Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated Southeast Texas Cluster Retreat
Soror Chelle Luper Wilson, Regional Director Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson, Supreme Basileus Soror Jullette Spivey, Southeast Texas Cluster Coordinator Zeta Gamma Omega, Host Chapter Prairie View, Texas Saturday, November 15, 2014
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated 5656 S. Stony Island Avenue * Chicago, Illinois 60637-1997 * 773 684-1282 * Fax 773 288-8251
OFFICE OF: Chelle Luper Wilson South Central Regional Director 2525 Woodland Drive Cross Roads, TX 76227
“There’s a vastness in Texas and I believe that the people here breathe that vastness into their soul. They dream big dreams and think big thoughts, because there is nothing to hem them in.”
― Conrad Hilton November 15, 2014 Dear Sorors of the Southeast Texas Cluster: I am literally tickled PINK to join you on the beautiful campus of Prairie View A&M University. Since Prairie View Produces Productive People, this is the perfect setting for us to come together and prepare for a productive launch into this new dimension of sisterhood and service. In reference to the aforementioned Conrad Hilton quote, Deep in the Heart of Texas, without anything to hem us in, let’s open our minds to all the big ways that we can move forward in this next chapter of our beloved sisterhood with new ideas, new goals and new initiatives. We will start today as we enhance our knowledge of protocol and learn strategies to implement the new International Program, Launching New Dimensions of Service. We will also receive practical tools and techniques to help us become better sorors as we Nurture Our Ivy. Our Supreme Basileus, Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson, has a stellar vision to move our sisterhood forward while maintaining our status as the premier organization for college-educated women of color. I know that I can count on all of you to execute this vision in true Sensational South Central Style! Please join me in extending warm expressions of gratitude to our Southeast Texas Cluster Coordinator, Soror Jullette Spivey; Co-Cluster Coordinator, Soror Jacqueline Williams; Host Basileus, Soror Rosnisha Stevenson; Cluster Chairman, Soror Travette Webster; Cluster Co-Chairman, Soror Glenda Chachere and the members of Zeta Gamma Omega Chapter who have stepped up to the call delivering a weekend that will undoubtedly be nothing short of phenomenal. From the warmest welcome to a gracious good-bye and all moments in between — nothing has been left to chance in the planning and implementation of this Cluster. Finally, I am grateful for each of you who took the time to join us here in Prairie View. I thank you for continually stepping up to keep South Central Sensational and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. supreme in service to all mankind! Sisterly Yours,
Soror Chelle Luper Wilson South Central Regional Director
Welcome to “The Hill”
Welcome to “The Hill” ~Prairie View Produces Productive People~
To the Sensational Sorors of the Southeast Texas Cluster!
It is with a great sense of pride that I welcome you to Prairie View A&M University and to the 2014 Southeast Texas Cluster Retreat. Soror Travette Webster, Retreat Chairman and the host chapter, Zeta Gamma Omega, have worked diligently over the past few months planning and putting the finishing touches on what we hope will be a memorable experience for you. Our Retreat Theme: “Leading the Scene to Keep it Green, While Launching New Dimensions of Service”, embodies our desire to conduct ourselves with the distinguishing characteristics and principles unique to Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. It also reflects our sorority’s commitment of “Service to all Mankind”. Cluster Retreats gives us the opportunity to fellowship with our Sorors, gain valuable information, and help conduct the business of the sorority. We are honored to have as part of the Southeast Texas Cluster, two former Supremes, Soror Mattelia B. Grays, and Soror Faye B. Bryant, and former Regional Director’s, Soror Polly Sparks Turner, and Soror Gwendolyn J. Brinkley. The Southeast Texas Cluster Sorors will forever be inspired by you to continue to do things that are worthwhile. Congratulations to our Stunning, Outstanding, and Sensational South Central Regional Director, Soror Chelle Luper Wilson. With two successful years under your belt, you have proven to be an outstanding leader. Your class, dignity, and your commitment to ensuring that this region continue to provide excellence in service and sisterhood, will be a huge part of your legacy. It is my hope that every Soror depart todays retreat committed to serve and ready to “Launch New Dimensions of Service”. Sisterly, Jullette Spivey Jullette Spivey Southeast Texas Cluster Coordinator
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated ZETA GAMMA OMEGA
Greetings Sorors, Welcome to the 2014 Southeast Texas Cluster Retreat and welcome to Prairie View A&M University. We are excited to have you join us today. As Dennis Waitley said, “this is the season for enjoying the fullness of life—partaking of the harvest, sharing the harvest with others, and reinvesting and saving portions of the harvest for yet another season of growth”. Tis’ the Season Sorors, let us now devote ourselves to a deeper level of service and commitment to our Sisterhood. Our Supreme Basileus, Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson, has challenged us to five target areas that will continue to move Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority in the direction of greater recognition, respect and service. It has been the service that we provide to our communities that has sustained our great sisterhood for nearly 107 years. Thank you Madam Regional Director for entrusting this hosting opportunity to the Zeta Gamma Omega Chapter. It not only gives us the opportunity to shine and serve, but to also be an example to other small chapters by showing that we can all make a difference. In Service and Sisterhood, Rosnisha D. Stevenson Soror Rosnisha D. Stevenson, Ph.D. Basileus
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure…”- Marianne Williamson
Greetings Sorors! Welcome to this year’s Cluster Retreat. The Zeta Gamma Omega Chapter and all members of the Southeast Texas Cluster committee have been working very diligently to ensure that you have an experience like no other. For 106 years, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated has built a continuous legacy of leadership by educating and empowering her members in order to improve the socio-economic conditions in our schools, communities, cities, and throughout the world. In addition, Alpha Kappa Alpha teaches us the importance of sisterhood and reminds us that our commitment to one another is what perpetuates the organization. It is with these ideals that we bring you the 2014 Southeast Texas Cluster Retreat. Under the direction of our Sensational South Central Regional Director, Soror Chelle L. Wilson, and the leadership of our astounding Southeast Texas Cluster Coordinator, Soror Jullette Spivey, this year’s retreat promises to leave you enlightened, inspired, and ready to serve! The presentations and activities will provide you with all the necessary tools for your chapters to “Lead the Scene” while Launching New Dimensions of Service. We thank you for joining us for another extraordinary Southeast Texas Cluster Retreat and hope that you enjoy the day with all the excitement it has in store.
