AIRR Independent Autumn 13

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The The


Independen Independent

Autumn2013 2013 Edition Autumn Edition

IRR’s top


5 Young Guns

for 2013 announced

Hazell’s open mammoth new store in Tamworth Breakthrough Rotavirus vaccine for Australian dairy farmers Making every post a winner at Tailem Bend Gallagher Celebrating 75 Years of Working Alongside Farmers

Revolutionary K-Line irrigation pods now available in ready-packaged Farm Pack Local, independently owned stores are proud to be the heart & soul of rural communities.

AIRR’s 200+ members show their appreciation everyday by providing you the best service, the best range of products at the right price. Local, independently owned stores are proud to be the heart & soul of rural communities.

AIRR’s 200+ members show their appreciation everyday by providing you the Local, independently owned stores are proud to be the heart & soul of rural communities. best service, the best range of products at the right price.

AIRR’s 200+ members show their appreciation everyday by providing you the best service, the best range of products at the right price.

Member Member


Member State Awards 2013

Australia’s fastest growing rural network congratulates it’s awards winning and nominated members and suppliers in each of the below categories


Bridgewater Farmware


Nom Nom WINNER Nom

Candelo Stockfeeds Farm Shop Blayney South East Rural JD’s Rural Centre


WINNER Nom Nom Nom

Boylans Produce Rocky Feed & Seed Advanced Rural Texas & Mingoola


Nom WINNER Nom Nom

Quality Rural Gambier Rural Traders Daish Irrigation & Fodder Cox Rural


Nom WINNER Nom Nom

Woolabrai Scanlons Dairy Centre Riverland Milk & Trading Yolla Producers Co-Op


Supplier Awards 2013 NATIONAL SUPPLIER OF THE YEAR John Greenwood Crop Protection Memorial Award Supplier of the year Animal Health Supplier of the year Feed Supplier of the year Dairy and General Merchandise Supplier of the year Fodder Conservation, Seed & Fencing 2.

Laucke Mills Dow Bayer Jurox Pfizer Novartis Coprice Mitavite Probiotec Provico Dasco PPI Corporation Heiniger Leader Country Electronics One Steel Seed Force Gallagher

AIRR Young Guns 2013 Keeping young rising stars in the business is one of the great challenges; as a farmer you would know this all to well. How many times have you had a young gun and – for whatever reason, they have moved on. The average age of farmers in Australia continues to go up. A rewarding life, but where are the ‘lifers’ –‘lifers’ being those you can see being with you for life? This predicament is also applies to independent rural retailing. Skilled proprietors, young people thrust into hard work because they love the rural game. But there is alot to know, as an independent you have to know alot about alot. Financial management, inventory management, marketing, HR, sales and customer service just scratch the surface. “AIRR’s independent members are flat out servicing customers all day every day, and rarely get time to take stock and look at all elements of their operation. By integrating their Young Guns into that next level of the business, they are not only investing in that person’s future, but also the future of their business.” Said AIRR’s GM - Sales and Marketing, Kane Law. Recognising this predicament and looking to the future, AIRR through its latest initiative AIRR Young Guns, has taken on the challenge of developing the rising stars working in their national member network of stores. “The AIRR Young Guns program is designed to offer the under 35’s in any one of our AIRR independent member stores the opportunity to network with their peers and spend time with their stakeholders – both supplier and customer, whilst learning about the many facets required in order to run a successful rural business,” explains AIRR’s General Manager - Sales and Marketing, Kane Law. “The program is divided into two parts; the first applicants detail their current employment, what they love about the industry and where they would like to see themselves down the track. We choose the top 10 from a large list of applicants – the top 10 not only know their strengths, but have a thirst to learn more, and implement their learning in the program at store level. Glowing references from their managers also carried weight too” In the second round, AIRR partnered with Coopers Animal Health and DOW AgroSciences to take the top 10 finalists on an all expenses paid trip to Sydney for intensive training in rural sales, marketing, advertising and customer service. AIRR Chairman Craig Farrow provided expert financial training, an area where a number of guns hadn’t had alot exposure to in their day to day work. “Since we launched, we have received an amazing response to the program from AIRR Member stores and our program partners; Coopers and Dow Agrosciences. The top 10 valued their time spent with Craig and industry leaders from Coopers and Dow.” added Kane. Hamilton Produce’s Young Gun finalist Peter Ham ‘’The AIRR young guns program has been a great way to network with other young agricultural professionals, allowing us

all to share invaluable experience. Being involved in the AIRR young guns program has given me the skills and confidence to take on a much bigger leadership role within our businesses.’’ AIRR GM – Supplier Relations Dave Schelling “I was personally bowled over from suppliers with interest in how they could be involved in years going forward. The program will go from strength to strength. I am proud that AIRR bought it to the table.“ The program required finalists to get involved in their local community, via store development initiatives, Agricultural shows, sporting events, and within their customers businesses. Kane said “We received absolutely brilliant round 2 reports, the Guns went to alot of effort. It sure made my job in choosing the top 5 very difficult. Everyone can be proud of what they have done.” Finalist Kelly Mackney from Hazell’s Farm & Fertiliser “The AIRR Young Guns program provided a unique opportunity for me to be exposed to some key rural industry companies who provided insight and training that really focused on my day to day challenges. The round 2 submissions that were required as part of each round allowed me to see Hazells from a different perspective and look at ways we can Implement simple changes that improve the buying experience for our customers.” AIRR’s CEO Peter Law described the program as; “One of the greatest initiatives to hit the rural industry for many years. It shows AIRR’s commitment to recognising industry talents, ensuring they get the training needed to assist them to operate and grow in this magnificent industry. The top 5 AIRR Young Guns attended the annual AIRR member conference and were announced at the gala dinner. The top 5 AIRR Young Guns for 2013 are as below;

Brad Payne, Farmers Warehouse Kelly Mackney, Hazells Farm & Fertiliser Jack Ellice, Browns Rural

FEATURES AIRR Independent Autumn 2013 Member news 3 AIRR’s top 5 Young Guns for 2013 announced 13 Hazell’s open mammoth new store in Tamworth 18 Peter Graham Co. Albany host worm management seminar 26 Making every post a winner at Tailem Bend

Industry news 6 Gallagher - Celebrating 75 Years of Working Alongside Farmers 9 BE WARY OF CHEAPIES. IT CAN HAPPEN IN AUSTRALIA TOO! 12 Industry developing best defence against OJD 15 Leptospirosis can put you flat on your back for months. 31 Bushland another tool for insect pest management 38 The importance of protecting your farm business

Product news

Ryan Wood, Cox Rural

4 Breakthrough Rotavirus vaccine for Australian dairy farmers

Peter Ham, Hamilton Produce

22 Breaking the feed barrier with Mach 1 annual ryegrass 23 Revolutionary K-Line irrigation pods now available in readypackaged Farm Pack 28 New Zealand Company Takes a Fresh Look at Treating Tank Water


‘we go to greater lengths’ ‘we go to greater lengths’



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Breakthrough Rotavirus vaccine for Australian dairy farmers In a breakthrough for the Australian dairy industry, dairy farmers for the first time will have access to a vaccine against rotavirus, one of the major pathogens causing costly calf scours.

Kathryn Davis, Program Manager Animal Health and Fertility, Dairy Australia, said that scours is the number one calf disease that farmers report to the organisation.

Coopers Animal Health has released Rotavec Corona vaccine; the first and only calf scours vaccine on the Australian market targeting rotavirus, coronavirus, E.coli and Clostridium perfringens.

“Scours is a very common and serious disease for calves and is not limited to one area or region, the feedback we’ve received is that it is affecting all dairy regions,” Dr Davis said.

Estimated to cost the Australian dairy industry on average $52 million per year – or $26 for every dairy cow or heifer based on industry treatment costs and loss of calves – calf scours is a major problem for all dairy regions. Rotavec Corona vaccine is a long-awaited product providing dairy farmers with the missing link when it comes to managing calf scours. Coopers Veterinary Technical Advisor Damian O’Brien said the Rotavec Corona vaccine will be an important management tool for dairy farmers to limit the impact of calf scours in their herds. “A recent study# that sampled scouring dairy calves in all states of Australia found that 96% of those properties had calves with a rotavirus infection,” Dr. O’Brien said. “What this means for Australian dairy farmers is that where previously they were frustrated by not having a vaccine against rotavirus, Coopers now has the solution. “The Rotavec Corona vaccine is a breakthrough for dairy farmers, providing a new tool in the management of scours in their stock that wasn’t previously available within Australia.”


“What we hear from farmers and vets who are testing for pathogens causing calf scours is that there is a lot of rotavirus coming through in the results.” Coopers has a long history in helping dairy producers better manage calf scours and seek to reduce the long term impact on their operations. In recent years, Coopers has actively helped farmers through a range of on-farm diagnostic tools combined with products to prevent E.coli, salmonella and cryptosporidium. Coopers is the only company in Australia with a range of calf scours vaccines and the release of Rotavec Corona vaccine ensures Coopers now has a comprehensive suite of vaccines targeting the pathogens that cause calf scours. To discuss options for calf scours prevention on your farm contact your local AIRR store or Coopers Animal Health Customer Service on toll free 1800 226 511. For more information on Coopers Animal Health visit #Izzo et al. Prevalence of major enteric pathogens in Australian dairy calves with diarrhoea. Australian Veterinary Journal 2011; 89:167-173.

Give your Calves a Kick Start

There are many different theories and systems when it comes to calf rearing, all of which have their own characteristics and benefits. The one thing they all have in common is that they all start with the feeding of adequate amounts of high quality colostrum. With this in mind DASCO has released one of the first genuine colostrum supplements on the Australian market. Kick Start is a food supplement made from bovine colostrum powder and contains whey protein, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, vitamins and minerals. Kick Start contains high levels of Ig’s (immunoglobulin’s, which are the natural antibodies in maternal colostrum) and antibacterial’s, both of which may assist with immunity and intestinal protection to new born calves. The issue facing the farmer is producing enough high quality colostrum to feed all their calves. Many produce the litres required but it is not of a high enough quality to ensure their calves receive and adequate amount of antibodies, or they produce the quality required but not in high enough quantities. There are a variety of factors that may influence the protective capacity of colostrum….



