A Guide to Admissions and School Life for Prospective Families

Our Mission is to provide a world-class international school where students, through active participation, achieve their personal best and graduate as skilled, influential and responsible international citizens.
Australian International School Hong Kong (AISHK) is a non-profit, co-educational, day school for students from Reception to Year 12.
Founded in 1995 to fulfil the growing demand for a premier Australian educational institution in Hong Kong, the School today welcomes more than 1,100 students.
Operating on an Australian school year (late January to mid-December), AISHK is the only school in Hong Kong to utilise the Australian curriculum. Senior Secondary students are offered the option of undertaking either New South Wales Higher School Certificate or the IB Diploma, creating a seamless transition for students entering from Australian
or southern hemisphere schools and, eventually, departing to tertiary institutions worldwide.
AISHK is governed by the Australian International School Foundation Limited (AISFL), a charitable status body which provides guardianship for the School’s future. The Foundation Board has permanent representation from key Australian organisations in Hong Kong. The School is managed by an executive team, which is lead by the Head of School.
The entire AISHK community works together with energy, foresight and drive to ensure a valued school experience which continues to be recognised for its warmth, energy and excellence.
As a leading international school in Hong Kong, AISHK represents 25 different nationalities. This reflects the rich cultural diversity of our student body and wider School community. AISHK emphasises the pursuit of personal excellence, both in and out of the classroom. Our graduates go on to study at top universities in Australia and throughout the world.
AISHK places great importance on recruiting and retaining high-calibre and well-qualified teaching staff from Australia and around the world.
From our teachers to our executive and administrative support teams, AISHK is managed and led by a passionate and highly qualified staff community, which works with dedication to deliver a world-class education for every student.
With adaptations to best serve our students in Hong Kong's international setting, our curriculum is designed to provide outstanding educational opportunities that will help every student reach their potential.
AISHK begins at the Reception Year where students follow the Australian Early Years Learning Framework. Students in Prep to Year 6 follow the Australian curriculum which is nuanced by teachers to meet student needs.
Secondary students, Years 7-10, utilise the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) curriculum in the exploration of their learning, and in preparation for the final two years of Secondary school.
In line with our dedication to offering broad yet tailored academic choices of study, students in Years 11 and 12 can opt to undertake either the New South Wales Higher School Certificate (HSC) or the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma. Both qualifications provide a pathway and sound preparation for tertiary studies at all universities world-wide.
AISHK’s doors open for the first time to 25 students.
AISHK is granted a parcel of land to build a new school campus.
1997 1998
1995 TODAY 1996
The school moves to Kowloon Tong.
The School’s first Year 10 cohort of students are awarded their NSW School Certificates.
The School’s Kowloon Tong campus opens its doors. The School’s first Year 12 cohort prepares to sit for the NSW Higher School Certificate. AISHK continues to thrive as a leading International School in Hong Kong, with a reputation for educational excellence.

Thank you for your interest in Australian International School Hong Kong.
No matter from which country our students originate, our goal is to create a positive environment for students to form a solid foundation and enable them to succeed and flourish throughout their lives.
AISHK conducts regular school tours for Primary and Secondary. To book a school tour, please visit our school website, which is also a useful resource for more information and news. Scan the QR code or visit www.aishk.edu.hk to find out more.
We look forward to welcoming you to the AISHK community.
AISHK Admissions Team
Scan the QR code or click here to book a School Tour and discover school life at AISHK.
Step 1
Complete the application form (See Admissions tab on our website for more details).
Step 3
Notification to parents regarding waitlist / assessment interview.
Step 5
Payment to confirm place.

