AISA Circular Feb 2015

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AISA Members’ Circular February 2015 | Vol. 5 No. 5

In this issue:

Note from the Executive Director

AISA Award & Scholarships Opportunities

AISA 2015 Conference

Expanding our Understanding of Admissions

Is your School Emergency Ready?

Meet AISA New Staff

IB Workshops in Kenya

AISA Membership Corner

AISA - Global Issues Service Summit, Mozambique

Note from the Executive Director Welcome to our first circular for 2015. This is a special bumper edition of our regular monthly circular as it contains important updates on the upcoming Annual Conference as well as details on the numerous awards for students and up to fifteen scholarships that are now available for staff from AISA full member school s. I encourage you to take a look to see what may be of interest to you. Be aware that applications for these awards and scholarships are due March 15th, so get in quickly with your application With just 4 weeks until the Annual Conference, the entire AISA team is busy finalising preparations for the event. I am particularly looking forward to our first Child Protection Symposium as we continue to raise awareness of this important topic. As I write this I am in Boston, experiencing temperatures well below freezing, nothing like the warmth of the African sun. I am attending a workshop at Harvard University on Leadership. I will also have a chance to reconnect with many of you at the AAIE Conference in San Francisco next week. Have a great month and I look forward to seeing many of you in person in Cape Town. Regards,



It’s now only four weeks until the Annual AISA conference begins in Cape Town in early March and we are all madly preparing for what I’m sure will be a great event. If you’ve not booked your flights or hotel, can l urge you to do this today! With other major events happening in Cape Town at the same time as the conference, seats and beds are limited. Can I also remind you to begin your visa application process, if you’ve not already done so, to avoid any disappointment.

This year we have a great number of learning opportunities on offer; do take the time to review our web site for full details of all the sessions. As soon as your registration is paid in full you can immediately secure your place in your chosen workshop through our on-line registration system. Again, don’t delay as once the workshop is full no additional people will be admitted.

and roles, supported by practical tools that describe what good looks like and map the pathways towards it. This workshop will provide a simple synthesis of theory and practice, so that participants will be able to define, design, deliver and demonstrate both learning and leadership, and will have the competencies and toolkit to replicate this learning in their own schools.

Pre Conference:

Chip Barder – Financing Learning When a parent enrols their child in one of our schools, they are purchasing a service not a product. They are members belonging to a community. We also know from the organizational behaviour literature that the best institutions are ones which have a strong mission which drives all that they do. So the challenge of any international school is to provide evidence of a clear mission which drives the program, leads to meaningful learning for students, and is carried out in a fiscally responsible manner. This workshop will address the complexities of that challenge and consider strategies for addressing them. When a parent enrols their child in one of our schools, they are purchasing a service not a product. They are members belonging to a community. We also know from the organizational behaviour literature that the best institutions are ones which have a strong mission which drives all that they do. So the challenge of any international school is to provide evidence of a clear mission which drives the program, leads to meaningful learning for students, and is carried out in a fiscally responsible manner. This workshop will address the complexities of that challenge and consider strategies for addressing them.

This year’s Pre Conference events include:  IB Workshops  Advanced Moodle Training  Service Learning Institute  Trauma Counselling Institute Please be aware that due to lack of numbers we have cancelled the following sessions:  IGCSE English  IGCSE Math  IGCSE Physics Throughout this time our Child Protection, Professional Learning and Service Learning Working Groups will also be meeting. We’ll be sharing more from these groups in the coming months.

School Leaders Retreat

The Leaders Retreat is held over March 7th – 8th. This holistic two-day programme is dedicated to addressing the personal & professional development needs of administrators in the AISA region. Heads of School, Principals and Board Members are encouraged to attend in teams. Facilitators for the event include: Kevin Bartlett - How Centralized and Distributed Leadership Transform Learning We've come to understand that the principles and competencies of leadership are scalable, and that real change is brought about by 'senior' leadership and 'teacher' leadership working in complementary ways towards common goals. This combination of centralized and distributed leadership needs to be framed by common understandings about direction

Teresa Aspin – Governance for Learning The structures for governance in international schools are varied, transitions are frequent and trustees often lack experience in the governance role. Yet the effectiveness of a Board has a tremendous impact on your school and your sense of efficacy as a school leader. We will explore promising practices for engaging Boards in their own learning journey, giving them the tools they need to be successful and to help them prepare your schools for success in the future. We will use case studies, small and large group learning structures and have opportunities to share the practices you have found effective.

