2011 April Shark

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Happy Holidays From all at A.I.S.R.

5 Go Camping...

Inside: • Director’s and Principal’s letters • Pre-K 2 Report • From the Library • PTSA • GIN • Sporting News

The American International School of Rotterdam

April 2011


From the Director Graham Gamble

From the Director

Graham Gamble

Dear Parents,

As we look towards the Spring vacation week, the end of the school year now seems to be alarmingly close! Where did the year go? This week, as ever, there has been much to celebrate: on Monday, I was kindly invited to welcome the new intake at our neighbor Japanese school. On Tuesday, the Middle School Band proved a great hit as they entertained the troops and their families at the SDDC. Thanks to Mr. Fitzpatrick for arranging this and to Mrs. Delury and Mrs. George-Kelso for looking after logistics (though the US Army contingent there should be the experts at that!). On Wednesday night, we celebrated achievements in Winter Sports, including the ever-remarkable Felix and his amazing medal tally. Thanks to Mr. Zeilstra and AISR coaches Gutierrez and Wah for organizing this ever popular event. And thanks again to the ladies of the PTSA, Mrs. Tobin, Mrs. Hartig and Mrs. Lancaster, for making sure that athletes and audience were well fed that night. On Thursday, the Elementary School talked with author Todd Parr via the magic of Skype. The children were enthralled by Mr. Parr and this internet link-up was a first for AISR. Thanks to Ms. Van Ringelesteijn for hooking all this up. On the same day, you may also have been lucky enough to see the work of the IB Diploma Art students at their annual exhibition. For next week, you still have time to pick up your tickets for the Middle School Play, Peter Pan, which will be performed in the Gymnasium at 6.00 p.m. next Wednesday night, April 20th. I know that student Director and Producer, Alexander and Drew, have worked amazingly hard on this project, as have their committed cast and tireless Stage Manager, Mrs. Rimbach. It is going to be a theatrical night to remember! Finally, don’t forget to join us at the Open Board Meeting on Tuesday, April 19 at 7.00pm in the Library if you want to find out what’s been going on behind the scenes or if you have any concerns to raise. Until next time, Best wishes, Graham Gamble Director

AISR Short Message Updates... The AISR is now on Twitter - for updates about school events, sports and social activities. Please follow us on http://twitter.com/theaisrshark

I hope everybody is getting an opportunity to enjoy this beautiful weather. It definitely helps to promote great energy in the Elementary School. As you walk around the building, you will see creative dinosaurs outside Grade 2. Giant marble tracks are going from the Grade 5 classroom all the way down to the front hall - the 5th grade students are learning about Friction, Force and Motion and are thoroughly enjoying the project. Staying with Grade 5, most of the students had a fun cycle ride and a sleepover at their teacher, Mrs. Rimbach’s house last Friday. It was a great success and very definitely a first for AISR! The students in Grade 3 are very proud of the success of their Bake sale and Coin Drive. They made 400 euros! All of this money was donated to St. Andrew’s School in Naivasha in Kenya to help them build a Water Storage Unit. Ms. Brenda Gilby, a former teacher at AISR, is a volunteer there and very kindly offered to take the money to them. She came into school last week to thank our students and to tell them how much their efforts are appreciated. Brenda showed many photos of the good work that is going on in Nevasha. If you are in school, please do take a few moments to look at the beautiful pictures, drawn by the students in St. Andrew’s. They are located outside the Grade 3 classroom on the 1st floor. The reading month continues to be very popular with the students. They loved dressing up as their favorite book character - as a matter of fact, so did many of our teachers! The ‘Author Skype’ visit with Todd Parr (Author of “It's Okay to be Different”) which took place on Thursday 14th was a great success. All Elementary students took part in this very exciting and new adventure which you can read more on later in this Shark edition. To close the Book Month activities, the students will be participating in a Movie and Popcorn afternoon on Thursday April 21. “Creative Arts” night will be held on Wednesday May 25 at 18:30. More details about the program for that evening will be sent out closer to the time. The Elementary Sports Day will take place on Tuesday May 31. Mr. Wah will send out details about the afternoon. In the meantime, if any of you would like to help, please do contact him at his e-mail address: j.wah@aisr.nl. I would also like to take the opportunity to say a very big “Thank You” to the PTSA for a wonderful Dinner Dance. You all worked so hard but it was definitely worth it when we saw the results on Saturday night! Enjoy the weekend and have a wonderful Easter Vacation. Sincerely, Anne Marie Blitz Elementary Principal

