Εγχειρίδιο Χρήστη
LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual
Περιεχόμενα 1
Περιεχόμενα Συσκευασίας____________________________________________ 2
Το LINK III USB MODEM ___________________________________________ 2
Χαρακτηριστικά Προϊόντος ____________________________________________ 2
Εμπρόσθιο Πλαίσιο ___________________________________________________ 3
Πλαίσιο Υποδοχών____________________________________________________ 3
Απαιτήσεις Συστήματος _______________________________________________ 3
Διαδικασία Εγκατάστασης Υλικού _____________________________________ 4 3.1
Σύνδεση τηλεφωνικής γραμμής _________________________________________ 4
Σύνδεση Θύρας USB __________________________________________________ 4
Εγκατάσταση LINK III USB στα Windows ______________________________ 4 4.1
Εγκατάσταση Software Fax / Voice / Data (Faxtalk) ________________________ 5
Διαδικασία αποστολής FAX __________________________________________ 6
Basic AT Command Guide____________________________________________ 6
Τεχνική Υποστήριξη από την Crypto____________________________________11
Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές _____________________________________________ 12
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LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual
1 Περιεχόμενα Συσκευασίας 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Link III USB Modem CD με Drivers & Software Καλώδιο Γραμμής RJ-11 Καλώδιο USB Εκτυπωμένο Εγχειρίδιο Χρήσης Εγγύηση
2 Το LINK III USB MODEM Το LINK III 56K USB μετατρέπει τον υπολογιστή σας σε αυτόματο τηλεφωνητή, ταχυδρομείο φωνής (voice mail system), σύστημα αποστολής / λήψης fax (fax server), ενώ διατηρεί όλες τις κλασσικές λειτουργίες μεταφοράς δεδομένων για τις οποίες ήταν γνωστά τα modems μέχρι σήμερα. Συνοδεύονται από πρόγραμμα επικοινωνίας Φωνής/Fax/Δεδομένων σε περιβάλλον Windows που επιτρέπει την υλοποίηση των παραπάνω εφαρμογών. .
2.1 Χαρακτηριστικά Προϊόντος · · · · · · ·
56000 bps V.92, V.90 Σύνδεση USB Σύστημα Ταχυδρομείου Φωνής Αποστολή και Λήψη Fax στα 14.400bps V.44, V42bis & MNP5 Data Compression Δωρεάν Πρόγραμμα Φωνής/Fax/Δεδομένων Drivers για Windows ME / 2000/XP/Vista
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LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual
2.2 Εμπρόσθιο Πλαίσιο LED
Ready Data
Λειτουργία Σταθερό: Η σύνδεση με το USB εγκαταστάθηκε και είναι ενεργή. Αναβοσβήνει: Λαμβάνει χώρα αποστολή και λήψη δεδομένων
Εγινε σύνδεση με το Internet
2.3 Πλαίσιο Υποδοχών
Line Phone
Λειτουργία Συνδέει τη συσκευή με τη θύρα USB του PC σας, με τη χρήση του καλωδίου USB. Συνδέει τη συσκευή με την πρίζα του τηλεφώνου Συνδέει τη συσκευή με μια τηλεφωνική συσκευή
2.4 Απαιτήσεις Συστήματος ● Λειτουργικά συστήματα Windows Me/2000/XP/Vista. ● PC με επεξεργαστή Pentium 200MΜΧ ή καλύτερο. ● 64MB RAM. ● 20 MB ελεύθερο χώρο στο σκληρό δίσκο ● Mία θύρα USB. ● Μια συσκευή CD-ROM. ● Κάρτα ήχου για τις ηχητικές επιλογές
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LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual
3 Διαδικασία Εγκατάστασης Υλικού Αυτό το κεφάλαιο περιγράφει τον τρόπο της σύνδεσης του LINK III με τον υπολογιστή σας.