Educators Conference

With day long institutes and 3 hour workshops to choose from there is a wide variety of topics that are sure to be of interest to international educators looking to increase their skills and capacities in the class room and improve student learning outcomes.

AISA’s Semi-Unconference

An event not be missed at this year’s conference is AISA’s first ever Semi-Unconference. As AISA’s model of professional learning is evolving, so too are some of our conference methodologies. At the Semi- Unconference, using an open forum structure, all participants are invited to attend, pose a question or raise an issue and meet with others who choose to join in the discussion. You might opt to delve deeper into a topic, ask for solutions to challenges or reflect and plan actions at the end of the conference. This is the delegate’s time to learn in collaboration.

Also, don’t miss our participant–led workshops where teachers from AISA schools will be leading the learning in a series of workshops which explore aspects of their professional practice, just the first example of AISA broadening and deepening the learning experiences for its members. Participants need not register in advance but decide during the conference which topic they are most passionate about and opt to join the group with others that hold the same interest; together creating powerful, organic conversations, sharing good practices and forming lasting professional contacts.

AISA Child Protection Symposium

In addition to the Annual Conference, AISA is also holding an International Child Protection Symposium, open to School Leaders and Counsellors from International Schools around the world. At a time when protecting the children in our schools is foremost in our minds this symposium will bring together thought leaders in various topic areas related to Child Protection for a two-day meeting March 9 & 10, 2015 at the Westin Hotel. School Leaders and Counsellors will join their colleagues from around the world in practical discussions and facilitated sessions relating to what steps International School should be taking in terms of ensuring that their students are kept safe. Topics include:  Child Protection, the Community and the Law  Child Protection and School Accreditation  Child Protection and the Curriculum  Child Protection and Trauma Counselling  Child Protection and Research  Child Protection and School Policy  Child Protection and Recruitment  Child Protection and School Security

This really is a unique opportunity for your school to deepen its understanding of the multi faceted issues relating to child protection. I urge you to not miss this valuable workshop that is being facilitated by some of the world’s leading child protection practitioners. This is a great opportunity to invest into the well-being of the children we serve in our schools.

IS YOUR SCHOOL EMERGENCY READY? Here is an opportunity for your school that you will not want to miss. Chris Roose, a presenter on school security at the AISA 2015 Conference, has offered, at no charge, to review your school’s emergency plan. Here is a brief introduction from Chris: I have over 30 years of military, security, emergency management and law enforcement experience. Since 2001 I have assisted numerous international schools with security and emergency management issues and have reviewed a large number of school emergency plans. I am currently a Security Professional with the US Government but have been assigned to US Embassies and do school security on a part-time basis. The Office of Overseas Schools published the “Security Guide for International Schools” which I co-authored. If you would like to take up this offer, email your security plan to Chris at and he will provide feedback to you at the conference. Or, connect with Chris at the conference and he can email you feedback afterward.



The Aga Khan Academy is pleased to invite AISA member school’s the opportunity to take part in IB workshops for educators. The workshops will be held at The Aga Khan Academy, Mombasa on 14th, 15th and 16th February 2015. All enquiries to be sent to Workshop details: PYP Cat 1: Making the PYP Happen in the Classroom PYP Cat 2: Programme of inquiry: A strategy to support school's self-assessment PYP Cat 2: The Exhibition PYP Cat 3: Bilingual and multilingual teaching and learning PYP Cat 3: Reading and Writing through Inquiry PYP Cat 3: The Role of Arts PYP Cat 3: The Learning Environment and Inquiry MYP Cat 2: Design: Delivering the MYP curriculum MYP Cat 3: Physical and health education: Managing assessment in the MYP MYP Cat 3: MYP Projects DP Cat 3: Concepts and inquiry in the DP DP Cat 3: Interdisciplinarity and the World Studies extended essay


The AISA – Global Issues Service Summit is about sharing ideas, building relationships and empowering youth to make change as students come together to consider and develop solutions for global issues.