Length of the dry period: Delaying milking after calving: Volume of colostrum at first milking: Age of dam: Pooling colostrum:

Dry periods less than 5 weeks are likely to decrease colostrum quality The quality of the colostrum decreases the longer it is held in the udder

Breed: Leaky cow: Early calver’s:

Some farmers believe that high volumes of colostrum at first milking mean that the quality is poor. This may not always be the case (always check quality before discarding) Older cows generally have better quality colostrum (due to greater exposure to disease) Pooling can dilute quality. Pooling colostrum is not recommended unless it is all of high quality. Only pool “like with like” Breed does affect colostrum quality. Jerseys have the highest levels of IgG because of lower volume Cows that leak prior to calving usually have less IgG in their colostrum Cows that calve early (induced or naturally) generally have lower antibody levels

* Table Source – Dairy Australia’s “Healthy Calf Rearing Guide”

Kick Start is designed to assist the farmer with their on farm colostrum management, by offering a product that can be used as an additive to maternal colostrum to ensure its quality, or as a replacement where maternal colostrum is unavailable. Providing the right amount of good quality colostrum very soon after birth really does get all calves off to a great start—the benefits include:

Kick Start contains three key natural ingredients…. • Immunoglobulin’s: are a group of proteins with antibody activities that are produced in response to infection by micro-organisms, they help prevent and fight disease in a newborn calf. • Lactoferrin & lactoperoxidase: are protein sources that have antibacterial activity. These proteins act to inhibit the colonisation of the intestine by pathogenic microorganisms. Kick Start is made in Australia from all natural products and contains no synthetic material giving it no withholding period. Kick Start is available in 400gm and 4Kg. For more information on this exciting new product contact DASCO on 1800 1 55369 or visit

• Less scours and other diseases • Reduced death rates • Better growth rates • Improved milk production in the long term

The Missing piece in The calf scours puzzle

the only calf scours vaccination against Rotavirus, coronavirus and E.coli

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For further information visit our website at or call us on TOLL FREE 1800 226 511 ® Registered trademark.


Gallagher - Celebrating 75 Years of Working Alongside Farmers 75 years ago William Gallagher Senior got tired of Joe the horse rocking his car, so he electrified the car, the horse got the message and the concept for the world’s first ever electric fence system was born. That sort of fresh thinking and innovative undercurrent remain at the heart of Gallagher today. Malcolm Linn, General Manager for Gallagher Animal Management in Australia says “Reaching 75 years is a big achievement for any privately-owned company. We plan to make the most of it, and we’d like our customers to be a key part of these celebrations.” Malcolm says a major part of the company’s success is working alongside the farming community to discover the insights that drive Gallagher to find unexpected and new ways of doing things - our commitment to ultimately make life on the farm simpler and more profitable. “We also have to thank our farmers for their support. It’s that enduring partnership that’s put the company where it is today.” Gallagher will be taking the wraps off several specially market birthday product offers throughout the year. And there are also some outstanding new product launches that will once again demonstrate a shift in how things can be done.

Breaking The Feed Barrier

• Fast establishment • Superior winter growth • Excellent recovery from grazing • Ideal for hay and silage 2011 Annual Ryegrass Dry Matter Trial, Shepparton, Victoria

Cummulative yield KgDM/ha

12000 10000

6000 4000 2000

21-Dec-11 30-Nov-11 11-Nov-11 24-Oct-11 05-Oct-11 14-Sep-11 16-Aug-11


Trial sown: 29th April 2011. Note: Trial and breeding lines excluded from trial results. LSD: 2659 CV% 18

Distributed by:

Victoria & South Australia Ph: 03 5335 8055


She says the milestone will be marked with some unique 75th Birthday products and offers – and these will be a key feature in Gallagher merchandising displays for the first half of 2013. Malcolm says that while the 75th Birthday is an important feature on the Gallagher calendar, it is the relationship with end users that are the important link to continued innovation within the Gallagher product range. “As market leaders we know the onus is on us to continue our drive to innovate in ways that make life simpler and easier for farmers; and the beauty of it is every year we get better at it because every year we get to know more farmers who help us in that goal. It is with exceptional pride that we head into our 75th year. Please join us in our celebrations, it promises to be a wonderful year.



Gallagher Marketing Manager Andrea Friar says the 75th birthday celebrations will be a feature of Gallagher displays in store and at Field Days around the country.

New South Wales & Queensland Ph: 1800 224 987

“First Battery Powered Energizer Developed in the 1930’s Farming in the 1930’s was hard work. But Bill Gallagher’s invention had sparked an idea and he saw an opportunity to make life simpler for farmers like himself. He began work on a battery-powered electric fence unit that could be used to safely electrify wire fencing. He began selling these devices in the late 1930’s. Little did Bill know that his visionary electric fence innovation would revolutionise New Zealand farming – enabling farmers to manage pastures more efficiently and at a lower cost than conventional fencing.”

Unwrap a Birthday Offer!

It’s our 75th Birthday and we’re celebrating with specially marked Birthday product! MR5000 Fence Energizer G37613



$1995 inc GST RRP


Insulators - 200pk

G68698 - Steel Post Pinlocks / G68798 - W Post Pinlocks



$115 inc GST RRP

These offers and more are available while stocks last from your local AIRR store. 1800 GALLAGHER (1800 425 524)



Lontrel Advanced: Another Success Story from Dow AgroSciences

Hub Miller, Dow AgroSciences

Lontrel Advanced was launched in Australia last year with excellent sales and exceptional feedback from the field. Given that it was developed in response to requests from farmers for a more concentrated form, Dow’s Commodity Business Manager, Hub Miller, was thrilled to receive feedback from agronomists that it was “great to have a product so concentrated”. Other agronomists agreed that “more concentrated product is better for logistics with the volumes handled.” Lontrel Advanced is double the active ingredient loading of the original Lontrel 300 formulation. This makes it an easy in-paddock conversion of half previously used Lontrel rates. It also means half the number of drums to move, to empty and to dispose of. In most cases, when formulations are made

more concentrated, the product becomes more difficult to use – difficult to pour, difficult to mix and difficult to spray; particularly in cooler temperatures. Dow’s formulation chemist, Robert Buttimor, was delighted to discover the opposite is true in the case of Lontrel Advanced. Mr Buttimor reported “lab testing found that Lontrel Advanced is actually half as viscous at five degrees than Lontrel 300, making Lontrel Advanced actually easier to pour and pump in low winter temperatures.” This feature has been achieved through a unique new salt combination with chlopyralid. “This is exactly what farmers have been asking for, but rarely achieved in a product” Mr Buttimor added. Formulation changes are not the only benefits of Lontrel Advanced. Mr Miller identified several application timing improvements that will allow considerably greater flexibility to farmers. “Lontrel Advanced may now be applied as late as booting in cereals [Lontrel 300 is restricted to 5 leaf]. This provides an opportunity for excellent late season weed control, particularly in mixes with MCPA and 2,4-D, which will assist in the management of fleabane.” In addition, the canola withholding period has changed from 12 weeks to not required, combined with a restraint not to apply later than the eight leaf stage of the crop. “This change allows farmers a closer to harvest application if required, such as during a warm spring when the crop finishes quickly” explained Mr Miller. “It allows farmers the flexibility to harvest their canola when it’s ready without being concerned about residues”. At the end of the day, however, the key question with any new product is “does it work”? Extensive trials in 2011 confirmed bioequivalence through both boom sprays and aerial set-ups. Some evidence suggested that Lontrel Advanced may in fact be faster acting than the old Lontrel 300. Dow’s Biology Specialist Col Plater outlined how Lontrel brown-out rates are very dependent on the time of year and prevailing temperatures. “Under warmer growing conditions Lontrel is much more active and browns weeds out faster. Mid winter applications in southern Australia may take up to eight weeks to kill a capeweed plant – the weed stops growing soon after treatment, but may not actually die until the weather turns warmer and faster growth begins”. Mr Plater recommended inspecting the growing point at the centre of the capeweed plant for twisting to indicate whether Lontrel is working. Although most agronomists in 2012 reported that Lontrel Advanced performed as fast as Lontrel 300, some did find the new formulation to be faster, and all reported that they were either extremely happy or very happy with their results. As one agronomist stated, it’s a “great product as all Dow proprietary chemistry is”. Lontrel Advanced is only available through Dow AgroSciences, with strong supplies secure for the 2013 season.

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In 2002 when I was managing the Middle East agchem market for a large agricultural chemical company, I was invited by the Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture to examine two packs of what appeared to be identical products, each claiming to contain 25 gram of DuPont’s Granstar® (Tribenuron-methyl), a broadacre herbicide. However, they informed me that one pack was genuine and one was a counterfeit or fake. Which was the fake? A close examination of the packaging revealed that one pack had a slightly better appearance than the other so the latter must be the fake? Wrong, the package with the better appearance was the fake! So what was the fake product? It was cocoa, fine for preparing a drink, but totally useless for crop protection.

NOT WORTH TAKING THE RISK There is nowhere that “value for money” is more true than farming where the cost of the agricultural chemical inputs represent a very small percentage of the yield. I have seen figures which show that without use of herbicides, wheat yields could be 30% less, and without fungicides, entire crops of grapes or strawberries could be completely written-off. Under these circumstances it is difficult to understand why a 30 cents/Litre price reduction on an unknown glyphosate brand is all that important when so much is at stake. If the cheap glyphosate does not work satisfactorily the yield will diminish and reduce farm income. If the fungicide fails to work the consequences could be very serious.

I am sure some readers will be saying, “Okay, 25 grams is a small quantity so this is not really a major problem!” However, in Egypt, Granstar® sold for US$500/kg so a 25-gram pack cost the Egyptian farmer US$12.50 in a country where the GDB is US$6,281 per capita (World Bank). This price is affordable if the farmer receives value for money, but a fake product means that the purchase is wasted. To compound the problem, if the farmer does not discover the fake before application, he will face a loss of yield as well because of the weed problem. There are four million smallholder farmers in Egypt with an average farm size of two-thirds of a hectare. Therefore US$12.50 is a large amount of money for a peasant farmer whose income is well below the national average. Around half of these farmers purchase 25 grams of Granstar® for the three crops they grow each year so the implications of a fake product were a very serious problem for DuPont as well.