3.1 Σύνδεση τηλεφωνικής γραμμής 1
Συνδέστε το RJ-11 καλώδιο στην υποδοχή Line πάνω στο LINK III και την άλλη άκρη του καλωδίου στην πρίζα του τηλεφώνου
Με ένα επιπλέον καλώδιο RJ-11 συνδέστε τη μια άκρη στην υποδοχή PHONE με μια συσκευή τηλεφώνου. (Προαιρετικά)
3.2 Σύνδεση Θύρας USB 1.
Εισάγετε το άκρο του καλωδίου USB με τo επίπεδο βύσμα στη θύρα USB του PC σας.
Εισάγετε το άκρο του καλωδίου USB με το τετράγωνο βύσμα στον F350.
4 Εγκατάσταση LINK III USB στα Windows Eγκατάσταση του modem στα WINDOWS XP
Συνδέστε το LINK III στη USB θύρα του υπολογηστή. Με την εκκίνηση των Windows και την εύρεση του modem σαν νέα συσκευή ξεκινάει ο οδηγός εγκατάστασης νέου υλικού. Επιλέξτε <Cancel> (Ακυρο) Εισάγετε το CD στο CD ROM και επιλέξτε < Install Modem Driver >. Σε περίπτωση που δεν εμφανιστεί το το παράθυρο επιλέξτε Start – Run και πληκτρολογήστε CD:\autorun.exe (όπου D:\ ο οδηγός CD-ROM ) , και επιλέγουμε < Install Modem Driver >. ________________________________________________________________________ 4
LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual
Επιλέξτε <ΟΚ>.
Επιλέξτε <Continue Anyway>.
Για να επιβεβαιώστε τη σωστή εγκατάσταση του modem, ανοίξτε το Control Panel, από εκεί το Device Manager και κοιτάτε την εξής ένδειξη:
Η εγκατάσταση στα Windows 2000/ME γίνεται με παρόμοιο τρόπο.
Εγκατάσταση στα Windows Vista Συνδέστε το Link III σε μια ελεύθερη USB θύρα του υπολογιστή σας, τα Windows Vista θα εγκαταστήσουν αυτόματα τους δικούς τους drivers. 1) Εισάγετε το CD στο CD ROM και επιλέξτε “Install Modem Driver”. (Σε περίπτωση που δεν εμφανιστεί το παράθυρο επιλέξτε Start – Run και πληκτρολογήστε D:\autorun.exe (όπου D:\ ο οδηγός CD-ROM ) , και επιλέγουμε “ Install Modem Driver”. 2) Επιλέξτε “ΟΚ” για την εκκίνηση της εγκατάστασης 4) Ελέγξετε για τη
σωστή εγκατάσταση από το Device Manager: Modems à "Agere Systems USB 2.0 Soft Modem".
Εγκατάσταση Software Fax / Voice / Data (Faxtalk)
Το modem LINK III PCI συνοδεύεται από ένα CD το οποίο περιέχει το Software (Fax Talk ) που θα χρειαστείτε για να χρησιμοποιήσετε το modem σαν FAX και αυτόματο τηλεφωνητή. Πριν την εγκατάσταση του Fax Talk βεβαιωθείτε ότι το modem είναι συνδεδεμένο στον υπολογιστή. Βάζοντας το CD στο drive του υπολογιστή, στο παράθυρο που θα ανοίξει επιλέξτε <Ιnstall software utilities> για να ξεκινήσει η εγκατάσταση. Ακολουθήστε την ________________________________________________________________________ 5
LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual διαδικασία εγκατάστασης.
