2010 November Shark

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AISR Stepping Up To The Plate... ...on the Court and at the Shelter.

Inside: • Director’s and Principal’s letters • The PTSA - Thanksgiving • Grade 3 Update • C.A.S. Round Up • Sporting News

The American International School of Rotterdam

November 2010


Graham Gamble

From the Director

From the Director

Graham Gamble

It is less than a month since your full color Shark took to the water. We are publishing this one a little early so we can get in two complete editions before the end of the school semester. This Saturday, my nephew and a friend were visiting from the USA and we were lucky enough to get to the Erasmusbrug in time for the arrival of Sinterklaas. The appearance of the whiskered one reminds us that the holidays are not far away. Before we get there, though, we have some dramas to get through: of the theatrical kind, I hope. “Dracula”, the High School Play, will be performed on Tuesday, November 23 at 7.00 p.m. in The Gymnasium and “The Snow Queen”, the Elementary School Play, on December 16 at 7.00 p.m., also in the same versatile performance space.

Please note that “Dracula” is not recommended for children below Grade 6 age. There have been some interesting school field trips lately and I wanted to tell you a little more about these as it is often not realized how rich our students’ experience continues to be. Last Monday, IB Diploma Physics students visited the laboratories at TU Delft with Miss Heinonen (a former doctoral student there), in order to see how some practical applications of scientific research in aeronautics and other fields. IB Diploma Art and Theory of Knowledge students also visited an exhibition of the works of the Norwegian painter, Edvard Munch. Today, four of our Dutch-speaking High Schoolers are attending a lecture being given at Erasmus University by the Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Nick Clegg. It is, perhaps, not well known that Mr. Cameron’s coalition partner is a fluent speaker of several languages and has Dutch parentage. Truly, a good representative of internationalism for our age! It is very good to see that teachers and students are taking so much advantage of the learning opportunities that Rotterdam and the surrounding area has to offer. The classroom is no longer defined by the four walls that surround it. Along with some of my colleagues, I shall be at the European Council of International Schools conference in Nice on Thursday and Friday this week. I look forward to seeing you at the play next Tuesday. Have a good weekend,

Graham Gamble Director

From The Board... The Board Strategy for AISR will be presented to parents in two identical sessions on Tuesday, December 7th: Session 1 - 8:15 a.m. - 9:30 a.m., The Cafeteria Session 2 - 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., The Library Please note that the same presentation will be given on each occasion. Therefore, if you are interested, you only need to attend one presentation session.


g n o l A e m o C Please


As promised in the last edition of the Shark, here is the schedule for the traditional Thanksgiving celebrations at AISR. Parents are very welcome to join us for the performance and the special lunch provided by Tjeerd. Tickets for the lunch can be purchased at the front office and the cost is €5 per person. We look forward very much to seeing you there! Date: Time: Place:

Wednesday, November 24, 2010 10:15 a.m. School Gym

Grade 5 An Explanation of the meaning of Thanksgiving will be given. Pre-K 1 “Turkey wore his rainbow feathers” Pre-K 2 “Five little pumpkins” Kindergarten “Thanksgiving Song” Grade 1 “Harvest Time” JSR Students “Breath of the Earth” Grade 2 “Lean on me” Grade 3 “Thanksgiving Song” Grade 4 “What a wonderful world” “ Dinner Schedule Grade 10:50 Pre-K & K 11:05 Grade 1 11:15 Grade 2 11:25 Grade 3 11:35 Grade 4 11:45 Grade 5 12:00 Grades 6 & 7 12:20 Grades 8, 9 & 10 12:45 Grades 11 & 12