This year celebrates the 7th Annual GISS and will be hosted by the American International School of Mozambique from April 23rd to 25th. The theme of this year is Lanzelela: “Educating for Sustainability”. Lanzelela means “an important pursuit” or “pursue a goal”; coined in Changane, a language common in southern Mozambique. The pursuit for the 2015 summit will be to understand and promote Education for Sustainability. We believe education is the key to unleashing sustainable attitudes. It has the essential role of forming citizens who are engaged to their communities’ improvement. Educated citizens are committed to sustainable attitudes at home, in their businesses or workplace, in social enterprises, and among friends. They will share their sustainable attitudes with everyone around them creating a virtuous cycle. To find out more about the AISA-GISS conference go to There will also be a GISS table at the exhibition space at the AISA 2015 conference and Gabriel Limaverde, the host of the event, is happy to answer any of your queries. He can be contact at: SCHOLARSHIP’S AVAILABLE: Scholarships are available for schools wanting to bring students to the event. See the AISA Service Award below.

AISA AWARD & SCHOLARSHIP OPPORTUNITIES AISA has a number of awards and scholarship opportunities available for its staff and students at full member schools. Take the time to explore the many opportunities available and send in your application NOW! Most awards are due on March 15th, so go to the web site and check out the details in full at

Student Awards 1. AISA Service Awards AISA is proud to be at the forefront of promoting service learning in Africa through its network of schools. Service learning is a unique and valuable learning and growth opportunity for students as it promotes critical thinking, personal reflection and team building whilst encouraging a greater sense of civic engagement and personal responsibility in relation to the global issues facing the world today. The AISA Service Awards have been established to promote and encourage schools to develop and promote service learning opportunities within their school curriculum. To further promote the aims of service learning ASIA has, for the first time, established two separate award categories: 

Project Category: There will be a Grand Prize of US$5,000 and three US$2,500 prizes awarded to a school to enable them to develop or grow a community service project.

Student Service Leader: Up to five US$1,500 awards will be granted to a school in recognition of a student or a group of students who demonstrate their service and commitment to the community. The school may choose to allocate this funding to a project or make this available for students to attend the AISA Global Issues Service Summit (GISS). Students will receive a plaque and letter from AISA in recognition of their outstanding achievement.

Applications for the awards are due March 15th. Full details of how to apply are available on the web site at

2. AISA Award for Excellence In recognition of the outstanding work of our teachers and students, AISA developed an annual Award for Excellence to encourage and acknowledge the significant achievements reached by top students in our member schools. To participate in this award, AISA invites each full member school to identify one student who exemplifies the traits expressed in the philosophy of AISA which are as follows:  

Promotes a school environment that is characterized by a sense of hospitality and friendliness, collegiality and community among students and between students and staff. Demonstrates by example the concept of service to the human family either within or outside the school environment.

 

Seeks to understand, appreciate and promote African cultures through service activities, participation in cultural events, or personal expression through African literature, languages, music, art or dance. Embraces a world view which celebrates human unity and diversity. This trait could be demonstrated through service activities, or student activities, cultural events, membership in clubs or organizations within or outside of school, academic projects, or any form of artistic expression.

If you would like to nominate a student for this award, please go to the web site for complete details Students will receive a plaque and letter acknowledging their achievement which will be sent to the school prior to graduation ceremonies.