CHEATING ISN’T AS HARD AS YOU MAY THINK Unfortunately it is easy to cheat when producing an agricultural chemical and cheating (to anyone but a chemist with sophisticated equipment) is very difficult to detect – until you see the results. The following are some of the tried and true methods of cheating in agricultural chemicals:

IF GOVERNMENT AUTHORITIES DON’T RESPOND Unfortunately the Egyptian government did nothing about the problem even though police were perfectly entitled to prosecute each reseller who stocked the fake product, and to confiscate the same. As a result, 10 years later more than 50% of the pesticides sold in Egypt are counterfeit, generally smuggled across the borders from Sudan and Libya. Agriculture is the largest economic sector in Egypt and it has plummeted in value as output falls. Large corporate farms, with far greater financial resources than the peasant farmer, are now importing their own pesticides from the US to bypass the system – and are probably importing unregistered product. NEVER IN AUSTRALIA I am sure most readers are now saying, “This could never happen in Australia.” However, this attitude is wrong – counterfeit products could easily reach Australia if they have not done so already. The difference between the supply of sub-standard generic products (which are entering Australia as I write) and counterfeit products is marginal. Therefore, we must nip the sub-standard generic problem in the bud before it transforms into the importation of counterfeit products en-masse. The people who offer you generics at a price “too good to be true” or on a “special deal” are more than likely offering you sub-standard generic products. In other words they are cheating you! You may have heard or read the amusing line, “if the price is too good be true it probably is!” That is, amusing until you are victim! The price will certainly prove to be too good to be true and, in the final analysis, will finish up costing you more than you would pay for a reputable generic brand such as APPARENT. Gucci® is one of the world’s most recognisable brands, symbolising a wide range of high quality, luxury goods. The Gucci® organisation commenced selling leather goods in Florence, Italy in 1921 and with it the founder penned the famous credo of “Quality is remembered long after the price is forgotten”. (A credo is a set of fundamental beliefs or a guiding principle). Many other companies modified the Gucci credo to fit their own needs and many more have followed the principle. While the world of agricultural chemicals may appear to be far removed from the luxury goods industry, the reality is that the Gucci® credo applies to any company which strives for customer satisfaction and, with it, a long term position in the industry that it serves.


o Using the APVMA 5% margin-of-error on the level of active material to unethical advantage. o Using active material below the standard level of purity, for example, much of the cheap Glyphosate entering Australia at the moment has been produced from 93% technical instead of the minimum standard of 95%. o Use of less active material than required, that is, below the APVMA 5% margin-of-error. o Using surfactants and wetters that are cheap, but ineffective, for example, detergent is sometimes used as the wetter in cheap Glyphosate. o Using wetters in Glyphosate which work perfectly well in Asia, but are not designed for the hot, dry climate of Australia. o Using surfactants and wetters produced by reputable companies, but by diluting their product to a very low level. For example, some Glyphosate suppliers claim they use Huntsman Terwet 3780 in their product, but instead of using 120 gram per litre (for Glyphosate 450) they dilute the wetter to 30 gram per litre. o Use of incorrect but cheaper solvents. o In the case of WGs and SCs, product particle size may not be milled to the correct level and therefore the product is less efficacious. This is why some brands of Flutriafol work better than other brands. o Use of conventional wetter in Glyphosate 360 branded as containing a low-toxic aquatic wetter. o Selling product that should otherwise be discarded because of higher than mandated levels of toxic materials, for example, nitrosamine levels in Trifluralin 480. o Substitution. Providing a sample of high quality product from a reputable source and then delivering low quality product. o Use of product on non-approved crops. o Sale of unstable emulsion concentrates (ECs). Therefore, how can an uninformed buyer navigate through this minefield of potential defects? The answer is actually very simple! Buy a recognisable brand from a reputable company and do not be fooled by glossy or impressive packaging. At APPARENT our first priority is product quality and then we identify a reputable producer who can supply the product at the best value for money. More often than not the producer will also be a supplier to an Multi National Corporation (MNC), but because we do not seek the same return as an MNC and due to lower overheads we are able to offer a top quality product at lower price. However, like the MNCs, we are a long-term participant in the Australian market and we will be around and accountable in the unlikely event of a problem occurring.

TIRED OF BEING TIRED BEING IN THEOF DARK IN THE DARK “I thought all generics were the same?” “I thought all generics were the same?” “It was cheap. Until it didn’t work!” “It was cheap. Until it didn’t work!”


Industry developing best defence against OJD

Producer representative bodies WoolProducers Australia and the Sheepmeat Council of Australia have vowed to improve on the proposed Ovine Johne’s Disease (OJD) National Management Plan.

“It’s clear that the system in place since 2008 has not stopped the spread of the disease, therefore maintaining the status quo is not an option. “WPA and SCA are committed to developing the most effective management system possible to prevent the spread of OJD, and which is also fair and widely supported by producers.”

A discussion paper tackling the key areas of producer concern is being developed by the two peak bodies to assist in engaging industry in the review of the proposed OJD management plan.

Mr McColl said the two groups had begun the process of identifying areas within the proposed national management plan which could be revised.

The boards of both groups met recently to determine the best way to unite industry behind a new national approach to preventing the spread of the insidious wasting disease OJD.

“A combination of strategies will be required by producers and industry to limit the spread of OJD, including on-farm biosecurity measures, risk assessment tools and vaccination,” Mr McColl said.

WPA President Geoff Power and SCA President Ian McColl acknowledged that OJD was a difficult issue for industry, with stakeholders approaching the problem from a variety of positions.

“How those strategies are most effectively combined is what we will be examining with the help of industry.

They said that their organisations would work with industry to find common ground on a new national management plan.

“We will be providing more detail to producers on the discussion paper and the policy review process in coming weeks.”

“OJD causes significant economic loss to those producers with infected flocks, and every effort should be made to slow and ideally minimise its spread,” Mr Power said.

A revised national management plan for OJD is due to be implemented by industry on 1 July 2013.


Store Opening Success

Hazells Farm & Fertilizer Services in Tamworth celebrated the opening of their new store in style on Saturday the 8th of December. An Animal Nursery, Shearing and Yard Dog Demonstrations, Face Painting and Kids Games attracted around 400 people through the store. Eighteen supplier representatives were on hand to discuss product requirements with an appreciative audience. Store Owners Rod & Diane Hazell were thrilled with the outcome “We couldn’t have hoped for a better day, the Animal Nursery and Yard Dog demonstrations were very popular as were the Egg & Spoon Races & Face Painting. We must thank the suppliers who got on board particularly Grow Choice, Merial, Gallagher, Belair Technology, Agvantage, Ridley Agriproducts, Wengfu Fertilizers and Dow Agro Sciences. Their support allowed our marketing plan to go ahead and attributed to much of the days success.” Hazells new premises is 4000 square metres in total and includes an undercover drive through with internal parking. “This location allows us a new opportunity to better highlight our extensive product range in a spacious, clean, family friendly environment”

Rod & Diane began Hazells Farm & Fertilizers in March 2001 and the business continues to grow “We are a family owned business and we pride ourselves on providing local knowledge teamed with friendly service, Hazells is now a one stop shop for all your Animal Health, Chemical, Fertilizer & Seed Requirements and, with the addition of Tuckers Pet & Produce, we are now able to offer a wide range of Companion Animal & Equine products from Feed & Vet Health to Rugs & Accessories.”

Your Calf rearing SpeCialiStS Probiotec’s unique range of products supplies everything needed for a successful calf rearing season. Milk Replacers PRobiotec NutRitioNalS Palastart Green - Premium Quality Molasses based Milk Replacer Pty ltd Palastart Blue - Economical Molasses based Milk Replacer For more information about Daisyvite - Traditional non Molasses based Milk Replacer Probiotec’s Calf Rearing Products Supplements call 1800 067 919 Palastart Boost - Specially Formulated Milk Fortifier or visit Palastart StartUp - Colostro-Immune Feed Supplement Gut Health Palastart Stop - Specially Formulated Scour Treatment Palastart Turbo - Probiotic Paste for Calves


An Australian family company determined to make a difference Whites Group is a family business operating for close to 40 years distributing product to the Rural and Hardware industries mainly under the brand of Whites Wires.

AIRR AIRR Autumn Specials Purchase a S15B 1.5km Solar energiser for only $248.00 And receive a free roll of Thundercord 200m

In this time they have been somewhat quiet achievers, not too fussed about over-marketing, just concentrating on getting the basics right: offering customers consistent representation and good value on quality products. In the background has been continuous growth and a family attitude to business. Originally started by John Kelly (ex BHP Steel) there are now three brothers in the business and 140 staff. As a family company they have grown through dedicated staff striving successfully to “be the best we can” and “make a difference” in everything the company does. This approach has led to the creation of a network of sales & distribution branches in every Australian state, world partnerships with more than 50 suppliers, a representative and quality control office in China and over 1000 products on range. As Peter Kelly - Whites Group MD - explains “our approach of being the best we can be means we look for continuous improvement across the organisation whilst when we look to make a difference we remain relevant and community minded.” “We are very conscious of the need for continuous improvement and know that for our efforts to be valued by the supply chain we must offer great products at compelling value.” STOCKPOST® - the rural fence post evolves Whites Group’s capacity to design, manufacture and quality control product has led to their product team launching more than 150 products in the last two years. The latest venture is their biggest yet the evolution of STOCKPOST®. STOCKPOST® has been 3 years in the making and a multimillion dollar investment for Whites. Customer dissatisfaction with the variable quality of imported Fence Posts at one end and the price premiums attached to quality products at the other end drove Whites to do better. Simply, it was an opportunity to” make a difference” by giving farmers what they wanted - a very good fence post at great value. Sounds easy but the processes involved in efficiently producing a sustainable post and marketing it at compelling value is more complex than you would think. The process started with Whites metallurgists designing the correct raw material to give optimum strength and flexibility to withstand the regular occurrence of stock leaning on fences. Then they needed to be able to convert this high grade steel into a Y bar in a controlled hot rolling process


Bonus value $50.00 Quality Australian Made Products Purchase a B120 15km battery powered energiser For only $187.00 And receive 10 free 32E gate handles

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before applying the best available choice of coatings. The result was the necessity to build a state-of-the-art factory dedicated to producing STOCKPOST® to the required degree of excellence. STOCKPOST® also features a few extra touches to make the farmers lot a little easier. A larger profile gives superior holding power whilst precision pointing and hole alignment means posts will drive and line up easily. The final, practical, touch is a marker line to indicate the most effective driving depth of STOCKPOST® into the soil. STOCKPOST® is available in a full range of sizes in either a traditional Black bituminous coating or a Hot Dip galvanised coating. Whites Group are deservedly proud of STOCKPOST® and are keen to get the message out to a market that they believe will be eager to experience the excellent value-for-money that STOCKPOST® offers. Peter Kelly adds, “We look forward to getting our STOCKPOST® range firmly established in the market, supporting our loyal customers with a strong marketing campaign, and adding value to the Australian rural market”.

If you pick up lepto when handling cattle, you could be out of action for months with severe flu-like symptoms that often develop into an ongoing chronic fatigue like illness. Protect your herd, your family, your employees and yourself. Vaccinate your cattle with Ultravac 7in1.*

Protecting much more than cattle. *See product leaflet for details of administration and product claims. For more information talk to your Pfizer Cattle Product Specialist on 1800 335 374. Pfizer Animal Health Australia Pty Ltd, 38–42 Wharf Rd, West Ryde NSW 2114 ABN 94 156 476 425. AM609 01/13 PAL0900/AIRR.

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Leptospirosis can put you flat on your back for months. It’s well known that lepto can damage the reproductive performance of beef and dairy herds. Cattle infected with lepto can suffer from abortions, still births and reduced fertility; these infected animals shed and spread bacteria in their urine, plus during calving, from placental membranes and from aborted foetuses. The bacterium can survive in stagnant water for many weeks. But did you know that lepto can also make people extremely ill? If you pick up lepto when handling cattle you could be out of action for months with severe flu like symptoms that often develop into an ongoing chronic fatigue like illness. Anyone on your farm working with cattle is at risk, and exposure to infected fluids at times such as ‘pulling a calf’ and pregnancy testing is of significant concern.

