Jeudi des Beaux-Arts June 2021 : English version Catalogue

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The Jeudi des Beaux-Arts : The Catalog The Jeudi des Beaux-Arts comes to you



Le Jeudi des Beaux-Arts is pleased to see you again! Le Jeudi des Beaux-Arts brings together some thirty galleries located on and around Rue des Beaux-Arts, in the Saint Germain-des-Prés area in the heart of Paris specializing in various fields ranging from Modern and Contemporary art to Tribal art, Antiquities and Design. Today more than ever, it is united and with a spirit of solidarity that the galleries on rue des Beaux-Arts take up the challenge of this unique year. Much more than an address, the rue des Beaux-Arts is a complete ecosystem in the art world. It is our welcoming smile, our experience, our high degree of specialization and our passion, all intact today as in the past, that we wish to share with you. We are delighted to welcome you back to the rue des Beaux-Arts, for our monthly event celebrating this first Thursday of June 2021 ! Stay safe and be well, The team of Le Jeudi des Beaux -Arts

Odile & Michèle Berthet-Aittouarès Galerie Berthet-Aittouares

Bruno Sabatier JSC Gallery

Marie-Hélène de La Forest Divonne Galerie La Forest Divonne

Anthony JP Meyer Galerie Meyer

Santo Micali Galerie Mermoz

Lance & Roberta Entwistle Galerie Entwistle

Jérôme & Léonor Jacquemin Esquisse

Alain & Abla Lecomte Galerie Alain et Abla Lecomte

Béatrice Saint-Laurent Galerie BSL

Claude Bernard Galerie Claude Bernard Edith & Julien Flak Galerie Flak

Benoit Sapiro Galerie Le Minotaure

Stéphane Corréard & Hervé Loevenbruck Galerie Loeve&Co Galerie Loeve&Collect

Arnaud Lefebvre Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre

Olivier Nouvellet Galerie Olivier Nouvellet

Patrice Trigano Galerie Patrice Trigano

Bernard Prazan Galerie Applicat-Prazan

Caroline & Thomas Bayart Galerie Bayart

Lucas Ratton Galerie Lucas Ratton

The Jeudi des Beaux-Arts changes color

It’s time to meet again! All of us at the Jeudi des beaux-Arts look forward to seeing you on June 3rd for the grand opening of our ‘’Temps Fort’’. Today we take this opportunity to change the colors of the Jeudi des Beaux-Arts ! Through a rich and diverse cultural program, the Jeudi des Beaux-Arts provides this Thursday, June 3 from 5pm to 9pm, a late evening event with over thirty galleries offering openings, meetings and even a fashion show ! This is the opportunity to meet again with the gallery owners, the artists and to spend a delightful arty evening in Saint-Germain-des-Prés. The Jeudi des Beaux-Arts is pleased to partner with Paris Gallery Week-end offering you a new take on Paris - the capital of art.

Find us Galerie Le Minotaure 2 rue des Beaux-Arts

Galerie La Forest Divonne 12 rue des Beaux-Arts

Galerie Berthet-Aittouarès 2 rue des Beaux-Arts & 14 rue de Seine

Galerie Loeve&Co 15 rue des Beaux-Arts

Galerie Abla et Alain Lecomte 4 rue des Beaux-Arts

Galerie Bayart 17 rue des Beaux-Arts

Galerie Patrice Trigano 4 Bis Rue des Beaux-Arts

Galerie Meyer 17 rue des Beaux-Arts

Galerie Flak 8 rue des Beaux-Arts

Galerie Olivier Nouvellet 19 rue de Seine

Love&Collect 8 rue des Beaux-Arts

Galerie Lucas Ratton 11 rue Bonaparte

Galerie Arnaud Lefebvre 10 rue des Beaux-Arts

Galerie Applicat-Prazan 16 Rue de Seine

Galerie Artisyou 10 rue des Beaux-Arts

Galerie J.B Bacqart 27 Rue de Seine

Galerie Entwistle 5 Rue des Beaux Art

Galerie JSC 3 Rue des Beaux Arts

Galerie Raymond Dreyfus 3 Rue des Beaux Arts

Galerie Loft 3 bis Rue des Beaux Arts

Galerie Mermoz 12 rue des Beaux-Arts

Galerie BSL 14 Rue des Beaux Arts


Find us Galerie Claude Bernard 5 Rue des Beaux Arts

Galerie Marcel Strouk 23 rue de Seine Galerie Gastou 12 rue Bonaparte Galerie Dutko 11 rue Bonaparte Galerie Arcanes 11 Rue Bonaparte Galerie Loevenbruck 6 rue Jacques Callot Galerie Zlotowski 20 rue de Seine Librairie des Alpes 6 rue de Seine Galerie Gastou 12 rue Bonaparte Autres lieux : Esquisse 3 rue des Beaux-Arts


