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We are a non-profit organization that presents music in high quality way I want the music to present the more higher quality way, we are fans of metal music and we do this out of love and because it fills us and we want people to feel our dedication this blog because the blog talks about how we want to show people our perception metal music, we want to reach out to the listeners, and to prove why metal music is quality music, we have to to share the love of metal and we want people to be introduced to the metal world and to show the quality of our Blog.

DEMON’S REPORTS not profitable blog that specializes in promoting and supporting the metal music and alternative art. Photos in the gallery are the author Ajatar and the all text were written by Sapron.


Demon reports


album reviews... 06 Underground of •Laves Eyesdemon reports...04 •Motorheadmetal ... 26 King of kings Bad magic • sapron and ajatara Revealed

GALLERY... 40 • Machine head Dom OMladine, Belgrade 21.09.2015.

• Nile- What •Disturbed -Immortalized should not be •Amorphis unearthed Under the red •Slayer - Repentless cloud •Pentagram•StratovariusCurious Volume Eternal •Iron Maiden - The book of souls


oputon Suo Sexorcist Solace of Requiem Soul Collector The Prophet Mentally Eternal



we are demon



y name is Vladimir Cincović. Sapron as the name I chose because is about a demon that is itself a mysterious guardian of truth, forests and animals, This blog was created out of love for music, because I deal with a lot of music, and I love a lot music, and writing so I decided with my girlfriend Ajatara to create this blog, I write because I want people to see what I see myself in the music, and that readers have a complete feeling of reading my reviews, columns and so on, I want readers who are not familiar themselves with metal world as the metal is a superior and quality music, as well as those who listen to metal to throw complete atmosphere and that among other things, inprove my texts, interesting and special, as well as for metalheads, and for those entering the world of metal, favorite genre of my is black metal.Black metal is the only genre that can convey the truth about evil and darkness in the right way as the only alarm consciousness through the influence of Satanism, the evil and everything else. My main goal is to attract people to metal music, and that people get better acquainted with metal music, this blog will enable this and of course I’ll always wish that the readers properly understand the music, and to accept it.

demon reports



y name is Jelena Indjic and I chose the name Ajatara because it is a demon that has the most influence in my creative work. I’m a designer and photographer on this blog. Music has always been an integral part of my life so this is only one way to expression myself. I hope I have managed to graphically follow the text my boyfriend Sapron and that we continue to receive your support unselfishly. THANK YOU.

Underground of metal


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Demon reports


album reviews

s album review

magic ad B :Motorhead hem

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Demon reports

egendary English heavy metal rock band released the new album which is expected to be a very good and remained true to themeselfs and thier musical presentation.On this album it can be immediately be detected the traditional technical compatibility that is brought to the ideal, acoustics are great and Production is phenomenal and of course it can be readily observed complete access to rock music than metal, more or less in some moments on the album can be heard and access to the metal, heavy metal, but not so much.This album does not deviate from what this band is and thier absolute consistency to their music and what they done in their music past has made them legendary and influential musicians of all genres of music, especially the rock and metal music.Motorhead is a band that is traditionally good for this band there is not bad to be said and completely awaited album from them and that they will never get tired with thier music and that they will always remain legendary and very well remembered name in rock and metal music.


album reviews

isturbed D : w revie ed z i l bum Al iImmorta S f o d


un ro a S G e & h 11.”T (Simon r) ce e n v e l e o h C t ng u l f o e o r k e n W fu Yo er e Ey t v e h h T g N . “ 1 Tau 12. o d m h e r z Sto mortali ul One 3.”W o Hate nus 1 o b f t e m n 2. I e Veng Eyes ow itio H d e r e lux 3. Thpen You e D 4.“O e Light ou Wait- tracks rant no h Y M y T f T e ” 5. Ar 4.” gion o t 1 a h .”Le he 6.”W or t 5 1 d n e ers e Brave a ing F u’re Min t s ”Th . 7.”Yoho 6 t 1 s a 8.”W ve Our L old B a 9.”S bye Good ire It Up 10.”F



Demon reports

egendary American alternative metal band has realised a new album that is all but good it is very bad .On this album it can be immediately be noticed division of musical presentations of the band, in one part of the album they remained true to themselfs, nd a bigger part of the album has a commercial approach to music, also it can be noticed a lot of generic sound that blends with electronic music and sound chaotically and there is no metal as a genre, and eventhere is no metal sound too on this album. The technical way of playing is solid and almost brought to an ideal, precisely because of this generic sound,acoustics are great and the production is fenomenal.On this album it can also be heard a infuence of pop music, the band wanted to do something different to get more attention and to be commercial. In some moments they remained true to themselfs, but not sufficiently in the right way and album is a genre disaster. Also they are lower songs and by that not only one ballad song but almost the hole album. Also on the album they returned to their classic approach to music but still a partial with a generic electronic muziku.Texts are great as always, this is a band that is known for its good texts, but even that will not help to gain a better impression of the album also it can help the vocalist of the album who is one of the best vocalists in the metal scene, and music.This album takes you into the world of love, hate, suffering, pain, truth , darkness, good and evil, the band wanted with this album to convey life itself as love is a good thing and of course the painful truth of this world as a bad thing.Disturbed is a band that has always been a specific and special band always had something of their own in music but with this album they lost thier authenticity and their status as the best new age alternative metal band.


