Harassment letter may 2016 & appendices 1 to 27

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Ajwinder Singh Bains, 5 Reservoir Road, Oldbury, B68 9QQ 07886­425­793 Dear Sirs DETAILS OF THE FRAUD, THEFT, STALKING AND HARASSMENT This document references the course of fraud and harassment that Ajwinder Singh Bains (henceforth referred to as AJ) was subjected to, not everything is listed and this is a brief summary of the events since October 2013, it is traumatic to recount all the events so AJ avoids dwelling on them too much. The exact nature of the construct is not known to AJ he can only refer to it simply by what he applied for and has been told nor does he know who exactly is doing it. 1. AJ’s ordeal started in October 2013, he applied to a US company to appear on “Enter the Wild” by way of an advertisement in a RSS from Freakonomics (See Appendix 1 or visit website http://freakonomics.com/2013/10/16/are­you­male­with­a­job­in­finance­or­economics­and­ want­to­get­on­a­wilderness­experience­tv­showcasting­finance­savvy­males­for­enter­the­wil d­tv­series/​ ). 2. It was described to AJ as a survival in the wilderness experience, set in Oregon USA. He was told it would be led by someone like Bear Grylls (although not him but “someone you know”). Unfortunately, this was a fraud. 3. The interview process included a person by the name of Travis Eilerson, who is now an associate producer at National Geographic, but was a production assistant at Radical Media LLC working on the project but at the time he was involved with my interview was at EJ Casting in New York. 4. The show did not exist. The company involved, according to what AJ was told is NBC (a cable channel called Esquire TV owned by NBC – henceforth known as “the production company”) although the identity of the production may be wholly inaccurate. AJ was interviewed twice for the show, once in October 2013 and then again in late October/early November 2013. 5. AJ completed an application form, other documents and a “performance release” on that basis that he had applied to “Enter the Wild” a survival show in the USA based in the wilderness not any alternative and different show, involving his life, family, or the UK at all. AJ made the naïve mistake to trust those involved with the application process, and was the victim of a fraudulent misrepresentation from the start. 6. During the application AJ was told notified the production was likely to start soon and amongst other things, that his expenses would be covered, that there was a prize, asked 1

whether he would agree to an implant (which he was told would be something like GPS etc), asked a series of questions, that they would intercept communications, isolate him from the outside world, asked whether he agreed to their physicians assuming responsibilities for his health and told that they were to utilise new technology and formats for the production. AJ agreed on the assumption that before it commenced he would be aware of all the circumstances involved, that the ability to proceed would be a conscious and deliberate choice. AJ knew that his mail could be intercepted because it had happened before – see Appendix 11. AJ also sent many letter which do not seem to have arrived at their destinations, this includes to his financial companies – a copy of the letter sent that did not arrive are included in Appendix 13. 7. AJ thought that he would be able to seek legal advice be formal contracts were signed. He was told in the 2nd ​ interview that there would be a small alteration in the show’s format, again AJ relied on the honest and integrity of those involved and agreed. 8. Unfortunately, the production team involved lied, fraudulently misrepresented and manipulated AJ. 9. AJ was aware that there are stringent law within the UK to prevent such criminal action, that there are laws against harassment and torture, laws against hacking or accessing the personal accounts of individuals, laws that protect privacy. Although the company involved asked AJ for access to his accounts and he deliberately only gave them access to account which contained little or no personal information – he protected (or so he thought) his main accounts. They also asked for access to his smartphone and he agreed on believing that he had password locked his phone and that the information therein would not be accessed in a criminal manner and without his full knowledge. 10. What commenced was utterly unbelievable and beyond the bounds of probability. However, recently AJ received independent and reliable confirmation that this has not been a figment of his imagination in a response from Irwin Mitchell notifying him of a conflict of interest, which necessarily means that there is an organisation, and although he is not fully aware of the format and who it is (he assumed it was a reality show because that is what he applied for), it does exist – see Appendix 5. 11. The company involved, without AJ’s knowledge or express permission, started documenting and influencing his life. It even sought permission from his employer, Pett, Franklin & Co. LLP who questioned AJ whether he ever wanted to be on the reality show “Big Brother” to which he replied the thought had crossed his mind when he was younger but he would not want to do it now. 12. The entire ordeal started without AJ’s knowledge, but he did notice changes in the behaviours of those around him. 13. Without wanting to go into too much detail, or documenting fully the events from October 2013 to 2015, those involved destroyed AJ’s life, violated his privacy, harassed him subjected 2

him to psychological torture, defrauded him, and destroyed his life in pursuit of entertainment. A short summary, although not comprehensive in nature, describes some of the horrific, illegal and unrelenting abuse AJ was subjected to. 14. AJ was not aware that they had commenced but initially he was horrified work colleagues seemed to know about aspects of his private life that he had never discussed with them, including during the vacation he had from his work around 13 November 2013. 15. AJ’s privacy was violated, and when he returned to work his employer started using information provided by covert surveillance by the production company against him. This eventually resulted in AJ’s private communications about his manager being reported to this manager William Franklin. His manager used this information to start persecuting AJ, this included withholding work, withdrawing duties, and constructing dismissal. 16. The systematic abuse AJ suffered invaded not only his work life but known to AJ it invaded his entire personal life. AJ noticed the persecution, particularly from his manager and eventually reacted, although his reaction was not the way he usually reacted it was not extremely unusual. It included interactions with those around him that became judgemental and distant, he lost personal and private relationships, he noticed small changes and influences in his life and although the changes were incremental and insignificant individually they made his life more difficult, frustrated his daily routines and relationships, invaded his private life and interfered with his private property – eventually these incremental and small changes started to have a major impact on his life, entirely uprooting his stability and destroying his security, self­worth, dignity and ability to function or enjoy normal life. 17. AJ was made to believe it was the neighbours whom he had complained about previously (details of the officer to whom the complaint was made is listed in Appendix 12), but he tried to contact West Midlands Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner in West Midlands (see Appendix 3). 18. Eventually, this resulted in AJ losing his job because of the relentless abuse he suffered although he was able to agree, after much discussion and contracting an employment lawyer Rakesh Patel (SRA number 157365)of Thompsons Solicitors LLP (a UK law firm regulated under id 556695). Unknown to AJ, his legal advice was not impartial and independent. AJ was denied fit and proper representation, his legal adviser helped deny proper recourse to legal redress which resulted in AJ being manipulated and deprived of his rights in a criminal manner. 19. Following this, the production company manipulated the circumstances of AJ’s life, increasing subjecting him to abuse and intolerable conditions which included physical and psychological abuse. They systematically defrauded him. 20. This included West Midlands Police allowing them to use Piddock Road police station to abuse AJ, this included a former acquaintance of AJ’s whom he met some years earlier, he was a nurse who AJ distinctly remembers because of his bulbous head and the fact that he had trained at Birmingham University, AJ remembers him because he was not aware that the 3

University of Birmingham (based in Edgbaston ­ the red brick university) had a nursing school. West Midlands police allowed this fake police officer to strip search and humiliate AJ, making him lose trust in the police and believe they were fully complicit and actually played an active role in this criminal campaign. This, AJ believes, happened on 6 September 2014 (see Appendix 14). 21. The fraud included the participation of his financial services providers, this included Capital One and Vanquis Bank credit cards, who chose to promote their product rather than notify a customer who was clearly being harassed and defrauded, subject to horrific criminal abuse of the circumstances which is their legal and statutory duty. Whereas, when the fraud continued with MBNA, they notified AJ of suspicious circumstances immediately. 22. The fraud including a defrauding AJ of £5,000 which he reported both to the credit card company (MBNA) and the police, but the police refused to initially act against the fraudster Nick Johnson until I was contacted by Humberside Police – see Appendix 9. Appendix 15 is another email to Humberside Police and Appendix 16 is a copy of AJ’s credit card invoice with the fraudulent transactions highlighted. They stalked and harassed him to his work places, causing him to lose his means of employment. They hijacked his online financial accounts, manipulated his circumstances and criminally hijacked his finances. 23. They used AJ’s family, friends and acquaintances to make his life intolerable, this extended to everyone around him and the area where he lived. AJ attempted to establish his own business, but was obstructed in each of his endeavours, this included hacking him home computer, monitoring and intercepting communications – this included his mobile phone and postal communications. AJ was denied basic services that would allow him to establish his own company, denied the ability to get another job. This was all done covertly and he did not suspect, but it resulted in AJ being isolated, every means of communication AJ had was usurped and he was closely monitored and isolated. 24. The systematic and vindictive psychological abuse was carefully planned and amounts to torture. The system the production company devised to torture AJ was not dissimilar to the Salim v. Mitchell torture case currently being pursued by the American Civil Liberties Union in the US courts but was more sustained and transgressed any notion of legality whether within the UK or under international law. This included daily verbal abuse which easily amounts to a violation of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and malicious communications. Some of the abuse is recorded on twitter if you search “@3xt1 #NoCommentEvidence” and in Appendix 2. 25. This eventually a downwards spiral for AJ, his demeanour completely changed, he was systematically deprived of sleep, made to feel isolated and amounted to starting to drink alcohol to get small reprieves. He pursued personal relations, the circumstances of which were manipulated by the production company and included physical abuse. It even drove him to suicide including on the day after the May election in 2015 (see Appendix 4).


26. The production later arbitrarily detained AJ at a building, depriving of his liberty. On this occasion it was done because he attempted to contact the authorities, this included the police, the UK Home Office and police. However, because AJ communications were controlled he was not able to establish contact. The production company kept him isolated and removed his phone so he was unable to contact the outside world. This was a punishment and to disobey their authority, despite there being no legal basis for such authority. 27. The harassment and persecution by the production company grounds including race, religion and because AJ is a libertarian. The authorities in the UK were unable/unwilling to protect AJ despite continuous attempts by AJ requesting them to investigate the concerns he raised and register his complaints about harassment and torture. 28. Following this the production company kept him isolated and unable to earn a living. His physical safety was endangered on numerous occasions, this included physical attacks and torture. AJ was able to eventually contact the police and the UK Prime Minister’s office, however the police refused to take his complaint, with an inspector at West Midlands Police refusing to accept his complaint. AJ complained to both the Police Crime Commissioner for West Midlands, who referred the matter to West Midlands Police who again refused to act or respond to the complaint. 29. The ordeal, and particularly the non­stop torture, has left AJ with a permanent ringing in his ears and severe pain at times. AJ has tried moving to other parts of the UK including Scotland and London, however he was unable to escape the continuous harassment and torture. The production company has threatened AJ’s life a number of times, subjected him to physical and psychological abuse. AJ believes there is a realistic danger to his personal safety and life if he remains in the UK. 30. Given that the authorities refused to act, and the nature of the harassment and torture being to vindictive, malicious and sustained AJ is left with to alternative than to seek the protection against harassment with an order, he is persecuted on grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation and political opinion and has been subjected to degrading and humiliating circumstances including psychological torture, even feels that he cannot remain in the UK because of the immediate threat to his wellbeing and life. AJ has even tried to contact the Independent Police Complaints Commission and the matter was referred back to West Midlands Police. 31. AJ has tried to contact his MP John Spellar (see Appendix 7) and even David Cameron (see Appendix 8). He has tried to contact Sandwell Council who utterly failed in their duty of care and decided to join in on the harassment (see Appendix 10). 32. They continuously harass AJ, he is subject to non­stop verbal abuse from the moment wakes up to the time he goes to sleep. He has asked them to stop many times but they refuse and simply carry on. Their verbal abuse is occasionally just normal chat but it often descends into malicious language and psychologically disturbing abuse which can go on for hours.


