Tuckers TV March

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AN INV ESTMENT IN YOUR F UT URE very e e v a w h um You no ation medi unic m m o ed c cover







T UCKERS T V We are pleased to announce that from December –and ongoing for all catalogues in 2014, that we will add TV advertising to the suite of offerings available to Tuckers members. Of all the mediums, print, TV, outdoor and digital, TV is the most effective.
























Australians watch more than 3 hours of TV a day Despite the plethora of entertainment and information options available to consumers today, time spent viewing television has remained stable over the last few years.

Daily Time Spent Watching Television - YOY Comparisons - Metro and Regional 3:03
















What will the ad be focused on? The ad will go down the mates rates (value) and the localised, trusted independent path.





Message of ‘mates rates every day at

At all times during the commercial,

in addition to the above messages of

Having your store name highlighted

your local Tuckers Pet and Produce

viewers will see the ‘100% Proudly

value and independence, the ads will

throughout the whole ad gives that

store’ will be included. This promise is

Independent and Owned” tagline on

draw extra attention to the Tuckers

added localisation and personalisa-

delivered everyday by Tuckers


catalogue and exclusive deals

tion all the whilst reinforcing your

members versus high cost franchise

included in it. There will be a deal on

alignment with the Tuckers brand.


pet (most likely 1, but maybe 1 dog +

The fous is on where to buy the great

1 cat), equine and 1 general

deals - YOUR STORE!

farm/home product.

What will the ad be focused on?

To further increase the impact of the campaign, there will be Tuckers ad produced per participating zone. As the campaign has some great spots over a 2 week period, it is important to drive home the key message yet highlight your store as viewers.

Scope; taken from the submission of the agency

SHH! A secret:

The agency that is producing our Tuckers ad also does T V Commercials for Petstock. They Understand our game!


Creative, script and production of the ad:

Covered by AIRR. Those that have ever done a quality ad will appreciate that this is a significant cost. Media space:

Members partner up on media space in your catchment/viewing area. You only pay for the exposure you get and the beauty of ad space in regional areas is that it is very inexpensive for the exposure and return.

Personalisation, classification and satellite beaming On top of media space, members pay only $119 to AIRR to be involved. This covers personalisation of the ad, classification and satellite beaming to each channel.




Use the buying power and service benefits of an agency. For ease and bang for buck, a leading agency has put together a multi channel package for each catchment/viewing area. When using an agency you get to enjoy the fruits of their bulk buying power; better slots and improved rates. AIRR will bill you for the % share of the catchment/viewing area media package. The more stores, the lower the investment. For example, if the media space for your 2 week campaign is $4,000 and there are 8 stores involved you will pay only $500 for the media space.

Media Recommendations NEWS


Five market regional TV brief results in a two station buy with heavy frequency around News and family programming aimed at hitting both target demographics of farmers and Grocery Buyers; as well as giving


The campaign is designed to coincide with your March catalogue campaign.

Tuckers up to 90% penetration across regional areas

The average cost to reach a thousand viewers (cost per thousand or CPM) per market is under $10. This represents a premium buying efficiency in a marketplace where a $30 CPM is considered excellent value.

we have achieved an

overall reach in excess of 2.3 million viewers over this two week period.

Reach and Frequency – 6+ at 50%. The effective reach is over 50% of the demographic 5-6 times over the two weeks. This is an aggressive launch designed to drive new sales.

We believe this is a really strong campaign aimed at your target audience and will deliver a significant increase in sales for your store over the period.

Rate Discount: We have negotiated a rate discount at up to 50% off the rate card. This is a great discount for this time of year and is

generated by our bulk buying power.

SCHEDULE BREAKDOWN Each schedule covers a combination

Program highlights include:

We have also secured a statewide

Bonus will air across the campaign

of PRIME and Southern Cross

- Significant cut through in news and weather

sponsorship of Bondi Vet for the

over the twoweeks at a minimum

- Family based broad programming like X Factor/Dancing with the Stars

duration of the campaign

- Animal based programming including Bondi Vet and David Attenborough - Lots of “ladies daytime� aimed at the Grocery Pet Buyer (GB) demographic

The overall campaign objective to increase sales in Tuckers Pet Foods to these suppliers and this campaign will assist in delivering this objective through our two station TV buy that is delivering 80+ spots per week on average. In conjunction with your catalogue, a vast number of spots will drive strong sales and an awareness increase for all your regional retail centers across your broadcasting area. METRO AREAS: We will of course offer the option to all stores however metro TV is obviously extremely expensive, therefore we are sure the ads will only be in regional areas. We can provide a You Tube ad for metro stores to use.

Only sell predominately to farmers? Penetrate the town/domestic market with Tuckers TV Less than 3% of regional households derive their primary income from agriculture, so use this great opportunity to penetrate that domestic – perhaps even higher end, pet market.

Lock me in: Making it easy

Simply confirm your participation with your AIRR sales contact or marketing and we will do the rest for you. Every member will be contacted and a firm answer received. Whilst participation is optional, if there is an ad in your area and you are not included, it would be a potential risk – hence why we must know each and every stores intention. This makes the importance of confirmation crucial. Either way we will let you know the members that are confirmed for each catchment/viewing area.

Regional consumers have the same spending power as those in the capital cities and typically account for around 35% to 40% of total Australian sales of most goods and services. And because of the significantly lower cost per viewer, the inclusion of regional TV will improve the overall rate of return.


What brands will be advertised as deals? Only the leading, most stocked brands will be chosen to be featured on the TV ad. They must be advertised as a deal as it will generate an emotional response that helps shaping the brand perceptions (mates rates/value and local) and secondly, it can help generate engagement and memorability. The latter are our ultimate goals. How can I personalise my ad? Bearing in mind that the ad is only 15 seconds long and that we want to portray a number of key messages, the last segment of the ad will be allocated to store details and information. Can I get a copy of the ad to run in my store? Absolutely! If you’ve got a TV or PC monitor on display in your store, we’d love you to run the ad. We’ll send you a file with your store personalisation on it that is compatible with whichever device you’re running it on. How can I partner up with other stores who share the same media space? There are a couple of options here: If choosing to use the preferred media buyer through AIRR, you can just say yes and we’ll match you up with the other participating stores & split the costs evenly. We can give you a list of stores who share the same media space and their details. You can then contact them to share costs and contact your local stations to organise What do I need to ask my local station if I choose to buy the media space myself? You’ll need to contact other members in your viewing to gauge their interest, decide what channels & programs you’d like the ad to appear during, negotiate your deal and have the ad personalised. Timely and expensive, but an option. What happens if my store falls in a metro media space? It is entirely up to you what you would like to run the ad, however, we do understand that metro media space is quite a substantial amount of money and perhaps, not a viable option. What does classification of an ad mean? All commercials need to adhere to standard Australian Broadcasting guidelines and go through the approval process before airing. What does the satellite beaming of an ad mean? It is the transferring of a high definition television commercial in a required file type for broadcasting. It is a fixed cost charge cost from the station to the production company. What do I need to do to get the media agency to organise the media space for me? Nothing. Simply advise your AIRR contact that you are ‘in’ and we will take care of the production and terrific media package that they have put together. What if I want to liaise with my local media agency or contact myself? You will need to contact the other stores in your broadcasting catchment area to see if they want to go with your option as well in order to split costs. It must be noted that you will loose out on bonus spots and sponsorship of shows such as Bondi Vet for the Summer Catalogue. What station(s) will the ad be seen on? In the launch pack, you will have received a breakdown of channels and shows that the Tuckers ad will be seen during.

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