C.A.S. Round Up

Anne - Marie Blitz

From the Elementary Principal

From the Elementary Principal

Pre-Kindergarten 2

Pre-Kindergarten 2

Lize Uys

In PK-2 we started the school year with the IPC Houses and Homes Unit. The students arrived at school and found a mysterious key and map in the classroom. After following a map, we found a house. It was Suhana’s house! Her mother kindly shared their house with us, including yummy treats. Next, we studied a variety of fairy tales for our “Let’s Pretend” Unit. We acted out “Goldilocks and The Three Bears”, “The Three Billy Goats Gruff” and “The Little Red Hen”. We made a Gingerbread Boy, who escaped out of the oven and ran away. Luckily, he left us clues….so we found him and gobbled him up! For the festive season, we generously donated our old toys to sell. We raised 120 euro! We walked to the shops to buy food for the Rotterdam Food Bank. I delivered food and money to the Rotterdam Food Bank where the volunteers were thankful to receive our gifts. We started 2011 with “Going Places”. We learned about different kinds of transport. After a visit to the Maritime Museum, Mr. John Trenchard gave us a presentation about ships and logistics. Currently, we are learning about Shopping. We walked to the supermarket, armed with shopping lists to buy ingredients for “Ants on a Log” and “Happy Faces”. To make “Ants on a Log” we spread peanut butter on celery and topped it with raisins. For the “Happy Faces” we covered digestive biscuits with sandwich spreads of our choice, and then used raisins for the eyes and nose. A little string of drop was used for the mouth. In our classroom, we built a shop and we are currently practicing to do different jobs in a shop. We are also producing paintings. Next week and Wednesday (April 20, 2011), we will have an Art Exhibition and our art will be sold for 5euro a panting. The profits will go towards funding for the Japanese Crises, so please come and support us! Lize Uys

Melissa van Ringelesteijn and Maria Teresa Sorondo de Lara

The Elementary Reading Month was a great success! Thank you to all the families that helped to log their child's reading at home during the past month. Students who brought in their completed logs will enjoy a movie & popcorn at school on the 21st. The Book Exchange was a fabulous opportunity for students to swap their used books. There were a lot of readers that found new books to love ;-). We hope to do more next year! Dress Up As Your Favorite Book Character was a lot of fun. We had such an interesting variety of book characters come to school that day (Abe Lincoln, Waldo, Curious George etc...). It was a nice way to celebrate the characters we love and to think about books in a different way.

Author Skype with Todd Parr was an incredible event. All the elementary students came to hear Todd Parr read his books and answer questions. All of the elementary students have been doing an author study on this powerful and fun author/illustrator whose books align with our Cor values. Todd Parr uses a nice balance of meaningful text with humorous illustrations and has the ability to connect with Pre-k1-Grade 5. Visit http://www.toddparr.com to learn more about his work. Happy Reading!!! Mrs. van Ringelesteijn m.vanringelestijn@aisr.nl

From the Library...

From the Library...

Grade 5 Go Camping...

Grade 5 Go Camping... Bianca Rimbach

Magical childhood memories... Magical childhood memories are made roasting marshmallows and sitting at the campfire, listening to Sean and Mr. Wah play guitar, and many others telling scary ghost stories. Mr. Wah, Ms. Lipp and Ms. Rimbach were treated to a very special experience with extraordinary students. A lovely bike ride, followed by some challenging Frisbee golf, lead to the return to pitch tents, cook and eat dinner, big screen movie and of course trying to stay warm at the fire.

The night- time whispers and giggles ended around midnight, and the teacher night-watch kept their watchful eyes open until the early morning hours only to be awaken by the considerate students who did not want them to miss a pleasant walk in the morning fog.