For the latest application information, please refer to the Admissions section of our website.
Step 2
Application Review by Admissions.
Step 4
Written offer to successful applicants.
Step 6
Starting School.
The academic year commences in mid to late January and concludes in mid December.
2024 Term Dates
Term 1: 24 January to 28 March
Term 2: 16 April to 21 June
Term 3: 23 July to 20 September
Term 4: 8 October to 13 December
Full-Day Class
8:15am to 2:45pm
Morning Class 8:00am to 11:00am
Afternoon Class 11:45am to 2:45pm
Primary Preparatory - Year 2 8:15am to 2:45pm
Year 3 to Year 6 8:15am to 2:50pm
School Starting Age Guide
Secondary Monday 8:15am to 2:35pm
Tuesday to Friday 8:15am to 3:30pm
For entry into Reception in January, students must be four years of age by April 30 of their year of entrance. For entry into Preparatory, students must be five years of age by April 30 of their year of entrance.
Enrolment in other class levels will depend on a number of factors as well as age. Both maturity and previous schooling records will be taken into consideration. Please note that offers for entry to a particular year level will be determined by the school.
All students who attend the Australian International School Hong Kong are required to wear the School Uniform per the required guidelines. The Uniform Shop is located on the 1/F of the school, adjacent to the cafeteria. Opening hours are Monday and Thursday from 8:00 to 3:30pm during term time only. The shop does operate special hours for new students, which are communicated via email.
Students from Reception (full-day) upwards have their lunch at school. The school cafeteria accommodates students during the three lunch breaks established for each of early childhood, upper primary and secondary. Reheating facilities are not available.
Students may:
• bring a packed lunch from home. We recommend a thermal lunch box or frozen drink be used for cooling purposes in summer.
• order from the school caterer Chartwells. Hot lunches for Primary students can be ordered and paid for in advance at a discount. Secondary students can buy lunch daily over the counter.
• use the school tuckshop. Sandwiches, hot food items such as mini pizzas and snack items such as fruit, fruit juices, health bars, crackers, yoghurt and milk drinks are available from the tuckshop for students in Year 3 and above. Carbonated soft drinks, sweets, ice-creams etc. are not available.

