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Ajwinder Singh Bains, 5 Reservoir Road, Oldbury, B68 9QQ 07886­425­793 14 April 2016 Dear Sirs DETAILS OF THE FRAUD AND HARASSMENT This document references the course of fraud and harassment that Ajwinder Singh Bains (henceforth referred to as AJ) was subjected to, not everything is listed and this is a brief summary of the events since October 2013, it is traumatic to recount all the events so AJ avoids dwelling on them too much. The exact nature of the construct is not known to AJ he can only refer to it simply by what he applied for and has been told nor does he know who exactly is doing it. 1. AJ’s ordeal started in October 2013, he applied to a US company to appear on “Enter the Wild” by way of an advertisement in a RSS from Freakonomics (See Appendix 1 or visit website http://freakonomics.com/2013/10/16/are­you­male­with­a­job­in­finance­or­economics­and­ want­to­get­on­a­wilderness­experience­tv­showcasting­finance­savvy­males­for­enter­the­wil d­tv­series/​ ). 2. It was described to AJ as a survival in the wilderness experience, set in Oregon USA. He was told it would be led by someone like Bear Grylls (although not him but “someone you know”). Unfortunately, this was a fraud. 3. The interview process included a person by the name of Travis Eilerson, who is now an associate producer at National Geographic, but was a production assistant at Radical Media LLC working on the project but at the time he was involved with my interview was at EJ Casting in New York. 4. The show did not exist. The company involved, according to what AJ was told is NBC (a cable channel called Esquire TV owned by NBC – henceforth known as “the production company”) although the identity of the production may be wholly inaccurate. AJ was interviewed twice for the show, once in October 2013 and then again in late October/early November 2013. 5. AJ completed an application form, other documents and a “performance release” on that basis that he had applied to “Enter the Wild” a survival show in the USA based in the wilderness not any alternative and different show, involving his life, family, or the UK at all. AJ made the naïve mistake to trust those involved with the application process, and was the victim of a fraudulent misrepresentation from the start. 6. During the application AJ was told notified the production was likely to start soon and amongst other things, that his expenses would be covered, that there was a prize, asked

whether he would agree to an implant (which he was told would be something like GPS etc), asked a series of questions, that they would intercept communications, isolate him from the outside world, asked whether he agreed to their physicians assuming responsibilities for his health and told that they were to utilise new technology and formats for the production. AJ agreed on the assumption that before it commenced he would be aware of all the circumstances involved, that the ability to proceed would be a conscious and deliberate choice. AJ knew that his mail could be intercepted because it had happened before – see Appendix 11. AJ also sent many letter which do not seem to have arrived at their destinations, this includes to his financial companies – a copy of the letter sent that did not arrive are included in Appendix 13. 7. AJ thought that he would be able to seek legal advice be formal contracts were signed. He was told in the 2nd ​ interview that there would be a small alteration in the show’s format, again AJ relied on the honest and integrity of those involved and agreed. 8. Unfortunately, the production team involved lied, fraudulently misrepresented and manipulated AJ. 9. AJ was aware that there are stringent law within the UK to prevent such criminal action, that there are laws against harassment and torture, laws against hacking or accessing the personal accounts of individuals, laws that protect privacy. Although the company involved asked AJ for access to his accounts and he deliberately only gave them access to account which contained little or no personal information – he protected (or so he thought) his main accounts. They also asked for access to his smartphone and he agreed on believing that he had password locked his phone and that the information therein would not be accessed in a criminal manner and without his full knowledge. 10. What commenced was utterly unbelievable and beyond the bounds of probability. However, recently AJ received independent and reliable confirmation that this has not been a figment of his imagination in a response from Irwin Mitchell notifying him of a conflict of interest, which necessarily means that there is an organisation, and although he is not fully aware of the format and who it is (he assumed it was a reality show because that is what he applied for), it does exist – see Appendix 5. 11. The company involved, without AJ’s knowledge or express permission, started documenting and influencing his life. It even sought permission from his employer, Pett, Franklin & Co. LLP who questioned AJ whether he ever wanted to be on the reality show “Big Brother” to which he replied the thought had crossed his mind when he was younger but he would not want to do it now. 12. The entire ordeal started without AJ’s knowledge, but he did notice changes in the behaviours of those around him. 13. Without wanting to go into too much detail, or documenting fully the events from October 2013 to 2015, those involved destroyed AJ’s life, violated his privacy, harassed him subjected

