Kundali Matching
Introduction Hindus have always relied upon Vedic astrology to predict their life’s future events. An experienced and good Vedic astrologer can foresee various events of one’s life such as health, relationship, and career. It is believed that an individual can make an informed and wise decision today, which will help them avoid major problems in the future. For instance, Vedic astrology helps in kundali milan of two people. It can assist in selecting the right future partner. In this article, we will learn how kundali matching works for marriage. Since ancient times, whenever a child is born, their guardian notes down the time, date of birth and place of the birth of that child for creating a Janam Kundali, also known as the birth chart. A janam kundali can predict various events in an individual’s life, starting from day one till the very end. It becomes
easier for the guardian to take precautions and prevent any forthcoming mishaps for the child. In the same way, kundali milan for marriage helps the individuals to choose a suitable match and avoid any future discord. Janam Kundali Matching for Marriage In Hindu religion, janam kundali of the would-be bride and groom are matched for compatibility. Kundali analysis is done on the basis of date-of-the-birth and place-of-birth. Kundali milan by date of birth is of dire importance. It gives an accurate compatibility match, which foresees the marital life of two people. The process of testing compatibility is called gun milan, and is broken down into eight different tests. Each guna test generates a certain number of gunas or points, which are then added for an overall score. It is believed that if the overall score of gunas is below 18, the match must be avoided. And, if between 18-14, the match is suitable. Any guna number above 24 indicates that the match is highly suggested and the bride & groom are of a similar nature. With these many factors which determine the kundali milan of two people, it is still recommended to do some further research into one’s life as highly similar nature of people might repel each other. Marriage Compatibility As we know by now, that kundali milan by name and date of birth plays a vital role in match making. Let us see what are the other factors which can be foreseen in a kundali milan. Kundali milan tells us about the relationship quotient of two people. For instance, kundali matching of two might fare extremely well in financial conditions; however, the different personalities may always end up quarrelling with each other. In this case, even a good match may be rejected in aspiration of a happy married life. Mental compatibility is highly important for a blissful life. Similarly, physical compatibility also plays a major role in the overall happiness of two individuals. There are many other factors that are evaluated to conclude a suitable match. Here are the 8 guna milans that are assessed during a kundali milan.
Gun Milan Test #1 – Varna; Maximum Possible Score: 1 Varna exhibits the basic personality of a person such as skills, hobbies, and abilities. It is believed that the groom’s varna must be always higher than the bride’s varna for a compatible match. If the kundali match making validates this theory, the milan scores 1 point making it a suitable match. Gun Milan Test #2 – Vasya; Maximum Possible Score: 2 Vasya is the test to determine the loyalty and companionship amongst two people. It indicates whether or not the partners will be dedicated to each other. Gun Milan Test #3 – Tara; Maximum Possible Score: 3 Tara calculates the health and well-being of the partners in a holy matrimony. The score point is achieved by comparing the birth stars or Tara of the individuals. According to Vedic astrology, there are 9 Tara groups with 3 nakshatras in each. Points are calculated by counting from the bride’s birth star to that of the groom and then dividing their number by 9. The same is reciprocated from the groom’s side. Depending on the remainders of both the calculation, points are allocated. For instance, if the remainders are even, 3 points are given. If the remainders are odd, no points are given. If one remainder is even and the other one odd, 1.5 points are given. The higher the score, the better the compatibility! Gun Milan Test #4 - Yoni - Maximum Possible Score: 4 Points Yoni specifies the physical and sexual compatibility between the couple. It is represented by 14 different types of animals with 2 nakshatras each. Ancient astrologers defined the behaviour of each animal towards the other, which led to the formation of 5 behavioural categories. For instance, Swabhava Yoni indicates that the animals are the same. Such marriages are considered to be auspicious and the guna match is given 4 points. Similarly, an Enemy Yoni indicates that the animals are enemies and only 1 point is awarded.
