AIRR magazine - Autumn

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5 . Will independents survive? 11. 2012 in review; and what it means for 2013. 26. Don’t let a competitor walk into your shop.

17. Beware of cheap imitations. You can’t afford them. It can happen in Australia too you know. 22. Nutrition for canine reproduction 29. Global research effort takes up resistance challenge 34. Understanding your horse feed customer can drive sales and profit

6. Lontrel Advanced; another success story from Dow 9. An Australian family company formed to make a difference 12. Dairy industry breakthrough – a rotavirus vaccine for calf scours 14, 16 & 18 warehouses

New products to AIRR

21, 29 & 31

AIRR online FAQ’s

NATIONAL Dave Beauchamp 0429 169 626

WA Floyd Sullivan 0457 766 970

NSW Liz Watt 0400 718 148

VIC Joanne Wass 0407 070 207

QLD Matt Webster 0429 410 050

NSW Fiona Beggs 0427 778 636

SA Ashley Place 0409 570 835

NSW Claire McKinnon 0419 275 072

QLD Julie De Visser 0408 572 643





Independents….will they survive in Rural Australia This is generally the most often asked question I get and my immediate reply is that Independents are a critical part of rural Australia for many reasons and their future is guaranteed for many reasons which I will touch on below:Community Involvement: All independents are involved in the community in some way, shape or form and will always have the community at heart. Locals: Most independents are locals and have been since they began in business. When we do find an independent retailer buy into a business from outside the local community you find, before very long they are part of the community. Service and range: We always find that local independent stores have the best range of goods and their service levels are exceptional. It is also important to note the following: It seems that the rural community tends to support their local independent rural reseller for the reasons mentioned above, however it has become of note over the last decade that whilst the number of hectares being farmed are the same or similar, the amount of farmers are reducing. This has been bought about due one of the country’s worst drought a few years back, deregulation of the diary industry, the Global Financial Crisis, the changing weather patterns being referred to as “climate change” and the high investment needed to enter the farming business given all the variables and inconsistency with same.

Of course one of the critical areas needed by independents is one that offers value in purchasing and warehousing to allow the independent to maintain or increase their range of goods. Even though I may be biased, I believe that AIRR does everything required to allow independents dedicate their time to selling and working with their customers. Not withstanding the obvious roles, AIRR handles collection and payment of all rebates, complete warehousing facilities across the nation, marketing and information flow, one of the most comprehensive price lists in the industry and gives independents access to over 700 vendor accounts. Whilst all the above are my views I conclude with a very strong and clear message: Independents are a real long term player in Rural Australia and the industry will always see the local resellers make up a large part of the business. What we do know is that the corporate will pick up independents from time to time however they can’t get us all.

The last point I wish to make is that it is my belief that independents still handle more than 60% of the nation’s farm inputs. Whilst this number is arguable and impossible to actually determine due to independents’ range of goods supplied I base my assumptions on the following:AIRR, CRT, IHD, NRI are significant groups that have many members, far more than the 3 corporate players namely Elders Rural Services (currently for sale) Landmark and Rural Co and the size of these independents in the 4 groups are significant to say the least. Let us also remember that within Elders and Landmark there are independent operators that I consider part of the independent numbers and quite a few Rural Co stores are Joint Ventures which again I class as independents. The one critical area that everyone needs to face up to is farm debt. To ensure the strength of independents we must not chase this low margin, high risk business as that will ultimately be to the detriment of the independent.


Lontrel Advanced: Another Success Story from Dow AgroSciences Lontrel Advanced was launched in Australia last year with excellent sales and exceptional feedback from the field. Given that it was developed in response to requests from farmers for a more concentrated form, Dow’s Commodity Business Manager, Hub Miller, was thrilled to receive feedback from agronomists that it was “great to have a product so concentrated”. Other agronomists agreed that “more concentrated product is better for logistics with the volumes handled.” Lontrel Advanced is double the active ingredient loading of the original Lontrel 300 formulation. This makes it an easy in-paddock conversion of half previously used Lontrel rates. It also means half the number of drums to move, to empty and to dispose of. In most cases, when formulations are made more concentrated, the product becomes more difficult to use – difficult to pour, difficult to mix and difficult to spray; particularly in cooler temperatures. Dow’s formulation chemist, Robert Buttimor, was delighted to discover the opposite is true in the case of Lontrel Advanced. Mr Buttimor reported “lab testing found that Lontrel Advanced is actually half as viscous at five degrees than Lontrel 300, making Lontrel Advanced actually easier to pour and pump in low winter temperatures.” This feature has been achieved through a unique new salt combination with chlopyralid. “This is exactly what farmers have been asking for, but rarely achieved in a product” Mr Buttimor added. Formulation changes are not the only benefits of Lontrel Advanced. Mr Miller identified several application timing improvements that will allow considerably greater flexibility to farmers. “Lontrel Advanced may now be applied as late as booting in cereals [Lontrel 300 is restricted to 5 leaf]. This provides an opportunity for excellent late season weed control, particularly in mixes with MCPA and 2,4-D, which will assist in the management of fleabane.” In addition, the canola withholding period has changed from 12 weeks to not required, combined with a restraint not to apply later than the eight leaf stage of the crop. “This change allows farmers a closer to harvest application if required, such as during a warm spring when the crop finishes quickly” explained Mr Miller. “It allows farmers the flexibility to harvest their canola when it’s ready without being concerned about residues”. At the end of the day, however, the key question with any new product is “does it work”? Extensive


trials in 2011 confirmed bioequivalence through both boom sprays and aerial set-ups. Some evidence suggested that Lontrel Advanced may in fact be faster acting than the old Lontrel 300. Dow’s Biology Specialist Col Plater outlined how Lontrel brown-out rates are very dependent on the time of year and prevailing temperatures. “Under warmer growing conditions Lontrel is much more active and browns weeds out faster. Mid winter applications in southern Australia may take up to eight weeks to kill a capeweed plant – the weed stops growing soon after treatment, but may not actually die until the weather turns warmer and faster growth begins”. Mr Plater recommended inspecting the growing point at the centre of the capeweed plant for twisting to indicate whether Lontrel is working. Although most agronomists in 2012 reported that Lontrel Advanced performed as fast as Lontrel 300, some did find the new formulation to be faster, and all reported that they were either extremely happy or very happy with their results. As one agronomist stated, it’s a “great product as all Dow proprietary chemistry is”. Lontrel Advanced is only available through Dow AgroSciences, with strong supplies secure for the 2013 season.




Syngenta launches innovative ant control product for the rural market The innovative new product – TALON Ant Kill Gel – is the latest advancement in ant control technology and its ease of use is expected to appeal greatly to consumers.

Paul Jackson said they were pleased to be able to offer the 5 g Talon Ant Kill Gel kits for sale through rural agricultural distributors.

According to Syngenta Business Manager for Professional Pest Management, Paul Jackson the product has a host of features that are now available for rural and regional customers.

“The Talon brand is already well known and trusted for the control of rats and this product signifies Syngenta’s commitment to developing innovative pest management products for the Australian rural merchandise market.”

“Talon Ant Kill Gel is extremely targeted, you simply squeeze out a few small spots within a metre of the ant nest entrance and it will control the entire nest, ridding ants from the problem area for good,” Paul said.

Talon Ant Kill Gel is available in shelf ready trays in packs of 12. For information regarding Talon Ant Kill Gel please contact Syngenta Customer Service on 1800 022 035 or email

“Syngenta globally is committed to ensuring the environmental sustainability of its products. Talon Ant Kill Gel uses low amounts of active ingredient in an innovative bait matrix that efficiently controls problem ants with the least effect on the environment.”

KEY PRODUCT FEATURES: -Total colony control within 7 days -Ant activity reduced within 48 hours -Clear, non-staining, odourless gel -Palatable for at least 14 days -Effective on a broad-spectrum of ant species -Easy-to-use

Richard Murray, Syngenta’s newly appointed Technical Manager for Pest Control said that what makes this product stand out from the rest is Talon Ant Kill Gel’s ability to transfer through the ant nest controlling the complete colony.” “Ants are not controlled immediately so survive long enough to transfer the active ingredient back to the nest thereby eliminating the colony,” Richard said

If you pick up lepto when handling cattle, you could be out of action for months with severe flu-like symptoms that often develop into an ongoing chronic fatigue like illness. Protect your herd, your family, your employees and yourself. Vaccinate your cattle with Ultravac 7in1.*

Protecting much more than cattle. *See product leaflet for details of administration and product claims. For more information talk to your Pfizer Cattle Product Specialist on 1800 335 374. Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Ltd, 38–42 Wharf Rd, West Ryde NSW 2114 ABN 94 156 476 425. AM609 01/13 PAL0900/AIRR.


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25/01/13 11:26 AM

Eliminatethe thecolony colony Eliminate

Eliminate the colony

Eliminate the colony

New innovative chemistry that is proven to kill the queen and destroy the nest. A revolutionary clear, non-staining, New innovative that is proven odourless chemistry gel in an easy-to-use kill the queen

New innovative chemistry that is proven to kill the queen and destroy the nest. A revolutionary clear, non-staining, odourless in an easy-to-use tube. Newgel innovative chemistry that is proven to kill the queen

and destroy the nest. A revolutionary clear, non-staining, To order TALON Ant Kill Geltube. for your store odourless gel in an easy-to-use

and destroy the nest. A revolutionary clear, non-staining,

To order TALON Ant Kill Gel for your store odourless gel in an easy-to-use tube. contact Syngenta on 1800 022 035

contact Syngenta on 1800 022 035

To order TALON Ant Kill Gel for your store contact Syngenta on 1800 022 035

An Australian family company determined to make a difference Whites Group is a family business operating for close to 40 years distributing product to the Rural and Hardware industries mainly under the brand of Whites Wires. In this time they have been somewhat quiet achievers, not too fussed about over-marketing, just concentrating on getting the basics right: offering customers consistent representation and good value on quality products.

Syngenta Australia Pty Ltd, Level 1, 2-4 Lyonpark Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113. ABN 33 002 933 717. ® Registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. ™ Trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. AD 13/025

Syngenta Australia Pty Ltd, Level 1, 2-4 Lyonpark Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113. ABN 33 002 933 717. ® Registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. ™ Trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. AD 13/025

STOCKPOST® has been 3 years in the making and a multimillion dollar investment for Whites. Customer dissatisfaction with the variable quality of imported Fence Posts at one end and the price premiums attached to quality products at the other end drove Whites to do better. Simply, it was an opportunity to” make a difference” by giving farmers what they wanted - a very good fence post at great value. Sounds easy but the processes involved in efficiently producing a sustainable post and marketing it at compelling value is more complex than you would think.

