Apparent Wetter 1000 Adjuvant 1000 g/L NONIONIC ALCOHOL ETHOXYLATES Chemwet 1000 Non-ionic surfactant for use with Roundup PowerMAX herbicide, or BS1000 Roundup broadacre herbicide, Roundup Dry herbicide, Roundup herbicide, Nufarm Glyphosate CT herbicide and Weedmaster Duo herbicide when treating Annual ryegrass, Silvergrass and Perennial grasses Apparent Buffer 700 Surfactant 350g/L Soyal Phospholipids, 350 g/L Propionic Acid LI-700 Acidifying and penetrating surfactant; Reduces alkaline hydrolosis of Dimethoate; Assists with uptake of foliar fertilizers; Assists in management of spray droplet size Apparent Paraffinic Oil Adjuvant 411g/L Paraffinic Oil, 305g/L Fatty acid and, Caltex DC-TRATE A specially formulated blend of paraffinic oil, fatty acid penetrants and nonoxynol fatty acid derivatives, 90g/L Nonoxynol or Uptake surfactant to enhance the wetting, spreading and uptake of systemic Herbicides through waxy leaf surfacts; with other Herbicides and Agricultural Chemicals to improve wetting and spreading; as an Aid for Modifying Spray Droplet Quality and to preserve Droplet Survival Apparent Spray-Grade Ammonium 980 g/kg AMMONIUM SULPHATE Redox AMMONIUM Used with glyphosate based herbicide to minimise antagonism when tank mixing Sulphate 25kg with flowerable herbicides, and to improve performance under adverse environmental conditions Sulpahte Adjuvant Apparent Canola Oil Ester Adjuvant Methyl & Ethyl esters of free fatty acids from canola oil Victoria Chemicals A spray adjuvant used to improve chemical uptake and rainfastness, improve HASTEN ™ droplet deposition and minimize drift, and assist with odour reduction and evaporation.
Apparent Flutriafol 500 SC 500g/L Flutriafol Cheminova IMPACT™ For the control of certain fungal disease on wheat, barley and canola when mixed with fertilizer or applied as a foliar spray Apparent Mancozeb 750 DF 750g/L Mancozeb Dow DITHANE ™ For control of certain fungal diseases of fruit, field crops, tobacco, turf, vegetables and ornamentals Apparent Sulphur 800 WG Fungicide 800 g/kg Sulphur Wettable SULPHUR OR THIOVIT ™ For the control of certain fungal diseases in grapevines, pome and stone fruit, some vegetables and ornamentals; and for the control of mites in grapevines, citrus, some vegetables and ornamentals; and white louse scale on citrus Apparent Tebuconazole 430 Fungicide Tebuconazole Bayer FOLICUR ™ For control of Bunt, Flag Smut and Loose Smut of Wheat, Covered and Loose Smut of Barley and Oats, and for protection against insect pests of stored grain Apparent Captan 800 800g/KG Captan Ospray CAPTAN WG ™ For the control of certain diseases in a range of fruit crops, almonds, pistachios, turf and ornamentals as shown under Directions For Use table.
