- Uptake Spraying Oil is a proprietary blend that offers superior performance with regard to crop safety, tank mix compatibility, and herbicide performance - Research and Development continues to expand Uptake Spraying Oil’s uses - Uptake Spraying Oil’s effective, recommended use rate is 0.5% versus 1% rate of other oils - There are NO copies of Uptake Spraying Oil on the market
Trademark of The Dow Chemical Company (“Dow”) or an affiliated company of Dow
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Range is the key
Business Planning– A Key To Success
Loss leaders – do they actually work?
Are Great Salespeople Born or Made?
AIRR and Waratah; a strong partnership
Drench resistance in cattle could thr eaten productivit y
To cheat or not to cheat
Bayer looks to support rural communities with up to $50,000
Caring For and Feeding the Pregnant Mare
Dow Growing Community Sports Clubs competition to give rural sports clubs an $80,000 boost
Four Corners dioxin
New Research- Uptake™ Spraying Oi l
Gallagher energizer technology halves free-range chicken mortality rate
Bayer taking the confusion out of the pet protection category
New products added to AIRR war ehouses
VIC & TAS Dave Beauchamp 0429 169 626
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Merial Australia Pty Ltd, Building D, 12-24 Talavera Rd, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 (ABN 53 071 187 285). ® eclipse is a registered trademark of Merial Limited. ©2011 Merial Limited. All rights reserved. ECLP-12-027.
Range is the key In my 35 years in this great business I have seen many changes and the most critical change that I believe in is that your store must increase its range to ensure we capture every sale. Whilst I appreciate that ranging up is a huge challenge especially on your finances in simple terms the challenge is easy and achievable by ensuring the
How do you fund the ranging up program:-
of supplying premium quality private label products and when we get the range to the numbers we desire it will give all independents a selling tool that is exclusive to independents across Australia.
1/ you clear all your slow moving stocks 2/ maintain your tough stance on your debtors and remove all slow paying debtors (please always remember that when a customer buys off the fore Our reasons are simple:mentioned their transactions, in the main, are at cash or credit card at point if sale) We need to create a range for all that cannot be sold in the big boys stores that will ultimately give you a level of How do you get your customers to exclusivity and a branding image that will notice your new range:set you aside from the so called “BIG BOYS.” 1/ POS promotion is always the best. Put the new range in the “hot spot” not Keep up the great work and we at AIRR out the back look forward to working with all to not 2/ make sure you have a colourful price only create a range and better pricing sticker on same. These grab the eye and but to allow all independents to have can give the impression of a bargain. some fun selling our extended range of Chemist Warehouse are great at this. products to our loyal and committed 3/ talk it up customers. 4/ ensure your store is clean, well merchandised and neat Peter Law.
The first thing that people do when they want to grow is look at market opportunities that offer Remember we are service based and do all the necessary significant value. businesses tasks to make our clients experience following steps are taken.
when shopping with us a memorable one.
Before I go into how to fund the process The old G’Day Jack, how was your day, let me tell all what is happening out there your footy side had a great win in the weekend is something only we can offer in terms of competition. as we are the face that greets them every You are seeing major corporate getting day. involved in the “space” that used to be sourced from rural players and produce Range creates opportunity for extra stores and below is why they are entering gross margin. the area. Why is this happening? Simply because the value of the market is so significant and everyone has an insatiable desire to grow their business and the first thing that people do when they want to grow is look at market opportunities that offer significant value. The players namely Coles, Woolworths, Pet Barn, Petstock, City Farmers, Chemist Warehouse etc are large business or franchise models that have ready access to cash and when they enter new spaces or get more heavily involved they can throw significant advertising dollars at their campaigns however I question their ability to offer the services that the independent reseller provides.
....by ranging up it takes the absolute focus away from price alone. Remember that the standard range is always competitive as everyone has what we have and by ranging up it takes the absolute focus away from price alone. As we all know AIRR is creating a new range of goods namely Independents Own (IO) which will also compliment the Apparent range and the reasons for this new range is simple. We will always maintain our mandate
Waratahs new JIO post rang ge has been desig gned to deliver a post that is even stronger, with greater fracture resistance so it can be restraightened and has 50% more holes. The unique oval holes, coupled with the new JIO Longlife速 fence post clips, provide more flexible wire attachment that is up to 20% faster. So, if you want a product that delivers stronger results for you and your customers, enquire today, and stock the new Waratah posts with the oval holes.
Phone: 13 10 80. www.onesteelwaratah.com.au ABN 59 000 010 873. 速Registered trademark of OneSteel Wire Pty Limited, Ingall Street, Mayfield, NSW 2304. TS1865
aratah and AIRR: a strong partnership into the future. Passion and change were the key themes when Managing Director of AIRR Peter Law addressed the Waratah National sales conference in Melbourne in July. Mr Law, whose passion for his job and his company could be seen from outer space, spent the afternoon with the Waratah team as he gave valuable insights into the changing needs of the rural market, and the importance of the relationship between Waratah and AIRR. Mr Law noted that there were key reasons why he felt the relationship between AIRR and Waratah had such a strong future ahead of it. “Simply put, it comes down to trust, appreciation of absolute support from Waratah, quality of product, of in field representation and of
management”, he said. The afternoon was a great opportunity for the Waratah sales team to ask Mr Law, how they could assist his members in growing their fencing businesses. The importance of nurturing strong partnerships with AIRR members has long been a focus of the Waratah sales team, who are the largest fencing sales team in Australia. Mr Law commented that strong relationships with customers built on trust were the way to a better working future with his members. “The Waratah and AIRR relationship is one of 100% commitment and whilst one should never say forever, I see no reason why what we have should not remain for as long as our businesses operate”, Mr Law said.
The Waratah and AIRR relationship is one of 100% commitment
As the only Australian manufacturer of fencing materials in the market, Waratah constantly strives to build solid relationships with distribution and its end users through delivering consistently on product quality and service, an attribute that Mr Law said was invaluable to have in a supplier. “You’re good at what you do. You’re the best in the game” Waratah’s National Sales Manager, Ross Lourie, commented on the big changes ahead for Waratah, referencing the recent launch of the new JIO fence post range as a key example of the commitment by Waratah to provide the market with innovative fencing solutions. “We are the market leader for a reason, however we must continue to strive to earn the right to be supplier of choice by both our distributors and our end users”, he said. Mr Law welcomed the comments from Lourie, throwing down the challenge to Waratah to better get to know his members’ fencing businesses and continue to grow into the future. “You’ve got to be there and you’ve got to ask the questions. Never assume”, he added. For assistance with Waratah products please contact your local Territory Sales Manager or call Sales & Service on 13 10 80.
Fencing factors – consider them all! Whether you are building a new fence or updating an existing one, there are a few simple questions to ask before you rush out and buy the same materials you always have. Spending time designing your fence may save you time and money when building and maintaining your next fence and longer term will likely give you a better performing fence. Waratah Fencing Rural Product Manager David Byrnes says there are a few things to consider when designing your fence. “Firstly, map your property, using a sketch, Google maps or similar. Then mark out your boundary fence lines, corners, angles and gates – done to scale this will help calculate the length of your fence lines.
“Also consider terrain. If your property is rocky and hard, consider using shorter steel posts that you don’t need to drive in too far and are easier to install. For loamy and soft soils, consider using larger profile steel posts that you can drive in further to establish better ground holding.
wire for the best protection from corrosion,” David said. Waratah’s new catalogue provides checklists for designing a fence and much more. It contains excellent information about designing, building and maintaining existing fencing as well as an introduction to the wide range of premium Waratah fencing products, designed to work seamlessly together, making fencing easier, faster and more cost effective.
“Waratah don’t just developandmanufacture innovative fencing products,wealsoprovide genuinefencingsolutions. With over a century of fencing experience, Waratah knows how to manufacture products for tough conditions, and help you to use them effectively.”
“Think too about the slope – for flat ground, post spacings may be increased and most wire “You can also mark-up the usage of certain areas of your property, be it for products are grazing, laneways, yards or cropping. suitable, but for sloping ground, This will help you determine the pressure your fences face, so you can post spacings decide to use more posts and wire for may need to be closer to high pressure areas, and less for the assist with wire low,” he said. attachment.” “The key to designing a fence that will do the job is to consider what you An ongoing consideration are trying to keep in or out. Waratah have developed a methodology called must also O.U.T™ (Over, Under, Through), to act be natural disasters. If fire as a guide when planning a fence to prevent animals from getting in or out. is a common occurrence, consider using low-medium tensile “Whether feral animals such as wild pigs, dogs or kangaroos, or containing Waratah wire which helps minimise the chance of the wire snapping or losing stock to certain areas of a property, a fence can be breached three ways: tension under the heat of the fire. going over it, under it or right through it. By considering what you are up against “If flood is a common occurrence, you can pick the right products for your consider using JIO MaxY posts to strengthen the fence line and Longlife needs.
“Waratah don’t just develop and manufacture innovative fencing products, we also provide genuine fencing solutions. With over a century of fencing experience, Waratah knows how to manufacture products for tough conditions, and help you to use them effectively.” To download the new catalogue or for more information on Waratah’s O.U.T methodology, including a selection of commonly used fence designs head to www.onesteelwaratah.com.au.
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Call us on Toll Free 1800 885 576 www.liceprotectionplus.com.au * For orders directly from Coopers. Power Doser™ is a trademark of Genesis Industries. ® Registered trademark.
Rotavec Corona saves dairy calves from scours Overcoming the costly scourge of calf scours has given new hope to Victorian dairy farmer Ross Lochhead, who has reduced calf deaths from 30 to just 1 in the space of 12 months thanks to a new rotavirus vaccine. Calf scours is a major cause of death in calves, as severe diarrhoea causes extreme dehydration in these vulnerable young animals. Coopers Animal Health has launched Rotavec Corona, an Australia-first preventative vaccine that combats major scours causing pathogens, including rotavirus, coronavirus and E. coli. Mr Lochhead milks about 500 Holstein and Jersey cows at Gundowring in Victoria’s
north east, and rears up to 300 calves a year. Over the last four years he and other farmers in the region have been losing an increasing number of their calves to scours. “It seemed to be getting worse and worse and last year we had a big outbreak – from day one of calving they had scours,” Mr Lochhead said. “We lost 30 calves and had to spend hours and hours in the sheds caring for the sick calves, plus we had the cost of electrolytes to keep them hydrated. Calves are just like new babies –they’re vulnerable to disease and they need lots of care.” Even when calves survive, the labour requirements, veterinary and drug bills, as well as the lifelong impacts on the animal’s productivity, all make scours an emotionally draining and financially costly problem for farmers. By vaccinating cows and heifers with Rotavec Corona prior to calving, and ensuring good colostrum management,
calf health can improve dramatically. “This year we lost just one calf and the only thing we did differently was to vaccinate with the Rotavec vaccine,” Mr Lochhead said. Having heard at Dairy Week in January that a new vaccine would soon be launched on to the market, Mr Lochhead was desperate to try Rotavec Corona as soon as it was released. “To lose one good heifer is an extreme cost, but if we save one heifer we’ve paid for the vaccine,” Mr Lochhead said. “We’ve actually made a lot of money this year through the great return on investment from Rotavec. “We’ll definitely be using it next year and a lot of farmers around here will be using it too.” Coopers Animal Health has a broad range of calf scours vaccines for your customers to optimise their calf health management programs. Find out more at www. coopersanimalhealth.com.au
New Research - Uptake™ Spraying Oil Graph 1. % Mean of spray droplet retention on broadleaf spp.
