Page Eight Designs

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Francis Howell High

d e k n i g n i et t

G senior Chaz Johnson

Sept. 22, 2010

Vol. 40 Issue 1

Students express themselves through body art senior Jake Ivory

senior Alannah Burnam

senior Ashley Caito

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senior Case Munson

Alex Timpone: staff writer Behind every tattoo lies a story and sometimes that story can be more interesting than the design of the tattoo itself. “I got my first tattoo, symbol for scorpio, when I was 14,” senior Alannah Burnam said. Burnam was only 14 when she got her first tattoo. In order to get a tattoo under the age of 18, a parent must be present at the time of the tattooing. “My dad encouraged me to get a tattoo as long as I chose the design and colors wisely. I got another one when I was 16 on my ankle. My mom was upset she couldn’t be there for my first two but she was there for my third,” Burnam said. Parental consent is vital. Without the support of a parent or legal guardian, Missouri laws and regulations prevent anyone under the age of 18 to get a tattoo alone. “My parents only agreed to let me get the tattoo because it was something that had a lot of meaning.They actually got it for me for my birthday,” senior Jake Ivory said Tattoos are often a symbol of something or someone meaningful that has influenced a person’s


“I kept trying to think of a memorial for my mom. Then, a cross with angel wings popped into my head. I drew out the design and put it right over my heart because that’s where my love for her is,” senior Chaz Johnson said. Religious symbols are a popular choice. “I have always been an advocate of body art and personal expression. I love being able to incorporate things like my religion into my designs,” Burnam said. Ivory has the Bible verse Matthew 8:10 tattooed as a reminder of his faith in Christ. “The verse I have hit me hard. It made me realize that I wanted to pursue a life for Christ. Every time I see it, it reminds me what I’m living for,” Ivory said. Matching tattoos between young couples have become a modern vow of commitment. “My new tattoo is my boyfriend's name "Nathan" on my hip. We both got each other's names as a commitment to each other,” senior Ashley Caito said. There are many skeptics of teens who permanently ink another

person’s name on their body, but Caito has no regrets. “I know we're not going to break up because we already decided to spend our lives together,” Caito said. People wonder if the pain and the potential risks that come along with getting inked are really worth it. “Yes (it hurt) toward my stomach but I do (want more),” senior Case Munson said about getting his tattoo. Underneath these seemingly innocent tattoos lies the potential for infections, allergic reactions, or even blood-borne diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, or tetanus. “As long as you take good care of the tattoo and choose where you get your tattoo wisely, you should be fine,” Burnam said. Although a tattoo can range from a simple design to a detailed work of art, every story behind it remains personal. “My only advice is to get something you will look at and love for the next 60 years becuase you’re stuck with it,” Burnam said.

Five Tattoo Facts One: Tommy Lee of Mötley Crüe holds the record for highest altitude tattoo, having been inked in 2008 at 45,000 feet. The tattoo was said to cost $150,000 dollars. Two: Until 2006, it was illegal to get a tattoo in Oklahoma. Three: The record for the longest tattoo session is 43 hours and 50 minutes Four: To celebrate Barbie's 50th birthday Mattel came out with the

new "Totally Stlylin' Barbie”, complete with a set of placeable tattoos, including lower back tattoo featuring the name Ken.

Five: Thomas Edison had five dots tattooed on his left forearm, similar to the dots on dice. Source: Photos by: Kaci Jolly

8 S

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Francis Howell High

Oct. 27, 2010

Spotlight Stories

Vol. 40 Issue 2

Making face time News Feed

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Facebook usage leads to new trends and terms

Events (2) Photos

Shelby Steingraeber: staff writer

Friends Applications Games Groups Marketplace


Dr. Chris Greiner Brinkmann Construction Jeremy Boettler Francis Howell Schools FHHS Publications