Apparent Quizalofop - P - Ethyl 99.5 Herbicide 99.5 g/L Quizalofop-P-ethyl Sipcam TARGA ™ For the control of certain grass weeds in broadleaf crops. Apparent Clethodim 240 EC 240 g/L Clethodim Select SUMITOMO ™ For the control of certain grass weeds in beetroot, cabbage, canola, celery, chickpeas, cotton, faba beans, field peas, forestry, lentils, lettuce, lupins, mung beans, non-bearing fruit trees, onions, ornamentals, peanuts, potatoes and soybeans Apparent Oxyfluorfen 240 240 g/L Oxyfluorfen Dow GOAL ™ For the selective control of certain broadleaf and grass weeds Apparent Imazapic 250 Herbicide 250 g/L IMAZAPIC present as the ammonium salt BASF FLAME ™ For the pre-emergence control of certain annual grass and broadleaf weeds in fallow situations, sugarcane, and peanuts in early post of certain annual grass and broadleaf weeds in peanuts and sugarcane Apparent Paraquat 250 250 g/L Paraquat present as Paraquat Dichloride Syngenta GRAMOXONE ™ For the control of a wide range of grasses and broadleaf weeds Apparent Diflufenican & MCPA 250g/L MCPA present as the ethyl hexyl ester, Bayer TIGREX or NUGREX ™ For the control of certain weeds in clover-based pasture, field peas, lentils, lupins and oilseed poppy Apparent 2,4-D IPA 300 SL 300 g/L 2,4-D present as the Isopropylamine salt NUFARM SURPASS For the control of emerged broadleaf weeds prior to sowing crops and pastures 300 ™ in conservation tillage situations and for selective weed control in crops Apparent Woody 300 g/L Triclopyr present as Butoxyethylester / 100g / L Picloram present as Hexyloxypropylamine salt Dow GRAZON ™ For the control of environmental and noxious woody and herbaceous weeds Apparent Clopyralid 300 300g/L Clopyralid present as the triisopropanolamine salt Dow LONTREL ™ For the control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, triticale, oats, pastures, canola, fallow land, forests and industrial situations Apparent MCPA 340 + Dicamba 80 Herbicide 340g/L MCPA (present as the dimethylamine salt) 80 g/L DICAMBA (present as the dimethylamine salt) Nufarm KAMBA M ™ For control of certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereals, pastures, turf and non crop areas Apparent Glyphosate 360 360 g/L Glyphosate present as the Isopropylamine salt Monsanto ROUNDUP ™ For control of many annual and perennial weeds Apparent Glyphosate Bio 360 360 g/L Glyphosate present as the Isopropylamine salt Monsanto ROUNDUP Water soluble herbicide for non-selective control of many annual and BIACTIVE ™ perennial weeds Apparent Diclofop - Methyl 375 375g/L Diclofop Methyl. Bayer HOEGRASS ™ For the control of Annual Ryegrass and some other grass weeds in cereals and various other use situations. Apparent Tralkoxydim 400WG 400 g/kg TRALKOXYDIM CropCare ACHIEVE ™ For the control of wild oats and annual ryegrass and suppression of annual phalaris in wheat, barley, rye and triticale Apparent Glyphosate 450 450 g/L Glyphosate present as the isopropylamine salt Mosanto ROUNDUP CT ™ A non-selective foliar herbicide that will kill most emerged weeds and plants
Apparent Trifluralin 480 EC 480 g/L Trifluralin Dow TREFLAN ™ A pre-emergence herbicide for the control of annual grasses and certain broadleaf weds in certain horticultural and agricultural crops
Apparent Dicamba 500 SL 500 g/L DICAMBA (present as the dimethylamine salt) Nufarm Kamba 500 ™ For the control of certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereals, pastures, conservation tillage,sugar cane, turf, rice and non-crop areas Apparent Diuron 500 SC 500 g/L DIURON Crop Care DIUREX ™ For control of weeds in certain crops Apparent Triallate 500 EC Herbicide 500 g/L TRI-ALLATE Nufarm AVADEX ™ For the control of Wild oats in Wheat, Triticale, Chickpeas, Barley, Peas, Linseed, Lupins, Canola (Rapeseed) Faba beans and Safflower and for use in mixtures with triflurX for