Graph 2. % Mean of spray droplet retention on grass spp.
In recent years the adjuvant market has become congested and confusing with numerous formulations and variations entering the market. Unfortunately, it is often hard to understand how these products will perform in the field.
Uptake provided greatest spray retention on both species and significantly more than any other adjuvant on wheat. Spraying Oil, Inbound® Spray Adjuvant, Hasten® Spray Adjuvant and Enhance® Spray Adjuvant. These adjuvants were applied to a broadleaf and a grass species in combination with Verdict™ 520 Herbicide, Broadstrike™ Herbicide, Garlon™ FallowMaster™ Herbicide and Gesaprim® Granules 900 WG Herbicide. Tests were run to assess spray droplet retention, spray droplet spreading and herbicide uptake.
Uptake Spraying Oil resulted in the highest level of herbicide spreading on both broadleaf and grass species. Doubling the concentration of crop oil always increased droplet spreading, often by at least a factor of two.
In the study looking at the uptake of herbicide into the leaf, the adjuvants tested preformed similarly with no practical differences between them. Mr Miller summarised “This study showed that Uptake Spraying Oil provided the highest level of spray retention and promoted the greatest spreading of herbicide spray droplets of all adjuvants tested, on both broadleaf and grass species. This information supports research previously The adjuvants done by Dow AgroSciences that had a significant determined that other adjuvants effect on the tested often needed to be level of retention used at higher rates to achieve of herbicides comparable results.” on both broadleaf and grass species; Photo’s of herbicide spread more so on the on a wheat leaf grass species as these are typically harder to wet due to their growth habit. Overall,
This study showed thatUptakeSpraying Oil provided the highest level of spray retention and promoted the greatest spreading Hub Miller, Dow AgroScience’s of herbicide spray Business droplets of all Manager for Commodities, adjuvants tested, on explains “What we do both broadleaf and know is that grass species. Uptake Spray
Oil is a well established brand with a reputation for quality and performance in the Australian Graph 3. Mean of Adjuvant spreading (mm2) on a crop protection market. So, as broadleaf spp. an industry leader in research and development, Dow AgroSciences has undertaken an initiative to put some of these adjuvants to the test.” An independent laboratory study recently compared Uptake
Verdict + Hasten 0.5% Graph 4. Mean of adjuvants spreading (mm2) on grass spp.
Verdict + Uptake 0.5%
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1800 226 324 or visit www.deadfast.com.au 15 Levot, G. (2008) Aust. J. of Ent. 47, 251-255. *Elanco , Extinosad and the diagonal colour bar are trademarks of Eli Lilly and Company. EAH12362
Gallagher energizer technology halves free-range chicken mortality rate Summary of operations Mulloon Creek Natural Farms, Bungendore, Products NSW Home Farm: 1,740 hectares (4,300 acres) 2 x M2800i Duralla: 590ha (1,450ac) Enterprise type: A-grade certified organic energizers, powering (Australian Organic) and biodynamic 10km of highall animals are free range resistance Produce Breed/variety netting Eggs Brown Bond chooks Beef
Devon (“Ruby Reds”) + Angus
Achievement summary • reducing free-range chicken mortality rates by 50% • time savings on fence checks reduced from 3-4 hours for 2 people, to 1 hour for 1 person
Mulloon Creek Natural Farms (MCNF) is an organic and biodiversity-accredited operation, straddling the Great Dividing Range west of Canberra (ACT). A commercial operation, the farm works closely with The Mulloon Institute, which researches environmentally sensitive and sustainable farming practices, then tests their commercial application. Phil James, MCNF’s Business Development and Sales Manager, says the farm is the “living la–boratory” for the institute’s work, demonstrating regenerative ways to manage soil, water and vegetation on a commercial farm, so that future generations have
a healthy planet to live on and get food from. The farm runs several free-range animal enterprises, including eggs, which have been a huge hit with local and Sydney high-end caterers, restaurants and grocers. “Our eggs have a very high omega-3 ratio: commercial eggs have a ratio of 8:1, whereas ours are 4.8:1.” Phil says this is all to do with the way the chickens freely graze paddocks among
the cattle, and are fed a expand its markets, but just mixture of organic wheat, can’t get production up. millet and sorghum, plus free feed on shell grit and a High predation mortality specially formulated protein Part of that has been to do supplement. with the high mortality rate “People with allergies love our from foxes. eggs — they’re a really good, Tobias Koenig, MCNF’s clean source of protein. And General Manager, says, they are the best poaching “We run about 2,500 birds eggs you’ve ever seen: in a couple of flocks, with there’s none of each being that soupySo now what I do, in paddocks look around of eight to 12 the pot, which instead of immediately hectares.” spending at least The chickens is why the cafés and 2.5 hours driving roam freely restaurants the cattle around fencing every with love them. — which are morning, I just check block grazed Being truly free-range, the monitors. Before — can roost organic and trees, or the Gallagher [M2800i] in local, is also go into the a great selling units, two of us were “eggmobile” point for those driving around in first — mobile businesses gear, checking every shedding that’s to their moved every customers — piece of wire. Now we few days. consumers do it in second and “There’s want that.” third gear, and one been a lot of The eggs discussion person can do sell for up to about stocking the whole lot in an rates in a free$18 a dozen, depending range chook hour. upon size. operations,” -Graham Cowling, Farm “Being truly Tobias Manager, Mulloon Creek free range, says. “The Natural Farms we have no Australian Egg control over that!” Phil says. Corporation recommends “Our egg sizes are all over the 20,000 to the hectare. We place: we may have a heap of run 170 to 250 per hectare, 500g dozens, and then none so it’s a real free-range the next week. That’s the situation.” vagaries of this approach, but But because the chooks are our customers understand not shut away, they are easy this and are quite flexible prey. Mulloon Creek has two with it, they understand the Maremma livestock guard product they’re wanting.” Phil says MCNF would like to
The innovative i Series Energiz
The innovative i Series Energizer The innovative i Series Energizer System monitors your fence System monitors your fence monitors yourto. fence soyou you don’t have You fencein inthe the System so don’t have to. Youcan cancheck check12km 12km of of fence so you don’t haveEnergizer to. You can check 12km of fence in the Gallagher’s i Series System allows time sentence. Gallagher’s i Series Energizer System allows you toyo timeitittakes takesto toread read this this sentence. time it takes to read this sentence.
quickly easily monitor your fence performa Gallagher’s i and Series Energizer System allows you to quickly and easily monitor your fence performance, quickly and you easily monitor your fence informing you immediately of problems anyperformance, problems requ informing immediately of any requiring informing you immediately of any problems requiring your attention. your attention. your attention. And with capability to divide And with thethe capability to divide your your fencefence into And with the capability to divide your fence into zones, finding faults hashas never beenbeen easier. zones, finding faults never easier. zones, finding faults has never been easier. After all,all, there’s always something better to do to than After there’s always something better do t After all, there’s always something better to do than checking fences. checking fences. checking fences.
Find out more visiting website Find out more byby visiting ourour website Find out more by visiting our website www.gallagher.com.au/i-series www.gallagher.com.au/i-series
www.gallagher.com.au www.gallagher.com.au
www.gallagher.com.au dogs on each block. Originally bred in Italy 2,000 years ago, Maremmas are effective at bonding with livestock (from chooks to lamas) to protect them from predators. “But they can only do so much; our mortality rates were around 50%.”
like wasting things.” One difficulty was getting much voltage with the existing electric fencing, which was high-resistance netting. “We couldn’t seem to get more than 1,500 volts for more than 100 metres.” Other problems were stopping wombats digging holes under Cost and heartache the fence to let the foxes Graham Cowling, MCNF’s through, as well as stopping Farm wildlife and Manager, vermin The other day I was says the getting over showing a farm hand and the top. Brown Bonds there was a fault. So I just “There’s one — which showed him how to read the paddock are worth where we [M2800i Energizer] hand-held were meant around $250 a remote and the monitors, to have bird — lay and they guided us to where 1,200 birds 280-300 but we only we had to go. It only gave us had 500 — eggs probably a kilometre of fence that was each. “Losing the highest to find the problem in, a bird to mortality rather than 10km. predation, we’ve -Graham Cowling, Farm Manager, suffered. there’s Mulloon Creek Natural Farms obviously “Every the initial morning cost of before that bird, the replacement cost, anything was done, at least lost production and what we’ve two of us would go and do a invested into them in terms of full perimeter check of all the feed. But there’s the heartbreak fences, looking for damage as well as the cost — this from wombats, kangaroos operation is all about respect and deer jumping over it. It for animals.” would take us 2.5 hours. Every When Graham joined MCNF day. And then if you found a several months ago, he began problem, it took longer. On the looking for ways to make use weekends, I’d do it by myself of the existing fencing. “I don’t and it would take three to four
hours.” Technology the key It was time for another option, so Graham began looking around. “I’d never worked with Gallagher before, but I saw they had this energizer with lots of joules, and that got me interested. It had the higher energy to kick through the netting, so I could utilise what fencing we already had.” Graham says the effect of installing two 28-joule M2800i Energizers was immediate. “These units are doing an excellent job: we’re up to 4,500 to 5,500 volts after 500m of netting. “Since installing the M2800i, mortality rates have dropped by around half — and I aim to get it lower again.” Time slashed Besides saving their chickens, Graham says the M2800i’s remote monitors are saving him hours a day. “So now what I do, instead of immediately spending at least 2.5 hours driving around fencing every morning, I just check the monitors. “I’ve got one sitting right where I can see it all the time, and one at the other end as well. That all tells me what voltage is going in, which is around 7,500 volts, and at 500m I should have around 5,000 volts. If it’s
under 4,500 thousand I know a kangaroo or something’s been through it and knocked the netting down. It’s very, very handy having the monitors to tell us what’s going on.” Graham says he still does perimeter checks every day, but they’re not the first job. “If we’ve got other things that we have to do, we know that we can. We’ve become reliant on the remotes and these energizers, and know we can say, ‘Oh look, I’ve got to do this first, but later on we’ll just do a quick run around.’ Before the Gallagher units, two of us were driving around in first gear, checking every piece of wire. Now we do it in second and third gear, and one person can do the whole lot in an hour. “So there’s a big saving just in time there. The urgency’s not there either.” Graham says the ability to pinpoint a fault’s location also saves a lot of time. “The other day I was showing a farm hand and there was a fault. So I just showed him how to read the handheld
remote and the monitors, and they guided us to where we had to go. It only gave us probably a kilometre of fence to find the problem in, rather than 10km.” Graham says Anthony Fitzgerald, Gallagher’s Territory Manager for South-East NSW, was a vital link in the solution. “He was very helpful with the information and design. He came up with a plan that we can just nibble away at. The M2800i Energizers were a good place to start from, because we can grow from that. Eventually we’ll do the whole farm, but we can just take our time, as it suits us.”
