School Handbook

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Contents General Information Introduction Mission Statement and Aims School Hours Calendar School Uniform What you will need for school Arrival and Departure Procedures Communication Health Standards of Behaviour Assertive discipline policy Statement of Values Homework After School Activities Curriculum Overview Background: the English Educational System and CIE Curriculum Overview


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An Introduction to AIS Dear Parents and Pupils, It is our pleasure to welcome you to the 2010‐2011 school year at The Atlantic International School in Moscow. We extend a very warm welcome to you all as new and old pupils and parents. We are proud to be the pioneering in the international school sector offering the English National Curriculum alongside the Russian National Curriculum. We are looking forward to providing your child with an outstanding educational experience. We strive to build on our reputation of excellence as we seek to meet the needs of all children enrolled in our school. Our staff members are enthusiastic and passionate about teaching and bring a wealth of experience and expertise. At The Atlantic International School in Moscow we have created a stimulating, safe and positive learning environment, with high expectations of achievement and behavior. We are committed to making the curriculum accessible to all children through utilizing a range of teaching styles, which will motivate children to develop independent, lifelong learning skills. As the International Curriculum Manager, my role is to establish a culture that promotes excellence, equality and high expectations of all pupils. We value the opinions of our parents so please feel free to send me an e‐mail, Parent input is invaluable. I look forward to working with you in the most important job you have ‐ educating your child. We hope that you find this handbook useful and look forward to working closely with you to ensure the success of AIS and our pupils. Yours sincerely, Damien Butters International Curriculum Manager 2

Mission Statement The mission of The AIS of Moscow is to provide the students with a strong curricular programme based on developmentally appropriate practices in a challenging and supporting environment.

Our Objectives At the AIS we consider our main tasks to be:  To give our students a quality education, ensuring a deep knowledge of school subjects and a high level of proficiency in English and Russian languages and mathematics  Discover the individuality in each child, reveal his creative and physical potential and develop existing talents  Take care of health and psychological well –being of children  to help them adept to society, understand their inner world and teach them how to cope with life’s difficulties  To train each individual, to be self‐confident in his knowledge and future world citizen School Calendar 2010/11 Orientation classes (lessons) for new comers 17th August ‐ 20th August First term 2010 Second term 2010

First day

Last day

Half term

1st September

29th October

30st October – 7th November

8th November 22th December

23rd December – 9th January

Third term 2011

10th January

24th March

25th March – 3rd April

Last term 2011

4th April

27th May

End of year exams

30th May

3rd June *

Summer school/camp

6th June

24th June

Summer holidays

27th June

31th August

* External exams for year 11 will take longer Orientation classes for new children 18th August – 22nd August 3

School Hours Primary School Monday – Friday 08.00‐09.00 08.55 ‐09.00 09.00‐09.40 09.40‐09.55 10.00‐10.40 10.50‐11.30 11.40‐12.20 12.30‐13.10 13.10‐14.10 14.15‐14.55 15.00‐15.15 15.15‐17.00

Children arrive at school Registration 1 lesson Breakfast 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson Lunch 6 Lesson Snack After‐class activities, clubs, project work

Secondary School Monday – Friday

08.00 –09.00 08.55 – 09.00 09.00‐09.40 1 lesson 09.50‐10.30 2 Lesson 10.30‐10.45 Breakfast 10.50‐11.30 3 Lesson 11.40‐12.20 4 Lesson 12.30‐13.10 5 Lesson 13.20‐14.00 6 Lesson 14.00 ‐15.00 Lunch 15.00‐15.40 7 Lesson 15.45‐16.00 Snack

16.00‐17.30 Homework task time

17.00‐17.15 Dinner time 17.30‐ 17.45 17.15‐18.00 Homework task time 17.45‐ 18.30 There are groups organised for those who stay at school after 6 o'clock till 8 o'clock in the evening.


