Solutions Profile: Wind Engineering Study

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Solutions Profile

Wind Engineering Study

Technology  Engineering  Environment  Development  Management

Wind Engineering Study

Content Why do we need wind tunnel study?


What We offer?


What We deliver ? 05 Appendix A: Organizational Profile



Asian Institute of Technology

AIT Solutions 09


Appendix B: Selected Projects


Appendix C: Key Experts


Wind Engineering Study

Why do we need wind tunnel study? Wind tunnel studies helps in enhancing the reliability and cost effectiveness of the structural design especially unique or unusual architectural shapes which are not specified on standard code, besides this wind tunnel study helps in:

Ensuring the occupant comfort to motion sickness due to wind-induced motion.

Optimizing façade design in terms of cost effectiveness and risk of façade failure.

Accurately obtain wind effects at specific site by incorporating proximity buildings and terrain

Verifying and improving pedestrian comfort and safety at public outdoor areas for their


intended use.


Wind Engineering Study

What we offer? AIT Solutions established in Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand has been involved with projects of varying complexities to conduct wind engineering studies, which includes wind effects on structures, aero elasticity, and wind tunnel model tests.

Wind Tunnel Study

Wind Tunnel Model

Wind Tunnel Data and Analysis

To: accurately estimate the wind model for the specific site. By: statistical analysis together with historical ind speed information and roughness changes experienced by wind passing by proximity buildings.

Proximity Model

Overall Structure Loads

To: reproduce actual wind condition around the target site. By: building proximity models of buildings or wind blocks of surrounding area with min. radius of 400 m..

To: obtain dynamic building responses of the proposed development. By: measuring base shear forces, base overturning moment and base torque, which are then combined with structural properties of the building.

Force Balance Model

Cladding Pressure Studies

To: have very high natural frequency By: using light-weight foam and high-modulus string at the center.

To: achieve an accurate estimate of the design wind load on cladding panels. By: by measuring local wind-induced pressure across the external surface of the proposed building incorporating with internal pressures considering potential effect of window breakage.

Pressure Model To: meet high degree of accuracy which also includes detail architectural features. By: using rapid prototype technique a model is built which is then instrumented with large number of pressure measuring taps connected to peumaic tubes.


Environmental Wind Studies To: ensure pedestrian safety and comfort. By: using Irwin-probes to measure wind speed at pedestrian height at different key areas both ground and/or elevated levels such asthoroughfares, entrances, outdoor seating, and public areas.

Service Profile | Wind Engineering Study Wind Engineering Study

What We Deliver What We Deliver Based on AIT Solutions service offering for conducting wind tunnel study we deliver a technical Based on AIT Solutions service offering for conducting wind tunnel study we deliver a technical report for a proposed project that provides information on: report for a proposed project that provides information on:

Overall Structural Loads Overall Structural Loads

Elevation (m)

The Client will be provided with information on: The Client will be provided with information on: • Base load coefficients (CFX, CFY, CMX, components (FX, FY, and MZ) including load combination factors. • CMY, CMZ) for all wind directions with 10° Base load coefficients (CFX, CFY, CMX, components (FX, FY, and MZ) including increments. CMY, CMZ) for all wind directions with 10° load combination factors. • Sensitivity study of peak base loads and 200 increments. Fx • Peak magnitude base loads (FX, FY, MX, accelerations for loads 3 sets 180 • wind-induced Sensitivity study of peak base and Fy 160 MY, and MZ) including static and dynamic of damping ratios and building natural • Peak magnitude base loads (FX, FY, MX, wind-induced accelerations for 3 sets 140 effects on provided periods. MY, and based MZ) including static andstructural dynamic of damping ratios and building natural 120 properties for specified return structural period effects based on provided periods. 100 • Assessments of wind-induced building design wind speeds. properties for specified return period 10-year building return 80 • accelerations Assessments for of 1-and wind-induced design wind speeds. 60 • Floor-by-floor equivalent static loads based period winds compliance standard accelerations for 1-and with 10-year return 40 provided structural 3 criteria. • on Floor-by-floor equivalentproperties static loadsfor based period winds compliance with standard 20 on provided structural properties for 3 criteria. 0 -450.000 -400.000 -350.000 -300.000 -250.000 -200.000 Shear Force, (kN)