control of a range of grass and broadleaf weeds in no-till/min-till cropping systems, pre-sowing or incorporated by sowing (IBS) Apparent MCPA 500 LVE 500g/L MCPA present as the 2 - Ethylhexyl Ester Nufarm MCPA 500 ™ For selective control of certain weeds in agricultural crops Apparent Glyphosate 510 IPA Salt Herbicide 510 g/L Glyphosate present as the Isopropylamine salt Monsanto ROUNDUP EXTRA ™ A non-selective water soluble herbicide for the control of a wide range of annual and perennial weeds in a variety of situations Apparent Glyphosate 510 K Salt Herbicide 510 g/L Glyphosate present as the Potassium salt Monsanto ROUNDUP POWERMAX ™ Non-selective herbicide for the control of many annual and perennial weeds Apparent Haloxyfop - P - Methyl 520 520 g/ L Haloxyfop present as the haloxyfop-P methyl ester Dow VERDICT ™ A spray treatment for post-emergent control of a wide range of annual and perennial grass weeds in grain legume and oilseed crops, lucerne, medic and clover pasture and seed crops, forestry, bananas, citrus, grapes, pineapples, pome fruit, stone fruit, tropical fruit and nut crops. Apparent Bensulfuron 600 600 g/kg BENSULFURON present as the Methyl Ester DuPont LONDAX ™ For the control of Arrowhead, Dirty Dora and Star Fruit in aerially sown rice Apparent Metsulfuron 600WG 600 g/kg Metsulfuron Methyl DuPont ALLY ™ For the control of certain broadleaf weeds in winter cereal crops and broadleaf weeds and brush species in pastures, rights of way, commercial and industrial areas Apparent Triclopyr 600 600 g/L TRICLOPYR present as the butoxyethyl ester Dow GARLON ™ For control of a range of woody weeds and melons Apparent 2,4-D 625 Amine 625 625 g/L 2,4-D present as the Dimethylamine Nufarm AMICIDE 625 ™ For the control of broadleaf weeds in fallow before direct drilling or sowing of cereals and pastures; and in cereal crops, pastures, sugar cane, peanuts and non agricultural areas & Diethanolamine Salts Apparent 2,4 - D Ester 680 680g/L 2,4-D present as the 2-ethylhexyl ester Nufarm ESTERCIDE ™ A specially formulated low volatile herbicide for selective control of various weeds in crops, pastures and non agricultural areas Apparent Flupropanate 745 745 g/L FLUPROPANATE present as the sodium salt Grow Choice TUSSOCK ™ For the control of certain grasses in crops Apparent Metribuzin 750 WG 750 g/kg Metribuzin Bayer SENCOR 750 ™ For selective weed control in cereals, pastures and other crops including vegetables Apparent Chlorsulfuron 750WG 750g/kg Chlorsulfuron DuPONT GLEAN ™ A selective herbicide for the control of Annual (Wimmera) Ryegrass and certain broadleaf weeds in Wheat, Barley, Oats, Cereal Rye and Triticale Apparent Triasulfuron 750WG 750g/kg TRIASULFURON Syngenta LOGRAN ™ For pre-plant control of Annual Ryegrass, Paradoxa Grass and certain broadleaf weeds in wheat, and for post-emergence control of wild radish in wheat, oats and barley Apparent MCPA Amine 750 750g/L MCPA present as the dimethlamine salt Nufarm AGRITONE 750 ™ For the selective control of broadleaf weeds in cereals, linseeds, pastures, rice, sugar cane, and turf Apparent Atrazine 900 WG 900 g/kg Atrazine Syngenta GESAPRIM ™ For the control of weeds and grasses in Sorghum, Maize, Sugar Cane, TT-Canola, Lucern and for fallow area maintenance Apparent Diuron 900 WG 900 g/kg DIURON Various Suppliers For selective weed control Apparent Simazine 900 WG 900 g/kg Simazine Synenta GESATOP ™ For the control of weeds in a wide range of horticultural and broadacre crops, and in non-crop situations Apparent Metolachlor 960 960 g/L Metolachlor Syngenta DUAL GOLD ™ For control of certain annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in certain crops Apparent Fluroxypyr 200 Herbicide ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 200 g/L FLUROXYPYR Dow STARANE ™ For the control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds in fallow, lucerne, maize, millets, pastures, poppies, sorghum, sugar cane, sweetcorn winter cereals. Also used for the control of woody weeds in agricultural non-crop areas, commercial and industrial areas, forests, pastures and rights-of-way present as the Methylheptyl Ester Apparent Bromoxynil 200 Bromoxynil present as the N - Octanoyl Ester Nufarm BROMICIDE ™ For the control of weeds in wheat, oats, barley, cereal rye, and triticale (alone or undersown), grain sorghum, linseed, clover and lucern pastures, turf, fallow, non- crop, roadsides and rights-of-way Apparent Clodinafop 240 EC Clodinafop - propargyl / Cloquintocet - Mexyl Sygenta TOPIK ™ Controls Wild oats, Rough Meadow-grass and moderate control of Italian rye-grass in wheat, durum wheat, rye and triticale. Apparent Fluazifop - P - Butyl 212 Herbicide Fluazifop - P present as the Butyl Ester Syngenta FUSILADE ™ For the control of certain grasses in crops Apparent Glufosinate Ammonium 200 Herbicide Glufosinate - Ammonium Bayer BASTA ™ For non-residual control of broadleaf and grass weeds in various situations Apparent AMS Herbicide Adjuvant Ammonium Sulphate 417g/L Nufarm LIASE ™ Access is registered for selective control of a wide range of woody and noxious weeds in commercial and industrial areas, public lands, fence lines and pastures, by basal bark and cut stump applications. Access mixed with diesel cleans up hard-to-control weeds along fence lines, rights-of-way, non-crop areas, forestry and pastures. Apparent Bromoxynil 200 + MCPA 200 Herbicide 200g/L Bromoxynil, 200g/L MCPA Bayer BUCTRIL ™ For the control of weeds in wheat, oats, barley, cereal rye, and triticale (alone or undersown), grain sorghum, linseed, clover and lucern pastures, turf, fallow, non- crop, roadsides and rights-of-way Apparent MCPA 750 Herbicide 750g/L MCPA present as the dimethlamine salt Nufarm AGRITONE ™ For the selective control of broadleaf weeds in cereals, linseeds, pastures, rice, sugar cane, and turf
Apparent Diclofop - Methyl 500 Herbicide Diclofop - Methyl Bayer HOEGRASS ™ For the control of Annual Ryegrass and some other grass weeds in cereals and various other use situations. Apparent Propyzamide 500 Herbicide Propyzamide 500 Dow KERB™ For selective control of certain grasses and broadleaf weeds in lettuce, Sports turf, home lawns and legume seed, crops and pastures Apparent Triclopyr 600 Herbicide 600 g/L TRICLOPYR present as the butoxyethyl ester Dow GARLON ™ For control of a range of woody weeds and melons Apparent MCPA 600 LVE 600g/L MCPA present as the dimethylamine salt Dow CANVAS LVE MCPA ™ For the selective control of broadleafed weeds in cereals, linseed, pastures, rice, sugar cane and turf Apparent Glyphosate 700 Ammonium Salt WSG 700g/L Glyphosate Monsanto ROUNDUP READY ™ Herbicide for the control of many annual and perennial weeds Apparent Clopyralid 750 WSG 750 g/L CLOPYRALID present as the Potassium Salt Dow LONTREL ™ For the control of a wide range of broadleaf weeds in wheat, barley, oats, triticale, canola, pastures, forestry and fallow land Apparent Halosulphuron 800 750g/kg Halosulfuron - Methyl Nufarm SEMPRA ™ For selective post-emergence control of Nutgrass in Sugarcane, Corn/Maize, and Sorghum and for the selective post - emergence control of Nutgrass and Mullumbimby couch in Turf. Also for the control of Nutgrass in Cotton using sprayers. Apparent Hexazinone 750 Hexazinone 750 g/l Dupont VELPAR ™ With both contact and residual control, provides control of smutgrass and other tough weeds, such as barnyardgrass, dogfennel and little barley, in bermudagrass and bahiagrass. It can also be used to control key broadleaf and grassy weeds as well as brush and trees in non-crop and forestry sites Apparent Imazethapyr 700 Contains 240 g/litre imazethapyr as the ammonium Nufarm SPINNAKER ™ For the control of certain weeds