In the background has been continuous growth and a family attitude to business.

The process started with Whites metallurgists designing the correct raw material to give optimum strength and flexibility to withstand the regular occurrence of stock leaning on fences.

Originally started by John Kelly (ex BHP Steel) there are now three brothers in the business and 140 staff. As a family company they have grown through dedicated staff striving successfully to “be the best we can” and “make a difference” in everything the company does.

Then they needed to be able to convert this high grade steel into a Y bar in a controlled hot rolling process before applying the best available choice of coatings.

This approach has led to the creation of a network of sales & distribution branches in every Australian state, world partnerships with more than 50 suppliers, a representative and quality control office in China and over 1000 products on range. As Peter Kelly - Whites Group MD - explains “our approach of being the best we can be means we look for continuous improvement across the organisation whilst when we look to make a difference we remain relevant and community minded.” “We are very conscious of the need for continuous improvement and know that for our efforts to be valued by the supply chain we must offer great products at compelling value.” STOCKPOST® - the rural fence post evolves Whites Group’s capacity to design, manufacture and quality control product has led to their product team launching more than 150 products in the last two years. The latest venture is their biggest yet the evolution of STOCKPOST®.


Syngenta Australia Pty Ltd, Level 1, 2-4 Lyonpark Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113. ABN 33 002 933 717. ® Registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. ™ Trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. AD 13/025


Syngenta Australia Pty Ltd, Level 1, 2-4 Lyonpark Road, Macquarie Park NSW 2113. ABN 33 002 933 717. ® Registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. ™ Trademark of a Syngenta Group Company. AD 13/025


To order TALON Ant Kill Gel for your store contact Syngenta on 1800 022 035

The result was the necessity to build a state-of-the-art factory dedicated to producing STOCKPOST® to the required degree of excellence. STOCKPOST® also features a few extra touches to make the farmers lot a little easier. A larger profile gives superior holding power whilst precision pointing and hole alignment means posts will drive and line up easily. The final, practical, touch is a marker line to indicate the most effective driving depth of STOCKPOST® into the soil. STOCKPOST® is available in a full range of sizes in either a traditional Black bituminous coating or a Hot Dip galvanised coating. Whites Group are deservedly proud of STOCKPOST® and are keen to get the message out to a market that they believe will be eager to experience the excellent value-for-money that STOCKPOST® offers. Peter Kelly adds, “We look forward to getting our STOCKPOST® range firmly established in the market, supporting our loyal customers with a strong marketing campaign, and adding value to the Australian rural market”.


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It’s our 75th Birthday and we’re celebrating with specially marked Birthday product! MR5000 Fence Energizer G37613



$1995 inc GST RRP


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$115 inc GST RRP These offers and more are available while stocks last from your local AIRR store. 1800 GALLAGHER (1800 425 524)



MAGAZINE - AUTUMN 2013 2012 in review

On reflection, the 2012 calendar year was one that had about as much change that I think I’ve ever seen so far as working in the agricultural merchandise industry is concerned. Every segment of the supply chain saw dramatic change: • farm numbers continued to decline, while farm size increased (corporate farms); • suppliers rationalised globally; they needed (and still need to) increase critical mass to drive efficiencies to remain viable; • distributors saw massive alterations, with foreign investment in Landmark, Elders selling the fort and RuralCo committing to corporatising; and • the retail store landscape was also in a constant state of flux: o new independents opened o new competitors from neighbouring industries (such as hardware) came into play o independents were bought by corporate players, while other independent operators got bigger o declining sales made stores augment their range to reach new markets. All these changes are driven by several major factors — and they are all beyond our own control. The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) The GFC is not new. It’s been around for a while now; however, arguably Australia has been somewhat insulated due to a very strong banking sector, a strong majority trading partner in China, and mining. In 2012, prosperity in the mining sector was no more. China put the brakes its economic growth (a growth that was, by any standard, outrageous). The USA found itself short on money and kept printing more. This ensured an ongoing strong Australian dollar, which, as we know, works against exports; while over the Atlantic, much of the EU was in, or close to, bankruptcy. The world economy is now — without doubt — affecting Australia. Agricultural merchandise (products) becoming more generic A lack of new science means a lack of new products reaching the industry. This is basically due to a change in the focus of the big R&D-based companies. In animal health, the large pharmaceutical companies see significantly more margin (and future) in human health products than animal health products. Pfizer is a good example, where they have created a separate entity for animal health products, so that they can either sell that off or fund it differently to their mainstream business. In crop protection, R&D monies are being spent in seed genetics that complement certain chemical products rather than new chemistry itself. In the main, the commonly used volume products are now differentiated by their route to market rather than by their chemistry differences. Diminishing margin: the knock-on effect


“The knock-on effect” is a very common scenario, no matter the industry or example. It’s like dominos: the first one falls, hits the next one, and starts a chain reaction. Diminishing margin has a knock-on effect. The environment for diminishing margin throughout the whole distribution channel is perfect: • the market is becoming more and more generic as a result of no patent protection on products, • there are numerous sources of obtaining active constituents (relative to market size), • the market is hungry to buy, and • unfortunately to sell at the cheapest price. As a result of diminishing margin, the supply chain shortens to remove cost so it can improve margin. Brand strategies come into play now as the means of differentiation. Usually the market grows in volume at first, however, margin suffers at all stages. Usually the only beneficiary is the end user. There are many other factors that have driven change in the rural merchandising market throughout 2012. The net result of all of them has been much rationalisation at all levels of the distribution chain, with the goal of capturing increased volume and critical mass to offset loss in margin. As for 2013 – well, I see much more of the same. Now is the time to be working on your business to ensure your operating ratios and business strategies are right. Hard times are usually the best times to set your business apart from the competition.


The Missing piece in The calf scours puzzle the only calf

scours vaccination against Rotavirus, coronavirus and E.coli

c ave Rot ona coR



For further information visit our website at or call us on TOLL FREE 1800 226 511 ® Registered trademark.

Dairy industry breakthrough - a rotavirus vaccine for calf scours A first for the Australian market, Coopers Animal Health has released Rotavec Corona vaccine, a vaccine against rotavirus, one of the most significant pathogens causing calf scours on dairy farms. As well as protecting against rotavirus, the new vaccine offers protection against scours caused by coronavirus, E. coli and Clostridium perfringens. Coopers is the tried and trusted name in calf scour vaccines, with the existing Bovilis S and Bovilis E products firmly established as proven vaccines for calf scours prevention in Australia. Coopers has been very active over many years in both diagnosis and prevention strategies for dairy producers. Scouring calves are estimated to cost the Australian dairy industry approximately $52 million per year in treatment costs and loss of calves – or $26 for every dairy cow and heifer – the new vaccine is a breakthrough in the prevention of calf scours and will be an invaluable product for dairy clients. Rotavirus is an issue not just because of its potential to cause scours, but because it often reduces calf immunity and allows other pathogens such as cryptosporidium, E.coli and coronavirus to flourish, causing further illness in the calf. Kathryn Davis, Program Manager Animal Health and Fertility, Dairy Australia, said that scours is the number one calf disease that farmers report to the organisation. “Scours is a very common and serious disease for calves and is not limited to one area or region, the feedback we’ve received is that it is


affecting all dairy regions,” Dr Davis said. “What we hear from farmers and vets who are testing for pathogens causing calf scours is that there is a lot of rotavirus coming through in the results.” A recent study# by Coopers and University of Sydney researchers revealed what has long been suspected – that rotavirus infection is widespread and its prevention is the key to achieving control of calf scours on Australian dairy farms. Coopers Veterinary Technical Advisor Dr. Damian O’Brien said the Rotavec Corona Vaccine will be an invaluable tool for dairy farmers to limit the incidence of calf scours in their herds. “The study sampled scouring dairy calves in all states of Australia and found that 96% of properties had calves with at least one of the pathogens covered by the new vaccine,” Dr O’Brien said. “Rotavec Corona is a preventative vaccine that can be used prior to dry-off and farmers can be confident that they are using a broad spectrum vaccine that provides rotavirus protection, the most prevalent calf scours pathogen. “The vaccine has been tested against Australian isolates so farmers can have complete confidence that it will deliver the scours protection they need.” So make sure you’re stocked with Coopers’ Rotavec Corona vaccine and ensure dairy farmers in your region have calves that get the best start this season. #Izzo et al. Prevalence of major enteric pathogens in Australian dairy calves with diarrhoea. Australian Veterinary Journal 2011; 89:167173.



Palastart StartUp – Colostro-Immune Feed Supplement.

Immunoglobulins provides a significant supplemental source of Immunoglobulin’s (Ig’s), which are the key components in the passive immunity process.

How many times has a customer come into your store and asked for colostrum? Many of the limited current colostrum options for young animals are expensive, difficult to use and ineffective. Probiotec, in response to this demand, have developed and can supply Palastart StartUp which is a colostro-immune feed supplement.

The addition of Palastart StartUp to a colostrum feeding program can help improve growth rates, provide better disease resistance and reduced mortality rates.

With many animals currently being born on farms and many parts of Australia experiencing difficult weather conditions now is a great time to consider your options regarding supply of colostrum to your customers. Animals who do not receive colostrum have a much higher chance of contracting an illness which often results in serious setbacks to the health and sometimes death while treatment can be a costly and time consuming process.

Palastart StartUp has been prepared as a ready to use powder that is simply added to warm water, milk or milk replacer. It supplies all necessary vitamins, minerals, and trace elements that contribute to the overall health and development of the animal. Palastart StartUp has a 2 year shelf life and does not require refrigerated storage.

Palastart StartUp is a specially formulated Colostro-Immune feed supplement that is suitable for feeding to all types of animals during the first days of life or in times of ill health. Palastart StartUp is well priced and easy to use. Simply mix 200 grams of Palastart StartUp in warm water, milk, or milk replacer and feed one dose as soon as possible after birth and another 200 gram dose within 12 hours. It is designed to be fed to animals that did not receive an adequate quantity or quality of fresh colostrum or in times when colostrum is not available.

Mannan Oligosaccharide (MOS) is also added to minimise damage to sensitive stomach linings and to remove harmful bacteria.