33. I have been led to believe that it is broadcast 24/7 and it has disturbed me that no one has acted against clearly criminal actions. 34. I am also lead to believe there are some sort of implants, I am subjected to constant verbal abuse and they seem to be aware of things I say to myself, as it there were implants in my ears and in my throat. They can often subject me to a high pitch audio “screeching” without those around me being aware that it is happening, the types of noise I am subjected to are not dissimilar to the high pitch “mosquito” alarm used to keep youngsters away from railway stations etc (​ http://www.independent.co.uk/news/sonic­youth­the­high­pitched­sound­alarm­for­under­2 5s­8665652.html​ ). They use it to harass me, they prevent me from sleeping, depriving me of sleep, they have successfully made my life intolerable hence the reason I have tried to commit suicide a number of times. I cannot explain how this is possible, is seems utter nonsense, but having endured it for so long this is the only way that I explain it. They are able to communicate with me this way at home or wherever I go, this included London, Scotland and Iceland. I keep a record of this sometimes (not every occasion, far from it, only on rare occasions do I record it on Twitter search “@3xt1 #NoCommentEvidence” on twitter to see the record and Appendix 2. 35. They have stalked me since October 2013, they followed me to London, to Scotland and even to Iceland. I do not seem to be able to get away from them not even if I go abroad. The Harassment and stalking is horrific and despite trying to raise this with West Midlands Police a number of times, nothing seems to be done. I have tried to record some of the abuse, although it is a tiny fraction of what I am subjected to, on twitter, my twitter handle is @3xt1 and I have recorded the recent abuse under #NoCommentEvidence. Search “@3xt1 #NoCommentEvidence” on twitter to see it. As previously mentioned my email is insecure and I would prefer correspondence by post. Regards A Bains



















Appendix 18 Enter The Wild Emails 29 October 2013

AB From: Sent: To: Subject:

Enter The Wild TV Series <info@enterthewildtvseries.com> Tuesday, October 29, 2013 2:16 PM A. B. Re: Enter The Wild TV Series - Skype Interview Request

Hey AJ, That time works for us too. We'll see you tomorrow at 3pm EST / 8pm BST. Thanks for bearing with us through all of our schedule changes! Travis Eilerson Enter The Wild TV Series Casting Dept 212 462 1630 From: A. B. [mailto:asb13@btinternet.com] To: Enter The Wild TV Series [mailto:info@enterthewildtvseries.com] Sent: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 05:53:23 -0500 Subject: Re: Enter The Wild TV Series - Skype Interview Request

Dear Travis Can we amend the scheduled time to 3pm EST/ 8pm BST on Wednesday 30 October? Regards AJ

----- Original Message ----From: Enter The Wild TV Series To: AB Sent: Friday, October 25, 2013 9:05 PM Subject: Re: Enter The Wild TV Series - Skype Interview Request Hi AJ, Sorry to do this to you again, but we've had something come up on Tuesday and have to cancel the day's interviews. Could we schedule you instead for 2:00pm EST / 7:00pm BST on Wednesday, October 30th? Let me know if this is okay, and sorry again for all of our scheduling issues! Travis Eilerson Enter The Wild TV Series Casting Dept 212 462 1630 From: Enter The Wild TV Series [mailto:info@enterthewildtvseries.com] To: A. B. [mailto:asb13@btinternet.com] Sent: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 13:38:02 -0500 Subject: Re: Enter The Wild TV Series - Skype Interview Request Thanks so much for moving your schedule around! Would it be possible if we could just place the interview on the hour, so either 2:00pm EST (7:00pm BST) or 3:00pm EST (8:00BST)? It's just easier for us because that's how our schedule is laid out. 1

Sorry again for the inconvenience! Travis Eilerson Enter The Wild TV Series Casting Dept 212 462 1630 From: A. B. [mailto:asb13@btinternet.com] To: Enter The Wild TV Series [mailto:info@enterthewildtvseries.com] Sent: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 11:27:48 -0500 Subject: Re: Enter The Wild TV Series - Skype Interview Request

Dear Travis, Not a problem at all. Can I suggest 2.15pm EST (7.15pm BST)? Regards AJ ----- Original Message ----From: Enter The Wild TV Series To: asb13@btinternet.com Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2013 3:31 PM Subject: RE: Enter The Wild TV Series - Skype Interview Request Hey AJ, We just had a meeting with our network pushed up to Friday afternoon, and it looks like we'll have to reschedule you for next week. Sorry for the inconvenience! Let me know what time on Tuesday, October 29th works best for you. We have interview slots open from 11am EST to 5pm EST (4pm BST to 10pm BST). Thanks! Travis Eilerson Enter The Wild TV Series Casting Dept 212 462 1630 From: Enter The Wild TV Series [mailto:info@enterthewildtvseries.com] To: AB [mailto:asb13@btinternet.com] Sent: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 14:02:28 -0500 Subject: RE: Enter The Wild TV Series - Skype Interview Request Excellent! We'll see you on Friday! Thanks AJ! Travis Eilerson Enter The Wild TV Series Casting Dept 212 462 1630 From: AB [mailto:asb13@btinternet.com] To: 'Enter The Wild TV Series' [mailto:info@enterthewildtvseries.com] Sent: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 13:54:22 -0500 Subject: RE: Enter The Wild TV Series - Skype Interview Request

Hi 2

My user name is ajbains13 (I’m new to Skype!). Regards AJ From: Enter The Wild TV Series [mailto:info@enterthewildtvseries.com] Sent: 21 October 2013 15:27 To: AB Subject: RE: Enter The Wild TV Series - Skype Interview Request Great! Thanks AJ! Could you send us your Skype name? We'll send you a contact request shortly before the interview and then we'll give you a video call. Best, Travis Eilerson Enter The Wild TV Series Casting Dept 212 462 1630 From: AB [mailto:asb13@btinternet.com] To: 'Enter The Wild TV Series' [mailto:info@enterthewildtvseries.com] Sent: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 10:23:33 -0500 Subject: RE: Enter The Wild TV Series - Skype Interview Request

Dear Travis Friday is perfect. I look forward to speaking to you then. Regards AJ From: Enter The Wild TV Series [mailto:info@enterthewildtvseries.com] Sent: 21 October 2013 14:56 To: AB Subject: RE: Enter The Wild TV Series - Skype Interview Request Hi AJ, No worries about Wednesday. Thursday is a little packed for us schedule-wise, but Friday is very much open. Would you be available Friday, October 25th at 1:00pm EST/ 6:00pm BST? Thanks! Travis Eilerson Enter The Wild TV Series Casting Dept 212 462 1630 From: AB [mailto:asb13@btinternet.com] To: 'Enter The Wild TV Series' [mailto:info@enterthewildtvseries.com]


Sent: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 06:27:10 -0500 Subject: RE: Enter The Wild TV Series - Skype Interview Request

Dear Sirs Unfortunately, I cannot make Wednesday as I have existing work commitments. May I suggest the following day at the same time if that is convenient for you? Regards AJ From: Enter The Wild TV Series [mailto:info@enterthewildtvseries.com] Sent: 17 October 2013 19:56 To: asb13@btinternet.com Subject: Enter The Wild TV Series - Skype Interview Request Hi AJ, Thank you so much for submitting yourself to the new Esquire Network series, Enter The Wild. We really enjoyed your application and would like to schedule a time to do an interview with you via Skype.

Please confirm if you're available: Date: Wednesday, October 23rd Time: 1pm EST/ 6pm BST The purpose of this interview is just to get to know you a little better. There is nothing to prepare, this is a casual conversation that will take anywhere from 10 to 30 minutes. We hope to get to see your personality, so please don't be shy! Please note that this interview will be recorded with someone in our casting dept. It is for internal casting purposes only. It will NOT appear on TV, YouTube, or any other public outlet. If you are not familiar with Skype, you can learn more about the application and download it for free from Skype’s website: http://www.skype.com/en/. A few minutes before our session we’ll send you a contact request which you'll need to accept before we can begin chatting. Important Things To Remember: • It's best to use a computer during this Skype interview rather than your cell phone or iPad. • A hard line internet connection is preferred over wireless. • Find a well lit space to sit. It's best if the light is in front of you, not behind you. • Choose a quiet space so we're able to hear you and record the sound without background noise. • Do a test run before our call to make sure that your Skype is set up correctly and your internet connection is working; this will help avoid any delays for you and us. :) • Please reply to this email with your Skype name

Please also be aware that this is just one step in our casting process. We have not made any final decision on casting, and this email is in no way a confirmation that you’ll be on the show. We're looking forward to hearing more about you and why you're interested in this experience in hopes that you're the right fit. Best, Travis Eilerson Enter The Wild TV Series 4

Casting Dept 212 462 1630


Appendix 19 Email to Humberside Police DC Wressell 9 May 2016

AJ From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments:

A Singh <aj.s.b@icloud.com> Monday, May 9, 2016 10:34 AM Aj Fwd: Contact [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - NO DESCRIPTOR] MBNA Credit card fraud pg1.jpg; Untitled attachment 00198.htm; MBNA Credit card fraud pg2.jpg; Untitled attachment 00201.htm; MBNA Credit card fraud pg 3.jpg; Untitled attachment 00204.htm; Harassment letter - inc Appendicies 4 May 2016.pdf; Untitled attachment 00207.htm

Sent from my iPad Begin forwarded message: From: A Singh <aj.s.b@icloud.com> Date: 5 May 2016 at 19:14:55 BST To: "Wressell, Andrew 0299" <Andrew.Wressell@humberside.pnn.police.uk> Cc: pcc@humberside.pnn.police.uk Subject: Re: Contact [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - NO DESCRIPTOR] Dear Mr Wressell

Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately, I do not agree it is a civil debt.

