Airplay 360 March 2013

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March Cover

INSIDE March 2013

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Black Pearls Page 5

7 Steps to Get Your Courage Back

Page 7

Favor Confession

Artist & Music Spotlights

Page 9

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Unleash 23Your TARZAN Faith Let Go of One Vine, Grab Hold of the Other By Ace Alexander


March 2013




I Dare You to Say it Out Loud am a firm believer in the power of daily confessions. I believe that whatever you want your life to be, you must speak it out loud everyday with conviction. I dare you to start reciting confessions everyday. You will begin to feel divine strength building up inside of you with every word you speak. Below is a portion of one of my favorite affirmations. Say it out loud. “Father, thank you for making me righteous and accepted through the Blood of Jesus. Because of that, I am blessed and highly favored by You. I am the object of your affection. Your favor surrounds me as a shield, and the first thing that people come into contact with is my favor shield. Thank You that I have favor with You and man today. All day long, people go out of their way to bless me and to help me. I have favor with everyone that I deal with today. Doors that were once closed are now opened for me. I receive preferential treatment, and I have special privileges. I am God’s favored child. No good thing will He withhold from me. Because of God’s favor, my enemies cannot triumph over me. I have supernatural increase and promotion.” Do you see where I’m going with this? Can you already feel the effects of just saying this confession out loud? You can read this confession in its entirety on Page 9 of this issue. I hope you will make this or another affirmation part of your daily practice to keep you focused on the greater that is destined for you.

March 2013 / Vol. 5 No. 5

PUBLISHER Ace Alexander ASSISTANT TO PUBLISHER Alicia Baiden EDITORIAL DIRECTOR Louise M. Moore EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Michelle Slater TEAM OF EXPERTS Adrian Anderson Tina A. Fears Kathy Grant Angela D. Green, Esq. Dileesa Hunter Roderick Jemison Pam Perry Nicole B. Simpson, CFP Chris Squire Mark A. Williams, M.D., Ph.D. SPECIAL EVENTS REPORTERS Letita Martin Miranda Brokenberry ADVERTISING LTL Entertainment LLC

AIRPLAY 360 Online Magazine published Monthly

Copyright © 2008-2013 Airplay 360 Online Magazine, an ace alexander company publication

Ace Alexander Publisher/Founder Follow on Twitter @acealexanderVIP Ace Alexander is a Stellar Award winning national radio personality and a two-time recipient of the Central South Distribution REACH Award. He is a two-time nominee for the R&R / Billboard Achievement Awards for Radio Personality and National Music Director of the Year and also a 2011 and 2010 Radio Stellar Award nominee. He is also a Music & Entertainment Consultant and Founder of Airplay 360.

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March 2013


“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.” “If you can't fly then run, if you can't run then walk, if you can't walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.” ― Martin Luther King, Jr., Civil Rights Icon

“When you are tempted to get discouraged, remind yourself that according to God’s word, your future is getting brighter; you are on your way to a new level of glory. You may think you’ve got a long way to go, but you need to look back at how far you’ve already come. You may not be everything you want to be but at least you can thank God that you’re not what you used to be.” ― Joel Osteen, Author & Pastor Lakewood Church, Houston

“Every goal that you will ever pursue will require a plan of action. Whether you are pursuing your life’s destiny or striving to obtain a particular goal, you must be able to see things as you desire them to be. If you can’t see it, you can’t achieve it! God doesn’t make mistakes. When He created you, He also created a plan for you. Accept it.” ― T.D. Jakes, Author, Filmmaker & Pastor Potter’s House, Dallas

“The more you are grateful for what you have the more you will have to be grateful for.” “It's not where you start or even what happens to you along the way that's important. What is important is that you persevere and never give up on yourself.” ― Zig Ziglar, Author & Motivational Speaker Extraordinaire

“When life knocks you down, try to land on your back because if you can look up, you can get up.” ― Les Brown, Author & Motivational Speaker


