Solutions for Low Compatibility Score in Kundali Milan/Ashtakoot Guna Milan

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Solutions for Low Compatibility Score in Kundali Milan Astrological Facts

Solution For Low Compatibility score in Kundali Matching

Marriage astrology brings with its predictions a certain set of remedies and solutions for different pre/post marital issues. Vedic Astrology claims these remedies to be bringing a slight change in adverse conditions regarding marriage. At least it is believed to lessen the effects of the malefic planetary placements. Here are remedies that might get rid of your pre/post marital issues in different aspects of married life.

Remedies for Manglik dosha/Mangal dosha This determination in the Janam Kundali is done by the position of planet Mars. Mars in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house depicts that a native is a Manglik person. This might lead to the person being highly aggressive and energetic in terms of his/her marital life. Here are few remedies for Mangal dosha: Vedic Astrology claims these remedies to be bringing a slight change in adverse conditions regarding marriage. Here are remedies that might get rid of your pre/post marital issues in different aspects of married life.

In case of a Manglik male, the native should be married to a ‘Beri’ plant by an expert pundit. He should also chant ‘Tantrukt Mangal Mantra 1.25 lakh times. This is believed to lessen the adverse effects of Mangal Dosha. In case of Manglik women, the native should be married to ‘Peepal’ tree before her expected marriage. Peepal tree can also be replaced by the ‘Kumbh Vivah’ in case of women. To have more positive results the native should be married to ‘Vishnu Pratima’ also. She should also chant 1.25 lakh times the ‘Tantrukt Mangal Mantra’ for betterment in married life.

Remedies for incompatible Society class/Varna Koot For any kind of incompatibility in the Ashta Guna Milan, the first remedy that any expert astrologer would recommend is to chant the ‘Maha Mrityunjay Mantra’ as more as possible. This mantra is believed to be the powerful solution to any problem in life. On the other hand, expert astrologers consider a minor effect of incompatible Varna koot on married life.

Remedies for incompatible Vashya Koot/Mutual attraction For any kind of incompatibility in vashya koot or the mutual attraction of the couple, expert astrologers suggest worshipping the effigy of Lord Shiva and goddess Parvati kept in the home temple. According to the Kundali Milan, this factor is almost believed to get canceled after considering the compatibility of other kootas in the process.

Remedies for incompatible Tara koot/Futurism of the couple For any kind of incompatibility in Tara koot or the futuristic factor of the wouldbe couple, experts astrologers suggest many remedies for overall well being and destiny of the couple. This factor is determined on the basis of the 27 Nakshatras. The astrologers suggest that if the couple wants to get married even after some incompatibility in this koota then it should be done on the will of the couple. It doesn’t possess any potential risk on the marriage but might make it difficult for the couple to decide upon destinies. Meditation is strictly suggested post marriage.

Remedies for incompatibility in the Yoni koot/Sexual life According to the Ashta Koota Guna Milan, astrologers suggest of a potential risk to the marriage if there is any kind of compatibility issue in the Yoni koota. It is believed to directly affect the sexual life post marriage. Even if the spouses would have a good sexual health before marriage they would face drastic changes after marrying incompatible sexual spouse. This factor is calculated on the basis of a certain animal assigned to you. Some of the pairs of those animals are compatible and some are not. This is the case with the would-be spouse too. Therefore remedies are not preferred in this case.

Remedies for incompatibility in the Graha Maitri Koota and Gana Koota These kootas represent the mentality, mutuality and the behavioral characteristics of the spouses. These factors are stressed upon by the astrologers as per the Ashta koota guna Milan to be most compatible for an auspicious marriage. The experts would rather suggest no marriage than to have the would-be spouses doing any kind of remedies. A marriage against this factor would certainly cause fights, misunderstandings, and arguments. Incompatibility in the Bhakut/Health and wellness This determination is done from the Moon’s placement in the planet chart. There are certain Yogas in the Janam kundali that show the effects of the planet Moon on a person. Moon represents your mood and your overall health. Didwadas Yoga in this factor represents that the couple would more often indulge in money related problems in astrology. Shaarashtag Yoga in this factor represents that the couple would be facing regular arguments regarding family or relatives. Navpancham Yoga represents the issues of the couple’s children and their health. The couple should refrain from marriage if there is any of the above Yogas in Bhakut.

Incompatibility in the Nadi koota/progeny

This is the most important subject of the Guna Milan for marriage matching. It represents pregnancy and children in one’s kundali Milan. The expert astrologers suggest no tolerance and remedies for this part of Guna Milan. A couple with incompatible Nadi koota is strictly advised to not marry because it partially represents all the other factors of married life. According to Vedic astrology and Kundali matching Nadi of each spouse should be different. This factor plays an important role in the Brahmin people of the society. There are no remedies and possibilities of marriage if this factor has any degree of incompatibility. Source:

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