School Uniform School uniform is not yet compulsory for all students attending the school. General Appearance Students are expected to arrive to the school every day in clean clothes, to be worn in a tidy manner. No denim jeans are to be worn. Use of coats and anoraks are encouraged during cold and rainy days and sun hats on sunny days. A pair of indoor and outdoor shoes is also encouraged, especially during the winter months. Shoes should be leather and no trainers (sport shoes). On PE days, children are expected to bring their full PE kit to school and trainers. For safety reasons, children are advised not to wear jewelry to school except for stud earrings. Hair should be worn in a neat style. Mohicans, tramlines and bright colours are not considered appropriate hairstyles for school. If a child attends school with a hairstyle that is deemed inappropriate the parents will be contacted by the Deputy Director

What you will need for school While we will have the necessary resources in class, it is a very good idea to start the year with a pencil case with personal items children need for a school day including a ruler, pencils, coloured pencils, an eraser and pencil sharpener. This should be brought to school in a bag where other personal items may be kept. It is school policy, however, not to bring the following items to school: What’s not allowed?  Chewing gum crisps and sweets,  Toys or games unless for a special day or at the request of a teacher  Music playing systems,


 mobile phones or any other electronic devices This is to ensure that children’s belongings do not get damaged or lost. If a parent needs to contact a child urgently they can contact school and a message can be passed through the school office. All children will be provided with a morning snack. It is not necessary for children to bring food into school..

Arrival and Departure Procedures Children can arrive from 8:00am and must be in class for lessons commence at 9.00am. At the beginning of each day, please ensure that a security guard receives your child. Children should not be left alone outside for school to start. It will help the morning routine enormously if parents do not enter the school building unless there is a specific reason to meet with a member of staff. Parents are to phone or email the school if their child will not be attending due to sickness before 9.00am on the first day absence and state how many days they think the child may be absent. If a child is absent and a message has not been received between 9.40‐10.00am the parents will contacted by teachers. If a child is repeatedly late or has not notified school about absence then a letter will be sent to the childs home. If the problem continues a meeting will be held between the parent and the International Curriculum Manager Please ensure that you or your designated guardian collects your child from a member of staff at the end of each day from the designated pick up point. Those children using the school bus service will be collected by the bus monitor and safely taken home. Please collect your child promptly at the end of each day. If for some reason you have been delayed, please telephone the school so that we are aware and can inform your child to avoid any worrying. If you are unable to collect your child, please inform the school at your earliest convenience as to who will be collecting


your child. Teachers will not release a child to an unauthorised guardian. If a parent wishes their child to be collected by a different person then the parents must complete a form and provide a photograph of the person who is collecting the child

Pickup Points All children from Reception to Y11 are to be collected from outside the school entrance. It will help the end of school routine enormously if parents do not enter the school building unless there is a specific reason to meet with a member of staff. Kindergarten children are to be collected directly from the Nursery.

Communication We aim to keep all parents fully informed about events or developments at AIS. The school newsletter is sent out fortnightly Parents should check school bags on a daily basis. Inside each child’s book bag is a school diary for parents and teachers to write messages. Teachers need to inform parents of upcoming events and children’s weekly progress in the school diary. Every Friday the diary will be signed by the class teacher in primary school and the personal tutor in secondary. The parents will countersign the diary before the child returns to school on the Monday. Class teachers are happy to discuss concerns parents may have about their child but are unable to do so during teaching time. Parents are asked not to contact class teachers in the morning for a lengthy chat as teachers and pupils are always anxious to begin their daily work. Office staff will gladly arrange for parents to make an appointment with class teachers to discuss any concerns parents may have. There are four terms in the school calendar. Parents will receive marks in the diary for terms one and three. Reports are sent out at the end of term two and


term four and there are four formal Parent Teacher Consultations held each year.

Health Regular daily attendance is expected but sometimes absence is unavoidable through sickness. Please inform the school if your child is unable to attend. Please telephone or email as early as possible and leave a message for the class teacher. . Please advise us of any medical problems your child may have when there is an allergy to materials or food. Please ensure that the nurse has your medical card If your child becomes unwell and the class teacher feels that s/he is not well enough to participate in lessons you will be telephoned immediately to collect your child. Please be aware that it is the responsibility of the parents to collect their unwell child and the school cannot provide a driver in such circumstances. Medication can only be administered with written consent and directions from the parents. The school employs a full‐time qualified nurse who deal with day‐ to‐day matters such as cuts/bruises and children who feel unwell whilst at school. If your child has had to visit the nurse due to a minor injury or feeling slightly unwell you will be informed of the incident in writing. In case serious injury or emergency the emergency services will be contacted and the parents informed.


