Air Zoo's 2020-2021 Virtual STE@M Programs for Classrooms

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Virtual STE M Programs for Classrooms LIVE INSTRUCTION PROGRAMS


These exciting science based programs are designed to support your STEAM curriculum with outstanding hands-on or demonstration style programs. These live courses meet state standards for your classes’ learning levels. Some programs will have student material kits that can be shipped to your teacher or picked up at the Air Zoo and distributed to students, while other classes will have a material list of items most students have at home, like markers, paper, or tape. In both cases, students will complete interactive activities with the Air Zoo Educator, live. Our staff will create a protected zoom link with a secure “waiting room and password” for you to share with your students prior to the virtual program. Please note: NO KIT is noted in the sub headers for kit free science programs. Most classes will require some basic materials from home or the classroom that are not included in kits.

Check out our offerings by grade below and contact our Group & Events team at or 269.350.2848 to schedule your class today! Shipping will be calculated at the time of booking.

Virtual STE M Programs for Classrooms

PreK-Kindergarten Animal Adaptations

45 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available Now! Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Explore the amazing variety of animal body parts that help creatures sense their surroundings, eat, survive, and thrive! Use your creativity to adapt or improve your human body. Pay a virtual visit to AirZoo Education’s creepy crawly class pets. ECSQ-PK: S1-1, S2-1, S2-3, S2-5; NGSS: K-LS1-1, K-ESS3-1

Blast into Space

45 minutes | $5/student Available Now! Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) must live for days, weeks, or months in very small spaces. Learn what it takes to eat, work and dress like an astronaut and create your own space apparel! ECSQ-PK: S2-6; NGSS: K-LS1-1, K-2-ETS1-1

Fantastic Flying

45 minutes | $5/student Available beginning November 1st. Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Discover how people learned to fly by studying birds and experimenting with kites, gliders, and planes! After comparing the shapes and functions of a bird’s body with an airplane, young aviators make their own take-home flying machines. ECSQ-PK: S1-3, S1-4; NGSS: K-PS2-1, K-PS2-2, K-2-ETS1-1

Making Waves

45 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available beginning November 15th. Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Discover the sound and light all around us in this wave-making exploration. Build a musical instrument and hunt for the perfect solution to a light problem.

Primary STEAM Engineering Challenge

45 minutes | $5/student Available beginning October 1st. Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Jump into the story of the Three Billy Goats Gruff and then design a bridge to protect the goats from the troll! In this introductory engineering course, students will use the engineering design process to identify problems, ask questions, brainstorm solutions, and then test their creations! ECSQ-PK: S1-5; NGSS: K-PS2-1, K-PS2-2, K-2-ETS1-1, K-2ETS1-2

Sun, Stars & Solar System

45 minutes | $5/student Available beginning December 1st. Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Look beyond the Earth into the sky. Learn more about our Sun, the stars and the planets with our Starry Night program. Make your own constellation and create day and night on a tiny planet. ECSQ-PK: S1-5, S3-1; NGSS: K-PS3-1, 1-ESS1-1

Weather Explorers

45 minutes | $5/student Available Now! Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Children encounter air pressure at work with The Cat in the Hat, and explore the question, “What is weather, and why is it important to us?” Kids learn about and utilize the vocabulary of weather, view instruments used to measure our changing atmosphere, and create tools to measure wind direction in this wacky weather workshop. ECSQ-PK: S3-4, S3-5; NGSS: K-PS3-1, K-ESS2-1, K-ESS3-2, ESS2.D, PS3.B

ECSQ-PK: S1-5, S2-2; NGSS: K-2-ETS1-1, 1-PS4-1, 1-PS4-3, 2-PS1-2


Virtual STE M Programs for Classrooms

Kindergarten - 2nd Grade Animal Adaptations

45 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available Now! Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Explore the amazing variety of animal body parts that help creatures sense their surroundings, eat, survive, and thrive! Use your creativity to adapt or improve your human body. Pay a virtual visit to AirZoo Education’s creepy crawly class pets. K-LS1-1, K-ESS3-1, 2-LS4-1


45 minutes | $5/student Available now! Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Astronauts are living in space! Join us for an astronaut challenge as students learn about the special tools and equipment used aboard the International Space Station (ISS). Young explorers end the class by creating their own space apparel ! assembling their own space helmets! K-LS1-1, 1-LS1-1, 2-PS1-3, K-2-ETS1-1, ETS1.A

High Flying Fun

45 minutes | $5/student Available beginning November 1st. Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Discover how people learned to fly in this introductory aviation course. Start by comparing the shapes and structures of a bird’s body to the parts of an airplane, learn about the basic forces of flight, and then get hands on with a flying craft! K-PS2-1, K-PS2-2, K-2-ETS1-1

Milky Way

45 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available Now! Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! The solar system is brought down to Earth as students view the planets using our Starry Night program! Young astronomers act out the movements of the sun, moon, and Earth to describe the patterns of night and day in this out-of-this-world program.