album reviews

morphis A : w revie red cloud Album the h Under k Pat e Red

r th e d n 1. U d Clou ise W r u Fo e h T 2. Ones lood B d 3. Ba ull k S e 4. Th ing K a h of t a e 5. D ifice r c a 6 .S


7. Da


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Ga e h t at s

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9. Tr


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12. W


rin p S e th


Demon reports


egendary Finnish melodic death metal band released a new album which is phenomenal in every sense.

n this album it can be readily observed that this band entirely remained true to themselfs and to their way of presenting their music, as well as technical compliance which is brought to the ideal, acoustics are great, phenomenal production, also on the album it can noticed the influence of ambient, symphonic, acoustic, atmospheric and folk music and everything is perfect blended with death metal as well as the melodic metal that is melodic death metal, creating a special experience and impression of the music itself, and that the melody sound was complete at hole album with all genres of music that are present on the album, as well as the new vocalist that fully fits with this album and sounds quietly but effectively calming and that voice fits perfectly with the melody of the album.


his album takes you into the world of paganism in every respect, love, grief, death, darkness, despair and pain.

morphis is a band that is traditionally good specific and different in their own way always remain true to ithemself and superior musicians and thier music and metal display entirely artistic and nicer, the band that stays true virtuosos of the sound and vocals which is completely different and authentic with both style of metal singing and the vocal thst is certainly on the top for the best vocals in metal music and also death metal music, fully fenomenal album with great band, and a real melodic death metal shows diversity and with other genres of music at its best.


album reviews

ram g enta P : w revie Volume Album Curiousn and Die w o sh D u y P a r L 1. pte m e T ead e h D T y . r 2 Bu d a e ht g i l 3. D F rth ne 4. Ea o l A lk me u 5. Wa l o us V ood o i r u rst 6.C e d n u et s k i s M a 7. eC h T e s 8. Clo Sufferin’ und o 9. r g lay P It s ’ l e i d v a e 10. D cause I M e 11. B



Demon reports

he legendary American rock and heavy metal band released an album that is absolutely phenomenal in every sense. It shows a real and true power of the music itself as well as a heavy metal too. On this album it can be readily observed that the band is fully technically incorporated , and that it remained fully true to themselfs and their musical presentation, acoustics are great and the production is phenomenal. This album takes you into the world of heavy metal in its best glory at the end of 70’s and beginning 80’s when the music had real meaning and when people listened to music because they loved it and enjoyed it not to judge others because there are listening to other music and to what they listen. Band that is traditionally good, the legends that is sad to say that almost no one has heard of them, but everywhere there is thier influence in metal music, primal superiour musicians and a true heavy metal in its full release and glory.


album reviews

aiden M ron ls I : w sou revie of Album book he T two c s i D ory l G r th o of the a e D 1. ows d a h n 2. S y w o l C e Vall ars of a Sor3. Te e Man of 4. Th he rows pire of t 5. Emd Clou

ne o c s Di uld o h S ity n r e t 1. If E ht g i L l i f a F d o Une e p 2. S e Great 3.Th n the d w n a o kn e Red 4. Thk iver R c a e l B th n e h uls 5. W Deep o S f Runs e Book o 6. Th



Demon reports


egendary British rock heavy metal band released a new album, which is a mixture of all the best of the rock music and heavy metal too at much lesser degree this time, the album is a solid not phenomenal and do not show the true potential of this legendary band.


n this album it can be noticed the technical compliance of which is brought to the ideal by which the band is known of and for great acoustics and phenomenal production that is of course present on this album. This album takes you into the world of the occult, apocalypse, truth, darkness, evil, despair, destruction.


his band stayed true to themeselfs to some extent but not sufficient cause the album made to be a rock album, but they put their standard heavy metal sound to it and is also consistency of their musical presentation is present, essentially a mixture of high-quality rock and heavy metal music that is integrated ideal, but there is more rock music than they should be, also it can be observed the influence of atmospheric and acoustic music that is also ideally integrated with the rest of the album.


ron Maiden is a band that is very famous for going over the barriers and borders in every thought and I in the intellectual way also,legendary band that made its reputation with good music and stories, on this album this exacty thing can be felt too, but not in excessive measure, phenomenal texts as always are on this album too which the band themeselfes are know of, but too much rock music, brings the guestion will this band be again a heavy metal band, in essence a real rock and metal release in every sense something different but sounds good, rock and metal music at its full strength, together joing forces to concure the world this time.

