Architecture Portfolio 2024

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architecture portfolio

selected works 19/23

Lampung, Indonesia

Contact :

+62 82178946099

Institut Teknologi Sumatera

S.Ars (Bachelor of Architecture) / GPA 3,50 education

works experiences

PT Satria Karya Tinata

Architect Staff

2017 - 2022

October 2022 - April 2024

• Developed and prepared project documentation drawings, building details and project specifications

• Developed and created architechtural drawings, 3D concept and schematic presentations

• Coordinated and meetings with govements and consultants

• Assisted in project meetings with clients

Institut Teknologi Sumatera July 2020 - October 2020

Architecture Intern

• Worked on developing Concept design and Programming

• research and interview users from five different relivion community.

• Survey existing site location for measurement the site and analyzed site

• Produced design drawing, video visualization, and cost estimates for presentation to the client

curriculum vitae 01


Technical & Modelling


Graphic Design

Video Editing AutoCAD, Revit, SketchUp Enscape, Vray, Twinmotion

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effect


Technical Drawings, Architectural Design & Conceptual, Model Making, Videograph, Layout Design, & Graphic Design


3rd Winner Team of Architecture Design Week 2022 involved with design team in designing public space with recycle materials

others experiences

Asisten Dosen Studio Komputasi February 2020 - April 2020

Program Studi Arsitektur ITERA

Secretary Division Creative and Documentation November 2020 - December 2021

Himpunan Mahasiswa Arsitektur Swarnapada ITERA

Head of Design Section February 2020 - January 2021

Korps Sukarela Palang Merah Indonesia Unit ITERA

Publication and Documentation Division October 2019

International Conference on Science, Infrastructure Technology and Regional Development

contents 03
professional projects 01 masterplan kotabaru Pemprov Lampung - Kotabaru 04 02 revitalization sekretariat office kotabaru Pemprov Lampung - Kotabaru 08 03 pasar umkm lampung BRI & Pemprov Lampung - Bandar Lampung 10 04 renovation gki metro Gereja Kristen Indonesia - Metro Lampung 12 05 gor pkor lampung Pemprov Lampung - Bandar Lampuing 06 rumah ibadah itera Institut Teknologi Sumatera - Lampung Selatan 14 14 academic projects 08 mixed use building Final Project Architecture Design Studio 16 09 raden intan school Architecture Design Studio 3rd 18 10 sanggar mahasiswa Architecture Design Studio 2nd 20 competition projects 07 ruang temu Architecture Design Week 2022 - UNTAR 22 04

Project Status / on going

Location / Jati agung, Lampung Selatan

Typhology / Masterplan

Year / 2020

Masterplan Kotabaru Lampung


• Coordinating with BAPPEDA and Dinas PU Lampung in order to update program site and zoning area changes.

• Coordinating with consultants for update exsisting lake and rivers and retention basin design in site.

• Preparations of drawing documents for goverment permission.

• Preparing a presentations for Governor Lampung


Planning Principles

1. Distinct District Development, Following the Lampung tadition of living in objectives a connected people city, 2. Accessibility and Mobility, Provide highly An extensive system of parks, river corridors and other open space elements vention principal should be adopted. 4. People and Cultural Places, Promote

Land use Plan
Road Clasification 07
Zoning Area

harmony with people and nature, 5 districts created based on site context and relation between districts, Disctrict planning help to achieve important design highly efficient transportation system. Implement transit based, human-scaled neighbourhoods and green streets,3. Natural Conservation and Connection combine to create a unique open space loof for pedestrianized connectivity. Considering the vulnerable water system and flooding issue., a minimal interPromote a model of livability. Provide localized amenities and housing options within vibrant local traditional life vibies


Secretariat Office Kotabaru

Project Status / Preliminary design

Location / Kotabaru, Jati agung, Lampung Selatan Typhology / Revitalitation, Office Year / 2022-2023

Architect team / andramatin



• Coordinating with the Dinas PUPR Lampung to update the design layout to suit the needs of the Pemprov Lampung.

• Documenting the existing building.

• Preparations of architectural drawing documents for final tender submission.

• Preparing a presentations for Pemprov Lampung.

11 02

This project is the revitalization of an existing secretariat office building in Kotabaru, Lampung which has been neglected since 2014. The revitalization of this building will add new mass which will be adjusted to program requirements from the lampung government’s.


1. Gedung Gubernur

2. Gedung Sekretaris & Asisten

3. Gedung Biro

4. Gedung Bappeda

massa eksisting penambahan massa sirkulasi
13 Floorplan Level 1 Floorplan level 2
14 Main Entrance
Bureau Office Hall
15 Innercourt reflecting pool
Interior Office

Pasar UMKM Lampung

Project Status / In Construction

Location / Bandarlampung, Lampung

Typhology / Office, Year / 2022-2024

Architect Team / Danta Muhitha (Principal)

Ibrahim (Architect)

Akbar Saputra (Assistant)

Danta Adya Ankhas (Assistant)



• Assisting architects to update building design changes and interior design

• Coordinating with estimator and and ensure that the material specification on drawings match with estimation

• Preparing presentaion drawings, construction documents and permit drawings

• Preparing Architectural - Structural - MEP Drawings for final submission

• Preparation of video animation for groundbreaking presentations

17 03

The shape of this building is inspired by Siger which is a typical symbol of Lampung. It is hoped that this building can represent typical UMKM products from Lampung.