Primary STEAM Engineering Challenge

45 minutes | $5/student Available Now! Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Jump into the story of the ‘Three Billy Goats Gruff’ and then design a bridge to protect the goats from the troll! In this introductory engineering course, students will use the engineering design process to identify problems, ask questions, brainstorm solutions, and then test their creations! K-PS2-1, K-PS2-2, K-2-ETS1-1, K-2-ETS1-2

Weather Explorers

45 minutes | $5/student Available Now! Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Children encounter air pressure at work with The Cat in the Hat, and explore the question, “What is weather, and why is it important to us?” Kids learn about and utilize the vocabulary of weather, view instruments used to measure our changing atmosphere, and create tools to measure wind direction in this wacky weather workshop. K-PS3-1, PS3.B, K-ESS2-1, K-ESS3-2, ESS2.D

Making Waves

45 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available beginning November 15th. Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Discover the sound and light all around you in this wave-making exploration. Build a musical instrument and hunt for the perfect solution to a light problem K-2-ETS1-1, 1-PS4-1, 1-PS4-3, 2-PS1-2

ESS1.B, 1-ESS1-1, 1-ESS1-2, 3-PS2-2


Virtual STE M Programs for Classrooms

3rd Grade - 5th Grade Dynamic Earth

This IS Rocket Science

3-LS4-1, 4-ESS1-1 MI, 4-ESS2-2, ESS2.A, ESS2.C, LS4.A

4-PS3-4, 5-PS2-1, PS2.B, PS3.D

Storm Chasers

Young Aviators

60 minutes | $5/student | KIT Available beginning December 1st. Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Children reveal Michigan history by digging out “fossils” and learn to interpret map data in this hands-on class. Observe simulated glacial movements that re-create the formation of the Great Lakes. Alter the landscape in our 5-foot stream table model to prevent water erosion and flooding!

60 minutes | $5/student Available Now! Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Young meteorologists use weather map skills, create their own make-at-home tornadoes, and explore weather instruments while learning the science behind our changing atmosphere. Students also study natural hazards by observing and making predictions about a dry-ice tornado and a 5-foot stream table model. ESS2.D, 3-ESS2-1, 3-ESS3-1, 3-PS2-2

The Forces Are with You

60 minutes | $5/student Available Now. Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Young scientists utilize engaging models to demonstrate the power of physics and learn about Newton’s Laws of Motion. Basic physics principles come to life as students manipulate variables while building make-at-home hovercrafts and catapults to test the formula: Force = Mass x Acceleration. 4-PS3-1, 4-PS3-4, 3-5-ETS1-3, 5-PS2-1

60 minutes | $5/student Available Now. Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Young astrophysicists learn how rockets work by gaining knowledge of physical forces and Newton’s Laws of Motion. They race the force of gravity, investigate the exchange of energy, and create reallife action/reaction scenarios while building and launching their own make-at-home reusable rockets (weather permitting).

60 minutes | $5/student Available Now! Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Students explore the science and history of flight during this exciting hands-on experience. Young Aviators experiment with the four forces of flight and learn how to manipulate airplane control surfaces to make their own homemade glider soar! 3-5-ETS1-3, 4-PS3-4, 5-PS2-1

Fizz, Boom, Soar!

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available Now! Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Get blown away by erupting liquids, a booming cannon, and soaring machines in this ultra-highenergy demonstration of physics, chemistry, and flight science that will launch everyone out of their seats! 4-PS3-1, 5-PS1-4, MS-PS1-2

Life in Space

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available now. Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Did you know that there are people living in space? Climb aboard the International Space Station (ISS) and discover how astronauts live and work in outer space. Explore the day to day life of an astronaut aboard the ISS, learn about the social and physiological challenges posed by extended stays in space, and take an up-close look at some of the Air Zoo’s spacecraft! 3-PS2-2, 3-5-ETS1-1, ESS2.E, 5-PS2-1


Virtual STE M Programs for Classrooms

3rd Grade - 5th Grade Seeing Stars

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available beginning October 1st. Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Look out to the universe to investigate the sun and stars with our Starry Night program! Check out the view from above to observe the patterns of the day and night skies before gravity pulls you back down to Earth. 5-PS2-1, 5-ESS1-1, 5-ESS1-2, MS-PS2-4