March 2013


Black Pearls You Are God’s Pearl of Great Price BY DORIS STOKES-KNIGHT s a minister of the gospel, I know all too well how sometimes people tend to try and under value who we are and what we do in the Kingdom; as if some people's gifts and service count and others don’t. Sometimes, even I have felt like throwing in the towel and saying, "God, my soul and spirit is willing but I don't think anybody's listening or even cares." I've known many gospel artists who have left singing gospel to go totally secular all because it's so much easier (they think) to gain a bigger audience and make more money. For some, that may very well be the case, but is that really what all of this "church" and “kingdom" stuff is supposed to be about? Absolutely NOT! On the social networks, I always get asked, HOW do you get into the industry? HOW did I get started? HOW do you get to know the right people? HOW do you get to open for the mainstream artists? And you know what I always have to end up doing? Telling them the truth; instead of worrying about all of "those things", the FIRST thing you need to do is: 1. Evaluate if you are truly CALLED into the ministry. 2. What area of service are you called into? 3. What exactly are you Anointed to do? The above questions far outweigh any of the previous because God is more concerned about us being effective where He places us, not whether others deem us valuable because of what we do or not. Matthew 6:33 tells us "But seek ye first the Kingdom of God and its righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you." If we desire to serve Him and bring glory to Him through the gifts, talents and Anointing He has blessed us with, MORE THAN wanting to only "get paid", be seen, be heard and hooked up with the "right people", He promises to ADD "all these things“ (whatever they may be) to us for our commitment and obedience toward the Call on our lives. See, it's not about WHO I get to open shows for, or who'll get to sing background for, but it's about the service we give toward God and YES, even unto others. We need to get away from thinking or equating our value with whom we know or who we're connected to. You're first valuable to God because He created you; since He created you, there must be PURPOSE He has ordained for your life. Let's be real: everyone in ministry isn't called to sing, preach, or be in front of a microphone or in a pulpit all the time. I Corinthians 12:28 let's us know clearly, that God placed a diversity of gifts in the church and since He did that, ALL of them must be important. Just because you may be gifted to operate in the background or in a support role, say in an administrative capacity, doesn't mean what you're doing isn't important in edifying the Kingdom. Trust me, being up front

isn't all it's cracked up to be anyway. All it really does is set you up for more scrutiny, criticism and a lot of unwarranted attacks. In Matthew 13:46 is the story of the "pearl of great price"; the text from which I was inspired to name my ministry after (Black Pearl Enterprises). The story tells of a merchant man who was seeking "goodly pearls". When he found ONE PEARL of worth, he recognized its value and went and sold all he had just so he could own it. If I had a word to encourage those that are either serving or desire to serve God in some way, I would leave you with this: "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season, you shall reap, if you faint not." Galatians 6:9. Everyone won't value what you have to offer through your gifts. Your job is to FIRST please the audience of ONE of whom you serve. If He's pleased, then He will be responsible to draw others unto Him through the gifts you release in obedience. Next, don't prostitute your gifts looking for applause or going to the highest bidder. The Bible calls those that practice this, "hirelings“. Why? Because they don't fully respect the gift God has entrusted them with. They will always find themselves "chasing the dollar" instead of being concerned about whether they are completing the assignments the Lord has given them. John 10:13 declares: "Now the hireling flees because he merely serves for wages and is not himself concerned about the sheep (cares nothing for them)." (Amplified). In other words when you make ministry all about you and what you can get out of it, no one benefits from you or your gift. You're not connected to anything, even the very people that you're showcasing your gift in front of. If ministry only becomes about how much you're going to get paid, or what you’re going to get out of it (not that you shouldn't be compensated...we're talking about MINDSET here), YOU are devaluing not only your gift but God's true purpose for your life and the people of God are being cheated as well. So live to serve Him and HE (God) WILL supply all your needs. Stop running after applause, acceptance, fame, recognition and awards…all that will come in “due season” and SERVE the Kingdom unselfishly. Remember, YOU are God's "pearl of great price" don't diminish your value. It's all about Kingdom Zion...and I'm lovin' you to life!