The best way to control lepto is by preventing animals from contracting and/or spreading the disease, therefore minimizing the risk to humans. Vaccination of all cattle is the safest way to prevent leptospirosisi .Did you also know that vaccination with Ultravac® 7in1 provides not only protection to your herd but also has a unique ‘prevention of human infection’ claim. So make sure your cattle are up to date with their vaccinations - all animals should receive 2 doses initially, followed by an annual booster each year. Protect you herd, your family, employees and yourself. Vaccinate your cattle with Ultravac 7in1


Probiotec’s Range – A product for all calf rearing requirements.

ATK920 220PC TOOLKIT, METRIC & AF • 9 Drw Toolchest, BBS (660 x 307 x 435mm) • 6 Vacuum Formed Inserts • 1/4, 3/8” & 1/2” Dr Skts & Acc. • Combination Spanner Set • 54PC Bit Set • 7PC Punch & Chisel Set • 7PC Screwdriver Set • Various Pliers & Multigrips • Adjustable Wrenches • Ball Pein Hammer • Hex Key Set • Hacksaw • Knife


$645 ATK58 129PC TOOLKIT METRIC & AF • 5 Tray Cantilever Toolbox • 1/2'' Drive Socket Set • Various Pliers • Hex Key Set • Screwdriver Sets • Ball Pein Hammer • Multigrips • Adjustable Wrench • Tape Measure • Gasket Scissors • Torch • Punch & Chisel Set • Combination Spanner Set • Hacksaw • Feeler Gauge


$40 8PC LONG SERIES PIN PUNCH SET • 2.5, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.5, 8 & 10mm A7200

1/2” DR IMPACT WRENCH • Torque - 250 Ft Lb • 7,000 RPM • Bolt Capacity - 5/8” • 96 dBA • Length - 156mm • 2.38kg SM403


40PC 1/2” DR SKT SET • Metric: 8 - 32mm • AF: 3/8 - 1-1/4” • Ratchet • Extensions • Sliding T Bar • Uni. Joint • 1/2’’ F to 3/8” M Adaptor • 13/16 & 5/8” Spark Plug Sockets A13174


RETRACTABLE AIR HOSE REEL • 1/2” NPT Fitting • 50’ • 300PSI • 8 Position Ratchet Gearing Locks Reel at Desired Hose Length AH12

110PC TAP & DIE SET • UNC Tap & Die Sizes: 1/4x20-3/4” x10TPI & No.4x40-12x24TPI • UNF Tap & Die Sizes: 1/4x28-3/4” x 16TPI & No.10x32TPI • UNS Tap & Die Sizes: 1/4x24 & 1/4”x40TPI• Met. Tap & Die Sizes: 6x1-18mm x1.5mm • NPT Tap & Die Sizes:1/8 x27 & 1/4”x18TPI • 2 Bar Type Wrenches • T Type Tap Wrench • 2 Die Handles • All Taps Have a Starter and Finisher Size PT52


TROLLEY JACK • Lifts 2000kg • Min. Ht - 145mm • Max. Ht - 500mm • 38kg TJ2250

$245 16.

As the autumn calf rearing period approaches Probiotec are in a strong and unique position to supply all of your requirements for a successful calf rearing reason. Probiotec can supply everything from a powdered colostro-immune feed supplement, a range of milk replacers through to scour treatments and gut health products. There’s something in the Palastart range to suit every situation and solve every problem. Milk Replacers: PALASTART GREEN A premium quality, unique, highly palatable dairy based milk replacer containing molasses powder which can be fed from birth through to weaning. Designed for farmers who are looking for a premium quality milk replacer. Palastart Green is high in energy (fat) (21%) and protein (28%) which means better growth rates. It contains MOS for a healthy gut balance to protect against scours and stomach disorders. PALASTART BLUE An economically priced, unique, highly palatable dairy based milk replacer containing molasses powder that can be fed from birth through to weaning. Designed for farmers looking for a good quality milk replacer that provides excellent value. Palastart Blue is high in energy (fat) (20%) and protein (24%) which means better growth rates. It contains MOS for a healthy gut balance to protect against scours and stomach disorders. DAISYVITE A traditional non molasses based (white), highly palatable dairy based milk replacer that can be fed from birth through to weaning. Designed for farmers who want a traditional non molasses based (white) milk replacer. Daisyvite is high in energy (fat) (21%) and protein (26%) which means better growth rates. It contains a Mannan Oligo-saccharide (MOS) for a healthy gut balance to protect against scours and stomach disorders. Calf Supplements: Palastart Boost A specially Formulated Whole Milk Fortifier that can be fed from Birth through to Weaning. It will improve growth performance in calves of all ages. Palastart Boost contains Glycomax LactoferrinTM that may play a role in supporting and complementing the immune system while a single strain probiotic and a MOS are added for a healthy gut balance to protect against scours and stomach disorders. The addition of bacterial yeast will lead to

better feed conversion and increased daily weight gain. Palastart Boost supplies vitamins and minerals found short in milk. Palastart StartUp A Colostro-Immune Feed Supplement to be fed as soon as possible after birth. It provides a supplemental source of Immunoglobulins found in colostrum. Palastart StartUp supplies a rich source of immunoglobulins (Ig’s) to the animal, which are key components in the passive immunity process. It also provides a supplement source of immunoglobulins for animals that did not have access to colostrum or received inadequate amounts of colostrum. A Mannan Oligosaccharide (MOS) is added for a healthy gut balance to protect against scours and stomach disorders. Palastart StartUp may assist in the control of symptoms associated with stress, such as scours and general ill health Gut Health: Palastart Stop A specially Formulated Scour Treatment fed for 3-5 days during periods of scouring or stress. It has no withholding period, and is a non medicated product that will treat and prevent most common types of scours. Weight loss caused by scouring is minimised by adding Palastart Stop to milk or milk replacer. The addition of fruit fibres to slowdown the passage of the rehydration solution and may also coat inflamed intestinal mucosa. Palastart Stop contains electrolytes to replace those lost through diarrhoea and scouring while Glucose is added to provide an immediate energy source. Palastart Turbo A Probiotic Paste for Calves to be used during times of stress, ill health, scouring, and after treatment. Palastart Turbo provides a source of viable (live) naturally occurring microorganisms. Palastart Turbo can be used during periods of ill health, digestive upset, scouring, and stress and it is particularly suitable for calves from birth and prior to or during weaning. Palastart Turbo is also of benefit to calves in post operative care and those at risk of digestive disturbance from the use of antibiotics and wormers. It has no withholding period, and is a non medicated product Probiotec - your calf rearing specialists! For Further information on any of the products and points mentioned above contact your Palastart representative on 1800 067 919.

Insatiable demand for Australian dairy produce in Asia The growing demand for Australian agricultural produce in Asia represents a sustainable opportunity for Australian dairy producers and processors, according to National Australia Bank (NAB).

China’s consumers are increasing their demand for protein, including dairy products, and the country is looking to secure food supply with operators and suppliers in Australia.

Speaking at International Dairy Week in Tatura, Victoria, the Director of NAB’s Asia Desk, Grant Healy, provided insights into some emerging trends and opportunities. “NAB has had a presence in Asia since the late 1960s, and the driving force we’re seeing on the ground is rapidly growing demand for Australian agricultural produce and the quality and consistency it represents,” said Mr Healy.

China and Japan represent Australia’s most important dairy export markets, together accounting for almost a third of all Australian dairy exports.

The market for Australian produced infant milk formula, in China in particular, is growing rapidly and this is forecast to continue. China’s 248 million-strong middle class continues to grow and the buying power of these consumers is driving sustainable demand for quality food products. “In addition to the dairy export staples of powdered and extended shelf life milk, we’re also seeing an increase in demand for products like cheese, butter and liquid milk,” Mr Healy said.

“Realising opportunities in these markets can be a challenge for processors and producers with limited experience or presence in Asian markets,” Mr Healy said. NAB works with businesses on both sides of the equator to establish relationships and networks across the region, providing market insights and actively supporting business development and trade flows into and out of Australia. Over the last 40 plus years, NAB has steadily grown its presence and networks through Asia, and today has a team of over 450 employees in China, Japan, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and Indonesia.


Worm Management in Sheep The rules of Worm Management in Sheep have changed, in response to the recognition that avoiding or delaying the progression of resistance to drenches has become an imperative. Every season is a variable and presents new challenges. It is important to understand the factors behind such variations so as to avoid unpleasant surprises. Unlike flies and lice , the loss of production from sheep worms is massive compared with control costs, but unfortunately people focus on the cost of a container of drench instead of what they are losing in the way of production. To keep up to date with the current Worm Management strategies. Sue Herbert and staff at AIRR Member store Peter Grahams hosted a day for 40 Albany farmers and other AIRR members to learn about the Management of Sheep Worms, the main speaker for the day Sponsored by Agvanatge was one of Australia’s leading livestock production veterinarians Dr Kevin Bell a Sheep Management & Production Consultant and Emeritus Professor at Murdoch University. The themes for the workshop were • Understand the adversary! If not they’ll win every time. • It starts with the first mouthful of grass • With typical egg counts and stocking rates, it was demonstrated how there might be 10 million larvae on a hectare, but only 10 to 20 thousand adult worms in the sheep – but we concentrate on the sheep. • With expected FOO and sheep intakes, sheep may be exposed to and have to deal with 1000 larvae a day. Adults may be able to do this but lamb and hoggets struggle with easily demonstrated weight and wool production foregone. The hidden but huge cost! • Worms waste pasture and dollars. How? • Reduction in feed intake – up to 20% • Reduced efficiency of protein digestion – energy expenditure plus some protein loss • Diversion of nutrients from production to immune response (equivalent to up to 15% of maintenance) • Scouring – flystrike risk, breech wool downgrading • (with Haemonchus) Anaemia, death • Managing worms and Managing drenches as resistance to some drench groups is growing. Eg Drench chemical group Resistance in WA (less than 95% reduction in worm egg count) • Benzimidazoles (BZ) – 99% • Levamisole (LV) – 99% • BZ/LV combination – 80% • BZ/LV/ABA – 5% • Macrocylic lactones (ML) – good, but declining.


Moxidectin 20, abamectin 30, ivermectin 80 • Naphthalophos – useful, but rarely fully effective. Good in combinations. • (Closantel – against Haemonchus only) none in WA , severe elsewhere • AANs amino-acetonitrile derivatives - Monepantel (ZOLVIX) No resistance detected or expected yet. • Always carry out a Drench Resistance Test (FECRT) essential and worm egg count prior to drenching AIRR encourages all Sheep Producers to use WormBoss. a web-based worm control resource for Australia’s sheep producers.










