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PORTFOLIO Ajla Imamovic, M.Arch.

Ajla Imamovic, M.Arch. phone email skype address

+43 676 651 2881 imamovic.ajla@gmail.com ajla.imamovic HaidschĂźttgasse 2, 1210 Vienna, Austria


4th Anatomy of the Island Workshop Collaboration: Stipe Dragoja, Mia-Martina Hren, Location: Okljucna, Vis Island, Croatia

“Anatomy of Islands – Centre for Research and Development” is an association established with the aim of creating interdisciplinary knowledge about islands, island communities, and models of island development. This project is a result of 5 days long workshop on the 4th Anatomy of the Islands dealing with synergy of tourism and year-round life on the island Vis, Croatia. The jewel of the northern and inactive part of the island Vis is an old Dalmatian scattered village, Okljucna - nowadays just a shadow of a lovely village it used to be. With only 2 permanent residents, most of the old traditional houses are neglected and abandoned. As there are no registered ethno-eco villages on the island, the idea was to provide the tourists with entirely new experience that would allow them to participate and to leave their trace in the redevelopment of the village. Through variety of workshops and seminars the volunteers from all over the world will get to rebuild old dry stone walls- belonging to the cultural heritage of Croatia, to learn the traditional way of building a stone house and roof, to participate in local farm work, harvesting crops and food preparation, to learn fishing and knitting. Re-built houses are given new functions depending on their size with a focus on educational and cultural center. Yet another unique experience provided is sleeping in traditional single bedroom houses and eating only locally grown food.



fishing and boating


restored drystack walls supporting the local agriculture

cultural center

workshop and social innovation exchange hub


parasite accomodation in local houses

local animals farm

Architecture and Energy Design Studio Collaboration: Mia-Martina Hren Location: Zürich, Switzerland

Aiming to develop highly energy-efficient buildings by means of form and construction, while comprising of 50% air, we settled on solving one of the problems at the time—lack of kindergartens in Zürich. Counting on the children’s natural impulses for exploration, the kindergarten is located in a forest area near the city center. This environment with an obstacle course of ramps, benches, bars, and climbing nets around trees, grants children to develop a much deeper understanding and respect of the nature around them. Every tree is there for climbing and this allows them to assess risks better, to learn by themselves, learn from their experiences and their mistakes and to learn from each other. The general concept of the kindergarten building revolves around the shared transparent atrium that brings the forest inside with direct connections to all classrooms. Such space allows children to use the best of their childhood throughout all seasons, but is also gives a new form of life to the kindergarten during night hours, where different types of receptions are held. The form of the project is generated by stacking units with a well known traditional shape of a house on the undulating terrain, respecting the topography. The following aspects are dealt with amongst others: building skin, zoning, wind, ventilation, passive interior air conditioning, computer simulation, power generation and supply, sustainability.

entrance and administration unit

nursay unit 06-1 y/o

kindergarten unit 4-6 y/o

kitchen and staff unit

nursary unit 1-3 y/o

section b-b

section a-a

section c-c

YOUTH HUB MLADENIK Master Thesis: Manifesto of Memorial Park Vraca | re-birth Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina exhibition space

creative space office space

plates with names

study area

multi-functional space amphitheater

conference room

Sarajevo is a city of three eras and its grandiose Memorial Park Vraca belongs to the cultural heritage of Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. Like the other powerful Spomeniks, it was built to honor the people’s struggles and those who died during the National Liberation War, but at the same time to celebrate the Revolution. In the polarized environment of Sarajevo, where the historical memory of this past era that celebrated brotherhood and unity was intentionally erased from the narrative and is omitted from school textbooks, the suspicions of reconstruction and revitalisation of Memorial Park Vraca run deep in the society and mistrust prevails. The aim of the master thesis is to obstruct the indifference of the new generations towards this monument by offering them a valuable source of information on the recent past represented by the monument itself. To contribute to understanding how architecture can be initiated as a collective and cohesive endeavor, this work provides a conceptual design for a universal space of unity, right at the spot divided by the two entities. It involves an ongoing process that will primarily engage young generations into the re-birth of the monument. The adaptive reuse of the memorial park and the old Austro-Hungarian fort encourages to explore contested memories of the past, promote learning and critical thinking, and facilitate ongoing cultural exchange in order to advance the social reconstruction and retain significance for rising generations.