5 Διαδικασία αποστολής FAX Για να στείλουμε ένα απλό fax χρησιμοποιώντας το Fax Talk επιλέγουμε send a fax, και αφού συμπληρώσουμε τα στοιχεία του παραλήπτη πατάμε <next>. Επιλέγουμε το <I want to send a Cover Sheet>, όπου μπορούμε να γράψουμε το μήνυμα μας στο πεδίο memo και πατάμε <next>. Στην συνέχεια πατάμε πάλι <next> και αφού επιλέξουμε <send this fax immediately> πατάμε <finish> για να ξεκινήσει η διαδικασία αποστολής του Fax.2. Για να στείλουμε ένα κείμενο από άλλη εφαρμογή των Windows π.χ. από το Word, επιλέγουμε File/Print , και αλλάζουμε τον τυχόν άλλο προεπιλεγμένο εκτυπωτή επιλέγοντας τον Fax Talk Communicator. Επιλέγοντας ΟΚ θα εμφανιστεί το παράθυρο ‘send fax’ του Fax Talk και το στέλνουμε όπως παραπάνω. Για περισσότερες λεπτομέρειες για την χρήση του Fax talk χρησιμοποιήστε το Help του Fax talk.
6 Basic AT Command Guide Typing Commands l l l
Use the BACKSPACE key to delete typing errors. Every command (except A/ and +++) must begin with the AT or at prefix and be entered by pressing the <Enter> key. When you see an n, replace the n with one of the letter or numeric options listed for that command. For example, for the En command, you might type ATE1.
+++Escape Sequence An escape sequence allows the modem to exit data mode and enter on-line command mode. While in on-line command mode, AT commands are sent directly to the modem. Use the return to on-line data mode command (see O<value>—Return to On-Line Data Mode on page 15) to return to data mode. Place a pause before and after the escape sequence to prevent the modem from interpreting the escape sequence as data. The length of the pause is set by register S12 (see S12—Escape Guard Time on page 75), the escape guard time. Register S2 (see S2— AT Escape Character (User-Defined) on page 73) identifies the escape sequence character. A/—Repeat Last Command Use this command to repeat the last AT command. The modem repeats the command ________________________________________________________________________ 6
LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual currently in the command buffer. Do not use the AT prefix with this command. Do not conclude the command with a terminating character such as enter. A—Answer This command instructs the soft modem to go off-hook and answer an incoming call. E<value>—Command Echo Use this command to instruct the modem to echo characters sent to it. When the echo feature is selected, characters sent to the modem are sent back to the host and displayed on the monitor. Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 0—1. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—1. Command Function Disables echo command. E0 Enables echo command (default). E1 B<value>—Communication Standard Setting Use this command to select the communication standard used by the soft modem. Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 0—3, 15, 16. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—3, 15, 16. Command B0
Function Selects CCITT V.22 mode when the modem is at 1200 bits/s. Selects Bell 212A when the modem is at B1 1200 bits/s (default). Deselects V.23 reverse channel (same as B2 B3). Deselects V.23 reverse channel (same as B3 B2). Selects V.21 when the modem is at 300 B15 bits/s. Selects Bell 103J when the modem is at 300 B16 bits/s (default). C<value>—Carrier Control This command is supported to ensure compatibility with communications software that
issues the C1 command. However, this modem does not support the C0 command. The C0 command instructs some modems not to send carrier (i.e., it puts them in receive-only mode). Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 1. ________________________________________________________________________ 7
LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual _ ERROR if <value> ≠1. Command C1
Function Normal transmit carrier switching (default). D<dial string>—Dial This command instructs the soft modem to go off-hook and begin the dialing sequence. The dial string (<dial string>, including modifiers and the telephone number) is entered after the D command. A dial string can be up to sixty characters long. Any digit or symbol may be dialed as touchtone digits. Characters such as spaces, hyphens, and parentheses are ignored by the modem and may be included in the dial string to enhance readability. I<value>—Request ID Information Use this command to display product information about the modem. In each case the information is transmitted to the host system followed by a final result code. Result codes: _ As described in Table 8 if <value> = 0—9, 11. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—9, 11. I<value>—Request ID Information Use this command to display product information about the modem. In each case the information is transmitted to the host system followed by a final result code. Result codes: _ As described in Table 8 if <value> = 0—9, 11. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—9, 11. Command L0 L1 L2
Function Low volume. Low volume. Medium volume (default). High volume. L3 H<value>—Hook Control Instructs the modem to go on-hook to disconnect a call or go off-hook to make the telephone line busy. Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 0—1. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—1. Command H0 H1
Function The modem goes on-hook (default). The modem goes off-hook.