Gun Milan Test #5 - Graha Maitri; Maximum Possible Score: 5
Graha Maitri examines the strength and love between two people. The guna milan number is achieved by comparing the sign lords of the moon in the chart of the bride and groom. The relationship between the sign lords gives away the guna milan number. For instance, if the signs are the same or friendly, the match scores 5 points, and if one sign is friendly & the other one is neutral, the match scores 4 points. So on and so forth. Gun Milan Test #6 – Gana; Maximum Possible Score: 6 Gana identifies the individual’s temperament. It is broken down into 3 groups namely: 1. Devata or Divine - Charitable, spiritual, represent piety and not materialistic. 2. Manushya or Human - Evenly balanced between spiritual and materialistic. 3. Rakshasa or Demon - Dominant, self-willed and more materialistic than spiritual. The points are given according to the compatibility of both the bride and groom’s temperament. Gun Milan Test #7 – Bhakoot; Maximum Possible Score: 7 Bhakoot or Rashikoot examines the compatibility amongst two individual’s overall health, welfare and prosperity of a family after marriage. It is believed that Bhakoot Dosha can affect the intimacy between the couple and cause
delays in pregnancy. With a maximum score of 7 points, this is one of most important kundali milan tests. Bhakoot Dosha is based upon the distance or number counted from the bride's zodiac sign to the groom's zodiac sign and vice versa. Gun Milan Test #8 - Nadi - Maximum Possible Score: 8 points Nadi scrutinizes the genetic compatibility of the bride and groom to ensure their capability of reproducing. Traditionally, the main aim of any marriage was to produce children and the increase the family lineage. Therefore, this guna milan test is given the highest maximum of 8 points. It is again deivided into 3 categories i.e, 1. Adi or Vata 2. Madhya or Pitta 3. Antya or Kapha The test has a simple rule. It specifies that the bride and groom can achieve maximum points, if they belong to separate Nadi. Couples belonging to the same nadi will not score any point and may not be suitable for each other in respect to genetic compatibility. These 8 guna milans are the key to kundali matching. As discussed above, a good score means a good match which may lead to a happy and prosperous marital life. If you are not a firm believer of this Vedic process, however still want to give it a try. You can find various astrological websites which offer free kundali milan. Also, you can save some money by finding few answers about your marriage with the respective partner with online kundali milan. Free kundali matching offers an insight to your marital life. The numerous benefits of Kundali analysis have always created curiosity and anxiety amongst people. Therefore, before finalising a match definitely consider a kundali milan for the chances of a better & prosperous future.
Remedies to overcome mangalik dosha in your kundali
Mangalik Dosha is one of the most discussed thing in the Indian human society. One of the major dosha of your kundali is to check Mangalik dosha. The positioning of Mars (mangal) in certain houses in the horoscope or kundali, which is supposed to have a great impact on the married life and the family after and before marriage, is known as the “Mangalik Doshaâ€?. To check Mangalik or non-mangalik is important as if a mangalik and non- mangalik gets married then the person is bound to die. The Mangalik Dosha varies from people to people. This is how to know mangalik and check mangalik or non mangalik. How does it occur? This is the way to check mangalik dosha. In a human horoscope chart, there are about twelve houses. If mars is positioned in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th or 12th house of the chart, then the person is supposed to be under the Mangalik Dosha. It is considered that you check Mangalik Dosha and the person is under the negative influence of the planet Mars. This will help you check mangalik or non-mangalik by nature. When the mangal causes the problem:  When the Mars is said to be in the first house, there are high chances of conflicts and violence.
When the Mars is said to be in the second house, it is predicted to affect the family of the person troubling marriage and professional life. When the Mars is said to be in the fourth house, it is observed that the person has failure in professional life and keep switching jobs. When the Mars is said to be in the seventh house, it is noticed that the person is ill tempered. When the Mars is said to be in the eighth house, the person has high chances from being away from elders and lose paternal property. When the Mars is said to be in the tenth house, the person is basically suffering from mental illness and has financial losses to his or her enemies. We need to know how to know Mangalik Dasha from the Lagna and the Moon. The Mangalik Dosha becomes effective if it is for both Lagna and the Moon. The existence of the mangal will help you check mangalik dosha.
