january 2014
Friday 27th december
20.30h IV Aquatic’s “San Silvestre” The main point is to end this year 2013 practising the healthiest sport for everyone; the swimming. Take part in the ludic-recreational-sporting race between 8 and 99 years old. We are going to fit out four different areas as a circuit, with different activities such as water polo, aquatic volley, relay races… and also there is a relaxing area. Inscriptions: this race is opened for everyone. Encourage participating in this event that is developed in a sporting atmosphere. With the collaboration of: GSD, S.L
tuesday 31st december Tamarit’s Library
20.00h The last day o the year, there will be the book’s presentation “Cop a la dictadura”, from José Domingo Parra, from Oliva.
saturday 4th january Caring Basketball 3x3
Come and enjoy of our sport facilities, today Saturday caring basketball, for all those who needs it. Thank you club! 10:30 in the morning, young players (1999-1998) and infantile (20012000) 12:00 in the morning, beginners (2002-2003) and under 8 (2004-2007). Saturday 16:00 evening for juniors, seniors and veterans (from 1997). Inscriptions: 2 kilograms of food for each participant of the inscribed team. 10 euros per team. The money and the food will be destined for Cáritas. Inscriptions and information will be found at the sports hall or in this web: and also through the e-mail
sunday, 5th January The Three Wise Men Cavalcade
The Three Wise Men schedule will be initiated the Saturday, 28th December, with the arrival of the royal postman to Oliva who will manage with all the letters written by the children. The royal postman will start his job at 10:30 in the City Council; from 11:00 to 11:30 he will visit the “Riuetdels frares” square, from 12:00 to 12:30 he will visit the “Sant Roc” square and from 13:00 to 13:30 every kid will be able to deliver his or her letter at the “Parque de la estación”. The Three Wise Men celebration will take place on Sunday 5th January with the following tour: At 16:00: arrival of our Majesties The Three Wise Men to the residence for the elderly where they will realise the adoration with the Live Belen. At 17:30: visit to the Clarisas Convent. At 18:30: The Three Wise Men Cavalcade. Starting in “Paseo Jaume I (Casa de la Fiesta)”, “Paseo Lluis Vives”, “Calle Cervantes”, “Calle Constitución” and the City Council. At 20:00: The Three Wise Men speech from the City Council balcony and reading of the winner letter of the Essay Contest midwife attended by the little girl Isabel Llorca Vives.
+ info: 962855528
january 2014
until 6th January
Christmas Cinema, 20:00 and 22:00
Among other films, we will be able to enjoy of: Frozen; “el Reino del Hielo”; Blue Jasmine; “El hobbit”: “La desolación de Smaug”; Diana;” Lluvia de albóndigas 2”; “Futbolín”;” Caminando entre dinosaurios”; Ismael; “La vida de Adèle” Information: on Facebook; Teatreolimpia Oliva and vida-cultural/cinema-olimpia/ The most current cinema for the best price: 4€ Place: Olimpia’s Theatre
until 7th January
Christmas Campaign, ACCO. Workshops and routes Buying at the Oliva’s shops has its prices: until the 5th of January 50€ are raffled daily. In addition, for any purchase done you can enjoy of the culture by participating in the several workshops and routes: Thursday 2nd: workshop: “El color en la ilumniación literaria en la Edad Media” (The colour in the lightning during the Middle Ages). Social Centre “San Vicente”: Friday 3rd: archaeological workshop “Simulation of an archaeological site”, Fossar Centre, “San Roque”. At 7 0’clock in the evening, take part of the cultural route “historic Oliva”, we will be waiting for you at the City Council at 19:00h. And do not forget visiting the ACCO’s Christmas exhibition located in C/ Cura Pleban 5. Facebook: Acco Oliva.
10th,11th, 12th
“Porrat de San Antonio”, boilers and medieval market In the past, the boilers of “San Antonio” were celebrated in the coldest period of the year in order to feed the poor and underprivileged people in the town. Rice in dish was served in big boilers in the Raval neighbourhood. This century tradition was recovered some years ago with the collaboration of the “festeros”, Sant Vicent Street and other people of the Raval’s neighbourhood. Is a big party in all senses: enjoying with the view and the tasty smell during the boilers’ elaboration and, afterwards, eating a great hot dish in one of the charming corners of the region. This year, the “Porrat de Sant Antoni”, that is found in the circuit the porrats’ route in the Safor, will take place from the 10th to the 12th of January. The dishes’ preparation will start at 9h and the lunch at 14:00 h. during all the weekend will be a medieval market, theatrical perfomances in the street, workshops and medieval music concerts. In adittion, on Saturday the 9th of January it will be celebrated the animals blessing and a parade through the Raval-Gerreria neighbourhood. Information and complete schedule:
+ info: 962855528
january 2014
from 14th to 26th
III Mediterranean Equestrian Tour. 1er Tour CS12*. YH* The Mediterranean Equestrian Tour born in 2012 with the intention on becoming in a concerning to the equestrian world as national level as international. This is the third year that Oliva embraces The Mediterranean Equestrian Tour, where the best riders take part in the International Obstacles Competition. This year the MET trials are celebrated in three tours during January, February and March. Place: Equestrian Centre Oliva Nova Information: email:
friday 17th
Introduction course to Photography
17:00 h It is very interesting for photography lovers. How to improve our photos. We keep this month with the Tamarit’s Reading Group. Activity based on a proposed book’s reading by a group of people who join every two weeks or monthly in order to comment and exchange opinions about the chapters read individually at home. reading groups are formed: 1.Reading group “Novel•les de cine” (Cinema novels). Thursday at 18:00. 2.Reading group “Un món en negre” of crime novel (A world in black). Tuesday 18:30.