I attach my credit card print out with the transactions related to Nick Johnson highlighted. Other than the transaction for the car, the first transaction which Nick Johnson conned me into paying for by saying the very thing he has told you, that he would pay the outstanding money back, they are transaction I did not authorise, nor was I present during them.

The law is quite clear I believe, it is like someone mugging you and you reply seems to suggest as long as the person says they will pay the money back there is no crime, I do not agree with this at all.

Nick Johnson has had plenty of time to make payments, he took my bank details so he could pay back the car purchase, but he has never made any payments and is happy to lie about it, I fell for the very same lie that you seem to have. He has no intention of paying any money back and it is a lie he has peddled before.

Nick was my manager and abused his position to extort money from me, he has no intention of making any repayments and the other transactions are criminal. I only found out about the other transactions when MBNA credit card contacted me. He purchased holidays, took cash out (despite the fact I had a conversation with him about how taking cash from a credit card ruins a person’s credit history). He is a very astute confidence trickster, and this matter and all the others highlighted in my letter have ruined my life. 1

As you are aware from reading my letter (I have attached another copy) this is part of a larger criminal joint enterprise, it has involved continuous harassment, stalking and all my letters/correspondence has at sometime been hacked/intercepted. He was even in possession of my pin and bank details because he has visited my home more than once. I have asked West Midlands Police to investigate this but as that theft/fraudulent credit card transactions happened in your jurisdiction I request that a criminal conviction is pursued.

One of his friends also told me that he had done this kind of thing before, and it would be a travesty of justice to not try and convict him as he has a history of defrauding other people and getting away with it too.

The entire episode has had horrific consequences for me, this incident caused me to try and commit suicide (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga3yG7obleU).

I apologise that you cannot get my on my phone, this fraud and the persistent harassment has left me unable to afford a new phone and the one I have barely works but I do monitor my email and it is the best way to get hold of me. For the reasons details above I do not agree it is a civil matter and request that you pursue a criminal matter.


A Bains

On May 04, 2016, at 04:19 PM, "Wressell, Andrew 0299" <Andrew.Wressell@humberside.pnn.police.uk> wrote: NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - NO DESCRIPTOR Good Afternoon Mr Bains,

I have tried to speak to you on several occasions regarding your complaint but your phone seems to block calls , after reading your report you sent me I can only deal with the allegation of fraud in the North Lincolnshire area and not deal with all the issues you raised .


As far as your complainant against Mr Johnson he has said he is happy to come to some form of repayment arrangement as he has never refused to repay the money but has simply lost contact with you.

If the above is the case this is not a criminal matter and in fact a civil debt.

Mr Johnson is happy for me to pass his details onto you for you both come to an arrangement.

Please Can you get in touch with me soon to discuss this matter further otherwise I will request it be no crimed

Kind regards

Dc 299 Andy Wressell NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - NO DESCRIPTOR From: A Singh [mailto:aj.s.b@icloud.com] Sent: 28 April 2016 09:07 To: Wressell, Andrew 0299 <Andrew.Wressell@humberside.pnn.police.uk> Cc: asb13@btinternet.com; ajwinder13@gmail.com; 13ajwinder@gmail.com Subject: Re: Contact [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - NO DESCRIPTOR]

Dear Mr Wressell

Please can you let me know when we can rearrange our meeting for the witness statement. 3

Please can you also give me details so I can track my crime online (https://trackmycrime.police.uk/humberside/).

Background information |http://issuu.com/ajbains/docs/harassment_letter__inc_appendicies/1

I look forward to meeting you soon.


A Bains Sent from my iPad

On 14 Apr 2016, at 21:23, AJ <aj.s.b@icloud.com> wrote: Dear Mr Wressell

As mentioned below please find attached a brief and not full summary of the criminality.


AJ Bains

From: AJ [mailto:aj.s.b@icloud.com] Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2016 8:31 PM To: 'Andrew.Wressell@humberside.pnn.police.uk' Cc: asb13@btinternet.com; ajwinder13@gmail.com; 13ajwinder@gmail.com; aj.s.b@icloud.com Subject: RE: Contact [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - NO DESCRIPTOR]

Dear Mr Wressell 4

I will see you tomorrow, 15 April 2016, at 3pm.

I look forward to meeting you but it would also be helpful if you sent me details of the address where the interview take place for confirmation.

I will shortly send you some background on the entire criminal enterprise.


A Bains

From: A Singh [mailto:aj.s.b@icloud.com] Sent: Sunday, April 10, 2016 4:59 PM To: Wressell, Andrew 0299 Subject: Re: Contact [NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - NO DESCRIPTOR]

Yes, next Friday is fine. I'll see you then. Sent from my iPad

On 6 Apr 2016, at 17:43, Wressell, Andrew 0299 <Andrew.Wressell@humberside.pnn.police.uk> wrote: NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED - NO DESCRIPTOR Mr Baines, Are you able to come next Friday (15th) as I am unable to change shifts on Thursday as I work until 3pm and will not have time to obtain a stateme


Appendix 20 Email to Financial Ombudsman 12 May 2016

AJ From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments:


AJ <aj.s.b@icloud.com> Thursday, May 12, 2016 4:14 PM 'Gewitzke, Lorraine' Shehab.Howman@financial-ombudsman.org.uk; complaint.info@financialombudsman.org.uk RE: Your complaint about MBNA Limited (Our ref: 17447151) Harassment letter & Appendicies 1 - 17.pdf; Ombudsman letter 11 May 2016 pg 1 5.pdf; MNBA Fraud invoice pg 1 - 3.pdf High

Dear Lorraine I am not satisfied with Shehab Showman’s reply, he/she has been incompetent in the investigation and has not fulfilled her/his statutory duty to investigate the matter properly. Shehab has totally ignored the letter where I explain the course of harassment that has been going on since Oct 2013 (copy attached). This is causing me a lot of distress and mental strain, the harassment has previously ended up with me being sectioned, it is as though you wish that to happen again by playing along with the fraud and deception that has plagued me for this period of time. It has resulted in me trying to take my own life a number of times, I even have video evidence of me taking over 100 pills and the subsequent correspondence with the police and hospital. The amount of stress his/her dereliction of duty is bringing is causing me to have suicidal thoughts again, this cannot go on, it is unprincipled, unlawful and horrific. I ask that the matter be reassigned to you or someone else so that the investigation can be conducted professionally. And reference made to the harassment letter. Even the cases of fraud highlighted in the response are incorrect, I attach a highlighted version of my MBNA statement showing the fraudulent transactions. I also attach a copy of Shehab’s letter. Please confirm that you receive this email and the attachments. Regards A Bains

From: Gewitzke, Lorraine [mailto:Lorraine.Gewitzke@financial-ombudsman.org.uk] Sent: Friday, April 29, 2016 4:31 PM To: 'aj.s.b@icloud.com' Subject: Your complaint about MBNA Limited (Our ref: 17447151)

Dear Mr Bains Thank you for your voicemail message. I can confirm that I have received your email and attached this to your case. 1

An adjudicator named Shehab Showman is now dealing with your case and will be in contact with you shortly. Kind Regards Lorraine Gewitzke| Consumer Consultant | Financial Ombudsman Service | Tel 020 3222 9566 | Fax 020 3222 9567| Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR

This email is covered by our email disclaimer. This email was sent from Financial Ombudsman Service Ltd. Registered in England and Wales. Registered Number: 3725015. Registered Office: Exchange Tower, London, E14 9SR, United Kingdom.

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Appendix 21 UK Home Office Correspondence 6 -12 May 2016

AJ From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

AJ <aj.s.b@icloud.com> Thursday, May 12, 2016 4:27 PM 'Public Enquiries (CD)' mayt@parliament.uk; privateoffice.external@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk; office@maidenheadconservatives.com RE: Email Enquiry- Home Office response

Dear Sirs Again, you ignore the fundamental question. I know that you are fully aware who is carrying out the harassment. This is horrific, I will not be denied my legal rights, I shall not be treated as less than human. I suspect you are only allowed to get away with it because I am not white. There is a racist agenda and you want me to pretend it is not the case. I ask you again, at the very least, let me know the identity of those committing the harassment and I will apply for a harassment order myself. Please do not take this matter lightly, I have taken about as much as I can take and I will kill myself rather than continue to suffer this, my previous attempts, and there have been at least 10 of them have not been successful, but I promise you it won’t be the same. Do not fob me off again. Regards A Bains From: Public Enquiries (CD) [mailto:Public.Enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk] Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2016 3:01 PM To: 'aj.s.b@icloud.com' Subject: Email Enquiry- Home Office response

Reference : T5189/16 Thank you for your e-mail enquiry A reply is attached. R Roy Direct Communications Unit Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, LONDON SW1P 4DF Tel Office: +44 (0)207 035 4848 Web: www.homeoffice.gov.uk

********************************************************************** This email and any files transmitted with it are private and intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please return it to the address 1

it came from telling them it is not for you and then delete it from your system. This email message has been swept for computer viruses. ********************************************************************** **********************************************************************


Direct Communications Unit 2 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DF

Tel: 020 7035 4848 Fax: 020 7035 4745 www.homeoffice.gov.uk

Mr Ajwinder Singh Bains Aj.s.b@icloud.com

Reference: T4806/16

6 May 2016

Dear Mr Bains, Thank you for your email of 29 April to the Home Secretary chasing a reply to your email of 27 April. As I am sure you can appreciate, the Home Secretary receives a large amount of correspondence and is unable to reply personally to each item received. Your email has therefore been passed to the Direct Communications Unit at the Home Office and I have been asked to reply. I am sorry to hear of the situation you describe where you believe that you are being persecuted by the makers of a TV program. I also note that you have been in contact with the police and the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) and are not satisfied with the way that your case has been handled. You may find it helpful if I explain the way the law applies regarding police investigations in individual cases. It is the responsibility of the police to decide whether there are sufficient grounds to launch a criminal investigation, and that of the Crown Prosecution Service to decide whether to prosecute those alleged to be responsible. If a prosecution proceeds, it is for the courts to decide whether any offence has been committed, having taken account of all the relevant circumstances and to decide what sentence or penalty to impose on the defendant. Therefore, decisions on arrests are an operational matter for the police, in line with their duties to keep the peace, protect communities and prevent the commission of offences, working within the provisions of the legal framework set by Parliament. The IPCC is an independent body and therefore, if you are not satisfied with their investigation, you will need to seek independent legal advice, as their decisions on cases cannot be overturned apart from through the courts. The Home Office and its Ministers are not able to act as an avenue of appeal, and have no power to influence or intervene in any investigations or decisions made by the IPCC.