Palastart StartUp may assist in the control of symptoms associated with stress, such as scours and general ill health. It has no withholding period, and is a non medicated product that can be used with animals of all ages. Palastart StartUp is packed in a two dose 400 gram tub and a multi dose 4 kg pail. For further information on Palastart Stop contact Probiotec on 1800 067 919 or visit Probiotec’s website

Palastart StartUp is a blend of bovine Immunoglobulins, Whey Proteins, Milk Powder, Mannan Oligosaccharide & a specially formulated Vitamin and Mineral premix. The addition of bovine


NEW PRODUCTS NOW IN YOUR AIRR WAREHOUSE AIRR code 8188 8189 8190 8191 4110 4111 8789 11303 11304 11305 11306 11307 11308 11309 11310 11311 11312 11313 11314 8206 9355 11316 10589 10590 10586 10588 10591 10129 10135 10132 11356 11293 11353 11352 8685 11292 11291 11344 5103 11354 11299 11301 11300 9927 3965 8201 6206 11243 11272

Supplier Apparent Apparent Apparent Apparent Apparent Apparent Bayer Companion Animal Companion Animal Companion Animal Companion Animal Companion Animal Companion Animal Companion Animal Companion Animal Companion Animal Companion Animal Companion Animal Companion Animal Crop Care Crop Care Diversey Dried & True Dried & True Dried & True Dried & True Dried & True Dried & True Dried & True Dried & True Energreen Nutrition Energreen Nutrition Goldmix Goldmix KER Kincrome Kincrome Laucke Mills Merial PBA Feeds Tasman Tasman Tasman Troy Laboratories Virbac Cattle Production Consultants Bayer Blackhawk Blackhawk

Apparent Bifenthrin 100SC 1ltrs Apparent Bifenthrin 100SC 5ltrs Apparent Bifenthrin 250EC 1ltrs Apparent Bifenthrin 250EC 5ltrs Apparent Fipronil 200SC 1ltrs Apparent Fipronil 200SC 5ltrs Bayer Bomectin Injection 500ml Kong Classic King Kong Classic Large Kong Classic Medium Kong Classic Small Kong Classic Xlarge Kong Puppy Large Kong Puppy Medium Kong Puppy Small Kong Wobbler Large Kong Wobbler Small Kong Zoomgroom Boysenberry Kong Zoomgroom Raspberry CC Nail 240EC 1ltr (Carfentrazone) CC Nail 240EC 5ltr (Carfentrazone) Diversey Sun D/washer Tablet 80’s D&T (Plain) Beef Straps 1kg x 6 D&T (Plain) Bully Sticks std 20pc x 12 D&T (Plain) Chicken Neck 250g x 20 D&T (Plain) Lamb Leg bones 10pc x 5 D&T (Plain) Roo Tail Disks 1kg x 6 D&T Health Sticks Ctn 12 (Dried Liver) D&T Kangaroo Tail (15cm) Ctn 20 S/wrap D&T Puppy Clod Bone (Ctn 20) Carpenter Gold Copra Meal 20Kgs (MEL)** Carpenter Gold Copra Meal 20Kgs (WA)** Crest Canary Seed MD 20kg (WAG SHE MEL** Crest Safflower MD 20kg (WAG SHE MEL) ** Kentucky Glucos-A-Flex 1.5Kg Kincrome Floor Fan Kincrome Wall Mounted Fan Laucke Rat & Mouse Food 20kg (WAG) ** Merial Triguard 20ltr Gun Pack PBA Hyfeed Soygize 20kgs (TAM) ** Tasman Anitone 1lt Tasman Anitone 20lt Tasman Anitone 5lt Troy Behave 30gms Virbac White E + Selenium 1.5kg Apparent Amine 625 110ltrs Bayer Baymec Pour-on Cattle 20ltr Blackhawk Chicken & Rice Adult Dog 20kg Blackhawk Chicken & Rice Adult Dog 3kg CONTINUED PAGES 16&18



che o s s i h st

“Why i



Generic brands come and go. Our focus on quality & VALUE ASSURES one won’t

11247 11246 11242 11241 11245 11244 11270 11273 11251 11261 11131 11127 11132 11130 11120 11122 11129 11123 11267 11266 11268 11264 11263 11265 9076 11281 11282 11286 11284 11285 11256 11237 11219 11239 11218 11232 11234 11288 11236 11275 11274 11233 11238 11217 11235 11289 9422 8968 9417 9418

Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk Blackhawk Energreen Nutrition Energreen Nutrition CCD Animal Health Coprice Dried & True Dried & True Dried & True Dried & True Dried & True Dried & True Dried & True Dried & True Equilibrium Australia Equilibrium Australia Equilibrium Australia Equilibrium Australia Equilibrium Australia Equilibrium Australia Mavlab Redtop Fly Catchers Redtop Fly Catchers Kentucky Equine Research Kentucky Equine Research Kentucky Equine Research Kincrome Laucke Mills Laucke Mills Laucke Mills Laucke Mills Laucke Mills Laucke Mills Laucke Mills Laucke Mills Laucke Mills Laucke Mills Laucke Mills Laucke Mills Laucke Mills Laucke Mills Laucke Mills Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab


Blackhawk Chicken & Rice Feline 20kg Blackhawk Chicken & Rice Feline 3kg Blackhawk Lamb & Rice Adult Dog 20kg Blackhawk Lamb & Rice Adult Dog 3kg Blackhawk Lamb & Rice Puppy 20kg Blackhawk Lamb & Rice Puppy 3kg Carpenter Gold Copra Meal 20Kg(QLD SYD** Carpenter Gold Copra Meal 20Kg(TAM WAG** CCD Rock Salt x 25kg (ADE Only)** Coprice Lucky Layer Pellets 20kg (WA)** D&T (Plain) Bully Sticks Std 20pk D&T (Plain) Chicken Necks 250gm D&T (Plain) Roo Tails Disks 1kg D&T Beef Straps 1kg D&T Health Sticks (Dried Liver) D&T Kangaroo Tail (15cm) (Wrapped) D&T Lamb Leg Bone 10pc D&T Puppy Clod Bone (Wrapped) Equilibrium B1 Cool Mix 12kgs Blue QLD** Equilibrium B1 Cool Mix 22kg Blue QLD ** Equilibrium B1 Cool Mix 5kg Blue QLD** Equilibrium Mineral Mx 12kg Yellow QLD** Equilibrium Mineral Mx 22kg Yellow(QLD** Equilibruim Mineral Mx 5kg Yellow QLD** Fleatrol Plus Spray 500ml FlyInn Cup Trap 750ml FlyInn Cup Trap Bait (2 Baits) Kentucky Equi-Jewel 12kg Kentucky Glucos-A- Flex 1kg Kentucky Gold Pellet 3.5kg Kincrome Wet Dry Vacuum Cleaner 20lt Laucke Bran & Pollard Mix 25kg (SA) ** Laucke Bran & Pollard Mix 25kg (VIC) ** Laucke Bran 25kg (SA) ** Laucke Bran 25kg (VIC) ** Laucke Gamebird Starter 20kg (SA) ** Laucke Goat Pellets 30kg (SA) ** Laucke Lucerne Chaff 28kg (SA) ** Laucke Lupins 30kg (SA) ** Laucke Meatline Finisher 20kg (SA) ** Laucke Meatline Starter 20kg (SA) ** Laucke Ol Jacks Rabb&Guinea 10kg (SA)** Laucke Pollard 25kg (SA) ** Laucke Pollard 25kg (VIC) ** Laucke Rat & Mouse Food 20kg (SA) ** Laucke Wheaten Chaff 28kg (SA) ** Mavlab Fido’s aloe vera shampoo 250 ml Mavlab Fido’s black gloss shampoo 1 l Mavlab Fido’s emu oil shampoo 1 l Mavlab Fido’s emu oil shampoo 250 ml


MAGAZINE - AUTUMN 2013 Autumn 2013 Myles Stewart Hesketh In 2002 when I was managing the Middle East agchem market for a large agricultural chemical company, I was invited by the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture to examine two packs of what appeared to be identical products, each claiming to contain 25 gram of DuPont’s Granstar® (Tribenuron-methyl), a broadacre herbicide. However, they informed me that one pack was genuine and one was a counterfeit or fake. Which was the fake? A close examination of the packaging revealed that one pack had a slightly better appearance than the other so the latter must be the fake? Wrong, the package with the better appearance was the fake! So what was the fake product? It was cocoa, fine for preparing a drink, but totally useless for crop protection. I am sure some readers will be saying, “Okay, 25 grams is a small quantity so this is not really a major problem!” However, in Egypt, Granstar® sold for US$500/kg so a 25-gram pack cost the Egyptian farmer US$12.50 in a country where the GDB is US$6,281 per capita (World Bank). This price is affordable if the farmer receives value for money, but a fake product means that the purchase is wasted. To compound the problem, if the farmer does not discover the fake before application, he will face a loss of yield as well because of the weed problem. There are four million smallholder farmers in Egypt with an average farm size of two-thirds of a hectare. Therefore US$12.50 is a large amount of money for a peasant farmer whose income is well below the national average. Around half of these farmers purchase 25 grams of Granstar® for the three crops they grow each year so the implications of a fake product were a very serious problem for DuPont as well. If government authorities don’t respond Unfortunately the Egyptian government did nothing about the problem even though police were perfectly entitled to prosecute each reseller who stocked the fake product, and to confiscate the same. As a result, 10 years later more than 50% of the pesticides sold in Egypt are counterfeit, generally smuggled across the borders from Sudan and Libya.


Agriculture is the largest economic sector in Egypt and it has plummeted in value as output falls. Large corporate farms, with far greater financial resources than the peasant farmer, are now importing their own pesticides from the US to bypass the system – and are probably importing unregistered product. Never in Australia I am sure most readers are now saying, “This could never happen in Australia.” However, this attitude is wrong – counterfeit products could easily reach Australia if they have not done so already. The difference between the supply of sub-standard generic products (which are entering Australia as I write) and counterfeit products is marginal. Therefore, we must nip the sub-standard generic problem in the bud before it transforms into the importation of counterfeit products en-masse. The people who offer you generics at a price “too good to be true” or on a “special deal” are more than likely offering you sub-standard generic products. In other words they are cheating you! You may have heard or read the amusing line, “if the price is too good be true it probably is!” That is, amusing until you are victim! The price will certainly prove to be too good to be true and, in the final analysis, will finish up costing you more than you would pay for a reputable generic brand such as APPARENT. Gucci® is one of the world’s most recognisable brands, symbolising a wide range of high quality, luxury goods. The Gucci® organisation commenced selling leather goods in Florence, Italy in 1921 and with it the founder penned the famous credo of “Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten”. (A credo is a set of fundamental beliefs or a guiding principle). Many other companies modified the Gucci credo to fit their own needs and many more have followed the principle. While the world of agricultural chemicals may appear to be far removed from the luxury goods industry, the reality is that the Gucci® credo applies to any company which strives for customer satisfaction and, with it, a long term position in the industry that it serves. 17.