saturday 18th
4th “Jornada Liga Promesas
17.00h An important day for these child prodigies, the Swimming Oliva Club is always at the height. Category: under 8/beginner Area: provincialOrganised by the Swimming Oliva Club Place: Municipal Swimming pool (C/Gabriel miró, 11)
sunday 19th animals blessing
San Antonio is also known by being the saint who blesses animals, always accompanied by a little pig in the medieval iconography. In Oliva, this tradition in which families participate by bringing their animals to a popular crowd has been restarted. At 11:30 the parade will start with wagons and animals. The blessing will be done in front of the San Antonio’s chapel.
sunday 29th
IV Swimming Crossing in winter.
09.30h Now the winter is approaching, Oliva’s Nautical Club organises the IV Swimming Crossing at the “Pau-Pi”’s beach, together with the Nautical Club. Get ready and participate or come and enjoy of the race with the nice winter climate at the city, cheering up our swimmers. Place: Pau-Pi’s beach. Distance: 2000 m. Inscriptions:, more info:
+ info: 962855528
january 2014
wednesday 8th, 15th, 22nd, 29th Guided visit through Christian-Moor town
10:00 h A nice plan for Wednesday morning is to discover the historic city with its majestic houses belonging to the Christian town and the sinuous Moor Rabal streets. They will surprise you for sure! Inscriptions and meeting point: Tourist Info Oliva (Mercado Municiapl). Tel. 962855528,,, Facebook: Turisme Oliva.
thursday 2nd,9th,16th,23rd,30th Cineclub. 20:00 and 22:00
Every Thursday we invite you to “Cineclub, Oliva de Cine”, dedicated to the author’s cinema, European and international, in their original version or dubbed in Valencian. Price: 4€. Films’ information: http://oliva. es/arees/vida-cultural/cinema-olimpia/ Friday 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st January. the same film is projected twice.
friday 3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st friday market
10:00 h Our outdoors market is one of the most attractive ones in the region. It offers different sections with the sale of seasonal fruits and vegetables, footwear, textile and an endless amount of the region’s best products. In addition, from Monday to Saturday we invite you to visit the “Mercat Municipal” (municipal market), an establishment that puts together modernity and tradition in a framework of a unique commercial concept. Its offer is based on fresh food with daily products. Place: “Paseo Luis Vives 20:30 h Snacks Route Every Friday night! Let’s have a snack! In different areas- Paseo, San Francisco de Borja and San Vicente neighbourhoods, old town and beach- pubs and restaurants offers a wide variety of snacks to be tasted that are delicacies for our visitors. A likeable and familiar atmosphere is prevailing this night and it invites you to taste their snacks comfortably. Facebook: Divendres De TAPES Gastroliva y Bares Gastroliva.
all the month
”Exhibition Oliva in black and white”
A huge selection of ancient photos of an excellent quality in black and white in baryta paper will be exposed. You will be able to walk in your memories thanks to the Oliva’s images in black and white. This is a publication by Tivolí’s editorial.Inauguration: Sunday 1st of December at 12:00h.Visiting hours: from Tuesday to Saturday from 10:00h. to 13:00h. and from 16:30h. to 20:00h. Sundays from 10:30h. to 13:30h. The sale of the book “Oliva en blanc i negre”: the inauguration day in bookshops. Place: Ethnological museum.
+ info: 962855528
january 2014
Feb ruar
y’s p revi e
8th and 9th February
II Minerals, fossils and gems Fair in Oliva’s City.
Last year this Fair was incredibly successful due to the organization and the audience, with the space and the comfort worthy of the best Spanish Fairs. You cannot miss the second edition of this friendly fair! It will not disappoint you! Apart from the showcases, funny activities and workshops for the youngest will be celebrated. Free entrance. Place: Centro Polivalente, Passeig Antoni Mestre Sanchis, 39
+ info: 962855528