Teacher Scholarships 1. AISA Action Research Scholarship

AISA Action Research Scholarships are for teachers who want to know what works best in their classroom, why it works and how they can improve practice based on their own research. This is a great opportunity for teachers who want to take the lead in their own professional learning. Designed with busy classroom practitioners in mind, the AISA Action Research Scholarship involves data collection, analysis and interpretation all completed during the first semester of 2015- 16, before presenting findings at the next Annual AISA Conference in March 2016. Teachers will be supported throughout the application process and coached during the action research phase to ensure they are set up for success and gain the most from their teacher-researcher experience. AISA is offering SIX Action Research Scholarships, each worth US$1,800 to teachers from any AISA Full Member School. Under the skilful supervision of Dr Donna Kalmback Phillips, Pacific University, Oregon, the successful applicants will be guided through this four credit graduate course and share their project with their peers at next year’s AISA conference. Applicants will need to pay the balance of the tuition costs of $420. How to get started: If attending the AISA Annual Conference, Cape Town, March 9th – 11th we recommend you attend Dr Kalmbach Phillips’ workshops to learn first-hand how to turn your pedagogical curiosity into a robust action research proposal.

If you’re not at the conference, that’s not a problem; Dr Kalmbach Phillips will work remotely with you on your proposal. Interested applicants should contact Graham Watts, Director of Professional Learning with the following details:  Your Full Name  Full School Name & Address  A short summary (200 words max) of your proposed action research and what you hope to achieve as a result (grade level; context; the intervention or self-study).  A tentative critical question that might frame your action research. (Sample action research questions are listed below).  An indication that you will be willing and able to attend the 2016 AISA conference in order to present your project. Note that AISA will waive the conference fee for successful scholarship recipients but all travel and accommodation costs are NOT included in the scholarship. Timeline:  February 2015: Get involved by registering your interest ( and start designing your proposal.  March 2015: For those applicants attending the AISA Annual conference in Cape Town, make the most of Dr Kalmbach Phillips proximity and attend her workshops. If you are not attending, you are still welcome to apply and will be supported by Dr Kalmbach Phillips with designing your application.  March – May 2015: Interested teachers work with Dr Kalmbach Phillips remotely to complete a robust action research proposal.  June 26th 2015: Deadline for action research proposals to be submitted to AISA for evaluation.  July 2015: Scholarships awarded (notification via email)  August 2015: successful applicants register for EDUC 654 “Planning the Inquiry Project” (proposal counts towards this class) at Pacific University, Oregon.  September 2015: Begin Action Research Project with support and coaching. * Three data collection cycles of three weeks per cycle. (9 weeks total) * On-going analysis during the cycles. * Complete two analytic memos between data collection cycles 1 & 2 and after cycle 3.  January 2016 - mid-February: Final data analysis and interpretation.  End of February – Design and practice of presentation prior to AISA Conference.  March - Present project and findings at AISA Conference.

Listed here are sample action research questions to help get you started:  How can co-teaching impact learning for English Language Learners?  How does a middle school student's repeated reading of any given text influence reading fluency and comprehension?  How do my kindergarten students develop identities as writers and what is the relationship of this to their development as readers?  How can I use developmentally appropriate math assessments in my first grade classroom to guide mathematical instruction?  Will the use of graphic organizers, quick draw chalkboards, and review games influence my high school chemistry students' content knowledge and understanding?  How can I improve my questioning strategies to improve the effectiveness of teacher-student interaction in teaching fifth grade ELL science students?  What are the issues and interests of my current 10th graders and will the selection of matched themed-texts increase motivation and reading engagement?  How might the use of video introductions of required readings serve to support and engage online learners?  How might the use of Google + "office hours" by instructors increase student satisfaction with online learning?  How satisfied are current users of online learning and what does this mean to us as we continue to plan professional development?  How can iPads be used to increase critical thinking and analysis by grade 10 social studies students?