BusinessPlanning – A Key To Success Recently, Peter Lourey and I were asked to develop the business plan for AIRR for the next 5-year period onwards. The initial plan was done by Peter Law back in 2005, and annual tweaking of that plan was all that was required to see the business successfully reach the stage of development it now has 7.5 years later. Significant changes within the industry have occurred within the past 12–18 months, and it is big shifts such as these in the market that bring about the need to overhaul the business plan. In recent times we have seen much change, including:
some detail. It can be broken down to make it easier to deal with. Here are some sub-headings to help you along: • Market Analysis. Describe the business you are in and the various factors that influence the market. • Competitive Analysis. Who are your competitors and what are the things that create a “sustainable competitive advantage”? Make a note of your direct or traditional competitors, as well as those indirect or potential competitors, such as on-line traders and retailers in other industries expanding their range just run out of money, which creates a into lines that you sell. significant downstream knock-on effect • Do a SWOT Analysis. SWOT is an acronym that stands for Strengths, • Declining interest rates Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. I find it easier to just do up a These factors are industry-changing factors, and, as such, affect all industry table and list the various aspects of the business alongside the relevant participants – including retail stores letter. You and your staff should be like you. To ignore the dynamics listed as a strength, for example. This surrounding your business can lead is probably the most useful part of the to either one or both of missing plan, so spend so time on this. You market opportunity, or experiencing could actually only do this and you’d an unabated negative impact on your get value from it, because your strategy business, which may have significant should look at converting your listed consequences on the business’s viability. opportunities into You need to plan for success. It doesn’t just happen. This is even truer in rapidly changing market conditions such as the ones we are experiencing now. If you don’t have a current business plan, then there’s no time like the present to either do one or update it.
You need to plan for success. It doesn’t just happen.
• High incidence of industry rationalisation at all levels • Large swings in the value of the Australian dollar; for most of the period, the $AU has exceeded the $US • Very dry seasonal conditions • Political interference in markets such as live cattle export to Indonesia • The industries’ greater dependence on countries like China for the supply of finished or part finished goods • Reduced commodity and livestock prices (farm income) • Highest level of on-farm debt in history; interest on borrowed funds is now the largest on-farm input cost for Australian farmers – many have
If you’re starting from scratch, then here is a guide for you to use to help you easily get it done. There are several headings that help bring the plan together. These are: • Executive Summary. Even though this is the plan’s first heading, it should be done last. The reason is that this is a summary of the total plan. It briefly defines the business and the market, and then describes the objectives and subsequent plan to achieve these objectives. All of this is taken from the body of the plan, so it’s easy to write. • Situation Analysis. This section needs
action points, as well as addressing those things that threaten your business or have been identified as a weakness.
AIRR MAGAZINE - SPRING 2013 You can see that by simply identifying these things and addressing them your business becomes stronger. • Business Strategy. Outline your plan. The information already provided above gives the plan credibility. The plan becomes most effective when you provide financial information that supports the plan’s implementation, as well as any investment that may be required. If you want it to be really detailed, then also include some implementation milestones such as, “to develop a dedicated pet area within the store by end of November to take advantage of the Christmas trading rush”.
financiers ask for a business plan prior to approving loans to the business, but and do it well. Most businesses buy most importantly it makes you think though all of the various elements of a in a new range of products to try strategy before implementing it, which and sell into a new market, then fail because the promotion, ultimately communication, market increases the understanding and chances of strategy were wrong. success. Having said that, retail is dynamic and you do need A key element to keep trying new things of the to create that unique business plan shopping experience. This is to not have is why you need to plan too many for success. objectives
Resources are finite, and, because of this, you need to do the things that you want to do really well and not try to do everything. The plan need not be like
that the plan focuses on. A business plan is useful in many ways. Resources It describes the path the business is are finite, headed on. It allows everybody to know and, because of this, you need to do – and understand – what that path is, the things that you want to do really which is important during times you’re well and not try to do everything. For not able to be in the business, or even example, if you want to expand your if you were to sell the business. Many retail offer into pet, apparel, equine, grain trading, livestock, real estate, insurance and so on, then be sure to do it properly in a controlled and planned way. You cannot do all of them at once, so pick your mark
“War and Peace”. It needs to be easily understood by anyone who reads it – even if they have had no prior understanding of the business. Keep it brief, and to the point. Use bullet points to get the message across if that helps. If you want to develop a plan and need help, we’d be more than happy to help out. We have a fantastic team who would be more than happy to help you plan for success.
• Fat is their preferential fuel source for endurance work – Need greater than 17% fat from diet
• “Homekill” can be deficient in carbohydrates which can cause mild to chronic diarrhoea.
• They use carbohydrates for sprint type activities – Need greater than 10% carbohydrates from diet
• All-meat diets can be deficient in calcium. Raw bones don’t provide sufficient calcium. Bones pose a threat of choking or obstruction and can seriously damage teeth.
• Need good quality protein for repair and recovery – Need greater than 20% protein from diet • Must have ready access to water to avoid dehydration – 2 to 6 litres per day
• Risk of infection from food-borne pathogens to both dogs and humans from raw meat and bones. • Muscle meat is low in calcium and high in phosphorous.
Farmers take note: Drench resistance in cattle could threaten productivity
single worm would be carrying the resistance gene to more than one drench type simultaneously.
Until recently, Australian farmers were unable to obtain a combination pour‐on drench for cattle. In light of the increasing that the build up of drench resistance could take years, so awareness about drench while everything seems fine on resistance among cattle, leading your farm right now, parasite resistance to drenches could animal health supplier Merial Australia has developed the actually be developing. country’s first combination In order to overcome parasite pouron for beef producers: ECLIPSE drench resistance in cattle, Richard would ultimately like to combination pour‐on for cattle. see cattle producers be ECLIPSE contains two powerful proactive and introduce a combination product into their actives – abamectin and levamisole – in one single dose, drench creating a whole new level rotation. of parasite protection. The “Using a combination drench abamectin component works to kill a is a very effective strategy to control drench resistance,” says broad spectrum of internal and external parasites, while the Richard. Combination drenches contain levamisole component works to two or more actives that work kill ML‐resistant strains of Cooperia and Ostertagia. to slow the onset of drench resistance by killing more worms, as it is unlikely any u
Drench resistance in cattle could become a serious threat to productivity, which could potentially cost farmers millions in lost productivity, if cattle producers don’t become aware of and take action against this growing issue, according to Managing Director of Herd Health, Richard Shepherd.
With increasing field studies and worm counts it is becoming apparent that drench resistant parasites are significantly growing in numbers, in most cases without the farmer being aware of the problem.
“Everywhere the industry has looked they’ve found drench resistance in cattle,” says While the issue is widely Richard. “Farmers are acknowledged among sheep definitely experiencing not farmers, many cattle producers only productivity losses but an do not increase in know that dangerous parasites clinical diseases due to drench could be developing a resistance.” resistance to some traditional single Richard says that farms active drenches – which could with high stocking rates are lead to major productivity particularly susceptible to losses. developing drench resistance. He explains
STOCKPOST – now over 1 million posts sold 22
Stockpost is quickly building a reputation as the high performance fence post without a high price tag. Since its introduction in August last year, Stockpost has been warmly welcomed by the market. Over a million Stockpost fence posts have been sold to farmers and contractors demanding better value, greater strength and improved features… and it doesn’t stop there. Whites Stockpost Ute Pack has been introduced to save time and money in the construction of a fence
by getting the job done faster. Stockpost Ute Pack is a new contractor pack of Stockpost fence posts. Quite simply, a pack of 200 posts in a secure steel cradle… and no tie wires!
effort because they are quicker and easier to use in the field.
Stockpost Ute Pack can easily be picked up by a front-end loader or forklift and placed straight onto the back of a one-tonne ute. The posts stay secure in the There are several distinct refastenable steel cradle. advantages to the new If the entire pack is not used it simply refastens Stockpost Ute Pack. The first is that the posts securely for further come straight out of the transportation. pack; there is no need to Stockpost Ute Pack is cut tie wires. another Australian first from Whites Group. The Ute Pack is made up of single posts secured in a steel cradle, Ask in store for more saving valuable time and details.
At last, a high performance post without high price tag! post At last, athe high performance without the high price tag!
MADE STRONGER MADE LASTSSTRONGER LONGER LASTS LONGER GOES FURTHER GOES FURTHER High strength, high consistency High strength, high consistency Coatings that withstand the test of time
Stockpost Ute Pack now available 200 Stockposts in a secure cradle Stockpost Ute Pack now steel available 200 Stockposts in a secure steel cradle
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stockpost.com.au stockpost.com.au
Loss leaders: Do they actually work or just stir you up? Every one of us has been lured in to store by an ad on TV, in the paper, an email or a catalogue for a hot price on a household brand or that item at a crazy price you just have to have. When you get there, you have been subconsciously sucked in by a well laid out store and left with a least one full priced item and dare say also the advertised item (providing they hadn’t sold out, had your size etc).
come to customers attention through advertising – be it a catalogue, website, email or TV. Safe to say if it has got your attention, the tens of thousands of others that have seen the ad are in the same boat; the first box is ticked and the ads job is done. Then it is over to your retail store, staff and merchandising to implement and maximise return. The customer has been bought; now keep them.
In the classics, this is known as a loss leader. As an integrated campaign they can work a charm – if the ad, price and merchandising is right, that new or infrequent customer is in store snapping up the advertised items. The ad gets them in, then you have showtime. The happy ones come back too.
Never has it occurred that a customer of ours has strolled through a competitors store looking for loss leaders then reported these back to me or our sales team.
Should you try to loss lead with no communication, you are burning money as you are selling something at a loss to a customer who is already in your store, and dare say a regular patron. Isn’t it hard enough to make money? If you do promote a bargain and merchandising isn’t up to scratch you’ll miss the add-on sale of which you would actually make nice margin. Profit on the sale and get a customer – tick! Advertising tells the story, attracts people and additional foot traffic. Cutting price and just selling to an existing customer isn’t a loss leader if you define it by its ultimate aim. It is more leading you to a loss.
Ad or marketing got your attention? Don’t worry, I am a consumer too.
Multiple times per week I get emails, calls and faxes from members with an attachment of an advertisement of ‘hot’ retail pricing for a product we all buy and sell quite a bit of. In 100% of cases these
Power of positioning
I am not a ‘price match’ theory subscriber as this devalues the service independents offer however if you are absolutely 100% hung up on price and being the cheapest perhaps consider doing a Bunnings and match any price. It is a hula hoop of the highest order; written quote, doesn’t include sale items etc. Who really cares that much right? I’d be surprised if 1 in 1000 customers bother to price match and these are numbers I have heard several times. Still, they advertise the fact heavily which means it continues to be extremely effective from a positioning aspect. Everyone thinks they are cheap, but they are far from it. To the people at Wesfarmers who market Bunnings – bravo! Last year Bunnings delivered a profit (pre tax) of $841million – that ain’t bad for someone who is the cheapest.