Many parent volunteers helped to make this trip an amazing and unforgettable journey. But that is what makes this school so special a network of support, understanding and care for each and every student. Bianca Rimbach

Grade 5 Go Camping...

The Global Issues Network

The Global Issues Network

Josué F. Gutiérrez

The AISR Global Issues Network club traveled on March 24-26 for the Global Issues Network conference in Luxembourg. The students (Seong-gyun, So Young, Glara, Natalia, Erik and Jyona) all met up early in the morning at 4 am at school to launch off to the conference to make registration on time. The AISR GIN members had to present their simulation to their fellow GIN colleagues first thing in the morning on the 24th. The students did a brilliant job in simulating the unequal distribution of wealth in our world, which was the theme of the conference, with two simulations. First, the students presented a simulation called “Take a step forward,” which allowed the audience to see and feel what it was like to be left behind in the world with limited resources by separating the audience according to regions of the world and placing them strategically throughout the room. The students posed certain questions that made the audience to reflect and think about their position in life and of others they represented in the simulation. Immediately after, the students presented the simulation “Let them eat cake,” which gave the audience members unequal slices of carrot cake. The slice was cut in fractions to simulate the distribution of resources in our world today. Of course, the audience was allowed to enjoy the cake afterwards. Both simulations were a hit that created great discussion and debate to start off the conference on the right note.

For the remainder of the weekend, the AISR GIN members were able to be the spectators in various other presentations that included, but not limited to: human trafficking, microfinance, malnutrition, gender inequality and many other rich presentations. On top of all this wealth of knowledge, the students were able to visit the European Court of Justice and sit in on a questions and answers session. Followed by an evening of discovering and site seeing the beautiful city center of Luxembourg. Overall, the conference was a great success that created a great motivation for our students to continue raising awareness and to be active GIN members in our community and world. Mr. Wah and I were both honored to be the chaperones and be represented by such of a fine group of AISR students. Josué F. Gutiérrez GIN co-advisor

Marga Akerboom

Parents of I.B. Students are invited to view the I.B. Examination schedule on the AISR website.*

I.B.News - 2011 Exam Calendar

I.B.News - 2011 Exam Calendar

http://www.aisr.nl/academics/ib_program/ib_program.php If you have any questions or concerns, I can be contacted via my e-mail: m.akerboom@aisr.nl


*Whilst no changes are expected to the dates and times - any unforeseen changes will be communicated as soon as possible. Marga Akerboom I.B. Coordinator

The PTSA. The 2011 AISR Dinner Dance was an enormous success thanks to the tremendous generosity of our AISR families, staff and supporters. We were able to raise over 8,500 euros that will go directly to the school. Keep an eye out in the Shark for what new and exciting things are purchased! Not letting grass grow under our feet, the PTSA is busily planning our next big activity -

The 2011 Spring Fair and Fun Run on Saturday, May 14 at 10:00 am. Come to join the run, and stay to enjoy the food and shopping. There will be a giant inflatable outside for the kids, as well as venders and food inside for everyone. All proceeds will go to help disaster victims in Japan. After running, shopping and eating make sure you attend:

The Father/Daughter dance that night at 6:30 pm. Saturday, May 14 . AISR is sure to have something to please everyone in the family! Margaret Kenyon PTSA



Nikki van Leijden and David Blackburn

Artist Of The Month... Joseph - Middle School Illustration Joseph and his classmates looked at the 'Book of Kells', an ancient Irish manuscript containing the four Gospels. Generally considered to be the finest surviving Medieval illuminated manuscript in the world, it provides a rich source of inspiration for this illustration project. Nikki van Leijden.

I.B. A! Vern"sa#

Managing Moving

An exhibition of I.B. Students’ Kalli’s amd Marianela’s art pieces took place prior to their moderation. The artworks showed great sensitivity and displayed clear artistic contemplation of theme and development. Best of luck!