Bus Service
Kwoon Chung Motors Co Ltd. is contracted to provide the school bus services for most areas of Hong Kong. The buses pick up students at various times between 6:40am and 7:45am. The Bus Company aims to have buses arriving at school between 7:55 - 8:00am. All buses depart from school at 3:00pm sharp. There is a late bus service, which is a limited stops service, departing the school at 4:30pm for those attending an after school activity. Please contact the bus company for more details.
Reception class (AM) children finish school at 11:00am and Reception class (PM) children start at 11:45am. It is imperative that families with studies in AM and PM
classes understand that a bus will only be provided if there are sufficient Reception children in a similar area, to justify running a bus at these earlier times.
All buses are minibus (24 seater) with airconditioning and bus supervisor. Bus fares are to be paid by the Semester in advance directly to Kwoon Chung Motors Co Ltd. To ensure the most up-to-date information is received by parents, including pick-up and drop-off points, times and fare payable, please visit the bus company’s website www.school.kcm.com.hk/ais or contact the company directly.
1. Application Fee
A non-refundable application fee of HK$1,500 is payable on submission of the completed application form. An application is valid for one year, that is the January-December academic year for which the applicant is applying. Payment of an applicaton fee does not guarantee an admissions assessment.
2. Application Renewal Fee
A non-refundable application renewal fee of HK$500 will be charged to ensure the applicant remains on the wait list for a further year.
3. Assessment Fee
Students attending assessments are required to pay a non-refundable assessment fee of HK$500 per student. The need for an assessment will be determined after the application has been reviewed by the School.
There may be a requirement for Secondary students, whose native language is not English, to attend a standardised English assessment. Please contact the Admissions Office for further information.
4. Reservation Deposit
A reservation deposit of HK$25,000 is required at the time of acceptance of an enrolment. This deposit is credited to the annual tuition fee when the student commences at the School. Enrolment becomes final only after the School has received the reservation deposit.
Reservation deposits for new students are only refunded if the School receives written notification (email is acceptable) of a student’s cancellation, or change of requested start date, within seven (7) days after the payment is received. This deadline is strictly adhered to.
Cheques should be made payable to “The Australian International School Foundation Limited”. (Payment may be made by cash, HKD cheque, direct deposit or internet/ telegraphic transfer to the School’s bank account. Credit card payments are available)
Bank account details are:
Account Name: The Australian International School Foundation Limited
Account Number: 015-514-40-56455-9 (Note: The first 3 digits represent the bank number)
Bank Name: The Bank of East Asia Limited
Bank Address: 10 Des Voeux Road, Central, Hong Kong Swift Code: BEASHK HH
NB: If paying by telegraphic/internet transfer to our bank account from an overseas account, please make sure that our bank account will be credited with the full fee including Hong Kong bank charges (usually HK$240). Please provide a scanned copy of the bank deposit confirmation once you have made the payment.
5. Depreciating Debenture (depreciable annually)
The current value of the depreciating debenture is $120,000 per student. A depreciating debenture or a Capital Levy must be purchased, in addition to the annual tuition fee. A Depreciating debenture is depreciated by 12.5% of the Initial Principal Sum at the beginning of each school year (1 January) for eight years.
Once a debenture has depreciated in full over eight years, a new debenture must be purchased per student. If a student starts during a school year, depreciation on a pro-rata basis will
be charged for the first year only. The full depreciating rate per annum will apply thereafter. Debentures depreciate on an annual basis. They may depreciate to zero or be partially refunded when your child leaves the School before the debenture is fully depreciated.
Under certain circumstances an arrangement may be made to purchase a debenture by four (4) monthly instalments. Please contact our Business Administrator if you wish to discuss this option.
An example to illustrate how the Depreciating Debenture works:
• A student withdraws after attending school for four (4) years.
• A total of HK$60,000 (HK$15,000 x 4), being the remaining sum after 4 years of depreciation, will be refunded to the parents on the student’s last day of school. The remaining balance of the Depreciating Debenture will be refunded on the student’s last day of school, subject to the payment of tuition fees and any other outstanding amount.
6. Capital Levy
The payment of the Capital Levy is offered as an alternative option to the Depreciating Debenture. The capital levy must be paid on acceptance of being offered a place. The levy amount is reviewed each year and is currently HK$21,840 per student per annum. The capital levy is payable annually at the beginning of each school year.
7. Tuition Fees 2024
*AISHK school fees are reviewed and published annually in November, and may increase, subject to Education Bureau approval. Tuition fees include all text books, work books, local excursions, special art materials, literary magazines and a Yearbook.
• Tuition fees are based on a per annum charge and, unless other arrangements have been made, the preferred means of payment is by ten (10) equal monthly payments via Autopay (February to November inclusive).
• A 10% discount will be applied to the third and subsequent child/ren in a family enrolled at AISHK. (The discount will be applied to the youngest child in the family).
• No reduction in tuition fees will be made for any absences.
• If fee payments are overdue, a student may be excluded from school. Once excluded, students will not be re-admitted until all arrears are cleared.
“Primary teachers are dedicated to their students, are obviously well-trained and take opportunities to stay current with best practices. I have found them all to be sensitive, empathetic and great educators.”
~ AISHK Parent
The Primary Division of AISHK encompasses Reception to Year 6. The Primary Curriculum is inquiry-based and covers the core subject areas of English, Mathematics, Chinese, Science and Technology, Geography and History, Creative Arts, and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education; with specialist teachers taking classes for Music, Visual Arts, Physical Education, Library and Chinese.
By following the Australian curriculum, we ensure that each student receives a distinct taste of what it means to be Australian, whilst embracing the cultural context of Hong Kong. Learning experiences which occur within our Primary classrooms mirror those occurring in classrooms across Australia.
The Primary Division places significant focus on working hard and celebrating achievement. Our students thrive in an exciting, vibrant, engaging and safe environment. We strive to give every student the best possible opportunity to achieve new personal bests, related to both effort and results, every day. Student well-being and academic programmes are explicitly linked to develop life skills such as resilience, independence, safe risk taking, collaboration and leadership across all areas.
Reception – Year 2
In Reception to Year 2, AISHK is committed to ensuring our students are provided with a wide range of opportunities to learn through play-based, hands-on experiences.
Through these early Primary years, students are increasingly introduced to more ‘academic’ learning, which continues in an environment that nurtures individual learners and differentiates for the specific needs of each child. In our Early Childhood classrooms, emphasis is placed on developing independence skills that allow children to become confident self-managers and problem solvers.
In Reception, the Australian Early Years Learning Framework is used as a tool to extend and enrich children’s learning with an emphasis on communication and language (including early literacy and numeracy) as well as social and emotional development. This focus on literacy and numeracy continues in the coming years and incorporates information technology as a tool for learning.
Years 3 – 6
As students gain greater levels of understanding, self-belief and independence in the upper Primary years, they are presented with more opportunities to build academically, while evolving their interpersonal skills. The skills to develop and share an informed opinion are promoted, as well as developing empathy towards others.
Upper Primary students are given numerous opportunities to develop and demonstrate academic excellence. Guided to identify, understand and develop their own character strengths, as this is seen as a key stage in their development, students are also encouraged to recognise the strengths demonstrated by their peers.
AISHK provides an exceptional educational pathway for Secondary students through a curriculum model which offers diversity and opportunity to specialise through course electives.
Our teaching methodology identifies the preferred learning styles and strategies of students, which are then aligned with classroom learning experiences. It also employs group and inquiry-based learning to foster student engagement.
Year 7-10
In Years 7-10, more focus is placed on encouraging students to be personally responsible for their studies, with the aim of achieving self-discipline and social communication skills.
All students are enrolled in courses that cover eight Key Learning Areas to fulfil the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) mandatory requirements. The curriculum includes English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Information and Software Technology, Geography, History, Commerce, Chinese (Mandarin), French, Visual Arts, Music, Drama and Physical Education and Sports Studies.
The programme is designed to provide entry to Year 11 and 12 courses of study for either the New South Wales Higher School Certificate (HSC) or the IB Diploma.
New South Wales (NSW) Higher School Certificate (HSC)
The HSC is offered through NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA). It is internationally
“AISHK has taught me that my generation are the game-changers of the future. I realised that we, being privileged with a great education, are capable of shaping the world, and that we should use the power of education to fulfil greater purpose and meaning in our lives.”
~ Chloe Lam | AISHK Alumnarecognised and provides a strong foundation for all further study options as a matriculation qualification. All HSC students have access to the world’s best universities.
The HSC offers a syllabus that defines clear expectations for students, and measures performance against set standards. It allows for breadth, depth and diversity in student subject choices. AISHK offers a wide range of HSC courses in the areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Technology, Creative Arts, Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), Human Society and its Environment (HSIE) and Languages.
The HSC examinations are held from mid-October to mid-November each year, with results published in mid-December.
International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IBDP)
AISHK has offered the IB Diploma Programme since 2006. The IB is an academically structured programme, which emphasises critical thinking, intercultural understanding and exposure to a variety of points of view.
AISHK offers a varied range of courses from the six IB subject groups; Language A, Language B, Mathematics, Sciences, Individuals and Societies and The Arts. Students must also complete the three DP core elements; Theory of Knowledge (TOK), Creativity, Action and Service (CAS); and the extended essay.
AISHK runs IBDP examinations in November each year and results are available in early January.