Suppliers have no control over what people sell for; this is in fact illegal. Everyone gets their slice of the promotional pie and AIRR do very well at utilising promotional pots to benefit their members and appreciates key suppliers supporting the group and our members. Generally, it is the big brands or fast turners that groups generally loss lead with, but this does not mean that specific supplier in question has given a ridiculously good deal to that group. It is important to recall when you see these deals to remember $ off promos, buying deals, conferences, catalogues, print publications and value add promos offered by AIRR throughout the year. Everyone gets their crack. Big brands are primarily measured by market share; markets we all ‘gotta be in. This also means they have to and will be sold to everyone. We are all in business for the long term and sometimes you have to buy a customer. Loss leaders are a good way to do it, but potentially expensive when you factor in advertising. Without communication however, it is very difficult achieve what they are designed to do; get new or infrequent customers in. If going down the advertised loss leader path, take a long term view – lose now, but back your service and range to win big time in the future. Satisfied customers will come back and will also tell others. Positive word of mouth is a powerful and valuable weapon. The successes start with your communication and finish with your store.
It is not the suppliers fault
It is often assumed that when retail groups run these hot promos that suppliers have ‘pulled their pants down.’ In most cases, like most assumptions, this is plain wrong.
uckers Tips!
Merchandising your store well makes your selling job easier! Increases and expands the average sale! Outside Street Appeal! Stand on the other side of the road and face your store! Check out what your customers see as they approach your building! Signage is key and the animal images with in the Tuckers logo are a great way to tell your new customers what you sell in there! Are they seeing a great inviting business which is very well presented? Great looking entrance is critical!
front of the shelves. • Never leave empty spaces on shelves (This is just costing you money) More facings of a product look so much better than one at the front and all the rest in a line behind. • Make sure product is priced and it’s correct. • Now that you are a Tuckers store utilise any Tucker’s in store pos material eg posters, sale ticketing etc (Never leave old sale signs on your product shelves) • Use colour as Inside the store much as possible. • Clean and inviting is Colour blocking and essential. (Even though vertical displays are a lot of Tuckers stores simply great looking have a drive through product side by side etc.) or displayed vertically • All products must be in colour blocks with in clean, undamaged and shelves. in date! • Consider double • Situate similar or displays ie product on related products shelf but also displayed together else where in store ie • Ensure products are close to the counter. presented with the • Have fun! We are all labels face-up at the in this together!
a day with
Shane Rose Purchase either
Equitak Excel or Imax Gold to enter It’s easy… Visit FarmAdvisor.com.au and follow the prompts, register your details and tell us in 25 words or less How you would benefit from a lesson with Shane Rose.
For more information contact Bayer Animal Health 1800 678 368 IMAX® and EQUITAK ® are registered trademarks of Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Germany.
TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Conditions apply see www.farmadvisor.com.au Only open to Aust. residents who, if selected as the winner, have access to or can provide a horse / horses to take part in the prize. Ends: 11:59pm AEDST on 30/11/13. Retain original product barcode(s). Riding lesson sometime between 2/1/14 & 31/3/14 (as specified by Promoter). Max of 11 guests (plus winner) can attend. Lesson is for a max of 6 hours, depending on number of guests. In the event the winner cannot provide a suitable location for the lesson, location will be provided by Promoter. Travel (for winner/guests/horse(s)) to location (if applicable) not included.
To Cheat or
Not to Cheat
Unfortunately the agricultural chemical industry in Australia is exposed to cheating because of three inherent factors: •
The regulatory authority, the Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), allows for a 5% marginof-error in formulations. • It is virtually impossible for the end-user to know whether or not the product meets the regulated specifications before use. • Low barriers-to-entry to the Australian industry. The 5% margin-of-error allowed by APVMA was designed to cover unintentional under- and overyields; however, it has come to our attention that several suppliers in Australia are setting the bar for the level of active in their product at 5% below the regulated level. For example, in the case of Trifluralin 480 g/L, the amount of active could be as low as 456 g/L and not in breach of APVMA regulations.
o The level of active should not be greater or less than the proscribed concentration plus or minus 5%, however, we have seen “Trifluralin 480” with only 400 g/L of active. o The correct wetter or surfactant should be used and should be produced by a reputable source. For example, premium Glyphosate 450 such as Apparent® should contain a Tallow-amine wetter rather than a Betaine wetters or an APG (the use of which may require a wetter to be added). o The correct solvent should be used at the correct weight. We have heard supplier claims of “we use 120 gram of Tallow-amine in our Glyphosate 450” when later analysis has shown that 100 gram was used. o The wetter or surfactant should be the correct concentration, that is, not diluted, and it should be the correct weight. We have heard supplier claims of “we use 120 gram of Tallow-amine in our Glyphosate 450” when later analysis has shown that the 120 gram was diluted to 25%.” o mistake without cost and Minimal residual inconvenience to the end-user. material should If the brand happens to be new be present in then a reputable supplier will have the formulation. For example, thoroughly assessed the product Glyphosate 450 formulated before stocking the same. from Glyphosate 98% Technical leaves less residual material in Virtually all of the agricultural the formulation compared with chemicals consumed today, or Glyphosate 95% Technical. at least the active material, are imported into Australia and the Short of the expense of analysis, vast majority of these products the end-user must buy a reputable are sourced from China and India, brand from a reputable supplier even by multinational corporations. who is completely accountable There is no alternative to this with a long-term presence in business model despite what you Australia. A reputable supplier will may have heard. However, there deliver the product when required is nothing wrong with this practice from local stock at a fair price and as long as there is a direct link to will rectify the occasional the manufacturer and this link is usually via an Australian distributor who is accountable in the first instance. Many distributors, such as AIRR with Apparent®, now sell their own private brands and,
The regulatory authority, the Australian Pesticides & Veterinary Medicines Authority (APVMA), To a very large extent, the endallows for a 5% user must rely on the honesty of the supplier margin-of-error in and reputation formulations. of the brand
to be sure the product contains what it should contain and is fit for the purpose for what it is used. The end-user generally has no access to analytical equipment, nor would he/she be prepared to bear the cost of a third party analysing the product. Of course, if the results do not meet the end-user’s expectations then he/she may always complain, but it will be far too late and in many cases the complaint will be met by the excuse of “operator error”. So what should the product contain?
therefore, place the reputation of the organisation behind the product. It is important to note that, under Australian law, private brands must conform to exactly the same specifications as those of all registrants, but notably those of the multinational corporations who first introduced the molecules. Of course, as suggested above, some registrants will navigate around the specifications by cheating, but those companies with a reputation to protect (for example, multinational corporations and distributors) are almost certain to conform because their focus is on quality - and quality defines their future.
Low barriers-to-entry to the Australian agricultural chemical market are a mixed blessing. The objective behind low barriers-toentry was to ensure Australian farmers paid a fair price for their agricultural chemicals unlike, for example, the US market where prices are significantly higher because of the US data compensation scheme for generic products. Under US data compensation, the owner of the original data for a molecule must be compensated by generic suppliers who use that data to register their products. The cost of this compensation, which is often expressed in millions of dollars, is ultimately paid by the US farmer through higher prices. The cost of registering a product in Australia is usually no greater than $5,000 compared with around US$1,000,000 in the US. Again these costs are recovered from US farmers via higher prices. The low barriers-to-entry in Australia have, of course, attracted a multitude of participants who have placed considerable pressure on prices, which, to a large extent meets the stated objective. However, the strategy has also encouraged “a race to the bottom” with many of the participants - attracted to the industry by the low barriers - seeking an edge with formulations that may not meet their registered specifications. The sheer number of participants and products in the market place have made it virtually impossible for APVMA to conduct spot checks of products unless there is a flagrant abuse of the system - as there was recently with the infamous “black Trifluralin” incident. Thus while low barriers-to-entry have successfully delivered lower prices to Australian farmers because of enhanced
• Buy a brand that enjoys a reputation for quality in the market even if the product is new. In this context the “brand” is the company name rather than the product name.
competition, they have also increased the risk of Australian farmers buying low quality product if they buy only on price. So how can the Australian farmer minimise the risk of buying low quality product? A low price will not necessarily point to low quality, however, further investigation is required to confirm the quality of the product. For example, a low price could simply mean that a new brand or a new, high quality product is being introduced to the market, or it could also mean that the company introducing the product has lower fixed costs than multinational corporations offering the same product. The following steps are recommended:
It is virtually impossible for the end-user to know whether or not the product meets the regulated specifications before use.
• Buy from a company which has invested in the Australian market and, therefore, is committed to the long-term. This statement applies equally to the manufacturer, distributor and reseller. You should ensure that all of them will be around if you ever experience problems with the product.
to multinational corporations, all of which have their own plants and other alliances in China (and India to a lesser extent). Ask or learn from which plants your preferred product has been sourced. The level of technology and quality of output from many plants in China, in particular, now surpasses the product quality previously produced in the US and EU. Now that China is enforcing a strict regime of environmental protection of its chemical plants, quality can only improve, however, you should remain discerning.
• Distributor private labels are a reliable guide to high quality at competitive prices because it means the distributor is engaged for the full length of the value chain and therefore committed to quality. • Certificates of Analysis are always available should you require the same and are very easy to access in today’s computerised world. • Remember that the vast majority of agricultural chemicals sold in Australia today had their origins in China or India. This statement applies equally
The Changing Marketing Environment... This trend of using our devices simultaneously is on the rise. With these channels available to retailers The rise in smart phone & for communicating with their target audiences, it’s important to understand tablet usage how consumers use their devices and We’ve become addicted to technology... then tailor marketing efforts towards them. With 76% of Australians having adopted smart phones and 38% owning tablets, From one channel to multi... it’s not surprising. Ever left the house and forgotten your phone for a day? It’s Long gone are the days whereby all your almost like you’re missing a limb. Most marketing spend went on running a TV ad which captured the majority of us have been of your market and drove guilty of pulling “One in three Australians them in store – this was out our phones surveyed by eBay stated known as single channel whilst watching TV to ‘google’ that they have shopped retailing. Now-a-days, for that piece something that we online while watching competing of the pie looks somewhat saw on an ad or in a movie, while one in a shop, researching five admitted to making different. The move has been towards getting product reviews. purchases while in the your messages out there And so, this term; bathroom.” through a few different ‘hypertasking mediums (multi-channel experiences’ has retailing) – you might run evolved – we have so much information available to us and an ad in the paper about a new range the adequate devices to access it. And and use social media to shout about an it doesn’t stop there; we further this by upcoming sale period. The problem with this is that these channels work in isolation preaching our new found knowledge to anyone that will listen – sharing it on and don’t necessarily complement each facebook or emailing it to our peers and other. Available communication space has become fragmented & competitive given so on. the multitude of messages consumers are
“Mobile phone users between 18 & 24 exchange an average of 109.5 messages on an average day, more than 3,200 per month”
a more holistic approach: • A QR code, highlighting your website so that they go online to view the products shown in the catalogue. • Sharing info via social networks since they were prompted with the facebook icon on the front page. • Encouraging them to spread the word exposed to daily. The chances of each channel working in isolation attracting the for you with a tear off coupon right target audience at any one time is Hopefully, then driving them in store where diminished. the advertised products are merchandised well - really maximizing the potential of the The future: Omni-channel catalogue and driving the message home.