Characteristics to check Mangalik Dosha
Both the sexes of people can have Mangalik Dasha. Mangal or the Mars is the planet, which shows aggression and hottempered nature of a person. The Mangalik, which have fierceness in them, have a lot of energy within. This energy is very dynamic and the needs to be contrasted properly and in a right way. If the energy is not channelized properly, it may leave to destructiveness. The Mangalik dosha is considered negative and is often related to intolerance, competition, conflict and disaster. The mental life can be affected by the mangalik dosha and it is important to check mangalik dosa. The mangalik dosha causes discords in the marriage and severe tension. It may also cause delay in the marriage proposals so we should check mangalik dosha at an early stage. Mangaliks in very rare case can be victimized in marriages. The ill effects of the Mangalik Dosha can be neglected if the person is born in Tuesday. There is even a belief that people who have ill-treated their partners in the past life can have Mangalik Dosha. Remedies to overcome the ill effects of Mangalik Dosha: To get a marriage between two Mangaliks. It is often believed that the two negatives become a positive. They say that both the Mangaliks get married and nullify the effect. The art of Kumbh Vivaah After you know how mangalik the person is, she has to marry a banana tree or a peepal tree. She can also marry a Gold or silver Lord Vishnu idol to get over Mangalism. The fasting series The fasting on every Tuesday is considered to be a very effective solution. During the fasting, the Mangaliks are supposed to not eat the pidgeon or toor daal after you check mangalik or non mangalik nature of the person.
Chanting the devotional mantras Chanting Navgraha Mantra already known as the Mangal Mantra can help decrease the Mangalik pressure of the Grahas. Chanting the gayatri mantra 108 times a day can be very effective with prior to mangalik dosha after you know how mangalik dosha you are. Help in Performing poojas and bhaktis in temples After you check Mangalik or Non mangalik, The reduction of the Mangalik Dosha can be helped by visiting various Navagraha temples. The act of offering After you know how mangalik or non mangalik nature you have, Things like the sword and knife are offered placate the planet mars or the mangal. In order to pacify the high negative effect of the planet mars we can offer foods like lenthil daal, wheat bread and red stones.
Gem stones Astrologers often offer and advise to wear a red coral stone in a gold ring on the ring finger of the right hand after you check mangalik or non mangalik To get married after the age of 28 The intensity of the dosha can come down if the person under Mangalik Dosha gets married after the age of 28.
When you check mangalik and non mangalik, you feed the birds with sweet To keep an ivory or elephant teeth at home after you check mangalik or non mangalik nature. To worship the banyan tree with milk which is sweet help you know mangalik dosha To start donating red clothes to the workers who work with the sharp iron items. People believe that a Pooja in the special mangal nath temple in Ujjain will reduce the Mangalik Dosha. To keep an orange coloured lord Ganesh idol in the worshipping room of your house and worship it daily with offerings. Once you have check mangalik nature, he or she has to go under Vishnu Vivaah, Kumbha Vivaah and the Ashwath Vivaah. These remedies will help you tackle the negative Mangalik Dosha in every possible way. They help you get rid of the Indian superstition and the truth of society.