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LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual
M<value>—Speaker Control Use this command to turn the speaker on and off. Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 0—3. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—3. Command M0 M1
Speaker is off. Speaker is on until the modem detects the carrier signal (default). Speaker is always on when the modem is offM2 hook. Speaker is on until the is detected, except M3 carrier when dialing. N<value>—Modulation Handshake Use this command to set the modem protocol for handling handshake negotiation at connection time if the communication speed of the remote modem is different from the speed of the local modem. Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 0—1. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—1.
O<value>—Return to On-Line Data Mode Use this command to exit on-line command mode and reenter on-line data mode. If the modem is not in on-line command mode when this command is received the modem generates an ERROR result code. Result codes: _ CONNECT if <value> = 0, 1, 3 and the result code and call progress monitor is set to 0 (X0). _ CONNECT <rate> if <value> = 0, 1, 3 and the result code and call progress monitor is not set to 0 (X<value> where n = 1—7). _ NO CARRIER if the connection is not successfully resumed. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—1, 3. Command Function Instructs the modem to exit on-line command mode O0 and return to data mode Issues a retrain before returning to on-line data mode. O1 Issues a rate renegotiation before returning to on-line O3 data mode. P—Select Pulse Dialing ________________________________________________________________________ 9
LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual Use this command to configure the modem for pulse dialing. All subsequent D<dial_string> commands use pulse dialing until either the T command or a tone dial modifier is received by the modem. Tone dialing is the default setting. This command does not use parameters and generates an ERROR result code when parameters are attached to the command. Q<value>—Result Code Control Result codes are informational messages sent from the modem and displayed on the monitor. Basic result codes include OK, CONNECT, RING, NO CARRIER, and ERROR. Use the Q<value> command to enable or disable result code generation by the modem. If result codes are disabled and an invalid parameter value is entered, the modem does not generate an ERROR result code because result codes are turn off. Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 0—1. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—1. T—Select Tone Dialing Use this command to configure the modem for DTMF tone dialing. All subsequent D<dial string> commands use tone dialing until either the P command or a pulse dial modifier is received by the modem. Tone dialing is the default setting. This command does not use parameters and generates an ERROR result code when parameters are attached to the command. W<value>—Result Code Option Use this command to select the modems CONNECT message options. Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 0—2. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—2. Command W0 W1 W2
Function CONNECT result code reports DTE receive speed. Disables protocol result codes. CONNECT result code reports DTE receive speed. Enables protocol result codes. CONNECT result code reports DCE receive speed. Enables protocol result codes (default).
Z<value>—Reset and Recall Stored Profile Use this command to make the modem go on-hook and restore the profile saved by the last &W command. Note: Both Z0 or Z1 restore the same profile ________________________________________________________________________ 10
LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual OK if <value> = 0—1. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—1. Command Z0 Z1
Function Reset and restore stored profile. Reset and restore stored profile.