Alison Dunaway

Spotlight Stories added new photos


Facebook: where it’s acceptable to talk to a wall, the word “friend” is a verb, and one can manage their very own farm, free of cost. Since 2004, this social networking site has been captivating Internet users of all ages. But with the Facebook community growing day by day, one question remains unanswered: Why is Facebook so attractive to its users, and what drives them to “creep” on others? If one knows where, when, and what 500 people are doing, should someone draw the line? Many users check Facebook everyday. “It’s just easy way to connect with people,” sophomore Richie Pohl said. “(Facebook does distract me from my studies) because if I get on the computer to do something for school I end up on Facebook.” Pohl is not alone when it comes to being a victim of Facebook’s educational distraction. “Instead of doing my homework I get on the computer and check my Facebook,” freshman Lukas Padilla said. Aside from turning the word “friend” into a verb, Facebook has redefined another word: creep. “He’s a creep. She’s a creeper. They must be Facebook creeping.”


“(A Facebook creep is a) person that stalks me, talks to me 24/7,” sophomore Taylor Wood said. Wood gets on Facebook often, “ to see what people are doing.” The term “Facebook creep” has taken on a universal, nearly unanimous definition. “(A Facebook creep is) someone who comments on everything and stalks your photos,” Pohl said. Facebook attracts everyone from middle-schoolers to retirees, and it serves a different purpose for all its users. “Actually, the other librarians created [Facebook] for me at a conference. They said I needed to have a Facebook. I’m still feeling my way around [...] I haven’t had it very long. (I use it) to keep in touch with friends,” librarian Susan Robinson said. Sophomore Kelly Kintz uses Facebook with a group of friends. “I [browse] Facebook with a group of people because I like looking at hot guys,” Kintz said. However, she doesn’t accept all Facebook friend requests. “I don’t want any creepers stalking me.” Although Facebook has more than 70 million users, it doesn’t have everyone hooked. “I don’t really think [Facebook

profiles] are safe,” sophomore Cheyanne Barton said. “They make you do things you really wouldn’t do in person[...]I think it’s kind of dangerous.” A Facebook creep can be divided into two categories. There is the silent creeper, who looks at other information and profiles without commenting on photos or statuses. There is also the active creeper, who leaves a trail of comments and wall posts on every page they visit. Of course, there’s “the hacker,” that one friend who snatches others’ iPhones, gets on others’ Facebook profiles while they are away from the computer and still logged on, and does anything from uploading unattractive photos to posting awkward statuses. “Usually I’m sitting at my desk, and I get up and my friend makes a ridiculous status. The funniest part is when my godmother comments, [worried] about my status,” senior Arick Middeke said. “ I’m upset at first, but seeing the comments is really funny.” So is Facebook creeping popular among all? “(Facebook creeping)’s a girl thing,” Padilla said.

Spotlight Stories How long do you spend on Facebook every day? 24 hours ago via TweetDeck Comment


Nine People Around five minutes. 23 hours ago

Four People About ten minutes.

Shelby Steingraeber

22 hours ago

Eight People Maybe fifteen minutes. 21 hours ago


Nine People Thirty minutes, tops. 20 hours ago

Fifteen People At least one hour. 18 hours ago

Two People I spend around two hours on FB every day. Alison Dunaway

17 hours ago

Two People Possibly three hours? 16 hours ago


1: In his seventh hour English class, Oct. 19, junior Adam Putnam stumbles across a proxy. “I think Facebook should be unblocked because people will get on it anyway,” Putnam said. 2: Sophomore Marleigh Anderson checks her Facebook on her cell phone while in the hallway between classes, Oct. 18. “I wish I wasn’t a Facebook creep, but I can’t even go a day without it,” Anderson said. 3: During her free time, Oct. 17, junior Tatianna Person uses Facebook. “The only time I’m not on Facebook is when I’m asleep,” Person said.

Twoperson PeopleSix to eight hours every day. One 14 hours ago

Source: An Oct. 5 random poll of 50 students



Francis Howell High

Back page March 2, 2011

Strike a Pose

Students work hectic modeling schedules

Sophomore Valeska Halamicek walks the runway during St. Louis fashion week, Sept. 7-11.

