TECHNOLOGY: Disaster Resilience

Page 53

The Aral Sea and Colorado River: Lunar Scenery, Striking Parallels, and Unexpected Lessons for Afghanistan


oing places helps to see bigger things, more so, it

needs in Central Asia further offset the precarious des-

helps seeing common denominators for diverse

ert equilibrium. On top of this, the situation was possibly

human activities. An ecological imbalance, we,

exacerbated by a natural fluctuation of water resources in

humans, bring about in many geographical areas is one

the region, decreasing at the period while the neighboring

of them. In search of such an unfortunate denominator a

Caspian Sea level rose.

group of environmental experts, comprising two Afghans from Balkh University (Mazar-e-Sharif, Afghanistan), and the

Three Soviet republics were a closed club of large-scale

project leader from the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)

users of Amu Darya water. Nowadays, after decades of ab-

visited one of the world’s major environmental disaster

sence, Afghanistan gradually, but inevitably, comes back to

areas – the drying Aral Sea in Central Asia. The group

the club. Complex multilateral negotiations still lie ahead.

assists British Council’s DelPHE program to build capacity for

But the historic Aral Sea trip by Afghan scholars paves the

water protection in Northern Afghanistan through Strategic

way towards a dialogue between people of the upstream

Environmental Assessment, also known as Strategic

and downstream. Strategic water security is one of the keys

Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA). The trip was

to emerging long-term stability in Afghanistan. Strategic

inspired by work of the Amu Darya Basin Network

Environmental Assessment (SEA) would serve the purpose

established by the East West Institute in Brussels. Logis-

of ensuring that water resources for regional and Afghan

tics were facilitated by Berdakh and Marat Utemuratovs

agriculture uses are sustainable in the long run. Afghan

from Karakalpakstan, the area of western Uzbekistan most

water environments (rivers, underground kareze, irrigation

affected by water shortage.

canals, and natural wetlands) are stressed due to a long period of conflict. To avoid environmental collapse the


In the second half of twentieth century, the Aral Sea

post-conflict country is in need of strategic environmen-

“unexpectedly” fell prey to a voracious appetite of human

tal planning. SEA offers an effective procedure for evalu-

development machine requiring ever-increasing volumes

ating likely adverse or positive environmental impacts of

of cotton. The monoculture was notorious for excessive

proposed development projects, plans, and policies. By

water consumption imposing an unsustainable water

identifying ways of improving project selection, planning,

burden on Amu Darya, the river, which feeds the sea.

design, and implementation, it enhances the quality and

Post-Soviet imbalances between energy and irrigation

sustainability of human activities.

Oleg Shipin, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Environmental Engineering and Management, School of Environment, Resources, and Development, Asian Institute of Technology (AIT)

Habibullah Habib, Ph.D.

Chancellor, Kabul University Afghanistan

Measuring 300 km across, the Aral Sea was this size in 20th century until the 1960s

Now, the fragmented remainder of what was once the 4th world’s largest inland water body

Technology | February 2015


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