Subject Area
The following provides an overview of subjects offered from Reception to Year 12:
(Primary Division) Preparatory - Year 6 (Primary Division)
Years 7-10 (Secondary Division)
Years 11 & 12 (Secondary Division)
Years 11 & 12 (Secondary Division)
Reception Year provides a foundation program, designed to meet the needs of the 3.5 to 4.5 year old child.
Adopting a childcentred approach, the program covers areas of intellectual, emotional, social, physical and aesthetic development.
Language development is also emphasised.
The foundation for learning is the Early Years Learning Framework, which is used by most schools in Australia.
Geography History
From Year 3: Civics and Citizenship
From Year 5: Economics and Business
Geography History Year 9 & 10:
Chinese (Mandarin) Chinese (Mandarin)
Business Studies Legal Studies
Psychology (HL & SL)
Chinese Continuers
Chinese & Literature
Chinese Beginners
French Continuers
French Beginners
Chinese ab initio (SL)
French B (HL & SL)
French ab initio (SL)
Personal Development, Health & Physical Education
& 10:
Personal Development, Health & Physical Education
& Recreation

AISHK sees sport as a key facet in daily school life and in fostering an environment where all students strive for their personal best. An avenue to build rapport and develop lasting friendships, sport also demonstrates to students the importance of developing life skills such as teamwork and leadership.
Within the School, our PDHPE curriculum is regular, varied and engaging, promoting not only physical fitness, but a healthy approach to mindfully attaining a well-rounded lifestyle.
In the wider community, AISHK embraces competitive sport, representing the School through our strong affiliation with a number of local and international sporting clubs and associations including ISSFHK, ACAMIS, AISA and HKSSF. Our extensive Extra Curricular Activities programme also offers a vast array of sporting activities available outside of school hours.