Standards of Behaviour

Code of Conduct Our school’s code of conduct aims to achieve a positive atmosphere in which more time is spent on teaching and learning. We recognise that the school has a critical role to play in developing self‐discipline in pupils. We aim to establish acceptable patterns of behavior and to encourage pupils to develop a sense of responsibility, self‐respect and a respect for other people, property and the environment. It is essential for parents and school to work in partnership so that the values encouraged by home and school are mutually reinforced. To All Pupils: YOU WILL BE EXPECTED TO BEHAVE AT ALL TIMES IN WAYS WHICH DEMONSTRATE SELF‐DISCIPLINE, SELF RESPECT AND RESPECT FOR OTHERS AND THEIR PROPERTY. All pupils are required to observe the following:  Treat everyone with respect and courtesy.  Behave in a way that aids learning during teaching time.  Walk at all times when indoors.  Hold doors open for others.  Remove coats/jackets/hats during lessons and at lunch.  Make sure that classrooms and playgrounds are left clean and tidy.  Communicate in English and Russian.

Assertive Discipline Policy Our aim is to introduce a policy which: 1. Positively reinforces the good learning skills shown by most children. 2. Reduces teaching time wasted in dealing with minor behavior issues. 9

3. Modifies the behavior of the few students who lack good learning skills. 4. Uses class rewards as an incentive to encourage good behavior. 5. Clearly explains the effects of disruptive behavior through agreed sanctions. 6. Clearly displays agreed class agreements, designed to promote a quality learning environment. This policy is based upon a set of classroom agreements, designed to promote effective learning. At AIS we promote a calm, friendly atmosphere and we expect the highest standards of behavior from our children. Guidelines based on mutual respect and considerations are clearly set down and self‐ discipline is fostered through praise, encouragement and positive reinforcement of good behavior. Children are encouraged to collectively decide on their class rules and to take responsibility for their own behaviour at all times while at school.

Rewards There are several ways that we reward our pupils for their behaviour, learning and personal triumphs. We believe that positive reinforcement and rewarding good behaviour are more powerful than punishment. By consistently rewarding positive behaviour we make it clear to pupils what sort of behaviour is acceptable and encouraged? At the end of each lesson the child will be given a score out of 5 which will be recorded in the school diary.  5 is excellent  4 is good  3 is satisfactory  2 poor  1 unacceptable

Sanctions However, the school does have a policy for dealing with unacceptable behaviour. Such behaviour is always challenged and dealt with. Staff usually resolve problems by talking to the child and, when necessary, removing privileges. In 10

the event of persistent misbehaviour, parents are invited to meet with their child's teacher or the board of administration so that a strategy for improving the child's behaviour can be put into place and everyone can work together to achieve success. Sanctions like rules and rewards should be discussed with the class in detail to ensure that all children fully understand them. We need to ensure that sanctions are consistently applied across the whole school. When we use sanctions we should do so calmly, clearly explaining to the child why their behavior is disturbing learning. We should avoid imposing sanctions in anger as this only increases the possibility of confrontational behavior from the children. 1. A child who is disrupting the classes learning may receive an initial verbal reminder, but does not involve any further sanction. 2. A child who continues to disrupt the child will be informed that they will be given a grade for the lesson of less than satisfactory and this will be recorded in the school diary 3. If the behaviour persists after the second warning then a grade of 1 will be given and this will also be recorded in the class diary. 4. If the behaviour continues into subsequent lessons then the child will be interviewed by the curriculum manger and this will also be recorded in the class diary and signed by the child. 5. If a child scores below 3 on more than two lessons then the parents will be invited in to discuss the child’s behavior

Remember: Most children will rarely progress past the verbal reminder, while others will repeatedly need support to develop better learning skills. By consistently using praise and rewards it is hoped to create an understanding of what skills are important to learning. Teachers must not skip sanction levels, it is important to go through the whole routine to give the child the opportunity to change their behaviour pattern at any time. It is always important to remain calm and to treat children with respect.