Ashtakoot Guna Milan in a Married Life
We have often seen that there are many couples who are facing serious challenges , discomfort and disgrace in their married life. Despite of getting married after a careful evaluation and analysis of their horoscope matching (Kundali Milan). This Kundali matching is an old and popular Hindu Astro system of arranging marriage based on the calculation of Guna Milan or scores between the boy and the girl intending to marry. However the choice of marriage is governed by the Guna or scores between them. This method is known as the astrological system of matching the compatibility factors between the bride and groom which is known as ‘Ashtakoot Guna Milan’. In this method of match making the moon sign i.e rashi , birth nakshatra and the Moon’s chart of the bride and groom are considered to asses and evaluate the compatibility between them . While calculating the Guna, there are 8 factors which are taken in account;
1.Varna, 2.Vashya, 3. Tara, 4.Yoni, 5.Graha-Maitri, 6.Gana, 7.Bhakoot,8.Nadi . The weightage of these, factors are same as their serial numbers the totalling to 36 as the maximum score. Now, what do these 8 factors or AshtaKoota mean in context to the bride and groom horoscope: Varna Koot: It is related to Ego, it talks about a person’s personality with regard to his background. Vashya Koot: It talks about Power. The control in marriage and power equation between two people. Tara Koot: This includes the friendship between the birth star of the groom and bride. It talks about the closeness between them . Yoni koot : This signifies the sexual affinity between the bride and groom Graha-Maitri Koot: Is related to the harmony of two horoscope or Rashi
Gana Koot: Is related to the behaviour and temperament of both the boy & girl . Bhakoot: Is regarding love. It is related to boy’s rashi moon position and girls moon position Naadi Koot: This is related to the health and genes of the bride and groom . In view of the above, this astrological system calculates the Guna and these scores or Guna predicts about the future of a marriage; * if the score is less than 18 , the couple is not compatible this marriage will not be successful, * if the score is between or equal to 18- 24 , this is an average score and the marriage is generally acceptable or recommended . There are scores which are considered to be good are 25- 32 and scores between 30-36 are highly exceptional and marriage will be successful. Based on Ashtakoot Guna Milan usually the marriages are fixed and a common belief that more the scores better is the married life . However, this is a myth and it’s not true always! Our experts in this subject have made practical observation and found that many married couples with highest scores are very unhappy, not compatible with each other and often find very difficult to continue with each other. There are cases of divorce, uncertain death of spouse, infertility, misunderstanding , financial and relationship problems .
In kundali matching apart from the Ashtakoot Guna Milan, there are many other astrological factors which must be studied and considered before a marriage is decided. Good knowledgeable astrologers will never advice a wedding without having a complete consideration of all the astrological factors additional to Ashtakoot Guna Milan between the bride and groom. The other factors, which are equally important, are the lagna, strength of the ascendant and its ruling lord, strength of the 7th house and its ruling lord, strength and nature of Venus and Jupiter. Also the natural friendship between the ruling lords of the ascendant and the 7th house, between the horoscope of the bride and the groom. It is very important to have all the stars checked before deciding so that the relationship can be strengthen based on physical and mental compatibility. Both partners must have a clear understanding
between each other, financially as well as health both plays a vital role in a married life . Good and experienced astrologers study not only the Ashtakoot Guna Milan but will also study the Venus and Jupiter of the bride and groom as well. The consideration of Venus is a must for evaluating two horoscopes because it’s strength and weakness affects the success or failure of a married life. For example, the Venus is not rightly placed than there are chances of infertility , likewise in a girls horoscope Jupiter plays a very important role , it’s the house of husband , its strength and weakness will determine the future of the marriage . Therefore it will be pointless to take a decision based entirely on the Ashtakoot Guna Milan system. It is certainly advisable to take the help and suggestions of experienced astrologers who has the in-depth knowledge about the Hindu Astrological system of Kundali matching who will study each and every stars in detail addition to the Ashtakoot to know about the togetherness between the bride and groom .
Bhakut Dosh
We all are aware that in India horoscope matching is an essential process during marriage between the boy and the girl. Most of the astrologers or pundits would match the kundali or horoscope based on Guna Milan. Under this Milan there are many parameters which are to be studied in depth before a marriage is fixed. Bhakut dosh is one of the important aspect calculated or studied by good astrologers during the time of marriage. This includes maximum of 7 points , and there are different points or combinations which has their own predictions. Bhakut Dosh tells the relation between the bride and groom in detail. For example combination of 6-8 or 12-2 , 9-5 found in the male & femaile kundali than it is known as ‘Bhakut dosh’ which is actually the combination of the moon signs in both the horoscope.