This rise in mobile & tablet usage coupled with the rat race to capture consumers attention has led to the increase and importance of omni channel retailing. This approach has evolved from the flaws in single channel & multi channel retailing. It refers to how the bricks-and-mortar stores should become an extension of the channels that they use to communicate with. For example, catalogue advertising may traditionally have been about showing off a new range. Now, it’s about taking
Having your messages supported by all of your channels -TV, radio, online, social media, print –is the key so that the consumer can go to whichever one of these channels is easier for them to find out more info. Given that you’ve only got seconds to capture them, make sure you have a good crack at it - multiple mediums interacting and complementing each other.
Rentokil IGR 300 Grain Protectant Rentokil Fly Traps & Fly Papers Contains a natural Fly bait attractant that flies can’t resist! Economical and easy to use
SPECIAL PRICING Rentokil Fly Traps (Jumbo) - $ 18.45 Rentokil Fly Replacement Baits (3 per Pk) - $ 8.55 Rentokil Fly Papers (8 per Pk) - $ 4.36 30
NEW convenient and easier to use 500ml and 1L packs (concentrated 300/L SMethoprene) 500ml will treat 250 Tonne and the 1L pack will treat 500 Tonne of all cereal grain including malting barley
Sprung from a Rabbit Trap Like farming, manufacturing is an honest and noble business all of us should be proud of. Last week some of the AIRR team dropped in for a coffee at our neighbour (and supplier of gate and fence hardware) Downee. Their manufacturing facility is just around the corner from AIRR’s Melbourne warehouse. During our visit we experienced Downee’s rich manufacturing history which celebrates the exceptional men and women who’ve made manufacturing their career. Downee may not be a brand you recognise immediately but chances are you’ve unwittingly used their products your entire life. For 60-years they’ve been producing steel products like rabbit traps (but not any more!), rural gate and fence hardware and car parts for GMH, Ford,
Chrysler, Mitsubishi & Toyota. What struck us about Downee was the company’s diverse product range. To think of Downee as only a manufacture of rural gate & fence hardware is selling them short, for ten years they’ve also supplied a range of motorised gate and shed door systems plus shed door hardware. Its impressive how they’ve managed to find a balance where Australian-made quality is supplied at a value-for-money price. Mounted in a glass case in their showroom is a tarnished rabbit trap made by Downee in the 1950’s. At the base sits a brass plaque which reads ‘Donated by Don Mathews - a Downee team-member for 27-years. (March 1956 – July 1983)’. A number of people we spoke with remembered Don as a nuggetty, strong-
minded and likable bloke. However Don’s greatest legacy to the company may not have been his long and tireless service, but rather introducing his son Bob to Downee in 1956! While there we had the great pleasure of meeting Bob and like his Dad, Bob is a committed and proud manufacturer, whose love of working with his hands keeps him motivated as he nears his 72nd birthday and his 57th year at Downee. Meeting Bob and the other team members is a reminder of the unseen companies like Downee and the people whom keep it running and the important part they play in Australia’s history. With distribution warehouses in all states on the mainland, Downee is a national company, AIRR’s neighbour and your neighbour too. Next time it’s our shout for the coffee.
AIRR MAGAZINE - SPRING 2013 The successful and very popular Bayer Community Support Program is in full swing in 2013. Conducted by the Bayer Animal Health team in country communities across Australia, the Community Support Program is expected to generate around $50,000 for community projects. Hospitals, schools, the disabled, sporting groups and many more will be the beneficiaries of the 2013 program. “In 2012, we were delighted to donate a total of $50,000 to 17 different organisations,” said Business Unit Manager, John Oulton. “For community based organisations this injection of extra funds permits them to undertake projects that might otherwise have been impossible.” In 2012 for instance, the Midlands Multi Purpose Health Centre Auxiliary of the community hospital in the small Tasmanian town of Oatlands was able to purchase much needed equipment with the Bayer program funds. On the Central Coast of NSW the Somersby Riding for the Disabled group made good use of the extra funds to assist them with their essential and very costly Hendra Virus vaccination program. In country Victoria, the East Grampians
Bayer looks to support rural communities with up to $50,000
Building for the Future Foundation received $5000 which was used to help support and sponsor a number of young people from the local community with a range of scholarships and bursaries.
In essence, the Bayer Community Support Program is a collaborative effort between farm and rural retailers, customers and Bayer Animal Health in raising funds for community support. When local farmers purchase Bayer sheep, cattle, equine and farm hygiene products, 5% of the value of sales is accumulated as a rebate to a maximum of $5000 and is paid to the nominated community organisation at the end of the program. Bayer Animal Health products involved in the program includes but is not limited to: • Sheep products Avenge, Zapp, Rametin, Rametin Combo and Moxitak (Moxidectin) sheep drench
Working closely with you on a regular basis puts Bayer in the unique position of understanding your day-today needs. That’s why we recognised it was time to simplify our range of products.
We understand it’s time to change how we think about pet 32 protection
By bringing our six brands under The Advantage Family and creating complementary new packaging, we’re making the range easier to understand and recommend to your customers. Helping minimise confusion with customers is one of the first steps towards greater sales. Because, as you know, a confident customer is a happy customer. And happy customers often make extra purchases before leaving your store. We understand there’s a big opportunity for your business There’s nothing like the relationship between a pet parent and their pet. As you know, pet parents regularly visit your store to seek advice and recommendations, as well as to purchase products like pet food and accessories.
• Cattle products Baymec Cattle Pour-On, Baymec LV, Baymec Gold, Tiguvon Lice Pour-On • Equine products Imax Gold, Equitak Excel, Musca-Ban, Triclovet • Farm Hygiene products Racumin Rodenticide, Slam Insecticide, SureCan, Quickbayt Fly Bait & Quickbayt Fly Spray. For further information about the Bayer Community Support Program visit www.farmadvisor.com. au or contact your local Bayer representative.
The launch of The new Advantage Family of products is the perfect opportunity to upsell by encouraging your customers to purchase pet protection, as well.
complementary nature of all the products. 3. Highlighting cats and dogs on the new packaging makes it simple to identify each product. 4. Upselling to premium We understand how to help products is made easier with you grow clearer product benefits. 5. The consistent design Simplicity is the key. Whether allows you to simply cross-sell your customers need or bundle products. Drontal®, Advantage®, 6. Concise product Advantix®, Advocate®, descriptors make it easy to Profender® or Kiltix®, all choose the right treatment. treatments provide the same effective protection. But now We understand your need the new-look range makes it to attract customers easier to distinguish individual products and the parasites A substantial media campaign they treat. will be bringing customers to your store. Then we’re here to Gold as the dominant colour support you every step of the in The Advantage Family way. New in-store materials packaging also attracts have been specifically attention, encourages designed to help you browsing and reflects that maximise sales opportunities this is a family of premium during the transition phase – products. from existing products to The new Advantage family. Here are six advantages of the new look A choice of collateral materials range: including posters, wobblers 1. The new packaging was and pack inserts is available to developed with pet parents to highlight the new range and its best meet their needs, so it benefits. resonates with customers. 2. The consistent layout To further support the launch demonstrates the of The Advantage Family, we’ll
continue to inform you of key activities at bayeraccelerate. com.au We understand each other Everything we do at Bayer is focused on the health and wellbeing of Australian animals, especially pets. In fact, Advantage® and Drontal® were developed in Australia for our conditions, but are now also used against fleas and worms all over the world. When you invest so much in the treatment, prevention and control of parasites, it’s fair to say we really do understand the needs of Australian pets and their pet parents. By simplifying our packaging and creating a complementary look throughout The Advantage Family, we’re helping your business thrive and grow. CTA: To plan for growth with The new Advantage Family, contact your local Bayer Area Manager, or check in at bayeraccelerate.com.au
QuickBayt Spray ®
Fly Bait, the ultimate in rural fly control.
Purchase QuickBayt Spray Fly Bait 250 g foil and receive a ®
BONUS 2 Litre Pump Spray *
*Offer valid while stock lasts.
Control nuisance flies around your property with QuickBayt ® Spray on insecticide, Directions for use 1. Unscrew the 2 litre pump spray ideal for hard to reach areas. top and fill with water to the • Fast knockdown • Attracts and kills flies • Is a sugar based product • Has a long residual up to 6 weeks • Water soluble for easy application
• Contains a fly pheromone as an attractant • Ideal for use around livestock production areas • Effective against houseflies and lesser houseflies
Bayer 875 Pacific Highway PYMBLE NSW 2073 ACN 000 138 714
2 litre mark. 2. Add the 250 g sachet contents, replace the lid and shake well. 3. Spot surface spray in problem areas according to the label.
QuickBayt® is a registered trademark of Bayer AG, Leverkusen, Germany.
Will visibly kill nuisance flies for 6 weeks.
CaringForandFeeding the Pregnant Mare
One Month Before Foaling Mares should be taken to the location of foaling and given a booster injection of tetanus toxoid four weeks before foaling. The injection allows the mare to be protected against tetanus, if The foal has certain developmental tearing occurs during foaling, and the periods of growth. The major periods foal will receive colostrum that contains for bone growth start to occur during a source of antitoxin. By accustoming the last trimester of pregnancy and it is the mare to her foaling environment, important that all of the bone building she produces antibodies to fight the nutrients such as Vitamin K1, Calcium, bacteria in the local environment, Phosphorous, Magnesium, Copper, transferring her immunity in her Zinc and Manganese are available for colostrum to the newborn foal. optimal growth. Pre-Lactation
The aim for all horse owners and stud managers is to produce a sound, healthy foal. Correct care, management and feeding practices during pregnancy and foaling should be incorporated into a breeding program to ensure the foal that is produced is in good health, has good vigor and is well developed, while ensuring the health of the mare is maintained through all phases of pregnancy and her ability to care for her new foal and to be put back in foal in a timely manner after foaling are addressed. Getting the Mare Pregnant The ability of the mare to ‘cycle’ greatly affects her reproductive performance. Cycling is affected by increased day length, a rise in temperature and the condition of the mare. Ideally mares should be on an increased plane of nutrition, making spring the ideal time for conception. If the mare is thin or overweight fertility can be affected. Mares that are maintained in a moderate to fleshy condition i.e condition score 6 (on a rate of 9) cycle earlier in the year, need fewer cycles
Ideally the pregnant mare should be kept in a moderate condition. The ribs should be covered but easily felt. Overweight and obese mares can have more complications during foaling and produce a lesser volume of milk after foaling.
to conceive, have a higher rate of pregnancy and have a higher likelihood to maintain pregnancy than thin mares. A difficult foaling can affect the ability of the mare to conceive within the first two cycles after pregnancy, delaying the foaling date the following year. Early Pregnancy During early pregnancy, the mare has nutritional needs that are comparable to a spelling horse. Pasture alone will not meet the mares requirements so a well formulated concentrate such as Mitavite Breeda should be fed depending on the pasture quality and quantity available. Late Pregnancy By the 7-8th month of pregnancy the foal has only grown to approximately 17% of its birth weight. In the last 3 months of pregnancy, over 80% of the growth of the foetus occurs and the nutritional demands in protein, macro minerals, micro minerals, energy and vitamins increase as foal can grow as much as 0.4-0.5kg per day.
