PAI Newsletter 191

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PUBLIC AFFAIRS IRELAND NEWSLETTER Your essential weekly guide to legislative, regulatory and public affairs in Ireland Issue 191 June 27 2011

NEWS Oireachtas Update Dáil On Tuesday June 28 the motion regarding the Victim’s Directives and Draft Planning and Development (Amendment) (No.2) Regulation will be discussed. On Wednesday June 29 statements will be heard on the European Council meeting and the Central Bank and Credit Institutions Bill will be discussed. The Biological Weapons Bill 2010 will be discussed on Thursday 30.

Seanad On Tuesday 28 the Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2011 will be discussed . On Wednesday 29 statements on school transport will be heard and the Ministers and Secretaries Bill 2011 will be discussed. This will continue on Thursday 30.

Committees On Tuesday 28 the Committee on Communications, Natural Resources and Agriculture and Environment, Transport, Culture and the Gaeltacht will meet. On Wednesday 29 the Committee on Jobs, Social Protection and Education will meet to elect Chair and Vice Chair while the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement will do the same on Thursday 30.

Comprehensive Review of Expenditure – Public Consultation launched


n order to transform the Government’s capital investment approach to budgets and programme in order to evaluate provision of services, the priorities for capital investment, Government has begun a vital infrastructural investment and detailed Comprehensive how capital programmes can best Review of Expenditure support sustainable employment. (CRE). The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Public Consultation Brendan Howlin TD, has also Rather than solely relying on the requested submissions from analysis of the public service, the general public to assist in the Minister, has also called for the compilation of the review “creative, constructive proposals” report which will be completed from the public, within the public or by the end of September. private sectors. He added that “all The Review aims towards citizens want to see better value meeting overall fiscal for their money”. The Government, Brendan Howlin, TD consolidation objectives in he continued, wants to know what line with the requirements of the EU/IMF practices people consider to be wasteful and Programme of Financial Assistance while also can be eliminated, the future role of various re-aligning spending with priorities set out in the bodies and what spending programmes could Programme for Government. be reformed or organised in different, more Each department will be obliged to analyse cost-effective ways.” every budgetary programme under their remit To facilitate this new initiative, the Department including associated agencies. The Report will has also launched an online Databank which identify expenditure savings, other areas where allows users to access expenditure information, savings could be made, make proposals for staff numbers and payroll information since reducing and/or merging of agencies and how 1994. Over time, the department will make staff numbers could be reduced. further information available. The Government is also undertaking a specific comprehensive review which will analyse the Submissions can be made via


Croke Park Agreement Review: Survey

Four appointments for CIE

rior to a PAI Conference in September 2010 on the Croke Park Agreement (CPA), a survey was conducted which questioned delegates on a range of issues regarding the implementation of the Agreement. The results represented an interesting snapshot of public sector opinion on the agreement with 71.7 percent of those surveyed were from the Public Service. To coincide with the publication of the first progress report by the Implementation Body, PAI is launching another survey to gauge the progress of the CPA from the perspective of individual public servants and to compare current attitudes to the position 12 months ago. We would really appreciate if you would take the time to complete this survey, the results of which will be published in the next edition of the PAI Update and will provide an interesting insight into the first year of the implementation of the CPA. To complete this survey please click here. Please note this survey is entirely confidential.

Minister for Transport, Tourism & Sport Leo Varadkar has appointed a new Chairperson of CIE, and a new Chairperson of each of its three subsidiaries. The Minister has announced the appointment of the following persons to their new roles: Vivienne Jupp (Chairperson of CIE); Kevin Bonner (Chairperson of Dublin Bus); Paul Mallee (Chairperson of Bus Éireann) and Phil Gaffney (Chairperson of Iarnród Éireann). The latter three have also been appointed to the board of CIE.

Director of Arts Council announced Ms Orlaight McBride has been appointed as director of the Arts Council. Ms McBride has been a member of the Council since 2003 and will take up the new position in September. She is also the President of the National Youth Council of Ireland, and a member of various organisations including the Governing Authority of Dublin City University, the National Youth Work Advisory Committee.