2. AISA – Education Across Frontiers (EAF) Teacher Leader Scholarship

Education Across Frontiers is an organization dedicated to the professional learning of teachers and school leaders around the world. We believe that student learning in the classroom is greatly enhanced when educators pursue their own learning and action research. To this end, Education Across Frontiers offers a variety of professional development learning opportunities specifically designed for the international educator. The Directors of the EAF Staff Development Center (Bill and Ochan Powell) is offering a full-tuition scholarship to a teacher from an AISA full member school. The AISA Education Across Frontiers (EAF) Teacher Leadership Scholarship will be for the tuition, books, lunches and coffee breaks. Please note that the applicant will need to cover the cost of flights, transportation, accommodation and incidental expenses. Key details of the event: When: June 22nd -July 8th Where: The International School in Genoa, Italy Course Electives:  Cognitive Coaching Part 1: June 22-25  Adaptive Schools: June 22-25  Differentiation in Math: June 27-30  Cognitive Coaching Part II: June 27-30  Advanced Cognitive Coaching: July 2 – 8 Applications for this scholarship are due on March 15th, please see the AISA web site for full details on how to apply.

3. AISA – AAIE Leadership Institute Scholarship

The Association for the Advancement of International Education (AAIE) is a dynamic global community of educational leaders. Its membership includes international schools from around the world as well as universities, organizations, and individuals who support AAIE’s mission. AAIE endeavours, through its many services, to connect people, ideas, and resources worldwide. It does this by providing opportunities for professional development, personal growth, and networking, all with an emphasis on international school leadership. The AAIE Institute for International School Leadership is an online professional development program designed for currently serving and aspiring international school leaders. There are eight courses addressing key issues of international school leadership, and most of the online courses are seven weeks in duration. The entire curriculum can be completed in two years. AISA's AAIE scholarship offers professional learning opportunities for leaders from AISA full-member schools. One scholarship is on offer; $500 - AAIE Member or $650 - Non-AAIE Member. This will cover course fees for one course. The complete program is eight courses, but courses can be taken individually. Applications for this scholarship are due on March 15th, please see the AISA web site for full details on how to apply

4. AISA Principals Training Centre Scholarship’s

The Principals' Training Center for International School Leadership (PTC) was founded in 1989 to meet the professional development needs of leaders in international schools. Over 2,500 international educators have participated in PTC training programs. AISA is pleased to offer a number of scholarship opportunities to staff from AISA full member schools who wish to attend one of the many opportunities on offer from the PTC. Full course details can be found at

Applications for all scholarship opportunities listed below are due by March 15th. For full details on scholarship criteria and how to apply see the AISA website at Experienced Principals' Summit: The theme of this year’s summit is “Energy Vampires: Maximising Your Energy Investments” and will be held in London from July 12th – 14th. AISA will award a US$1,000 scholarship each year to attend this summit. II. Principals’ Training Centre: The PTC offers a wide range of professional development opportunities for practicing and aspiring international school principals. Courses range from four, week-long institutes to one and two day pre-conferences and are held in Miami or London from June 15th – July 15th AISA awards up to two US$1,000 scholarships each year for the PTC.





The Teachers' Training Center (TTC) provides training in classroom instructional and assessment strategies, uniquely tailored to the needs of the international school. 5 day courses will be held in Miami (June 16th – 20th & June 22nd – 26th) or London (June 30th – July 4th or July 6th – 10th). AISA awards up to two $1,000 scholarships each year for TTC training. The Counselor Training Centre for international school counselors offers programs tailored to the specific skills needed to do counseling work in the international school setting. The series of five-day CTC courses are open to both practicing and aspiring counselors in international schools. Completion of three courses leads to the ‘Certificate of International School Counseling’. 5 day courses will be held in London (June 22nd – July 8th) and Miami (June 24th – July 4th). AISA will award a US$500 scholarship for 2015. The Business Training Centre for international school business leaders is dedicated to the professional development needs of those providing a wide range of functions to the international school including:a. Crisis Management b. Marketing c. Admissions d. Development e. Human Resources f. Community Relations g. Financial Services h. Policy and Law i. Participants in the BTC program will be able to put together a combination of five-day courses to best suit their needs as they work toward the "Certificate of International School Business Leadership". AISA's BTC scholarships are opportunities for professional development for business managers and officers in administration in the AISA network. AISA will award a US$500 scholarship for 2015.