Stories in the Stars

60 minutes | $5/student | NO KIT Available now. Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Before the internet and television, people entertained each other with stories. Cultural groups like the Ancient Greeks, Indigenous people, and Americans escaping slavery on the Underground Railroad used the stars to navigate and tell stories. Learn about some of these stories and view the constellations that are the same as they were from time immemorial. Then come up with your own stories for familiar star groupings and create you’re your own constellation telescope to view the stars. 5-U2.2.2, 5-U2.2.3, 7-H1.4.1, 7-W2.1.1, 8-U5.1.5

Subzero Science

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available now. Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! What is colder than the coldest place on Earth? Liquid nitrogen! Investigate states of matter as we see liquid boil at room temperature and rubber become as brittle as glass. We will freeze things, smash stuff, and pick up lots of cool science along the way.

Super Science of Superheroes and Super Villains

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available Now! Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Wouldn’t you like to be able to climb walls like Spider-Man? Or maybe you would rather learn the “attractive” secrets of a super villain like Magneto. With your superpowers, you will make objects disappear like the Invisible Woman and create the perfect Storm to blow away the villains. 3-PS2-3, 5-PS1-1, MS-PS2-3

Innovations in Aviation

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available Now! Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Through this tour and Q&A session, students will be introduced to the significant aviation innovations in the eras of Early Flight, World War I, the Golden Age, World War II, and the Jet Age. P2.1, P3.4, 6-G2.2.2, 6-G4.2.1, WHG 7.1.2, WHG 7.1.4

Planes that Won the Pacific War

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available Now! Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! This tour and Q&A session will introduce students to the Douglas Dauntless SBD-3, the U.S. Navy’s most potent weapon, the Goodyear FH-1D Corsair, the Grumman F6F Hellcat, master of the skies, and the General Motors FM-2 Wildcat. They will come away with an understanding of the needs that produced these aircraft as well as their contributions to the final victory in the Pacific in World War II. P2.1, P3.4, 6-G4.2.1, 6-G4.4.1, 6-G4.4.2, WHG 7.1.4, USHG 7.2.2

2-PS1-4, 5-PS1-1


Virtual STE M Programs for Classrooms

6th - 8th Grade Fizz, Boom, Soar!

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available Now! Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Get blown away by erupting liquids, a booming cannon, and soaring machines in this ultra-highenergy demonstration of physics, chemistry, and flight science that will launch everyone out of their seats! 4-PS3-1, 5-PS1-4, MS-PS1-2

Life in Space

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available now. Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Did you know that there are people living in space? Climb aboard the International Space Station (ISS) and discover how astronauts live and work in outer space. Explore the day to day life of an astronaut aboard the ISS, learn about the social and physiological challenges posed by extended stays in space, and take an up-close look at some of the Air Zoo’s spacecraft! 3-PS2-2, 3-5-ETS1-1, ESS2.E, 5-PS2-1

Seeing Stars

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available Now! Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Look out to the universe to investigate the sun and stars with our Starry Night program! Check out the view from above to observe the patterns of the day and night skies before gravity pulls you back down to Earth. 5-PS2-1, 5-ESS1-1, 5-ESS1-2, MS-PS2-4

Stories in the Stars

60 minutes | $5/student | NO KIT Available now. Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Before the internet and television, people entertained each other with stories. Cultural groups like the Ancient Greeks, Indigenous people, and Americans escaping slavery on the Underground Railroad used the stars to navigate and tell stories. Learn about some of these stories and view the constellations that are the same as they were from time immemorial. Then come up with your own stories for familiar star groupings and create you’re your own constellation telescope to view the stars. 5-U2.2.2, 5-U2.2.3, 7-H1.4.1, 7-W2.1.1, 8-U5.1.5

Subzero Science

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available now. Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! What is colder than the coldest place on Earth? Liquid nitrogen! Investigate states of matter as we see liquid boil at room temperature and rubber become as brittle as glass. We will freeze things, smash stuff, and pick up lots of cool science along the way. 2-PS1-4, 5-PS1-1

Super Science of Superheroes and Super Villains

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available Now! Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Wouldn’t you like to be able to climb walls like Spider-Man? Or maybe you would rather learn the “attractive” secrets of a super villain like Magneto. With your superpowers, you will make objects disappear like the Invisible Woman and create the perfect Storm to blow away the villains. 3-PS2-3, 5-PS1-1, MS-PS2-3


