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Peng’s Vase A C h i nes e Fo lkta le i l l u s t r at e d b y

Pa o l o P r o i e t t i

$18.99 US

Once upon a time there was an old Chinese emperor who gave children seeds to grow to see who would bring him the most beautiful flower.

Illustrator’s Note: For as long as I can recall I have enjoyed and appreciated Asian art and design. It inspires me and influenced many aspects of my growth as an illustrator. With this book, set in an imaginary ancient Chinese world, I have made a uniquely personal interpretation that pays homage to the influence of Chinese art on me. I hope viewers will enjoy my illustrations and join me in appreciating the beauty and inspiration that Asian art provides.

Paolo Peng’s Vase This edition published in 2023 by Red Comet Press, LLC, Brooklyn, NY First published as Il vaso di Peng Illustrations by Paolo Proietti © 2021 La Margherita edizioni, Cornaredo (Milan), Italy English translation © 2023 Red Comet Press, LLC Retold by Angus & Michael Yuen-Killick • Creative Director: Michael Yuen-Killick All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. Library of Congress Control Number: 2022937269 ISBN (HB): 978-1-63655-046-6 • ISBN (EBOOK): 978-1-63655-047-3 22 23 24 25 21 26 TLF 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


P e n g ’ s VAS E A Ch i n ese Fo lktale

A C hi n e s e Fo lkta le

I l lust r at ed by

Paolo P roie tti

Retold by Ang us & Mic hael Yuen- Killic k

R E d C o m e t P r e s s . B r o o k ly n

Once upon a time there was a very old Chinese emperor whose main concern was to find an heir. He had no children of his own and, in his opinion, his ministers did not have the right qualities to govern the empire.

In the capital city there lived a little boy named Peng. Peng loved to spend his time in the garden. There he took care of plants and flowers, which, thanks to him, grew and thrived.

One day, walking through the royal gardens, the emperor had an idea. He invited all the children together. “I give you each a seed that you will plant in a pot. You should take great care of it.

“In exactly one year, we will all meet again and one of you will become my heir!” Little Peng took the seed.

When Peng arrived home, he gently planted the precious seed in a vase.

Every morning, as soon as he awoke, little Peng went to check to see if something was growing. But the vase was always empty.

The days passed, and still nothing happened.

The other children’s plants, however, grew magnificently, and they were all proudly displayed on windowsills throughout the town. “What did I do wrong?” Peng asked his father. And his father replied with a caring smile, “If something is to grow, it will grow.”

The time granted by the emperor had now run out and Peng’s vase was still empty. So, Peng told his parents, “I will not go to the palace. I failed the task.”

But they responded, “No, you have to go and tell the emperor the truth—you tried your best, but unfortunately, nothing happened.”

Peng knew his parents were right. They had taught him that when you know you have tried your best, you must walk with your head held high and face the truth. Arriving at the palace, Peng noted with regret that the other children had succeeded in growing huge plants with colorful flowers. The only one with an empty vase was Peng.

After a few minutes the emperor appeared and began reviewing each of the plants. It felt like an eternity to Peng. Finally, it was his turn. His heart was beating fast, but he summoned his courage and, with a faint voice, explained, “I took care of the seed. I watered it, I exposed it to the morning sun, but unfortunately, nothing has grown.”

The emperor smiled and said to him, “I understand. A year ago, I gave all of you seeds that could never grow. It seems that all the other children have replaced their seeds in order to grow these wonderful plants. “But only you, little Peng, had the courage to bring me an empty vase . . .

“And, for the qualities of honesty and courage, I have decided that you will be the next emperor.”

A long silence followed in the hall. The children lowered their heads, embarrassed.

Then, one by one, they raised their heads with broad and sincere smiles. They understood that Peng had brought to the palace the most beautiful flower of all: The flower of honesty.

Years later, happiness reigned over China. The emperor opened the royal gardens to his people so that they could enjoy them too. And right there, the emperor could often be seen pruning and watering his beloved plants . . . or simply admiring them in all their beauty.

Paolo Proietti is an illustrator of several picture books for children. Peng’s Vase is his third book for Red Comet Press. He lives and works in Rome, Italy. Also available: Before We Sleep The Friendship Surprise

Jacket illustrations © 2022 Paolo Proietti Printed in China

A story of the power of honesty and courage.

ISBN 978-1-63655-046-6


9 781636 550466

$18.99 US

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