album reviews

yes E es v La w: ie v s re g Album ing of kin K

i รฐ CA) รฆ v ldsk a r a rs H e . t 9 a n W eve ng i w z S a la / l l . s e 1 B g . H n i 0 1 fK Fay o y g k d n c n Li . Bla t 2. Ki e a e h f t ( ) an A d N v l U a DR Eye 3. H R ck g A o n i R W k n a W si d e r r h a o T e w 4. he Y 1. S t 1 d f n o u t o s m b a ell no e p V 5. Fe S . e 2 od 1 nc o l a e B g n l of i a r 6. Ve T 13. Vow d e . r t c fea ( l 7. Sa e e St f o e g PIE / s 8. Ed on m i S e imon



Demon reports


he German -Norwegian symphonic metal band Leaves Eyes released a new album, which is a kind of return to the previous musical direction that suits more Liv Kristine. rom the first notes of this album it is clear that there is an extremely good and well-rounded project. As I previously indicated Liv finally returned vocal in place that best suits her soprano voice, which is the whole album taken up for many steps upwards.


echnical perfection and perfect acoustics are things that adorn this band for many years now, so that the default things here.

xuberance and splendor of Baroque and Renaissance music, which is the main denominator of all the songs on this album, the listener takes away in a long gone world of nature, the simple life, revenge and love. his is just one of the great bands that proves to be the precursor of metal actually baroque because the aggressive generic riffs somehow add themselves to the complex forms of Baroque shares. eaves Eyes is this album confirmed their place in today’s symphonic scene, and their main weapon, Liv, shines again in full splendor.

album reviews



e l i N w: ie v re Album not be unearthed vil E t u ld st O a C shou o e Evil t

6. min a F f n o tor o i a t e c g m i u A 7. ean estr R D i t o m t ll bo hab ck s A a l U e B . 1 Ca. h 8 the ng t f i t o a p e e g ap Ap R f . 2. Ne o 9 s oil C bee l u b R a rth e arth in o a l E l F e k t l a rS W e b o i T L Un3. 10. s e lam F f m o e ae Fro m a N the ed h t a c 4. In s t n No d l Amu u Sho t a h 5. W hed t r a e n Be U



Demon reports

egendary American technical death metal band released an album that is in every sense an indicator of how awesome death metal genre is and how it should be. A demonstration of superiority in the technical way of playing that is ideal, acoustics are great and the production is phenomenal. On this album it can also be noticed that they as a band remained consistend to themselves, and there musical presentation, also on the album it can be noticed the influence of atmospheric music but very little in one song. Nile is a band that has its specific name and authentic music attracted a lot of attention and there place is with the most influence and best death metal bands, and that their stories and texts in their songs are about Egypt, and calling themselves Nile as the river Nile so because of that they are different from other death metal bands, primal death metal band that can be rarely heard and fully retained their status as a death metal legends and they will be for a long time.


album reviews

layer S : w revie ess Album epentlg Death R Chasin


Savf O s

si u l e D 1,



de o l p 8. Im ire W o n dor n 9. Pia e V ity c o r t ou Y t 10. A s ain g A ou dice u j e 11, Y r P n I e d ri 12. P

iour ess l t n e p 2. Re ntrol o C ke a T . 3 ces i V . rst 4 i F e Th t s a 5. C e ess n l l i t Ston eS h T n e 6. Wh es m o C


Demon reports


he legendary American thrash metal band released a new album, which is in every sense of the phenomenal real primal thrash metal and how it should be.

n this album it can be noticed the return of the musical roots of the band and that they fully stay consistend themselves and change in some way their music presentation and made it better, mixing thier newer approach to thier own music with thier old and specific access to their own music.


t can be observed the technical compliance of which is brought to the ideal, and that’s great acoustics and phenomenal production fits such a band. This album takes you into the world of the occult, dark, destruction, hopelessness, apocalypse, revolt and rebellion, brutality and rigidity of thrash metal what is should be and it is.


layer is a band that has made metal muisc a superior music and one of the metal bands that are responsible for the success of metal musical genre around the globe, the legendary band who proved why they are into one of the best thrash metal bands, if not the best in this kind of music, the band that fully reflects the true picture of metal and their music combines top premium thrash metal band that will always be on top of the metal scene with the best.


album reviews



Strato : w l revie bum Al Eterna or l

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1. M

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Demon reports


egendary Finnish power metal band released a new edition of which is in every sense a phenomenal album that’s right art and stories for themselves musically sense.On this album it can be readily observed effect of melodic music in which the power metal genre is known of and this is also their personal stamp, also it can be seen the impact of atmospheric, ambient and symphonic music and even a little influence and impact of electronic music.Tehnical way of playing is brought to the ideal, the acoustics are great and the production is phenomenal, also on the album it can be heard choir is great,also integrated awesome integrated with the rest of the album, and that in some moments it can be heard the slower songs that later turnes into real power metal songs. This album takes you into the world of fantasy, magic, loneliness.


tratovarious is a special band with a specific sound making power metal different and special with combining variety of music genres, top musicians and band who are among the best power metal bands, a true power metal band, and consistend to themeselfs fully, and their musical presentation, power metal that has with this album a full width and in every sense masterpiece in power metal album edition.