Virtual STE M Programs for Classrooms

6th - 8th Grade A View from Orbit

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available beginning November 1st. Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Let the planets and stars come to you with our Starry Night program! Students will examine the reasons for the seasons, moon phases, and create a model of a solar eclipse while watching the Sun-EarthMoon system come to life. MS-ESS1-1, MS-ESS1-2, MS-ESS1-3

High Voltage

60 minutes | $5/student Available now. Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Students learn the fundamentals of electricity while constructing circuits, building real electric motors, and observing 150,000 volts of static electricity generated by a Van de Graaff generator! This course is designed to give students an understanding of AC and DC current and how energy is transferred to devices used in daily life. MS-PS2-3, MS-PS2-5

Flight School Science

60 minutes | $5/student Available beginning October 15th. Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Students explore the science and history of flight during this hands-on experience! Participants design and build FPG-9 gliders and experiment with the four forces of flight, control surfaces, and Bernoulli’s Principle. PS2.A, MS-PS2-2, MS-PS2-4, MS-ETS1-2

Mission to Space

This IS Rocket Science

60 minutes | $5/student Available now. Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Young astrophysicists learn how rockets work by gaining knowledge of physical forces and Newton’s Laws of Motion. They race the force of gravity, investigate the exchange of energy, and create reallife action/reaction scenarios while building and launching their own make-at-home reusable rockets (weather permitting). MS-PS2-1, MS-PS2-2, MS-PS3-4, MS-PS3-5

Innovations in Aviation

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available Now! Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Through this tour and Q&A session, students will be introduced to the significant aviation innovations in the eras of Early Flight, World War I, the Golden Age, World War II, and the Jet Age. P2.1, P3.4, 6-G2.2.2, 6-G4.2.1, WHG 7.1.2, WHG 7.1.4

Planes that Won the Pacific War

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available Now! Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! This tour and Q&A session will introduce students to the Douglas Dauntless SBD-3, the U.S. Navy’s most potent weapon, the Goodyear FH-1D Corsair, the Grumman F6F Hellcat, master of the skies, and the General Motors FM-2 Wildcat. They will come away with an understanding of the needs that produced these aircraft as well as their contributions to the final victory in the Pacific in World War II. P2.1, P3.4, 6-G4.2.1, 6-G4.4.1, 6-G4.4.2, WHG 7.1.4, USHG 7.2.2

60 minutes | $5/student Available now. Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! Investigate how aerospace engineers use rockets and space planes to tackle the challenges of reaching space in the 21st century! Students apply their knowledge of Newton’s Laws of Motion while working within time and budget constraints to design and build make-at-home landing vehicles. MS-PS2-2, MS-PS3-5


Virtual STE M Programs for Classrooms

9th - 12th Grade Innovations in Aviation

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available Now! Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Through this tour and Q&A session, students will be introduced to the significant aviation innovations in the eras of Early Flight, World War I, the Golden Age, World War II, and the Jet Age. P2.1, P3.4, 6-G2.2.2, 6-G4.2.1, WHG 7.1.2, WHG 7.1.4

Planes that Won the Pacific War

60 minutes | $3/student | NO KIT Available Now! Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! This tour and Q&A session will introduce students to the Douglas Dauntless SBD-3, the U.S. Navy’s most potent weapon, the Goodyear FH-1D Corsair, the Grumman F6F Hellcat, master of the skies, and the General Motors FM-2 Wildcat. They will come away with an understanding of the needs that produced these aircraft as well as their contributions to the final victory in the Pacific in World War II. P2.1, P3.4, 6-G4.2.1, 6-G4.4.1, 6-G4.4.2, WHG 7.1.4, USHG 7.2.2

Aeronautical Engineering

120 minutes | $8/student Available beginning October 15th. Please, schedule at least 4 weeks in advance! What does it take to design a new aircraft? Aspiring aeronautical engineers examine this real-world engineering challenge and study Bernoulli’s Principle of air pressure, lift-to-drag ratios, and flight controls. Students explore aircraft design and aerodynamic principles, build and test wing prototypes with a fan, and modify their designs to make them fly! HS-PS2-1, HS-PS2-2, HS-PS3-3, ETS1.C, HS-ETS1-2

Living History of WWII

120 minutes | $8/student | NO KIT Available beginning December 1st. Please, schedule at least 2 weeks in advance! Students gain a uniquely personal perspective of the war that changed the world by participating in several realistic role-playing challenges. Students decide whether to enlist in the armed forces, or wait to possibly be drafted, and explore the consequence of their decisions. In addition to experiencing life in various combat zones, students examine how participation in World War II altered the roles of various minority groups living in the United States. P2.2, P2.3, USHG 7.2.1, USHG 7.2.3, C-1.1.2, C-5.2.1

Check back often for updates! 8

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