GALERIE BERTHET-AITTOUARÈS 29 & 14 rue de Seine See the Presse Kit : Three Women in color

Odile & Michèle Berthet Aittouarès

Michèle Aittouarès founded the Berthet-Aittouarès Gallery in 1986. In 2000, she was joined by her daughter Odile Aittouarès, art historian and author of the catalogue raisonné of E. O. Friesz, as well as co-founder of the Festival Photo St. Germain. The mother and daughter collaboration began at 29 rue de Seine, then in 2014 they moved to 2 rue des Beaux-Arts, the former Galerie Pierre (Pierre Loeb).


Maire-Claude Bugeaud, Vera Molnar et Anne Ferrer Three Women in color Exihibtion from th 13 june to the 10 july


GALERIE MEYER 17 rue des Beaux-Arts Current events : New opening times Tuesday to Saturday 11am - 7pm Curent Exihibitions : Metagraphies : The strange and singular drawings of the artist Serge DUBUC (catalog on instagram and our website) Signs, Volutes and Graphics: from text to speech, the visual is heard (Oceanic art objects) 3 june : Meeting with the artist Serge Dubuc (and live instagram)

From 17 to 22 june : Paris Tribal. From 24 to 27 june : Bourgogne Tribal Show

Anthony JP Meyer For 40 years and following his parents who were antique dealers and collectors based in both Paris and Los Angeles, Anthony JP Meyer has been working hard and tenaciously from his Parisian gallery to promote the ancient arts of the island cultures of Oceania. In 2010 he added a department specializing in the ancient art of the Eskimo cultures of the Arctic Circle – a private passion for over 30 years. Today, after publishing in 1995 a landmark book on Oceanic art and many thematic catalogues Anthony JP Meyer is engaged in other book projects, while continuing his work as an antique dealer, providing collectors and institutions with Oceanic & Eskimo works of art of the highest quality and rarity.


Coconut grater - called duai in Nukuoro (or tuai in neighboring islands) Nukuoro Island, Caroline Islands, Para-Polynesia, Micronesia Breadfruit wood (Artocarpus altilis) upper rear end of the seat restored 50.5 x 29 x 23 cm 19th century Acquired from the Everett Frye Collection in Kahala, Hawaii Ex-coll.: Sherrod Anderson, Honolulu, Hawaii

Price on request


GALERIE BAYART 17 rue des Beaux-Arts

Caroline and Thomas Bayart

Specializing in modern and contemporary art, Galerie Bayart was founded in 2008 by Caroline and Thomas Bayart. Located in heart of Saint Germain-des-Prés, at 17 rue des Beaux-Arts, the gallery is preparing to open at the end of 2020 an additional exhibition space and private showroom at 22 rue Jacob. The Bayart Gallery is particularly committed to the defense and promotion of contemporary sculpture, particularly monumental sculpture.


Charbonnel Condottiere III 2019 Bronze 75x40x47cm ©Galerie Bayart Price on request


GALERIE LOEVE&CO 15 rue des Beaux-Arts

Stéphane Corréard and Hervé Loevenbruck Hervé Loevenbruck opened his gallery in 2001 just after Stéphane Corréard closed his. We could describe it as passing the relay and indeed the two men know each other well and share the same history of art. In February 2019, these two self-taught artists, trained through internships in professional experiences, decided to work together and open a joint gallery : Loeve&Co. A second space for Hervé Loevenbruck, who now manages several independant domaines in addition to his activities as a contemporary art gallery owner, but above all it is an independent project that works to rewrite a page of French art. For Stéphane Corréard, well-known as a journalist, curator and also founder of the art fair Galeriste, it is a matter of being an operational art-critic and following in the footsteps of Pierre Restany or Bernard Lamarche-Vadel. Offering with his Galerie Météo, founded in 1992 much more than simply theoretical support, he has provided logistical and financial support to a whole generation of artists from Philippe Ramette to Ghada Amer - he learned from this experience the need to create context, to carry out his own projects and how to do so. Henri Guette.