Elevation (m)


-450.000 -400.000 -350.000 -300.000 -250.000 -200.000 Shear Force, (kN)

-150.000 -100.000






















0 0.000

0 0.000




Elevation (m)


-150.000 -100.000






Torsion, (MN-m)

200 180

Exampleof offloor-by-floor floor-by-floorequivalent equivalentstatic staticwind windloads loads Example



Elevation (m)

140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0.000




Torsion, (MN-m)





Service Profile | Wind Engineering Study Wind Engineering Study

Cladding Cladding Pressure Pressure Studies Studies The Client will be provided with information on: The Client will be provided with information on: Peak positive and negative external • • Wind climate analysis results. cladding pressures from all wind directions • Graphical assessment maps for comfort with 10° increments and safety criteria. • Peak positive and negative net cladding • Summary of assessment criteria for each pressures from all wind directions with 10° key areas. increments • • Recommendations wind mitigation for Peak positive andof negative differential critical areas. pressures for panels , which expose to wind both sides such as rooftop parapets and balconies, from all wind directions with 10° increments •

Environmental Wind Studies

3D colored-contours of recommended cladding pressures

The Client will be provided with information on: •

Wind climate analysis results

Graphical assessment maps for comfort and safety criteria.

Summary of assessment criteria for each key areas.

Recommendations of wind mitigation for Example of assessment map for• comfort and safety ratings critical areas.

Example of assessment map for comfort and safety ratings.

6 6

Wind Engineering Study

Appendix A:

Organizational Profile


Wind Engineering Study

Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)

Established in Bangkok in 1959, AIT is a leading regional postgraduate institution and is actively working with public and private sector partners throughout the region and with some of the top universities in the world. The mission of AIT is to develop highly qualified and committed professionals who play leading roles in the region’s sustainable development and its integration into the global economy. AIT’s academic programs are provided by the three schools, with many fields of academic study and research areas, over one hundred highly qualified faculty members and researchers, and numerous Centers of Excellence that support the various functions of the institution. In addition to academic programs, AIT has completed over 800 research and consulting projects, having a total value of 2.4 Billion Baht. The schools and Centers at AIT extend consulting services in each of their own areas of knowledge and expertise. AIT extends its consulting and research services to fulfill its professional and societal responsibilities related to sustainable development, specifically towards its stakeholders and to society in general.


Wind Engineering Study

AIT Solutions (AITS) AIT Solutions aims to increase the spread of AIT’s science and technology knowledge, establish higher science, engineering and technology standards, develop innovative technology solutions and collaborate with institutions for sharing knowledge, information, experience and expertise in order to achieve its vision of enhancing the application of science and technology for development. AITS intends to develop technology, engineering, environment, development, and management alternatives to bring a successful sustainable development strategy in to the rapidly developing world. AIT Solutions will provide an integrated link to meet the requirements of the client in various capacities by utilizing the resources and capabilities available within AIT, as well as its partner institutions and other linkages.






AIT Partners

AIT Resources

AIT Alumni

building & conStruction technology

collaborative innovation

it & mobile comPuting

energy & environment SolutionS

reSilient StructureS

KnoWledge ProductS

Wildlife enforcement monitoring SyStem


Wind Engineering Study

Innovation Lab (iLab) at AIT Solutions, AIT, serve as a student-centric creativity hub, offering a platform to students, researchers, innovators, and entrepreneurs to nature their promising ideas through collaborative approach, and develop sustainable and scalable solutions, processes, and products.

The Asian Center for Engineering Computations and Software (ACECOMS) was established in 1995 as one of the first centers of excellence at the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). It aims to provide an impetus to the research in engineering computations, the development of quality computer software tools for engineering applications and training on their effective use.