You may wish to contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau as they can provide free independent advice and can advise you whether you have grounds for a complaint against the police. You can find the contact details of your local office by looking in Yellow Pages or by looking on their national website: www.citizensadvice.org.uk/. I am sorry that I cannot be of further assistance on this occasion. Yours sincerely,

B Jugdaohsingh Direct Communications Unit Email: Public.Enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk

AJ From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject:

A Singh <aj.s.b@icloud.com> Friday, May 6, 2016 12:13 PM Public Enquiries (CD) mayt@parliament.uk; privateoffice.external@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk; office@maidenheadconservatives.com Ref: T4806/16 Re: Reply to your query - Home Office

Dear Sirs Thank you for your reply, although it is far from satisfactory and seems to suggest police forces act as fiefdoms vulnerable to corruption, as the recent revelations of the Hillsborough disaster suggests. Has the Gov't not learnt anything? It is clear from my letter that they have worked with West Midlands Police, strip searching me, humiliating me in a West Midlands police station, Piddock Road station in Smethwick. Is this acceptable in this country? The harassment I suffer is constant for every waking hour, it involves sophisticated technology, they stalk me wherever I go, this included Scotland (Edinburgh), London and Reykjavik in Iceland. Do you believe this blatant criminality is acceptable because the police refuse to act because they are complicit in the crimes? No it is not. It has driven me to try and commit suicide a number of times. This is inhumane, illegal and unacceptable. As far as everything else goes, the organisation I am complaining about has successfully intercepted my communications, they have prevented me from knowing their identity, although I refer to it as a reality TV show I do not know the true nature. All I want to know is their identity, the police having failed me, I can then apply for a Protection From Harassment Order under the 1997 act. The very least you can do is let me know their identity and please do not pretend that you don't know it, Irwin Mitchell has confirmed that there is a counter party, and I am fully aware of the deceit utilised to hide their identity. I include a link to the original letter: https://issuu.com/ajbains/docs/harassment_letter_-_inc_appendicies

Regards A Bains Sent from my iPad On 6 May 2016, at 09:37, Public Enquiries (CD) <Public.Enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk> wrote:

Reference : T4806/16 Thank you for your e-mail enquiry. A reply is attached.

Direct Communications Unit Home Office, 2 Marsham Street,


LONDON SW1P 4DF Web: www.gov.uk

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Direct Communications Unit 2 Marsham Street London SW1P 4DF

Tel: 020 7035 4848 Fax: 020 7035 4745 www.homeoffice.gov.uk

Mr A Bains aj.s.b@icloud.com Reference: T5189/16

12 May 2016

Dear Mr Bains, Thank you for your further letter of 6 May to the Home Secretary. As I am sure you can appreciate, the Home Secretary receives a large amount of correspondence and is unable to reply personally to each item received. Your letter has therefore been passed to the Direct Communications Unit at the Home Office and I have been asked to reply. You might find it helpful if I explain that Ministers are unable to intervene in individual cases or to direct the police in which cases they should investigate. To do so would undermine the principle that the police are entirely independent of Government. When a complaint has been made to the police, it is their responsibility to decide whether there are sufficient grounds to launch a criminal investigation. It is also for their professional judgement and discretion to decide what action they take when enforcing the law in individual cases. As we informed you in our letter of 6 May (our reference T4806/16), there is a dedicated system for handling complaints against the police, established through the Police Reform Act 2002. Certain duties are placed upon the chief officer of each force and either the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) or the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime. This system is overseen by the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) and neither Ministers nor Home Office officials are able to intervene in this process, nor are they able to act as an avenue of appeal for decisions made within this system by a chief officer, the PCC or the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime. For more information on the police complaints system you can contact the IPCC at P.O. Box 473, Sale, M33 0BW (website: www.ipcc.gov.uk, telephone: 0300 020 0096). The Citizens Advice Bureau may be able to offer you some free legal advice on whether you have grounds for a complaint against the police. Their contact telephone number is: 08444 111 444. I regret we can be of no further assistance in this matter. Yours sincerely, R Roy Direct Communications Unit Email: Public.Enquiries@homeoffice.gsi.gov.uk

Appendix 22 Email to West Midlands Police 16 April 2016

AJ From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments:

A Singh <aj.s.b@icloud.com> Saturday, April 16, 2016 11:27 AM contactus@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk Aj FAO CHIEF CONSTABLE OF WEST MIDLANDS POLICE - DAVE THOMPSON Letter & appendix 1 to 14.pdf

Dear Mr Thompson I write to further to my tweet sent on 7 March 2016 where you replied and asked me to write to you. In the interim I have had a meeting with a police officer at Steele House Lane Station on 4 April 2016 but I wanted to bring this to your attention and request some information. I also attach a letter outlining my circumstances, I would be grateful if you would review it fully. Following my meeting on 4 April 2016, I would like to clarify some of my requests. My complaint includes a number of issues, but those who perpetrated this campaign against me have been extremely good at hiding their identity from me. My initial and most urgent request, other than a full investigation, is for them to be identified and disclosed to me as soon as possible. This will enable me to pursue civil remedies in the interim, for example requesting a Protection From Harassment Order. If you are able to obtain one on my behalf I would be very appreciative, although, I would ask you to disclose their identity to me regardless as a matter of urgency. I make the assumption that it is related to Enter The Wild a wilderness show that was meant to be set in Oregon USA. Enter the Wild included a 2 week preparation course and should never have started without my full knowledge and a medical check-up, and it was never meant to involve my home, family or any personal information or details - it was meant to be an obscure wilderness experience on a cable network Esquire Tv (owned by NBC), i should not have been available in the UK and it did not have significant audiences. The belief that it is related to “Enter The Wild” (for NBC) is partially based on the information they have revealed to me over the last 2.5 years and because I cannot think of any other situation I was involved in that could be perverted into these criminal actions. My belief is that it started in late October 2013. Despite these beliefs, I have come to learn those involved are experts at deceit and able to cover their tracks and I would not be entirely surprised if it were some other entity. Their deceit is so effective that I am not even aware of the format, how they are able to perpetrate their campaign, the technology they utilise nor how they are able to manipulate and control me and the circumstances under which I live. I also believe that they intercept my communications because there are a number of times they have contacted me by phone and text (without disclosing their identity), emails have disappeared and some of my letters were either not delivered (to me) or received by the person to whom I’ve written. I am at a loss as to how this can happen in the UK, particularly, has it was based on a fraud which I believed would be stopped considering the levels of criminality involved. I would also like to be kept up to date on the investigation as I have requested that this matter be investigated previously but no action seems to have been taken and I have never received a reply on the matter. 1

There was also some confusion at the 4 April 2016 meeting as to whether the fraud was being investigated. For the avoidance of doubt I request that West Midlands Police investigate the initial fraud which instigated the sequence of events back in October 2013. However, some confusion may have arisen because Humberside Police are investigating the MBNA fraud, and only that element of the crimes, because the culprit resides within their jurisdiction. I have only included a brief summary of events and it does not comprehensively list everything that I have been subjected to but it should give an introduction to the events. I would also appreciate it if the crime reference number is disclosed to me for my records as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance in advance and I hope to hear from your very soon.

Regards A Bains


AJ From: Sent: To: Subject:

Contactusnew WMP <Contactusnew_WMP@west-midlands.pnn.police.uk> Saturday, April 16, 2016 12:54 PM A Singh Re: FAO CHIEF CONSTABLE OF WEST MIDLANDS POLICE - DAVE THOMPSON

Good Afternoon, thankyou for your e/mail,this has been forwarded to the relevent department for action Kind Regards WB/NR/A1 THE CONTACTUS TEAM WEST MIDLANDS POLICE To report crime and anti-social behaviour which does not require an emergency response please call 101. In an emergency call 999, For all other enquiries (or for callers outside the West Midlands) dial 0345 113 5000

Our vision 'Serving Our Communities, Protecting Them From Harm' Website: www.west-midlands.police.uk Twitter: www.twitter.com/wmpolice Facebook: www.facebook.com/westmidlandspolice YouTube: www.youtube.com/westmidlandspolice

From: A Singh <aj.s.b@icloud.com> Sent: 16 April 2016 11:27 To: Contactusnew WMP Cc: Aj Subject: FAO CHIEF CONSTABLE OF WEST MIDLANDS POLICE - DAVE THOMPSON

Dear Mr Thompson I write to further to my tweet sent on 7 March 2016 where you replied and asked me to write to you. In the interim I have had a meeting with a police officer at Steele House Lane Station on 4 April 2016 but I wanted to bring this to your attention and request some information. I also attach a letter outlining my circumstances, I would be grateful if you would review it fully. Following my meeting on 4 April 2016, I would like to clarify some of my requests. My complaint includes a number of issues, but those who perpetrated this campaign against me have been extremely good at hiding their identity from me. My initial and most urgent request, other than a full investigation, is for them to be identified and disclosed to me as soon as possible. This will enable me to pursue civil remedies in the interim, for example requesting a Protection From Harassment Order. If you are able to obtain one on my behalf I would be very appreciative, although, I would ask you to disclose their identity to me regardless as a matter of urgency. I make the assumption that it is related to Enter The Wild a wilderness show that was meant to be set in Oregon USA. Enter the Wild included a 2 week preparation course and should never have started without my full knowledge and a medical check-up, and it was never meant to involve my home, family or any personal information or details - it was meant to be an obscure wilderness experience on a cable network 1