Omega 3 EPA & DHA Oil

Targeting performance, health and wellbeing through improved blood circulation and oxygen delivery The health and performance benefits of Omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil are well known to horse owners and trainers. Omega 3 fatty acids from fish oil make the body’s membranes, including red blood cells, cell walls and blood vessels more flexible, improving blood circulation and the delivery of oxygen to muscles. This helps to delay fatigue and improve stamina in performance horses and improves health and wellbeing in all horses, including aged horses and ponies. Feeding plant based vegetable oils can’t deliver the Omega 3 benefits gained from the addition of EPA and DHA rich fish oil. Corn oil, safflower and sunflower oils have a poor Omega 3: Omega 6 ratio which can have an inflammatory effect if fed at high levels.

The benefits of adding Vitamite Performa 3 Oil to your horse’s daily ration will occur in 3 stages: STAGE 1: 21-28 days – Omega 3 replaces Omega 6 in white blood cells STAGE 2: 50-60 days – Omega 3:6 ratio starts to change in membranes & cell walls. STAGE 3: 90–100 days – the membrane cells have completed a life cycle and all new cells have their new Omega 3 : Omega 6 ratio.

Targeted Nutritional Support promoting health and wellbeing For further information about Performa•3 and other Vitamite supplements, visit our informative website or freecall MITAVITE® 1800 025 487 References O'Connor CI et al (2004) The effect of dietary fish oil supplementation on exercising horses. J Anim Sci 82(10):2978-2984 De Caterina R, Basta G (2001) n-3 Fatty acids and the inflammatory response - biological background. Eur Heart J Supp D:D42-D49



Breaking the feed barrier with Mach 1 annual ryegrass Mach 1® tetraploid annual ryegrass is the latest release from Stephen Pasture Seeds and AusWest Seeds. Mach 1 is a newly bred variety and has come out of the PGG Wrightson Seeds breeding programme. Jim Stephen Business Development Manager for Stephen Pasture Seeds said it was exciting to have a new highly productive tetraploid annual ryegrass to sell with excellent local trial data showing its performance under local conditions and as an added bonus is exclusive to SPS. Mach 1 has much higher production and quality than many other annual ryegrasses on the market. It is excellent for quick winter feed and also has the ability to regrow quickly, and due to its longer maturity can also make excellent silage and hay.

On the dry land area of 8 hectares Justin managed 2 grazings with the dry cows and then it was cut for silage and produced 110 rolls of high quality silage. The paddock was then shut up for hay and cut 60 rolls of hay as well. Justin says he is “extremely happy with the Mach 1, in fact I’m over the moon with the silage and hay yields and the grazing I have got off it”. Mach 1 is available now from your local rural store or ring Stephen Pasture Seeds (VIC, SA) on 03 53358055 or AusWest Seeds (QLD, NSW) on 1800 224 987 for more information including trial results or the name of your closest stockist.

Victorian dairy farmer Justin Boyle has been impressed with Mach 1 on his property. He milks 160 cows at Pearsondale, just near Sale in central Gippsland and uses it as part of his pasture renovation programme; Justin planted 16 hectares of Mach 1 annual ryegrass last autumn. 8 hectares were sown under irrigation, and 8 hectares were sown on the dry block. Justin commented that with the Mach 1 planted under irrigation he “just kept grazing it”, in total the milkers would have grazed it 5 or 6 times, and the cows milked very well off the Mach 1.

Insist on Philmac. When you’re moving water around your property you want infrastructure that doesn’t let you down. When it comes to poly fittings, Philmac has been the brand that Aussie farmers have trusted for more than 80 years. Australian made for our harsh Australian conditions and backed by Philmac’s 25 year warranty, there are a lot of reasons why you should insist on the brand that Aussie farmers know and trust. Don’t get a fitting, get a Philmac.


There’s a reason that there are more than 50 million Philmac fittings in use across the country.

A Powerful Combination

A combination of two powerful actives in one convenient dose. New eclipse delivers the power of a combination in a pour-on. A whole new level of parasite control for Australian beef producers.


Brutally effective against all major internal parasites – including those resistant to endectocide drenches – eclipse delivers a level of parasite control you simply can’t get from conventional, single-active products. Take your parasite control to the next level. Double strength eclipse.

Twice the Pour-on now at your AIRR reseller.

Merial Australia Pty Ltd, Building D, 12-24 Talavera Road, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113 (ABN 53 071 187 285). ®eclipse is a registered trademark of Merial Limited. ©2011 Merial Limited. All rights reserved. ECLP-10-000 A SANOFI COMPANY

Revolutionary K-Line irrigation pods now available in ready-packaged Farm Pack The revolutionary K-Line Irrigation system is now available right across Australia in a new ready-packaged Farm Pack thanks to Philmac – the country’s leading designer and manufacturer of compression fittings for polyethylene pipe (PE).

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As specialists in PE pipe connections, Philmac provides a complete range of compression fittings, ball valves and threaded fittings for use with an irrigation water management system that can now be complimented by the transportable, cost effective pod irrigation system – K-Line. “We have been distributing the K-Line transportable irrigation pod system for over a year in Australia and are excited about the release of the innovative Farm Pack” Philmac General Manager Group Marketing Jason Mitchell said. “Irrigation is a key market for us, and we are constantly looking for opportunities to provide more value to our irrigation customers. A product such as K-Line is a great fit for us, and provides a host of benefits to consumers.” The K-Line Farm Pack includes all the benefits of the innovative K-Line irrigation pod system in a ready-packaged solution. The Farm Pack offers the following benefits: - Low cost transportable pod irrigation system in a ready-packaged solution to service a 1 hectare area - Modular system that can grow with your needs - Cost effective to establish and operate The K-Line Farm Pack includes 100m of K-Pipe 32mm flexible poly pipe; five patented K-Line irrigation pods with sprinklers as well as a range of accessories, adaptors and installation instructions to service a 1 hectare area. “It is a great addition to the K-Line product range, that also includes the effluent transportable pod system ideal for dairy applications or the customised irrigation pod solutions to suit larger or unique pasture irrigation. The Farm Pack helps those with smaller areas establish a low cost irrigation system very simply” Business Development Manager, K-Line, David Young.

“At this time of year, the K-Line Farm Pack is also ideal to help those in bushfire affected areas. You can quickly and easily set-up at K-Line Farm Pack as a short term ring main to help generate some protective green grass between your property and the paddocks. For those in rural Australia who haven’t had a chance to setup a proper poly ring

mains, you can easily set up the K-Line Farm Pack to help create a perim13/04/12 eter guard to your house” states David Young, also an experienced fireman with both town and rural fire brigades in rural NSW. Primarily designed to irrigate pasture, the benefits of K-Line include: - Simple installation process means that the system can be up and running in no time - High performance polypropylene pod design means that the pod is lightweight, easy to move and durable to suit a range of farm conditions - Patented pod design ensures that the sprinkler offers full spray while being protected if the pod overturns during transportation adding an additional level of security and ease of use - Utilises highly efficient sprinkler methods enabling a lower rate of application which maximises absorption rates. This also minimises runoff and means better use of water - Running costs are reduced by utilising lower running pressures, lower pressure pipes and lower pump requirements. Plus it is much more cost effective and easier to install than traditional irrigation methods, such as pivot irrigation - It can work around existing structures and layouts on the farm meaning lower capital expenditure with the use of a specifically designed flexible PE hose system - Thanks to the durable pod design and flexible hose system K Line can be towed using simple farm machinery at a reasonable speed across a range of farm terrains Additionally, the patented Pod design ensures a completely protected sprinkler that still allows full spray operation while protecting the sprinkler, keeping it upright and stopping external interference with the sprinkler action. The K-Line product range includes sprinklers, tapping saddles, tough protecting housing (pod) and specific flexible pipe made from PE which joins the pods together. K-Line is available from all leading irrigation outlets. To find out more call 1800 755 899 to speak to your local Philmac representative. For further information visit www.philmac.



Given autumn marks the onset of peak rodent season it’s timely to make you aware of the valuable contribution the Surefire brand of rodenticides can make towards eliminating these pesky little…...critters. Surefire has achieved strong market acceptance over the years and through continued effort and investment in product development you can rest assured that Surefire will live up to the expectations of even your most discerning customers. By way of a refresher, our Surefire All-weather Rodent Blocks are a second-generation anti-coagulant using the active ingredient – Brodifacoum. By second-generation we mean a single-feed or higher toxicity bait. Typically this type of bait is used when rodent numbers are high or a fast kill is required. Surefire Broma Blocks are also a second-generation anti-coagulant but contain the active ingredient Bromadiolone. Bromadiolone has a lower toxicity and perhaps the more appropriate product if poisoning of non-target species is a concern. If you are really worried about potential poisoning of non-target species, including pets, why not try our Ramik green pellets - a first generation anti-coagulant that uses Diphacinone as the active ingredient. By first generation we mean a lower toxicity bait or multi-feed bait, meaning more of the bait has to be consumed for it to be lethal. Both Surefire All-weather Rodent Blocks and Surefire Broma Blocks are an extruded wax block and both are suitable for indoor and outdoor use. Both forms of blocks weigh an average of 15gm and are packaged in sizes ranging from 150gm to 1kg sachets and from 2.4kg to 8kg buckets. And remember for added safety, particularly around children or pets, use Surefire lockable rodent stations in conjunction with any of the Surefire rodent blocks…. they are made for each other. Surefire Zinc Phosphide is our rodent control bait for use in broad-acre crops. It is not suitable for use in or around buildings. Surefire Zinc Phosphide is made from quality lo-

cally grown wheat, which is carefully graded, cleaned and sterilized before being mixed with food-grade oil and zinc phosphide powder. It’s easily applied and requires no mixing. It’s highly effective and achieves rapid results, with up to 90% control being typically achieved within 48 hours of application. Surefire Zinc phosphide is registered for either aerial or calibrated ground application equipment. It has a low secondary poisoning risk to non-target species and degrades out in the open leaving no harmful bi-products. Which leads us to Surefire Broma Grain Bait, our latest product release which merges the convenience and practicality of a grain-based bait with the piece of mind of a lower toxicity active ingredient such as Bromadiolone. It comes in a choice of two convenient pack sizes – 2kg and 10kg buckets and offers further flexibility in treatment options against rats and mice. All Surefire rodenticides provide you with effective knockdown power and superior palatability that results in an effective and value for money eradication of rats and mice no matter what your situation or application requirement. We at PCT International have been working hard and invested heavily in upgrading our plant and equipment to further improve on the quality of our final product and to ensure that production quantities keep pace with demand. Demand derived from what can only be described as market success. And remember Surefire blocks and grain-based rodenticides are complemented by our range of physical and chemical control products as well. If you need any assistance regarding any of the above give us a call on 1800 630 877, we would love to hear from you!