Another very special event that is coming up on Friday, December 3, is Sinterklaas. Several weeks ago, Mr. Temminck sent out an e-mail, explaining the importance of this celebration for the Dutch people. So in true traditional spirit, Sinterklaas will visit AISR on that Friday - we hope to welcome him about 1:15. The Elementary students, Mr. Temminck and Ms. Benard have prepared a program for his entertainment. Last week, I attended the first PTSA meeting of this year. A very big “Thank You” to all those who volunteered for this very worthy cause! As one of their first events, they will be decorating the indoor tree on Friday December 3, after Sinterklaas has left the building. Then on Monday December 6, the annual Tree Lighting Ceremony will take place in the cafeteria at 2:40 p.m. And last but by no means least, the excitement is mounting around the Snow Queen Performance. The students are doing a fantastic job and now that most of them know their lines, it really looks like it is all coming together. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for December 16, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Gym. The evening promises to be one you won’t soon forget. Important: There is no Elementery swimming Friday Decemeber 3rd - Kindergarten to Grade 5. So as you can see, it is a very busy time between now and the Christmas vacation. In the meantime, have a great weekend and a lovely ‘Thanksgiving’ holiday with your family. Sincerely, Anne Marie Blitz


Anne - Marie Blitz

Anne - Marie Blitz

From the Elementary Principal

From the Elementary Principal

High School Art - Munch ART Trip

Munch Exhibition @ Rotterdam Kunsthal

Nikki van Leijden and David Blackburn

The High School Students visited the Kunsthal Rotterdam to study the works of Edvard Munch, the Norwegian Expressionist painter. The exhibition was laid out chronologically and provided an excellent display of his artistic growth and thematic development over time. The students became all to aware of his obsessions and fears, emotions that seemed to govern most of his creations. Edward Munch was a major influence on the development of Expressionism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. His own artistic experiments with varying materials and techniques took great influence from Impressionism and Symbolism and lead to his own ‘unique’ style. Munch also took inspiration from the new literature of the time which sought to record human fears and anxieties with brutal realism. His personal tragedies, the deaths of his mother and sister, left deep scars in his mind. These too played a very real part in his work. It’s this close association between personal experiences and influences that we hoped the students would pick up on. They could certainly not miss how he incorporated his ideas and obsessions into the vast body of his work on display. After completing some set tasks, where the students observed, sketched and answered a brief questionnaire identifying composition ideas, mood and themes, they were able to visit another part of the gallery with another, equally impressive exhibition on modern Realism. Here they were amazed at the techniques and skills still taught and displayed in modern art.

Nikki van Leijden and David Blackburn

Artist Of The Month... Nikita Grade 10 “Cityscape” Acrylic on canvas. Cityscape created with use of digital photographs collaged together, to assist with composition and tonal qualities. His brushstrokes and use of color developed in a very expressive manner, “wet-on-wet’ blending and layers are emphasized. Nikki van Leijden



The P.T.S.A.

...a message from the President

Hello, I am Shelly Moseley, your P.T.S.A. president for this school year. We have a very creative and motivated board assembled with Julie Hartig as your vice president, Margaret Kenyon, as your secretary, and Sue Syah, as your treasurer. We had a fun and very productive first meeting on the 10th of November with some parents who are new to the school and some who have been here for a while. A huge thanks to the parents who have been keeping things going while we were getting settled in; especially to Lisa Tobin, and Leen Van Craen, who have been available to the new board members to answer thousands of questions. Thanks also to the school staff and teachers, who have been very helpful as we as we plan meaningful events for our students, staff and families. We look forward to getting to you all better, hearing your ideas, and working together with you in this upcoming year. I hope to see you at the Thanksgiving Luncheon for a traditional holiday meal with your children. We are looking forward to sampling your delicious desserts and working together with some of the parents from the Japanese school to serve these desserts. Our next P.T.S.A. meeting will be a luncheon meeting on Friday, December 3rd in the home of Julie Hartig, We will be meeting from 12:30 to 1:30. Please R.S.V.P. to me at Mosfam1@gmail.com if you would like to attend. Please feel free to email me with any suggestions or ideas that you would like to share. I look forward to getting to know you all better.


g n o l A e m o C Please

You are Invited to

The Annual AISR Than ksgiving Luncheon Wednesday, November 24t


Sliced Turkey Mashed Potatoes and Gra vy Green Beans and Cranbe rry Sauce Join us in celebrating a trad itional Thanksgiving Feast with your child. Tickets will be on sale for 5 euros per person , students are free of cha rge. A dining schedule will be posted so that you may join your child in their cla ss at their designated lunch time. *****Parents will donate desserts for the luncheon so we all have a "sweet treat" to be tha nkful for.***** See you there! Sue Syah, PTSA Treasu rer


Grade 3 Update

3rd Graders Step Up To The Plate...

