Essentials Gym and Spa

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Brand Guidelines

Shaping Change Essentials is a luxurious gym and spa for men and women fully backed by an internationally experienced team of beauty professionals. Essentials Gym and Spa provides a wide range beauty services including personal training packages (one to one classes), group yoga and salsa classes, facial treatments, pedicure and manicure,sona, massage and Moroccan bath. Our brand is in your hands. Our goal was to craft a simple, authentic brand story so that you can easily tell it.


Our Story Essentials Gym and Spa is an expanded brand as the market leader and daily workout routines of more than four million individuals. Essentials Gym and Spa has changed the global landscape of personal physical fitness. In 2012, Hamad Qayed along with partners Rashed Ibrahim and Saud Ibrahim developed Essentials Gym and Spa, an incline plane training device that used an individual’s body weight as resistance. A simple change of position on the glide board allows individuals to perform any exercise and incorporate the use of multiple muscle groups together in any plane of movement, now referred to as “functional training.”

In early 2013 Campanaro licensed Essentials Gym and Spa brand in the direct response and retail markets to Dubai, located in Jumaira 2. Essentials spokesperson actor Chuck Norris has relied on this workout for more than 30 years and internationally-renowned celebrities, super models and professional athletes have since followed his lead. Today, Essentials is one of the industry’s longest-running and most successful infomercials broadcast to 85 countries and credited with sales of over four million units worldwide and has extended their specilasity to intrdoce “the most relaxing spa” for men an women.


Section 1: Brand Strategy Introducing Essentials Brand Story Brand Vision Brand Mission Statement Brand Values and Promise

Table of Contents Section 1: Brand Strategy Core Thought Brand Beliefs Core Messaging - Identity

Section Section Brand Usage Strategy Section 2:1:3: Visual Identity Introducing ColorPersonality Usages Essentials Brand Brand Size Usages Story Logotype Brand Positioning VisionUsages Color Palate Brand Photography MissionUsages Statement Typography Brand Correct Values & Incorrect and Usages Design Elements Promise Photography

Section Section1:3:Brand UsageStrategy Introducing Section 3:Essentials Usage Color Usages

Section 3: Usage

Section 2:4:The Visual Identity Section 3:Applications Usage Section Brand Section 4: Applications ColorPersonality Usages - Gradient Advertising

Section 4: Applications

Brand Story ColorUsages Usages Size Brand Vision Usages Size Usages Positioning Brand Mission Statement Positioning Usages Photography Usages Brand Values and Promise Photography Usages Correct & Incorrect Usages Correct & Incorrect Usages

The Essentials Logo Advertising Positioning Usages Gift Item Standard Gift ItemSpecifications Photography Usages Uniforms Color Uniforms Logo Usages - The Don’ts Typography Incorrect Uses Design Elements Photography. Section 2: The Visual Identity Section 4: Applications Brand Personality Section Section2:4:The Applications Visual Identity Advertising The Essentials Logo Gift Item Brand Advertising Personality Standard Specifications Uniforms The GiftEssentials Item Logo Color Standard UniformsSpecifications Typography Color

Color Usages Size Usages Positioning Usages Photography Usages Correct & Incorrect Usages

Advertising Gift Item Uniforms


Brand Strategy


Core Thought Shaping Change Change – it’s everywhere, affecting everything and everyone. It can be sudden and unexpected or gradual and predictable. Without a doubt, it’s significantly impacting the world we live in. With business flourishing, Essentials Gym and Spa, focus solely on beauty care. In addition to offering innovative techniques and a wide range of globally sourced retail products to enhance the individual fitness in order to raise their performance in daily life. Essentials Gym and Spa is known for its friendly customer service and creative staff, which with their passion for style and beauty puts us at the forefront in the industry. Training is very important to us and as we invest very heavily in this you can be assured that our team will be extremely knowledgeable on the latest styles and techniques. Essentials Gym and Spa attract people from all walks of life. A wonderful mix of singles, mature men and women, executives, working mums, teens, kiddies and the renowned faces of Dubai are all made to feel very welcome when they walk through our doors.


Brand Beliefs Vision We visualize a better place and we believe that there is nothing more powerful than human spirit. Mission Our mission is to deliver a unique and memorable experience to our customers. We believe that every person is gifted with natural beauty, and each is unique in his charm. Our success is due to our professionals’ talent in distinguishing and developing these natural beauty features in the best m e a n s possible.


Brand Beliefs


Customer-Focused Our customers’ success drives everything we do. We work closely and personally with our customers in each l to develop solutions that allow them to stay ahead of a changing world. Results-Driven We value performance and results over procedures, without losing track of how to reach our customers’ goals and ours. By setting measurable goals, and working collaboratively, we achieve the results we seek. Entrepreneurial We are not afraid to try new things. Our Decentralized structure empower all of our employees to make decisions and take calculated risks to find better, smarter ways to help our customers succeed. Committed We are committed to our work and love what we do. We understand that our success is directly tied to the success of our customers and go above and beyond to solve tomorrow’s problems today.