RODENTICIDES No matter what your rodent problem, with a choice of actives — brodifacoum, bromadiolone, diphacinone or zinc phosphide, SureFire is your solution!


tel 1800 630 877

Kill your lice not your pour-on

This year, roTaTe To gold • Contains Diazinon – proven lice control active • Spray-on Formulation – quick to apply • Shorter ESI than Avenge™ – 21 days vs 63 days Call us on Toll Free 1800 885 576 ® Registered trademark. Avenge™ is a trademark of Bayer.

Jim Tierney of ‘Blair Athol’, Casterton, south-west Victoria, runs 3,700 crossbred ewes and 4,000 Merinos across several properties.

“We hadn’t had any lice problems here for 15 years. Then we suddenly started noticing them. As we hadn’t brought in any sheep ourselves, our boundaries clearly needed checking and maintenance.”

Jim worked with his Coopers Rep, who demonstrated the best way to apply Eureka Gold. “You spray-on quite a decent dose using the Coopers 150 mL Power Doser™. Eureka Gold did the trick. The lice are gone now: we had a look but haven’t seen any and there’s no more rubbing or biting.” “Another thing: Eureka Gold worked out a whole lot cheaper too. When you’re running a fair few sheep like we do, that amounts to quite a bit.”

“The areas near the river and creeks have always needed an eye kept on them as strays can get through, especially when waters recede after flooding.”

Asked about his plans for next year, Jim said he felt his mob was free of lice and likely to remain so because of the effectiveness of Eureka Gold.

“We fixed up the possible entry points to prevent lice infested sheep coming into contact with ours. And we continue to keep a close eye on our boundary fences.” “That still left us with the problem of treating our previously clean mobs.”

“There’s obviously no point in treating clean sheep but I’m certainly going to keep an eye on them, especially for rubbing and scratching – and bits of wool on fences.” “It’s also important to shear the entire mob in one go, so that if any do need treatment for lice you get the whole mob done at once.” “We’ve given the boundaries a good going over as well, making sure they’re all secure to prevent infested strays from wandering in.”

“We treated all the sheep and thought that would be the end of it. But the lice might have been resistant to the product, as pretty soon, the sheep were biting themselves and rubbing – badly enough to ruin a lot of the clip... really hopeless, it was.” “I was going to give that new product a go, as we’ve got a couple of places spread around the area and it’s easy to transport. But I ended up talking to the local rural supplier about it and he recommended Coopers Eureka Gold®.” “Eureka Gold is based on diazinon – resistance to it. And because it’s a on, it’s easy to work with. We started the crossbreds, then the Merinos as

“It gives me real peace of mind to know that even if a lice infestation does occur, I’ve got Eureka Gold to help me sort it out.”

and there’s no backline pourout using it on well, the lot.”


Making every post a winner at Tailem Bend Like all regions across the nation, our region is fairly competitive, and we have our fair share of corporate rural competitors. Independent businesses of all works of life are faced with the aged old question. “I love the industry and my customers, but how do you compete with the bif corporates? Answer - Get a heap of independents together! That’s where AIRR came in and helped us. A group gives us the stepping stone to compete on a pretty big scale, which gives us national support, with all the flexability and freedom of being an independent retailer.

Proudly independent & local

Being Independent has some great advantages and 2013 will be a big growth year for us. By owning and operating the store as an independent. I have the advantage of being flexible for my customers which I think inturn offers a better level of service and convenience. The warehouse model that AIRR has created is super. We are a growing and developing business, and this has helped us to know end. I would dread starting a similar business without being an AIRR member - in fact I wouldn’t do it! AIRR’s distribution enables businesses such as ours to grow through stocking alot of items without over capitalising on stock. AIRR’s model wouldn’t be what it is without its people behind it. Big Ash in Adelaide has helped us develop

Give them a Kick Start Colostrum Supplement for Calves Contains Lactoferrin, Lactoperoxidase & MOS.

The first 24 hours is crucial to successful calf rearing. Ensure your calves receive adequate antibodies and antibacterials in the crucial early stages of life by feeding Kick Start, the new colostrum supplement from DASCO.

our rural side, not through magical words of wisdom, or fancy business practices, but simply by actually caring about my business, and offering the support when I need it, you cant put a $ figure on that kind of business relationship.

Ever changing business

Our business has changed alot at Tailem Bend. In our first year of opening we were about 20% Rural & Stockfeed, the rest Hardware & Landscape Supplies. Today 90% of our business is Rural & Stockfeed. Accompanying the business is our sand & metal yard as well as hardware & steel supplies which all compliment each other very well. One of our main markets is the equine industry were we have a heavy focus on the racing industry. Our location demands we get out to our customers. Weekly deliveries are taken care of to surrounding towns by my brother Paul who loves being involved in the equine side. He also looks after the yard and stock receivals. Like most independents we run a pretty tight ship. Our growth market is definitely our rural side. Alot of this stems from our loyal customers giving us a go. In return we have proven our service is second to none, and our prices and range allow us to offer the complete package. Even though I am a relatively new player in the rural game, I have noticed that the average sized rural independent store is going from strength to strength in a business world dominated by big corporate. My basic business philosophy is enjoy what you are doing. If you wake up each morning and enjoy going to work, half of the battle is won! Having owned and run hotels for 10 years, I’m still getting used to starting at 6am and not knocking off at that time! What I enjoy most about the rural industry is you get a sense of being involved in a positive, productive industry. It’s enjoyable spending each day talking and working with farmers and horse trainers.

Here for the locals

We have seen nearly a 500% growth in our rural side from 2010 to 2012 with a lot more to go yet. One of the big corporates packed up and left Tailem Bend 25 years ago and alot of people told me that a farm supply store wouldn’t work at Tailem Bend, and that you can’t compete against the nearby corporates. What these people didn’t factor in is when you combine having a great location, provide top end service and have a customer base willing to support you. Independents can succeed.

Available in 400g and 4kg packs.

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Looking ahead our aim is to secure ourselves as a main player in the rural supply industry in our area. One of our big goals for 2013 is to double the stock we have on hand. This will inturn service our customers better. At the end of the day the most i can wish is for when people are planning to do some fencing, drenching there


Get Extra Splashes of Profit with Pour n’ Go! Safe, effective and easy to use water tank treatment KILLS: • E. Coli • Salmonella • Legionella • Pseudomonas • Campylobacter • Hepatitis


Pour n’ Go is a brand new water tank treatment that controls all forms of bacteria, viruses and algae. This safe and innovative product is tasteless, odourless and ecologically and environmentally harmless. Plus unlike most other tank and stored water treatments, Pour n’ Go is totally chlorine-free! • All

internal and external water tanks • Holiday homes • Mobile homes • Yachts • Portable water supplies • Emergency water storage tanks Pour n’ Go is fully supported by

For more information and to place your first order contact: Dennis McIlwain P: (04) 29 622 528 E: W:

New Zealand Company Takes a Fresh Look at Treating Tank Water Keeping water clean and drinkable is an ongoing problem when it is collected and kept in storage tanks. As well as ensuring these tanks are covered and that the water is filtered, most people still rely on chlorine-based water treatments to keep it clean and safe. Pour n’ Go, developed in New Zealand by GeoSil Pacific Limited, takes an entirely different approach. GeoSil Company Manager Neil MacDonald explains that whilst for years, water treatments have relied on using chlorine as a low cost disinfectant; it does have its drawbacks. The obvious snags include chlorine’s unpleasant smell and taste; but its other big weaknesses are its true effectiveness as a disinfectant and its ability to produce unpleasant chemical by-products in the water. No one would argue that chlorine cannot be an effective disinfectant, but it has its limitations. Very often, the high doses that are required to kill many pathogens can make the water unpalatable to drink, and over time, many of these pathogens can become resistant to normal treatment levels. Even normal dose rates can result in unpleasant drinking water. Pour n’ Go is quite different. The most common ‘bugs’ found in water tanks are E. Coli, Salmonella, Legionella, Pseudomonas, Campylobacter and Hepatitis. Whilst chlorination can reduce the levels of these bacteria, Pour n’ Go can eliminate them without altering the taste of the water. Pour n’ Go is non-chlorine product that uses the synergistic effects of combining hydrogen peroxide and silver in a patented process to produce a very stable, long lasting, yet environmentally safe and easy to handle sanitiser. It is suitable for the control of all contaminants normally found in water that is obtained from rainwater collection areas, streams, ponds and springs. It is safe and easy to use, and when used correctly and sensibly will give rapid and pleasant-tasting results. Not only can Pour n’ Go kill the bacteria mentioned above, it has been shown to be able to kill over 200 other types of common pathogens. Since its release in New Zealand in 2010, Pour n’ Go has become increasingly popular. Gone are the days of people having to get the balance of taste versus effectiveness right. Too little chlorine and the water is not entirely disinfected; too much and it tastes and smells abhorrent. Another problem is that chlorinebased treatments do not clean the pipes leading out of the tank. Pour n’ Go excels at solving these problems. Pour n’ Go is safe and simple to administer and is made using only food grade ingredients, it is not harmful to people, animals or plant life. It has a very quick contact time and can be used as a ‘shock dose’ for water that has been standing in tanks for extended periods of time. And what’s more, Pour n’ Go can be used anywhere. Be it for domestic tanks where water has been gathered from the roof, or in holiday homes and caravans Pour n’ Go is safe, very efficient and best of all, tasteless. This means that it can be safely and easily used in other situations such as in mobile homes and private and commercial boats. In fact, it can be used in any tank or container where people store water for later consumption. Pour n’ Go is marketed in Australia by WaterGain Limited and is now available in AIRR stores around the country; and WaterGain’s New Zealand-based marketing manager, Guy Richardson is very confident of the product’s potential. “For the first time”, Guy said recently, “People now have a better alternative to chlorine-based tank water treatments. Pour n’ Go really does kill all of the bacteria and pathogens that can be found in tank water and what’s more, it is completely tasteless. This means that tank water can actually now taste fresh. We have enjoyed a huge take up of Pour n’ Go here in New Zealand and we are quite sure it will be just as well received in Australia.”


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Levot, G. (2008) Aust. J. of Ent. 47, 251-255. *Elanco®, Extinosad® and the diagonal colour bar are trademarks of Eli Lilly and Company. EAH12362


Cleanliness is both the abstract of being clean and free from ‘dirt’, and the process of achieving and maintaining that state. As the saying goes “Cleanliness is next to godliness” signifies we have a moral duty to keep ourselves and homes clean. Cleanliness is an important trait as it relates to hygiene and disease prevention. No matter the area such as the kitchen, bathroom, living room, personal hygiene (your clothes and hands) or the cleaning method, whether you are washing, scrubbing, wiping, disinfecting, degreasing, deodorising or spraying; all areas and methods must be completed to achieve cleanliness and maintained to prevent illness and disease. What comes next in line is the product. What product to use that will help deliver the best and most effective result to maintain a clean and hygiene state? What products are you using for your household and self to achieve this state? Are you using the right product? Are you brand conscious? Are you eco- friendly? Is your skin sensitive to certain chemicals? Do you demand excellence in customer service? Do you demand quality in the products provided?