Statement of Values The Self At the AIS we value ourselves as unique human beings capable of spiritual, moral, intellectual and physical growth and development. On the basis of these values, we:  develop an understanding of our own characters, strengths and weaknesses  develop self‐respect and self‐discipline  clarify the meaning and purpose in our lives and decide, on the basis of this, how we believe that our lives should be lived  make responsible use of our talents, rights and opportunities  strive, throughout life, for knowledge, wisdom and understanding  take responsibility, within our capabilities, for our own lives.

Relationships We value others for themselves, not only for what they have or what they can do for us. We value relationships as fundamental to the development and fulfillment of ourselves and others, and to the good of the community. On the basis of these values, we:  respect others, including children  care for others and exercise goodwill in our dealings with them  show others they are valued  earn loyalty, trust and confidence  work cooperatively with others  respect the privacy and property of others  resolve disputes peacefully.


Society We value truth, freedom, justice, human rights, the rule of law and collective effort for the common good. In particular, we value families as sources of love and support for all their members, and as the basis of a society in which people care for others. On the basis of these values, we:  understand and carry out our responsibilities as citizens  refuse to support values or actions that may be harmful to individuals or communities  support families in raising children and caring for dependants  support the institution of marriage  recognise that the love and commitment required for a secure and happy childhood can also be found in families of different kinds  help people to know about the law and legal processes  respect the rule of law and encourage others to do so  respect religious and cultural diversity  promote opportunities for all  support those who cannot, by themselves, sustain a dignified life‐style  promote participation in the democratic process by all sectors of the community  contribute to, as well as benefit fairly from, economic and cultural resources  make truth, integrity, honesty and goodwill priorities in public and private life.

The Environment We value the environment, both natural and shaped by humanity, as the basis of life and a source of wonder and inspiration. On the basis of these values, we:


 accept our responsibility to maintain a sustainable environment for future generations  understand the place of human beings within nature  understand our responsibilities for other species  ensure that development can be justified  preserve balance and diversity in nature wherever possible  preserve areas of beauty and interest for future generations  repair, wherever possible, habitats damaged by human development and other means. I hope that you have found this Handbook useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me directly by telephone, email or appointment. Let us again welcome you to our school community and we sincerely hope that you will...

Homework Each child will do their homework following a homework timetable. After lessons is time for homework Two‐ hour homework task time organised at school and supervised by full‐time teacher's assistants. Homework should be:  Manageable for pupils and teachers  Directly related to children’s class work and the school curriculum.  Regarded as important and monitored by teacher assistants.  Objectives and feedback are clearly understood by all pupils.  Recorded in the school diary each day


Expectations The following time spans are suggested as a guideline for weekly homework. Nursery: Reading, only as appropriate. Reception: Up to 10 minutes, four times per week. Y 1: Up to 15 minutes, four times per week. Y 2: Up to 30 minutes, four times per week. Y3: Up to 45 minutes, four times per week Y4: Up to 1 hour, four times per week Y5 & 6: Up to 1 hour, five times per week Y7/8/9: Up to 1 hour thirty minutes five times per week Y10 & 11: Up to 2 hours, five times a week

After school activities After school activities take place between 15.15‐16.00 after‐class, where children can join clubs and do project work. ASAs are lead by the Teachers and Teacher Assistants. The purpose of ASAs is to promote the creative and physical elements of the curriculum through stimulating and fun activities. It is also an excellent opportunity for children to interact with children of a different age group. The activities that may be on offer include: 

A range of clubs including Art, Music, Dance, Drama, Football, Swimming , Chess The opportunity to learn to play a musical instrument, including flute, violin, piano and drum kit School trips are organised to the museums and different places according to the curriculum The chance to learn another language through French, Spanish, Italian German and any other language children may request

Parents will be asked to make choices from the list of activities. The after school activities will commence the 3rd week of September.