NEW PRODUCTS NOW IN YOUR AIRR WAREHOUSE 9416 8919 8956 8957 9371 9372 8977 8976 8979 8978 9369 8980 8981 9182 8982 11283 11222 11223 11221 11220 11280 11278 11277 11279 11253 11230 11228 11231 11229 8492 11240 9768 4037 11056 11057 11058 11059 11051 11052 11053 11050 11049 11048 11047 11045 11046 11044 11090 11054 11055


Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab Mavlab Mudgee Dolomite & Lime Nestle Nestle Ranvet Rabvet Redtop Fly Catchers Redtop Fly Catchers Redtop Fly Catchers Redtop Fly Catchers Companion Animal Robank Stock Feeds Robank Stock Feeds Robank Stock Feeds Robank Stock Feeds Ridley Sumitomo Troy Laboratories Virbac Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin Royal Canin

Mavlab Fido’s flea bomb 125 g Mavlab Fido’s fresh coat spray 125 ml Mavlab Fido’s herbal rinse conc 250ml Mavlab Fido’s herbal rinse conc 500ml Mavlab Fido’s oatmeal conditioner 1 l Mavlab Fido’s oatmeal conditioner 5 l Mavlab Fido’s oatmeal&baking 250ml Mavlab Fido’s oatmeal&baking soda shm 1l Mavlab Fido’s puppy & kitten sham 250ml Mavlab Fido’s puppy & kitten shampoo 1 l Mavlab Fido’s pyrethrin shampoo 5 l Mavlab Fido’s senior pet cond sham 250ml Mavlab Fido’s tea tree oil shamp 250 ml Mavlab Fido’s tea tree oil shampoo 1 l Mavlab Fido’s white & bright shampoo 1 l Mudgee Ground Limestone 25kg(Syd Only)** Nestle Pro Plan Puppy Ckn/Rice 15kg Nestle Pro Plan Puppy Lmb/Rice 15kg Ranvet Salt Lick 10kg Holder Ranvet Salt Licks (Iodised) 10kg Redtop Flybait (one bait sachet) Redtop Service Pack (bag & bait)/unit Redtop Standard Flycatchers 8L Redtop Trapa 3L Revolution Dog + Canex 5.1-10kg 6’s Robank Custom Non Oat 22.5KG (DAR/MEL)** Robank Custom Non Oat 22.5KG (SYD)** Robank WeightGain 30KG (DAR/MEL)** Robank WeightGain 30KG (SYD)** Rumevite Horse Block 20kg (WA Only) ** Sumitomo DiPel DF 50kg Troy Electrolyte Repl 20kg Virbac Rapigel 200Gms Squeeze Tube Royal Canin Cat Fit 4 kg Royal Canin Cat Indoor 4 kg Royal Canin Cat Intense Hairball 4 kg Royal Canin Cat Oral Sensitive 3.5kg Royal Canin Dog Boxer 12 kg Royal Canin Dog German Shepherd 12 kg Royal Canin Dog Labrador 12 kg Royal Canin Dog Maxi Adult 15 kg Royal Canin Dog Maxi Junior 15 kg Royal Canin Dog Medium Adult 15 kg Royal Canin Dog Medium Junior 15 kg Royal Canin Dog Mini Adult 2 kg Royal Canin Dog Mini Adult 8 kg Royal Canin Dog Mini Junior 2kg Royal Canin Exigent Savour Sens 4kg Royal Canin Kitten 2 kg Royal Canin Kitten 4 kg

MAGAZINE - AUTUMN 2013 Not worth taking the risk There is nowhere that “value for money” is more true than farming where the cost of the agricultural chemical inputs represent a very small percentage of the yield. I have seen figures which show that without use of herbicides, wheat yields could be 30% less, and without fungicides, entire crops of grapes or strawberries could be completely written-off. Under these circumstances it is difficult to understand why a 30 cents/Litre price reduction on an unknown glyphosate brand is all that important when so much is at stake. If the cheap glyphosate does not work satisfactorily the yield will diminish and reduce farm income. If the fungicide fails to work the consequences could be very serious.

Cheating isn’t as hard as may think Unfortunately it is easy to cheat when producing an agricultural chemical and cheating (to anyone but a chemist with sophisticated equipment) is very difficult to detect – until you see the results. The following are some of the tried and true methods of cheating in agricultural chemicals: o Using the APVMA 5% margin-of-error on the level of active material to unethical advantage. o Using active material below the standard level of purity, for example, much of the cheap Glyphosate entering Australia at the moment has been produced from 93% technical instead of the minimum standard of 95%. o Use of less active material than required, that is, below the APVMA 5% margin-of-error. o Using surfactants and wetters that are cheap, but ineffective, for example, detergent is sometimes used as the wetter in cheap Glyphosate. o Using wetters in Glyphosate which work perfectly well in Asia, but are not designed for the hot, dry climate of Australia. o Using surfactants and wetters produced by reputable companies, but by diluting their product to a very low level. For example, some Glyphosate suppliers claim they use Huntsman Terwet 3780 in their product, but instead of using 120 gram per litre (for Glyphosate 450) they dilute the wetter to 30 gram per litre.


o Use of incorrect but cheaper solvents. o In the case of WGs and SCs, product particle size may not be milled to the correct level and therefore the product is less efficacious. This is why some brands of Flutriafol work better than other brands. o Use of conventional wetter in Glyphosate 360 branded as containing a low-toxic aquatic wetter. o Selling product that should otherwise be discarded because of higher than mandated levels of toxic materials, for example, nitrosamine levels in Trifluralin 480. o Substitution. Providing a sample of high quality product from a reputable source and then delivering low quality product. o Use of product on non-approved crops. o Sale of unstable emulsion concentrates (ECs). Therefore, how can an uninformed buyer navigate through this minefield of potential defects? The answer is actually very simple! Buy a recognisable brand from a reputable company and do not be fooled by glossy or impressive packaging. At APPARENT our first priority is product quality and then we identify a reputable producer who can supply the product at the best value for money. More often than not the producer will also be a supplier to an Multi National Corporation (MNC), but because we do not seek the same return as an MNC and due to lower overheads we are able to offer a top quality product at lower price. However, like the MNCs, we are a long-term participant in the Australian market and we will be around and accountable in the unlikely event of a problem occurring.


RODENTICIDES No matter what your rodent problem, with a choice of actives — brodifacoum, bromadiolone, diphacinone or zinc phosphide, SureFire is your solution!

tel 1800 630 877



AIRRweb FAQ’s “Why Can’t I Change Where I Want my order to be dispatched from?” •

As most of you are aware your account is automatically linked to one of our AIRR Warehouses nation wide. In this example Melbourne is the default warehouse

As long as you have NO ITEMS in your cart, you can change the warehouse from where you would like your order to be dispatched from. Once you have items in your cart, you CANNOT change the warehouse. It’s important that you are aware which warehouse you have selected if you are a customer that orders through several warehouses. A good idea is to get into the habit of looking at the top of your screen before beginning your order to see which warehouse is actually selected.

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Nutrition for canine reproduction The objectives of a good dog breeding programme are to produce strong, healthy offspring and there is wide understanding of the role of genetics in achieving this. Less well understood but just as important is the role of a well-managed nutritional programme for the breeding bitch. There is strong evidence to suggest that maternal malnutrition can negatively impact the pups while still in the womb and other studies which suggest that nutrition may even have an effect on the number of puppies in a litter. Preparation for breeding The primary nutritional consideration for breeding is ensuring the bitch is in an appropriate body condition. Too thin and she will struggle to provide sufficient energy to meet her own needs let alone those of her growing puppies and too fat and she may have difficulty conceiving or may be predisposed to a difficult birth. A bitch that is underweight is more likely to have lower birth weight pups and the mortality rate of puppies from underweight bitches is generally higher. Her recovery after weaning is also likely to be slower if she was too thin during gestation and lactation. A dog in ideal body condition will have ribs that are easily palpable without excess fat covering but the tops of the lumbar vertebrae and pelvic bones should not be visible or prominent.

Feeding during pregnancy It is recommended that the bitch is fed a high quality puppy formula just before or immediately following breeding and this diet is maintained throughout the pregnancy and until after weaning. This ensures the bitch is acclimatised to the new diet and is receiving optimum benefit from the food and her growing pups will be more easily weaned onto a food they have been nourished by in utero. However, be aware that a puppy formula is a high calorie diet and care should be taken that the bitch does not put on excess weight in the early stages of the pregnancy. The energy needs of a brood bitch can vary widely and will depend on her size, temperament, the environmental conditions (temperature and housing) and the work level required of her during pregnancy. During the first trimester (up to 3 weeks) of the pregnancy there is usually no need to reduce activity levels, however it is recommended that exercise is reduced during the second trimester (3 – 6 weeks). During the third trimester (6 – 9 weeks) the bitch’s tolerance of activity will usually determine the appropriate level but care should be taken not to overtax a willing working dog. Calorie needs will change as the pregnancy progresses from no change during the first trimester to up to 1.5 times the maintenance level during the final stages of gestation. During lactation the calorie needs of the bitch will depend on the number of pups being nursed. Feeding during lactation Nursing a litter of pups is the most energy demanding state a dog will ever achieve and will require a high calorie diet to ensure the growing pups get sufficient nutrition from


the bitch to thrive. Research has shown the calorie needs of a nursing bitch are around 4000 – 4400 calories a day compared to the 1200 - 1500 daily requirement of a typical adult pet dog. A diet with insufficient calories can cause significant weight loss in the bitch which leads to decreased milk production. Importantly a high calorie diet will also allow the dam to maintain her own body condition ensuring a faster recovery after weaning and an earlier return to peak working performance. As well as ensuring a high quality puppy food is provided, the bitch should be given access to food continuously throughout the day or as several small meals and the bitch should be fed separately from the puppies to ensure she can eat in a restful environment away from her demanding puppies. Fresh water must be provided at all times as the dam’s water requirement can increase by up to 3 times during lactation. Practical Tips for Lactation • Feed a highly digestible, high calorie diet preferably the same as was fed during pregnancy e.g. PRO PLAN Puppy or PRO PLAN Performance • Feed to prevent excess weight loss and therefore maximise milk production • Feed multiple small meals or provide continuous access to food (commercially prepared dry food is ideal for this) and allow the bitch to eat away from the puppies • Slowly reduce the dam’s food intake after the 4th week • Always provide access to clean fresh water Do lactating bitches need supplements? The simple answer is NO! A high quality complete and balanced dog food, formulated to meet the nutritional needs of growth and reproduction, will supply the appropriate amounts of all the nutrients the bitch needs. Unless specifically directed by a veterinarian or a specialist nutritionist, supplements are unnecessary and can lead to nutritional imbalances which in some instances can exacerbate the condition they were trying to prevent.