in clover seed crops and lucerne. salt in the form of a soluble concentrate. Apparent MCPA + Picloram 446 Potassium Salt 100g/L Triclopyr present as the trieithylamine salt; Dow TORDON ™ For the control of unwanted timber by stem injection or cut stump/ 100g/L Picloram present as the triisopropanolamine salt brushcutter application and control of blackberry, gorse, and harrisia cactus by foliage spray as specified in the Direction For Use table. Apparent Alpha-cypermethrin 100 100 g/L Alpha - Cypermethrin Nufarm FASTAC DUO ™ For the control of certain insect pests, including heliothis (Helicoverpa spp) on various crops and red legged earth mite and blue oat mite on certain field crops and pastures and certain insect pests on fruit and vegetable crops Apparent Imidacloprid 200 Insecticide 200g/L Imidacloprid Bayer CONFIDOR ™ For the control of various insect pests of cotton, fruit, vegetable and ornamentals Apparent Phosphine Fumigation Tablets 330 g/kg PHOSPHINE (PH3) Rentokil GASTION ™ For the control of insect pests in certain situations and control of rabbits in burrows present as ALUMINIUM PHOSPHIDE Apparent Fenamiphos 400EC 400 g/L FENAMIPHOS Bayer NEMACUR ™ For the control nematodes and sucking insects in crops and turf (AN ANTICOHOLINESTERASE COMPOUND) Apparent Chlorpyrifos 500EC 500 g/L Chlorpyrifos Dow LORSBAN ™ For the control of certain insect pests of fruit, vegetables, field crops, and pasture Apparent Imidacloprid 600SC Seed Treatment 600g/L Imidacloprid Bayer GAUCHO 600 ™ For the control of thrips; aphids; brown flea beetle and wireworms on cotton; protection of canola; pastures and lupins from damage by redlegged earth mite and blue oat mite; control of aphids and prevention of spread of barley yellow dwarf virus in cereal crops; control of some soil pests of summer crops Apparent Abamectin 18 Miticide/Insectacide Abamectin Syngenta VERTIMEC ™ For the control of pest mites on pears, apples, tomatoes, citris, hops, strawberries and ornamentals. Apparent Deltamethrin Duo Insecticide Deltamethrin Bayer CISLIN or A fast acting contact insecticide to control Chinch Bug, Cutworm, Ants, INSECTIGONE ™ and Sodweb worm in turf. Apparent Bifenthrin 100 Termicide & Insecticide 100g/L Bifenthrin Crop Care TALSTAR ™ For the control of helicoverpa Spp. in cotton, tomatoes, Lucerne seed crops, navy beans; certain species of mites in bananas, cotton and tomatoes; long tailed mealy bug in pears; banana weevil borer and banana rust thrips in bananas; mirids in cotton; whitefly in tomatoes; and red legged earth mite, blue oat mite, bryobia mite, webworm and brown pasture looper in faba beans, subterranean clover, clover, canola, wheat, barley, field peas, lupins and Lucerne; and certain species or wireworms in cotton and sugarcane; fig longicorn in grapes and citrus leaf eating weevil in citrus Apparent Pirimicarb 500 WG Aphicide 500g/L Pirimicarb, an anti-cholinesterase compund Syngenta PIRIMOR ™ For the control of certain aphids on crops and pastures Apparent Aluminium Phosphate Fumigant 56-57% aluminum phosphide Fumitoxin TABS ™ Grain and Rice weevils, Saw-toothed Grain beetle, Confused Flour beetle, Rust-Red Grain beetle and more... Apparent Malathion 500 500g/L Maldison (an anticholinesterase compound) Nufarm MALDISON ™ For the control of a wide range of insect pests in certain crops, wildflowers, and eucalypts, as per the Directions For Use table.
Apparent Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate Magnesium Sulphate Heptahydrate Apparent Manganese Sulphate Manganese Sulphate Apparent Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate Zinc Sulphate Heptahydrate Apparent Copper Sulphate 250g/kg Copper (CU) as Copper Sulphate Corrects copper deficiency, controls algae on paths and in ponds Apparent Sodium Bicarbonate Sodium Bicarbonate Apparent Potassium Nitrate Potassium Nitrate