7 Τεχνική Υποστήριξη από την Crypto Για τεχνικές πληροφορίες και υποστήριξη καθώς και για προϊόντα επέκτασης του Δικτύου σας επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας: Δικτυακός τόπος: E-mail:
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LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual
8 Τεχνικές Προδιαγραφές DATA Modem l V.92, V.90, V.34bis, V.34, V.32bis, V.32, V.22bis, V.22 A/B, V.23, V.21, Bell 212A, and Bell 103. l Received data from a digital source using V.92 or V.90 compatible central site modem over the digital telephone network portion of the PSTN at line speed up to 56Kbps with automatic fallback depends on line condition. FAX Modem l ITU-T V.17 , V.29 , V.27ter and 21 channel 2 . l TIA/EIA 578 Class 1 FAX send and receive speeds of 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800 or 2400bps. VOICE/ Audio Mode l TAM through the microphone / speaker interface on Audio Sound card
ERROR Correction l Support V.42 LAMP, MNP 2-4 DATA Compression Support V.44,V.42bis and MNP 5 DAA Line interface Capabilities l DTMF Tone Dial/ accurate make-break ratio Pulse Dial l Proprietary transformer-based isolation barrier l Programmable even detect for Caller-ID reception and Power Ring detection l Programmable AC/DC impedance termination for Return-Loss / Specific Countries homologations FLOW Control Both transmit and receive fax data are buffered Data transmission over DTE is Flow controlled by XON/XOFF and RTS/CTS.
Τα τεχνικά χαρακτηριστικά μπορούν να αλλάξουν χωρίς προηγούμενη ειδοποίηση.
Απόρριψη χρησιμοποιημένων ηλεκτρικών και ηλεκτρονικών συσκευών
Εάν πάνω στο προϊόν ή στη συσκευασία του προϊόντος υπάρχει το σύμβολο αυτό, τότε δε θα πρέπει να πετάξετε το προϊόν μαζί με τα κοινά οικιακά απορρίμματα, αλλά να το παραδώσετε στο κατάλληλο σημείο περισυλλογής για την ανακύκλωση ηλεκτρικού και ηλεκτρονικού εξοπλισμού. Η ανεξέλεγκτη απόρριψη τέτοιων προϊόντων ενδέχεται να έχει βλαβερές συνέπειες για το περιβάλλον και την υγεία των ανθρώπων. Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες σχετικά με την ανακύκλωση του προϊόντος αυτού, μπορείτε να επικοινωνήσετε με το δήμο σας, την υπηρεσία αποκομιδής οικιακών απορριμμάτων ή το κατάστημα από το οποίο αγοράσατε το προϊόν
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LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual
Contents Contents ______________________________________________________________ 1 1
Package Contents___________________________________________________ 2
The LINK III USB Modem ___________________________________________ 2
Product Features _____________________________________________________ 2
LEDs _______________________________________________________________ 2
Connectors __________________________________________________________ 3
System Requirements _________________________________________________ 3
Hardware Installation Procedure ______________________________________ 4 3.1
Telephone Line connection _____________________________________________ 4
USB Port Connection _________________________________________________ 4
LINK III Installation on Windows _____________________________________ 4 4.1
Software Installation Fax / Voice / Data (Faxtalk) __________________________ 5
Sending a Fax _____________________________________________________ 6
Basic AT Command Guide____________________________________________ 7
Technical Support _________________________________________________ 12
Technical Specifications ____________________________________________ 13
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LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual
1 Package Contents 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
LINK III USB Modem CD with Drivers & Software RJ-11 Line cable USB cable Printed Manual Warranty
2 The LINK III USB Modem The LINK III 56K USB turns your PC into an automatic answer machine, voice mail system, send/receive fax server, and maintains all the classic functions that modems are capable of doing up until today. It is accompanied by communication software on a Windows basis making it easy for today’s needs.
2.1 Product Features · · · · · · ·
56000 bps V.92, V.90 USB connection Voice mail System Fax sends & receives at 14.400bps V.44, V42bis & MNP5 Data Compression Voice/Fax/Data Bundle Software Drivers for Windows ME / 2000 / XP / Vista
2.2 LEDs
Ready Data
Steady : The USB connection has been established. Blinking: Sending / Receiving Data
Connection to the Internet has been established
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LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual
2.3 Connectors
Connects the device to the USB port of the PC, by using the USB cable.