him to psychological torture, defrauded him, and destroyed his life in pursuit of entertainment. A short summary, although not comprehensive in nature, describes some of the horrific, illegal and unrelenting abuse AJ was subjected to. 14. AJ was not aware that they had commenced but initially he was horrified work colleagues seemed to know about aspects of his private life that he had never discussed with them, including during the vacation he had from his work around 13 November 2013. 15. AJ’s privacy was violated, and when he returned to work his employer started using information provided by covert surveillance by the production company against him. This eventually resulted in AJ’s private communications about his manager being reported to this manager William Franklin. His manager used this information to start persecuting AJ, this included withholding work, withdrawing duties, and constructing dismissal. 16. The systematic abuse AJ suffered invaded not only his work life but known to AJ it invaded his entire personal life. AJ noticed the persecution, particularly from his manager and eventually reacted, although his reaction was not the way he usually reacted it was not extremely unusual. It included interactions with those around him that became judgemental and distant, he lost personal and private relationships, he noticed small changes and influences in his life and although the changes were incremental and insignificant individually they made his life more difficult, frustrated his daily routines and relationships, invaded his private life and interfered with his private property – eventually these incremental and small changes started to have a major impact on his life, entirely uprooting his stability and destroying his security, self­worth, dignity and ability to function or enjoy normal life. 17. AJ was made to believe it was the neighbours whom he had complained about previously (details of the officer to whom the complaint was made is listed in Appendix 12), but he tried to contact West Midlands Police, the Police and Crime Commissioner in West Midlands (see Appendix 3). 18. Eventually, this resulted in AJ losing his job because of the relentless abuse he suffered although he was able to agree, after much discussion and contracting an employment lawyer Rakesh Patel (SRA number 157365)of Thompsons Solicitors LLP (a UK law firm regulated under id 556695). Unknown to AJ, his legal advice was not impartial and independent. AJ was denied fit and proper representation, his legal adviser helped deny proper recourse to legal redress which resulted in AJ being manipulated and deprived of his rights in a criminal manner. 19. Following this, the production company manipulated the circumstances of AJ’s life, increasing subjecting him to abuse and intolerable conditions which included physical and psychological abuse. They systematically defrauded him. 20. This included West Midlands Police allowing them to use Piddock Road police station to abuse AJ, this included a former acquaintance of AJ’s whom he met some years earlier, he was a nurse who AJ distinctly remembers because of his bulbous head and the fact that he had trained at Birmingham University, AJ remembers him because he was not aware that the