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Grazing management lowers worm burden at Kurrajong Park Worm control tips: Grazing management keeps worms at lower levels to avoid worm outbreaks. Strategic drenches at pre-lambing and weaning keep susceptible sheep from developing large worm burdens and reduce further pasture contamination with worms. Regular worm testing is the basis for extra drenches. A multi-pronged approach of grazing management, regular monitoring, resistance testing and strategic drenching, has been the key to managing worm burdens in the 20,000-head flock at Kurrajong Park, Coolah.

The Paspaley Rural property is managed by Shane Curtis, who believes that staying on top of worm populations has been the key to reducing the number of drench applications each year while also keeping the Merino flock healthy and profitable. “I use a number of worm control strategies to get the best possible control at the least cost,” Mr Curtis said. “Without regular worm egg counts I wouldn’t know how things are going. I get a quick turnaround on samples plus recommendations and extra advice when needed from Rad Nielsen at VHR in Armidale.”

to clean up those paddocks. “Lambing ewes can really contaminate paddocks with worms so we rest our lambing paddocks from sheep from December through to July so they are pretty clean. “We generally drench the ewes before they go in them to lamb and this keeps the worms in check and prevents big infections later. “Both the ewes and lambs are drenched at weaning in December and lambs tend to get drenched again in April. Aside from the pre-lambing and weaning drenches, most other drenching is done on the basis of a worm egg count.” Mr Curtis tests for worms at regular intervals through the year and before major sheep activities such as shearing, crutching, lamb marking and weaning. Some wether mobs are only drenched once a year; very rarely more than twice. “I find worm egg counts an important part of the sheep program as it allows me to determine the types of worms my sheep are carrying, then select the appropriate drench,” he said. “I choose the drench based on worm burden, time of year and the season, what paddock the mob is going to and using results from our three-yearly drench resistance tests.” · More information on worm management can be found on the WormBoss website,

The mixed farming operation is comprised of 8000 breeding ewes, 12,000 wethers, 1000 commercial cattle and 200 stud cows, as well as 5000 hectares of crop. Mr Curtis said that on such a large operation an outbreak of worms could be a disaster, both in production loss and the logistics of treating such large numbers quickly. He uses three grazing strategies to prevent worm populations from reaching a tipping point. “I try to run the sheep on stubble after harvest, especially if they get drenched, as this helps to control a lot of the worm burden in paddocks,” he said. “On the odd occasion where we’ve had a severe outbreak of worms we use cattle












At Barastoc, we just want what’s best for your eggs. Scientifically formulated by leading Australian Poultry Nutritionists, Darling Downs Layer is ideal for your home flock. Providing balanced levels of protein, energy, vitamins and minerals, including calcium, Darling Downs Layer is a complete feed designed to support the health of your laying hens.

Q 0 H DG

To learn more about the Barastoc Poultry Range, visit your local AIRR store, contact Ridley Sales & Support on 1300 666 657 or visit

WHY FEED PREMIUM PUPPY FOOD Superior Health Benefits

Poor NutritioN


improved brain development - DHA from fish oils to assist with brain development, helps make smarter, more trainable puppies - Helps prevent unwanted behavioural problems

Nutrient dense - Best quality ingredients with 100% nutrition, 0% fillers - Feed less to suit a puppy’s small stomach size and reduces the amount of waste

Breed size specific requirements - Great Danes have very different nutritional needs to Chihuahuas - Energy, Protein, Calcium, Phosphorus and kibble size all vary depending on breed size - Small, medium and large breed formulas to ensure appropriate rate of growth and development

Antioxidants - Vaccinations and food provide critical protection for puppies whilst immune systems are developing - Strengthens the immune system as well as increasing the effectiveness of vaccines

Stools - Beet pulp fibre to aid the digestive process and promote intestinal health - Prebiotics promote the growth of healthy bacteria and help reduce flatulence




You wouldn’t like your competitor/s walking into your shop or town and selling products you stock to an existing customer of yours. Online stores are most definitely doing that to you if you do not have an e-commerce presence. Online stores are absolutely everywhere, and they know no bounds. It is important to note that AIRR does not sell to stores that solely trade online, but do sell to quite a few that realise the opportunity and have on online arm to support their bricks and mortar. Quite a few of our AIRR and Tuckers members sell online in addition to the traditional shopfront. This is undoubtedly the way of the future and great support to your store – showcasing your store 24/7 is something that AIRR encourages. We do it already with our warehouses, and can assure you we get orders at all hours! - In dollar terms, online spending grew by around +19% year-on-year to June 2012. - Smartphones are further stimulating further growth in online sales. Over 45% of internet searches on smartphones are shopping related. - Why else do you and I use online other than convenience? Range. Range. Range. With AIRR now heavily playing in two distinct markets – for you the retailer it is important to look at what your competitors are doing and seeing if their is are sales opportunities being missed. RURAL MARKET ONLINE PRODUCE/FODDER SELLING MARKET • Online sellers: very few nationally with shopfront; Elders, other stores and only online businesses ie Agsave) • Effect: low at this point, but growing • Value to end user: On key animal health and ag chem any value of online is very low. On items not usually • Stocked in stores convenience is high.

• Online sellers: all major chains with shopfronts (Petbarn, Petstock, Big W & supermarkets), large majority of other stores aswell as online only businesses. • Effect: High. • Value to end user: Convenience. Can buy any time, anywhere. Generally know what they want as buy same every week. Extremely well serviced online.

• Pricing: Service, expertise and advice is a considerable part of the value pie, which counts in price. It has to. On ancillary items convenience rules over price.

• Pricing: Independents are the cheapest in the market. Do not have overheads of the big boys and massive franchise costs to recover.

• Price matching: Very easy to match price in the rural game due to very level pricing structure of R&D products available at all leading retailers.

• Price matching: Given above, extremely hard for competitors to match independents everyday pricing.

• Buying rationale: Farmers buy a solution; be it prevention or cure. Farmers are now also starting to buy convenience.

• Buying rationale: Go with the tried and true + repeat purchasing. May go for like product if on special.


This is generalising a bit I know however the short and sweet facts are in the produce market we are all missing sales if you are not online. This means there sales opportunity currently not being realised. With this, Ecommerce will very soon be available to Tuckers members nationwide. This will form part of the brand new website which is yet another benefit of the Tuckers membership. At this stage there are no plans for an e-commerce function for AIRR rural members, but as ever we will always keep our ear out for ideas that can make our members money. Points to consider: Agsure prices do not include freight. All goods come from Melbourne. If adding Ecommerce to your own site, ensure to keep it fresh. This also does take time and money. Draw attention to your online store through other advertising, including online but also print Be patient. Results might take time. Think of it as cost effective advertising. Like all advertising, the residual value is worth plenty – but hard to measure. The online world is powerful and can assure you it is going nowhere. It is increasing competition; there would be quite a few you aren’t aware of. Consider your market, look at your competitors & you may very well see sales upside. The market no longer has boundaries. One last take home; the smaller the item, the bigger the retail margin!!


Progress, Progress, Improve Improve& &Evolve Evolve Why? Why? Pets make the world a better place. We want to make the world Pets make the world a better place. We want to make the world better for pets by continuing to improve and evolve our products better for pets by continuing to improve and evolve our products with global science and local knowledge. with global science and local knowledge. Canine New Packaging Canine New Packaging Super premium Super food premium food Health first Health Days first feeding Days feeding Key claims

Key claims

Lifestage & Variety Lifestage & Variety Aust Made

Re close function & laser score for Re close function easy opening & laser score for easy opening

Actual kibble Actual size kibbleLifestage size& Variety Lifestage & Variety WALTHAM Mark WALTHAM Dog Mark Image Dog ImageSign of good health Sign of good health Brand you can trust Brand you can trust Claim details Claim Breed details Size Breed Size

Complete & Balanced Complete claim & Balanced claim

AAFCO Nutrient profile AAFCO Nutrient profile

Aust Made

Progress, Improve & Evolve Progress, Improve & Evolve What’s in it for you

Demand & Awareness – What’s inhas it become for you ADVANCE one of the biggest wellness brands in Australia, Demand & Awareness – by key influencers including Veterinarians, Vet Nurses, it’s used and recommended ADVANCE has become one ofAustralia the biggest brands in Australia, Breeders, Pet trade, Guides Dogs andwellness many service dogs because it’s a it’s usedbrand and recommended by upon. key influencers including Veterinarians, Veteasier Nurses, trusted that they can rely Our new packaging will make it even to Breeders, Pet trade,in-store Guides at Dogs and many service dogs because it’s a find and recommend the Australia point of purchase. trusted brand that they can rely upon. Our new packaging will make it even easier to find and–recommend in-store at the point of purchase. Service Our sales force is second to none. Apart from being pet lovers they are business Service – that are dedicated to helping grow your business and assist in; consultants OurNutritional sales force is second none. Apart from being pet lovers they are business and technicaltotraining consultants that are to helping grow your business and assist in; Selling benefits anddedicated techniques Nutritional technical training Store layoutsand & displays Selling benefits and techniques Promotional activities Store layouts & displays Margin and profit Promotional activities Margin andthe profit We understand pet food segment is becoming cluttered and confusing, so we developed an uncomplicated range that reflects market trends. Werange understand the pet food segment becoming andprovided. confusing, Our is designed to maximise your is return on thecluttered shelf space so we developed an uncomplicated range that reflects market trends. Our range is designed to maximise your return on the shelf space provided.

Please contact your local MARS Area Sales Representative for more information Please contact your local MARS Area Sales Representative for more information



“A lot of things have changed over the years. But not WFI’s friendly service.”

Roseworthy Farm - Lindsay

Meet Lindsay. He’s been insuring his farm with WFI, part of Wesfarmers Insurance, for as long as he can remember. Which is not surprising because we have over 90 years of experience in farm insurance. During his time on the land, Lindsay reckons one of the things that hasn’t changed is the friendly, personal service he receives from his local WFI Area Manager. As a result, he always knows who to call, from enquiry to claim.

To find out for yourself why we’re good people to know, call 1300 934 934 or visit

To see if our products are right for you, always consider the PDS from the product issuer, WFI (ABN 24 000 036 279 AFSL 241461).