Effect of Bhakut Dosh : It is usually considered that the mentioned combination creates lot of marital problem between couples. Such combination denotes bad health, accidents, relationships issues, problem related to pregnancy, child birth , loss of job, create separation, financial issues and can create emotional disturbance between the bride and groom in long run. It can create distance between couple based on their careers, family as well different responsibilities. Remedies of Bhakut Dosh : Unlike other dosh ,Bhakut dosh must be cancelled or removed . Reason being Bhakut dosh destroys the marriage slowly and gradually. It will never let the couple live together in peace and couple will always have challenges to meet their desires. There few remedies which can be performed or done to reduce the effect of Bhakut dosh. Please be clear that Bhakut dosh does not get cancelled or removed completely it can only be reduced to a greater extent for the couple to live peacefully. Now to reduce the effect of Bhakut Dosh, pundits or astrologers can provide different methods based on the individual’s horoscopes. One can perform Puja, use different mantra or tantra for reducing the degree of Dhosh for betterment.
Exceptions to the Rule: This includes exceptional combinations that can be found at the time of matching the horoscope .These combinations can very much lessened the dosh n partners and usually such combinations are considered at the time of marriage. For instance, if the Lord of Moon Signs is same of both horoscopes, Bhakoot dosh is said to be lessened. Secondly, the 6-8 Bhakoot dosh is said to be lessened in case of Aries-Scorpio and Taurus-Libra and Thirdly 12-2 Bhakoot dosh is said to be lessened in case of Capricorn-Aquarius. Bhakoot dosha is less in this case but does not get completely removed. However one should remember that the actual malefic effect caused by Bhakoot Dosh gives different results to each couple depending upon the planetary aspects present in both the horoscopes. One cannot presume to have the same combinations until two horoscopes or kundali are matched. These defects can be potentially more serious if some other Dosha like Nadi Dosha, Gana Dosha and the weak Graha milan is there in the horoscope. Bhakut is the 2nd most important Dosh in Ashtkoot Guna Milan or Horoscope Matching and it must be calculated or studied well before a marriage is fixed .
Interesting Facts About The Nadi Dosh
In Hinduism as we all consider marriage is one of the purest form of relation, and it is considered for seven births. So, what happens that your new relation is at an early stage only haunted by negative dosh and one of major dosh is Nadi dosha. This simply harms the progeny of the relation. Astrology has come up with various types of ways through which this dosh can be nullified and to be couple can lead a happy and prosperous life. What Do You Understand By Nadi Nadi is considered very important factor during the marriage in India, irrespective of the region. Nadi is popular as it is labeled as one of most important part of our tradition and considered valuable to maintain pious and traditional values and the caste system in India. Nadi holds spiritual, cultural and genetic significance, as nadi may be considered as one of the most important factors in deciding nature, inner trade, traditional values of the future race. Nadi helps in indicating the vaat, kaaph and pita nature of any individual according to Ayurveda, these are only three doshas which lead to imbalance the health. When these doshas get an imbalance in the body, a person becomes unhealthy. When the nadi of bride and nadi of groom become same, nadi dosh occur. If any couple faces nadi dosh, then there are strong chances of an obstacle in conceiving child or problem in pregnancy during the nine months or nature of child may be aggressive, full of irritation, frustration, in obedient and many more bad habits.
In most extreme cases there is a chance that child born to nadi affected parents can be mentally retarded. So, Nadi Dosh is not acceptable in Hinduism. There are 27 nakshatras in Vedic astrology, and three nadis (Adi, Madhya, and antya) divided in various nakshatras, so every nadi have 9 nakshatras. Birth nakshatra beside nadi of a person. There are many rumors about nadi dosha, bride, and groom born with aadi or anantya nadi after marriage, if they have nadi dosh then there may be death of spouse or disable child may occur. If bride and groom born with the madhya nadi after getting married they can face widow or widower consequences only after few months of marriage. These quotes described in Puranas When Nadi Dosh can become nullify
If the Lord of the zodiac sign of boy and girl are same then the adverse effect of Nadi dosh become nullify. For example: if boy of Gemini sign and girl of Virgo sign and their Lord is Mercury ( which is same of both zodiac sign ) then the effect of particular dosha get nullify.