Muzo Le cruciverbiste 2005 Chinese ink and colored pencils on paper 21 X 29,7 cm ©Loeve&Co & Muzo Price on request


GALERIE JSC 3 Rue des Beaux-Arts

Bruno Sabatier

JSC Modern Art Gallery is specialized in the graphic work of Francis Bacon and is the editor of the official catalogue raisonné by Bruno Sabatier, whose expertise is unanimously recognized by the largest auction houses. After a career as a lawyer specializing in the field of intellectual property, Bruno Sabatier, a former art publisher, now exclusively dedicates himself to promoting the graphics of Francis Bacon whom he first met in 1976, by giving lectures, organizing private exhibitions or in museums , providing expert advice both for collectors and for institutions, assisting in the drafting of auction catalogues and advising his loyal customers wishing to build up a collection.


Francis Bacon

Etude pour un portrait du Pape Innocent X d’après Velasquez Lithography 1989 Price on request



Marie-Hélène de La Forest Divonne

Founded in 1988 by Marie-Hélène de La Forest Divonne, the Galerie Vieille du Temple became Galerie La Forest Divonne in 2015, when it moved to the rue des Beaux-Arts. Marie-Hélène opened a second space, run by her son Jean de Malherbe, in Brussels in 2016. The two generations of gallery owners defend an independent line of international artists, putting continuity and quality at the forefront of their choices.


Alexandre Hollan Le Glorieux acrylic on paper on canvas 73x116 cm 2013 Price on request


GALERIE LES YEUX FERTILES 27 rue de Seine Exhibition Boîtes à Mystères until the 12 juin, Philippe DEREUX, Lou DUBOIS, Paul DUCHEIN, Mimi PARENT, Bernard SCHULTZE, URSULA

Jean-Jacques Plaissance The Galerie Les Yeux Fertiles was created in 2001 by Jean-Jacques Plaissance. It mainly dedicates its exhibitions to artists of Surrealism, Art Brut, Art Singulier (and all forms of expression of the unconscious). Let us quote in particular its big monographic exhibitions on Jorge Camacho, Joaquin Ferrer, Erro, Bernard Saby, Fred Deux, Bernard Schultze, Ursula Josette Rispal but also on the pataphysicians such Olivier O.Olivier or Carelman and recently a big retrospective on Pierre Bettencourt.


PHILIPPE DEREUX La sortie de la messe mai 1976 47 x 44 x 5.5 cm Price on request

MIMI PARENT Diane 1977 96 x 77 x 12 cm Price on request


GALERIE DUTKO 11 rue Bonaparte

Jean Jacques Dutko


Monique Frydman Chronicle of the Crazy Days Exhibition view Agence Phar



Arnaud Lefebvre

The Gallery Arnaud Lefebvre has been in existence since 1986. It organized the first exhibition of Carl Andre’s poetry in France and retrospective exhibitions of Rosemarie Castoro and Robert Huot. Since 2010, the gallery has devoted a large part of its programming to women artists. It represents exclusively the work of the Caribbean artist Hessie, who died in 2017.


Robert Huot Death and the Maiden Photography


LOVE&COLLECT 8 rue des Beaux-Arts

Stéphane Corréard and Hervé Loevenbruck Stéphane Corréard and Hervé Loevenbruck announce the opening of Love&Collect, “The shop of art stories and histories”, at 8 rue des Beaux-Arts, in Saint Germain-des-Prés, and online : on Instagram and Twitter. Launched during the first confinement in April 2020, the digital project Loeve&Co-llect has been acclaimed daily by several thousand subscribers and has generated the sales of nearly 200 works. Now called Love&Collect, the project has continued and developed, offering each week five works representative of a theme or an artist, at friendly prices.


Sophie Bouilhet-Dumas Exhibition Mira Stella, la nature à l’oeuvre 2 june– 2 jully 2021

To evoke her first jewelry collection, designer Sophie Bouilhet-Dumas takes a detour through a Japanese haiku a Japanese haiku: I saw a wild flower / When I knew its name, / I found it more beautiful. Paying homage to the beauty of living things, the Nature at Work jewelry collection was born from the methodical and poetic observation of plants, as an invitation to take a fresh and attentive look at the astonishing diversity of this microcosm. Four families of models are unveiled in this exhibition: Cabbage seed, Hydrangea petal, Flax pod and Ash bark, like so many poetic variations around plant elements transposed identically, in gold or ebony.