The School's Visual Arts programme cultivates vital skills including self-assessment, critical thinking and problem solving. Self-expression takes place though various mediums while providing a framework for deeper understanding of cultural and historical contexts. Specialist teachers foster development of creative skills in this from Reception to Year 12.
In Secondary, the Creative Industries department encompasses Visual Art, IT, Product Design and Food Technology with cutting edge facilities.
Students enjoy two Visual Arts studios, two Product Design workshops, a CAD/CAM suite with laser cutters and 3D printers, IT suite and makerspace with electronics and robotics, as well as a creative library and creative collaboration room.
The innovative Design and Technology programme weaves the relationship between design, technology, society and the environment, supporting students with resources to encourage analysis, collaboration, critical thinking and teamwork.

AISHK’s language programmes take a dynamic and inventive approach to language learning, equipping our students with the skills and cultural literacy to navigate and lead in a global community.
Chinese (Mandarin) is compulsory for all students from Reception to Year 6, and becomes an elective subject from Years 7 to 12.
French is offered as an elective subject choice in Years 7-12, with beginners courses either starting in Year 7 or Year 11.
Both language programmes ensure students gain a well-rounded appreciation of each culture’s literature, history, and geography through local and overseas immersion programmes and celebrations.

Performing Arts at AISHK allows students to creatively explore a range of musical and theatrical styles, building skills in performance, listening, composition, research, improvisation, and physicality. Music is taught as a core subject from Reception to Year 8, becoming an elective from Years 9 to 12. Drama is an elective subject from Years 9 to 12.
Performing Arts offers students the opportunity to take part in a range of instrumental and vocal ensembles and drama troupes, with the further option of learning a musical instrument through the instrumental music programme.
AISHK actively seeks and encourages avenues for students to thrive in a range of opportunities to display their skills at regular school assemblies, annual musical productions, arts showcases and community events.

AISHK adopts a House system which instils teamwork, cross-divisional support between Primary and Secondary, and a level of friendly competition through inter-house activities. The House system also underpins initiatives within student leadership and community service. The four AISHK Houses, named after Australian flora, are:

AISHK equips students with the tools to become responsible citizens and leaders. Students are offered means of voicing their ideas, concerns and opinions, and to act on behalf of their colleagues in an open forum. The Primary Head Boy and Head Girl are determined at Year 6, while School Captains and Vice Captains are determined at Year 12. Prefects are also appointed in a variety of responsibility portfolios. Students are encouraged to apply for positions of responsibility including Student Council Representatives, Community Service, Transition and Sports Committee Liaisons.
On behalf of the entire school community, congratulations to AISHK’s Class of 2023. The NSW HSC and IBDP examination results achieved by this cohort have once again been exemplary. The diversity of pathways and opportunities our students have cultivated for themselves are to be celebrated and are testament to the unique learning environment offered by AISHK.
Each year, results in public examinations continue to successfully provide AISHK graduates with a wide range of study and career opportunities. Our alumni have been given the educational platform and foundations needed to pursue their tertiary and career interests globally, and have been accepted into some of the world’s best universities, including those in Australia, Asia, UK, USA and throughout Europe.
The graduating Class of 2023 is certainly no exception as, in the face of global challenges, they have strived for their personal best with resilience, confidence and hard work.
We hope you enjoy this snapshot of the many measures of success achieved by our most recent graduates.
Mina Dunstan Head of SchoolAISHK offers flexibility and choice. Senior secondary students may choose to study the New South Wales Higher School Certificate (NSW HSC) or the International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBDP) Both options create seamless study and career pathways to Australia and around the world.

class of 2023 university OFFERS
Australia National Unversity
Deakin University
Griffith University
Macquarie University
Monash University
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
University of Adelaide
University of Melbourne
University of Otago
University of Queensland
University of Tasmania
University of New South Wales
University of Sydney
University of Western Australia
University of Technology, Sydney
University of Wollongong
AREAS of study by 2023 graduates
Actuarial Studies
Computer Science
Interactive Media
Interior Architecture
Interior Design
International Studies
International Relations
Liberal Arts
Materials Science
Music Production
Media & Communications
different universities attended by 2023 graduates
Please note that placements listed are correct as at March 2024. A number of offers, including from Northern Hemisphere universities are unlisted as they are pending confirmation.
Screen, Media and Film Production
Security Studies
Social Work
Sports and Exercise Science
Zoology and Animal Science
Our Many Measures of SUCCESS