Proactive We always seek new ways to improve our products and how we work. From our daily interactions with customers, to our commitment to research and development, we always plan ahead to help shape change. High-Energy We are passionate about we do. Achieving new goals and helping our clients succeed is what drives us. The energy and enthusiasm we all bring creates a fun and collaborative environment where anything is possible. Insightful We understand the changes the world is facing, and we know what our clients will need in the years ahead. Our deep knowledge and continuous innovation allows us to create new solutions to build a smarter world for all. Pragmatic We approach our business in a very practical and levelheaded way. We leverage our vast knowledge and experience to inform everything we do and ensure that learning is shared to reach optimal results.



Design Elements Photography.

Core Messaging


1. Original (unless space limitation) Essentials is a leading global provider of personal training, fitness and spa. Our customers can shape change, measure and position themselves to stay one step ahead of a changing world. Essentials solutions increase productivity, enhance quality and allow for faster, better decisions, saving time, money and resources. Learn more at 2. Short (in case of space limitation) Essentials is a leading global provider of personal training, fitness and spa. Our customers can shape change, measure and position themselves to stay one step ahead of a changing world. Learn more at


Visual Identity


Primary Logotype The Essentials logotype has been specially created to be unique to us. It is 1 simple and timeless and anchors every piece of Essentials brand mark - concept of balance between spirit, soul, and body. To maintain the logo’s integrity, always use the original artworks supplied and adhere to the following guidelines: 1

Wherever possible, our logo should be reproduced in the primary color.


To ensure the Essentials logotype stands out and remains uncrowded, always leave a clear space equal width of the E in “Essentials| around the logotype. This area should be kept clear of any graphic elements (including obstructive elements of a Photographic background). This clear space is built into the original artwork.




To maintain the integrity of the logo, a minimum print size has been deter- mined for the logo of 20mm. Don't print it smaller than 20mm wide under any circumstances. The logotype can be positioned in any corner or be centered top, middle or bottom of a page or screen. The logotype should never be closer to the edge of a document than its clearspace.




Support Logotype 1

in black and white applications, the logotype can 1 appear in gray-scale or reversed-out white.


When the logo needs to be engraved or embossed, it can appear in hairline.


When the logo needs to appear on a black background, the reversed-out color version can be used.


2 1



Display Logotype 1

The reversed-out display logo can be used sparingly and independently from other elements. This is best used for large format displays such as signage.


The standard display logo can be used sparingly and independently from other elements. This is best used for large format displays such as signage.




Color PRIMARY COLORS Primary color scheme is used in the logo and introductory pages such as document covers or Power Point presentations.

Pantone 7578 C C0 M67 Y100 K0 R220 G107 B47 HTML DC6B2F

Pantone 144 C C0 M51 Y100 K0 R237 G139 B0 HTML ED8B00

Pantone 7406 C C0 M20 Y100 K2 R241 G196 B0 HTML F1C400

Word mark


Pantone 425 C C65 M56 Y53 K29 R84 G87 B89 HTML 545759

Pantone 7578 C C8 M71 Y97 K0 R224 G106 B45 HTML E06A2D


Color SECONDARY COLORS Secondary color schemes are used for separate use of facilities:

Essentials SPA ONLY

Pantone 7703 C C83 M23 Y19 k0 R0 G151 B186 HTML 0097BA

Pantone 630 C C51 M6 Y14 K0 R133 G205 B219 HTML 85CDDB

Essentials GYM ONLY

Pantone 367 C C30 M0 Y67 K0 R165 G216 B103 HTML A5D867


Pantone 7621 C C21 M100 Y95 K12 R178 G30 B38 HTML B21E27

Pantone 7413 C C9 M57 Y93 K0 R225 G132 B49 HTML E18431

Pantone 1225 C C0 M22 Y83 K0 R225 G200 B66 HTML FFC842




ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 1wt

Typography unifies our corporate identity by adding consistency and continuity. It is important to apply our corporate typefaces to all written communications in the letterforms’ original format. Don't extend, condense or skew the letter form in any way. The Essentials English typeface: TitilliumText25L. The Essentials Arabic typeface: GE SS TV Bold Bold it should be used for all print communications and for rendered text on the Web. For text in Power Point and Word and live text on the Web, the default font is Helvetica or arial. note: asian character sets are not yet supported by corporate fonts. Please use appropriate system fonts in the interim.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 250wt ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 400wt ‫أبتثجحخدذرزسشصضطظ‬ ‫عغقكلمنهوي‬ 0.75 white outline ١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 600wt

‫أبتثجحخدذرزسشصضطظ‬ ‫عغقكلمنهوي‬ 0.50 white outline ١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 800wt

‫أبتثجحخدذرزسشصضطظ‬ ‫عغقكلمنهوي‬ Bold ١٢٣٤٥٦٧٨٩٠

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 900wt


Typeface Style This is the headline This is the sub-headline

This is body copy. Essentials is a leading global provider of personal training, fitness and spa. Our customers can shape change, measure and position themselves to stay one step ahead of a changing world. Learn more at