Bradley Gooding

Since school started in August, the third grade class at AISR has been busy adjusting to the changes that come with being third graders. Part of these changes include nightly homework, letter grades, oral presentations, independent research, as well as staying organized and being responsible for the work. To be sure, these adjustments of getting older have proved to be challenging for the students, but all of them are rising to meet them with a great deal of confidence and enthusiasm. To highlight a few of the most popular challenges, in our recent study of mathematics, the class has been focused on data and graphing. Last week, we visited every classroom of the elementary school to conduct interviews and record the information we gathered. Typical inquiries included: what is your favorite flavor of ice cream?; what is your favorite holiday?; how do you get to school?; and of course, the ubiquitous, do you like school? The class is now busy with compiling the data into graphic form in order to make comparisons and conclusions from their findings. IPC finds us busy with volcanoes and earthquakes. Perhaps the most popular activity of this unit was last Friday, when each student made a fully operational seismograph in class. The class was thrilled to gain a hands-on understanding of how earthquakes are measured. Moreover, their teacher was especially impressed to observe over an hour and half of intense concentration in order to reach a goal. In Language Arts, we have been focused on pushing ourselves to become better readers and writers. This has included reading novels such as Phantom Tollbooth and A Wrinkle in Time, a pen-pal program with an international school in Los Angeles, learning the various parts of speech with the help of Schoolhouse Rock, and then turning that knowledge into what we affectionately know as ‘super-sentences.’ Such activities are designed to enhance the quality of our central focus with Language Arts: story writing. To date, the students stories of two different genres and they are currently getting ready to begin work on their third effort. Finally, in what could be the students’ favorite subject – P.E. – we have been busy with a few notable activities. For instance, in order to learn a little more about leadership, we recently began helping the Pre-K1 class as their P.E. buddies under the careful supervision of Mr. Wah. Also, on November 2, our class participated in a fun and successful P.E. activity with our third grade counterparts from JSR.

In conclusion, it appears there is nothing this class cannot accomplish together. It only takes a little hard work and commitment to the goal. We are proud to be responsible for part of the school’s paper recycling program and are equally proud to lead the elementary school in lunchtime ‘table trophies.’ We give weekly reports on current events and various countries on our globe. We read and write poetry and often discuss the COR values here at AISR. And all of this we do with a brand of enthusiasm and energy which is absolutely unique to the third grade class at AISR.


The Giving Season

As we step up to the “Giving Season” of darkest winter, we often think of those less fortunate than ourselves and how we can help them. The last few months of C.A.S. have already been very eventful. The High School Student Council is very active this year. They organized a 50/50 raffle at the Welcome Back Picnic, and raised €100 for AMREF FLYING DOCTORS. A further €50 for AMREF was raised at the Pre-K thru 5th Grade Halloween Party, a “first” in the history of the High School Student Council. A soup evening will place at the Havenzicht homeless shelter on December 3, as a follow up to the Thanksgiving Drive, which is held annually at AISR. Please bring hats, gloves, scarves and toiletries to help the homeless at this cold time. You may bring these gifts right up until the Thanksgiving Dinner at school on Wednesday, November 24. In fact, think of these gifts as your way of being thankful. Your gifts will be wrapped up and given as Sinterklaas gifts to the clients of the Havenzicht homeless shelter. The Havenzicht personnel have said that they will also be happy to receive toiletries the whole year through, especially the airplane business packs, and smaller sized items, some of which were given the last time. It’s wonderful that we have built up such a well-known tradition in the area with the help of so many AISR parents. This has enabled the C.A.S. students to run a sustainable program over the years, which has real meaning within our school and to the local community. Thank you to all of you who will support this action. PLEASE GIVE GENEROUSLY! Another area we need to think about for C.A.S. is to look at issues of global importance and to think of the ethical consequences of our actions. On December 1, you are all invited to a Benefit Concert for the flood victims of Pakistan and India. Students from 3 to 18 years will be performing from 6.30 p.m. until about 7.45 p.m. to support this worthy cause. There will be everything from music to street running and it should be a lot of fun. Mark you calendar with this date, please. In January, 2010 we will collecting again for Bag2School (clean clothes, belts, shoes, bags, bedding and clean soft toys) to raise money for the “Bhav4India” Charity, and for Read to Grow, for English and French language books to be sent all over the world to help school students, adult literacy programs and to build libraries. So, after the winter vacation, it will be time to have a big clear out at home and to support these wonderful charities, which have given recycling a real sense of meaning.