During the last trimester the appetite of the mare increases which is stimulated by the increased needs of the growing foetus for protein, vitamins, minerals and energy. As the foal grows it is taking up more room in the mare’s abdomen, restricting the digestive capacity of the mare. This coupled with the increased incidence of abdominal rupture and colics during the peri-foaling period increases the need to feed a well digested, steamextruded, high nutrient dense feed to ensure the mare is obtaining optimal nutrients without overloading her digestive tract. The mare’s milk is very low in trace minerals such as copper, manganese, zinc, selenium, iodine and iron. It is imperative that during late pregnancy the unborn foal has access to adequate levels of minerals, vitamins and protein so they can be used for bone growth and joint development. These nutrients need to be fed to the late pregnant mare so the foal can store them in his/her liver for use during the first three months of lactation, when the foal only has access to the mares milk.
for adequate bone development, and supplementation of the mare during pregnancy can be beneficial to improve bone density and geometry if pasture levels are inferior. Feeding a well profiled feed that contains Bonafide can be beneficial in improving bone density and minimizing bone diseases.
Bone diseases can affect the future career of young growing horses. If nutrition is compromised during pregnancy the strength and integrity of bone development can be reduced. Vitamin K1 is necessary
During the last month of pregnancy the mares udder will begin to swell and is given the term ‘bagging up’. Some mares can pre-lactate or ‘run their milk’, depleting precious supplies of colostrum that contain the protective antibodies foals need in their first milk. If the mare has large amounts of white, sticky milk down the sides of her hind legs there may be a need to give the foal a full dose of colostrum at birth. Your equine veterinarian will be able to suggest if this is needed and provide you with colostrum or a concentrated antibody drench. Pregnancy and foaling is an exciting time for stud managers and owners. Feeding pregnant and lactating mares a well formulated, highly digestible concentrate will ensure both mare and foal are receiving premium nutrition to optimize the growth of the foal and wellbeing and health of the mare. For more information on feeding breeding mares and young growing horses contact Mitavite on 1800-025-487.
for more information visit airr.com.au or contact Peter Lourey (02) 6971 9429 35
Are Great Salespeople Born or Made? If you have had the opportunity to read Dave Schelling’s article “Business Planning – A Key To Success”, you have heard about the recent Business Plan that we wrote for the AIRR business. As part of that Business Plan we recommended structural changes to align our business for the next 3- 5 year period. One of those changes was to give responsibility for the AIRR Sales strategy to myself, a significant change that I am very proud to lead the department. As previously mentioned, I worked for many years within Coopers Animal Health, a tremendous team and Sales culture that certainly gave me terrific grounding in the Art of Selling. Joining Coopers was my first exposure to defining a “Sales Process” vs. my early belief that as my new Title suggested I was a “Territory Sales Manager”, in reality I was actually no more than an order taker. Coopers and for that matter most multinationals know this. As a result, Coopers had a program that they did very well when starting a new staff member, they allocated a “Mentor” (well before it became a trendy word) to guide you through the pitfalls of being a TSM. I was allocated two of the best Salespeople I have ever seen operate in my career, Walter Heiniger & Chris Naake. These two spent a generous amount of time educating me in a “progressive discovery of my own ignorance”, they taught me that whilst good Salespeople
are born, highly successful Salespeople are taught through experience, practice and following a process. What type of Sales styles did they have, hard Sell, consultant, orchestrator or friend? The truth is, they used a little of each style to move the sales process forward. These two individuals “knew their customer so well, the product appeared to sell itself.” They segmented their customers, created databases, implemented call cycles, became technical experts on their products and had confidence in the organisation that they worked for. These two gentleman have been responsible for many a Salespersons career, working directly as a colleague, training new Reseller sales people or in making sure their opposition Reps that were often transferred into these war horses’ territories brought their A game to the party.
You are born with two ears and one mouth, they should be used in that ratio!
What these two gentlemen taught me was invaluable in my career and as such I thought I would share some of this knowledge with you in this article. Whilst I have taken poetic licence with the terminology, the core skills and process came from these two gentlemen over many years of education. Know your customer Uncover needs - You are born with two ears and one mouth, they should be used in that ratio! Too often I have experienced Sales people or been guilty myself of being on transmit. You are so happy to have been asked a question that you
know the answer to, that you spend the next 15 minutes telling the customer all of the ins & outs of your product and overloading their circuitry. Good Salespeople hardly speak, they listen and ask really good questions. Know your product Jo Was coined a phrase in AIRR-“You can’t sell a secret” which is 100% correct, you also cannot successfully sell a product that you do not understand. Customers are becoming more and more educated on our products and the services that we have available via all of the information mediums they have at their fingertips. If you do not know about the product or service they are asking about, this lack of confidence is transparent and often the customer moves straight in for the kill – asking for a discount. A poorly educated salesperson uses price as a crux, your GM suffers and your customers are not satisfied. Do your homework How can you ask for a $10,000 order when you have a $2.00 relationship? It really does not work and is disrespectful to you and your client. Some of the best days “On-Farm canvassing” was with Walter Heiniger as we always asked for a sale and usually received one. This was no accident, he studied his clients and he knew if they bought or sold land, livestock or wives and used this in the Sales pitch. You could say he was invested in their success and the customers appreciated this partnership. Too much amazement if the Customer was not home, he would still leave product with a note and I never saw any returned but I did hear plenty of thank you calls for “dropping drench out” and apologies that they “missed him”. This was a true case of understanding your customers enterprise and remember this was well before databases became the mainstay of business.
AIRR MAGAZINE - SPRING 2013 Know your Marketing & Sales materials Later in my career as I moved into the Sales and Marketing management of Coopers, I was publically tested 4 times a year. This test was conducted during the release of the quarterly Marketing campaigns to the Sales Team. The true “Barometer” of how well a campaign was going to work was delivered by Chris Naake. Whilst those of you lucky enough to know Chris, you will agree with me that he enjoys the Social aspects of the Sales & Marketing Conference. But he never loses focus on why he is there, to learn about the latest offers and tools he has at his disposal to achieve his and his customers Sales budgets. For a veteran 25+ year old industry stalwart, he was always on or near budget, always the first in with his promotional claims or the first to set up instore displays merchandising his seasonal products. He used the materials to create silent salesmen when he was off tending to other areas of his business. He knew his material back to front, and this was through studying the campaign and asking all of the right questions as he always had his customer’s views in mind. This always kept me on my toes and always striving to gain his approval for a campaign. Practice, practice & practice It was a cold winters morning in Bathurst and Chris Naake and I were on a roll, we had had several successful calls over the last 24 hours and we were about to call on his biggest customer. As I started to get out of the car, Chris pulled me up with “we’re early, hold on for a second”. He used the next 10 minutes to review his material, re-familiarise himself with the sales figures and then talk about what we wanted to achieve in the call. As a 24 year old this was a little frustrating as I just wanted to get in there and sell, but as soon as we walked into the call
Over my 25 years in the industry I have participated in a lot of Sales training and even facilitated some myself. But nothing will ever compare to what I learnt from these two gentlemen. My challenge to you all is to take some of what I have mentioned in this article and apply it to your business today.
I was glad for the 10 minute practice as Tony the owner hit us with questions from every angle. Chris handled this really well, as he was prepared and had practiced, even for a customer that he had previously spent 100’s of hours with. It is also worth mentioning that he got the order.
Remember the key points: • Know your customer • Know your product • Do your homework • Know your Marketing & Sales materials • Practice, practice & practice • Follow-up, follow-up, & follow up Your customers are changing and if we do not change to their needs, our business model will come under increased pressure. With the competition getting stronger and pricing continually being put under pressure, you need to make sure the “Shopping” experience that you are giving your customers is the best it can be. That means merchandising seasonal products, pricing stock, studying the technical brochure and being prepared to discuss the need your customer has that you can meet. Give it a go with Kane’s next catalogue campaign, I would be very interested in your results.
Remember the key points: • Know your customer • Know your product • Do your homework • Know your Marketing & Sales materials • Practice, practice & practice
Follow-up, follow-up, & follow up The often forgotten component to a sale and usually the difference between a “oneoff” sale and repeat business is the after sales follow up. Ring your customer to ask how they went with the item that they had purchased from you, not with the intention of selling more but with the intention of really listening to what their experience (positively or sometimes negatively) with that product was. This is how you refine your Sales calls and how you build truly long lasting relationships with your customers.
In my experience Salespeople are born, but truly Great Salespeople are made. There is no luck in Selling and it is not easy, but with hard work, practice and enthusiasm it can be extremely rewarding. Pete Lourey General Manager – Group Sales
At the time of this article going to print, Chris Naake passed away. Chris will be sorely missed by me and this industry, but I guarantee he will not be forgotten.
WaterStore Poly Tanks
50mm 310mm
is produced from 100% guaranteed fully recycled plastic tank material that is as strong as normal tank material and is fully U.V stabilised. After a specialised cleaning is a privately owned company and reformatting process, the that has been making water storage tanks and water troughs plastic is then re-moulded into the wide range of EcoTroughs for over 28 years. and feeders, in designs that suit Based in Marong in Central Victoria, we manufacture several most animal applications and requirements. thousand plastic water tanks Available in a range of sizes, annually, so we were looking EcoTrough is the ideal choice for for an opportunity to recycle everyone, from the hobby farmer our scrap plastic, to reduce through to extensive feedlot landfill and waste emissions in general. We have developed new operations. recycling technologies to take on the challenge. As such, the EcoTrough was developed. The EcoTrough range
With a proven long term history in the field, perhaps now is the time to retire that old bath tub down the back paddock and replace it with a reliable and functional EcoTrough that will provide clean fresh drinking water for your animals‌ while helping the environment at the same time. Compare our prices and be pleasantly surprised‌ Contact your local AIRR supplier for more details or check out the range at http://www.waterstore. com.au/waterstore-poly-tankstroughs
200 LItre PoLY trOugH Measurements: Height 304mm x Width 610mm x Length 2435mm OrdEr COdE: PWt200
80mm 420mm
300 LItre PoLY trOugH Measurements: Height 455mm x Width 1000mm OrdEr COdE: PWt300
950 LItre PoLY trOugH
40mm troughs 1270mm & feeders
Measurements: Height 500mm x Width 1780mm
6 LItre PoLY trOugH Measurements: Height 150mm x Width 250mm x Length 310mm
OrdEr COdE: PWt950 200 LItre PoLY trOugH 1,900 LItre PoLY trOugH Measurements: Height 304mm x Width 610mm x Length 2435mm
Measurements: Height 500mm x Width 2485mm
ers... the most ecologically advanced troughs on the market | Idea 40 LItre PoLY trOugH 300 LItre PoLY trOugH 40 LItre fEEdEr lastic and fully UV protected | All troughs supplied with float valves OrdEr COdE: PWt200
OrdEr COdE: PWt19 00
Measurements: Height 455mm x Width 1000mm
Measurements: Height 280mm x Width 380mm x Length 420mm
Picture shown with optional brackets.