SEARcH FOR UNESTABlISHED BANDS !!! If you released a demo or a album and you want review in the column "UNDERgROUND METAl" contact us on or on page inbox. 26




l A T E M

01. Oputon Suo-

S/T (Demo 2015)

02. Sexorcist-

Necromantic Confinement

03. Solace of Requiem

-Casting Ruin

04 Soul Collector Trashmaggedon

05. The Prophet Dying

06. Mentally

Defiled- Aptitude for Destruction


Underground of metal

Genre Joensuu Black, Black/ Finnland death metal

ALBUM REVIEW oputon SuoS/T (Demo 2015) 1.K채det valloittamaan

2.Deus Delirium



Demon reports


innish melodic black metal band released an album that enters the essence of black metal and is very high-quality and phenomenal. On this album it can be noticed immediately a technical compliance that is almost brought to an ideal, acoustics are great, the production is solid. This album takes you into a world of darkness, evil, depression, hopelessness, cold and death and everything that a black metal band needs to be and representing music in the best way as a true black metal band, also it can noticed the influence of death metal. Musicians who know exactly what they want with their music, presentation and how it should sound. Loputon Suo is anonymous band full of potential who deserve more atention of audience, although they only just begun to create their own music , high-quality black metal and what it should be, in every sense of superior quality black metal band.

oputon Suo- Official links: Facebook: Band camp: Mail:


Underground of metal

Genre Lima Death Metal Peru

Album review: Sexorcist-Necromantic Confinement 1.Lustful Funeral 2.Sinister Rites 3.Mental Orgasmic Alteration


Demon reports


atin American death metal band released a new album that is absolutely phenomenal and real demonstration of the power of death metal. On this album it can be readily observed that at the beginning of each song on the album there is horror atmospheric music, and of course the influence of horror atmospheric music and also the influence of doom metal too, as the technical compliance that is brought to the ideal, acoustics are great, the production is solid. This album takes you into the world of death, evil, darkness, murder, brutality and rawness, alslo all of this represent what one death metal band should be and also representing their music in the right way, and that is the brutality and rawness protective of the character of death metal music. Sexorsist is anonymous band is absolutely worth of the audience’s attention, top band and musicians who know what they want of their music, and that they showned death metal completely different from what other death metal bands they add something of their own and darker sound of death metal. Band that will certainly be heard, excellent death metal band in even better musical edition and style.

Sexorcist Official links Myspace Facebook: Reverbnation: Youtube

Underground of metal


Genre Technical Hometown Blackened Virginia Death Metal Beach

of e c a l o S w Album revie uin R g Castin Requiem 1. Defiling the Spectrum 2. Casting Ruin 3. Soiling the Fields of Putridity 4. Song of Shards

5. Wading into Mire 6. Eroded Absolution 7. Heaving Bile and Ash 8. Pools of Ablation 9. Bio-Alchemy


Demon reports


merican technical blackened death metal has realised a album that is in every sense fantastic and the real indicator of how it should sound real technical death metal.On this album it can be noticed the influence of black metal but not so much, and also in thier musical presentation of the band prevails purely technical death metal, the album has an influence of atmospheric music, also it can be noted the technical compatibility that is brought to idealnog. acoustics is great, the production is fenomenal .This album takes you into the world of death, the occult , evil, darkness, and also of course brutality crudity of death metal and what it should be in death metal genre .musicians who know exactly what they want of their musical presentation and how it should sounds their music.Solace of Reguiem is anonymous band that exists as a band for a long time , quality band musicians, full of potential and deserves a lot of attention from the audience, this band is the ultimate death metal band and one of the few and rare in the scene that is true death metal, they know how to portray the true essence of death metal, what should be in, death metal at i full splendor and top quality death metal music that should be heard .

Solace of Requiem Official links

Youtube: Facebook: Email:


Underground of metal

Genre Thrash Metal

Hometown Rybnik

c e l l Co l ou S / w ie v re Album edon g g rashma tor -T 01. Army Of The Dead

07. Horrorhous

02. The Cursed Land

08. I saw..

03. Thrashmageddon

9. The Stonefac

04. Bless My Gun

10. One Day In The Fron

05. Lord Of Fire

11. Pure Fucking Evil

06. 2000 Years In Lie


Demon reports


olish thrash metal band released an album that is in every sense a phenomenal album a real thrash metal album indicator of how thrash metal should be.On this album it can be noticed and heard the technical compatibility that is brought to the ideal, acoustics is great , production is solid.Also the band made this album more interesting with the introduction at the beginning of the album introducing the listener to a world of chaos and apocalypse, and that’s a good idea to put a voice from the movie who is the for the announcement of the album in essence very unique and unusual,because majority of trash metal bands did not do something like this with an introduction to the album in that way , also a horroric sounds and screams that were added on the album ,and I dont think about the vocal of the band,the very well integrated with the rest of the album and a music presentation narrowing. The vocal of the band is very unusual and specific even for this genre of metal music, and also this album has a lot of influence of heavy metal as well of course.This album takes you into the world of death, destruction, apocalypse, evil, dark, war.Soul Collector is anonymous band and deserves a lot of attention from the audience, a real thrash metal band .This is in every sense a true original metal music .This band is a indication why should people listen to thrash metal and why people should listen to metal music in general, a true original thrash metal band in all of its glory and power.