GALERIE FLAK 8 rue des Beaux-Arts Current events : Thematic exhibition :

Phantom, le superhéros des Hautes Terres Boucliers de guerre Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée

Edith & Julien Flak

Galerie Flak, located 8 rue des Beaux-Arts in Paris VI, was founded in 1990. It specializes in ancient arts from Africa, Oceania and North America. The Galerie Flak collaborates with the main international museums of ethnography : Musée du Quai Branly - Jacques Chirac in Paris, Musée des Confluences in Lyon, Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, the Rietberg Museum in Zurich, and the museums of Tahiti, Taiwan, and Jerusalem . . .The gallery participates every year as an exhibitor in many international exhibitions and events including the Parcours des Mondes, Paris Tribal, PAD Art + Design, the Bourgogne Tribal Show, the AOA/MATA Fair in New York and online Santa Fe Virtual Show and San Francisco Tribal & Textile Art.


Phantom War Shield Wahgi Valley, Highlands, Papua New Guinea Carved and painted wood, basketry Second half of the 20th century Height : 157 cm Collected by Chris Boylan, Mount Hagen, 2002. Ex private collection, Australia. Published: «The Man Who Cannot Die» - pl. F6, p. 205 Price : 18 000 euros



Alain and Abla Lecomte Alain Lecomte is a member of the international organization of experts – ORDINEX. The gallery has been present for several years in the most important international Art Premier fairs.


Wé mask Former Alain Rime collection Late 19th century Price on request


GALERIE PATRICE TRIGANO 4 bis rue des Beaux-Arts

Patrice Trigano

After having defended for more than 20 years Surrealist Art, the abstraction of the 1950’s, Pop Art and New Realism, Galerie Patrice Trigano today alternates exhibitions of great masters of the 20th century such as Matisse, Michaux, Miro, Picabia, Picasso and exhibitions of internationally renowned contemporary artists such as Carmen Calvo, Chu Teh -Chun, Lucien Clergue, Allen Jones, Mel Ramos, Manolo Valdés and the artists of the Arab world Meriem Bouderbala and Halim Al Karim.


Antoni Clavé Roi 1959 Oil on canvas Signed and dated lower right 116x89 cm Price on request


GALERIE MERMOZ 12 rue des Beaux-Arts

Santo Micali The Mermoz Gallery specializes in Pre-Columbian Art offering archaeology and antiques from Mexico, Central & South America and the Carib islands. The Gallery strives to select the best of the best in its field. It focuses on unique works, remarkable for their rarity and quality, mainly from Mesoamerica, and constantly presents pieces from the Olmeca, Mezcal, Maya, Nayarit, Colima, Jalisco, Teotihuacan, Mixtec, Zapotec, and Aztec cultures...


Zoomorphic vase representing a jaguar TOLTEC – Mexico 900 – 1200 A.D. Height: 12.7 cm - Width: 17.9 cm - Depth: 6.7 cm Beige aragonite Price on request


GALERIE LE MINOTAURE 2 rue des Beaux-Arts

Benoit Sapiro

The Galerie Le Minotaure, created in 2002, is located on rue des Beaux-Arts, at the former address of the famous bookshop of which it has retained its name. Founder Benoit Sapiro, is passionate about Russian and Central European artists of the first half of the 20th century. The intense and passionate work carried onwards by Benoit Sapiro for over 20 years is undeniably part of the explosion of interest in the Russian art market and in the rediscovery of artists from Russia or Eastern countries, who were disregarded in the first half of the 20th century.


František Kupka Création I 1920 Oil on canvas 116 x 124 cm Archives Gallery Le Minotaure Price on request



Olivier Nouvellet

Founded in 1984, the Olivier Nouvellet Gallery offers an eclectic program. It brings together emerging figures and big names in the arts from all generations and from diverse practices. Throughout the year the gallery organizes many exhibitions, either personal, themed or carte blanche to personalities from different backgrounds with the particularity of being short-term exhibitions.


Pierre Buraglio Sans identité 1 2018 28 cm x 22 cm Price on request


GALERIE LOFT 3 bis et 4 Rue des Beaux Arts

Jean François Roudillon

Founded in 1985 by Jean-François Roudillon, the LOFT Gallery, located in the heart of Saint Germain-des-Prés, has always been committed to discovering young contemporary artists from all walks of life, motivating their art and promoting their works among Parisian and European collectors.