Sisterly, Travette Webster Soror Travette Webster Southeast Texas Cluster Retreat Chairman
2014 Southeast Texas Cluster Retreat “Leading the Scene to Keep it Green While Launching New Dimensions of Service” Soror Jullette Spivey, Cluster Coordinator~ Presiding Registration and Continental Breakfast 7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m. Introduction of Presenters and Very Special Guests Soror Roshunda Roberts, Zeta Gamma Omega Chapter Meditation Soror Tracey Thomas, Zeta Gamma Omega Chapter Welcome Soror Rosnisha Stevenson, Basileus Zeta Gamma Omega Greetings Soror Mattelia B. Grays, 18th Supreme Basileus Soror Faye B. Bryant, 21st Supreme Basileus Introduction of Regional Director Soror Travette Webster, Cluster Chairman State of the Region Soror Chelle Luper Wilson, South Central Regional Director Workshop I Launching New Dimensions of Service: Introducing the International Programs Soror Regina Carrington - International Program Committee
~BREAK~ Chapter Photos
Cluster Luncheon Soror Jacqueline Williams, Co-Cluster Coordinator ~ Presiding Greetings Soror Gwendolyn J. Brinkley, 23rd South Central Regional Director Meditation and Grace Soror Marva McDowell, Zeta Gamma Omega Chapter Chapter Roll Call ~Lunch is Served~ Entertainment Mr. Robert Sanders, Director of the Jazz Ensemble - PVAMU Service Project Challenge ~ One Million Backpacks Soror Arianna Sowell, Community Service Chairman ~Break~ Afternoon Session
Workshop II Launching New Dimensions of Service..AKA.Nurturing Our Ivies... With Care, Kindness and Mutual Respect Soror Shirley R. Fisher - International Sisterly Relations Committee 21st South Central Regional Director Workshop III
Launching New Dimensions of Protocol Soror Velena McRae - International Protocol Committee Presentations Closing Remarks
Soror Chelle Luper Wilson - South Central Regional Director
Program Presenters Soror Regina Carrington Representative to the International Program Committee As a loyal and dedicated member, Soror Regina has served as Basileus, Anti-Basileus, Member-at-Large, and Graduate Advisor to the Gamma Psi Chapter, (where she was initiated 41 years ago). This Life Member and Silver Star has been appointed by our Supreme Basileus, Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson, to serve as International Program Representative for the Sensational South Central Region. Soror Regina looks forward to this special journey "Launching New Dimensions of Service" throughout our region and working with our dynamic sorors.
Soror Velena McRae Representative to the International Protocol Committee Velena Lewis McRae, Silver Soror, was initiated into Alpha Rho chapter at The University of Arkansas in Pine Bluff (UAPB). She is a member of the Alpha Xi Omega Chapter, where she has served as a member of the Protocol, Sisterly Relations, and Founders’ Day committees to name a few. She currently serves as the chapter Epistoleus and is a member of the Regional Protocol Committee. Velena was recently appointed as the 2014-2016 South Central Region Representative to the International Protocol Committee.
Soror Shirley Fisher Representative to the International Sisterly Relations Committee Soror Fisher was elected the 21st South Central Regional Director at the 68th South Central Regional Conference held in New Orleans, Louisiana, April 2000 and served from 2000 to 2004. After serving four years as Regional Director, she was appointed Chairman of the Educational Advancement Foundation Advisory Board for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and Chairman of the Diamond/Golden/ Silver Sorors Anniversary Committee. Currently, she is South Central Representative to the International Sisterly Relations Committee.
Boys and Girls Country of Houston, Incorporated
Boys and Girls Country was established in 1971. They are a not for profit charity whose mission is to change lives of children from families in crisis by loving and nurturing them in a Christian home environment, raising them to become self-sustaining and contributing adults.
Focusing Families is a non-profit organization committed to strengthening individuals, families and communities through education, prevention and intervention to eliminate Family Violence, Sexual Assault, and other crisis issues.
Additional Information If you need immediate assistance during the Retreat, please send a text message to (936) 873-7447 and a Cluster Committee Member will respond as soon as possible. For all other questions or concerns, a Soror Services booth is available in the Registration area.