Soul Collector Official links

Email: Website:


Underground of metal

Genre Meodic Death Metal


Hometown Tomsk

rophet P he T / w ie Album rev -Dying 01 - Killers

05 - Dying

02 - On The Path

06 - Let My Soul Out

03 -Incantation Of Sorrow

07 - Infection

04 - Amid The Fogs Of Noth-

08 - A Voice From Nowhere


09 - Last Mourning Waltz


Demon reports


ussian melodic death metal band has released the album that is absolutely phenomenal in every sense a true melodic death metal and what should be and of course a true original melodic death metal bend.On this album it can be readily observed technical compliance that is brought to the idealb and acoustic is great and phenomenal production, also on the album it can be heard a impact of acoustic and atmospheric music as well as black metal music, which is not so and inconspicuous je.Ovaj album takes you into the world of death, darkness, my own awakening, evil, beznadja.The Prophet is anonymous band who know exactly what they want from music and from your music presentations, top musicians who have something to show and offer in terms of music, a band that is a true indication of what should be the melodic death metal and therefore deserve more the audience’s attention and support, kvapitetan band with high quality music in real melodic death metal style and splendor.

The Prophet Official links Website: Facebook:


Underground of metal

Genre Thrash Metal

Hometown Athens, Greece

ed l efi D y l l enta M / w ie v Album re tion c estru D Aptitude for 1.Reanimated to Mosh (Intro)

7.The Family

2.Aptitude for Elimination

8.Beyond Redemption

3.Fashion Victim

9.Merchants of Hope

4.Forced to Obey

10.Soldier of the Under-

5.Thrash ‘Till Afterlife


6.Retro Nerd


Demon reports


reek trash metal band has released an album in every possible sense phenomenal real thrash metal album in the style of old school trash metal .On this album it can b heard and observed the technical compatibility that is brought to the ideal, acoustics are great, production is phenomenal, also it can be heard in the introduction of the album the horroric sounds and screams, which is of course a good idea for an introduction to the album and few metal bands did this but there are exceptions of course. The album has more of these introductions in the some songs on the album and it’s spooky the voice that announces the beginning of one of the songs on album.Iconic thrash metal band takes you into the world of rebellion, fun, truth, reality and has all of the features that trash metal has as a genre .Mentally Defiled is anonymous band worth attention of a wider audience and this band is even better than some the most famous and best thrash metal bands, the band that has shown how the right music should sound, this album will bring the listener into the best time of thrash metal, quality phenomenal band, the real masters of thrash metal in its full glory and splendor.

Mentally Defiled Official links: Facebook:


Concert report: Machine head

Dom Omladine,Belgrade 21.09.2015.

Finally the day has come when for the third time the Legendary American alternative metal band held a concert in the packed hall of the Dom Omladine in Belgrade in the hall Amerikana. When it was time to approached the hall you could see many people who are waiting for the moment so they get in the hall and hear they favorite band, the faithful fans were already in the hall and took their positions beside the stage, as time went by, and that the machine head were only band without the support act, the waiting for show to begin was half an hour for them to start playing and finally came the moment when the band was on stage and also with there arival a thunderous greeting from the audience to the band, screaming, hysteria, insanity and existed at the moment, and of course the band started playing music fiercely and then began a hedbanging from fans and also began general madness. Also Machine Head on their concert

did not allow photography of them, because of that,that someone would took copyrights from them, which is understandable but on the other hand it is not, did they deny the fans of the memories of the concert.The sound was great not too loud nor too bad, the band played lined its best and songs.In the air it could be felt a lot of weed, which is smoked in unlimited quantities, as well as alcohol, which the fans in the mood and euphoria threw in the audience, a real rage, hedbanging everywhere there were mospits but not so many ,in the half of the concert the fans were tired and the atmosphere was calmer and static, then the singer raised atmosphere and the audience awake a little bit, before he delivered a speech about the Pantera guitarist Dimebag Darrell, and that they were long-time friends and that they were together for months on Tour with Machine Head along with Pantera, describing how much he miss him and that one moment before could change all that Dimebag would be still alive , And that they started with music and with a song that is dedicated to Dimebag Darell, since it was a dayof anniversary when he was killed before a long time ago a few years back , and before that he asked fans do they khow about Dimbebag Darells death and stated that they know , thunderous applause dedicated to Dimebag Darell came form public, and that the singer asked the crowd to go crazy in the name of Dimbeg Darell .

