2013 05 31 Bulletin

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The American International School of Rotterdam

SHARK 31.05.13.


Elementary Principal’s Message “.... Thank you again for your generous donations....” *Neal will not be writing his Director’s Message in this edition, but wanted to say just how excited we are with the new ‘Fantazia’ childcare facility starting at AISR. Please see our facebook or website pages for more information... Once again, there was a great turn-out on Thursday for the very special Elementary Creative Arts Evening. It was a wonderful opportunity to admire the students beautiful art-work, listen to some music and enjoy the new Young Authors book. Thank you again for your generous donations. This money will go directly to the Ronald MacDonald House for children in need. Firstly - thank you to all the teachers and students for the wonderful stories. I must also thank Mrs. Jackie Bacon and Mrs. Yvette Suffern the great job of organizing the handing out of the books and collecting the donations last night. And finally, very special thanks to Janissa Jacobs, for coordinating the publication of the book, Andrea Schwarz for proof-reading all the stories and to the PTSA for the lovely Ice-Cream Sundaes! Points to remember Report cards will be posted home the week after school closes. The MAP Progress Reports will also be included. For those families who are leaving AISR, the school records will be ready to be picked up on June 14 from the Front Office. The Elementary Sports Day will take place on Tuesday June 11 (June 12, if it rains). Mr. Brown will be sending out more details about this event closer to the time This week, it is the turn of Pre-K 2 to tell us about the exciting learning in their classes; Shopping in PK-2 For our IPC unit Shopping, PK-2 went shopping. We composed a shopping list and bought all the ingredients from different shops. The friendly Butcher was so kind that he gave us all our meat for free! Once we found ingredients in the shop we learned where the ingredients came from. For this we made a trip to Het Geertje Farm where the farmer showed us how to milk goats and then how they make cheese from the milk, which is then sold in the farm shop. We bought the cheese from the Farm Shop. When we got back to school we tasted different cheeses and documented our findings on a graph.


Of course farm animals do not take care of themselves! The “Gemeente” invited us to visit De Wilgenhof Farm where we fed the animals and brushed the goats. On Friday May 31st, 2012 we will conclude our IPC Shopping Unit by setting up our own Bakery in the PK-2 classrooms, from which will sell biscuits and cakes to AISR students during recess. From Mrs Erasmus and Mrs Blackburn

Mrs Blackburn and Ms Samantha with Pre-K2 BL.

Have a lovely long weekend. Sincerely,

Anne-Marie Blitz anne-marie.blitz@aisr.nl

AISR would like to thank the US Coast Guard for the plaque celebrating our relationship over many years. We would like to remind them that to us they will always be an AISR ‘Shark’ and one of our own wherever they might be in the world. May we wish them..."Fair winds and following seas"!


Secondary Principal’s Message

“....If your child will be absent when he/she is not writing an exam, please notify the office...”

Dear Parents, High School exams begin on Monday, June 3rd and run until the following Monday, June 10th. If your child will be absent when he/she is not writing an exam, please notify the office. Exam schedules are posted throughout the school for your reference. MAP results for all students are now available. Please contact Phil Krumrei, our MAP Coordinator, if you would like a copy of your child's results. He can be reached at phil.krumrei@aisr.nl. An overview of your child's results will be included in the envelope with your child's report card. Report cards will be posted the week after school finishes. The program for the last day of the school year (June 14th) will begin at 9:00 in the school gymnasium. Students will be dismissed at 11:30. We hope to see you there! Upcoming Events in the Secondary School June 3-10: High School Exams June 11: Workshop Day June 12: Sports Day June 13: Last Day of Classes June 14: End of Year Ceremony

FROM LEARNING SUPPORT by: Katie Modic Below are a few photos of our Middle School students doing classwork on note taking. We are learning how to find the topic of a paragraph and the important details and then transfer that information into scholarly notes that we can later use to help us study or complete assignments. These are academic skills that can really prove valuable throughout a persons life!



Summer time, while a well-deserved break from the demands of the academic year, should be used for more than just relaxing. It is a great time to do things you enjoy such as travel, intern, work, and study areas of interest. Making productive use of your unstructured summer time says a lot about the kind of person you are and the kind of initiative you take. Many colleges, universities and other organizations offer organized programs for high school students. They include domestic and international programs that focus on: general and specialized pre-college academic courses, cultural and scholarly enrichment programs, sessions for students with special academic needs, career exploration workshops, and outdoor adventure experiences. Please keep in mind that a meaningful summer experience does not require participation in an organized enrichment program. It is simply one option. If you are concerned with how this factors into college admissions criteria, they are looking for ways in which you show initiative and independence, leadership and responsibility. There are lots of worthy options and below you will find a few ideas. You should also talk with teachers, other students and their families for good program referrals. If you are deciding on a program, please keep in mind that that most usually have an application process and a set of deadlines. Generally, these months of January, February and March are their busy season. If you are interested in a few websites to conduct research, here are few I feel are noteworthy: www.enrichmentalley.com : A database of summer, enrichment, and gap year opportunities. Created by former counselors. www.goabroad.com : A directory of international study, work, and internship opportunities for students. www.studyabroad.com : A directory of international study programs for the summer or academic year. www.teenink.com/Summer : A listing of summer study and activity programs. www.whatkidscando.org : A directory of international summer programs that focus on service. Each program offers a program that combines volunteer work, cultural and language immersion.

Enjoy the weekend everyone,

Alison Lipp Secondary Principal and Curriculum Director alison.lipp@aisr.nl


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