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NEWS Chairpersons elected to Committees Ireland on course to beat funding


number of the newly formed Oireachtas Committees met this week for the first time since they were established and the election of Chair and Vice Chair was the first item on the agenda. The announcement of the membership of Committees for the 31st Dáil took place on June 8 2011 and saw the total number cut from 25 to just 14. John McGuiness, TD was the first Chair to be elected and will oversee the running of the Public Accounts Committee. A week later Cork East TD, David Stanton was elected to the position of Chairman of the Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality. Ciaran Lynch was elected on the same day as Chairman to the newly formed Joint Oireachtas Committee on Environment, Transport, Culture and Gaeltacht while Tom Hayes, TD was welcomed as Chairman of the Joint Administration Committee. The next day was the first meeting of the Committee on Communications, Natural Resources and Agriculture

which elected Andrew Doyle, TD as Chairman. Following suit, Pat Breen, TD was elected as Chair to the Committee of Foreign Affairs. Thursday, June 23 marked the busiest day with four Chairmen elected, Joe Costello, TD to the Committee on European Union Affairs, Denis Naughten, TD Committee on Health and Children and Alex White to the Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform. Several Committees have yet to meet and elect Chairs and Vice Chairs including: the Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement; Committee on Investigations, Oversight and Petitions and the Committee on Members’ Interests of Dáil Éireann Committee on Procedure and Privileges and Committee on Jobs, Social Protection and Education. In a recent issue of the PAI Journal, Garrett Fennell questions whether the new Committees will deliver real reform. To see this article please click here.

target for EU research grants


U Commissioner Máire Geoghegan-Quinn has announced that Ireland has passed the €300m mark in drawing down EU Research funding from the Framework Programme Seven (FP7). The programme, which is providing €55bn to Ireland for research funding, runs from 2007 to 2013. With over €300 million at the end of 2010, Ireland is on target to beat the Government’s own target of €600m over the lifetime of FP7. Ireland is 13th in the share of budget awarded 9th on success rate of applicants. Ireland’s success rate for being granted funding (at 22.9 percent) is above the EU average of 21.5 percent. The Commissioner also called for the next calls for proposals, to be launched next month and in July 2012 which will be worth over €18bn, 15 percent of which is earmarked for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). FP7 includes agriculture, fishing, food, bio-technology, nanotechnology, climate change, environmental services, transport, health, energy, information communication and technology, new materials, security and space.

Dáil Update: Week beginning June 28

Seanad Update: Week beginning June 28 Tuesday June 28

Wednesday June 29

2.30pm Questions (Taoiseach)

10.30am Leaders Questions

3.15pm Questions (Minister for Defence)

10.51am Order of Business

4.15pm Leaders Questions

11.21am Questions (Taoiseach) Statements re European Council (to conclude in 85 minutes) Central Bank and Credit Institutions (Resolution) (No 2) Bill 2011 Second Stage Resumed (Department of Finance) Criminal Justice (Female Genital Mutilation) Bill 2011 (Seanad) Second Stage (Department of Health)

4.36pm Motion re: PQ Rota Change (Department of Education and Skills and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) (without debate) Motion re Victims Directive (Referral to Committee) (Department of Justice and Equality) Motion re Draft Planning and Development (Amendment) (No.2) Regulation (Referral to Committee without Debate) (Dept of Environment Community and Local Government) Central Bank and Credit Institutions (Resolution) (No 2) Bill 2011 Order for Second Stage and Second Stage (Department of Finance)

10.30am Order of Business

10.30am Order of Business

Motion regarding the Victims Directive Opt-in - Referral to Committee without Debate (Department of Justice and Equality) Motion regarding the Planning and Development (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2011 – Referral to Committee without Debate (Department of Environment, Community & Local Government)

11.45am - 1.30pm Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Bill 2011 – Second Stage (Minister Brendan Howlin)

11.45am - 1.00pm Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Bill 2011 – Committee Stage [Minister Brendan Howlin]

7.00pm Private Members Business

1.30pm SOS 2.30pm Questions (Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) 3.45pm Morning Business continued 7.00pm Private Members Business

Thursday June 30 10.30am Order of Business Motion re Report on Service by the Defence Forces on UN Missions (Back from Committee without Debate) Biological Weapons Bill 2010 Amendments from the Seanad) (Department of Foreign Affairs) Welfare of Greyhounds Bill 2011 Order for Second Stage and Second Stage (Department of Agriculture Fisheries and Food) 3.30pm Questions (Minister for Health)