The concert has coninued

raw and devastating the audience each time wanted more and called the band and chanting Machine Fucking Head, and that at one point had been performed some slower songs as well that the audience khow these songs and enthusiastically followed the band singing along with the band, a singer asked each time the crowd if they want more and the reply was yes loudly , and so the band played 3 data without resting and came down from the stage and fans were pleased with the substantial number but there were also those who came purely to be said that they were there, in essence phenomenal concert which the audience spoiled with thier static attitude in some moments of the concert, but it did not stop the band to hold phenomenal concert and to show why this band was among the best in the metal scene in general and that and they toured with Pantera and they were friends also, great atmosphere, and everything you need a fantastic metal concert to be .



Demon reports




Demon reports




Demon reports




Demon reports


One on one whit demon





Demon reports


One on one whit demon

g oadho R , old-

e u tr , e Simpl met y v school healot of a ith w al energy derground is growing stronger and stronger. There are many 3 years ago. 4 metal maniacs great young underrated bands! 4.How would you describe met and decided to play some in one sentence your old school heavy metal. 2. Which band is your role work? model? Simple, true, oldschool heavy metal with a lot of energy. Judas Priest maybe 5. Why did you decide to 3. What do You think play this musical direcabout today’s metal tion? scene? 1. How the band started?

Mainstream is bullshit but un-

It’s a love at first sigh


6. Where would you most like to play a concert?

Demon reports

for the future? Record new album and make video clip

On Keep it True festival stage in Germany for sure 7. Do you think that the metal festivals are enough visited? Email:

Roadhog links:

GOOD metal festivals are enough visited 8. What are you listening to the most right now? Ghost “Meliora� 9. What would you say to your fans? Hello fans ;) 10. What are your plans

Website: Facebook:


One on one whit demon

tor c e l l Co l Sou and gs u dr , r Bee bitches 1. How the band started? Soul Collector started in 2007we were a few friends from the same street and we just wanted to play metal. And we play till today- thats all story.

Underground is pretty nice, but modern mainstream bands suck in general- beside the old school bands which are active ‘till now.

4.How would you describe

2. Which band is your role in one sentence your model?


Mental- AC/DC, cause they are pure rock&roll! (laugh)

Beer, drugs and bitches (laugh).

3. What do You think about today’s metal scene?

5. Why did you decide to play this musical direction? We love thrash, so that’s obvious.


Demon reports

6. Where would you most

9. What would you say to

like to play a concert?

your fans? Support local scene, come to

In Bay Area, San Francisco! 7. Do you think that the metal festivals are

gigs- don’ t be possers! 10. What are your plans

for the future? enough visited? In the western Europe definitely, Conquer the world! but in Poland situation is not so good. Many people think that if they’ re watching. 8. What are you listening to the most right now? Latest Iron Maiden album.

Soul Collector links: Emails: soulcollectorthrash@ Website: Facebook:


One on one whit demon

dom z Wi e g a v Sa . ginning A New Be 1. How the band started? The band was started in 2004 by our singer, Steve Montoya. Steve had just come off of ten years of driving trucks across the country and missed his days of fronting a metal band so he assembled a new group. The band released their debut CD in late 2007 and then disbanded shortly after. Steve decided to reform it in early 2008 and we have been at it ever since. Seven years after the debut CD, we released our second full-length; A New Beginning. 2. Which band is your role model? Probably either Iron Maiden or Helloween and really for the same reasons. Both bands have incredible songs based around great melodies, great playing, singing, hooks etc. But they also have a fun element to them as well and don’t take themselves any more seriously than they need to. When you watch a Helloween or Iron Maiden show, it reminds you of why you wanted to do this to begin with. 3. What do You think about today’s metal scene? It’s a mixed bag. The veteran acts like Maiden, Helloween, Priest, Scorpions, Stratovarius etc. are still up there killing it. But as far as the newer bands go, it’s not really our cup of tea. There are some bands like Ghost that are kind of interesting, but for the most part I just don’t understand the appeal of some of the modern metal bands. I just saw that Five Finger Death

Punch’s new CD outsold the new Iron Maiden album during it’s first week of release here in the States. What is up with that??? I don’t understand why dumb bro metal is outselling the real deal. The new Maiden album is outstanding! Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate that there seems to be regenerated interest in musicians and people who can actually play but I don’t understand why that doesn’t apply to the singers. When I see some guy up onstage flexing his arms and trying to look like a tough guy, I think it’s kind of juvenile. Sing dude! Enough with the wannabe tough guy shit. 4.How would you describe in one sentence your work? We are a band that wants to inspire, uplift and entertain people. 5. Why did you decide to play this musical direction? I think we have all just been drawn to metal since we first started playing music. With regards to this particular genre of metal, I think we all appreciate good melodies and songs that make you want to raise your fist in the air and sing along to. There is something about metal that has a way of bringing people of all walks of life together. There is definitely a sense of “you and I can conquer the world.” Everyone has their individual problems that they have to deal with, but melodic metal has a way of making you forget about all of that for a minute and just