Whether you are brand conscious or environmentally friendly, demand excellence in customer service and quality products, you can be sure of AIRR to provide a complete range of products and service that you know well and trust. AIRR alongside with Diversey – a leading global provider of cleaning and hygiene solutions, have worked on a partnership expanding over 6 years towards providing you with the best products to suit your needs to promote a cleanliness and a hygiene state. From leading brands such as Omo, Drive, Surf, Domestos, Jif, Charge and Sun to new and emerging brands such as Cyclone, Soft Care and Earthon we have a comprehensive range of products. Our product range includes laundry powders and softeners, dishwashing powders and liquids, surface cleaners and disinfectants, air fresheners, insecticides, hand care and also toilet and glass cleaners. So no matter the area or the cleaning method, if there is dirt it must be removed and maintained. Pick up your cleaning supplies at your local AIRR member and start cleaning NOW, as the saying goes “Cleanliness is next to godliness”!!!

Demand the best long Demand the bestlong long Demand the best term pest protection term protection term pest protection forpest your family for for your your family family DEMAND® Insecticide is the longest lasting general ® DEMAND isisthe general insecticide® Insecticide on the market. Itlongest provides protection from DEMAND Insecticide the longestlasting lasting general insecticide on the market. It provides protection from a range of pests an odourless, stainprotection free formulation. insecticide on theinmarket. It provides from aa range range of of pests pestsininan anodourless, odourless,stain stainfree freeformulation. formulation. DEMAND is scientifically formulated with a protective DEMAND is scientifically formulated with a protective coating, called iCAP technology, around active DEMAND is scientifically formulated with its a protective coating, called iCAP technology, around its active ingredient. ThisiCAP means that it remains deadly to insects coating, called technology, around its active ingredient. This means that deadly to for 3 months outdoors to 12 months ingredient. This means and thatitup itremains remains deadlyindoors. toinsects insects for 3 months outdoors and up to 12 months indoors. for 3 months outdoors and up to 12 months indoors. DEMAND INSECTICIDE DEMAND KILLS INSECTICIDE DEMAND KILLS INSECTICIDE KILLS















Available at your local AIRR Store or Available at your local AIRR Store or for more info visit Available at your AIRR Store or for more info visit local for more info visit



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Bushland another tool for insect pest management New research indicates that growers could benefit from ‘looking beyond the paddock’ for insect pest management, and that remnant native vegetation may be another tool for the control of insect pests in grain crops.

nightshade, capeweed, fleabane, mustard, wild radish and weed grasses.” CSIRO researcher Hazel Parry, who analysed the WA data, said beneficial insects were three times more likely than pest species to be found in remnant native vegetation.

The findings are from a nationally coordinated project supported by the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) which aims to understand She is now using computer simulations of landwhich landscape features contribute to the control scapes to understand which management practices of pest populations in crops. – within crops and pastures as well as native vegetation – affect pest populations by encouraging benefiLed nationally by CSIRO, the project has involved cial insects or reducing sources of pests. field work in Western Australia’s Great Southern region, Dalby in Queensland and Cootamundra in “This information may be useful for growers thinkNew South Wales. ing about revegetation options on their land,” Dr Parry said. In WA, field research has been conducted by the Department of Agriculture and Food (DAFWA) and “Initial results from WA suggest that native vegetaled by DAFWA researcher Svetlana Micic. tion - that is well managed, is not over-grazed and has an intact under and middle plant storey - has Ms Micic said that data taken from remnant vegeta- less weeds and harbours fewer pests.” tion in WA showed that insect pests were more likely to be found on weeds, while beneficial species were more likely to be found on native plant species. “Remnant bushland containing few weeds may reduce the number of pest species and at least delay the build-up of pests in crops during the growing season,” she said. “In our studies, weeds likely to host pests included


FEEDING LAYING HENS Layers are omnivores, meaning it is in their nature to consume meat and vegetable material. In the wild this would consist of insects, worms, carcasses, seeds and other plant material. Layers will not survive on vegetable scraps alone. To achieve good health, well-being and egg production, the laying hen must receive a balanced diet. 1. Water Ample, cool, clean water should always be available as this is essential for maximum egg production. If a hen has to do without water for even a short time, her comb may turn a blue-black colour and she will cease to lay. In hot weather, a lack of water for even a few hours can be fatal. Although actual consumption depends on the size of bird, level of egg production, season and type of drinker used, the following may be used as a guide for birds of various ages: DAILY WATER CONSUMPTION GUIDE Age (Weeks) Litres (10 Birds) 1 0.2 5 1.0 15 2.3 20 2.6 25 4.0 30 5.0 Saline water can be a cause of poor shell quality and wet manure. To check the suitability of your water supply, contact your State Department of Agriculture or Primary Industries or a recognised analytical laboratory. Note: In extremely hot weather a good rule to follow is to provide at least three times the usual water allowance. 2. Protein and energy Birds require an appropriate balance of protein and energy to support growth, egg production, daily functions and overall health. Barastoc laying hen feeds have been formulated to ensure that the requirements for these nutrients are met. 3. Vitamins and minerals Barastoc laying hen feeds are supplemented with vitamins and minerals to support egg production, essential body functions and resistance to disease.


4. Coarse sources of calcium Calcium is required for strong bones and good quality eggshells. Barastoc laying hen feeds (see product guide) contain sufficient calcium to satisfy your hens’ needs. Hens generally lay down egg shells during the night. It can be beneficial to also offer coarse sources of calcium such as shell grit or limestone chips. These provide a sustained slowrelease of calcium and allow for the selection of extra calcium by hens. 5. Hard grit Hens use small insoluble stones to grind feed in the gizzard. They require grit when being fed coarse grains such as wheat or other feedstuffs where grinding is necessary for digestion. Grit is generally described as small insoluble stones of approximately 3mm (1/8’’) in diameter. 6. Green feed and scraps Green feeds and scraps are a source of vitamins and can contribute carotenoid pigments for yolk colour. Hens enjoy grazing and picking over scraps and whilst these can contribute to their diet, they can also be very low in nutrients. If too much poor quality forage or scraps are fed too often in place of a balanced ration, egg production and hen health can suffer. Care should be taken to avoid access to mouldy or “off ” feed such as old damp stored grain or mouldy bread. These may contain toxins that can affect the health and performance of laying hens. The practice of wetting pellets is unnecessary and potentially harmful. Milk should not be added to feedstuffs due to the risk of promoting bacterial growth. For more information on the Barastoc Poultry Range, visit your local AIRR store, contact Ridley Sales & Support on 13000 666 657 or visit











At Barastoc, we just want what’s best for your eggs. Scientifically formulated by leading Australian Poultry Nutritionists, Darling Downs Layer is ideal for your home flock. Providing balanced levels of protein, energy, vitamins and minerals, including calcium, Darling Downs Layer is a complete feed designed to support the health of your laying hens.

Q 0 H DG

Feeding the Hardworking Dog A hardworking dog is like an athlete, requiring a large amount of energy that must be supplied in the form of a high quality diet. To maintain stamina and good body condition, the working dog in heavy work can need as much as 2 to 3 times more kilocalories per kilogram of body weight than is required for a dog at rest. The high-energy intake required to support work in these dogs, needs to be supplied in the form of an energy dense diet. If the energy density of the diet is too low a dog may be physically unable to eat the volume of food required to meet its energy requirements. This can be further complicated in some dogs by fatigue which can lead to a drop in appetite. Working dogs require higher levels of good quality protein in their diets, as exercise increases the demand for specific amino acids and has been associated with anaemia.

To learn more about the Barastoc Poultry Range, visit your local AIRR store, contact Ridley Sales & Support on 1300 666 657 or visit

is free fatty acids so a working dog formula should include sufficient fat to ensure sustained energy over a long day’s work. Exercise may also increase the requirements for vitamins and minerals. Studies have shown that the exercise can lead to increased requirements for iron (which has a role in oxygen transportation), vitamin E and selenium (which are antioxidants). Additional magnesium may also be required in working dog diets as the high fat levels in these diets may affect magnesium absorption. If a dog is fed a high energy nutritionally balanced food, its vitamin and mineral needs should be comfortably met as the dog consumes more to meet its increased energy demand. To ensure your working dog has all the energy it needs to maintain body condition, protein required for lean muscle mass and recovery after injury and essential vitamins and minerals to keep the body systems working properly, choose a 100% complete and balanced diet specifically formulated for working dogs.

The primary fuel source for endurance work


Develop a plan to maintain rust-resistant crops, growers urged CEREAL rust experts are issuing a clear warning to croppers to eliminate use of varieties that are susceptible or very susceptible to rust or they might be risking the resistance that protects many Australian cereal crops from the disease. University of Sydney’s Professor Robert Park says growers need to think before they sow this year and consider the implications of managing rust outbreaks in 2013. outbreaks in 2013. “We are taking a clear stance and actively encouraging growers to phase out susceptible and very susceptible varieties from their rotation. Varietal selection must be the first line of defence,” Prof Park said. In 2011, an industry survey found that growers make variety selections based on the yield potential of the variety only. They did not factor in disease management costs or the costs of decreased yields following a disease outbreak. “While yield potential is an obvious and crucial factor to consider, we are urging growers to think beyond only yield because a rust outbreak can slash grain returns by more than half,” he said. The push for growers to reconsider variety choice stems from the immense industry risk of a large-scale rust outbreak as well as the risk of mutant rust isolates that can overcome resistance genes that protect many Australian wheat cultivars from rust.

in managing the disease. Prof Park says growers must have a five-part management strategy that extends throughout the year This includes: 1. Removing the green bridge by mid-March or four weeks prior to sowing. 2. Growing varieties with adequate resistance to stem, stripe and leaf rusts. 3. If needed, applying fungicides to seed or fertilisers for early season rust suppression. 4. Monitoring crops for rust and if needed, applying foliar fungicide for disease control. 5. Maintaining communication with your neighbours, community and industry to monitor, report and manage rust. “A rust outbreak in Australia has the potential to slash farm incomes, which is why it is so vital we plan our response to rust this year at the beginning of the season rather than waiting for a rust outbreak to occur and then plan a control approach,” he said. “There is plenty of help available if growers are not sure how susceptible their varieties are or which is the best approach to take – check with your local agronomist, plant pathologist, your regional cereal disease guide or visit the Rust Bust website at” The Australian Cereal Rust Control Program was established in 1973 and is mostly funded by grain growers through the Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC). It has a national mandate and has nodes at the University of Sydney, CSIRO Plant Industry, the University of Adelaide, NSW Department of Primary Industries, and the International Wheat and Maize Improvement Centre. For more information, contact Professor Robert Park on 02 9351 8806.