Managing Moving

Kate Driver

Some of our families will be moving this summer and we will miss them very much next year! To help with this transition, I will be offering student Managing Moving (M&M) groups and a Parent M&M Coffee as well. For students, we will be discussing and processing the variety of feelings related to moving, from excitement to anxiety to loss. To have your child involved in an M&M group, please respond to me at k.driver@aisr.nl by Friday, May 6. The students will be grouped by age and we will meet 2-3 times between now and the end of the year at either snack or lunch recess so the students do not miss any instructional time. The Parent M&M Coffee will meet on Friday, May 20 from 9:15-10:15 in the High School Lounge. We will discuss strategies for helping your child cope with moving. Please RSVP to me at k.driver@aisr.nl if you plan to attend. Thank you, Kate Driver School Counselor

meet... Please read the full coach reports online at the AISR Sports: http://www.aisr.nl/athletics/winter_sports/winter_sports.php The Sharks Swim team returned from Sweden late in the night. The team returned with a haul of 6 medals, 13 top 6 finishes, and all swimmers gaining personal best times. All the swimmers did a fantastic job, not only in the pool, but outside of it also. The team was a model for other schools to follow in their spirit and behavior. Results are as follows: Felix 100m free 1:17.24 (4th place), 50m Fly 41.08 (3rd place), 50m free 15.68 (3rd place), 100 IM 1:30.06 (3rd place), 25m Fly 17.51 (2nd place), 50m free 34.62 (3rd place) Charlotte 100m free 1:53.21 (4th place), 50m Breast 1:09.10 (12th place), 25m free 21.83 (3rd place), 25m Fly 28.93 (4th place), 50m free 50.96 (4th place) Kelly 50m Breast 59.02 (12th place), 25m back 24.77 (12th place), 25m free 19.36 (9th place), 25 breast 17.22 (13th place), 50 free 46.46 (14th place) Kait 200m free 3:03.63 (11th place), 50m back 41.86 (9th place), 50m free 35.66 (9th place) 200 IM 3:18.55 (8th place), 50 fly 39.71 (8th place) Madeline 50m free 51.07 (23rd place), 100m back 2:08.41 (24th place) Anna 100m breast 1:46.68 (11th place), 50m back 50.76 (12th place), 50m free 37.61 (15th place), 50m breast 46.91 (9th place), 100m back 1:48.08 (6th place) Brian 200m free 3:08 (8th place), 100m breast 1:45.32 (11th place), 50m free 33.89 (12th place), 50 breast 44.16 (11th place), 100m free 1:17.17 (8th place) Nick 200m free 3:10.97 (4th place), 100m breast 1:40.63 (13th place), 50m free 34.06 (12th place), 50 breast 43.66 (12th place), 100m free 1:23.37 (10th place) The kids did really well, many of the other schools had 60 plus swimmers! A big thanks to mums: Mrs. Kenyon, Mrs. Tobin, Mrs. Hartig, and Mrs. Chambers. It was great to have you all there for support over the weekend. An extra big thanks to Mrs. Lim who helped coach the team. She was a huge help and great with the kids. And last but not least a huge thanks to the members of the team. You all did a fantastic job representing the school. Well done! Coach Wah

Please check the Athletics page on the AISR website ical for future scheduled games:


Sporting News

Rob Zeilstra and Coaching Team

Sporting News

Sporting News

Community Announcements And Classifieds

If you have an article you would like to publish in the Shark, please send it to :

To Advertise here contact:



or Tel + 31 (0)10 422 5351

Deadline for submissions: Monday Languages

Would you like to improve your English ?

23rd May.

Therapy and Personal Development “Hands to help and hearts to care”

Now is a great time to start studying in small friendly groups of adults with English teacher, Susannah Tomlinson. “Why not give it a go?” More details are available at reception, or contact Susannah via email: susannah.tomlinson@yahoo.com or telephone: 040-8428486

Do you need to talk to someone to express your difficulties and challenges with raising your child? Katherine Fortier, an educational and child psychologist, will lead the parents group. “...an opportunity to discuss their concerns and develop strategies to help their children and manage their own stress.” For further information or to register, Please email hearts.2care@yahoo.com or call Rubina Anis on mobile 06-52072084.

Private Tuition Dutch or French with a Qualified teacher Times to suit you - course to suit you...