Dear Mrs. Boot, Hope this finds you in the best of health and spirits ! The new academic year 2010 - 2011 ,has begun and wishing you all the very best ! I am sending you the photos of the children who were benefitted with AISR's donation (bag2school) also please find a letter of thanks from the kids themselves . Hope it will be exciting for everyone to know that 6 kids who are from underprivileged backgrounds in Lucknow city( India) ,will study for the whole academic year 2010 - 2011 with the money AISR sent to them through me. It is a big relief to the parents who were struggling to pay the school fee of their children due to very poor financial conditions .My father met the school Principal and is in touch with her on a regular basis. The kids are doing fine and have an urge to continue their education. The letter attached is in Hindi so I am translating it for you. It says: “We would like to Thank the students of AISR for their selfless and affectionate contribution made towards our education ,also we wish all of you a bright future and a Happy life . A very affectionate Thanks to all of you from us. we love you ! From your Indian Friends...” Warm Regards Bhavana Shukla


C.A.S. Round Up

C.A.S. Round Up

From the Library

From the Library...

Melissa van Ringelesteijn and Maria Teresa Sorondo de Lara YOU ARE WHAT YOU READ!

Join this NEW & AWESOME BOOK Networking Site: YOU ARE WHAT YOU READ http://youarewhatyouread.scholastic.com/ This community of readers site was designed by Scholastic, the world’s largest publisher and distributor of children’s books and creators of educational technology and children’s media. There is a separate kid friendly community for young readers. Discover new books through an interactive web that shows how users’ Bookprints are connected Find and connect with users across generations and from around the world to see the books in their Bookprints Compare their Bookprints to those of the participating “Names You Know,” and find out if they share a book in their Bookprint with famous athletes, award-winning entertainers, world-renowned scientists, or iconic business leaders "Favorite" other books they like and check out what similar users enjoy reading See which books have been chosen as Favorites from around the world Share a book in the real word through Pass It On, which encourages users to give a favorite book to a family member, a friend, or even a complete stranger.Coming Soon: Users can join ongoing conversations about books and Bookprints in "Book Buzz," a live feed of comments, news, and reviews. To get started, enter the month and the year of your birthday on the home page. You will then be directed to either the young readers community or adult community of readers. You can then create a username & password as well as begin to set up your book profile (bookprint) to get started! It requires that you enter your name, city and country. SO GET GOING AND GET CONNECTED!

WE NEED YOU! Would you like to come to the Library as a volunteer just an hour a week? ...Just send an e-mail to m.lara@aisr.nl indicating which day of the week and what time suits you best. Maria Teresa Sorondo de Lara

GLOBAL BOOKMARK EXCHANGE Grades 1-5 will soon be taking part in a Global Bookmark Exchange organized by Children’s Author, Margriet Ruurs. During Library time, each student will design a bookmark for another student in a different country as well as receive one from them! Fun! Happy Reading,

From The Office

Melissa van Ringelesteijn

From The Office.

...the AISR Telephone Directory

Dear AISR Parents, We will at long last be publishing the AISR Telephone Directory this week and it will be sent out in the post. If you DO NOT wish to have your telephone number listed in the Directory please email Mrs. George-Kelso as soon as possible and let her know. Also if you have recently changed your home telephone number or updated any other relevant information please let us know. The email address is: a.george-kelso@aisr.nl. Thank you for your help.

AISR School Office


Laurence Chambers

Any member of the community (students, parents, child-minders, staff) showing a fever of 38°C (100.4°F) or above with or without any of the following symptoms MUST be kept at home and is not allowed at AISR for a minimum of 24 hours after the symptoms have disappeared without medication. A sudden cough Headache Tiredness Chills Aching muscles

• • • •

Limb or joint pain Diarrhea or upset stomach Sore throat Runny nose

• •

If your child is unwell and unable to come to school, please contact me at:

Sneezing Loss of appetite

l.chambers@aisr.nl 010 422 5351.