Philippe Huart CERULEUM VERT VERTIGE (VORTEX 33) 2021 Diameter : 200cm © galerieloft

Price on request


GALERIE BSL 14 Rue des Beaux Arts

Béatrice Saint-Laurent Founded by Béatrice Saint-Laurent in 2010, Galerie BSL commissions, produces and exhibits refined and innovative works that challenge the established borders of art and design. One-offs or in very limited edition, these functional sculptures channel an experience, arouse one’s sensibility, and speak to the heart as much as to the intellect. Fantasy fuses with the object, creating a dreamy aesthetic, full of energy and imagination.


Pia Maria Raeder ’Sea Anemone 10’ Mirror 27,000 white lacquered beechwood rods, seven mirrors Unique piece - 2020

Price: 47,000 euros including VAT

Pia Maria Raeder is committed to interpreting her own abstract vision of nature. She has become globally known for her ’Sea Anemone’ series that reflects the beauty found on the ocean floor. Reminiscent of biomorphic forms, her sculptures are handcrafted from thousands and thousands of simple beechwood elements that are patiently arranged one by one. Work by the artist is included in the permanent collection of the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris.



Bernard Prazan

Bernard Prazan, a long-time collector, founded his first gallery in 1989. Dedicated from the start to the great painters of the School of Paris from the 1950’s, Applicat-Prazan moved to 16 rue de Seine, on the Paris Left Bank, in the heart of Saint Germain-des-Prés. A second space was opened in 2010 on the right bank, at 14 avenue Matignon. Franck Prazan has been running the gallery since 2004. Before taking over from his father, he had been managing director of Christie’s in France. In this capacity, he had transformed a simple representative office into a fullscale auction house, whose headquarters and teams he installed on Avenue Matignon in Paris.


Jean-Michel ATLAN (1913 - 1960) Le Roi Guerrier 1957 Oil on convas 116 x 89 cm Courtesy Applicat-Prazan, Paris © Adagp, Paris 2021 Price on request



Marcel Strouk

The Rive Gauche gallery was created in 1989 by Marcel Strouk. Located at 23 rue de Seine, in the heart of Saint Germain des Près, Paris, Marcel Strouk quickly specialized in the works of American Pop artists. At the same time, he supports the creation of European artists of narrative figuration: Valerio Adami, ERRO, Arroyo, Antonio Segui, etc... He has been working with these artists for over twenty years, between Saint Paul de Vence, Los Angeles, New York and Paris, and they are close friends. Since 2000, Marcel Strouk has opened the doors of the gallery to the hyperrealist creation of the first generation of American artists, and then gradually to young artists from all horizons, respecting a «figurative» artistic line above all.


Jonario Clark Smockers Acrylic on canvas 100 x 81 cm 2021 © galerierivegauchemarcelstrouk Price on request


GALERIE ARCANES 11 rue Bonaparte

In the heart of the Saint-Germain-des-Prés district, the Galerie Arcanes has been exhibiting the creations of the great master decorators of the 20th century since 2003 and works permanently with contemporary artists whose works, presented in Art Deco or modernist atmospheres, allow a decompartmentalization of the genres and the periods for a happy dialogue.


Kaori Kurihara Chandelles de la fôret profonde 2020 White glazed stoneware Hauteur : 34,5 cm @kaori Kurihara Price on request


GALERIE LOEVENBRUCK 6 rue Jacques Callot

Hervé Loevenbruck The Loevenbruck gallery opened its first exhibition space in 2001 in Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 40 rue de Seine, 2 rue de L’Échaudé. Wishing to keep this Germano-pratine identity, the Loevenbruck gallery changed location in 2010 and moved to 6, rue Jacques Callot, one street from its old address, instead of the Galerie Darthea Speyer. This new exhibition space is inaugurated in September with an exhibition by Jean Dupuy.