Given autumn marks the onset of peak rodent season it’s timely to make you aware of the valuable contribution the Surefire brand of rodenticides can make towards eliminating these pesky little…...critters. Surefire has achieved strong market acceptance over the years and through continued effort and investment in product development you can rest assured that Surefire will live up to the expectations of even your most discerning customers. By way of a refresher, our Surefire Allweather Rodent Blocks are a second-generation anti-coagulant using the active ingredient – Brodifacoum. These are a single feed rodenticide and more appropriate for when rodent numbers are high or a fast kill is required. Surefire Broma Blocks are also a second-generation anti-coagulant but contain the active ingredient Bromadiolone. Bromadiolone has a lower toxicity and perhaps the more appropriate product if poisoning of non-target species is a concern. If you are really

worried about potential poisoning of non-target species, including pets, why not try our Ramik green pellets - a first generation anti-coagulant that uses Diphacinone as the active ingredient. Both Surefire All-weather Rodent Blocks and Surefire Broma Blocks are an extruded wax block and both are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Both forms of blocks weigh an average of 15gm and are packaged in sizes ranging from 150gm to 1kg sachets and from 2.4kg to 8kg buckets. And remember for added safety, particularly around children or pets, use Surefire lockable rodent stations in conjunction with any of the Surefire rodent blocks…. they are made for each other. Surefire Zinc Phosphide is our rodent control bait for use in broad-acre crops. It is not suitable for use in or around buildings. Surefire Zinc Phosphide is made from quality locally grown wheat, which is carefully graded, cleaned and sterilized before being mixed with food-grade oil and zinc phosphide powder. It’s easily applied and requires no mixing. It’s highly effective and achieves rapid results with up to 90% control being typically achieved within 48 hours of application. Surefire Zinc phosphide is registered

MAGAZINE - AUTUMN 2013 for either aerial or calibrated ground application equipment. It has a low secondary poisoning risk to nontarget species and degrades out in the open leaving no harmful bi-products. Which leads us to Surefire Broma Grain Bait, our latest product release which merges the convenience and practicality of a grain-based bait with the piece of mind of a lower toxicity active ingredient such as Bromadiolone. It comes in a choice of two convenient pack sizes – 2kg and 10kg buckets and offers further flexibility in treatment options against rats and mice. All Surefire rodenticides provide you with effective knock-down power and superior palatability that results in an effective and value for money eradication of rats and mice no matter what your situation or application requirement.


We at PCT International have been working hard and invested heavily in upgrading our plant and equipment to further improve on the quality of our final product and to ensure that production quantities keep pace with demand. Demand derived from what can only be described as market success. And remember Surefire blocks and grain-based rodenticides are complemented by our range of physical and chemical control products as well. If you need assistance regarding any of the above give us a call on 1800 630 877, we would love to hear from you!

Global research effort takes up resistance challenge The evolution of herbicide resistance in weeds in crops poses a real threat to global food production and security, but the battle against it can and must be won.

“This week’s conference – the first of its kind in 30 years and the first ever in the southern hemisphere – reflects a global reinvigoration of research and international collaboration on herbicide resistance,” he said.

This was the message from Australian Herbicide Resistance Initiative (AHRI) director Stephen Powles in his opening address (editors: 18 February) to the Global Herbicide Resistance Challenge conference, supported by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC).

Being held at The Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle, Western Australia from February 18 to 22, the Global Herbicide Resistance Challenge is an international, multidisciplinary research conference addressing herbicide resistance.

“Especially in the major global grain crops such as rice, wheat, maize and soybean, herbicide resistant weeds are a real threat to productivity,” Professor Powles said.

Major issues being discussed include the threat of herbicide resistance and its impact on global grain production, alternatives to chemical weed control and the latest gene modification advances.

“In Australia, herbicide resistance is a major problem in cereal cropping systems across the country, especially in ryegrass.

For more information visit

“We must win the battle against herbicide resistance, just as medical science must win the battle against antibiotic resistance. “To do so we need good science coupled with good agronomy and good engineering. “We need well trained people at all levels from high science, right through to dedicated farmers implementing a range of practices. “This is why we are gathered here this week, with 100 speakers and 66 poster presentations addressing all areas of the science of herbicide resistance and its management in global food production.” Professor Powles said research was learning how to manage a number of aspects of herbicide resistance, and there had been successes including in the area of harvest weed seed control systems in Australian cropping systems.





Silvan has released their range of Selecta Spotpak 12 Volt sprayers with the Selecta Smoothflo pulsation free pumps in 50, 70, 100 & 200L capacities. These units are ideal for on-demand maintenance and weed management spraying alongside road verges, fence lines for fire breaks, vine rows, in orchards, or plantations. With capacities between 50L to 200L available, the Smoothflo sprayers are ideal for mounting on a vehicle tray or on a choice of motorised vehicles including Mules and ATVs. The Smoothflo Spotpak and Rakpak range has UV stabilised and impact resistant Polytuff tanks that ensure operators confidence. The product is designed for the harsh Australian sun. The tank mouldings also include indentations in the profile for tie down straps to secure the tank in place and the Rakpak has a baffled tank to minimise surge when travelling. There is a 135mm diameter filler lid with a breather and anti-spill feature with a suction foot filter. Each unit comes fully equipped, ready for use with a 12 volt DC pump which achieves a flow rate of up to 7 litres per minute open flow, maximum pressure of 120psi with no pulsation. Standard equipment includes a 3 metre length of battery cable with alligator clips for attachment to the battery of the mobile unit on which it is carried, 6 metres of quality 8mm chemical resistant delivery hose and a SpotJet spray gun fitted with a Teejet adjustable spray nozzle, that is ideal for close and distance spraying applications. Silvan Selecta spokesperson Greg Everett says that the sprayers are ideal for the application of agricultural chemicals. “The Smoothflo pump uses a pressure switch operation ‘on demand’ and is also auto bypassing adjusting the flow rate when approaching shut off pressure to maintain a smoother flow rate with minimal pulsation under low flow rates. ”The auto bypass feature makes the Smoothflo pump ideal for spot spraying at both fine and coarse droplet sizes by adjusting the flow rate while maintaining optimal pressure and constant flow.

“This feature means that the pressure sensing switch automatically starts the pump when the spray gun is in operation and stops when released. The Selecta Smoothflo Spotpak range is now available in tank sizes from 50 to 200 litres, and 70 litres for the ATV Rakpak making the range a favourite for the rural sector, resource managers, land management and government agencies as well as landscapers and contracting businesses. Recommended retail price of the Selecta Smoothflo Spotpak units start at $539.00 for the 50 litre capacity unit, $599.00 for the 100 litre and the 200 Litre unit at $659.00. The 70 litre Rakpak is $779.00 For more information contact Silvan Selecta dealers nationwide or call 1300 SILVAN (1300 745 826) email or see the website www. for technical information.

The Silvan Selecta 100 Litre Smoothflo sprayer is ideal for mobile application of agricultural chemicals or weed control agents. Able to be secured on the tray of a choice of vehicle types the 100 capacity unit with a 12 volt pump and an adjustable spray nozzle gun fills a host of needs in the rural sector, grounds management and for contractor uses.

Access AIRR pricing 24/7 • Go to • Log into “Members, Customer & Shareholder Log In Here for Latest Updates’ • You will then come to a screen that will look something like this:

• Depending on you AIRR Membership you will see a blue line that will say one of the following: o Member Pricing, News & Offers o Wholesale Customer News & Offers o VIP Customer News o Tuckers News & Offers • In this example above we have ‘member pricing, news & offers’


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• You will then come to a screen that will say “What’s New – January 2013”. Straight underneath this is the words “pricing” • Under “Pricing” you will all see something along the lines of ‘AIRR Pricelist’ as well as ‘AIRR Equine Pricelist’. To look at the master pricelist click on the first blue link called ‘AIRR Pricelist’. It will then take you to a screen where you can either open or save the file • Once you select your option the Master Pricelist will open up in Excel format. • Please be advised however that this pricelist is only current as of the start of the month. Prices are subject to change throughout the month so for up to date current pricing log onto your own account online and look up the product there, or contact your local AIRR Warehouse I hope that these couple of tips provide some use to you! If you have any questions, or currently do not have access to AIRR Web Online, simply email me at au. Happy online shopping!!




ZZIPPI AND PANORAMA SWAGS Quick Cover Canvas – DJB-08/02/13 Title: Choose the swag for you! ‘Choose the swag for you!’ is the theme of the Zzippi and Panorama 2013 swag range launch. It presents product combinations that meet the number one rule of retailing in being able to satisfy consumer choice. Having products that match the features buyers are looking for is the key to making every possible sale. The Zzippi and Panorama 2013 swag range goes the distance in providing for every swag style, quality and price point. The traditional-styled Ziel is the newest addition to the successful Zzippi swag family which includes the Colo traditional, and Yarra and Grampian domed styles. Zzippi Ziel is designed for teenagers and children venturing into the swag experience for the first time. It comes in full canvas in crisp blue and pink colours at the surprisingly low RRP price point of $129.00. The Zzippi swag range fulfils its promise of ‘zzip into swag comfort’ by meeting the four way test that buyers want in size, comfort, appearance and performance. Zzippi swags are full canvas with thick comfortable


Zzippi swags are full canvas with thick comfortable mattresses, in strong green, khaki, crisp blue, and bright pink. Zzippi swags complement the original Panorama Classic swag range and together provide a complete answer to consumers when deciding on the swag of their choice. Panorama Classic swags are made in Australia with Australia’s legendary canvas and are renowned for their quality craftsmanship, durability and generous proportions. Panorama Select and Classic ranges are available in flat, traditional, dome and apex styles in both standard colour range and exclusive fashion colours.



Give your Calves a Kick Start

There are many different theories and systems when it comes to calf rearing, all of which have their own characteristics and benefits. The one thing they all have in common is that they all start with the feeding of adequate amounts of high quality colostrum. With this in mind DASCO has released one of the first genuine colostrum supplements on the Australian market. Kick Start is a food supplement made from bovine colostrum powder and contains whey protein, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Kick Start contains high levels of Ig’s (immunoglobulin’s, which are the natural antibodies in maternal colostrum) and antibacterial’s, both of which may assist with immunity and intestinal protection to new born calves. The issue facing the farmer is producing enough high quality colostrum to feed all their calves. Many produce the litres required but it is not of a high enough quality to ensure their calves receive and adequate amount of antibodies, or they produce the quality required but not in high enough quantities. There are a variety of factors that may influence the protective capacity of colostrum….