AISA is pleased to offer our members the chance to participate in an opportunity that will help you better understand the complex admission process and operation within and across international schools. Your participation in a research study being undertaken by SSATB, a not for profit membership organization providing enrollment and professional services for over 900 private and independent schools in the U.S. and Canada, will give you access to the results of the survey which can assist you in ensuring that global best practice is being used in your school. To take part in this important research you must register your commitment by the end of February. Research background: In 2013, SSATB published a seminal survey research report titled The State of the Independent School Admission Industry, which chronicled the structure, process, and enrollment challenges of independent school admission in North America. The report has provoked a great deal of dialogue about the changing conditions of and expectations for admission officers. ECIS took a keen interest in this research, and together with representatives at ECIS schools and staff at ISC Research, SSATB has developed a first-of-its-kind international schools admission survey. The objectives of this study include:  Define the roles played by admission officers within and across international schools  Gain a better understanding of the admission process and operation within and across international schools  Explore the cost of tuition and the degree of financial aid offered at international schools  Examine the challenges international schools face in terms of recruitment and selection of students  Review key issues relating to governance and decision making  Assess salary and budgeting practices At ECIS’ request, SSATB will be presenting the survey results and analysis at its April 2015 Leadership Conference in Brussels. In order to maximize the usefulness of these data for other international schools groups, SSATB, ECIS, and ISC Research are inviting any and all interested international school groups to participate in the study. All participating groups and associations will receive an electronic copy of SSATB’s survey presentation, as well as the raw survey data collected from all of their member respondents. If your school is interested in participating in this exciting initiative please contact Trish Frazzetto, SSATB’s Director of Marketing and Communication at

MEET NEW AISA STAFF AISA is excited to announce some new members of its team. Please feel free to reach out to them at any time: Graham Watts, Director of Professional Learning: Graham is an educational writer, advisor and consultant with experience of leading professional learning in over 25 countries. He has published educational books in the UK and the USA as well as publishing articles and peer reviewed papers in the UK, New Zealand and Australia. Before joining AISA, Graham was Global Director of Education and Training for an international children’s wellbeing charity; forming strategic partnerships with major funders, research partners, government agencies and universities. In his spare time Graham enjoys theatre, cinema, art galleries and exhibitions and enjoying all that life in London has to offer! Contact Graham at Chanel Ryall, Partnership’s and Communications Coordinator: An Australian, Chanel has spent the best part of the previous 10 years living and working overseas, moving first to Cambodia, then New Zealand and now Kenya. Passionate about social justice her career has been spent in the non-profit sector working in both small and large organisations, primarily in the areas of program management, communications and organisational leadership. Chanel has a Masters in International and Community Development from Deakin University, Melbourne. When not working, Chanel loves to explore local markets, read, travel and keep active. She has two children attending international schools in Kenya and a husband working on early year’s literacy programs across the continent. Contact Chanel at Steve Muthiitene, Executive Assistant and Events Coordinator: Born and raised in Nairobi, Kenya, Steve obtained a Master’s degree in Strategic Management from the United States International University (USIU) and a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce from the Catholic University of Eastern Africa. Prior to joining AISA Steve worked in the banking and finance industry and also as a research analyst with a strategy and management consulting firm. Steve enjoys getting into the detail and is, thus, looking forward to putting these strengths to good use by supporting AISA conferences and events and fostering greater networking and collaboration across our membership. In his spare time Steve enjoys travelling, being around children and music – creating it, listening and dancing to it. Contact Steve at

AISA MEMBERSHIP CORNER Has your school recently attained accreditation? Time to achieve accreditation and thus maintain FULL AISA membership status is drawing near. All full member schools must attain accreditation status by a recognised accreditation agency by June 30th 2015. Current full member schools who are unable to meet this criteria will have their membership reviewed by AISA. If you have any questions or queries regarding this process please contact Connie on Is your membership up to date? This is a gentle reminder that all membership fees were due in July and AISA would like to remind you that any outstanding fees must be settled for your school to continue to take advantage of AISA membership. Contact for any queries.

You are receiving this circular as a valued member of the AISA network. Visit for more information. © 2015 Association of International Schools in Africa. All rights reserved.

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