Contact: Telephone: E-mail:

Marga Akerboom 0620677310 m.akerboom@aisr.nl

DUTCH BEGINNERS CLASS OFFERED AT AISR My name is Arjan Blokland and I offer a Dutch beginners class at AISR. The course focuses on practical language skills. The course has been designed for people with no or almost no knowledge of Dutch. The course consists of 12 lessons. The first lesson will be held on the 20th of September. The minimum number of participants will be four and the maximum will be nine. The prices of the classes are between € 15,- and € 24,- per class, depending on the number of students. To enroll, please send me an e-mail: info@lindenlanguages.nl, or give me a call: 06-41585013.

With my skills, I can help you: • UNDERSTAND YOURSELF BETTER! • USE YOUR INHERENT SKILLS MORE EFFECTIVELY • CONTROL YOUR WEIGHT AND STAY FIT IN A NATURAL WAY • UNDERSTAND YOUR CHILDREN BETTER • ULTIMATELY LEARN THAT JOY IS WITHIN YOU SPECIAL NEEDS TUTORING for Children • Gifted and Talented (including underachieving gifted), ADD and ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Behavior Management, Asperger's, Autism, Down's Syndrome, Fine Motor Skills. •

HELP AND SUPPORT FOR PARENTS of children with Special Needs

PLEASE CONTACT ME, SANDRA, @ EMAIL: joyandpower@gmail.com MOBILE: 06-16593856.

Sandra B.A. Psychology, M.A. English Literature, M.S. Special Education (USA).


Arts and Culture

We are looking for a “live out” Au Pair to work full time (7:45 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.) from Tuesday to Friday to look after 3 children ages 5, 3 and 9 months. We are looking for someone who has experience with young children. If you are interested please contact me via email: donatella.sanna@fastwebnet.it

BALLET CLASSES: For ages 3 and up in the AISR building. The classes will be taught by Sue Manville who trained at The Royal Academy of Dance in London. Sue has 20 years experience of ballet teaching and choreography, in the United States, UK, Australia, Greece, Spain and Brazil. If interested, please email Sue Manville at sue.manville@gmail.com stating your child’s age.

CHILD SITTER AVAILABLE If you need a childsitter: please call Lara to discuss. I do have experience and speak English and Dutch. Lara Soliman: 0681693858 m.akerboom@aisr.nl


GUITAR LESSONS: Private Guitar Lessons, after school at AISR or at home. Please contact bob@bobhamilton.net or visit www.bobhamilton.net more info. All ages and styles, flexible scheduling for both students and parents!

Treasured memories? Old or damaged photos restored:

Email: bob@bobhamilton.net

I can repair most images to a high level of presentation and provide a digital image and photo-print of the restored image. If interested please email me, David Blackburn.


Email: mrblackburnart@gmail.com

Do you love music, can you already read notes, and would you like to take piano lessons? Dr. Elizabeth Karelse is fluent in both Dutch and English and welcomes students of all ages for weekly hour-long, or half-hour long lessons. Please send Elizabeth an email at: ekarelse@gmail.com, or call at 06-26932322.

ART LESSONS: Ursula Lachniet offers lessons in painting and drawing in her Art Gallery. Age from 5 years old. 150 Euro for 12 lessons, incl. Materilas. Le Fevre de Montignylaan 15/ Hillegersberg. Thursday afternoons 16:30 p.m. - 17:30 p.m. 17:45 p.m. - 18:45 p.m. Contact us: email: www.aquari-urs.nl mobile 06 - 50 29 55 00

Property FANCY A ROMAN HOLIDAY? - NEAT AND COSY APARTMENT IN CENTRAL AREA OF ROME. 12 minutes by Metro to the Spanish Steps Fully furnished - fully equipped- air conditioned - WiFi net 1 or 2 persons € 130 per day; 4 persons € 160 (chil.), € 170 (adults); 5 persons € 175 (chil.), € 180 (adults) FOR DETAILS - +31 6 53958552 / / + 39 3408547494 Email: maria.ciociara@usa.net www.mariabedandbreakfast.com

The AISR accepts no responsibility for the community announcements, services and items advertised.

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