Airline Marketing Benchmark Report- May 2018

Page 28


What’s “Britishness”? A number of UK media outlets have over the years tried to have a stab at explaining this. In a survey done by Rife magazine, answers included everything from “being able to order five different flavoured crisps in the pub”, to “unpredictable weather and not knowing what to wear.”

In the video, four BA ambassadors / cabin crew members answer questions posed by American tourists, who appear to have been interviewed at London Heathrow’s Terminal Five, while checking in on their flight home.

Questions include the inevitable “when is the Royal Wedding between Prince Harry British Airways is the latest to try and and Meghan Markle”, “why do restaurants explain the concept, via an online video only charge a 12 or 12.5% tip” (compared aimed at US tourists to the UK. to c.20%+ in the US), why do Brits pronounce ‘aluminum’ and ‘oregano’ the


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