Delaying milking after calving

The quality of the colostrum decreases the longer it is held in the udder

Volume of colostrum at first milking

Some farmers believe that high volumes of colostrum at first milking mean that the quality is poor. This may not always be the case (always check quality before discarding)

Age of dam

Older cows generally have better quality colostrum (due to greater exposure to disease)

Pooling colostrum

Pooling can dilute quality. Pooling colostrum is not recommended unless it is all of high quality. Only pool “like with like”


Breed does affect colostrum quality. Jerseys have the highest levels of IgG because of lower volume

Leaky cows

Cows that leak prior to calving usually have less IgG in their colostrum

Early calver’s

Cows that calve early (induced or naturally) generally have lower antibody levels

Length of the dry period

Dry periods less than 5 weeks are likely to decrease colostrum quality

Kick Start is designed to assist the farmer with their on farm colostrum management, by offering a product that can be used as an additive to maternal colostrum to ensure its quality, or as a replacement where maternal colostrum is unavailable. Providing the right amount of good quality colostrum very soon after birth really does get all calves off to a great start—the benefits include: • Less scours and other diseases • Reduced death rates • Better growth rates • Improved milk production in the long term Kick Start contains three key natural ingredients…. Immunoglobulin’s: are a group of proteins with antibody activities that are produced in response to infection by microorganisms, they help prevent and fight disease in a newborn calf. Lactoferrin & lactoperoxidase: are protein sources that have antibacterial activity. These proteins act to inhibit the colonisation of the intestine by pathogenic microorganisms. Kick Start is made in Australia from all natural products and contains no synthetic material giving it no withholding period. Kick Start is available in 400gm and 4Kg. For more information on this exciting new product contact DASCO on 1800 1 55369 or visit


Understanding your horse feed customer can drive sales and profit For retailers, making a living selling horse feed can be challenging. The equine feed marketplace is complex. Buyers of horse feed cover a vast spectrum of society and have different needs, expectations and values on which they base their buying decisions. Satisfying all segments of the market can be labour and capital intensive and trying to keep one step ahead of your customers can put pressure on your cash flow and send you prematurely grey. Servicing commercial customers such as trainers and studs requires special management skills - both to gain and retain their custom and more importantly to be able make a living on commercial margins and the extended payment terms that are too often the norm in this segment of the business. The range of feeds available is vast and often a customer will request a particular product that a friend or a trainer recommended or they read about in a magazine or online..... Most often it will be something that you don’t stock, haven’t heard of and don’t even know where to source. Horse owners are very good at sharing information and many recommendations are passed via horse forums or at events or meetings. There are plenty of fad feeds that come and go and all too often after going to great lengths to get the product in, when things quiet down, you are left to deal with the slow moving but rapidly expiring stock. Most often this occurs in what we loosely refer to as the “sport & leisure” marketplace, a segment that encompasses a vast array of diverse equine pursuits. Regardless whether it is camp-drafting, cutting, dressage, eventing, trail riding or pony clubbing, all participants share a number of common traits that smart retailers will recognise and capitalise on to directly benefit their businesses. Before we look at some strategies that can help you stay in control of your stock and your GM, let’s profile a “typical” sport and leisure customer and identify what they expect from their feed retailer and from the feed products they purchase. For this exercise we will call her “Mrs Brown.” In a typical retail feed business the “Mrs Brown’s” will make up approximately 50% of the customer base. “Mrs Brown” has 2 school age daughters who take their ponies to the local Pony Club and who aspire to ride for Australia one day. She has a quiet hack that she takes to adult riding club every fortnight and old Robbie who was her competition horse before her husband and the kids came along and is now close to 30 years old. He has been a great horse so he gets plenty of attention and care. In total Mrs Brown feeds 4 horses consisting of 2 ponies, 1 hack and 1 cherished old gelding. Horses are a very important part of their family’s lives and lifestyle. They have invested heavily in a small acreage within a commutable distance to the city to enable them keep their horses at home. Mrs Brown’s partner works in the city and spends 2 hours each day commuting. Mrs Brown drives an 8 cylinder SUV which she uses to tow the 3 horse angle float. Horses are their life and as a family they have made numerous sacrifices for their chosen lifestyle. Pony Club takes up 2 days each month and with adult riding


club and Pony Club competitions there is never enough hours in the day. When there is no Pony Club or Riding Club there is always plenty to do around the property. Mrs Brown is very busy and very time poor. Mrs Brown spends plenty of time with other horse owners at Pony Club and Adult Riding Club and she buys most of her feed at her local feed store because they stock the products she wants and the person who looks after the feed section is on the Pony Club Committee, has plenty of knowledge and is always interested how her horses are going. Although she races around the supermarket when buying groceries, she seems to spend more time chatting at the feed store. Mrs Brown spends time online researching all things equine, is active on Facebook and follows a couple of horse forums. As the wellbeing of her horses is paramount, she buys a brand of feed that she can trust and will stay loyal to a particular feed unless she has a bad experience with it. She is likely to communicate with the manufacturer to check her diets of to make sure that she is doing the right thing. Every week Mrs Brown will purchase the following items for her horses• 2 bales of prime lucerne • 2 bales of oaten hay • 2 bags lucerne chaff • 2 bags of white chaff • 1 bag of Gumnuts for Robbie because he loves them and looks great for his age • 2 bags of Xtra Cool for the girl’s ponies to keep them calm • 1 bag of Economix for her own horse because he is ridden most days and needs more energy. • 1 bag of bran because she always gives every horse a bran mash on Sunday night • A 5 litre of Performa 3 Omega 3 fish oil as old Robbie is stiffening up and 50mls each day really helps him. • An electrolyte to give her horse after Riding Club Mrs Brown spends approximately $300 each week or $15,000 each year to feed her horses. Every month she will also buy wormers or a rug or a halter or a fly screen and during the Pony Club season she pays out on entries and extra fuel and registration for the SUV and horse float. Let’s look at some of the positive things that Mrs Brown brings to your business: 1. She buys every week. 2. Pays by cash or card. 3. Because she actually visits the store she will respond to specials, displays and impulse buys if given the opportunity. 4. Because she visits the store the owner and staff have an opportunity to develop a strong, lasting relationship with her. 5. She will report good service (and bad service) to her horsey friends. 6. She buys premium products that provide you with a healthy GM. 7. Because you have a good relationship with her she will respect your recommendations on products. Let’s now look at some initiatives that may enhance your relationship with a “Mrs Brown” type customer. Some are very obvious and will already be the norm in most stores. 1. Always greet her by name and ask after her horses. 2. Be prepared to spend some time with her- show an interest. 3. Know what products she usually purchases and understand why she chooses them so that you are confident that she is using the correct feed for her horses. Flag when she

buys wormers so that you can remind her when her horses are due again and provide her with advice about wormer rotation. 4. If you want to bring her attention to a new product or a special offer, make sure you know its features and benefits and how this could be relevant to Mrs Brown’s horses. 5. If she asks about a product that has been suggested to her but is not familiar to you, offer to find out about it and always get back to her before she comes into your shop again. This sends a clear message that you have taken her enquiry seriously and have acted specifically on her behalf. 6. Offer to support her Pony Club or Adult Riding Club before they ask. Mitavite can often support you with this so that the burden of cost is shared. 7. Have a notice board in store so you can facilitate an exchange of horsey info and contacts. 8. Make sure you have her email address and send her any articles or information such as the End User edition of the Mitaviter that may interest her. It is easy to create an email group by customer category to make this quick and efficient. Always add a personal note to the email and “blind copy” the recipients. 9. If Mrs Brown wants to change products, always discuss her motives and if justified provide a case for her to stay with her current products. This is particularly relevant if she wants to move to a product that you don’t stock or one that doesn’t provide you with a good GM. For example if she wants to move to a cheap pony feed make sure she understands that the feed rate will probably be greater and therefore it may not provide the savings that she expects and she will probably have to add a vitamin and mineral supplement to achieve the same nutritional integrity as her current feed. 10. If you rely on a “Product Champion” in your store to look after your horsey customers, make sure other staff members are up to speed with Mrs Brown’s usual requirements so that your relationship doesn’t take a backward

step if this person is away. “Jo is away today Mrs Brown but she told me you would probably be in for your Gumnuts and chaff.........” Mrs Brown will have established a “relationship” with her Mitavite feed over time. What this means is that she knows how it looks, feels and smells and how her horses eat it and what is does for them. Any change in the product or the performance of the product will be quickly noticed and often this is taken as a personal affront. As Mitavite is a Premium brand, users naturally have a high level of expectation and as manufacturers we strive to retain their trust. As the retailer you are effectively a partner in this “relationship” and can reap the benefits that accrue from stocking and promoting a premium product that has strong brand recognition and comes with its own set of values and standards.

Liquid Tapewormer, Broad Spectrum Wormer and Boticide for Horses Apple flavour Low dose formulation - 1mL / 50kg bodyweight Easy to administer making it difficult for the horse to spit out Cost effective treatment option particularly when treating multiple horses Safe to use in ALL horses, including foals, pregnant and lactating mares, and stallions Available in three convenient sizes; 50 mL, 100 mL and 1L. Applicators are provided with each pack

❝ At Bimbadeen Park we use a lot of the Imax ® Gold for our routine worming. It has been very successful! ❞

Active Constituents: Ivermectin 10 mg/mL and Praziquantel 75mg/mL.

For more information contact Bayer Animal Health 1800 678 368

IMAX ® is a registered trademark of Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Germany.



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Insatiable demand for Australian dairy produce in Asia The growing demand for Australian agricultural produce in Asia represents a sustainable opportunity for Australian dairy producers and processors, according to National Australia Bank (NAB). Speaking at International Dairy Week in Tatura, Victoria, the Director of NAB’s Asia Desk, Grant Healy, provided insights into some emerging trends and opportunities. “NAB has had a presence in Asia since the late 1960s, and the driving force we’re seeing on the ground is rapidly growing demand for Australian agricultural produce and the quality and consistency it represents,” said Mr Healy.

looking to secure food supply with operators and suppliers in Australia. China and Japan represent Australia’s most important dairy export markets, together accounting for almost a third of all Australian dairy exports. “Realising opportunities in these markets can be a challenge for processors and producers with limited experience or presence in Asian markets,” Mr Healy said. NAB works with businesses on both sides of the equator to establish relationships and networks across the region, providing market insights and actively supporting business development and trade flows into and out of Australia.

The market for Australian produced infant milk formula, in China in particular, is growing rapidly and this is forecast to continue.

Over the last 40 plus years, NAB has steadily grown its presence and networks through Asia, and today has a team of over 450 employees in China, Japan, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and Indonesia.

China’s 248 million-strong middle class continues to grow and the buying power of these consumers is driving sustainable demand for quality food products.

Photo – Grant Healy, Director Asia Desk, NAB.