In the same pattern Aries and Scorpio sign, Taurus and Libra, Gemini and Virgo, Capricorn and Aquarius have the same Lord so in all these cases nadi dosh become nullify.
If the accessed Lord of boy or girl friendly and have strength with good position then nadi dosh cannot harm.
If the lord of the fifth, as well as seventh house, gets strength with good position, in the natal chart of bride and groom and significator of marriage and child Venus and Jupiter. This will lessen the harmful effect.
If the boy and girl born in the same nakshatra but have different zodiac sign then nadi dosh negative effect will subsidized.
There are some specific nakshatra in which when a boy and girl is born like Rohini, adra, margashira, pushya, bharni, kratika, magha, vishakha, anuradha, shwarna, dhanistha, purva bhdra padh, utra bhadra padh and revti and if it is same in both girl and boy Kundli then their dosh effect get nullify.
If the to be bride and groom have different nakshatra but have same zodiac sign, then also wrong effect of dosh get lessen.
If the bride having exalted Jupiter in their birth chart and aspect of Jupiter in the seventh house( house of marriage) then also she is saved from Nadi dosh.
Special Note: For consideration, if brahmins are getting married then nadi dosh is considered the ban. In case of Kshatriya, vaishya, shudra nadi dosh can be acceptable with some terms and conditions. Above are some points which can nullify the effect of Nadi dosh but if still the prospective bride and groom faces the chances of Nadi dosh and if still marriage is the compulsion or due to some reasons it is unavoidable and to be couple is facing the Nadi dosh then the below given steps or remedies should be followed:
What should we do if someone near us facing Nadi dosh 1.The Graha shanti process of graha like sun moon and jupiter with 1. 25 lakh vedic mantra chanting by the vedic brahmin. These rituals must be performed under expert vedic brahmin guidance.
The vedic mantra for sun is “Om Aakrishnena Rajasa Vartamano niveshayannamritam martyan cha Hiranyayena Savita Rathena Devo yati bhuvanani pasyan” The vedic mantra for moon is “Imam Deva Asapatnam suvadhvammahate kshatraya Mahate jyesthaya mahate janaraajyayendrasyenndriyaya Imammamusya putrammusyayi purtamasyai visha Aasha vomi Raja Somoasmakan Brahmananam Raja” The vedic mantra for jupiter is
“Annaat parisuto rasam brahmana vyapivatkshtrampayah Somam Prajapatih Ritena satyamindriyan vipan sukramandhasaindrasYendriyamidan payomritammadhu” 2. In the scenario of Nadi dosh marriage, it is strictly advised by the Vedic experts that reciting the maha mritunjaye mantra of 1.25 lakh should be done so as to diminish the fatal results of it and it should be performed according described in Vedic rituals.
The mantra is as given below “ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धं पुष्टिवर्धनम् उवाध रुकष्टमव बधनान्मृत्योमुधक्षीय माऽमृतात्”. “Om tryambakaṃ yajāmahe sugandhiṃ puṣṭivardhanam urvārukamiva bandhanānmṛtyormukṣīya mā'mṛtāt” 3. Donation of the cow at any auspicious day ( Tithi ) is also the good remedy for removal of Nadi dosh. 4. Seven types of grains equal to the body of bride and groom should be donated to the temple, gaushala ( cow shelter)or to the dakoth brahmins whoever is easy to find. All the above-described remedies must be performed beforehand to lead a peaceful and blissful marital life. To know more or want to understand more deeply then you are on the right platform. Here you will get the deeper knowledge and various remedies from the expert Vedic brahmin team. So get in touch with the expert Akashvaani Vedic brahmin team today only and get to know more about nadi dosh.