Esquire Tv (owned by NBC), i should not have been available in the UK and it did not have significant audiences. The belief that it is related to “Enter The Wild� (for NBC) is partially based on the information they have revealed to me over the last 2.5 years and because I cannot think of any other situation I was involved in that could be perverted into these criminal actions. My belief is that it started in late October 2013. Despite these beliefs, I have come to learn those involved are experts at deceit and able to cover their tracks and I would not be entirely surprised if it were some other entity. Their deceit is so effective that I am not even aware of the format, how they are able to perpetrate their campaign, the technology they utilise nor how they are able to manipulate and control me and the circumstances under which I live. I also believe that they intercept my communications because there are a number of times they have contacted me by phone and text (without disclosing their identity), emails have disappeared and some of my letters were either not delivered (to me) or received by the person to whom I’ve written. I am at a loss as to how this can happen in the UK, particularly, has it was based on a fraud which I believed would be stopped considering the levels of criminality involved. I would also like to be kept up to date on the investigation as I have requested that this matter be investigated previously but no action seems to have been taken and I have never received a reply on the matter. There was also some confusion at the 4 April 2016 meeting as to whether the fraud was being investigated. For the avoidance of doubt I request that West Midlands Police investigate the initial fraud which instigated the sequence of events back in October 2013. However, some confusion may have arisen because Humberside Police are investigating the MBNA fraud, and only that element of the crimes, because the culprit resides within their jurisdiction. I have only included a brief summary of events and it does not comprehensively list everything that I have been subjected to but it should give an introduction to the events. I would also appreciate it if the crime reference number is disclosed to me for my records as soon as possible. Thank you for your assistance in advance and I hope to hear from your very soon. Regards A Bains This email is intended for the addressee only and may contain privileged or confidential information. If received in error, please notify the originator immediately. Any unauthorised use, disclosure, copying or alteration of this email is strictly forbidden. Views or opinions expressed in this email do not necessarily represent those of West Midlands Police. All West Midlands Police email activity is monitored for virus, racist, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate activity. No responsibility is accepted by West Midlands Police for any loss or damage arising in any way from the receipt or use of this email.


Appendix 23 Email to US State Department 12 May 2016

AJ From: Sent: To: Cc:

Subject: Attachments:

AJ <aj.s.b@icloud.com> Thursday, May 12, 2016 10:18 PM 'SCSLondon@state.gov' ajwinder13@gmail.com; 13ajwinder@gmail.com; asb13@btinternet.com; aj.s.b@icloud.com; 'yourcomments@foxnews.com'; 'foreign@washpost.com'; 'national@washpost.com'; 'Tim.Gianettino@abc.com'; 'newswatch@bbc.co.uk'; 'bbcbreakfast@bbc.co.uk'; 'news@channel4.com'; 'info@rttv.ru'; 'RT-US@rttv.ru'; 'press@rttv.ru'; 'producersgroup@rttv.ru'; 'telegraphenquiries@telegraph.co.uk'; 'dtletters@telegraph.co.uk'; 'stnews@telegraph.co.uk'; 'dtnews@telegraph.co.uk'; 'letters@dailymail.co.uk'; 'news@mailonline.co.uk'; 'editorial@mailonline.co.uk' Course of Harassment, criminality, fraud by a USA media company. Harassment letter & Appendicies 1 - 17.pdf

Dear Sirs I have sent you details of this before and you have refused to act upon it, previously it was for the attention of Barrack Obama. You seem to think your companies can do what they like, and they do. No wonder America has built such animosity abroad. I request that you act upon this, as I have reached my final tether, I will gladly kill myself if this goes on, this is not a joke, I have been suffering horrific abuse and torture since October 2013 and it is unrelenting. You either act and stop it, because it is criminal, but they have such control over my life it seems they can manipulate whatever they like. I reiterate, unless you act, I will commit suicide and it will be entirely the fault of the USA media company concerned. It won’t be long as I refuse to be subject to this torture any longer. I attach a detailed document illustrating what has happened. There are details recorded here: https://www.facebook.com/3xt1-Twitter-1158123894205576/ Here is my previous suicide attempt (it is backed up by hospital and police evidence): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ga3yG7obleU Here is the rest of the YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgsxb1PBchjQoOignmHv5Tg/videos?sort=dd&shelf_id=0&view=0 My twitter account: www.twitter.com/3xt1 Please confirm receipt of this email. Regards A Bains


AJ From: Sent: To: Subject:

London, SCS <SCSLondon@state.gov> Thursday, May 12, 2016 10:20 PM AJ AUTOMATED RESPONSE from Special Consular Services, U.S. Embassy, London

Your email has been received by the Special Consular Services Unit. This email address is only for inquiries concerning services for U.S. citizens in the United Kingdom. We will be responding to your inquiry shortly. In the meantime, we suggest you check our website at https://uk.usembassy.gov/u-s-citizen-services/ Please note that inquiries not related to emergency or non-emergency services for U.S. citizens will NOT be answered or redirected. Information about visas, the Visa Waiver Program and ESTA can be obtained by clicking on the links below: Lost/stolen/expired Permanent Resident Cards (commonly known as ‘Green Cards’) https://uk.usembassy.gov/embassy-consulates/government-agencies/dhs/cbp/ Visas https://uk.usembassy.gov/visas/

Visa Waiver Program/ESTA https://uk.usembassy.gov/visas/visa-waiver-program/

Sincerely, Special Consular Services U.S. Embassy, London


Appendix 24 Email correspondence with Scottish Gov’t 21-29 April 2016

AJ From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Attachments:

A Singh <aj.s.b@icloud.com> Thursday, April 21, 2016 7:54 AM scottish.ministers@gov.scot ajwinder13@gmail.com; Aj; asb13@btinternet.com; 13ajwinder@gmail.com FAO Nicola Sturgeon Letter & appendix 1 to 14.pdf; Untitled attachment 00057.txt

Dear Sirs I attach a copy of a complaint. Some of the harassment happened while I was in Scotland and should be a matter for the Scottish Police to deal with. It was during a visit to Edinburgh on the night of the national election in 2015. I have tried to highlight this to Ms Sturgeon on Twitter but little seems to have been done. I would like this email passed to her for her attention and I would like the Scottish Police to investigate the matter. The torture, psychological abuse and harassment has been going on for over 2.5 years and I hope you can understand this is a matter of the utmost urgency. Regards A Bains.


AJ From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments:

CorrespondenceUnit@gov.scot Thursday, April 21, 2016 9:23 AM aj.s.b@icloud.com Acknowledgement from the Scottish Government. A20160013351.pdf

Thank you for your correspondence. Please see the attached acknowledgement which includes a reference number for future use.

********************************************************************** This e-mail (and any files or other attachments transmitted with it) is intended solely for the attention of the addressee(s). Unauthorised use, disclosure, storage, copying or distribution of any part of this e-mail is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient please destroy the email, remove any copies from your system and inform the sender immediately by return. Communications with the Scottish Government may be monitored or recorded in order to secure the effective operation of the system and for other lawful purposes. The views or opinions contained within this e-mail may not necessarily reflect those of the Scottish Government.

Tha am post-d seo (agus faidhle neo ceanglan còmhla ris) dhan neach neo luchd-ainmichte amhàin. Chan eil e ceadaichte a chleachdadh ann an dòigh sam bith, a’ toirt a-steach còraichean, foillseachadh neo sgaoileadh, gun chead. Ma ’s e is gun d’fhuair sibh seo le gun fhiosd’, bu choir cur às dhan phost-d agus lethbhreac sam bith air an t-siostam agaibh, leig fios chun neach a sgaoil am post-d gun dàil.

Dh’fhaodadh gum bi teachdaireachd sam bith bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba air a chlàradh neo air a sgrùdadh airson dearbhadh gu bheil an siostam ag obair gu h-èifeachdach neo airson adhbhar laghail eile. Dh’fhaodadh nach eil beachdan anns a’ phost-d seo co-ionann ri beachdan Riaghaltas na h-Alba. **********************************************************************

The original of this email was scanned for viruses by the Government Secure Intranet virus scanning service supplied by Vodafone in partnership with Symantec. (CCTM Certificate Number 2009/09/0052.) This email has been certified virus free. Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded for legal purposes.


Ministerial Correspondence Unit

T: 0131-244 4000 E: CorrespondenceUnit@gov.scot


Mr A Bains

___ Our ref: 2016/0013351 21 April 2016 Dear Mr Bains Thank you for your correspondence to Nicola Sturgeon received on 21 April 2016. Your correspondence has been passed to the relevant area for a response. The Scottish Government aims to respond to you within 20 working days. Where this is not possible, we will endeavour to keep you updated on the progress of your response. Yours sincerely

Ministerial Correspondence Unit

St Andrew’s House, Regent Road, Edinburgh EH1 3DG www.scotland.gov.uk

abcde abc a

AJ From: Sent: To: Subject:

A Singh <aj.s.b@icloud.com> Friday, April 29, 2016 9:58 AM CorrespondenceUnit@gov.scot Ref: 2016/0013351 FAO Nicola Sturgeon Re: Acknowledgement from the Scottish Government.

Dear Sirs I thought I would include some information about the incidents which fall within Scottish jurisdiction. Service station, which is in Scottish jurisdiction and the harassment continued whilst I was in an Edinburgh Hotel: http://motorwayservicesonline.co.uk/Annandale_Water

Recording made at the time, part of it has been edited, not by me, to cut out the bit where I took the overdose, I know it was seen because the South Staffordshire Police officer who stopped my car on the way home mentioned seeing a video where I swallowed over 100 pills: https://youtu.be/ga3yG7obleU This is a very serious matter, and to be frank, I am tired of the authorities refusal to act. I understand that some of the evidence in your possession may reflect a distorted version of events, but they are excellent at hiding their criminality, they have been able to act with complete impunity & consider themselves above the law. This is obviously not acceptable and as I'm sure you can gather. West Midlands Police seem to have been complicit in these events (much like their conduct in the Hillsborough disaster etc). I kindly ask you to acknowledge receipt and take any information given to you by West Midlands Police with a certain amount of scepticism. Regards A Bains Sent from my iPad On 21 Apr 2016, at 09:23, CorrespondenceUnit@gov.scot wrote: Thank you for your correspondence. Please see the attached acknowledgement which includes a reference number for future use.

********************************************************************** This e-mail (and any files or other attachments transmitted with it) is intended solely for the attention of the addressee(s). Unauthorised use, disclosure, storage, copying or distribution of any part of this e-mail is not permitted. If you are not the intended recipient please destroy the email, remove any copies from your system and inform the sender immediately by return. Communications with the Scottish Government may be monitored or recorded in 1

order to secure the effective operation of the system and for other lawful purposes. The views or opinions contained within this e-mail may not necessarily reflect those of the Scottish Government.