Habitech Center is a research and development center for building components and building technology at the AIT Solutions. Habitech Center has conducted research and developed various building components that are environmentally friendly, energy-efficient and cost-effective. This cost-effective building system is named Habitech Building System. This system has been tested, demonstrated and disseminated through various housing projects in Thailand and in other countries throughout Asia and Pacific.


Wind Engineering Study

Appendix B:

Selected Projects


Service Profile | Wind Engineering Study

Service Profile | Wind Engineering Study Service Profile | Wind Engineering Study Wind Engineering Study

Selected Projects Selected Projects Ayala 6747 Selected Selected Projects Ayala 6747 Projects Selected Projects Ayala Ayala 6747 6747

Gramercy Residences Gramercy Residences Client: Century Properties, Inc. Client: Century Properties, Inc. Number of Stories:70 stories + 5 basements Number of Stories:70 stories + 5 basements Gramercy Residences Gramercy Residences Gramercy Residences Type ofof Building: Residential Building Type Building: Residential Building Client: Century Properties, Inc. Client: Century Properties, Inc. Client: Century Properties, Inc. Location: Makati, Philippines Location: Makati, Philippines Number of Number of Stories:70 stories + 5 basements Number ofStories:70 stories + 5 basements Stories:70 stories + 5 basements Scope ofof Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads) Scope Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads) Type of Building: Residential Building Type Typeof ofBuilding: Building:Residential Building Residential Building Location: Makati, Philippines Location: Location:Makati, Philippines Makati, Philippines Scope of Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads) Scope Scopeof ofWork: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads) Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads)

Ayala AyalaTriangle TriangleGardens Gardens(Hotel (Hotel&& Office OfficeTower) Tower) Ayala Triangle Ayala Triangle Gardens (Hotel & OfficeTower) Tower) Office

1212 12 12 12

Buddha Statue Buddha Statue Buddha Statue Client: The Crown Property Bureau Client: The Crown Property Bureau Client: The Crown Property Bureau Key features: approximately 40m-tall from the Key approximately 40m-tall from the Buddha Statue Keyfeatures: features: approximately 40m-tall from the Buddha Statue ground level ground level Client: The Crown Property Bureau groundThe Crown Property Bureau level Client: Location: Kanchanaburi, Thailand Location: Kanchanaburi, Thailand Key features: approximately 40m-tall from the Location: Kanchanaburi, Thailand Key features: approximately 40m-tall from the Scope of Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads Scope of Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads ground level Scope of Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads ground level HFFB) HFFB) Location: Kanchanaburi, Thailand HFFB) Location: Kanchanaburi, Thailand Scope of Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads Scope HFFB) of Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads HFFB)

Garden Tower 1-2 Garden Tower 1-2 GardenTower Tower1-2 1-2 Garden

128 Nivel Hills Residences 128 Nivel Hills Residences Client: Sy^2 + Associates, Inc. Client: Sy^2 + Associates, Inc. Number of Stories: Two Towers (42 and 50 Storeys) Number ofHills Stories: Two Towers (42 and 50 Storeys) 128Nivel Nivel Hills Residences 128 Residences 128 Nivel Hills Residences Type of Building: Residential Building Type of Building: Residential Building Client: Sy^2 + Associates, Inc. Client: Sy^2 + Associates, Inc. Client: Sy^2 + Associates, Inc. Location: Makati, Philippines Location: Number ofMakati, Philippines Stories: Two Towers (42 and 50 Storeys) Number of Stories: Two Towers (42 and 50 Storeys) Number of Stories: Two Towers (42 and 50 Scope of Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads Scope of Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads Type Typeof ofBuilding: Residential Building Building: Residential Building Storeys) HFFB, Cladding pressure , and pedestrian wind) HFFB, Cladding pressure , and pedestrian wind) Location: Makati, Philippines Location: Makati, Philippines Type of Building: Residential Building Scope Scopeof ofWork: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads Location: Makati, Philippines HFFB, Cladding pressure , and pedestrian wind) HFFB, Cladding pressure , and pedestrian wind) Scope of Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads Park Central Towers (North and Park Central Towers (North and HFFB, Cladding pressure , and pedestrian wind)