AISR Yearbook

...for your information

Dear Parent or Student, Get your pictures in the yearbook! The Yearbook Staff invites students and parents to submit photos for the yearbook. If you've got great photos of school and community events or you and your friends just having fun, we'd like to see them. Our photographers can't be everywhere. Help us get as many photos as possible to create a terrific book everyone will want to have.

AISR Yearbook

• • • • •

Nurse’s Corner

Nurse’s Corner

Here is how you can submit photos online: • Go to: https://images.jostens.com/login • If it does not automatically log you into the site, enter username:400055710 and password:adviser1 • Browse to select the photo(s) you wish to upload. • Enter information about the photo and provide contact information in case the staff needs additional information. • Click "Save Details". It's that easy! Submit your photos today! The last day to submit photos is 30th of January 2011. The Yearbook Staff will review all photos and determine final yearbook content. We cannot guarantee that all submissions can be used in the book. Thank you, and enjoy the rest of the school year! Sincerely,

An Appeal from the Early Childhood Department The Early Childhood Department is kindly requesting parents to send in unwanted gloves, underclothes and other winter wear for children age 3-5 years. They are to be used in situations where students loose items or get them too dirty to continue wearing in class.

Many Thanks


An Appeal...

Yearbook Adviser and the 2011 Yearbook Staff.

Rob Zeilstra

Sports -

Rob Zeilstra

Sporting News

NECIS Round Up... U14 VOLLEYBALL TAKE HOME THE PLATE Exhausting" and "exciting" are the two words that best describe the NECIS tournament for the U14 girls volleyball team. The girls played 5 games in two days, which translated into 21 sets. The girls beat Copenhagen to start the tournament on a high note. They lost in 3 sets to a very good Luxembourg team (the eventual 3rd place team) and lost a heartbreaker in 5 sets to the International School of Amsterdam. On the final day of the tournament, the girls rose early to take on Antwerp, a team they had lost to just two weeks before. The girls were able to shake off the disappointment of the ISA loss the day before, and triumphed over Antwerp in 5 sets. They then faced a very good Dusseldorf team who had lost in 5 sets to the American School of the Hague, the eventual tournament winner, the day before. Knowing they had nothing to lose and everything to gain, the Sharks played their best volleyball of the season. After losing the first set 25 to 12, the Sharks rallied to win the next 3 sets, 25 to 13, 25 to 19 and 17 to 15. During the final two sets, the girls put everything together - they controlled the offense, dominated at the net and dove for every loose ball. Marianne Meyers gets special mention because her serves absolutely took the Dusseldorf team out of the game. In fact, it was her excellent serving that clinched the win for the Sharks in the 4th set. At the end of the day, the Sharks' three wins brought home the tournament plate--a great way to celebrate Yebin's 15th birthday. Yeah baby! Coach Tobin STIJN VAN DER ZEE- CHOSEN AS BOY'S VARSITY SOCCER MVP It wasn't easy to pick an MVP for the tournament, as all the players performed at 110% of their capabilities. However, one 14 year old stood out. He never stopped running, he never complained when someone twice his size knocked him to the ground. Like the rest of the team he just got back up and tried again. Not only did Stijn show courage defensively, but he also showed plenty of skill offensively. Well done Stijn, you deserve to be our MVP at NECIS. OTHER NECIS RESULTS... U12 VOLLEYBALL The U12 Volleyball team became runner-up for the plate. The Sharks won against ISA and CIS, lost against the 2 finalists ASH and AIS and after a thrilling game against ISD finished at an excellent 6th place at this year's NECIS tournament. The whole team played with heart and desire and many coaches from other schools pointed out the outstanding fighting spirit and hard work! Good job team! Coach Meyers

