3 minute read
Performing Arts Showcase
By Peter Stapleton | Head of Performing Art
In the absence of being able to present any live performances, the Performing Arts department ran a videoed showcase concert on Friday, 4 June.
Throughout the day various performers ranging from Year 2 to Year 12 came down to record the work that they had prepared. The day started with a Year 4 class who had composed their own class blues, accompanied by Mr Picker on the guitar. We then had various soloists, duets and even trios which included many brothers and sisters performing together, as well as friends and classmates of course. Our instruments were equally wide ranging and included both a harp and guzheng performance, as well as our newly formed AISHK string ensemble. Our music also ranged from Mozart to Bruno Mars. You will also see a wonderful modern dance by one of our Year 3 students. In most cases, the students practised their work at home, and those who were able to rehearse in school have only had about three rehearsals. Our students deserve much credit for the work that they have put into this showcase, especially considering the difficulties we have had in 2021.
The experience of taking part in a video shooting was also something new to our students. On arrival, they had to practise through their pieces so that the cameramen could set up angles and movements. We were then able to reposition microphones to try and get the best possible sound. This was somewhat complex as we had 14 different items to record, all with very different set ups. In total there were over 60 performers that made up the concert.
There was no live audience on the day, all performers performed with masks, except for singers and performers of wind instruments who were socially distanced from the other musicians and recording crew, in accordance to our current guidelines.
I am very grateful to our Performing Arts staff; Aliki Watson-Jones, Geoff Haymes, Jaime Ashton and Daphne Tse for all their hard work and support throughout semester 1. The work that they do with our students really helps to motivate and enthuse them in the disciplines of the performing arts. I am also very appreciative of our instrumental teachers who have only recently been allowed to resume instrumental lessons at school. They do a wonderful job working with AISHK students in improving technique and broadening their repertoire and generally encouraging them on their individual instruments. We are glad to see our instrumental program up and running again and we always look forward to welcoming new students into the program. We are also looking into the feasibility of music and drama ECA’s and how they will run from now on. Further details to follow in Term 3. Please contact our Performing Arts department for any queries that you may have (performing_ arts@aishk.edu.hk).
To access the showcase concert, please click on the link provided below. I very much hope you enjoy the show and be very proud of our wonderful performing artists.