The English Educational System AIS is accredited by Cambridge International Examinations (CIE) and follows the English National Curriculum. The English National Curriculum sets out the stages and core subjects your child will be taught throughout their school life. The National Curriculum is a framework used in UK schools to ensure that teaching and learning is balanced and consistent. It sets out:  the subjects taught  the knowledge, skills and understanding required in each subject  standards or attainment targets in each subject that teachers can use to measure your child's progress and plan their future learning  how your child's progress is assessed and reported CIE organises the curriculum into distinct categories for assessment. Four stages are currently used at AIS Stage Age* Year Group 1




Key Stage



Year 1

Primary school

Primary progression tests


Year 2

Primary school

Primary progression tests


Year 3

Primary school

Primary progression tests


Year 4

Primary school

Primary progression tests


Year 5

Primary school

Primary progression tests


Year 6

Primary school

Primary achievement tests


Year 7

Secondary school

Lower secondary progression tests

12 13

Year 8 Year 9

Secondary school Secondary school

Lower secondary progression tests Cambridge Checkpoint tests

14 15

Year 10 Year 11

Secondary school Secondary school

IGCSE practice exams IGCSE final exams

* Age of child as of 1st September of current academic year


Primary stage 1, Year 1 and 2 Children are introduced to the Primary National Strategy and The English National Curriculum in year 1. Cross‐curricular links are made during the planning stages, ensuring that the non‐core subjects support the Literacy and Numeracy objectives and vice versa. Handwriting and guided reading take place outside of the Literacy time allowing more time for shared reading/writing, guided writing, speaking & listening, group and independent work. The children develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematics through practical activity, exploration and discussion.

Primary stage 2. Year3 to year 6 In the second stage of the child’s development the curriculum builds on the fundamentals of primary stage 1, it also equips the children with the tools to be critical thinkers. As well as broadening their knowledge base in all areas of the curriculum their education is further enhanced through extracurricular participation in the arts, foreign language and physical education. The curriculum is also supported by a wide range of enriching activities including residential trips and visits by organisations such as drama groups and artists in residence.

Lower secondary school Stage 3 Year 7 to years 9 In the lower secondary school the children are introduced to many new concepts and ideas as well as building on their thinking skills. They are taught by subject specialists and have the opportunity to develop important problem solving skills and to become independent learners. Personal, social and health education (PSHE) is incorporated in an age appropriate way to ensure that the children are prepared as they grow up. The curriculum continues to be supported by a wide range of enrichment activities.

Upper Secondary School stage 4 years 10 and 11 In the upper secondary school children are taught a number of subjects where they will be able to apply the facts and skills they have learnt throughout their schooling in problem solving situations. They will follow the schemes of work according to International General Certificate of Secondary Education IGCSE and take internationally recognised qualifications at the end of the course. 17

Curriculum Overview

English English is a vital way of communicating in school, in public life and internationally. Literature in English is rich and influential, reflecting the experience of people from many countries and times. In studying English pupils develop skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. It enables them to express themselves creatively and imaginatively and to communicate with others effectively. Pupils learn to become enthusiastic and critical readers of stories, poetry and plays as well as non‐fiction and media texts. The study of English helps pupils understand how language works by looking at its patterns, structures and origins. Using this knowledge, pupils can choose and adapt what they say and write in different situations.

Mathematics Mathematics equips pupils with a uniquely powerful set of tools to understand and change the world. These tools include logical reasoning, problem‐solving skills and the ability to think in abstract ways. Numeracy is important in everyday life, many forms of employment, science and technology, medicine, the economy, the environment and development and in public decision‐ making. Different cultures have contributed to the development and application of mathematics. Today, the subject transcends cultural boundaries and its importance is universally recognised. Mathematics is a creative discipline. It can stimulate moments of pleasure and wonder when a pupil solves a problem for the first time, discovers a more elegant solution to that problem, or suddenly sees hidden connections.

Science Science stimulates and excites pupils' curiosity about phenomena and events in the world around them. It also satisfies this curiosity with knowledge. Because science links direct practical experience with ideas, it can engage learners at


many levels. Scientific method is about developing and evaluating explanations through experimental evidence and modeling. This is a spur to critical and creative thought. Through science, pupils understand how major scientific ideas contribute to technological change ‐ impacting on industry, business and medicine and improving quality of life. Pupils recognise the cultural significance of science and trace its worldwide development. They learn to question and discuss science‐based issues that may affect their own lives, the direction of society and the future of the world.