Tha am post-d seo (agus faidhle neo ceanglan còmhla ris) dhan neach neo luchdainmichte a-mhàin. Chan eil e ceadaichte a chleachdadh ann an dòigh sam bith, a’ toirt a-steach còraichean, foillseachadh neo sgaoileadh, gun chead. Ma ’s e is gun d’fhuair sibh seo le gun fhiosd’, bu choir cur às dhan phost-d agus lethbhreac sam bith air an t-siostam agaibh, leig fios chun neach a sgaoil am post-d gun dàil.

Dh’fhaodadh gum bi teachdaireachd sam bith bho Riaghaltas na h-Alba air a chlàradh neo air a sgrùdadh airson dearbhadh gu bheil an siostam ag obair gu h-èifeachdach neo airson adhbhar laghail eile. Dh’fhaodadh nach eil beachdan anns a’ phost-d seo co-ionann ri beachdan Riaghaltas na h-Alba. **********************************************************************

The original of this email was scanned for viruses by the Government Secure Intranet virus scanning service supplied by Vodafone in partnership with Symantec. (CCTM Certificate Number 2009/09/0052.) This email has been certified virus free. Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded for legal purposes. <A20160013351.pdf>


Appendix 25 Email correspondence with BBC Complaints 8 March 2015

AJ From: Sent: To: Subject:

bbc_complaints_website@bbc.co.uk Sunday, March 8, 2015 3:59 AM AJ Bains BBC Complaints - Case number CAS-3183875-WGHFDY

Dear Mr Bains Reference CAS-3183875-WGHFDY Thank you for taking the time to get in touch. I would like to start by assuring you that the BBC would never carry out personal attacks on people. We are not part of a criminal conspiracy and although you feel we have done something which constitutes a criminal act, I cannot arrange a face-to-face meeting regarding this matter. We would be happy to review any evidence you have on what has led you to this conclusion, including the organisation you believe we have been involved with. Please do not hesitate to write back or call us on 03700 100 222 to provide more details on the matter at hand. Thank you again for your time. Kind regards Molly Dobbin BBC Complaints www.bbc.co.uk/complaints NB This is sent from an outgoing account only which is not monitored. You cannot reply to this email address but if necessary please contact us via our webform quoting any case number we provided.


Appendix 26 Complaint to Ofcom & Ofcom Rules

10 March 2015

AJ From: Sent: To: Subject:

AJ <aj.s.b@icloud.com> Tuesday, March 10, 2015 9:06 PM IllegalBroadcast@ofcom.org.uk Re: Ajwinder Bains/Aj Bains - "big brother" style reality show

Dear Sirs My name is Ajwinder Singh Bains (Aj Bains), of 46 Parkes Street, Smethwick B67 6AZ & 5 Reservoir Road, Oldbury, B68 9QQ. The latter is my current address. I include a picture of myself above. To give you some details on the background of my situation, which I am sure you are aware of. I applied for a reality show called "Enter the wild", with a U.S. Media company which I thought was part of NBC. I made an agreement with them regarding that show, however, they fraudulently changed the concept and violated my life. They orchestrated a "bait & switch" under an illegal contract, one which I did not know that I was agreeing to. They hacked my phones and my email in an illegal manner, convinced my employer Pett, Franklin & Co. LLP to participate in this ridiculous spin on the "big brother" concept, who assisted them in illegally hacking my private emails despite Pett, Franklin & Co. LLP being a law firm regulated by the SRA. They invaded every aspect of my life, I believe they have unlawfully administered prescription drugs (I suspect they have also given me illegal drugs and tried to hide their criminality). I understand that West Midlands Police agreed to be part of the show to promote themselves. They have harassed & stalked me since October 2013. They, the media company, have lied to the authorities including the police & I believe they have made false statements before the courts. They systematically isolated me, they have intercepted all my communications be it phone, email and post. They deliberately destroyed my finances and fraudulently accessed my financial data. They even ignored Reshmo Kaur (my mother) & Mandeep Kaur Bains (my sister) physically assaulting me. On numerous occasions they have prevented me from contacting the authorities, when I contacted the police they have not taken my concerns seriously. The harassment has continued for a prolonged period of time, on at least 5 occasions the harassment has been so abusive, so vindictive & malicious that it is tantamount to attempted murder, continuously for hours telling me to kill myself, that it drove me to try and commit suicide. They told me to set fire to myself in a car, drink disinfectant liquid (which I did), and overdose on painkillers (which I also took). None of this has caused any concern for the authorities who continued to ignore the abuse. I believe that their methods have been exposed yet for some reason unknown to me, there have been no consequences. No one is able to admit the truth to me, yet I know for a fact that some aspect of my life is being broadcast. Their behaviour turned vindictive once I announced that I would be instructing lawyers once this horror was over, from that point they started on a course intended to end in my death. Yet, West Midlands Police have been ambivalent towards their criminal conduct. They tried to convince "the audience" that I had a breakdown, although it was their constant uninterrupted abuse and harassment that caused my behaviour, they ensured they were able to communicate with me in a manner that "the audience" was unaware of. They constantly called me a pedophile & have told me that they will kill me. I was unable to contact the West Midlands Police, whom I was told were working with them in this sham of a "big brother" show. They refused to help when I raised concerns of criminal behaviour. I contacted them a number of times and their response was "where is your proof". The media company concerned systematically destroyed data and evidence in an attempt to hide their behaviour after co-opting West Midlands Police in what has become a horrifically criminal enterprise. They have tried to entrap me into committing illegal acts, specifically to prevent me from going to the U.S. to commence civil litigation against the company concerned. 1

I am seriously dismayed by the behaviour of West Midlands Police, they are worse than the criminals because they should be upholding the law not helping a group of criminals shred it, all because the media seems to think it can act with impunity and that the rule of law does not apply to them in any manner whatsoever. I am at the end of my tether and fear that I would do something, in defence of my person & property. There are few people who can face the non stop harassment & attacks that I have suffered for a year and a half without flipping out. In my opinion, I have showed remarkable constraint in that face of the most egregious attacks and individual can suffer. What I have suffer is no less than torture, a vile repugnant physiological torture no human can suffer without resorting to violence, but I am unsure how long I can go on with this. I even tried to contact Action Fraud who indicated they were restrained in how they could deal with this matter and seem to have referred the matter to West Midlands Police who did nothing at all, I suspect there is an injunction of sorts but I have never been privy to the details, I also suspect any injunction would have been obtained on a fraudulent basis with perjured evidence. This is simply a small description of the unending horrors that I have suffered and until the authorities take action it will continue. I would appreciate a face-to-face meeting to discuss the matters raised, as I previously indicated my mail is being intercepted, therefore I would suggest any correspondence is sent by registered mail and to fully address the problem only a face-to-face meeting would be appropriate.


A S Bains


AJ From: Sent: To: Subject:

WEBCONTACTS <webcontacts@ofcom.org.uk> Saturday, March 14, 2015 2:25 PM aj.s.b@icloud.com Ofcom auto response - reference Number:1-282280819

Thank you for contacting Ofcom. Your views are important to us as they help to ensure broadcasters follow the rules set out in our codes. These codes set standards for all programmes on TV and radio. Ofcom assesses each complaint it receives to decide whether it raises a potential issue under its codes. Ofcom will not normally write back to you with the outcome of its considerations. However, please be assured that if your complaint does raise a potential issue, we will start an investigation. And, whether or not we believe an investigation is required, your comments and feedback are always considered, and all our decisions are published in the Broadcast Bulletin. Ofcom publishes its Broadcast Bulletin, every fortnight, on our website. This includes the latest decisions about the complaints we’ve received. If you would like to find out more, you can read: • issues of the Broadcast Bulletin at: http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/enforcement/broadcast-bulletins • our Consumer Guide at: http://consumers.ofcom.org.uk/files/2009/12/tvcomplaints.pdf • our procedures for investigating standards cases http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/broadcasting/guidance/complaints-sanctions/standards • our procedures for investigating fairness and privacy cases http://stakeholders.ofcom.org.uk/broadcasting/guidance/complaints-sanctions/fairness You submitted the following details: Title: Mr Forename: Ajwinder Surname: Bains Contact phone number: 07886 425 793 Organisation (if applicable):

Address Line 1: 5 Reservoir Road Address Line 2 (if applicable):

Town/City: OLDBURY 1

Postcode: B68 9QQ Email address: aj.s.b@icloud.com Confirm email address: aj.s.b@icloud.com Programme title: Big Brother (style reality show) Date(s) and time(s) of broadcast: 14/03/2015 12.00 Start of programme: October 2013 End of programme: Ongoing Channel / station: NBC (UK broadcaster not known) Are you the person affected: Yes Are you making a complaint on behalf of the person affected: No Do you have appropriate written authorisation from the person affected: No 4a Were you treated unfairly in the programme as broadcast: Yes If yes please set out your complaint as fully as possible (using 1500 characters or less): Yes. The broadcaster deliberately portrayed me in a false light. I did not agree to make the program. The broadcaster has refused to stop filming, intercepted my communications to stop me from pursuing my legal redress. They have ignored my pleas to stop harassing me. They even drove me to try to commit suicide 5 times. They call me a pedophile and continuously threaten my life. Was your privacy unwarrantably infringed in connection with the obtaining of material included in the programme?: No If yes please set out your complaint as fully as possible (using 1500 characters or less): To give you some details on the background of my situation, which I am sure you are aware of. I applied for a reality show called "Enter the wild" on Esquire TV (a U.S.cable channel), with a U.S. Media company which is part of NBC, their UK subsidiary is NBC Universal Global Networks UK Limited of 1 Central St. Giles. St. Giles High Street, London WC2H 8NU. I made an agreement with them regarding that particular show, however, they fraudulently changed the concept and violated my life. They orchestrated a "bait and switch" under an illegal contract, one which I did not know that I was agreeing to. They hacked my phones and my email illegally.They have harassed and stalked me since October 2013. They, the media company, have lied to the authorities including the police and I believe they have made false statements before the courts. 2

Was your privacy unwarrantably infringed in the programme as broadcast: Yes If yes please set out your complaint as fully as possible (using 1500 characters or less): They invaded every aspect of my life, fraudulently and criminally gained the passwords to my email and financial details. The accessed all my social media accounts. Intercepted my post. Accessed all my private papers. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Have you already made a complaint to the broadcaster: Yes If yes, please set out the details of the outcome of your complaint and provide copies of any correspondence between you and the broadcaster (using 1500 characters or less): I have complained numerous times and they have refused to formally acknowledge my complaint nor have they stopped recording me. Have you made your complaint within the relevant time limit: Yes If no please provide reasons for the delay (using 1500 characters or less):