Tips for Aspiring Models: -Most models may be tall, but don’t be ashamed of your height, embrace it.

-Always dress to impress. You never know who you may run into. -Agencies love unique looks and often seek them out. Don’t be discouraged if you’re not the “prettiest” at school. -Eat what you want in moderation, and stay active. -Practice walking in heels. -Look in magazines and practice different poses in the mirror. -Look online for casting calls. It’s a good place for beginners.

Ann Molina: staff writer Dreams of walking down the runway became reality for students who dreamed big and pursued their ambition. Sophomore Valeska Halamicek and senior Austin Henson are among the selected elite who live out their childhood fantasy. “I was walking in Target with my mom and sister,” Halamicek said. “An agent came up to us and said that my sister should model.” Although the agency was more interested in Halamicek’s sister, the scout expected she could fit right into the agency, even at her young age. “It was funny because I was only nine at the time,” Halamicek said. Looking back on the encounter, she is grateful she gave him a chance. “At the time I thought they were creepy people scamming us,” Halamicek said. “But then we looked into it and now I’m really happy we called.” Using his connections, Henson took a different approach to the modeling industry. “It started when I was doing my senior pictures,” Henson said. “My mom is a hair stylist and she knows a lot of agencies. She brought some of the pictures to them and they ended up calling me.” Getting into the business wasn’t a challenge for Halamicek or Henson. Although it is difficult to balance their new jobs with school and regular teenage activities. “I usually have to miss my Thursday and Saturday nights,” Henson said. Halamicek’s tedious modeling schedule also prevents her from enjoying her normal pastimes. “When they need you to do something, its from around seven in the morning to midnight,” Halamicek said. “Track and cross country usually interfere and I have to miss a couple of practices.” Halamicek has also missed out on time just being with her friends. “I have had to ditch my friends many times on the weekends,” Halamicek said. “I feel like they get annoyed with me, but they think it’s cool that I model.” Absences can be challenging, but living out their dream is worth the sacrifice. “The best part of modeling are the clothes you get to wear because they are really cute and trendy,” Halamicek said. “You feel really cool walking in front of the cameras.” “The people who I model with are really awesome,” Henson said. “They have become some of my closest friends.” Being a model is not all new fashions and runways, strict diet and exercise are part of a model’s daily routine. “You have to have the right width,” Henson said. “So I work out and eat healthy the best that I can. The agency keeps an eye on you and they give you certain diets and workout exercises.” Being watched constantly can be demanding, although both wish to continue modeling in the future. “I don’t know if I will still be able to, but I hope I can continue this more,” Halamicek said. “I would love to continue modeling in the future,” Henson said. “It’s nice being noticed and have the attention on you.” Life as a part time model can be a balancing act, although the benefits are believed to outweigh the cost. “I have to really push myself if I want to get somewhere,” Halamicek said.

-Learn to not complain. It’s not always comfortable being a model, but you’ve got to be compliant with photographers. For more photography and modeling tips from Robert Brown visit

Vol. 40 Issue 4

Howell graduate moves forward in fashion industry Alison Dunaway: staff writer A Francis Howell alumnus with experience in front of, and behind, the camera, Robert Brown is taking the world by storm. Brown is being featured in a ad campaign for Diet Snapple and has taken the photos for Ola Hawatmeh’s look-book for her show in New York City’s fall fashion. In an interview, Brown weighs in on being both a model and fashion photographer.

What’s your background in modeling? When and why did you get started?

I have always been told by people that I have a very striking face, with distinctive features and a good jaw line. Everyone always asked me why I didn’t model so I began to. I got started in modeling when I was a junior in high school in 2004. Prestige Portraits came to Francis Howell looking for models to use as examples for their photography company and I was selected.