47% of AISHK IB students achieved an ATAR of 90+ (equivalent of 34 points or higher)
58% of AISHK HSC entries achieved Band 5 or 6 results
AISHK Alumni are accepted into the world’s best universities including those in Australia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and across Asia, UK, USA, Canada, and Europe. The Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) is a number between 0.00 and 99.95 which indicates a student's position relative to all Year 12 students nationally.
89% of AISHK IB Students surpassed the global average diploma score
40% of AISHK HSC students were listed on the NSW Distinguished Achievers List , recognised as being the best performing student in NSW.
98.8 AISHK Highest ATAR
88 AISHK Median ATAR
81% of AISHK students achieved an ATAR score above 80

AISHK Parent Association
The AISHK Parent Association (AISHKPA) promotes close co-operation and communication between parents and the School community. Any AISHK parent is automatically considered part of the AISHKPA and the School encourages parents to take advantage of opportunities to support each other and new connections. The AISHKPA comprises an elected Executive Committee and a General Committee. Funds raised through Parent Association events support projects and programmes which enhance the study, cultural and recreational environment for students.

Scan the QR code or click here for more AISHKPA information and resources on the AISHK website, including committee members, PA e-Shop, calendar of meetings and events.
“I value AISHK’s strong engagement as a community of teachers, students and parents... finding ways to work together to improve our children's quality of education and school life.”
~ AISHK Parent
AISHK has an active Alumni Association, which connects former students and staff of the School. Held in Australia, UK and Hong Kong, the alumni reunions are much anticipated events, which rekindle friendships and allow alumni to establish support networks in their new home cities.
AISHK has a full and lively calendar of events. From the School Fair and School Ball to Mother’s Day lunches and Father’s Day celebrations, there is always an opportunity for staff, students, parents and the wider school community to come together.

Scan the QR code or click here to visit the AISHK video channel for a snapshot of our diverse community events over the years.
“AISHK gave my children their voice. Throughout their Secondary education, they were encouraged by passionate and caring teachers, and supported by a diverse community of students all working together.”
~ AISHK Alumni Parent
"AISHK has a strong community spirit - the BBQs, Christmas Carols, Mother’s Day Lunch and Ball are all so well organised and enjoyable, very important for promoting a positive school community. We have found AISHK to be a very friendly, welcoming and inclusive school."
~ AISHK Parent

