3 minute read
Library Update
Leadership Assembly
By Nicole Atkins, Head of Library and Information Services
The Library has been brought back to life this year with the gradual return of students to campus. It has been wonderful to reintroduce the students to the library borrowing procedures and to see them enjoy browsing and borrowing the bookshelves.
Primary students have enjoyed spending quality time in the library both relaxing and reading and lessons where information literacy has been the focus. Secondary students have loved being able to hang out at both recess and lunch, and with a re-introduction to the Secondary Library for Year 7 & 8, there has been renewed interest in borrowing as we build our secondary collection. This semester has seen a range of activities initiated by the Library.
National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS)
On Thursday, 20 May, AISHK celebrated NSS. This event is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously across Australia and at AISHK, Hong Kong!
The aim is to: • Promote the value of reading and literacy. • Promote the value and fun of books. • Promote an Australian writer and publisher. • Promote storytime activities in libraries and communities around the country.
This year the featured book was ‘Give me some Space!’ by Phillip Bunting and in conjunction with Story Time From Space, the book was read in SPACE by astronaut Dr Shannon Walker in the International Space Station. The students were mesmerised and thoroughly enjoyed listening to the story.
Battle of the Books (BOB) Primary
On Wednesday, 5 May, an excited group of 12 Year 5 and 6 students represented AISHK for the first time in the semi-final of the Battle of the Books competition, and they won! There were four schools competing and 12 rounds with 12 questions in each. Then on Tuesday, 18 May, the students participated in the final against five other schools in Hong Kong. Congratulations went to Marymount School who were the winning team on the day. It was wonderful to hear the students were keen to participate in the 2021-2022 Battle of the Books. We are aiming to have teams from both Primary and Secondary participate in the 2021-2022 Battle of the Books competition.
We have launched the NSW Premier’s Reading Challenge for Primary for the second year. The Challenge aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure in students, and to enable them to experience quality literature in a wide range of genres. We encourage all students to participate in the Challenge which runs through until Book Week in Term 3.
Virtual Tours-State Library Victoria
In connection with the Australian Curriculum, the Year 5 classes had the opportunity to join a virtual excursion with the State Library of Victoria. The focus was on Colonial Australia and aligned nicely with the Year 5 history unit in Term 2. Students were shown both primary and secondary sources from the gold rush era, including Ned Kelly’s armour. We aim to participate in more virtual tours with both Primary and Secondary in the second semester through both the State LIbraries of Victoria and NSW.
Author Visit-Dan Gemeinhart
As part of the Hong Kong Young Readers Festival, students in Year 6,7 and 8 participated in a Zoom session with Author Dan Gemeinhart. Dan is the author of a number of books including, ‘The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise’, a 20202021 Battle of the Books text. Dan spoke of his experiences growing up, always on the move with his family and how the school library was a safe haven for him and kids like him. The library was a constant in his life and reading was how he developed his dream of becoming a writer. Dan’s inspirational message was focused on turning a dream into a reality through goal setting.
Former AISHK teacher, Ms Narelle Cridland, has published her first book, ‘Lorry the Lorikeet Meets Alice Springs!’. We have four copies in the library for students to enjoy. Many students in both Primary and Secondary have shared fond memories of Ms Cridland as their teacher in Reception and/or Primary/Secondary Visual Arts. We look forward to reading the next installment of Lorry and Alice’s adventures.