Connects the device to the telephone line Connects the device to a telephone set
2.4 System Requirements · · · · · ·
Computer with Pentium 200 MMX or higher processor. Windows 98/98SE/ME/2000/XP/Vista Operating System. 20 MB Hard Disk free space or above Sound card for voice features 1 available USB port. CD-ROM drive.
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LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual
3 Hardware Installation Procedure This chapter describes how to connect your LINK III to your computer.
3.1 Telephone Line connection 1. Connect one end of the RJ-11 telephone cable to the Line port of the Link III. Connect the other end to the telephone jack on the wall outlet. 2. Connect one end of the RJ-11 telephone cable to the Phone port of the Link III. Connect the other end to a telephone device (optional).
3.2 USB Port Connection 1.
Insert the rectangular end of a USB cable into the USB port of your PC.
Insert the square end of the USB cable into the USB port of the Link III Modem
4 LINK III Installation on Windows Installing the modem’s driver on WINDOWS XP
Connect the LINK III USB modem to the PC using the USB cable As Windows 2000/ME/XP starts, it will detect a new hardware has been plugged or added, and start the “Add New Hardware Wizard” Click on Cancel.
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LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual Insert the CD into the CD-ROM and select Install Modem Driver If it does not start properly, please click on Start – Run and type in CD:\autorun.exe (where CD is as the location of the CD-ROM driver) click «OK»
Click on «Continue Anyway»
From the Device Manager of the Control Panel, check to see that the following indication exists: Crypto LINK III USB Modem
Installation on Windows 2000/ME is done the same way.
Installation on Windows Vista As soon as the modem is plugged in the USB slot, Vista will automatically install it’s own driver. 1) Insert the CD into the CD-ROM and select Install Modem Driver (If the CD does not start properly, please click on Start – Run and type in E:\autorun.exe (where E is as the location of the CD-ROM driver) 2) click “OK” to begin installing the modem driver. 3) Check to see that
the modem has been properly installed by looking in the Device Manager for the following: Modems à "Agere Systems USB 2.0 Soft Modem"
4.1 Software Installation Fax / Voice / Data (Faxtalk) This package contains software called Faxtalk. FaxTalk Communicator transforms your PC and modem into a sophisticated communications center. Whether you're at home, in ________________________________________________________________________ 5
LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual the office, or on the road, FaxTalk Communicator is designed to be powerful, easy-to-use, and provide a wide array of features to save you time and make you more productive. The FaxTalk Program Configuration contains the configuration settings and preferences used by CallControl and FaxTalk Communicator. These include settings for answering the phone, announcement features, fax options, coversheet defaults, and modem configuration. The Program Configuration can be accessed by clicking Configure on CallControl's right-click menu, clicking the Program Configuration button on FaxTalk Communicator's button bar, or by selecting FaxTalk Program Configuration from the FaxTalk Communicator folder. Before installing FaxTalk, be sure to have properly installed the modem and that the modem is connected to the computer. During installation, when the modem is detected, Faxtalk will then show a compatible modem type together with information and it’s characteristics. For the LINK III select the modem type to “Crypto LINK III USB Modem”. Then select OK twice. Installation continues as we are asked to select the type of automatic answer machine (one user or many users). 1 user is usually preferred.
5 Sending a Fax In order to send a simple fax using Fax Talk we select send a fax and we fill in the information of the receiving party. We press <next>. We select <I want to send a Cover Sheet>, were we can write our message in the memo field and we press <next>. We press <next> again and we select <send this fax immediately>. Once we press <finish> the fax transmission begins. In order to send a text using another software application like Microsoft Word, we select File/Print and we select the printer to be the Fax Talk Communicator. We select ΟΚ and the ‘send fax’ window of Fax Talk will appear. Then we follow the above procedure again. For more information on using Fax talk please refer to the Help feature of the software.
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LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual
6 Basic AT Command Guide Typing Commands l l l
Use the BACKSPACE key to delete typing errors. Every command (except A/ and +++) must begin with the AT or at prefix and be entered by pressing the <Enter> key. When you see an n, replace the n with one of the letter or numeric options listed for that command. For example, for the En command, you might type ATE1.