office display area hall 18
display area vip room meeting room coffe area hall 19

GKI Metro

Project Status / in Construction

Location / Metro, Lampung

Typhology / Church

Year / 2022-2024

Architect Team / Danta Muhitha (Principal)

Ibrahim (Arhitect)

Akbar Saputra (Assistant)

Danta Adya Ankhas (Assistant)



• Assisting architects to drawings and modeling with new updates from clients

• Meeting with clients to understand needs and compiling meeting notes into design

• Preparing construction drawings and permit drawings

• Preparing presentations drawings for clients

21 04
22 Floorplan

GOR PKOR Lampung

Project Status / Preliminary Design

Location / PKOR Bandar Lampung, Lampung

Typhology / Recreation & Training

Year / 2023

Architect Team / Ibrahim (Architect)

Akbar Saputra (Assistant)

Dwi Yuliani Wardani (Assistant)



• Assisting architects to updates layout buildings and 3D model

• Coordinating with Dinas PU lampung and translating their needs into design

• Preparing architectural drawings

• Preparing presentations drawings for Dinas PU Lampung

25 05

Hot air in the building that flows upwards can be removed through outlets from the open area of the stands and exchanged with cold air entering the building

1st Floorplan 2nd Floorplan

Rumah Multiagama ITERA

Project Status / Completed - Builted

Location / ITERA, Lampung Selatan, Lampung

Typhology / place of worship

Year / 2020-2022

Designer Team / Afif Fadhili Akbar Saputra Era Formasi Tampubolon Fajar Edista



• Worked on developing Concept design and Programming which consists of five religion and one hall with design team by conduction research and interview users from five different religion community.

• Survey existing site location with design team for measurement the site and analyzed site potential for developed mass building concept in site existing.

• Produced design drawing, video visualization, and cost estimates for presentation to the client

29 06


1. Balai Bersama 2. Prayroom Islam 3. Kantor dan Toilet 4. Prayroom Protestan 5. Prayroom Hindu 6. Prayroom Katolik
7 2 3 4 5 6 1
7. Prayroom Buddha

Ruang Temu

Project Status / 2nd Winner Competition

Location / Teluk Betung, Bandarlampung, Lampung

Typhology / Community Park

Year / 2022

Designer Team / Akbar Saputra

Lingga Hutama

Rangga Cakra

organizer / Architecture Design Week 2022 - UNTAR

33 07

The principles used in tires are the principles of Reduce, Reuse and Upcycle. The principle of reducing can be seen where the waste tires are reduced in intensity, the principle of reuse can be seen from the used tires which are reused as roof elements in public spaces. Then the thinking related to changing old items such as tires into new materials such as roofs is an application of the upcycling principle. Tires are made from rubber, which has elastic properties so it is very easy to shape into certain shapes. In order to involve the surrounding community, in accordance with the concept of “sense of belonging”, the prohibition is processed in a way that does not seem complicated and difficult for the community, such as giving color, cutting and spreading the prohibition into something that is more valuable and can function to improve the community and attract the attention of users.


Catalyst / Mixed Use Building

Project Studio / Final Project Architechture Studio

Location / Bandarlampung, Lampung

Typhology / Apartment, Comercial

Year / 2020

Supervisor / Ir. Ismet Belgawan Harun, M.Sc., Ph.D Roy Candra P Sigalingging, S.T., M.Sc., Ph.D

39 08

Located in the city center with high public activity. At this site location, there are several issues that must be addressed by the building. Mixed buildings have the impression of a large and dense mass, designed to be able to take advantage of the context and potential of the surrounding area so that the function of the build ing space can be integrated and connected by the surrounding environment and connects urban spaces without damaging or disturbing the surrounding context.

the buildcontext. Floorplan Level 02 Floorplan Level 03 Floorplan Level 04 Commercial Retail Commercial Retail Type 28 Type 32 Type 34 Type 38 Co - Working Space Residential Facility Public Facilities Public Facilities Public Facilities Core / Service Area Core / Service Area Core / Service Area 41

Raden Intan Middle School

Project Status / Architecture Design Studio 3rd

Location / Bandarlampung, Lampung

Typhology / School

Year / 2019

Instructor / Dewi Fadhilasari, S.T., M.T.

45 09
1st Floorplan 2nd Floorplan 3rd Floorplan
Circulation Diagram Section

Sanggar Mahasiswa

Project Studio / Architecture Design Studio 2nd

Location / ITERA, Lampung Selatan, Lampung

Typhology / Community Space

Year / 2019

Instructor / Rendy Perdana Khidmat, S.Pd., M.Eng.

Sanggar Mahasiswa is student community building that will be built on campus Insititut Teknologi Sumatera will be used by students from various study programs as a means of facilitating non-curricular and co-curricular activities. the building is designed to have flexible and simple public functions and the building must be responded tropical climate. Because it is located on campus and the users are students so its appearance must reflect the campus activities.

48 10
Exploded Axonometric
1. Concrete Structure
1 2 2 4 3 Detail Roof Truss Construction 49
2. Wooden Louver
Wood Roof Construction Stairs Construction
selected works contact +62 821 7894 6099 architecture portfolio

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