ICT Information and communication technology (ICT) prepares pupils to participate in a rapidly changing world in which work and other activities are increasingly transformed by access to varied and developing technology. Pupils use ICT tools to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information responsibly, creatively and with discrimination. They learn how to employ ICT to enable rapid access to ideas and experiences from a wide range of people, communities and cultures. Increased capability in the use of ICT promotes initiative and independent learning, with pupils being able to make informed judgments about when and where to use ICT to best effect, and to consider its implications for home and work both now and in the future.]

Geography Geography provokes and answers questions about the natural and human worlds, using different scales of enquiry to view them from different perspectives. It develops knowledge of places and environments throughout the world, an understanding of maps, and a range of investigative and problem‐ solving skills both inside and outside the classroom. As such, it prepares pupils for adult life and employment. Geography is a focus within the curriculum for understanding and resolving issues about the environment and sustainable development. It is also an important link between the natural and social sciences. As pupils study geography, they encounter different societies and cultures. This helps them realise how nations rely on each other. It can inspire them to think about their own place in the world, their values, and their rights 19

and responsibilities to other people and the environment.

History History fires pupils' curiosity about the past in Britain and the wider world. Pupils consider how the past influences the present, what past societies were like, how these societies organised their politics, and what beliefs and cultures influenced people's action. They see the diversity of human experience, and understand more about themselves as individuals and members of society. What they learn can influence their decisions about personal choices, attitudes and values. In history, pupils find evidence, weigh it up and reach their own conclusions. To do this they need to be able to research, sift through evidence and argue for their point of view ‐ skills that are prized in adult life. The programmes of study provide opportunities to value diversity and challenge racism.

Art & Design Art and design stimulates creativity and imagination. It provides visual, tactile and sensory experiences and a unique way of understanding and responding to the world. Pupils use colour, form, texture, pattern and different materials and processes to communicate what they see, feel and think. Through art and design activities, they learn to make informed value judgments and aesthetic and practical decisions, becoming actively involved in shaping environments. They explore ideas and meanings in the work of artists, craftspeople and designers. They learn about the diverse roles and functions of art, craft and design in contemporary life, and in different times and cultures. Understanding, appreciation and enjoyment of the visual arts have the power to enrich our personal and public lives.

Music Music is a powerful, unique form of communication that can change the way pupils feel, think and act. It brings together intellect and feeling and enables 20

personal expression, reflection and emotional development. As an integral part of culture, past and present, it helps pupils understand themselves and relate to others, forging important links between the home, school and the wider world. The teaching of music develops pupils' ability to listen and appreciate a wide variety of music and to make judgments about musical quality. It encourages active involvement in different forms of amateur music making, both individual and communal, developing a sense of group identity and togetherness. It also increases self‐discipline and creativity, aesthetic sensitivity and fulfillment.

PE Physical education develops pupils' physical competence and confidence, and their ability to use these to perform in a range of activities. It promotes physical skillfulness, physical development and a knowledge of the body in action. Physical education provides opportunities for pupils to be creative, competitive and to face up to different challenges as individuals and in groups and teams. It promotes positive attitudes towards active and healthy lifestyles. Pupils learn how to think in different ways to suit a wide variety of creative, competitive and challenging activities. They learn how to plan, perform and evaluate actions, ideas and performances to improve their quality and effectiveness. Through this process pupils discover their aptitudes, abilities and preferences, and make choices about how to get involved in lifelong physical activity.

PSHE Personal, social and health education (PSHE) and citizenship help to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become informed, active, responsible citizens. Pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of their school and communities. In doing so they learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning. They reflect on their experiences and understand how they are developing personally and socially, tackling many of the spiritual, moral, social and cultural issues that are part of growing up. They also find out about the main political and social 21

institutions that affect their lives and about their responsibilities, rights and duties as individuals and members of communities. They learn to understand and respect our common humanity; diversity and differences so that they can go on to form the effective, fulfilling relationships that are an essential part of life and learning.

Modern Languages Learning a second language is a lifelong skill to be used in business and pleasure, to open up avenues of communication and exploration, and to promote, encourage and instill a broader cultural understanding. Russian is taught to all children. Introductions to other foreign languages are available at AIS as part of the extra curriculum programme.

Enjoy your year at the Atlantic International School in Moscow!


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