+++Escape Sequence An escape sequence allows the modem to exit data mode and enter on-line command mode. While in on-line command mode, AT commands are sent directly to the modem. Use the return to on-line data mode command (see O<value>—Return to On-Line Data Mode on page 15) to return to data mode. Place a pause before and after the escape sequence to prevent the modem from interpreting the escape sequence as data. The length of the pause is set by register S12 (see S12—Escape Guard Time on page 75), the escape guard time. Register S2 (see S2—AT Escape Character (User-Defined) on page 73) identifies the escape sequence character. A/—Repeat Last Command Use this command to repeat the last AT command. The modem repeats the command currently in the command buffer. Do not use the AT prefix with this command. Do not conclude the command with a terminating character such as enter. A—Answer This command instructs the soft modem to go off-hook and answer an incoming call. E<value>—Command Echo Use this command to instruct the modem to echo characters sent to it. When the echo feature is selected, characters sent to the modem are sent back to the host and displayed on the monitor. Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 0—1. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—1. Command
Disables echo command.
Enables echo command (default).
B<value>—Communication Standard Setting ________________________________________________________________________ 7
LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual Use this command to select the communication standard used by the soft modem. Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 0—3, 15, 16. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—3, 15, 16. Command
Selects CCITT V.22 mode when the modem is at 1200 bits/s.
Selects Bell 212A when the modem is at 1200 bits/s (default).
Deselects V.23 reverse channel (same as B3). Deselects V.23 reverse channel (same as
B2). B15
Selects V.21 when the modem is at 300 bits/s.
Selects Bell 103J when the modem is at 300 bits/s (default).
C<value>—Carrier Control This command is supported to ensure compatibility with communications software that issues the C1 command. However, this modem does not support the C0 command. The C0 command instructs some modems not to send carrier (i.e., it puts them in receive-only mode). Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 1. _ ERROR if <value> ≠1. Command C1
Function Normal transmit carrier switching (default).
D<dial string>—Dial This command instructs the soft modem to go off-hook and begin the dialing sequence. The dial string (<dial string>, including modifiers and the telephone number) is entered after the D command. A dial string can be up to sixty characters long. Any digit or symbol may be dialed as touchtone digits. Characters such as spaces, hyphens, and parentheses are ignored by the modem and may be included in the dial string to enhance readability. I<value>—Request ID Information Use this command to display product information about the modem. In each case the information is transmitted to the host system followed by a final result code. ________________________________________________________________________ 8
LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual Result codes: _ As described in Table 8 if <value> = 0—9, 11. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—9, 11. I<value>—Request ID Information Use this command to display product information about the modem. In each case the information is transmitted to the host system followed by a final result code. Result codes: _ As described in Table 8 if <value> = 0—9, 11. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—9, 11. Command
Low volume.
Low volume.
Medium volume (default).
High volume.
H<value>—Hook Control Instructs the modem to go on-hook to disconnect a call or go off-hook to make the telephone line busy. Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 0—1. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—1. Command
The modem goes on-hook (default).
The modem goes off-hook.
M<value>—Speaker Control Use this command to turn the speaker on and off. Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 0—3. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—3. Command
Speaker is off.
Speaker is on until the modem detects the carrier signal (default).
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LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual M2
Speaker is always on when the modem is off-hook.
Speaker is on until the carrier
is detected, except when dialing.