Community Service
As a not-for-profit foundation, AISHK is committed to instilling a strong sense of community service and ongoing civic engagement and leadership in our student community. Community service programmes exist through every year level at the School through our House system, with each House having a specific organisation that students support throughout the School year.
How early can I submit an application for my child?
We accept applications two (2) years in advance prior to the expected year of entrance. For example, if your child is age appropriate for our Reception class in 2026, you may submit an application as early as January 2024.
Is there a deadline for application?
For Reception to Year 10, applications are accepted year-round. Year 11 applications are generally not accepted after Term 1 and Year 12 applications are generally not accepted under normal circumstances. Please contact the Admissions office directly if you have an enquiry regarding a Year 11 or Year 12 application.
Are priorities given to students on the waitlist?
Yes. Priorities are as follows:
• Siblings of current students
• Australian or New Zealand passport holders
• Other nationalities
Our waitlists are accorded by date. The earlier the application the higher the place on our waitlist. For Reception and Preparatory students (both intake years) we also take into account gender equity and student diversity as it is important to have a balance in each class.
Can I make changes to the term or year of admission I would like my child to be considered for enrolment at AISHK? What costs/conditions are involved?
An application has a currency of one (1) year, the academic year for which the applicant is applying. You may defer your child’s application once within the same academic year with no monetary or priority penalty. However, if the requested change falls outside the initial academic year (January-December) then an application deferral fee of HK$500 applies. Please note that when an application is deferred to a new academic year the date of application (for priority purposes) changes from the original date the application was received to the date we receive payment for the deferment.
Is the school open to students who are not Australians?
Yes, children of all nationalities are welcome at AISHK.
We have students from over 25 nationalities at AISHK. What are the nationalities of the teachers at AISHK? The majority of teaching staff at AISHK are Australian, we also have teachers from a diverse range of nationalities and backgrounds.
Where is the school located?
AISHK is located at 3A Norfolk Road, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong. Our campus is only a few minutes’ walk from Kowloon Tong MTR (Exit E).
Do you have to live on Kowloon side to attend AISHK?
Students who attend AISHK live all over Hong Kong.
AISHK is situated next to a transport interchange with taxis, buses and MTR. We also have a school bus service with a diverse range of routes. Please see our website for more details regarding the school bus.
What is the student to teacher ratio?
Reception | Max 23 students
1 Teacher, 2 Assistants per class
Prep – Year 2 | Max 25 students
1 Teacher, 1 Assistant per class
Year 3-6 | Max 25 students
1 Teacher per class, 1 Assistant per year level
Year 7-12 | Max 25 students
1 Teacher per class
How many students are enrolled at the school?
We have approximately 1,100 students. 60% of students are in Primary and 40% are in Secondary.
Do you accept students with Special Learning Needs at AISHK?
At AISHK we do accept students with special learning needs though students must be able to access the mainstream classroom, with minimal support. We offer learning support through our Learning Enrichment Centre (LEC). Our LEC is a team of dedicated staff members who help support or extend students within the classroom, in Primary and Secondary years. For more details, please contact our Admissions staff.
Will my child have to undertake an entry or assessment interview?
Entry assessments are part of the enrolment process at AISHK, however not all children are required to attend an assessment interview. Once your child’s application has been reviewed, our Admissions staff will contact you if an assessment is necessary.
Does AISHK provide English language support?
Yes, AISHK does provide English language support to students in class, however, students must have enough English language to access the curriculum.
Do you have a Chinese language program at your school?
Yes. The study of Mandarin is mandatory from Reception to Year 6. Prep – Year 6 students will have one 45 minute lesson of Mandarin per day. The Chinese program emphasises communication through talking and listening, reading, responding and writing using simplified Chinese characters.
My child does not know any Chinese – how will he/she learn?
For Reception and Preparatory (Semester 1 only) the program is an introduction to Mandarin. Our Chinese language program offers streamed classes from Preparatory (semester 2). In each year level we offer a beginner, intermediate and background class. Students are placed in class based on their Mandarin skills, which is assessed by our Mandarin teachers at the beginning of the year or in Semester 2 of Preparatory.
Are extra curricular activities offered?
Our school provides a wide variety of Extra Curricular Activities (ECAs). ECAs are sport and non-sporting pursuits available to AISHK students over and above the regular school curriculum. These activities are organised and led by teachers and support staff with assistance from parents and external coordinators and take place outside the normal school timetable.
Do I have to buy a debenture or pay a capital levy for my child to study at AISHK?
Yes. All students are required to have a debenture purchased or a capital levy paid for them before they start school at AISHK. For more details about debentures and capital levies please refer to the “Tuition and Fees” section under the Application Information tab on our website.
Can I pay the Application Fee by credit card? Yes. Credit cards payments are accepted at AISHK for the application only.
Does my child need to have a Hong Kong visa before I submit the application?
No. You can submit the application, with all the other required documentation, and send a copy of the visa once it has been stamped in your child’s passport. Note: A valid student or dependant visa must be in place prior to the child’s first day of school. This is a Hong Kong government mandatory requirement.
Does AISHK participate in the National Identity Program?
International schools offering non-local curricula are not mandated to participate in the National Identity Program as directed by the Education Bureau. AISHK students do explore the culture and history of Hong Kong in their studies.
My child is currently in a different curriculum and school calendar to Australian International School Hong Kong. How do I decide which year to apply for and when they should join AISHK?
Transferring a child from one schooling system and curriculum to another can mean that the year level into which the child will be transferring to may vary from that which they have transferred. Therefore, when guiding parents in regard to the year level that is appropriate for their child, we always look at the child’s age, academic ability, social and emotional development and curriculum studied before deciding on the year level, as we need to ensure a smooth transition to our Australian curriculum. At AISHK we have students join us at the beginning of our school year in January and at the beginning of Term 3 in July/August, after they have completed their current year level in the northern hemisphere school calendar. To assist parents, we would advise you to contact the Admissions team to discuss further.