South South Buildings) Buildings) Park Central Park CentralTowers Towers(North (Northand and South South Buildings) Buildings)

Temple Dome TempleDome Dome Temple Client: Buddha Saengdham Temple Buddha Saengdham Temple Client: Buddha Saengdham Temple Key features: 40m high and 86m of the largest features: 40m high and 86m of the largest Key features: 40m high and 86m of the largest Temple Dome Temple Dome diameter diameter diameter Client: Buddha Saengdham Temple Client: Buddha Saengdham Temple Location: Saraburi, Thailand Saraburi, Thailand Location: Saraburi, Thailand Key features: 40m high and 86m of the largest Scope of Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads Key features: 40m high and 86m of the largest Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads Scope of Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads diameter HFPI) diameter HFPI) Location: Saraburi, Thailand Location: Saraburi, Thailand Scope of Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads Scope of Work: Wind tunnel test (Structural Loads HFPI) HFPI)

Wind Engineering Study

Appendix C:

Key Experts


Wind Engineering Study

Key Experts

Dr. Naveed Anwar

Executive Director, AIT Solutions Asian Institute of Technology

Expertise Academic Qualifications • Doctor of Engineering Structural Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand

• Computational Mechanics, Finite Element Methods, Nonlinear and Dynamic Analysis, • Modeling and Analysis of Bridges, Tall Buildings and Special Structures • Structural system development and evaluation • Investigation of Failures, Design review and Remedial Measure

• M.Eng. Structural Engineering Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand

• Performance-based Design and Evaluation

• B.Sc. Civil Engineering University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore Pakistan

• Professional training and human resource development and capacity building

• Development of Software for Engineering Applications

Current Designations


• Executive Director, AIT Solutions, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand

Dr. Anwar has over twenty-five years of extensive experience in the conception, planning, analysis, design, detailing and evaluation of tall buildings, bridges and special structures, computational mechanics, and the development of software for engineering applications. Dr. Anwar is recognized for numerous honors and awards for his 30-year contribution to the field of structural engineering, computational mechanics, and the development of software for engineering applications.

• Director, Asian Center for Engineering Computations and Software (ACECOMS), School of Engineering and Technology, AIT, Thailand • Affiliate Faculty, Structural Engineering Field of Study, School of Engineering and Technology, AIT, Thailand

Prof. Pennung Warnitchai

Professor, School of Engineering and Technology Asian Institute of Technology

Expertise • Structural Dynamics

Academic Qualifications

• Earthquake Engineering (seismic hazard assessment, earthquake resistant design of structures)

• D. Eng., Structural Engineering University of Tokyo, Japan

• Wind Engineering (wind effects on structures, aero elasticity, wind tunnel model tests)

• M. Eng., Structural Engineering University of Tokyo, Japan

• Bridge Engineering

• B. Eng., Civil Engineering Chulalongkorn University, Thailand


Current Designations • Professor, Structural Engineering Field of Study, School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand


• Control of Structural Vibration

Prof. Pennung has considerable experience when it comes to conducting research projects in seismic hazard and risk assessment. Some of the notable research project that Prof. Pennung has conducted include: Seismic Hazard and Risk Assessment of Six Cities in Bangladesh; Action Plan for Earthquake Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Bangkok, Study on Seismic Design and Retrofit of Building in Thailand. The research and consulting assignment conducted by Prof. Pennung covers national (Thailand) as well as regional (South East Asia, and South Asia).

Wind Engineering Study

Dr. Punchet Thammarak

Senior Instructor, School of Engineering and Technology Asian Institute of Technology

Expertise Academic Qualifications • PhD., The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, May 2009 • B.Eng. (1st Class Honor, Gold Medal), Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, May 2004

Current Designations • Senior Instructor, School of Engineering and Technology, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand

• Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings • Structural Design Review • Structural Evaluation and Remedial Measure • Earthquake Engineering • Performance-based Design and Evaluation of Buildings

Experience Dr. Punchet has intensive experience in carrying out wind and earthquake impact evaluation for given structural system. His expertise include progressively using liner-static, linear-dynamic and other relevant techniques for structural evaluation.