Thursday June 30

2.30pm Order of Business

3.45pm Social Welfare and Pensions Bill 2011 (Joan Burton T.D., Minister for Social Protection) Matters on the Adjournment

Tuesday June 28

Wednesday June 29

1.30pm SOS 2.30pm - 4.30pm Statements on School Transport (Ciarán Cannon, T.D., Minister for Training and Skills)

1:00pm SOS

4.30pm - 6.30pm Non Government Business - Motion [Independent University Senators]

2.30pm - 3.30pm Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) Bill 2011 – Report Stage [Brendan Howlin T.D., Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform]

6.30pm Matters on the Adjournment

3.30pm Matters on the Adjournment

Committee Update: Week Beginning June 28 Tuesday June 28 Wednesday June 29 2pm Committee on Communications, Natural Resources & Agriculture Committee Room 1 Agenda: Private Meeting 2.30pm Environment, Transport, Culture and the Gaeltacht Committee Room 3, Leinster House Agenda: Private Meeting

10am Jobs, Social Protection, Education Committee Room 3 Agenda: Election of Chairman of Vice-Chairman 11am Jobs, Social Protection, Education Committee Room 3 Agenda: Private Meeting 12pm Members’ Interests Committee Room 1 Agenda: Private Meeting 1.30pm Committee on Communications, Natural Resources and Agriculture Committee Room 1 Agenda: Private Meeting

Thursday June 30 10am Public Accounts Committee Room 1 Agenda: Private Meeting 11am Health and Children Committee Room 4, Agenda: Private Meeting 11.30am Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement Committee Room 3 Agenda: Election of Chairman 12pm Finance, Public expenditure and Reform Committee Room 1 Agenda: Finance (No. 3) Bill Procedure and Privileges Committee Room 2 Agenda: Private Meeting


Minister will not intervene with Poolbeg The Minister for Environment, Community and Local Government, Mr Phil Hogan, TD, has said that he will not intervene with the plans for the Poolbeg incinerator after a report was published detailing the financial risks involved with the project. Commenting on the report, prepared by Mr. John Hennessy S.C, the Minister said that “there is no national waste policy justification for the Government to intervene in this matter”. Mr Hennessy was appointed by the Minister’s predecessor, John Gormley, to examine potential financial risks associated with the project within a given set of scenarios. The Minister outlined that, while the report has been published in the interests of openness and transparency, certain “commercially sensitive” aspects had to be omitted. Among the key points in the report, it states that the “total costs of termination at any stage would be likely to be substantial”. Similarly, concerns have been raised that if the project does go ahead, Dublin City Council will face substantial penalties if they cannot provide the target waste of 320,000 tonnes per year to fuel the incinerator. The Minister concluded by indicating that his focus is firmly fixed on completing, by the end of the year, the review of national waste policy which he has initiated.

Commitment by department to roll out high speed broadband nationwide The Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources, Pat Rabitte TD has stressed his commitment to high speed broadband as he switched on fibre broadband in Claremoris, Co Mayo. This comes days after a special task force meeting of several CEOs of Telecommunication companies where they discussed high speed broadband delivery across Ireland. The Minister said he was “heartened” to hear the extent of the plans for investment and new technology which the companies are planning. The Taskforce, who will conclude work by March 2012, will consider issues such as appropriate targets, investment plans, and the role of Government policy and actions in driving and facilitating investment. Mr Rabitte highlighted the need for faster broadband in rural areas to attract foreign investment.

Minister addresses future of financial services The objective of the Government is to deliver a “leaner, more robust” banking system that is capable of standing on its own two feet, according to Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan. Speaking at the at the Financial Services Ireland Annual Members’ Lunch this week Mr Noonan stated that €30bn in new lending should be available over the next year and a half but to do so, banks will have to be capitalised in the aggregate by €24bn. In his address he listed a number of recent successes in the restructuring of the banking sector which involved a merger between AIB and EBS, a 75 percent change in board managers and the deleveraging of €73bn in assets, amongst others. However, the Minister conceded that “the road is still a long one to travel”.