OrdEr COdE: PWt300
OrdEr COdE: PWtF40
100 LItre PoLY trOugH
950 LItre PoLY trOugH
OrdEr COdE: PWt6
Measurements: Height 280mm x Width 380mm x Length 420mm OrdEr COdE: PWt40
03 5435 2388
Measurements: Height 240mm x Width 525mm x Length 1270mm
Measurements: Height 500mm x Width 1780mm
OrdEr COdE: PWt100
OrdEr COdE: PWt950
00 654 610
211 Bendigo - st A Po Box 918 Maide sales@waterstore www.waterstore.c Measurements: Height 340mm x Width 250mm x Length 345mm OrdEr COdE: FeeDer
Eco Troughs and animal feeders... the most ecologically advanced troughs on the market | Ideal for horses, goats, sheep, dogs, cattle Made rom fully recycled water tank plastic and fully UV protected | All troughs supplied with float valves | Talk to your local AIRR distributor for details LoCAL CALL
03 5435 2388
1800 654 610
Email Website
Address Email Website
211 Bendigo - st Arnaud road Marong VIC 3515 Po Box 918 Maiden gully VIC 3551 sales@waterstore.com.au www.waterstore.com.au
The Venus Alternative Venus Packaging is a family owned Australian company that started business in 1959. Venus packaging has been supplying the Australian fodder industry with round bale, small square and sisal twines since 1984, introduced big bale twine in 1989 and netwrap and silage films in 1991. Due to demand silage pit covers were added to the range in 2001. The company’s vast industry knowledge and experience provides both the distributor and end user with the best service and advice on offer. Venus Packaging has developed long term relationships with its core group of European manufacturers to benefit the distributor, farmer and contractor with premium quality products made specifically for the Australian market and conditions at the most competitive prices available. The Totalcover netwrap brand offers the widest choice of weights per linear metre and sizes available in Australia, providing every farmer and contractor with the ideal solution for their needs. When netwrap was first introduced to the Australian market there was little industry knowledge available and a ‘one size fits all’ mentality prevailed. Nowadays Venus packaging offers its 12gm, 13gm and 14gm weights as the top 3 performers in the
country when it comes to strength, bale coverage and durability. At the same-time we recognise that some farmers and contractors buy solely on price and for that market we developed our premium economy 11gm Totalcover Gold range which is better than most other standard netwraps available. In 1989 our big bale range of twines started with Big Bale Red 2210m. Over time that range has developed and evolved to include our Big Bale Extra twines that offer knot strengths from 205kgf to industry leading 260kgf. Big Bale Extra Red 2340m with 221kgf knot strength and Big Bale Extra Blue 2460m with 245kgf knot strength offer the best versatility and performance for most big square applications.
competitive pricing, quality and stock availability. In choosing Venus fodder products the distributor can offer an alternative to what everyone else sells and can be assured that we stand by our products and provide in paddock back up if required
All Venus and Venhart branded twines provide quality and consistency of manufacture to provide trouble free use time after time without variation. Venus Packaging introduced its 5 layer Powerstretch silage film in 2009 to wide acceptance. This year we are proud to announce that we will have Venus Power 5 layer silage film that has industry leading impact resistance, tear resistance and tacking, and 180 kilolangley UV stability. All Venus Power and Powerstretch silage films are supplied on plastic cores to prevent unnecessary damage. For the distributor we offer the most
Venus brand Powerstretch has been widely accepted due to its high breaking strength, tear resistance and impact resistance.
Tuckers Tips! Pre Sale Catalogue! Your sales floor should create a sales atmosphere! Make it easy for shoppers to identify the great Tuckers Catalogue Specials with clear Tucker’s sale tickets and feature displays Expect new customers to your store by maximising every opportunity available to get the catalogue into their hands! Sales success is only maximised when your store and sales people are prepared! So some ideas are • Consider a quick staff meeting one night
displayed. Eg bonus tub! Show regular price and the SALE price in Bold print.
after work prior to the catalogue launch! Cover preparation, display of catalogue lines, ticketing, who is doing what?
• The ends of gondolas or shelving units are a great place to display Tuckers Catalogue Specials!
Your store is not ready for the Tuckers Sale until every staff member •May be hold a pet show knows what is advertised etc on the first weekend? and what benefit each promoted sale or •Keep some copies of featured product is to the the Tuckers catalogue on customer! The store is your counter. set up with product and it is displayed effectively. •Make sure if there is a give away with a I’m sure you already product that the two are have a very great store displayed together. but let’s make it a very special experience for • When writing up the customers to visit your sale tickets make sure Tucker’s store!! the benefit or savings to the customer is clearly
AIRR Supplier Name
Supplier Name Product Description
Product Code
iO Bait Station i-Bait Micro Mouse Sml iO Bait Station i-Bait Multi Rat&Mouse Lg iO Bait Station i-Bait Multi Rat&Mouse Med iO Cider Vinegar 4% 200lt iO Cider Vinegar 8% Garlic B1 200lt iO IO Dishwashing Multi Purpose 2ltr iO IO Hand Cleaner 20ltrs iO IO Hand Cleaner 5ltrs iO IO Laundry Detergent 2ltrs iO IO Pizza Ovens iO IO Pump (for 5ltr Container) iO IO Truck Wash 20ltrs iO IO Truck Wash 5ltrs iO Killzone Bifenthrin 1lt (TermiteInsect) iO Ratshot Blocks Difenacoum 10kg (500pk) iO Ratshot Blocks Difenacoum 2kg (100pk) iO Ratshot Blocks Difenacoum 400gm (20pk) iO Ratshot Blocks Difenacoum 800gm (40pk) iO Ratshot Blocks Difenacoum 8kg (400pk) iO Ratshot Paste Brodifacoum 10kg(670Satch iO Ratshot Paste Brodifacoum 1kg(67Satch) iO Ratshot Paste Brodifacoum 240gm (16pk) iO Ratshot Paste Brodifacoum 5kg(335Satch iO Ratshot Paste Difenacoum 10kg(670Satch iO Ratshot Paste Difenacoum 1kg (67Satch) iO Ratshot Paste Difenacoum 240gm (16pk) iO Ratshot Paste Difenacoum 5kg(335Satch) iO Ratshot Throw pk Difenacoum 1kg (67pk) iO Ratshot Throw pk Difenacoum 250gm iO Ratshot Throw pk Difenacoum 5kg (335pk) iO Shotgun Oatbait Pindone 10kg iO Shotgun Oatbait Pindone 2.5kg iO Shotgun Oatbait Pindone 5kg iO SmartGrain Dual 2.5lt (treats 250T) iO SmartGrain Dual 500ml (treats 50T) iO SmartGrain IGR Conc 300gm 1lt (500T) iO SmartGrain IGR Conc 300gm 250ml (125T) Apparent Apparent Broadblade 100g (Flumetsulam) Apparent Apparent Broadblade 500g (Flumetsulam) Apparent Apparent MCPA 750 20ltrs Apparent Apparent MCPA 750 5ltrs Apparent Cachet Glyphosate 450 110ltrs Blackhawk Blackhawk Fish & Potato Adult Dog 20kg Blackhawk Blackhawk Fish & Potato Adult Dog 3kg Country Electronics Thunderbird Energiser BD-20 Country Electronics Thunderbird Fence Sign EF-15 Country Electronics Thunderbird Gate Handle EF-32S Crop Care CC T-Rex 20ltrs (DFF & MCPA) Dow Dow Ester 680LV 100ltrs ** Equinade Eqnde Neatsfoot Oil Premium Light 5lt Hypro Hypro Dogpro Roll Beef 3x700gm Hypro Hypro Dogpro Roll Chicken 3x700gm Intervet Intervet Panacur 100 20ltr kelato Animal Health Kelato Kelato NutriFlex 1kg kelato Animal Health Kelato Kelatovit Pellet 18kg kelato Animal Health Kelato Kelatovit Powder 18kg Kelato Animal Health Kelatolyte Electrolyte Replacer 3kg Kelato Animal Health Kelotovit Performance Pellet 720gm Kelato Animal Health Kelotovit Performance Powder 720gm Laucke Mills Laucke Rat & Mouse Food 20kg (SYD) Mars Greenies Cat Chicken 12x85gm Mars Greenies Cat Ocean Fish 12x85gm Mars Greenies Dog Mini-Me Merch Jumbo 15pk Mars Greenies Dog Mini-Me Merch Large 25pk Mars Greenies Dog Mini-Me Merch Petite 75pk Mars Greenies Dog Mini-Me Merch Regular40pk Mars Greenies Dog Mini-Me Merch Teenie100pk Mars Greenies Dog Treat-Pak Jumbo 340gm
11859 11857 11858 11919 11920 11909 11925 11924 11908 11929 11928 11927 11926 11850 11831 11829 11827 11828 11830 11842 11840 11839 11841 11835 11833 11832 11834 11837 11836 11838 11845 11843 11844 11849 11848 11847 11846 11922 11921 11892 11893 11906 11883 11882 11889 11890 11891 11615 8823 11875 11770 11771 3826 11884 11917 11861 11885 11886 11887 11881 11904 11905 11898 11897 11895 11896 11894 11903
Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Mars Advance Mars Advance Mars Advance Mars Advance Mars Advance Nestle Nestle Nestle Nestle Nestle Ospray Ridley Ridley Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Superior Pet Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes
Product Description
Product Code
Greenies Dog Treat-Pak Large 340gm Greenies Dog Treat-Pak Petite 340gm Greenies Dog Treat-Pak Regular 340gm Greenies Dog Treat-Pak Teenie 340gm Mars Whiskas Singles Pouches 60x100gm Adv Dog Total Wellbe All Brd Lmb&R 15kg Adv Dog Total Wellbe All Brd Lmb&R 3kg Adv Dog Total Wellbe All Brd Lmb&R 8kg Adv Dog Total Wellbe Toy/Sm Lmb&R 3kg Adv Dog Total Wellbe Toy/Sm Lmb&R 8kg Supercoat Cat Healthy Weight 3.5kg Supercoat Cat Indoor 3.5kg Supercoat Dog Active All Brd Ckn 3.5kg Supercoat Dog Adult Bf 3.5kg Supercoat Dog Small Breed 3.5kg Ospray Nimble 20lt (DFF& Bromoxynil) Ridley Kentucky All Phase 20kg (SYD) Ridley KER LGI Horse Stud Cube20kg(SYD SPG Fitted Hessian Bed Covers Jumbo SPG Fitted Hessian Bed Covers Large SPG Fitted Hessian Bed Covers Medium SPG Fitted Hessian Bed Covers Small SPG Framed Bed Jute Jumbo SPG Framed Bed Jute Large SPG Framed Bed Jute Medium SPG Framed Bed Jute Small SPG Heavy Duty Flea Free Matt Jumbo SPG Heavy Duty Flea Free Matt Large SPG Heavy Duty Flea Free Matt Medium SPG Heavy Duty Flea Free Matt Small SPG Hessian Foam Matt xtra thick Jumbo SPG Hessian Foam Matt xtra thick Large SPG Hessian Foam Mattress Jumbo SPG Hessian Foam Mattress Large SPG Hessian Foam Mattress Medium SPG Hessian Foam Mattress Small SPG Original Hessian Covers Jumbo SPG Original Hessian Covers Large SPG Original Hessian Covers Medium RV Accelerator Oil Greyhounds 1lt RV Accelerator Oil Horses 20lt RV Accelerator Oil Horses 5lt RV Action AKM 20lt RV Action AKM 2lt RV Action AKM 500ml RV Action Calcium Phos Granules 10kg RV Action Calcium Phos Granules 1kg RV Action Calcium Phos Granules 3kg RV Action K Salt Potass Chloride 300g