“I can remember her running

in the airport screaming,

‘My best friend is in a magazine!’” I would do small modeling jobs here and there after that, but it wasn’t until 2009 when I got my big break. I was working as an assistant at a photo shoot for ALIVE Magazine and the editor and chief came up to me thinking I was the model for the photo shoot. When I told him I was only there to take pictures and help out he insisted that I try to start modeling. He got me into St. Louis Fashion Week by going to a model casting call where I met some big photographers including a man named Tuan Lee. Tuan took my photos at the casting call and told me he saw a lot of potential in me. I was out in LA shortly after that trying to model and meeting with agencies. My best friend got off the airplane and met me in LA and I can remember her running in the airport screaming “My best friend is in a magazine!” She ran up to me holding the magazine of ALIVE and there I was, a full page of me. I was so overwhelmed with happiness. I got discovered with my modeling agency Centro when I walked down the runway for several designers and did a video ad for Diesel Underwear that sponsored Fashion Week. Since then I have done many runways, advertisements such as JECCA clothing that was in West County Mall for a while but now relocated and in 2010 I did an advertisement for Diet Snapple that will be put Nationwide.

What is the difference between actually being a model and photographing one?

To actually be a model means you are captivating something, usually beauty, art, or to sell something such as merchandise. Being a model means you also are able to give a good face and work easy with a camera, meaning you need to be photogenic. Being a good photographer is much more technical. You need to have the knowledge of the right angles and time to capture that perfect moment of a photograph. You have to be quick on your feet and work well with others to engage and make them feel as comfortable as possible while you are working with them.

What do you feel are the basic necessities for a photographer?

Lighting is extremely essential for photographers. When you click the shutter release button to take a picture of anything, the shutter opens up and let’s light into the lens to make an image. A good photographer always needs to know the functions of his camera to make that perfect image. If you are in a studio, you need to know how to correctly position your reflectors and lights whether you are using any strobe or constant light and you need to know how to connect/sync your lights to flash correctly when you are pressing the shutter release. The correct exposure is the final important process to ensure that you have the best image possible.

For a model?

Halamicek and friends pose for a group photo at the end of their fashion show during St. Louis Fashion Week.

A model needs to take good lead in what the photographer is asking them to do. They also need to have a vision of what the photographer is trying to go for so they can help make the image better by maneuvering their bodies easier.