enjoy life. At the very least, it is a release and an escape from those problems for just a little while. It can really be quite empowering. 6. Where would you most like to play a concert? Anywhere? Probably Wacken in front of thousands of people and supporting some of our idols and heroes with a huge stage and a huge sound system. I think that would be quite the adrenaline rush. 7. Do you think that the metal festivals are enough visited? In Europe there seems to be quite a following for metal festivals. It’s very cool to see. Here in the States it’s quite a bit different though. We have the Rockstar Mayhem Fest and that usually does pretty well attendance wise but that seems to mostly by a festival for newer bands. Granted this last year it was headlined by Slayer and King Diamond, but usually it features a lot of newer metal bands. Bands like Helloween, Stratovarius, and Gamma Ray that may play in front of huge audiences in Europe come here to the States to tour and play to a few hundred people a night. The closest that we have is ProgPower which is based out of Atlanta, GA every year but I really wish that we had something on the scale of Wacken over here in the States. 8. What are you listening to the most right now? The new Iron Maiden album; Th Book Of Souls. I absolutely love it! Here you have a band that has been around for 35+ years, has released 16 studio albums, and still manages to come up

Demon reports

with material of that quality. It just amazes me. That album has not left my car stereo since it was released almost two weeks ago. 9. What would you say to your fans? Thanks for taking time to check out our music and thanks for the support. We know that we are just one of many out there in the underground metal scene so hopefully we have been a good find for you. Please feel free to drop us a line on our Facebook page. We would love to hear from you. 10. What are your plans for the future? Currently we are working on some new songs. We have two finished already and everything is sounding great. Hopefully it won’t be another seven years before the next CD is released, but we are taking our time and trying to produce the best material that we can. In the meantime, we will certainly be out playing gigs around the southwestern part of the States and we hope to make some new friends and fans along the way.

Savage Wizdom link: Facebook: Email: savagewizdom@gmail. com


One on one whit demon


where ay l p to We want are heads l meta 1. How the band started? Hi there! It’s Comaniac, the frenzy Thrash Metal Band from Switzerland! We started the mania back in 2010 as a two-men-group and more as a school project than a “real” band. It took us 2 years to finally get a cool band together as in 2012 Doom (lead guitar) and Ray (bass) joined the band. After two demos and a single release we had our first full length album out in February 2015 (Return To The Wasteland). And now we’re here with you, having the possibility to present ourselves! Thanks Demon Reports, we’re so ready!!! 2. Which band is your role model? We couldn’t mention one band to be our role model! We love many metal bands from various music genres and they all had an influence on us. what we definitely adore are bands who managed to stay in the same line up for their whole career, through great and hard times. but also “bands” who are more like a “one-guygroup-and-the-others” like Annihilator are in one way inspiring that they (or in this case he) never stopped doing what he loved and started over and over again with new musicians. our goal is to find our own way and our own satisfaction in music. We know this is a very high goal but this is what we want. We’re working hard every day to find our way. 3. What do You think about today’s metal scene?

We cannot say it sucks because we’re a part of it and give our best to keep it interesting and exciting. on the other hand for us the scene got a little “muddy” with a lot of bands around us. We know there are great new bands out there but it’s fucking difficult to find them! so it’s kind of a pity this whole “revival” and “reunion” thing came up some years ago which gives the taste of not having enough good young bands to arise so the industry had to recruit the “old” ones. We’re not saying it’s a bad thing in general because we all enjoyed seeing the big 4 live together or bands like Toxik and Coroner. It just made it harder to find some new bands. But we know they’re around…so don’t give up discovering them! 4.How would you describe in one sentence your work? We try to be as innovative as possible. but to be realistic Thrash Metal is one of the most challenging genres to be innovative. And every review we got understood our music as classic old school bay area thrash metal. and that might be true because that’s what influenced us the most until this day. but still we want to develop our own music style. but that takes time, no question. just think about all the great bands back then and now. they all had to release a few albums and go through many years of hard work to find their style. 5. Why did you decide to play this musi-


cal direction? It just came out this way naturally. It was never a decision but more like an instinct. when we picked up our instruments this was what came out: frenzy thrash metal with come cool harmonics and melodies here and there! it’s the speed and the variety which makes thrash metal interesting to us! 6. Where would you most like to play a concert? We want to play where metal heads are and where we get the chance to feed the people with our music to get into that thing which some people call “flow” or “state of trance”. We don’t care where, we don’t care when! it’s the moment which counts! 7. Do you think that the metal festivals are enough visited? Well…yes sure! I mean they’re always as much visited as they’re promoted and as much as the bands speak for theirselves. And as much as the people are interested in going there. We’re all the dirty guys, the ones who love the long nights, the loud music and the great people at the festivals. So those are the people joining the festivals. for all the “softies” there’s youtube and TV to watch the festivals…that’s just how it is nowadays…fine with us. 8. What are you listening to the most right now? Symphony X, Opeth, Dream Theater and Control Denied are the bands which have the most airplay at our flats! You see, we love the variety

Demon reports

metal can serve! 9. What would you say to your fans? That they are awesome! We mean really: there’s nothing better than a crowd which are ready to give 100 percent for the band and joining our shows. we cannot thank them all personally for their support but we hope we can through our music! 10. What are your plans for the future? Working on our own style as mentioned before. that’s our biggest goal and the biggest satisfaction for ourselves! so that comes in hand with new music material and of course - sooner or later - with a new album. but first of all we tank our tanks of aggression, inspiration and mania at our live shows! at the end of the day this is what lets us feel alive and well! so we just go on playing live and spreading the mania. Feel free to join if anyhow possible, we’d love to meet you at our shows! Thanks, Comaniac!!!

