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News in Brief AIT can be a regional hub for sanitation R&D: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation radically improve sanitation for the urban poor in Asia. The AIT-led effort is anchored in science and technology, and is strongly supported by market evidence for development of products that impact people’s lives for the better. According to Dr. Kone, BMGF’s aim for this project is to challenge the Asian research community to come up with new ideas for tackling the poor sanitation situation in developing countries. BMGF is interested in Dr. Doulaye Kone, Senior Program Officer, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (3rd from right) discusses about col- linking up with other R&D organizations in laboration with AIT Interim President, Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai (2nd from right) and other AIT officials. the region, and is considering the idea of AIT as a regional hub for collaboration on sanitaThe US-based Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation visited to familiarize himself with the latest work tion technology research and development, (BMGF) has signified its vision for growing its part- of BMGF-funded Naturally Acceptable and Tech- policy development, and applications for sustainnership with the Asian Institute of Technology nologically Sustainable (NATS), a US$ 5-million able development. (AIT) in aim of improving human sanitation ser- AIT project spearheaded last year by Dr. Thamvices in developing countries, one of the Founda- marat Koottatep of Environmental Engineering The meeting on May 15 was attended by Prof. tion’s prime sustainable development objectives. and Management at AIT’s School of Environment, Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Interim President of Resources and Development, which aims to “re- AIT; Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut, Vice President On 15-16 May 2013, Dr. Doulaye Kone, Senior invent the toilet”, starting in Thailand, Cambodia, for Research; Prof. Siddharth Jabade, Intellectual Program Officer, BMGF, visited AIT to disclose his Property Specialist, AIT Consulting; and Dr. Thamand Vietnam. idea titled “Sustainable Decentralized Wastewamarat Koottatep. ter Management in Developing Countries: De- NATS applies a market-driven research approach sign, Operation and Monitoring” and to discuss to catalyze commercialization of sustainable de- March 2013 | Bangkok, Thailand about further collaboration with AIT. Dr. Kone centralized wastewater management systems to Source: Media and Communications Unit, AIT

AIT to promote Habitech Building Technology in Africa L-R: Prof. Stephen Olu Ogunlana, former faculty, Structural Engineering, SET, AIT; Dr. Elizabeth Bola Ogunlana, Director and CEO of EPSL Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Interim President, AIT and Mr. Gyanendra R. Sthapit, Interim Director, Habitech Center, SET. Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) will promote Habitech Building Technology in Nigeria and other countries in Africa following the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Elim Project Systems Limited (EPSL), Scotland, UK. The MoU was signed on 17 June 2013 by Dr.

Elizabeth Bola Ogunlana, Director and CEO of (EPSL), and Prof. Worsak Kanok-Nukulchai, Interim President of AIT. Besides promoting Habitech building technology, both parties will also develop joint proposals for submission to prospective funding agencies to

(Details about EPLS are available at this link: Source: Media and Communications Unit, AIT

facilitate the provision of decent and affordable housing in Africa. The MoU also stipulates joint collaborative research projects and joint training courses in the field of building material production and construction, and community development activities in relation to affordable housing. Prof. Stephen Olu Ogunlana, former faculty of Structural Engineering in AIT’s School of Engineering and Technology (SET) and Mr. Gyanendra R. Sthapit, Interim Director, Habitech Center, SET attended the MoU signing ceremony. Habitech Center specializes in creating cost-effective housing system called Self-Contained Housing Delivery System or Habitech Building System. Nearly 150 projects based on this system have already been implemented. June 2013 | Bangkok, Thailand

Technology | April 2014


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