Francis Howell High

Downcast Takes on the

Back page April 20, 2011

Vol. 40 Issue 5

Staff Writer: Sara Shabany

Sara Shabany

After being in a band for five years, playing multiple concert venues around St. Louis and being on the radio, junior Curtis Reed and his band Downcast are about to take on their biggest performance to date. “My band is playing Busch Stadium before a Cardinals game,” Reed said. “A promotional guy from Junior Curtis Reed Cardinals got my email from our association with the strums guitar during Point radio station and asked me if we’d like to compete practice in preparation in the Battle for Busch Stadium competition.” for their performance. Seeing as this is the largest venue that Downcast has played, Reed and band mates Drew Anderson, Tyler Jones, Brad Goldman and Brett Barry have already started preparing. The game is May 3 and the band is required to sell tickets in order to ensure their spot. “We have to sell 150 tickets to play the show,” Reed said. “But since there’s so many tickets we are selling $50 tickets for $20 each.” Band members have confidence in their abilities. “We have to sell a ton of tickets and all, and at first I wasn’t so sure we could do it. But know I’m feeling pretty confident that we can do it,” Goldman said. The band practices at least once a week. “We try and practice as much as we can. It’s sometimes hard to do practices though because everyone has a job or is busy on certain days,” Goldman said. With even just one practice, the band tries to make the most of it. “Our practices have become more productive. We’re a lot more focused now that we have something to work for,” Tyler Jones said. “Our goal is to get a lot of exposure for our band at this show. We’re going to make sure to play the best set we can.” Downcast is excited about the show. “I don’t really get nervous. It’s going to be a huge show and I’m excited to get to play in front of all these people,” Reed said. “I think its really awesome that we get an opportunity like this. It will be good publicity to play a such big crowd,” Anderson said. Howell Central junior Drew Anderson plays the drums As well as the publicity, Downcast will receive for being in the during Downcast’s weekly band practice in his basement. contest, the band also receives a prize if they win. “We have been practicing about as much as usual. At “There’s two rounds that we have to win, and if we win those then we get practice we have just been working on the same five song $1057,” Goldman said. “We also get to keep all the money we make off tickets, set though, nothing else,” Anderson said. after $2,400. So we could actually make a lot of money off this.” Downcast has come a long way since they first started. “The first time that we all played music together was in about fifth or sixth grade at Drew’s house,” Reed said. “But back then it was only one guitar, one bass, and some drums. And I’ll be the first to admit that we weren’t good at all back then.” Since then Downcast has undergone several modifications in members. “For the most part, we have had the same members. Our singer, Brett, used to be the guitarist. But he was kicked out a few years back because of some complications. Then shortly after, we got our guitarist, Ty. Eventually, we got ex-guitarist Brett back, but now he’s on vocals instead,” Reed said. With a solid group of musicians, Downcast has now been able to expand their musical talents. “We had to change members a bit and had received some help from another band, which has since then broke up,” Reed said. “But we knew after we played our first show with the current members in late 2009, that we were finally onto something good.” In all, Downcast feels it has come a lot farther than the average teenage rock band. Juniors Curtis Reed and Ty Jones prepare their set “The most memorable moment for me was when I first heard one of our songs on the for playing at Busch Stadium, May 3. “Our practices radio. But some other notable moments would be having a few photoshoots, interviews in have become a lot more productive. We’re a lot magazines and other publications, and now of course, being able to play at Busch Stadium,” more focused now that we have something to Reed said. work for. Our goal is to get a lot of exposure for our As far as for the future, Downcast is not positive what will happen to the band. band at the show, so we’re going to make the best “The band consists of mostly juniors in high school. So we’ve still got another year impression we can,” Jones said. at least,” Reed said. “After our senior year, we’re going to have to make a big decision of if we want to try to make it big with the band, or go our separate ways and move on to college.” Although there may be some who feel the band should not continue, these people do not seem to have an effect on the member’s decisions. Some have said that they dislike us because we’re not original. I’ll be the first to “I’m super excited about admit that we are nothing new,” Reed said. “There are tons of other bands out there that play the same style music that we do and that’s fine with us. We’re really not trying to be Downcast playing at Busch. new or different, we are just trying to play music that we like. As it turns out, there are It’s definitely something I other people who happen to like our music as well.” never thought I would be Sara Shabany

able to do.” -junior Ty Jones

Back page

Francis Howell High

Sept. 28, 2011


tte ge

“It’s been hard finding my way around the new school because everywhere looks the same and it is hard to find where my friends hangout.” –sophomore Savannah Squires

There are 35 high security cameras.

“Finding my way around the new school has been an adventure”. –freshman Lexi Liker

Designed to be the “senior square” of the new building, all classes can be found here in the morning.



Ma rus ic

“It love the new school. It is really nice compared to the old one. I really like how there is a big cafeteria and library and how the school in general is much nicer.” –junior Julia Calandro

Vol. 41 Issue 1

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The new school is approximately 250,000 square feet v.s. 200,000 square feet combined in the old school.

There is wireless internet access throughout the entire building .

No longer just full of books, the library also has a state-of-the-art media center for classes and students to utilize.


“I miss going outside at the old school it was nice to get fresh air in between classes.” –senior Dylan Kennedy

The “Commons” of the school, where students eat lunch. A new change this year is students can only eat lunch here or in the outdoor area.


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Katie Roberts

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Waverly Odle, and

Lauren Beckma

Alison Dunaway,


Photo Credits:

Ka t


Graphic Credits: Alison Dunaway and Waverly Odle

Navigating the New School There are no windows that actually open in the new school, which is designed to improve air quality throughout the building.

The art cases are where art work is displayed along with upcoming events.