Comaniac links:

Facebook: Email: Website: SoundCloud: Presskit: Youtube: ComaniacSwissMetal


One on one whit demon

Mentally Defiled

, fast e liv , Mosh hard w tomorro thrash without 1. How the band started? We started as a cover band back in 2001. Teenagers back then when Alex, George and me (IronBeast) teamed up. 2. Which band is your role model? All bands of the primal genre’s age that formed the sound we worship. Too many to mention! 3. What do You think about today’s metal scene? Too many bands, very few really worthy, too little time to listen

to all as well.. 4.How would you describe in one sentence your work? A savage thrashing posercrushing and jawbreaking audio blast, respecting the oldschool ways and sound. 5. Why did you decide to play this musical direction? Thrash is the fastest music a human neck can follow. Plus it’s aggressive, enraged and it’s themes suits our ways of life. 6. Where would you most


like to play a concert? Not vast crowds or fancy stages. A small but active -family bloodlust audience is the best to play for. 7. Do you think that the metal festivals are enough visited? I think it could attend more audience, but since the number of fests. are more than plenty, the numbers are high. 8. What are you listening to the most right now? Still exploring the 80ies and 90ies released of thrash/death metal mostly. Sometimes we listen to new releases though, but we focus on the past. I guess we remain romantic/nostalgic‌

Demon reports

9. What would you say to your fans? Mosh hard, live fast, thrash without tomorrow‌! 10. What are your plans for the future? We have some gigs at hand domestic and abroad, as well as some composing/recording plans. Plus a split release with an equivalent age and style band from the US (cannot reveal yet).

Mentally Defiled link:



One on one whit demon

The Prophet

…just w kno en v I don’t e ay! want to pl 1. How the band started? Doctor: In the middle of 2009 I met Gennadiy (Sorrowfire) our future guitar player. We both were studying in medical university. He was influenced with my mysical tastes and he bought an electric guitar and started to play it. Then we found drummer Ilya (Sturmtrommel) and Ivan (Bathone) on bass. They was my old kith. In april 2010 we started to rehearse. 2. Which band is your role model? Doctor: An old-school MDM bands,like A Canorous Quintet, Eucharist,Sacrilege from Sweden,Dies Irae from

Mexico,and others 3. What do You think about today’s metal scene? Doctor: The scene is very varied,and each listener will find something to their liking. Though,on the other hand,to surprise the experienced listener becomes more and more difficult. 4.How would you describe in one sentence your work? Doctor: It’s melodiously,it’s heavy,generally it’s fast,but sometimes slow :о) 5. Why did you decide to play this musical direction?


Doctor: It is the most interesting and varied style for me. I grew up on this style bands. 6. Where would you most like to play a concert? Doctor: I don’t even know…just want to play! 7. Do you think that the metal festivals are enough visited? Doctor: I think that the attendance of festivals in Russia is not enough. But it is not so much the fault of listeners,how many of us,musicians. We need to work and work on our sound,quality and presentation of our stuff. 8. What are you listening to the most right now? Doctor: I listen old school melodic death or melodic black. Sacramentum,Ablaze My Sorrow. Sometimes something more modern, such as Black

Demon reports

Dahlia Murder…also enjoy an interesting and unusual commands in other styles such as Cryptopsy. 9. What would you say to your fans? Doctor: Stay with us. We will try to not disappoint you! 10. What are your plans for the future? Doctor: We want to go to a small tour around of the siberia,and work on new material. Closer to the November 2015 we will start recording a new EP.

The Prophet link: Website: Facebook:







Demon reports


Amorphis-Under the Red Cloud


Iron Maiden-The Book of Souls[


Uncle Acid and the Deadbeats The Night Creeper



Black Majesty-Cross of Thorns

Five Finger Death Punch -Got Your Six





Once Human-The Life I Remember

Bring Me the Horizon That’s the Spirit

Riverside -Love, Fear and the Time Machine

Leaves’ Eyes- King of Kings







Annihilator- Suicide Society






Atreyu -Long Live


Malevolent Creation- Dead Man’s Path


The Black Dahlia Murder -Abysmal

My Dying Bride- Feel the Misery

Blessthefall-To Those Left Behind[

Operation: Mindcrime-The Key

Demon reports


Seven Witches-The Way of the Wicked[


A Sound of Thunder -Tales from the Deadside


Tank-Valley of Tears


Gloryhammer-Space 1992: Rise of the Chaos Wizards






Parkway Drive-Ire




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