11902 11900 11901 11899 11915 11870 11868 11869 11871 11872 11879 11880 11878 9948 9950 11773 11913 11914 11792 11793 11794 11795 11788 11789 11790 11791 11803 11804 11805 11806 11807 11808 11799 11800 11801 11802 11796 11797 11798 11946 11968 11967 11951 11950 11949 11954 11952 11953 11955
AIRR MAGAZINE - SPRING 2013 RV Action PVS Red Label 10kg RV Action PVS Red Label 2.7kg RV Action PVS Red Label 700gm RV Amino Cal Plus 2kg RV Amino Cal Plus 500g RV Anti Cramp Paste DS 30g RV Blood Booster 15kg RV Blood Booster 375gm RV Blood Booster 3kg RV Calm Aid Tube 30g RV DMX2.5 Tube 30g RV Energize-ER 1.5kg RV Energize-ER 10kg RV Energize-ER 20kg RV Energize-ER 500g RV EXtra B with Magnesium 1.5kg RV EXtra B with Magnesium 15kg RV EXtra B with Magnesium 3kg RV EXtra B with Magnesium 750gm RV Hoof Plus Biotin 15kg RV Hoof Plus Biotin 300gm RV Hormone Aid Tube 30g RV Pain Aid Tube 30g RV Pure Vitamin C 1kg RV Pure Vitamin C 500gm RV R&R Shampoo for Horses 750mL RV R&R Shampoo for Pets 250ml RV Rapid Cal Supplement 20kg RV Rapid Cal Supplement 2kg RV Rapid Cal Supplement 4.5kg RV Rapid Dual D & A 1.5kg RV Rapid Dual D & A 3kg RV Rapid Dual D & A 500gm RV Rapid Ferro 1lt RV Rapid Ferro 1lt RV Rapid Ferro 20lt RV Rapid Ferro 5lt RV Rapid Flex 1.5kg RV Rapid Flex 300gm RV Rapid Flex 3kg
Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes
11958 11957 11956 11948 11947 11993 11932 11930 11931 11988 11989 11960 11961 11962 11959 11977 11979 11978 11976 11970 11969 11990 11991 11941 11940 11971 11987 11975 11973 11974 11934 11935 11933 11936 11939 11938 11937 11996 11995 11997
Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Sykes Tallahesse Tallahesse Troy Laboratories Zoetis Zoetis
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11972 11981 11982 11980 11963 11999 11998 11964 11983 12001 12000 11994 11943 11945 11944 11942 11966 11965 11985 11986 11984 11992 11923 11140 11429 11867 11866
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With ESTR OTEC T™ , you only need to apply once per breeding cycle, and its different color varieties makes it easier to manage your herd through its different breeding stages.
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Growing Community SportsClubscompetition to give rural sports clubs an $80,000 boost (July 1, 2013) - Rural sports organisations are being encouraged to enter Dow AgroSciences’ Growing Community Sports Clubs competition for the chance to win a share of $80,000 worth of grants to spend on provisions for their club. “Sport is at the core of vibrant rural communities, and sports clubs play a big role in the wellbeing of Australians,” says George Saville, Dow AgroSciences Marketing Manager. “We’re looking to reach out to those often overlooked smaller clubs that make up the heart of rural
Mr Saville says. “We’re excited to support sport at this level and hope to get more people involved and active.” The competition is open to all rural sports clubs and submissions can be lodged by the club itself, or by an individual with the club’s best interest in mind. Entries can be made by visiting communities across Australia www.dowagrosciences.com.au and give them that bit of extra and completing a submission in 200 words or less on why support.” a $4,000 grant would make a real difference to a local sports A 2011 survey* of broadacre farmers showed that although club. The competition runs from 1 July – 30 September they do four times more vigorous activity per week than and 20 individual grants will be the average Australian in their awarded nationally. normal work day, only 16 per Submissions will be judged by cent of farmers aged 40-45 participated in team sport. This a panel from the team at Dow number significantly rose to 35 AgroSciences, who will use set criteria to pick the best entries. per cent for younger farmers aged 18 – 39. Winners will be presented with “We all understand that good their cheques at a series of community BBQ events. health and wellbeing starts locally with participation in activities such as club sport,”
Rocky Point Mulching Rocky Point Mulching is the only 100% Australian family owned and operated business that has three family generations involved in the growing, harvesting, manufacturing, marketing of sugar cane and its byproducts.
The family owns and operates farms in South East Queensland, which supply the large majority of the sugar cane mulch required each year. Additional supplies are sourced from other farmers in the local area.
range of Growing Media. Teaming up with the NGIA award-winning company, Green Fingers Potting Mix, the manufacturer of professional potting mixes, soils and composts, has seen a significant improvement in the quality of Rocky Point Mulching’s growing media range.
This spring Rocky Point Mulching have released some new and exciting bags with an emphasis on high quality, value for money and excellent presentation. Combine this with the best growing results available on the market and The unique onsite bagging plant, you will end up with very satisfied which is fully equipped with automated customers and increased sales! machinery to package both high compression and pillow bagged One of Rocky Point Mulching’s new & products, allows the company to exciting products available for spring produce over 40 different branded is the release of a 50L jumbo bag of gardening products, distributed across Organic Active 8. Since the release Australia and overseas. of Active 8 in a 30L bag has been such a massive success, the market To complement the growing mulch has demanded a larger bag. Active industry, Rocky Point Mulching have 8 meets Australian Standards 4454 diversified to include an expanding and as the name suggests there are 8
zeolite active ingredients working to enhance • seaweed extract and sustain the best growth for plants. • • gypsum lime Extensive and ongoing in house grow • iron trials conducted using current manure/ • • humates compost blends on the market, soft rock phosphate conclude that Active 8 produced the • • fish protein maximum growth straight out of the trace elements and minerals bag. It is a well-balanced soil improver • • natural wetting agent and planting mix, designed for the home gardener to plant directly into All this combines with the quality with no fuss. practice procedures of NIASA and Australian Standards to produce This addition to the Growing Media this certified premium product (AS range is a perfect complement to Rocky Point Mulching’s signature 3743). Your customer’s plants will never complain with this mix, which is bag, Premium Potting Mix. This is definitely the flagship of its growing available in 30L or 60L bags. media range. It is hands down, the best premium potting mix available on We want to encourage you, your customers and your staff to try it the market. against any other leading brands on Rocky Point Mulching’s Premium the market. Try it and see for yourself – Potting Mix is boosted with a 3-stage the proof is in the grow trial results. fertiliser addition, providing sustained nutrients to plants for up to 9 months. To order your supply from our product The mix contains a long list of goodies range, call Rocky Point Mulching to keep the home gardener coming on 075546 2470 or email: baled@ rpmulching.com.au. Information back for more! These include: on our full range is available on our • slow release fertiliser • controlled release fertilisers website: www.rpmulching.com.au
The ABC “Four Corners” program entitled, “Chemical Time Bomb” was broadcast in Australia on 22nd July 2013 and repeated on 23rd July 2013. The program covered the improper chemical spraying practices in Australia during the 1970s as well as the use of “Agent Orange” during the Vietnam War, but concluded with the claim that dioxins (known carcinogens) continued to be found in 2,4-D imported from China today, and expressed concern that the regulator, Australian Pesticide and Veterinary Medicine Authority (APVMA) was not taking adequate precautions to prevent the importation of such chemicals, some of which may not be cleared for Australian use. The principle offending chemical in “Agent Orange” was the herbicide 2,45T which was banned in 1973 because of its high dioxin content, therefore no further discussion on this subject is necessary. APPARENT Pty Ltd is one of the largest Australian importers of 2,4-D from China. The product independently analysed by the ABC was not an APPARENT product, nor was our label shown on the program. However, we would like to use this opportunity to emphasise that APPARENT 2,4-D 625 is of the highest quality and does not contain dioxins. Six sources of Chineseproduced 2,4-D are cleared for use in Australia by the APVMA, and APPARENT is the owner of one of these sources (Jiangsu Good HarvestWein Agrochemical Co Ltd). Other Australian companies are free to use the APPARENT source.
We asked Good Harvest to reconfirm that its 2,4-D acid contains no dioxins and the company responded that “there were no detectable dioxins in its 2,4-D.” One reason 2 for the absence of dioxins is the age of Good Harvest’s 2,4-D plant which was only commissioned in 2013. Similarly, our previous supplier (Changzhou Wintafone) produces 2,4-D acid in a plant that was commissioned in 2005. Dioxins are not found in 2,4-D produced in modern plants. It is regrettable that the program claimed dioxins were found in generic 2,4-D imported from China or India because the majority of 2,4-D sold in Australia is sourced from these two countries without any problems. It is also regrettable that the program identified 2,4-D as a significant source of dioxins when the evidence suggests otherwise. APVMA, in its response to the program, published the 10 major sources of dioxins in Australia from the “Inventory of Dioxin Emissions in Australia” (Source: National Dioxins Program Technical Report No. 3, 2004). The 10 sources comprised 96% of the dioxins found in Australia and the list did not include any pesticides. “The inventory did not consider the presence of dioxin in pesticides as the levels were considered to be very small”. Source: APVMA. Suite G.08. 762 Tooronga Road, Glen Iris VIC 3146, Australia PO Box 3092, Cotham PO, Kew VIC 3101, Australia Telephone: 61(03) 9822 1321 Fax: 61(03) 9817 7845 Mobile: 61(0)411 227 338 E-mail : wwardell@bigpond.net.au APPARENT PTY LTD A.C.N. 143 724 136
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