Connor Cro ss

New school. New start date. New bell schedule. Even upperclassmen found themselves starting over. “It’s hard getting to all my classes, especially weight training because it is in old C building,” senior Chase Roth said. It wasn’t just seniors that had trouble. “It was really hard the first day and week to find my way around. I even got lost five times the first day,” junior Danijela Manjenich said. Others didn’t face a single problem. “I found it quite easy to find my way around because the new school is just one big building,” senior Kaitlyn Russell said. Because of transition day, the freshmen got a head start on learning the new layout. “The transition day helped me get to know the upper classmen better and feel comfortable asking them questions. They were role models to me,” freshman Caleb Kapusciak said. Viking Edge leaders found the touring beneficial for them, as well as for the freshmen. “I knew my way around from working the freshman transition day,” senior Nick Lazechko said. Seniors took the changes the hardest. “It sucks to be a senior because you just feel like a freshman again,” senior Grant Ciezadlo said. “I don’t like senior square because there is no furniture and there are video cameras watching you. It just feels like a prison,” junior Tyler Barnes said.


Waverly Odle : Staff Writer



Spotlight Francis Howell High

Nov. 30, 2011

Vol. 41 Issue 2

h t e h C g ollege G u o r h T g n a i tes t t e G

Erica Nolan: staff writer

The time has finally come. All of the standardized testing and extracurriculars are paying off. Seniors are beginning to decide where they want to go to school and applications are being sent. “I’m applying to George Mason University, American University, Lindenwood, and Truman. The location, academics, and campus life are the main things I’m looking for in a school,” senior Drew Nelson said. Every student has a different goal when choosing a college. Some are looking for a specific major. “All I’m really worried about is finding an area with a film major,” senior Nina Rosenberg said. Others have certain expectations, and these are equally important as academics. “I want to know what the dorms are like and all of the extracurriculars. How expensive it is definitely matters,” senior Olivia Myers said.

“I’m looking for a school with a good Christian background and a good tennis team,” senior Code Power said. There are many difficult and stressful components involved with applying to college. “I think that actually getting up and choosing a college is difficult. The applications are difficult too. There are so many steps and I’m afraid I’ll mess it up some how,” Myers said. Senioritis and procrastination makes the process even more difficult. “I really haven’t started writing my essays yet. I’ve done all of the research, it’s just filling out and writing the applications. I think the hardest part is not knowing what they’re looking for in an essay,” Rosenberg said. “I’ve put off the whole process until my parents have made me do it,” Myers said.

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In the mind of every senior, this decision will depict his future. “This decision will effect my future a lot because your education and experience in college is vital to when you leave college,” Nelson said. Parents may have some say in the decision, but some students make the choice of where they will spend at least the next four years of their lives. “The decision is mainly mine. My parents have little impact,” Power said. “All my parent care about is the tuition,” Myers said. Overall, this milestone is a part of every senior’s life. “The most exciting part of choosing a college,” Rosenberg said, “is probably thinking about being on my own and getting to start attaining my goals.”

Bill Gates

Former CEO of Microsoft

Images used with permission from Burberry, University of Texas, Stanford University, Sony Pictures, CBS, and Microsoft.

Prestige Not Everything

Alex Martin: staff writer Just like fashion has its brands, University, but was soon kicked out for students have been pressured to truancy. Newman then enlisted in the choose a “name brand” school in Navy, but finished his degree at Kenyon College. Newman then made the move hopes of being successful. to Hollywood where However, a “brand” “I knew where I wanted he starred in Cat on school is not always the to go. I had a direction. I right choice. Many famous a Hot Tin Roof, Butch always liked those moments and successful people of epiphany when you have Cassidy and the started off at state colleges the next destination.” Sundance Kid, and or didn’t even finish at all. – Brad Pitt, a Sept. 22 Cars. Walt Disney got his interview with NPR Fashion designer start at Joplin Junior Calvin Klein began College. Disney was his career at a rejected from the Army, which allowed technical college that allowed him him to pursue his interest in art by to focus on fashion, allowing him drawing political cartoons and taking to develop his multi-million dollar art classes at night. brand. Others got their start at state Focusing on the prestige of a school schools, yet were unable to finish. can force a student into attending a Academy Award winning actor school he will not be happy at. Paul Newman started college at Ohio



Francis Howell High School Vol. 41, Issue 4 March 7, 2012

Breaking the rules After coming back from cancellation, Breaking In producer Adam Goldberg discusses the show’s second season in an exclusive interview.