Is the matter you are complaining about the subject of any proceedings in a court of law in the UK or are there any other current legal proceedings which might affect your complaint?: No If yes please give details of any proceedings (using 1500 characters or less):

Please tick the box if you understand and agree to the terms of the declaration above: yes


AJ From: Sent: To: Subject:

AJ <aj.s.b@icloud.com> Wednesday, March 18, 2015 4:06 PM Gregory Bianchi Re: Ofcom complaint 1-282280819

Dear Mr Bianchi I thought I would include a picture, I may look familiar:

Aj On 18 Mar 2015, at 14:32, AJ <aj.s.b@icloud.com> wrote: Dear Mr Bianchi I would ask you to reconsider, the parent broadcaster is NBC Universal, which is regulated by Ofcom in the UK. I do not believe your conclusion is correct & I would like to know how I can appeal. Aj On 18 Mar 2015, at 14:11, Gregory Bianchi <Gregory.Bianchi@ofcom.org.uk> wrote: Dear Mr Bains Thank you for your contacting Ofcom with your concerns about Esquire TV and a programme called Enter the Wild. Unfortunately, Ofcom is unable to assist you with your concerns. Ofcom can only consider complaints about unjust or unfair treatment or unwarranted infringement of privacy in relation to specific programmes (channel, date and time specific) which are broadcast on television channels licensed by Ofcom. It appears from your complaint that the programme you are complaining about was possibly broadcast on a US television channel i.e. Esquire TV, which is not licensed by Ofcom. Therefore, we cannot consider your complaint because we have no regulatory powers to do so. I appreciate that this will be disappointing to you, though I thank you for taking the time to contact us. Kind regards Greg Bianchi 1

:: Greg Bianchi Business Support Officer CSLE Operations Content, Standards, Licensing & Enforcement Tel: 020 7981 3271 Fax: 020 7981 3806 Email: gregory.bianchi@ofcom.org.uk

:: Ofcom Riverside House 2a Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 9HA 020 7981 3000 www.ofcom.org.uk

****************************************************************************************************************** For more information visit www.ofcom.org.uk This email (and any attachments) is confidential and intended for the use of the addressee only. If you have received this email in error please notify the originator of the message and delete it from your system. This email has been scanned for viruses. However, you open any attachments at your own risk. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and do not represent the views or opinions of Ofcom unless expressly stated otherwise. ******************************************************************************************************************



AJ From: Sent: To: Subject:

Gregory Bianchi <Gregory.Bianchi@ofcom.org.uk> Thursday, March 19, 2015 4:55 PM AJ RE: Ofcom complaint 1-282280819

Dear Mr Bains, Thank you for your response. Having checked again with our licencing team I can confirm that Esquire TV is not licenced by Ofcom. Therefore we are unable to assess any content which falls outside of Ofcom’s remit and, as a result, we are unable to proceed with your complaint any further. I understand that this will be disappointing for you, however I would again like to thank you for contacting Ofcom. Yours sincerely, Greg Bianchi From: AJ [mailto:aj.s.b@icloud.com] Sent: 18 March 2015 16:06 To: Gregory Bianchi Subject: Re: Ofcom complaint 1-282280819

Dear Mr Bianchi I thought I would include a picture, I may look familiar:

Aj On 18 Mar 2015, at 14:32, AJ <aj.s.b@icloud.com> wrote: Dear Mr Bianchi I would ask you to reconsider, the parent broadcaster is NBC Universal, which is regulated by Ofcom in the UK. I do not believe your conclusion is correct & I would like to know how I can appeal. Aj


On 18 Mar 2015, at 14:11, Gregory Bianchi <Gregory.Bianchi@ofcom.org.uk> wrote: Dear Mr Bains Thank you for your contacting Ofcom with your concerns about Esquire TV and a programme called Enter the Wild. Unfortunately, Ofcom is unable to assist you with your concerns. Ofcom can only consider complaints about unjust or unfair treatment or unwarranted infringement of privacy in relation to specific programmes (channel, date and time specific) which are broadcast on television channels licensed by Ofcom. It appears from your complaint that the programme you are complaining about was possibly broadcast on a US television channel i.e. Esquire TV, which is not licensed by Ofcom. Therefore, we cannot consider your complaint because we have no regulatory powers to do so. I appreciate that this will be disappointing to you, though I thank you for taking the time to contact us. Kind regards Greg Bianchi :: Greg Bianchi Business Support Officer CSLE Operations Content, Standards, Licensing & Enforcement Tel: 020 7981 3271 Fax: 020 7981 3806 Email: gregory.bianchi@ofcom.org.uk

:: Ofcom Riverside House 2a Southwark Bridge Road London SE1 9HA 020 7981 3000 www.ofcom.org.uk

****************************************************************************************************************** For more information visit www.ofcom.org.uk This email (and any attachments) is confidential and intended for the use of the addressee only. If you have received this email in error please notify the originator of the message and delete it from your system. This email has been scanned for viruses. However, you open any attachments at your own risk. Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and do not represent the views or opinions of Ofcom unless expressly stated otherwise. ******************************************************************************************************************


****************************************************************************************************************** For more information visit www.ofcom.org.uk This email (and any attachments) is confidential and intended for the use of the addressee only. If you have received this email in error please notify the originator of the message and delete it from your system. This email has been scanned for viruses. However, you open any attachments at your own risk.


Any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and do not represent the views or opinions of Ofcom unless expressly stated otherwise. ******************************************************************************************************************


The Ofcom Broadcasting Code

July 2015


Section Eight: Privacy

(Relevant legislation includes, in particular, sections 3(2)(f) and 326 of the Communications Act 2003, sections 107(1) and 130 of the Broadcasting Act 1996 (as amended), and Articles 8 and 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights.) Foreword This section and the preceding section on fairness are different from other sections of the Code. They apply to how broadcasters treat the individuals or organisations directly affected by programmes, rather than to what the general public sees and/or hears as viewers and listeners. As well as containing a principle and a rule this section contains “practices to be followed” by broadcasters when dealing with individuals or organisations participating or otherwise directly affected by programmes, or in the making of programmes. Following these practices will not necessarily avoid a breach of this section of the Code (Rule 8.1). However, failure to follow these practises will only constitute a breach where it results in an unwarranted infringement of privacy. Importantly, the Code does not and cannot seek to set out all the “practices to be followed” in order to avoid an unwarranted infringement of privacy. The Broadcasting Act 1996 (as amended) requires Ofcom to consider complaints about unwarranted infringement of privacy in a programme or in connection with the obtaining of material included in a programme. This may call for some difficult on-the-spot judgments about whether privacy is unwarrantably infringed by filming or recording, especially when reporting on emergency situations (“practices to be followed” 8.5 to 8.8 and 8.16 to 8.19). We recognise there may be a strong public interest in reporting on an emergency situation as it occurs and we understand there may be pressures on broadcasters at the scene of a disaster or emergency that may make it difficult to judge at the time whether filming or recording is an unwarrantable infringement of privacy. These are factors Ofcom will take into account when adjudicating on complaints. Where consent is referred to in Section Eight it refers to informed consent. Please see “practice to be followed” 7.3 in Section Seven: Fairness.



Principle To ensure that broadcasters avoid any unwarranted infringement of privacy in programmes and in connection with obtaining material included in programmes. Rule 8.1

Any infringement of privacy in programmes, or in connection with obtaining material included in programmes, must be warranted.

Meaning of “warranted”: In this section “warranted” has a particular meaning. It means that where broadcasters wish to justify an infringement of privacy as warranted, they should be able to demonstrate why in the particular circumstances of the case, it is warranted. If the reason is that it is in the public interest, then the broadcaster should be able to demonstrate that the public interest outweighs the right to privacy. Examples of public interest would include revealing or detecting crime, protecting public health or safety, exposing misleading claims made by individuals or organisations or disclosing incompetence that affects the public.

Practices to be followed (8.2 to 8.22) Private lives, public places and legitimate expectation of privacy Meaning of “legitimate expectation of privacy”: Legitimate expectations of privacy will vary according to the place and nature of the information, activity or condition in question, the extent to which it is in the public domain (if at all) and whether the individual concerned is already in the public eye. There may be circumstances where people can reasonably expect privacy even in a public place. Some activities and conditions may be of such a private nature that filming or recording, even in a public place, could involve an infringement of privacy. People under investigation or in the public eye, and their immediate family and friends, retain the right to a private life, although private behaviour can raise issues of legitimate public interest.

The Ofcom Broadcasting Code

July 2015



Information which discloses the location of a person’s home or family should not be revealed without permission, unless it is warranted.


When people are caught up in events which are covered by the news they still have a right to privacy in both the making and the broadcast of a programme, unless it is warranted to infringe it. This applies both to the time when these events are taking place and to any later programmes that revisit those events.


Broadcasters should ensure that words, images or actions filmed or recorded in, or broadcast from, a public place, are not so private that prior consent is required before broadcast from the individual or organisation concerned, unless broadcasting without their consent is warranted.



Any infringement of privacy in the making of a programme should be with the person’s and/or organisation’s consent or be otherwise warranted.


If the broadcast of a programme would infringe the privacy of a person or organisation, consent should be obtained before the relevant material is broadcast, unless the infringement of privacy is warranted. (Callers to phone-in shows are deemed to have given consent to the broadcast of their contribution.)


If an individual or organisation’s privacy is being infringed, and they ask that the filming, recording or live broadcast be stopped, the broadcaster should do so, unless it is warranted to continue.


When filming or recording in institutions, organisations or other agencies, permission should be obtained from the relevant authority or management, unless it is warranted to film or record without permission. Individual consent of employees or others whose appearance is incidental or where they are essentially anonymous members of the general public will not normally be required.



• However, in potentially sensitive places such as ambulances, hospitals, schools, prisons or police stations, separate consent should normally be obtained before filming or recording and for broadcast from those in sensitive situations (unless not obtaining consent is warranted). If the individual will not be identifiable in the programme then separate consent for broadcast will not be required. Gathering information, sound or images and the re-use of material


The means of obtaining material must be proportionate in all the circumstances and in particular to the subject matter of the programme.