Doris Stokes-Knight is President and CEO of Black Pearl Enterprises and Voice 1 Music Ministries. She is also an ordained kingdom pastor, author, psalmist, worship leader, worship arts workshop facilitator, recording artist, songwriter, and gospel stage play actress. For more information email AIRPLAY 360

March 2013




Steps to Get Your Courage Back



hat can you do now to be a BRAVE HEART? 1. Don't be afraid of your shadow. Trust in God and build up your faith. Be strong and take courage. Do not be dismayed even though things seem hard and tough. Know that you have God with you wherever you go. Just only believe. 2. Smarten up and sharpen up. You have to put in the time to learn. You have to train, prepare and get your groove back. Learn technology. Integrate, automate and delegate tasks where you can. 3. Figure it out. Information is power. Quit saying you "don't know" and go get your Google search on. All the information you need is at a click of button on your computer. The more you know, the more you grow and this increases your confidence. 4. Be bold. Be fearless. Be willing to take risks. You have to risk to win. No one who is living large ever did so by going the safe route.Get out of your comfort zone. Quit being "shell shocked" and get some CHUTZPAH, some gall, some nerve. Some audacity! 5. Believe in yourself. Know your worth and demand your value. Keep dreaming big dreams, doing your vision board and

saying your affirmations. Who cares what others think or what they don't do for you? Be true to yourself. Stay on your path and stay excited about your goals no matter what. 6. Keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. If you have to stop to rest, rest in the Lord. He will give you strength. Don't panic - know God has a plan. Keep doing your part - and know God always come through. He is our "Superman." 7. Have a coach or mentor that pushes you. Have a network that celebrates you. Know what type of people to stay away from and know who you need to show more gratitude towards. Who you hang are around is who you will become. Don't "friend" everybody and follow only those who "get it" and are going places, believing God for big things. Award-winning social media strategist and PR Coach Pam Perry helps African American Christian authors garner publicity and leverage online strategies. As a 20-year PR veteran, she is also the co-author of "Synergy Energy: How to Use the Power of Partnerships to Market Your Book, Grow Your Business and Brand Your Ministry." For a free MP3 of "What Every Author Should Know," go to Pam is also the creator of the ChocolatePagesNetwork, a social network for Christian authors and the Chocolate Pages Show at Blogtalkradio. She offers free help at her blogsite:


March 2013


Unleash Your Tarzan Faith Release One Vine, Grab Hold of Another BY ACE ALEXANDER

rowing up, I was always a big Tarzan fan. I loved watching him swing through the jungle going from one vine to another to reach his destination. So, what does Tarzan have to do with my word for you this month? Well, Tarzan grabbing hold of that vine was really significant. He had to let go of one vine in order to get to the next one. Had he kept holding on to the same vine, he never would have progressed through the jungle. And at some point, that one vine would have broken anyway, so he had to keep moving. But he had to swing from one vine; let go of the other; and continue that action until he got to where he wanted to go. See the movement from one vine to another created a forward motion that propelled Tarzan and gave him momentum. My point? Sometimes you’ve got to let one thing go in order to move on to the next thing God has for you. And as you make movements forward, God will provide you with the momentum—that divine push and energy to keep going. The ‘vine’ you need to grab next is in plain view but until you release the ‘vine’ you’re holding now, you will remain stuck. God never intended for you to get stuck in one place, one opportunity, one goal. God is so much bigger than that and the plan he has for your life is way bigger. So, like Tarzan, continue to grab hold of one vine, release the other, grab another vine, release the other. You’ll go from one level to another and higher and higher. Life is too short to hold on to just one vine. Unleash your Tarzan faith and watch God move you closer and closer to your destiny!


March 2013


Favor Confession Father, thank you for making me righteous and accepted through the Blood of Jesus. Because of that, I am blessed and highly favored by You. I am the object of your affection. Your favor surrounds me as a shield, and the first thing that people come into contact with is my favor shield. Thank You that I have favor with You and man today. All day long, people go out of their way to bless me and to help me. I have favor with everyone that I deal with today. Doors that were once closed are now opened for me. I receive preferential treatment, and I have special privileges. I am Your favored child. No good thing will You withhold from me. Because of Your favor, Lord, my enemies cannot triumph over me. I have supernatural increase and promotion. I declare restoration of everything that the devil has stolen from me. I have honor in the midst of my adversaries and an increase of assets -especially in real estate and an expansion of territory. Lord, because I am highly favored by You, I experience great victories, supernatural turnarounds and miraculous breakthroughs in the midst of great impossibilities. I receive recognition, prominence, and honor. Petitions are granted to me even by ungodly authorities. Policies, rules, regulations, and laws are changed and reversed on my behalf. I win battles that I don't even have to fight, because You fight them for me. This is the day; the set time and the designated moment for me to experience the free favors of God that profusely and lavishly abound on my behalf. In Jesus' name – Amen.

– Author Unknown


March 2013


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