N<value>—Modulation Handshake Use this command to set the modem protocol for handling handshake negotiation at connection time if the communication speed of the remote modem is different from the speed of the local modem. Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 0—1. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—1. O<value>—Return to On-Line Data Mode Use this command to exit on-line command mode and reenter on-line data mode. If the modem is not in on-line command mode when this command is received the modem generates an ERROR result code. Result codes: _ CONNECT if <value> = 0, 1, 3 and the result code and call progress monitor is set to 0 (X0). _ CONNECT <rate> if <value> = 0, 1, 3 and the result code and call progress monitor is not set to 0 (X<value> where n = 1—7). _ NO CARRIER if the connection is not successfully resumed. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—1, 3. Command
Instructs the modem to exit on-line command mode and return to data mode
Issues a retrain before returning to on-line data mode.
Issues a rate renegotiation before returning to on-line data mode.
P—Select Pulse Dialing Use this command to configure the modem for pulse dialing. All subsequent D<dial_string> commands use pulse dialing until either the T command or a tone dial modifier is received by the modem. Tone dialing is the default setting. This command does not use parameters and generates an ERROR result code when parameters are attached to the command. Q<value>—Result Code Control Result codes are informational messages sent from the modem and displayed on the monitor. Basic result codes include OK, CONNECT, RING, NO CARRIER, and ERROR. ________________________________________________________________________ 10
LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual Use the Q<value> command to enable or disable result code generation by the modem. If result codes are disabled and an invalid parameter value is entered, the modem does not generate an ERROR result code because result codes are turn off. Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 0—1. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—1. T—Select Tone Dialing Use this command to configure the modem for DTMF tone dialing. All subsequent D<dial string> commands use tone dialing until either the P command or a pulse dial modifier is received by the modem. Tone dialing is the default setting. This command does not use parameters and generates an ERROR result code when parameters are attached to the command. W<value>—Result Code Option Use this command to select the modems CONNECT message options. Result codes: _ OK if <value> = 0—2. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—2. Command
CONNECT result code reports DTE receive speed. Disables protocol result codes.
CONNECT result code reports DTE receive speed. Enables protocol result codes.
CONNECT result code reports DCE receive speed. Enables protocol result codes (default).
Z<value>—Reset and Recall Stored Profile Use this command to make the modem go on-hook and restore the profile saved by the last &W command. Note: Both Z0 or Z1 restore the same profile OK if <value> = 0—1. _ ERROR if <value> ≠0—1.
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LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual Command
Reset and restore stored profile.
Reset and restore stored profile.
7 Technical Support For technical information and support please contact us: Web Site: E-mail:
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LINK III 56K USB Modem Manual
8 Technical Specifications DATA Modem
ERROR Correction
l V.92, V.90, V.34bis, V.34, V.32bis, V.32, V.22bis,
l Support V.42 LAMP, MNP 2-4
V.22 A/B, V.23, V.21, Bell 212A, and Bell 103.
DATA Compression
l Received data from a digital source using V.92
Support V.44,V.42bis and MNP 5
or V.90 compatible central site modem over the digital telephone network portion of the PSTN at
DAA Line interface Capabilities
line speed up to 56Kbps with automatic
l DTMF Tone Dial/ accurate make-break ratio
fall-back depends on line condition.
Pulse Dial l Proprietary transformer-based isolation barrier l Programmable even detect for Caller-ID
FAX Modem l ITU-T V.17 , V.29 , V.27ter and 21 channel 2 . l TIA/EIA 578 Class 1 FAX send and receive
reception and Power Ring detection l Programmable AC/DC impedance termination
speeds of 14400, 12000, 9600, 7200, 4800 or
for Return-Loss / Specific Countries
VOICE/ Audio Mode
FLOW Control
Both transmit and receive fax data are buffered Data
TAM through the microphone / speaker interface on Audio Sound card
transmission over DTE is Flow controlled by XON/XOFF and RTS/CTS.
Technical Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
Disposal of old electrical and electronic equipment
If you see this symbol on the product or on its packaging, you should hand the product over to the applicable collection point for the recycling of electrical and electronic equipment. Do not throw it away with household wastes. The improper disposal of these products may have negative consequences for the environment and human health. For more information about the recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, your household waste disposal service or the shop where you purchased it.
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