Memorial to fighters of the resistance movement in the city AtriumMemorial to the victims of Fascism Memorial to troops of the National Liberation Army who took part in the liberation operation of Sarajevo


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Museum space

Eternal fire with fountain

‘Boško & Admira’ Love Memorial


Memorial sculpture to Woman Warrior

plateau Entrance

Memorial to the Kids of Sarajevo Ceremonial plateau Memorial to the city’s freedom fighters Occupation ‘92-’95 Memorial

Memorial to national heroes

Memorial plaque on execution site

Design Studio 3: Public District House Location: Graz, Austria




networking space

verb \’lend \ to make something available to someone or something

The Lendwirbel collective in Graz deals with activities that invigorate the public space in terms of inclusion of different social strata, especially of those people are in various migratory movements - migrants, refugees, homeless. Their new headquarter is tucked into the urban context of Lendplatz, facing certain challenges, such as height regulations, access, the movement of people and its visibility. What is needed is a space for networking, encounters, mixing, work, workshops, seminars, as well as alternative housing options that correspond spatially to urban heterogeneity. The essential architectural theme of LENDhouse is the dissolution of a clear boundary between inside and outside and the design of a permeable structure with a public character in which the interior interweaves with the exterior. The site is divided into 3 parts, with three different buildings: Live, Create & Share! Each one of them is made flexible for the users, meaning that their construction allows reorganization and even different functions to be held in the same space. As the ideas progress, the space progresses too.

BIG block for BIG space

subtract to GAIN

3 for sequence

3 for unity


ground floor

1st levelÄ?

2nd levelÄ?

3rd levelÄ?

ProHolz Student Trophy Competition Collaboration: Mia-Martina Hren Location: Graz, Austria

Kapistran Pieller Platz

Kaiser Josef Platz


In order to overcome the height obstacles from surrounding buildings and trees on each site, which prevent from having unusual involvement with the city and entirely new foresight, giving almost the same image and sensation when on top of an observatory as on the ground, a new innovative concept was created. It allows the user to have an individual experience of the city moving from the familiar environment by looking through different frames on the tower. Picking up the images, the user interprets the city through different details, colors and materials, that show an unseen magic of Graz, its architecture, its history and culture. This unique experience and simple design can be adapted to any surrounding providing more for less, but at the same time ensuring a creative afterlife. The temporality and mobility of the tower is reflected through purity of its structure. The initial idea was inspired by the simplicity of a ladder, which we use to reach something that is much higher than us. Fully stable structure was achieved with diagonally placed supporting columns, steel cables and heavy foundations enclosed with the platform, creating a space for info services along with interactive space for the users. The whole story is wrapped up with prefabricated wooden panels. The LED stripes from the inside allow the light to break through the small gaps on the wooden case and through the small openings, bringing the focus on the lean tower even at night.








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Borders + Boundaries Sports Center: joint Master Studio with University of Houston Collaboration: Christopher Al-Juimah, Johanna Schmeizl Location: Gornja Radgona (Slovenia) and Bad Radkersburg (Austria)




Working together with colleagues from the University of Houston the task was to develop a master plan for 15,000 m2 cross-border Sports Center on the Austrian-Slovenian border and with this to acquire new soft and inter-cultural skills. Understand how people use their everyday space, buildings, rooms, streets and fields to establish their identity and articulate their social relations was crucial. Slovenians are oriented toward the volleyball and Austrians toward the football. By shifting the less desired sports ground to the other country, the circulation from one side to another is enforced. Instead of exposing the layers of the landscape in both countries, they are made to distort and dissolve the boundary naturally created by the Mur river. With controlled landscape that is employed on the new set of interactive bridges carefully positioned as a continuations of forest paths, a new language is created that blurs this natural boundary and ties the countries together encouraging the transit between the two. Pockets created in-between the circulation paths and the river form various programmatic spaces. The vital facility of the Sports Center is a multi-functional sports hall (Arena) with a common architectural language - shaped by the flow of people and public life, turning infrastructural necessities into opportunities for social interaction.

Austria Slovenia

























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main hall strength & conditioning hall equipment rooms changing rooms sauna & spa doping control & first aid

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lobby areas cloakrooms strength & conditioning hall equipment room

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entrance area reception lobby areas media center printing & processing data recording

multipurpose room conference room press room mixed zone

rent a bike coffee club shops (equipment, souvenirs, food...) cafeteria and catering (VIP) kitchen area

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• • • •

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staffs room technical rooms storage rooms sanitary facilities

administration room staffs room technical rooms storage rooms sanitary facilities

multi-functional space meeting rooms multimedia rooms

• • • •

• • • • •

• • • • • •

technical rooms storage rooms sanitary facilities

section a-a

section b-b

section c-c

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