2012_03_30 Bulletin

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The American International School of Rotterdam

SHARK 30.03.12


From the Interim Director and Elementary Principal

Thank you to all the parents who came in to meet the new Director, Mr. Neal Dilk. Both he and his family enjoyed their visit to AISR and are looking forward very much to joining our community in July. AISR is also very proud to support our students and staff with the CanSat project. We are the only school representing The Netherlands so it really is a special achievement for AISR. On that note, here is another message from Ms. Nina Markham and Ms. Heinonen: ‘Support our CanSat Flying Dutchcan Team! Order your CanSat T-shirt today!’ Deadline to order is April 5th. We will all wear our T-shirts on April 20th to support our team before they depart. All letters/logos will be in blue. You can pre-order your shirt(s) at the school or online at this link: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/JZRZLMR Here are some interesting tips regarding the safe use of the Internet. Internet use and safety When your child is older and wants to explore on their own, it is a good idea to keep the computer in a family room or a place you share. The Internet can be a great source of fun and learning for your child, and you needn't be frightened of your child using it if you follow some simple rules. • Always sit with young children when they use the Internet. With an older child who wants to explore on their own, it is a good idea to keep the computer in a family room or a place you share. • Be aware you can adjust browser settings and filters to protect children from unsuitable sites. For more help with this check out the Net SMART rules. • Talk to your child about how to stay safe and let them know they can speak to you if they find themselves in any sort of trouble. • There are plenty of safe places for children to play and learn on the web, get to know them and maybe save these as shortcuts in your favorites folder. • Social networking sites aimed at grown-ups, such as Facebook, Youtube and Twitter, are not suitable for children. The suggested minimum age for most social networking sites is 13.

Finally, here are a number of UK based websites offering help and support to both children and grown-ups; • • • •

NSPCC - Keeping your child safe online (http://www.nspcc.org.uk/) Thinkuknow -Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre (http://www.nspcc.org.uk/) CBBC's Stay Safe (http://www.bbc.co.uk/cbbc/topics/stay-safe) BBC Health - Internet Safety (http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/physical_health/child_development/safety_internet.shtml)

There won’t be a Shark next week, so I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very enjoyable Easter vacation. I look forward to seeing you on Monday, April 16. Have a lovely weekend. Anne-Marie Blitz a.blitz@aisr.nl 1/2

From the Secondary Principal and Curriculum Director Thank you to those who were able to meet our new Director, Mr. Neal Dilk, this past week. He and his family had a nice visit and are very much looking forward to being part of such a welcoming community. Â Congratulations and thank you to our Science Department, Dr. Markham and Ms. Heinonen, for putting on an excellent Science activity session for elementary children. They were able to raise money for CANSAT while providing some hands-on fun for our younger students. The following is the last trend in education I will be sharing with regards to E-Learning. This particular topic is relevant to us here at AISR as we look ahead to IT planning in the school. There is much discussion and debate about the role of technology in education and this is an issue schools around the world are facing more and more. The excerpts come from Bridget McCrea and the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Trend # 5 - Leading the Charge: Teacher-Led 1:1 Implementations The growth in 1:1 implementations at the K-12 level isn't news, but when you combine affordability with a wider array of computing options such as tablets, laptops, netbooks, and other portable devices, you wind up with the right combination for schools that want to put a computer onto every student's desk. In 2012 this stepped up interest in 1:1 could be driven by individual teachers who have witnessed the success experienced by the early adopters. "We're seeing teachers who shied away from technology just 10 years ago take more proactive stances about getting IT into their classrooms," said Tricia Fontenot, technology facilitator at Grand Prairie Elementary and district technology trainer in Washington, LA. "They see their coworkers using technology and recognize how well it works with students, so they're gravitating towards it. This awareness will likely play an important role in 1:1 implementations this year." I hope these technology trends have provided some food for thought about the issues and implications surrounding the use if IT in education. Please don't hesitate to contact me at anytime for further information or if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached at a.lipp@aisr.nl or by calling the school at extension 316. Enjoy the weekend,

Alison Lipp a.lipp@aisr.nl


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