U14 SOCCER A group of enthusiastic players, who just never gave up, and who were frustrated when the coaches and the tournament director decided to keep the 2 - 2 score of the last game in the books. We didn't have time to extend the game to force a decision. Both Copenhagen and AISR ending 3rd in the Plate competition in the Necis 2010. It was a glorious match, the last one. We had completely changed the team and focussed on enjoying the sport. All players were aware that it was going to be a celebration of learning new skills, of learning how to deal with disappointment and to be part of a team. It was great to end with the feeling of being hungry for more soccer! Also the support of the parents in this picture was SUPER! Mrs.Josten had brought so many nice rolls and a water cooker for hot chocolate and soup. You could see all other teams looking at our table thinking: We may have beaten them on the field, but in this tent they are the true champions! Thank you so much for coming. If you could take a good look at the faces: In it you read their progression, their growth, their friendship and their talents. Beautiful people, Go Sharks! Coach Temminck JV VOLLEYBALL The excitement of tournament play saw some great play from the Lady Sharks, who in their first match lost twice 21-25 vs the eventual champ ASH. The girls first game was their best and the rest must be seen as disappointing loosing 4 more games, and unfortunately 3 in 5 sets. Regardless there were some bright spots and we had a fun time at least. We laughed and played hard regardless of the score in the end. Coach Zeilstra VARSITY SOCCER The Varsity Soccer Team travelled to Amsterdam for for the NECIS Soccer tournament this year. The team knew that it was going to be a difficult three days, but despite this, spirits were high as they have been all season. In the first game of the tournament we took on a very strong Hamburg side, losing eventually 6-0. This may sound like a big score line, however, if you could have seen the size of some of the "men" we were playing against, you will quickly realize that this was a satisfying result for the Sharks. Next up was the Amsterdam team that had beaten us 18-1 in the regular season! The boys, undaunted by the task ahead of them, went about their business. The team worked extremely hard in the game, and managed to carve out a couple of chances. Some bad luck saw Guilermo's great free kick ruled out for off-side (the ref later apologized, saying it was a goal!). The final score was 6-0, on a very rainy, windy, and cold day. This felt almost like a victory, the improvement that the boys had showed from their previous outing against Amsterdam was there for all to see, 6-0 was certainly a huge improvement on the previous 18-1 score line.


Against Stigtuna, the boys played well, and created many goal scoring chances, unfortunately, luck wasn't on our side, with Manny hitting the post, and coming very close on two other occasions. Toward the end of the game, pressure from Stijn forced a handball in the area, giving The Sharks a penalty, Drew stepped up to take it. He struck the ball well, but the keeper saved it, however, the quick footed Drew followed up and put in the rebound! GOAL SHARKS!!!! The Sharks lost the game, but came of the field feeling good about the way the game ended. A depleted Sharks team faced Stavengar on the last day. Despite playing the entire tournament with 1 or no substitutes, the Sharks were full of running. It was an amazing sight to see boys facing a clearly impossible task, still giving it their all. The game was eventually lost. But the Sharks never say die attitude will always be in my memory. The coaching staff from Luxemburg made a point to come and shake the hands of our players at the final whistle, their reason..."we really admire the courage of your team" is what they told me. It was a tough weekend, and a tough season. And we will want to forget many of the games, however, the lessons learned will always be remembered, and will help each player at different stages in their lives. Life is for life, football is temporary. Well done boys, I am very proud of how you carried yourselves throughout the season and at NECIS.

Athletes of the Week... November 4th - 11th, 2010 Chloe is a member of the U14 Volleyball Team and has made tremendous progress this year, becoming a very strong passer. Not only can her teammates count on her to keep the ball in play, but she has proven time and again that she is willing to "hit the floor" in order to get loose balls. Chloe has worked particularly hard on her serves and has grown in confidence in that area, Chloe has been an integral part in our success and has been dedicated to her team, attending each practice and game. Congratulations Chloe!

EXPLANATION OF THE RECOGNITION: Each week AISR coaches select a student/athlete that has shown outstanding achievement in one or more of the following: Leadership, Sportsmanship, Skill Improvement, Outstanding Play at Games, Excellence in Practice, Concern for fellow Teammates, Encouraging Others, and other efforts deserving recognition. This person can be chosen from any of the SHARK Teams.

