matthias Zentner and though Freeman is clearly the star of the show, the gorgeous exteriors towards the end of the spot – which highlight the hundreds of breathtakingly-beautiful locales to which the airlines flies – are hallmarks of Zentner’s work for previous clients like LG, Audi and Nikon. Though some US social media fans expressed surprise at the airline’s involvement in the Super Bowl, Turkish Airlines does have a track record of US sports sponsorship, having a previous association with basketball legend Kobe Bryant.


KEYTAKE-AWAY Turkish Airlines’ Super Bowl spot was by no means the most controversial or talked about, that accolade was arguably taken by 84 Lumber or Budweiser. However the airline’s overall marketing push was a winner for three reasons. The use of Morgan Freeman as the voice lent authenticity, trust and gravitas to the spot. It also had a magical quality to it, and positioned the Turkish Airlines brand as being aspirational And finally, though the ad wasn’t overtly political it did arguably push a progressive value - that going out to see the world is a good thing. That message in turn resonates well with many über-connected millennials, 75% of whom (according to a recent report from HospitalityNet) wish to travel aboard as much as possible.


SimpliFlying is a global consultancy that believes in thinking differently about aviation marketing. Having worked with over 50 airlines and airports around the world, it has presences in Singapore, UK, Spain, Canada and India. Today, SimpliFlying advises airlines and airpor ts on customer engagement strategy, achieving aviation business goals by harnessing the latest innovations in the social media space.

The firm also conducts MasterClasses to train and develop airline and airport teams to become self-sufficient in executing measurable and rewarding social campaigns. SimpliFlying’s growing list of clients includes Lufthansa, Emirates, Toronto Pearson Airport, Halifax International, KLIA, Jet Airways, LAN Airlines, airBaltic, Airbus and Bombardier. Get in touch at engage@simpliflying. com or visit



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