Frankly My Dear, How self-conscious are you?

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December 18, 2019

Frankly My Dear, How self-conscious are you? By Alberto J Nunez Gonzalez

Frankly my dear, I don’t give a dam! This phrase is commonly repeated by many. Regardless of socio economic position and the situation at hand, it has become a muletilla that many depend on when dealing with stressful situations or interacting with others. Do you really not give a dam? How would you feel if the person on the other side of the situation felt the same way in regards of treating you or others? Self-consciousness includes being aware of the impression or reaction that we provoke in others. Remember that our usual behavior is the one others see, and they believe that that is how you like to be treated too. If you treat others a certain way, you need to make sure you can deal with the same treatment yourself. For example, it is very common to witness how public figures verbalize that they have thick skin and that they can deal with the pressure of public opinion. You may expect to listen to direct, strong, and sometimes violent statements from some of these individuals. They may seem casual or informal when discussing certain public issues. Then comes the tricky part. When treated the same way, many raise the “we deserve some deference card” or the “private life card”.


This may also happen with professionals in work or business settings. A CEO may be direct and straightforward with subordinates but expects a high degree of respect from them. On the other hand, an employee may have been raised in a very formal environment and behaves that way at work; however, deep inside he or she wants to be more frank and direct and expects others to do so too. No one really notices this because emotional needs are hidden, and our usual behavior is repeated because it has become effective in a specific setting. One of the 9 components measured by the Birkman Method is SelfConsciousness. Birkman defines and relates Self-Consciousness to the use of sensitivity when communicating with others. Low scores on this component may be represented as direct and straight to the point behavior and being at ease with people in higher hierarchy positions. On the other hand, high self-consciousness scores may represent feelings of being diplomatic and respectful to superiors. It is important to really be aware of the words and communication style we use and learn to detect the effect it causes on others. This may be a common sense issue but it rarely is. Our usual behavior does not express our underlying needs. By evaluating and assessing via a scientifically validated tool you can learn more about yourself and your social interactions and possible blockages to them. USUALLY ONLY AVAILABLE TO BIG CORPORATIONS GLOBALLY, THE BIRKMAN METHOD IS NOW AVAILABLE IN PUERTO RICO TO CORPORATIONS AND INDIVIDUALS.


December 18, 2019

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