Away Games Coming Up.... Please check the Athletics page on the AISR website ical for future scheduled games:



Sporting News

The next day The Sharks took on the best team in the tournament, eventual champions, Dusseldorf. The team had not much choice but to play very negatively. Guilermo, our top player, was out of the tournament with a knee injury. Manny, our speedy striker was also out of the game. So the team played extremely defensively. For periods of the game we managed to keep Dusseldorf at bay, but eventually their superior strength and skill wore us down. The game ended at 8-0. Another big score? I suppose you could say so. But lets put things in perspective, only 4 weeks ago The Sharks lost to the Dusseldorf JV team by the same score. So 8-0 against the Dusseldorf Varsity looks to be a big improvement.

Community Announcements And Classifieds

To Advertise here contact:

g.gamble@aisr.nl or Tel + 31 (0)10 422 5351

If you have an article you would like to publish in the Shark, please send it to :

theshark@aisr.nl The deadline for submissions is Monday 13th December.

Crafts POLISH POTTERY HOLIDAY SALE http://qraftshop.com/ When: 10:00 a.m. To 4:00 p.m. *Saturday 20th November 2010 Where: Joris Hoeneveldstraat 9, 3065ND Rotterdam Contact us: email: aurora@qraftshop.com mobile: +31 653157976 (after 05:00 p.m.). Follow the website over the coming days as we will be releasing more information about the products.

Therapy and Personal Development “Hands to help and hearts to care” Do you need to talk to someone to express your difficulties and challenges with raising your child? Katherine Fortier, an educational and child psychologist, will lead the parents group. “...an opportunity to discuss their concerns and develop strategies to help their children and manage their own stress.” For further information or to register, Please email hearts.2care@yahoo.com or call Rubina Anis on mobile 06-52072084.

MULTIPLE PATTERNS - 7 different patterns including artist hand painted finishing *If you are unable to make this date, you are more than welcome to come on another date and time when it is convenient for you.

Languages Would you like to improve your English ? Now is a great time to start studying in small friendly groups of adults with English teacher, Susannah Tomlinson. “Why not give it a go?” More details are available at reception, or contact Susannah via email: susannah.tomlinson@yahoo.com or telephone: 040-8428486

Services Treasured memories? Old or damaged photos restored: I can repair most images to a high level of presentation and provide a digital image and photo-print of the restored image. If interested please email me, David Blackburn. Email: mrblackburnart@gmail.com

Culture BALLET CLASSES: For ages 3 and up in the AISR building. The classes will be taught by Sue Manville who trained at The Royal Academy of Dance in London. Sue has 20 years experience of ballet teaching and choreography, in the United States, UK, Australia, Greece, Spain and Brazil.

LIFE COACHING – MIND AND BODY INC. With my skills, I can help you: • UNDERSTAND YOURSELF BETTER! • USE YOUR INHERENT SKILLS MORE EFFECTIVELY • CONTROL YOUR WEIGHT AND STAY FIT IN A NATURAL WAY • UNDERSTAND YOUR CHILDREN BETTER • ULTIMATELY LEARN THAT JOY IS WITHIN YOU SPECIAL NEEDS TUTORING for Children • Gifted and Talented (including underachieving gifted), ADD and ADHD, Learning Disabilities, Behavior Management, Asperger's, Autism, Down's Syndrome, Fine Motor Skills. • HELP AND SUPPORT FOR PARENTS of children with Special Needs PLEASE CONTACT ME, SANDRA, @ EMAIL: joyandpower@gmail.com MOBILE: 06-16593856.

Sandra B.A. Psychology, M.A. English Literature, M.S. Special Education (USA).

Help Wanted LOOKING FOR AN ENGLISH SPEAKING AU PAIR: We are looking for a “live out” Au Pair to work full time (7:45 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.) from Tuesday to Friday to look after 3 children ages 5, 3 and 9 months. We are looking for someone who has experience with young children. If you are interested please contact me via email: donatella.sanna@fastwebnet.it

If interested, please email Sue Manville at sue.manville@gmail.com stating your child’s age.

GUITAR LESSONS: Private Guitar Lessons, after school at AISR or at home. Please contact bob@bobhamilton.net or visit www.bobhamilton.net more info. All ages and styles, flexible scheduling for both students and parents! Email: bob@bobhamilton.net

The AISR accepts no responsibility for the community announcements, services and items advertised.

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