Can astrology suggest the right kind of business suitable to you

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Can Astrology Suggest The Right Kind Of Business Suitable To You? Career Astrology Akashvaani


Can Astrology Suggest The Right Kind Of Business Suitable To You

Can Astrology Suggest the Kind of Business I Should Start? The financial state of a person plays an important role in life. He/she would always seek financial security to meet all the needs. As a believer, one would always ask the question like “What business should I do as per astrology”. Business astrology in career astrology uses different calculations to figure out the business options most favored by the planets of a person. Each planet influences the person differently and makes that person’s inclination towards a certain type of work. After all, a person’s wants walk parallel to the desire to earn money.

Career Astrology suggests whether you should start the business The planet Saturn in 3rd house depicts the person will make and earn his/her own bread. This placement would not tell that which field you would choose for business. This position of Saturn in the Janam Kundali assures the person to do business. This placement also suggests that the person with this kind of placement would be good in mathematics and statistics. Other

than this placement you need to see the 2nd, 7th, and 11th house. You would definitely be interested in business if the lords of these houses share each others’ houses.

What houses in the Janam kundali contribute for business? You should approach for a business if your 2nd, 5th, 7th, 10th and 11th houses have strong planets. Other than these planets, there are houses that depict certain works when they are in their maturity period. 2nd house tells the financial status of a person, 4th house shows parental wealth, 5th house shows sudden wealth, 7th house shows wealth from the partnership.

What kind of business should you start according to the career astrology? Besides the above-mentioned factors, a person also needs to see his/her other planetary positions. These planets would also depict your inclination towards a certain type of business. Their positions in houses or in conjunction with some other planet would also influence your choice of business.

Would you earn on the basis of your studies? Your 5th house in the career horoscope shows your higher studies. It is very easy to determine whether you would be making money out of your studies or a new field. Houses 2nd, 5th, 9th and 11th depict income according to your career astrology. If the 5th house is connected to these houses then you are sure to use your knowledge that you gained from your studies to earn money.

Planet wise business options for you Sun is a bright planet and makes a person disciplined and famous at the same time. Its placement in the above-mentioned houses would fetch you good business. You should approach for a business that is related to the government sector. A government contractor, insurance company, financer or a jeweler is what you should tend to be as a business person. Moon is the planet responsible for your thoughts and moods that change each minute. It also represents your mother and cares taking emotions. You tend to be inclined towards a work where you would able to get or give motherly love. A business related to mothers or maternity would always attract you. A favorable position of the moon in the Janam kundali would assure you of a business in dairy, plant nursery or an employment firm.

Mercury is the planet of speech and the words we use for speaking. You would be inclined towards professions where you would be using your intellect to speak and selling some product. The businesses like being a publisher, standup motivator or comedian, media production house etc would suit you the best. Venus is the planet of feminism, art, and love. The position of Venus in your career horoscope would show your approach towards art and love. It loves peace and pairing up with people. First of all, you would go for a partnership if Venus is residing in 7th or 10th house of your business astrology report. You would be interested in opening a recreational center where it would be dancing, singing, modeling or painting. Mars depicts a warrior, fighter or a soldier. It will do whatever it takes to fulfill the objective. It will make you do works where you would be required to fight not with swords but with the brain. You would be attracted towards building, property dealing, and defense contracts. You might also like to start a coaching center for athletes. Jupiter depicts your teachings and knowledge. With Jupiter in 10th house or 5th house, you are sure to start a coaching center for higher studies or a school within your locality. You would always be highly motivated by your father as a teacher. Saturn is the most important planet to determine the nature of the business. It strongly represents labor and iron. A Saturn in 3rd house would assure you of a business and if at the same time you have 3rd lord sitting in 10th house you would be up to a big industry either of iron or something related to it. Saturn also depicts businesses like coal or other black fuels or a contractor in these fuels. You would have a group of laborers around you always. Rahu is the head of a planet and doesn’t have the lower body. It makes you eat, see, do a lot. You would never feel filled even after you had enough of what you eating, seeing or doing. It is considered a malefic planet would make you inclined towards aviation business, electronics business or a pharmacy. Ketu is the lower body of the planet and doesn’t know where to go. It is the headless planet who would make you move directionless. It would not let you decide upon things and would bring more confusion. This planet would make you inclined towards the business of a meditation center, motivation center or any spiritual healing center. These planets would give their best outcome if they are in either their native house or a friendly house. Career astrology projects all aspects of a person’s inclination towards a type of business but have other limitations while generalizing. Source:

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