Marcel Storr Sans titre 1936 Graphite lead, colored pencils and varnish on watermarked Canson paper 64 x 49 cm Courtesy galerie Loevenbruck, Paris © Photo Fabrice Gousset, Fonds Marcel Storr, courtesy Loevenbruck, Paris. Price on request


GALERIE YVES GASTOU 12, rue Bonaparte


Monique Rozanes La Nuit Bleue 2016 Altuglas H. 166 x 31 x 25 cm Métabolisme De L’Espace © Courtesy GalerieYvesGastou Price on request


GALERIE LUCAS RATTON 11 Rue Bonaparte Curent events : Exhibition Animal from the 27 may to the 10 july

Lucas Ratton

“The Lucas Ratton Gallery, specialized in tribal art, presents works from Sub-Saharan Africa, Oceania and British Columbia. Recently installed in its new space rue Bonaparte in front of the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Lucas Ratton perpetuates the family tradition in the style of Charles Ratton his great-uncle, Maurice Ratton his grand-father, and Philippe Ratton, his father. Today, Lucas has made a name for himself in the inner circle of tribal art experts, thanks in part to his participation in international fairs ».


Statue SENOUFO Ivory Coast End of the 19th century Wood & pigments Height : 160 cm Provenance : John J. Klejman Collection, New York, 1964 Harry A. Franklin Collection, Los Angeles, before 1983 Collection Valerie Franklin, Beverly Hills, 1983-1990 Galerie Daniel Hourdé, Paris, acquired in 1990 Robert ‘Bobby’ Haas Collection, 2002 Galerie Ratton-Hourdé, Paris, 2004 Important Belgian private collection, since 2004 Price on request



Jean-Baptiste Bacquart Jean -Baptiste Bacquart graduated in art history and archaeology at the Sorbonne and the Ecole du Louvre. After directing Sotheby’s London Tribal Art Department (1992 -2000), he is now a dealer and advisor, working with museums and international collectors, advising them on their acquisitions and the preservation of works of art.


A beautiful Lega mask from the Bwami society Democratic Republic of the Congo H: 12,5 cm Beginning of the 20th century, brought back by Johannes Bakker (1870-1930), then by family descent. Price on request


GALERIE ARTISYOU 10 rue des Beaux-Arts

Galerie Artisyou was founded in 2000 by Olivier Habib specializing in 20th century art. Based in Paris and Saint Tropez the gallery represents the artists of the second school of Paris. We offer as well, exhibitions centered around the Gutaï Mouvement of the Japanese post-war period.


André Masson (1896-1987) Paysage patriarcal 1940 Gouache on paper 50 x 65 cm Price on request


GALERIE ZLOTOWSKI 20 rue de Seine Current events : Exhibition Sonia Delaunay from the 22 may to the 22 july

Yves Zlotowski

Galerie Zlotowski is a Parisian art gallery located in the heart of the Saint-Germain-des-Prés Quarter. It specializes in modern art and avant-garde movements of the XXth century. The gallery also has a particular interest in artists of the second half of the XXth century.


Cover project c.1969 Gouache and pencil on velum paper (32.7 x 25.5 cm.) © Pracusa 20210319 Price on request



Raymond Dreyfus

Created in 1992, the gallery is located in the heart of Saint-Germain-des-Prés, on the premises of the former Iris Clert Gallery, where the exhibitions “Le Vide” by Yves Klein and “Le Plein” by Arman were held. The Raymond Dreyfus Gallery is a member of the Comité Professionnel des Galeries d’Art.



Claude Bernard Galerie Claude-Bernard was founded in 1957 by its current director, Mr. Claude Bernard. Since then, the Gallery is located at 5-7, rue des Beaux-Arts in Paris, in the center of Saint Germain-desPrés and close to the École Nationale des Beaux-Arts. In its early days, the Gallery specialized in contemporary sculpture.


GALERIE ENTWISTLE 5 rue des Beaux-Arts

Lance Entwistle

Roberta Entwistle

The ENTWISTLE Gallery has been involved in the arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas for more than 40 years. Founded by directors Lance Entwistle and Roberta Entwistle, the company has an unparalleled reputation in the field for quality and professionalism, and has worked with leading private buyers and museums to build some of the world’s largest collections of tribal art.



6 rue de Seine



3 rue des Beaux-Arts Opening hours : tues - sat 9:30 am - 6:30 pm

Jérôme & Léonor Jacquemin

The shop was founded in the late nineteenth century. Originally a manufacturer and supplier of equipment for artists, it was acquired in 1961 by Gilbert Jacquemin and became Esquisse. His son Jérôme took over in 1986. Located a stone’s throw from the École des Beaux-Arts, in the heart of Saint-Germain-Des-Prés, Esquisse is the preferred supplier, for both art students, amateur and professional artists.




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