8.10 Broadcasters should ensure that the re-use of material, i.e. use of material originally filmed or recorded for one purpose and then used in a programme for another purpose or used in a later or different programme, does not create an unwarranted infringement of privacy. This applies both to material obtained from others and the broadcaster’s own material. 8.11 Doorstepping for factual programmes should not take place unless a request for an interview has been refused or it has not been possible to request an interview, or there is good reason to believe that an investigation will be frustrated if the subject is approached openly, and it is warranted to doorstep. However, normally broadcasters may, without prior warning interview, film or record people in the news when in public places.

(See “practice to be followed” 8.15.)

Meaning of “doorstepping”: Doorstepping is the filming or recording of an interview or attempted interview with someone, or announcing that a call is being filmed or recorded for broadcast purposes, without any prior warning. It does not, however, include vox-pops (sampling the views of random members of the public).

The Ofcom Broadcasting Code

July 2015


8.12 Broadcasters can record telephone calls between the broadcaster and the other party if they have, from the outset of the call, identified themselves, explained the purpose of the call and that the call is being recorded for possible broadcast (if that is the case) unless it is warranted not to do one or more of these practices. If at a later stage it becomes clear that a call that has been recorded will be broadcast (but this was not explained to the other party at the time of the call) then the broadcaster must obtain consent before broadcast from the other party, unless it is warranted not to do so. (See “practices to be followed” 7.14 and 8.13 to 8.15.) 8.13 Surreptitious filming or recording should only be used where it is warranted. Normally, it will only be warranted if: • there is prima facie evidence of a story in the public interest; and • there are reasonable grounds to suspect that further material evidence could be obtained; and • it is necessary to the credibility and authenticity of the programme. (See “practices to be followed” 7.14, 8.12, 8.14 and 8.15.) Meaning of “surreptitious filming or recording”: Surreptitious filming or recording includes the use of long lenses or recording devices, as well as leaving an unattended camera or recording device on private property without the full and informed consent of the occupiers or their agent. It may also include recording telephone conversations without the knowledge of the other party, or deliberately continuing a recording when the other party thinks that it has come to an end.

8.14 Material gained by surreptitious filming and recording should only be broadcast when it is warranted.

(See also “practices to be followed” 7.14 and 8.12 to 8.13 and 8.15.)



8.15 Surreptitious filming or recording, doorstepping or recorded ‘wind-up’ calls to obtain material for entertainment purposes may be warranted if it is intrinsic to the entertainment and does not amount to a significant infringement of privacy such as to cause significant annoyance, distress or embarrassment. The resulting material should not be broadcast without the consent of those involved. However if the individual and/or organisation is not identifiable in the programme then consent for broadcast will not be required.

(See “practices to be followed” 7.14 and 8.11 to 8.14.)

Suffering and distress

8.16 Broadcasters should not take or broadcast footage or audio of people caught up in emergencies, victims of accidents or those suffering a personal tragedy, even in a public place, where that results in an infringement of privacy, unless it is warranted or the people concerned have given consent. 8.17 People in a state of distress should not be put under pressure to take part in a programme or provide interviews, unless it is warranted. 8.18 Broadcasters should take care not to reveal the identity of a person who has died or of victims of accidents or violent crimes, unless and until it is clear that the next of kin have been informed of the event or unless it is warranted. 8.19 Broadcasters should try to reduce the potential distress to victims and/or relatives when making or broadcasting programmes intended to examine past events that involve trauma to individuals (including crime) unless it is warranted to do otherwise. This applies to dramatic reconstructions and factual dramas, as well as factual programmes. • In particular, so far as is reasonably practicable, surviving victims and/or the immediate families of those whose experience is to feature in a programme, should be informed of the plans for the programme and its intended broadcast, even if the events or material to be broadcast have been in the public domain in the past.

The Ofcom Broadcasting Code

July 2015


People under sixteen and vulnerable people

8.20 Broadcasters should pay particular attention to the privacy of people under sixteen. They do not lose their rights to privacy because, for example, of the fame or notoriety of their parents or because of events in their schools. 8.21 Where a programme features an individual under sixteen or a vulnerable person in a way that infringes privacy, consent must be obtained from: • a parent, guardian or other person of eighteen or over in loco parentis; and • wherever possible, the individual concerned; • unless the subject matter is trivial or uncontroversial and the participation minor, or it is warranted to proceed without consent. 8.22 Persons under sixteen and vulnerable people should not be questioned about private matters without the consent of a parent, guardian or other person of eighteen or over in loco parentis (in the case of persons under sixteen), or a person with primary responsibility for their care (in the case of a vulnerable person), unless it is warranted to proceed without consent. Meaning of “vulnerable people”: This varies, but may include those with learning difficulties, those with mental health problems, the bereaved, people with brain damage or forms of dementia, people who have been traumatised or who are sick or terminally ill.

Appendix 27 Complaint to The Federal Communications Commission

10 March 2015

AJ From: Sent: To: Subject:

FCC <consumercomplaints@fcc.gov> Thursday, March 12, 2015 8:37 PM Aj S B [FCC Complaints] Re: Privacy & criminality pertaining to a "Big Brother" type show.

##- Please type your reply above this line -## This ticket (#171564) has been updated.

FCC Consumer Complaints (FCC Complaints) Mar 12, 4:36 PM

Hi Ajwinder Thank you for your submission. Your complaint provides the FCC with important information we can use to develop policies to protect consumers, remedy violations of the Communications Act, and encourage future compliance with the law. The FCC appreciates the information you’ve shared with us. It appears that the Federal Trade Commission will be better able to assist you. We urge you to contact that agency about this matter. Below is a link to the Federal Trade Commission: http://www.ftc.gov/ As such, no further action is required by the FCC. Your complaint was closed on 2015-0311T09:19:45-04:00.

Aj S B Mar 10, 4:51 PM

Dear Sirs My contact number is in the UK +44 7886 425 793 - please ignore the number below. I write with reference to the West Midlands Police. My name is Ajwinder Singh Bains (Aj Bains), of 46 Parkes Street, Smethwick B67 6AZ & 5 Reservoir Road, Oldbury, B68 9QQ. The latter is my current address. I include a picture of myself above. To give you some details on the background of my situation, which I am sure you are aware of. I applied for a reality show called "Enter the wild", with a U.S. Media company which I thought was part 1

of NBC. I made an agreement with them regarding that show, however, they fraudulently changed the concept and violated my life. They orchestrated a "bait & switch" under an illegal contract, one which I did not know that I was agreeing to. They hacked my phones and my email in an illegal manner, convinced my employer Pett, Franklin & Co. LLP to participate in this ridiculous spin on the "big brother" concept, who assisted them in illegally hacking my private emails despite Pett, Franklin & Co. LLP being a law firm regulated by the SRA. They invaded every aspect of my life, I believe they have unlawfully administered prescription drugs (I suspect they have also given me illegal drugs and tried to hide their criminality). I understand that West Midlands Police agreed to be part of the show to promote themselves. They have harassed & stalked me since October 2013. They, the media company, have lied to the authorities including the police & I believe they have made false statements before the courts. They systematically isolated me, they have intercepted all my communications be it phone, email and post. They deliberately destroyed my finances and fraudulently accessed my financial data. They even ignored Reshmo Kaur (my mother) & Mandeep Kaur Bains (my sister) physically assaulting me. On numerous occasions they have prevented me from contacting the authorities, when I contacted the police they have not taken my concerns seriously. The harassment has continued for a prolonged period of time, on at least 5 occasions the harassment has been so abusive, so vindictive & malicious that it is tantamount to attempted murder, continuously for hours telling me to kill myself, that it drove me to try and commit suicide. They told me to set fire to myself in a car, drink disinfectant liquid (which I did), and overdose on painkillers (which I also took). None of this has caused any concern for the authorities who continued to ignore the abuse. I believe that their methods have been exposed yet for some reason unknown to me, there have been no consequences. No one is able to admit the truth to me, yet I know for a fact that some aspect of my life is being broadcast. Their behaviour turned vindictive once I announced that I would be instructing lawyers once this horror was over, from that point they started on a course intended to end in my death. Yet, West Midlands Police have been ambivalent towards their criminal conduct. They tried to convince "the audience" that I had a breakdown, although it was their constant uninterrupted abuse and harassment that caused my behaviour, they ensured they were able to communicate with me in a manner that "the audience" was unaware of. They constantly called me a pedophile & have told me that they will kill me. I was unable to contact the West Midlands Police, whom I was told were working with them in this sham of a "big brother" show. They refused to help when I raised concerns of criminal behaviour. I contacted them a number of times and their response was "where is your proof". The media company concerned systematically destroyed data and evidence in an attempt to hide their behaviour after co-opting West Midlands Police in what has become a horrifically criminal enterprise. They have tried to entrap me into committing illegal acts, specifically to prevent me from going to the U.S. to commence civil litigation against the company concerned. I am seriously dismayed by the behaviour of West Midlands Police, they are worse than the criminals because they should be upholding the law not helping a group of criminals shred it, all because the media seems to think it can act with impunity and that the rule of law does not apply to them in any


manner whatsoever. I am at the end of my tether and fear that I would do something, in defence of my person & property. There are few people who can face the non stop harassment & attacks that I have suffered for a year and a half without flipping out. In my opinion, I have showed remarkable constraint in that face of the most egregious attacks and individual can suffer. What I have suffer is no less than torture, a vile repugnant physiological torture no human can suffer without resorting to violence, but I am unsure how long I can go on with this. I even tried to contact Action Fraud who indicated they were restrained in how they could deal with this matter and seem to have referred the matter to West Midlands Police who did nothing at all, I suspect there is an injunction of sorts but I have never been privy to the details, I also suspect any injunction would have been obtained on a fraudulent basis with perjured evidence. This is simply a small description of the unending horrors that I have suffered and until the authorities take action it will continue. I would appreciate a face-to-face meeting to discuss the matters raised, as I previously indicated my mail is being intercepted, therefore I would suggest any correspondence is sent by registered mail and to fully address the problem only a face-to-face meeting would be appropriate.


A S Bains

This email is a service from FCC Complaints. Delivered by Zendesk.



Appendix 28 Complaint to the Federal Trade Commission

14 May 2016

AJ From: Sent: To: Subject:

no-reply@consumersentinel.gov Saturday, May 14, 2016 2:28 PM aj.s.b@icloud.com Complaint has been submitted

Complaint Submitted - Your reference number is: 72526283 Thank you for contacting the Federal Trade Commission. We have given your complaint the reference number listed above. Please use that reference number if you need to contact us about your complaint in the future. Once we have reviewed your complaint, you may receive another email with additional information that may further assist you. Here are link(s) to the publications you may find useful:Phishing


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