“In addition to the dairy export staples of powdered and extended shelf life milk, we’re also seeing an increase in demand for products like cheese, butter and liquid milk,” Mr Healy said. China’s consumers are increasing their demand for protein, including dairy products, and the country is


New Zealand Company Takes a Fresh Look at Treating Tank Water Keeping water clean and drinkable is an ongoing problem when it is collected and kept in storage tanks. As well as ensuring these tanks are covered and that the water is filtered, most people still rely on chlorine-based water treatments to keep it clean and safe. Pour n’ Go, developed in New Zealand by GeoSil Pacific Limited, takes an entirely different approach. GeoSil Company Manager Neil MacDonald explains that whilst for years, water treatments have relied on using chlorine as a low cost disinfectant; it does have its drawbacks. The obvious snags include chlorine’s unpleasant smell and taste; but its other big weaknesses are its true effectiveness as a disinfectant and its ability to produce unpleasant chemical byproducts in the water. No one would argue that chlorine cannot be an effective disinfectant, but it has its limitations. Very often, the high doses that are required to kill many pathogens can make the water unpalatable to drink, and over time, many of these pathogens can become resistant to normal treatment levels. Even normal dose rates can result in unpleasant drinking water. Pour n’ Go is quite different. The most common ‘bugs’ found in water tanks are E. Coli, Salmonella, Legionella, Pseudomonas, Campylobacter and Hepatitis. Whilst chlorination can reduce the levels of these bacteria, Pour n’ Go can eliminate them without altering the taste of the water. Pour n’ Go is non-chlorine product that uses the synergistic effects of combining hydrogen peroxide and silver in a patented process to produce a very stable, long lasting, yet environmentally safe and easy to handle sanitiser. It is suitable for the control of all contaminants normally found in water that is obtained from rainwater collection areas, streams, ponds and springs. It is safe and easy to use, and when used correctly and sensibly will give rapid and pleasant-tasting results. Not only can Pour n’ Go kill the bacteria mentioned above, it has been shown to be able to kill over 200 other types of common pathogens. Since its release in New Zealand in 2010, Pour n’ Go 38.

has become increasingly popular. Gone are the days of people having to get the balance of taste versus effectiveness right. Too little chlorine and the water is not entirely disinfected; too much and it tastes and smells abhorrent. Another problem is that chlorinebased treatments do not clean the pipes leading out of the tank. Pour n’ Go excels at solving these problems. Pour n’ Go is safe and simple to administer and is made using only food grade ingredients, it is not harmful to people, animals or plant life. It has a very quick contact time and can be used as a ‘shock dose’ for water that has been standing in tanks for extended periods of time. And what’s more, Pour n’ Go can be used anywhere. Be it for domestic tanks where water has been gathered from the roof, or in holiday homes and caravans Pour n’ Go is safe, very efficient and best of all, tasteless. This means that it can be safely and easily used in other situations such as in mobile homes and private and commercial boats. In fact, it can be used in any tank or container where people store water for later consumption. Pour n’ Go is marketed in Australia by WaterGain Limited and is now available in AIRR stores around the country; and WaterGain’s New Zealand-based marketing manager, Guy Richardson is very confident of the product’s potential. “For the first time”, Guy said recently, “People now have a better alternative to chlorine-based tank water treatments. Pour n’ Go really does kill all of the bacteria and pathogens that can be found in tank water and what’s more, it is completely tasteless. This means that tank water can actually now taste fresh. We have enjoyed a huge take up of Pour n’ Go here in New Zealand and we are quite sure it will be just as well received in Australia.”



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internal and external water tanks s Holiday homes s Mobile homes s Yachts s Portable water supplies s Emergency water storage tanks Pour n’ Go is fully supported by

For more information and to place your first order contact: Dennis McIlwain P: (04) 29 622 528 E: W:

MAGAZINE - AUTUMN 2013 Castlereagh for performance If you are looking for a feed to provide the optimum competitive edge, then you must start with the right feeding solution. Castlereagh Feeds have developed a range of professional competition feeds designed to meet your performance expectations. We understand each horse is unique and their needs vary as you prepare for competition. Our range varies from high protein feeds for increased muscle development and training recovery, cool energy barley based feed to help with focus and concentration or our high energy feeds ideal for horses in heavy work or vigorous competition. All Castlereagh mixes and pellets feature our unique All Natural recipe made from only premium quality, Australian grain, free from genetic modification. We keep processing minimal, locking in the natural wholegrain goodness that can be lost through over processing, cooking or extruding. We do this to help maximise absorption of important enzymes, essential vitamins and minerals to give your horse the winning edge. Showtime ShowTime is the ideal balance of protein & energy needed to give your horse that special X factor, not to mention great tasting. So if it is the winning edge you need, then Castlereagh ShowTime is the answer. • Minimum 16% protein critical for muscle development. • Cool grain, no oat content provides slow release of cool energy, minimising digestive disturbances for ease of absorption.


• Great tasting with added molasses (molafos gold) and canola oil to enhance palatability, enticing even the most fussiest of eaters. Suitable for thoroughbred race horses, standard bred trotters, pacers and elite sport horses. Pro Show Castlereagh Pro Show pellets ensure the availability of proteins and minerals which will deliver a wellconditioned show horse without the fizziness. Pro Show is a balanced, cool energy feed & condition enhancer designed to improve mental focus and manageability. The high protein content promotes quick recovery, muscle repair and reduces digestive disturbance. Pro Show keeps your horses or ponies in peak condition by improving stamina, promoting muscle tone, and a strong top line. Concentrate Conditioner Concentrate Conditioner is designed to add condition to your horse or to provide that extra oomph of energy needed for pre training thoroughbreds, racing, sport horses, endurance or for high impact polo ponies. This feed contains oat and corn for high energy. Soybean meal & lupins have been added to provide the protein needed to enhance condition and recovery.

THE BIG GUNS IN THE WAR AGAINST INTESTINAL WORMS Nature Vet’s Rotational Program protects your horse against ALL of the major worms found in Australia. Reduces the potential risk of worm resistance.


2 Months x1 R x 1 Month 2





Rotation is easy. Use AMMO (Red) Allwormer for one year and AMMO (Green) Rotational Wormer the next year. This combination offers your horse 24 months protection.*


AMMO Rotationa










* Note: During green rotational year a dosing with red AMMO is necessary on two occasions for bot and tapeworm control during the months of Autumn and Spring. ® AMMO is a registered trademark of Ceva Animal Health Pty Ltd


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When did your insurer last visit you on-site? We all know that insurance is essential for the protection of our business and livelihood, but sometimes it can seem a complicated and confusing product to purchase. How do you know that you are covered for the right amount? Every business is different; therefore your insurance requirements are different. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if someone visited you on-site to assess your situation? Well that person is only a phone call away! WFI, one of Australia’s leading farm and business insurers, prides itself on offering personal, on-site, service. Your local WFI Area Manager can visit you on-site to conduct an insurance risk assessment, outlining the various insurance options you may need to consider.

one integrated package. This can not only be cost effective, but also easier to manage. What’s more, you also have the convenience of combining your domestic insurance. WFI operate with the simple philosophy of striving for excellence in claims and service. When someone decides to do business with WFI, he or she is treated as an individual. From the moment of first contact to the settlement of a claim, clients can be sure of personal attention from a professional and experienced team. This is why WFI are good people to know. Contact your local WFI Area Manager today on 1300 934 934. Alternatively you can visit au for more information.

WFI are part of Wesfarmers Insurance and specialise in providing farm, business and strata insurance packages that you can tailor to suit your requirements. With WFI you have the flexibility to combine a number of insurance policies into

The history of worming!

Up until the late 80’s horses were “bombed” or tubed regularly with Benzimidazole (BZ) or white drenches. Then the revolutionary discovery of Ivermectin (Macrocyclic lactone) changed the face of worming forever. You could relatively and easily worm your own horse at home inexpensively with a broad spectrum drug. It didn’t do all parasites but with the addition of a few other ingredients a bit later on, they soon did. So from about 2000 onwards everyone used Ivermectin based products to worm horses, sheep, cattle, goats etc. Unfortunately widespread resistance in now seen amongst farms that have used Ivermectin based products for long periods. A newer family of wormers containing compounds such as Morantel tartrate fit into the Tetrahydropyrimidine family. Rotational worming – Or changing family of worming drugs was introduced to try and combat this widespread resistance. However we now know that this is poorly understood and carried out. It’s hard to know if you have a problem, which ‘New’ worm paste to change to and for how long. How do we treat for worms? Basically the best way to treat worms and minimise resistance is to adopt a “Test and Treat” regime as well as implement the normal accepted environmental or “Farm” management strategies. Your veterinarian can 42.

do a relatively cheap FEC (Faecal egg count) before and after worming to tell you exactly how your current worming product is working on your property and which horses are high shedders that need broad spectrum treatment (for instance – Ammo Allwormer that contains Abamectin and Morantel Tartrate (Tetrahydropyrimidine family)! At other times it may be valuable to use a rotational style wormer such as Ammo Rotational (Benzimidazole family). If you have been using wormers such as those that contain Ivermectin ( Macrocyclic lactone family) for many years, it’s a good idea to see if you actually do have a resistance problem and if you need to swap over to a more targeted worming program. Talk to your vet for further advice on Testing for worms and about an environmental management strategy for your farm. Happy worming!

higher performance againSt all the important wormS

It’s a big country, with huge variations in rainfall, soil type, and farming operations. But wherever you run cattle and whatever your mix of parasite species, there’s one pour-on you can rely on to deliver higher performance against ALL the important worms – EPRINEX®. With longer acting, sustained performance against more species than any other pour-on!* So if you’re looking for higher performance againSt all the important wormS in your area – chooSe the pour-on with more grunt – eprineX.

Merial Australia Pty Ltd, Building D, 12-24 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 (ABN 53 071 187 285). *Of the endectocide class. See product label for full claim details. ®EPRINEX is a registered trademark of Merial Limited. ©2012 Merial Limited. All rights reserved. IVEP-12-000 A SANOFI COMPANY

A Powerful Combination

A combination of two powerful actives in one convenient dose. New eclipse delivers the power of a combination in a pour-on. A whole new level of parasite control for Australian beef producers. Brutally effective against all major internal parasites – including those resistant to endectocide drenches – eclipse delivers a level of parasite control you simply can’t get from conventional, single-active products. Take your parasite control to the next level. Double strength eclipse.

Twice the Pour-On now at your AIRR reseller.


Merial Australia Pty Ltd, Building D, 12-24 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 (ABN 53 071 187 285). ®eclipse is a registered trademark of Merial Limited. ©2011 Merial Limited. All rights reserved. ECLP-10-000


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