Engr. Thaung Htut Aung Deputy Projects Director, AIT Solutions Asian Institute of Technology

Expertise Academic Qualifications • M. Eng., Structural Engineering Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand • B.E. Civil Engineering Yangon Technological University, Yangon, Myanmar

Current Designations • Deputy Project Director, AIT Solutions, Asian Institute of Technology

• Finite element modeling, analysis and design of tall buildings • Performance-based seismic design • Seismic evaluation and retrofit of existing buildings

Experience Engr. Aung has over 12 years of experience in analysis and design of multistory buildings and other structures, especially in performance-based seismic design of tall buildings. He has been actively engaged in structural system review, development of detailed design of many structural works in Thailand and region.


Wind Engineering Study

Engr. Keerati Tunthasuwatana

Deputy Director, Asian Center for Engineering Computation and Software, Asian Institute of Technology

Academic Qualifications


• M. Eng., Structural Engineering Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand

• Structural Analysis and Design of Buildings and Bridges

• B.Eng., Civil Engineering Kasetsart University, Thailand

• Structural Evaluation and Remedial Measure

Current Designations


• Deputy Director, Asian Center for Engineering Computation and Software, Asian Institute of Technology

Engr. Keerati has over 20 years of experience in analysis and design of multistory buildings and performance based evaluation of buildings. He has been actively working in structural design review and wind tunnel analysis of landmark structures and buildings.

• Structural Design Reviews • Structural Damage Investigation

Dr. Pramin Norachan

Structural Engineering Manager, AIT Solutions Asian Institute of Technology

Expertise Academic Qualifications • Ph.D. Civil and Environmental System Engineering (Structural Engineering), Konkuk University, Korea • M. Eng., Structural Engineering Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand • B.Eng., Civil Engineering King Mongkut’s University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand

Current Designations • Structural Engineering Manager, AIT Solutions, Asian Institute of Technology


• Structural Analysis and Design of Tall Buildings • Structural Design Review • Performance-Based Seismic Design and Evaluation of Buildings • Progressive Collapse Evaluation of Buildings

Experience Dr. Pramin has more than 5 years of experience in seismic performance based evaluation of residential buildings other structures in Thailand and region. Specifically, he has been actively engaged in construction stage analysis of prestressed concrete bridges, time-dependent analysis of prestressed concrete structures, simulation of wave and current forces on offshore structures.

Wind Engineering Study

Engr. Kanin Srisopa

Lead Engineer, Wind Engineering, AIT Solutions Asian Institute of Technology

Academic Qualifications • M. Eng., Structural Engineering Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand • B.Eng., Civil Engineering Kasetsart University, Thailand

Current Designations • Lead Engineer, Wind Engineering, AIT Solutions, Asian Institute of Technology

Expertise • Wind Engineering (wind tunnel testing, wind effects on structures, environmental wind study) • Structural Dynamics • Laboratory Instrumentations • Digital signal processing

Experience Engr. Kanin has a wide experience in conducting wind tunnel test for structural wind loads, cladding pressure, and environmental study. He has been working in projects for wind tunnel tests in Thailand, UK, and the USA.

Engr. S. M. Ziauddin

Senior Wind Engineer, AIT Solutions Asian Institute of Technology

Academic Qualifications • M. Eng., Structural Engineering Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand • B.Eng., Civil Engineering Stamford University, Bangladesh

Field of Expertise • Wind Engineering (wind tunnel testing, wind effects on structures, environmental wind study) • Structural Dynamics • Structural Design Review • Performance-based Design and Evaluation of Buildings

Current Designations • Senior Wind Engineer, AIT Solutions, Asian Institute of Technology

Experience Engr. Zia has experience in conducting wind tunnel test for structural wind loads, cladding pressure and for environmental wind study. He has engaged in various wind tunnel test projects in Thailand.


Address: AIT Solutions, Km. 42 Paholyothin Highway, Klong Luang, Pathumthani, 12120, Thailand Tel : +(662) 524 6388 : +(662) 524 5533 Fax : +(662) 524 6655

E-mail : Website:

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