RUST- Did you know.... • Rusts are caused by fungi. Rust spores are spread readily by the wind over large areas in a short time. There are three rust diseases of wheat, all occur in The Australian Cereal Rust Control Program Consultative Com- • mittee is also keen to see growers move away from their depend- Australia - stripe, stem and leaf. Cultivars resistant to one may be susceptible to another. ence on chemicals to manage disease outbreaks. • Rusts can mutate (alter or change form) to overcome resistance genes. It is therefore essential to use a current disease “In the past, many people have relied on fungicide applications. While this remains an effective management tool, growers guide to check the resistance rating of your cultivars. • Rust becomes a problem in areas where susceptible should be aware that while fungicides may work on leaf and stripe rust, they are less effective on stem rust especially in thick varieties are grown. These varieties also enable inoculum levels canopies where fungicides may not reach all stems. Again, vari- to build up on volunteer plants during summer and autumn and give the rust an early opportunity to re-establish in commercial ety selection should be the first line of defence,” Prof Park said. crops in the following cropping cycle. Rust epidemics are more common following wet sumGrowing varieties with resistance to rust is a great starting point • mers and in wet growing seasons.

Protect-us the new name for Pest Control Solutions for Home and Farm

A new leader in pest control solutions has emerged, Protect-us, boasting premium strength, high quality pest control products for home and farm. No matter what pest you’re having problems with, whether its spiders, rats, mosquitoes, cockroaches, mice, termites, flies or anything else, Protect-us offers you superior pest solutions. Protect-us offers superior customer support since all or our staff are skilled pest specialists. You can be sure when you contact Protect-us on 1800 420 144 that you will also have access to the best support available and you will speak directly with someone who has first-hand in-field experience in pest management. The support that Protect-us offers extends beyond ‘over the phone’ advice, you can also find help online at Our comprehensive website provides detailed product application tips, information on common pests and even an “easy solution finder” to help choose the best product. To use the easy solution finder simply select which pests you’re having issues with, then where the pests are and the website will provide you with a list of the most appropriate products for your situation. Protect-us, products have been designed with ease-of-use in mind, featuring tailored packaging design and sizing to make them as easy to handle as possible. The range of pack sizes have been developed in quantities and volumes that are both affordable and practical. Innovations such our unique Tip ‘n’ Measure bottle makes using Protect-us liquid products even easier to mix. With these revolutionary containers there is no need to remove lids on cumbersome squeeze bottles or measure product volumes in a separate jug prior to mixing, simply tip, measure and pour. To purchase products from the Protect-us range you can visit your local AIRR retailer or contact us by phone on 1800 420 144, via email and we’ll give you the details for your local store.


When did your insurer last visit you on-site? We all know that insurance is essential for the protection of our business and livelihood, but sometimes it can seem a complicated and confusing product to purchase. How do you know that you are covered for the right amount? Every business is different; therefore your insurance requirements are different. Wouldn’t it be so much easier if someone visited you on-site to assess your situation? Well that person is only a phone call away! WFI, one of Australia’s leading farm and business insurers, prides itself on offering personal, on-site, service. Your local WFI Area Manager can visit you on-site to conduct an insurance risk assessment, outlining the various insurance options you may need to consider.

into one integrated package. This can not only be cost effective, but also easier to manage. What’s more, you also have the convenience of combining your domestic insurance. WFI operate with the simple philosophy of striving for excellence in claims and service. When someone decides to do business with WFI, he or she is treated as an individual. From the moment of first contact to the settlement of a claim, clients can be sure of personal attention from a professional and experienced team. This is why WFI are good people to know. Contact your local WFI Area Manager today on 1300 934 934. Alternatively you can visit for more information. To see if our products are right for you, always consider the PDS from the product issuer, WFI (ABN 24 000 036 279 AFSL 241461).

WFI are part of Wesfarmers Insurance and specialise in providing farm, business and strata insurance packages that you can tailor to suit your requirements. With WFI you have the flexibility to combine a number of insurance policies

It’s Australian Made. It’s Family. Australian made is a very big thing with us. The Rossiter family is Australia’s ‘died-in-the-wool’ boot making family and has been since 1910. From humblest of beginnings in his own backyard tin shed, Arthur Rossiter could not have dreamed he was starting a tradition that is now designing, producing and distributing quality boots for the world. His commitment and belief in producing quality boots locally and value for money has been a driving force behind the company across the decades since. It’s a real family thing. And it’s worked! Trusting our heritage, workmanship and skills passed down through generations has been instrumental to Rossi Boots’ survival and success. And when we say family, we include all the descendants of the original Rossiter employees. It’s the commitment to family that has encouraged the Rossi Boots company to strategically guarantee our future as an Australian manufacturer. Rossi Boots ‘walk the walk’ of ‘Made in Australia’. No short cuts. It’s as simple as that. Only time-honoured, boot making craftsmanship combined with the finest materials will ensure each boot is built to work hard and play hard. This invaluable heritage has kept Rossi Boots perfectly in step with the ever changing lifestyles of our customers. Today, many activities can be done in a Rossi boot, and now, in a Rossi shoe as well. What’s more, Rossi is available in every state of Australia. Designing a boot for Australia’s hugely diverse climate and landscape demands heightened comfort with outstanding durability. This could also be why Rossi Boots are fast becoming a brand of choice, internationally. There’s a lot more behind Rossi footwear than ‘true-blue’ craftsmanship. Our modern and well-equipped factory in Adelaide, adds state of the art technology, giving our customers


that finishing touch of superior quality, synonymous with the Rossi Boots brand. Continuing the tradition, in 2013 we are pleased to be releasing a new range of Safety boots. The range is built on our Centenary last that is wider and has a deeper fit and features our new ‘Stratus’ TPU/PU sole. The range features our Multi Layer Comfort System comprising: • Stratus TPU/PU sole that provides a deeper TPU tread wall for greater PU protection and extra comfort. • Technogel BTG gives a new level of comfort to the wearer including optimum force absorption, excellent pressure distribution (33% reduction compared to Poron sole) and the ultimate deformation resistance. Technogel is made from a poly-gel, non-toxic substance that won’t compress, harden or break. • Flexi-Dome comfort footbed providing under foot comfort. The new range features six styles available in sizes from 4 to 15 available in Black and Wheat colour waterproof leather uppers. All these boots are fitted with steel toe cap certified to AS/NZS 2210.3:2009 for Safety footwear. We are proud of our association with the AIRR group and when you next think boots, think AIRR and Rossi. Be sure to see your local AIRR member for the latest range of Rossi boots or visit us on the web at to view the full range. We may have gone from a backyard tin shed to 21st century production facility, but our values and work ethic are the same as they were back in 1910. Boots are our pride, our joy and our life. You’ll see and feel it in every boot we make. That’s the Rossi difference… and your guarantee of satisfaction.

Our complete range of ALL Natural feed solutions.

Concentrated feed for fattening horses. Cool Energy Oat Free formula Easily digested helping your horse to get the most out of every feed

Concentrated complete feed for equine senior citizens COOL energy perfect for PONY CLUB mounts Oat free formula 100% All Natural

Ideal for horses with sensitive tummy, missing teeth, recovering from sickness, illness or surgery.

South West Institute of TAFE

caters for the agricultural sector’s educational needs by offering a range of Diplomas, Advanced Diplomas and short courses for those working on the land or wanting a career in the industry. Knowing and understanding the daily demands placed on farmers and their time, the institute provides flexible learning models to allow its students to remain working, while also receiving a first class experience and a delivery mode tailored to their individual needs. From a Diploma of Agriculture, delivered on campus and flexibly, to a Diploma of Agribusiness Management or Diploma of Agronomy, which can both be studied flexibly, the institute provides every opportunity for people working on the land to increase their skills and knowledge, and learn about the industry they are passionate about. South West TAFE Agriculture course co-ordinator and teacher Rob Durant said South West TAFE graduates were highly sought after and were job ready when they completed their studies. “All our students get good jobs. There are a lot that have these jobs before they finish, or before the end of their course. Many of the students, particularly the local ones, are now working in the industry for fertiliser companies, rural merchandise businesses, seed businesses or have gone back to farming,” he said. “We have mature aged students who are working in agri-services businesses who want to gain a qualification and more knowledge, through to younger school leavers who are embarking on a career in the industry,” Mr Durant said “The courses are a good mix of theory and practical experience and it’s aimed at the industry. The people who do the teaching come from industry backgrounds and understand what’s required, and the courses are taught to meet that requirement,” Mr Durant said. The institute’s nationally accredited courses are offered on campus and off campus, school based or by flexible delivery. To add to this there is also a wide range of industry specific apprenticeships, traineeships and short courses to choose from. South West TAFE introduced Certificate III in Rural Operations to its offerings this year and was developed by Mr Durant. He said the certificate was aimed at people who were entering into or working in rural merchandising businesses. “I’ve worked in that industry for a while and saw there was a need in that area,” Mr Durant said. Mr Durant and the institute’s agriculture teachers will be at the Sungold Field Days and he said it was a good chance for anyone wanting to know more about the courses and the employment opportunities that a South West TAFE qualification provided to call in and have a chat to them.

Another benefit of studying at South West TAFE is that students can be recognised for their existing skills and knowledge in the industry through the institute’s Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Many farmers may be eligible receive the Diploma of Agriculture through the RPL process. This is determined by an onthe-job assessment conducted by a South West TAFE specialist assessor, and provides farmers with a cost effective solution to training for individuals and organisations without leaving the farm. Mr Durant said short courses were popular and the demand demonstrated the need for job specific courses in the community, which the institute was fulfilling. South West TAFE’s industry related short courses include Dairy Cattle AI, Dairy Cattle Pregnancy Awareness and Testing, Farm Chemical Users Course, Farm Welding Fabrication and Repairs, Fencing, Machinery Maintenance, Operating Quad Bikes and Side By Side Vehicles and Operating Tractors and Front End Loaders. Short courses range in length from one to five days through to ten weeks, meaning even the busiest of farmers and other professionals can fit their studies in around running their business. “We do have really good uptake in the cattle AI course, they’re always fully booked. Farm chemical courses are generally well attended, so are horse breaking courses, all the equine short courses are very popular,” Mr Durant said. South West TAFE delivers a wide range of qualifications from Certificate II for those with little or no experience, up to and including Advanced Diploma level for existing and aspiring managers. Other benefits gained by studying with South West TAFE include: - On farm training and assessment at a time that suits you - Farm Safety Training - OHS, ATV and Tractor Operations - Nationally credited industry specific traineeships available to new and existing employers - Government incentives payable to the employer and trainee - Recognition of current skills and previous training - Flexible training and assessment strategies For more information about traineeships, training or short courses speak to one of the South West TAFE teachers or representatives at the 2013 Sungold Field Days or go to www.swtafe.

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