Government seeks parliamentary approval for EU Directive The Government has announced that it will be seeking approval from both the Dáil and Seanad to sign a draft EU Directive, published on May 18, which establishes minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime. The announcement, made by Minister for Justice, Equality and Defence, Alan Shatter TD, will allow Ireland to be part of negotiations about the Directive in Brussels. The Directive will bring about changes in a number of areas regarding crime victims, including the commitment to provide appropriate protection and support. It will also broaden the definition of a victim. The Victim Rights Bill aims to ensure that victims receive “sufficient information” during the criminal justice process, which will allow for interpreters and translation where necessary. The announcement came on the same day as the publication of the fifth Annual Report of the Commission for the Support of Victims of Crime. In 2010, €1,273,696 was allocated to 44 voluntary organisations. These voluntary bodies provided services and assistance to 12,173 victims of crime in 2010.

- Upcoming conferences, courses and seminars Click on the date for more information on the topic

Conference Cloud Computing in Ireland Unleashing the Potential Conrad Hotel, Dublin, June 30th Courses

Legal Professional Privilege Tuesday July 5th Public procurement in a climate of reduced resources Tuesday July 5

Basic Bookkeeping July 7

Training & Development Strategies for the Public Sector Tuesday September 13

Certificate in Negotiation Practice Tuesday September 13

Minute Taking Wednesday Septmember 14

ILM Certificate in Leadership in the Public Sector Tuesday September 13

Inspiring Leadership Thursday September 22

Certificate in Essential Human Resource Management Wednesday October 5 Seminars Risk Management in the Public Sector Tuesday June 28 Dealing with Difficult Staff Wednesday June 29 Financing Energy Savings Thursday June 30

Debt Recovery Thursday September 22 Practical Writing Skills Tuesday September 27 Managing Performance Throughout The Year Wednesday September 28 Microsoft Excel Stage 1 Wednesday September 28 Legal Professional Privilege Wednesday September 28

Plan your training needs in advance and save 20% To coincide with the launch of our Autumn/Winter 2011 training calendar, we would like to offer you 20% off any training booked between now and June 30. This should help your organisation to make considerable savings while planning your autumn/winter training in advance. For further information please visit our website, email or call 01 8198500.

A Public Affairs Ireland Conference

Cloud Computing and Ireland - unleashing the potential!

A special Public Affairs Ireland conference on the potential for Cloud Computing in Ireland and the opportunities it provides for the public sector ThursdAy 30Th June 2011 ConrAd hoTel dublIn sPonsored by eMC/CIsCo/MoP/VMwAre

• What is Cloud Computing? • What is the potential for Cloud Computing in Ireland? • What role can Cloud Computing play for the public sector? • Can Cloud Computing address issues about confidentiality and security? • Can Cloud Computing help to deliver connected government? • How has Cloud Computing benefited organisations that use it? • Does Cloud Computing represent value for money?

The new Government has identified Cloud Computing as an area of growth and development in the coming years. The Programme for Government contained a specific commitment to make Ireland a leader in the emerging IT market of Cloud Computing – a sector which has been identified as yielding potentially significant employment and investment potential by 2014 – including employment potential of up to 10,000 new jobs. The new Government has also committed to promoting the greater use of Cloud Computing in the Public Sector. The advantages of such a programme for the public sector, particularly in the current economic climate, are significant – for example greater use of cloud computing in the public sector can reduce the significant additional financial investment in hardware, ongoing maintenance and additional technical resources. Importantly investing in Cloud Computing can also allow the public sector to capitalise on this new approach to the delivery of ICT services and to tap into global developments in this exciting new area.

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What challenges will the adoption of this new technology raise around the protection of personal data and privacy? How will the traditional concerns of the Public Sector around confidentiality, privacy and security protocols be met and how has Cloud Computing worked already in a number of real cases? These are among the issues that will be addressed at this special Public Affairs Ireland conference on Cloud Computing. The keynote address will be provided by the Minister for Enterprise, Jobs and Innovation Richard Bruton TD and delegates will also hear from the Data Protection Commissioner, Billy Hawkes and the Chair of the National Competitiveness Council, Dr. Don Thornhill. Other speakers include leading international industry experts from EMC, Cisco, VMware and Accenture as well as a leading IT lawyer from MOP. The conference, which is sponsored by EMC, CISCO, VMware, and MOP will examine the potential role that Cloud Computing and innovative IT technology can make in the delivery of public services in a practical, targeted and focused way.

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