‫اﻟﻌﻨــــﻮان اﻟﺮﺋﻴــــــــﺴﻲ‬ ‫ ”اﺳﺎﺳﻴﺎت“ ﻫﻮ اﻟﻤﻨﺘﺠﻊ اﻟﺼﺤﻲ اﻟﺮاﺋﺪ ﻓﻲ ا ﻣﺎرات‬.‫ﻫﺬا ﻫﻮ ﻧﺺ اﻟﻤﻮﺿﻮع‬. ‫ وﻗﻴﺎس ووﺿﻊ ﻧﻔﺴﻬﺎ ﻓﻲ اﻟﻤﻘﺪﻣﺔ ﻟﺘﻤﻨﺢ ﻧﻔﺴﻬﺎ ﻓﺮﺻﺔ اﻟﺮﻳﺎدة‬،‫وﻳﻤﻜﻦ ﻟﺰﺑﺎﺋﻨﻨﺎ اﻟﻴﻮم ﺗﻐﻴﺮ ﺷﻜﻠﻬﺎ‬ ‫ ﻟﻤﺰﻳﺪ ﻣﻦ اﻟﻤﻌﻠﻮﻣﺎت‬.‫ﻓﻲ ﻋﺎﻟﻢ اﻟﺘﻐﻴﻴﺮ‬


Design Elements Boxes The logo is used to create graphics for boxes. These graphics can be either semi-transparent over photos or opaque on gray. The graphics must be touching three sides of the box. It can be two or three colors and can come in from either the left or right side. Shapes Page layouts can be created by cropping into the logo (much like creating boxes) or by making a 105 angled shape across the page and filling it with color.


Photography The corporate photography system contains a mix of atmospheres and details, depersonalized and highly personal photographs. If stock photos become necessary, photographs should be chosen and sent to for review before purchasing.




Gradients 35% 60

Pantone 7578 C C0 M67 Y100 K0 R220 G107 B47 HTML DC6B2F

Pantone 7406 C C0 M20 Y100 K2 R241 G196 B0 HTML F1C400

Pantone 7703 C C83 M23 Y19 k0 R0 G151 B186 HTML 0097BA

Pantone 367 C C30 M0 Y67 K0 R165 G216 B103 HTML A5D867

Pantone 7621 C C21 M100 Y95 K12 R178 G30 B38 HTML B21E27

Pantone 1225 C C0 M22 Y83 K0 R225 G200 B66 HTML FFC842

35% 60

35% 60


Positioning Usages 2.5x2.5 cm

Left Positioning Used for formal business letters between “Essentials� and other partner companies.

2.5x2.5 cm

2.5x2.5 cm

Right Positioning Used for internal company communication and forms


Photography Usages Only use one image at a time to convey a message. Images can be combined with\without design elements.


Logo Usage 1








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Don’t move “Essentials”. Don’t remove “Essentials”. Don’t apply any effects. Don’t rotate the logo. Don’t stretch or squeeze the logo. Don’t skew or attempt to transform the logo in 3D. Don’t make a pattern or texture out of the logo. Don’t place the logo on similarly colored background. Don’t recolor the logo. Don’t outline the logo in any color. Don’t alter the tag to run vertically. Don’t alter the transparency of the logo.

9 The logotype should never be closer to the edge of a document than its clearspace. The logo must be kept separate and distinct from other elements used in the



same format and must never be used in a sentence. The logotype should never be re-proportioned or distorted in any way. Always use the original artwork supplied.






Hello! Please sign in to view your profile and contact your personal trainer!

Hello! Please sign in to view your profile and contact your personal trainer!

ID: Password:

ID: Password:

Hello! Please sign in to view your profile and contact your personal trainer!

ID: Password:



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About the app Essentials app for IOS, andriod, and blackberry is a virtual peer-to-peer network that allows direct access to ones memership information - profile.

@ P del

This app is designed to assist all members during their day outside the gym and spa as it links the member to his own personal trainer for direct contact. It also helps in setting appointments and viewing their health results.


Essentials Sport Shoes


About the shoes Essentials sport shoes is unisex wear that notifies the members when they reach their target calorie burn. It can also be programmed through the Essentials app to notify through specific vibration pattern for several tasks: including calorie burn and break minutes. It also works as a reminder to motivate lazy members.


Essentials Towels

Sweat to Shower

A Towel, a piece of cloth made up of absorbent fabric used to absorb the moisture from the body. It’s an essential type of clothing which is provided by Essentials Gym and Spa. Essentials Gym and Spa provide: Sweat Towel: These towels are usually used in gym/work out areas and they are used during workouts to wipe out the sweat. They are similar in size of a hand towel, but the absorbing capacity and the quality of the fiber used to make these sweat towels is different. Hand Towel: A hand towel is a rectangular shaped small towel, which is used to wipe hands after washing them. Usually found near the wash basins. Wash Cloth: Wash cloth is a small square shaped hand towel, that can be used to apply soap to the body while having shower. Using this cloth to apply soap removes the dead cells from the skin. Bath Towel: A bath towel is used for drying the body after having a bath or shower.


Brand Guidelines. Done. 6

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