Page by: Alison Dunaway

Cancellation–it’s a TV show’s death sentence. However, FOX comedy Breaking In returned after an outlash from fans on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter. In this interview, Breaking In creator, producer and writer Adam Goldberg discusses the show’s second season. Alison Dunaway (AD): In the TV Guide Winter Preview, you talk about how Breaking In has big, fun blow-out episodes and then more contained ones. For someone who has never seen the show, can you give an example or a hint? Adam Goldberg (AG): We start out the season with a peak into what our gang does to keep the lights on – think a “Mission:Impossible” style job with lots more witty banter and fewer nuclear shenanigans. Later episodes focus on the fireworks that ensue when Megan Mullally’s new corporate regime takes over Christian Slater’s fast and loose Contra Security crew. Their dynamic is shaping up to be one of television’s classic pairings. AD: Could you describe the show in ten words or less? AG: An offbeat workplace comedy about a gang of quirky geniuses. AD: Describe the influence the fans have had on the show? AG: The fans were a huge reason that the network brought the show back from the brink. When we got cancelled, fans flooded social networks like Facebook and Twitter offering support for the show. Fox saw that there was an excited and highly vocal audience behind us and responded in the best way possible. AD: The concept for the show is so innovative and fresh. Can you give some behind the scenes insight into the production/writing process? AG: We have an extremely talented team of writers who bring the full power of their geeky interests to bear. The show is just as much fun to write as it is to watch, and I think our enthusiasm shines through in the end product.


Cast and crew actor:


@Bret_Harrison @OdetteAnnable actor: CREATOR:



@ErinRRichards @AdamFGoldberg @MPBenson director: WRITER: Assistant:

@TheFredSavage @LanceKrall





@WendiLynnMakeup @MKupman


All photos used with permission and follow the media guidelines of FOX Broadcasting, SpoilerTV and Twitter.


PLAYED_BY: Christian Slater (My Own Worst Enemy, Slipsteam) Boss and CEO of Contra Security (for now)


Cameron Bret Harrison (Reaper, V, Grounded For Life)





BACKGROUND: Hacked his way into college until he was forced to work for Contra.

Knowledge of random weaponry, self-defense tactics, office management

Disarming security, encryption, and hacking into things.





Oz’s interactions with Veronica Mann.

WHAT_TO_WATCH_FOR: Everything. He’s a complex being.


Odette Annable (House, You Again, Cloverfield)


JOB_Title: Lock and safe picker

JOB_Title: Gadgets BACKGROUND: Genius

When younger she pulled a variety of cons (credit card fraud, forgery, identity theft, burglary, grand theft auto) with her dad.


with an IQ of 161 and master of all things sci-fi.



WHAT_TO_WATCH_ FOR: Cash’s innovative

Picking locks, cracking safes, and breaking into things.

Melaine’s relationship with boyfriend Dutch (Michael Rosenbaum) and fellow workers.


Left to right: Erin Richards, Megan Mullally.

McAuley (Fat Albert, Glory Road, Nim’s Island)

SKILLS: Robotics, nanotechnology, and building new devices to aid on missions.

new girls in town The new season of Breaking In also begins with new additions Megan Mullally (Will and Grace) and Erin Richards (Being Human). After Oz sells the company to a “corporate conglomerate,” the brash Veronica “Ronnie” Mann (Mullally) and her surly assistant Molly Hughes (Richards) shake up office politics. “Everybody is very resentful that their company has been bought out, their little world has been invaded by this big conglomerate, and they’re resisting the change,” Mullally said in a Feb. 14 interview with TVGuide. “The fact that I’m kind of a whack job doesn’t really help to relax them.” The move is part of Breaking In’s second season creative revamp.


gadgets, catchphrases and pop culture references.

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