University of Birmingham (based in Edgbaston ­ the red brick university) had a nursing school. West Midlands police allowed this fake police officer to strip search and humiliate AJ, making him lose trust in the police and believe they were fully complicit and actually played an active role in this criminal campaign. This, AJ believes, happened on 6 September 2014 (see Appendix 14). 21. The fraud included the participation of his financial services providers, this included Capital One and Vanquis Bank credit cards, who chose to promote their product rather than notify a customer who was clearly being harassed and defrauded, subject to horrific criminal abuse of the circumstances which is their legal and statutory duty. Whereas, when the fraud continued with MBNA, they notified AJ of suspicious circumstances immediately. 22. The fraud including a defrauding AJ of £5,000 which he reported both to the credit card company (MBNA) and the police, but the police refused to initially act against the fraudster “Nick” until I was contacted by Humberside Police – see Appendix 9. They stalked and harassed him to his work places, causing him to lose his means of employment. They hijacked his online financial accounts, manipulated his circumstances and criminally hijacked his finances. 23. They used AJ’s family, friends and acquaintances to make his life intolerable, this extended to everyone around him and the area where he lived. AJ attempted to establish his own business, but was obstructed in each of his endeavours, this included hacking him home computer, monitoring and intercepting communications – this included his mobile phone and postal communications. AJ was denied basic services that would allow him to establish his own company, denied the ability to get another job. This was all done covertly and he did not suspect, but it resulted in AJ being isolated, every means of communication AJ had was usurped and he was closely monitored and isolated. 24. The systematic and vindictive psychological abuse was carefully planned and amounts to torture. The system the production company devised to torture AJ was not dissimilar to the Salim v. Mitchell torture case currently being pursued by the American Civil Liberties Union in the US courts but was more sustained and transgressed any notion of legality whether within the UK or under international law. This included daily verbal abuse which easily amounts to a violation of the Protection from Harassment Act 1997 and malicious communications. Some of the abuse is recorded on twitter if you search “@3xt1 #NoCommentEvidence” and in Appendix 2. 25. This eventually a downwards spiral for AJ, his demeanour completely changed, he was systematically deprived of sleep, made to feel isolated and amounted to starting to drink alcohol to get small reprieves. He pursued personal relations, the circumstances of which were manipulated by the production company and included physical abuse. It even drove him to suicide including on the day after the May election in 2015 (see Appendix 4). 26. The production later arbitrarily detained AJ at a building, depriving of his liberty. On this occasion it was done because he attempted to contact the authorities, this included the

police, the UK Home Office and police. However, because AJ communications were controlled he was not able to establish contact. The production company kept him isolated and removed his phone so he was unable to contact the outside world. This was a punishment and to disobey their authority, despite there being no legal basis for such authority. 27. The harassment and persecution by the production company grounds including race, religion and because AJ is a libertarian. The authorities in the UK were unable/unwilling to protect AJ despite continuous attempts by AJ requesting them to investigate the concerns he raised and register his complaints about harassment and torture. 28. Following this the production company kept him isolated and unable to earn a living. His physical safety was endangered on numerous occasions, this included physical attacks and torture. AJ was able to eventually contact the police and the UK Prime Minister’s office, however the police refused to take his complaint, with an inspector at West Midlands Police refusing to accept his complaint. AJ complained to both the Police Crime Commissioner for West Midlands, who referred the matter to West Midlands Police who again refused to act or respond to the complaint. 29. The ordeal, and particularly the non­stop torture, has left AJ with a permanent ringing in his ears and severe pain at times. AJ has tried moving to other parts of the UK including Scotland and London, however he was unable to escape the continuous harassment and torture. The production company has threatened AJ’s life a number of times, subjected him to physical and psychological abuse. AJ believes there is a realistic danger to his personal safety and life if he remains in the UK. 30. Given that the authorities refused to act, and the nature of the harassment and torture being to vindictive, malicious and sustained AJ is left with to alternative than to seek the protection against harassment with an order, he is persecuted on grounds of race, religion, sexual orientation and political opinion and has been subjected to degrading and humiliating circumstances including psychological torture, even feels that he cannot remain in the UK because of the immediate threat to his wellbeing and life. AJ has even tried to contact the Independent Police Complaints Commission and the matter was referred back to West Midlands Police. 31. AJ has tried to contact his MP John Spellar (see Appendix 7) and even David Cameron (see Appendix 8). He has tried to contact Sandwell Council who utterly failed in their duty of care and decided to join in on the harassment (see Appendix 10). 32. I have been led to believe that it is broadcast 24/7 and it has disturbed me that no one has acted against clearly criminal actions. I have tried to record some of the abuse, although it is a tiny fraction of what I am subjected to, on twitter, my twitter handle is @3xt1 and I have recorded the recent abuse under #NoCommentEvidence. Search “@3xt1 #NoCommentEvidence” on twitter to see it.

As previously mentioned my email is insecure and I would prefer correspondence by post. Regards A Bains















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